/// <summary> /// Sets the style. /// </summary> /// <param name="Style">The style.</param> /// <param name="side">The side.</param> public static void SetStyle(this ExcelStyle Style, styleSide side) { ExcelBorderItem bri = null; switch (side.direction) { case styleSideDirection.bottom: bri = Style.Border.Bottom; break; case styleSideDirection.left: bri = Style.Border.Left; break; case styleSideDirection.right: bri = Style.Border.Right; break; case styleSideDirection.top: bri = Style.Border.Top; break; } if (side.type != styleBorderType.unknown) { bri.Style = (ExcelBorderStyle)side.type.ToInt32(); if (bri.Style != ExcelBorderStyle.None) { bri.Color.SetColor(side.borderColorStatic); } } }
public ExcelBorder(ExcelBorderItem top, ExcelBorderItem right, ExcelBorderItem bottom, ExcelBorderItem left) { Top = top; Right = right; Bottom = bottom; Left = left; }
public ExcelBorderItemInstance(ObjectInstance prototype, ExcelBorderItem excelBorderItem) : this(prototype) { if (excelBorderItem == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("excelBorderItem"); } m_excelBorderItem = excelBorderItem; }
internal void ToExcelBorderItem(ExcelBorderItem excelBorderItem) { excelBorderItem.Style = Style; if (Style != ExcelBorderStyle.None) { if (Color != Color.Empty) { excelBorderItem.Color.SetColor(Color); } } }
public static ExcelBorderItem Apply(this ExcelBorderItem instance, SpreadsheetBorder border) { if (border.Style is not null) { instance.Style = SpreadsheetBorderStyleMapper.Map(border.Style.Value); } if (border.Color is not null) { instance.Color.SetColor(border.Color.Value.ToDotNetColor()); } return(instance); }
internal static string ToCssProperty(this ExcelBorderItem excelBorderItem) { if (excelBorderItem != null) { string color = (excelBorderItem.Color.Rgb != null) ? excelBorderItem.Color.ToHexCode() : "black"; return(excelBorderItem.Style.ToCssProperty() + " " + color); } else { return(null); } }
private string CreateBorder(ExcelBorderItem item) { switch (item.Style) { case ExcelBorderStyle.None: return(""); case ExcelBorderStyle.Thin: return("1px solid"); case ExcelBorderStyle.Medium: return("2px solid"); } return(null); }
public static void SetStyleAndColor( this ExcelBorderItem border, ExcelBorderStyle borderStyle, Color?color = null) { if (border == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(border)); } border.Style = borderStyle; if (borderStyle != ExcelBorderStyle.None) { if (color.HasValue) { border.Color.SetColor(color.Value); } else { border.Color.SetAuto(); } } }
public BorderItem(ExcelBorderItem borderItem) { _borderItem = borderItem; string hexARGB = _borderItem.Color.Rgb; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hexARGB)) { _color = (Color)Color.BLACK_COLOR; } else { string hexA = hexARGB.Substring(0, 2); string hexR = hexARGB.Substring(2, 2); string hexG = hexARGB.Substring(4, 2); string hexB = hexARGB.Substring(6, 2); int a = 0, r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; a = int.Parse(hexA, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); r = int.Parse(hexR, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); g = int.Parse(hexG, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); b = int.Parse(hexB, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); _color = new Color(a, r, g, b); } _color.OnValueChanged += ColorChanged; }
public BorderItem(ExcelBorderItem borderItem) { _borderItem = borderItem; }
/// <summary> /// Convert a cell border to css tyle /// </summary> /// <param name="border">Cell border</param> /// <returns>Cell border as css</returns> private string BorderToStyle(ExcelBorderItem border) { string color = Utils.ExcelColorToHex(border.Color); ExcelBorderStyle type = border.Style; string size = "1px"; string style = "solid"; switch (type) { // Normal case ExcelBorderStyle.Thin: case ExcelBorderStyle.Thick: size = "1px"; break; case ExcelBorderStyle.Dashed: style = "dashed"; break; case ExcelBorderStyle.Dotted: style = "dotted"; break; case ExcelBorderStyle.Double: style = "double"; break; case ExcelBorderStyle.None: style = "none"; break; case ExcelBorderStyle.DashDot: style = "dotted dashed"; break; case ExcelBorderStyle.DashDotDot: style = "dotted dashed dotted"; break; // Medium case ExcelBorderStyle.Medium: size = "2px"; break; case ExcelBorderStyle.MediumDashed: size = "2px"; style = "dashed"; break; case ExcelBorderStyle.MediumDashDot: size = "2px"; style = "dotted dashed"; break; case ExcelBorderStyle.MediumDashDotDot: size = "2px"; style = "dotted dashed dotted"; break; } return($"{size} {style} {color}"); }
public ExcelBorder(ExcelBorderItem borders) : this(borders, borders, borders, borders) { }
public static string GetStyle(ExcelRange range) { ExcelStyle styleE = range.Style; string styleHTML = string.Empty; #region Font float fontSize = styleE.Font.Size; styleHTML += "font-size:" + fontSize + "px; "; string fontFamily = styleE.Font.Name; if (fontFamily == "Times New Roman") { styleHTML += "font-family:Times New Roman, Times, serif; "; } else { styleHTML += "font-family:" + fontFamily + ", Helvetica, sans-serif; "; } bool isItalic = styleE.Font.Italic; bool isBold = styleE.Font.Bold; bool isUnderline = styleE.Font.UnderLine; if (isBold && !isItalic) { styleHTML += "font-weight: bold; "; } if (isBold && isItalic) { styleHTML += "font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; "; } if (!isBold && isItalic) { styleHTML += "font-style: italic; "; } styleHTML += isUnderline ? "text-decoration: underline; " : ""; #endregion #region Background and color string backgroundColor = styleE.Fill.BackgroundColor.Rgb; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(backgroundColor)) { styleHTML += "background-color: #" + backgroundColor.Substring(2, 6) + "; "; } string color = styleE.Font.Color.Rgb; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(color)) { styleHTML += "color: #" + color.Substring(2, 6) + "; "; } #endregion #region Align string HorizontalAlignment = styleE.HorizontalAlignment.ToString(); styleHTML += "text-align:" + HorizontalAlignment + "; "; string VerticalAlignment = styleE.VerticalAlignment.ToString(); string dataVertical = ""; switch (VerticalAlignment) { case "Center": dataVertical = "middle"; break; case "Top": dataVertical = "top"; break; case "Bottom": dataVertical = "bottom"; break; default: dataVertical = "bottom"; break; } styleHTML += "vertical-align:" + dataVertical + "; "; #endregion #region Border ExcelBorderItem b = styleE.Border.Bottom; if (b.Style.ToString() != "None") { styleHTML += "border-bottom: 1px solid #000000; "; } ExcelBorderItem t = styleE.Border.Top; if (t.Style.ToString() != "None") { styleHTML += "border-top: 1px solid #000000; "; } ExcelBorderItem l = styleE.Border.Left; if (l.Style.ToString() != "None") { styleHTML += "border-left: 1px solid #000000; "; } ExcelBorderItem r = styleE.Border.Right; if (r.Style.ToString() != "None") { styleHTML += "border-right: 1px solid #000000; "; } #endregion return(styleHTML); }