예제 #1
        public void ReadingAudio()
            const string ics =
                "BEGIN:VALARM" + Crlf +
                "TRIGGER;VALUE=DATE-TIME:19970317T133000Z" + Crlf +
                "REPEAT:4" + Crlf +
                "DURATION:PT15M" + Crlf +
                "ACTION:AUDIO" + Crlf +
                "ATTACH;FMTTYPE=audio/basic:ftp://example.com/pub/sounds/bell-01.aud" + Crlf +
                "END:VALARM" + Crlf;

            var alarm = new VAlarm();
            alarm.ReadIcs(IcsReader.Create(new StringReader(ics)));
            Assert.AreEqual(AlarmAction.Audio, alarm.Action);
            Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(1997, 03, 17, 13, 30, 00, DateTimeKind.Utc), alarm.TriggerOn);
            Assert.AreEqual(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 15, 0), alarm.Duration);
            Assert.AreEqual("audio/basic", alarm.Attachment.ContentType);
            Assert.AreEqual("ftp://example.com/pub/sounds/bell-01.aud", alarm.Attachment.Uri);
            Assert.AreEqual(4, alarm.Repeat);
예제 #2
        public void ReadingDisplay()
            const string ics =
                "BEGIN:VALARM" + Crlf +
                "TRIGGER:-PT30M" + Crlf +
                "REPEAT:2" + Crlf +
                "DURATION:PT15M" + Crlf +
                "ACTION:DISPLAY" + Crlf +
                @"DESCRIPTION:Breakfast meeting with executive\n" + Crlf +
                " team at 8:30 AM EST." + Crlf +
                "END:VALARM" + Crlf;

            var alarm = new VAlarm();
            alarm.ReadIcs(IcsReader.Create(new StringReader(ics)));
            Assert.AreEqual(AlarmAction.Display, alarm.Action);
            Assert.AreEqual(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(-30), alarm.TriggerDuration);
            Assert.AreEqual(TriggerEdge.Start, alarm.TriggerEdge);
            Assert.AreEqual(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 15, 0), alarm.Duration);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, alarm.Repeat);
            Assert.AreEqual("Breakfast meeting with executive" + Environment.NewLine + "team at 8:30 AM EST.", alarm.Description);
예제 #3
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public void ReadIcs(IcsReader reader)
            ContentLine content;
            while (null != (content = reader.ReadContentLine()))
                switch (content.Name.ToLowerInvariant())
                    case "end":
                        if (!content.Value.Equals(Component.Names.Event, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            throw new CalendarException(String.Format("Expected 'END:{0}' not '{1}'.", Component.Names.Event, content));
                    case "begin":
                        switch (content.Value.ToUpperInvariant())
                            case Component.Names.Alarm:
                                Alarm = new VAlarm();
                                throw new CalendarException(string.Format("'{0}' is not a component of an event.", content.Value));
                    case "attach": Attachments.Add(new CalendarAttachment(content)); break;
                    case "class": Classification = content.ToTag<AccessClassification>(); break;
                    case "comment": Comment.Add(content.ToText()); break;
                    case "created": CreatedOn = content.ToDate(); break;
                    case "dtstamp": CreatedOnByAgent = content.ToDate(); break;
                    case "description": Description = content.ToText(); break;
                    case "duration": Duration = content.ToTimeSpan(); break;
                    case "dtend": EndsOn = content.ToDate(); break;
                    case "geo": GlobalPosition = content.ToGeoCoordinate(); break;
                    case "uid": Id = content.Value; break;
                    case "transp": IsTransparent = content.ToBoolean("TRANSPARENT", "OPAQUE"); break;
                    case "location": Location = content.ToText(); break;
                    case "last-modified": ModifiedOn = content.ToDate(); break;
                    case "organizer": Organizer = content.ToMailAddress(); break;
                    case "exdate": ExcludedDates.AddRange(content.ToRecurrenceDates()); break;
                    case "rdate": RecurrenceDates.AddRange(content.ToRecurrenceDates()); break;
                    case "rrule": RecurrenceRule = RecurrenceRule.Parse(content.Value); break;
                    case "sequence": Revision = content.ToInt32(); break;
                    case "dtstart": StartsOn = content.ToDate(); break;
                    case "recurrence-id": RecurrenceId = content.ToDate(); break;
                    case "summary": Summary = content.ToText(); break;
                    case "status": Status = content.ToTag<EventStatus>(); break;
                    case "url": Uri = content.Value; break;
                    case "categories": Categories.AddRange(content.ToTags<Tag>()); break;
                    case "request-status": RequestStatuses.Add(new RequestStatus(content)); break;
                    case "attendee": Attendees.Add(new Attendee(content)); break;
                    case "contact": Contacts.Add(new Contact(content)); break;
                    case "resources": Resources.AddRange(content.ToTextEnumerable()); break;
                    case "related-to": Relationships.Add(new RelationshipReference(content)); break;
                    case "priority": Priority = content.ToInt32(); break;

            throw new CalendarException("Unexpected end of file.");
예제 #4
        public void ReadingEmail()
            const string ics =
                "BEGIN:VALARM" + Crlf +
                "TRIGGER;RELATED=END:-P2D" + Crlf +
                "ACTION:EMAIL" + Crlf +
                "ATTENDEE:mailto:[email protected]" + Crlf +
                "DESCRIPTION:A draft agenda needs to be sent out to the attendees" + Crlf +
                "  to the weekly managers meeting (MGR-LIST). Attached is a" + Crlf +
                "  pointer the document template for the agenda file." + Crlf +
                "ATTACH;FMTTYPE=application/msword:http://example.com/" + Crlf +
                " templates/agenda.doc" + Crlf +
                "END:VALARM" + Crlf;

            var alarm = new VAlarm();
            alarm.ReadIcs(IcsReader.Create(new StringReader(ics)));
            Assert.AreEqual(TimeSpan.FromDays(-2), alarm.TriggerDuration);
            Assert.AreEqual(TriggerEdge.End, alarm.TriggerEdge);
            Assert.AreEqual(AlarmAction.Email, alarm.Action);
            Assert.AreEqual("*****@*****.**", alarm.Attendees.First().MailAddress.Address);
            Assert.AreEqual("*** REMINDER: SEND AGENDA FOR WEEKLY STAFF MEETING ***", alarm.Summary);
            Assert.AreEqual("A draft agenda needs to be sent out to the attendees to the weekly managers meeting (MGR-LIST). Attached is a pointer the document template for the agenda file.", alarm.Description);
            Assert.AreEqual("application/msword", alarm.Attachment.ContentType);
            Assert.AreEqual("http://example.com/templates/agenda.doc", alarm.Attachment.Uri);
예제 #5
 public void TriggerOnMustUtcRelative()
     var alarm = new VAlarm();
     ExceptionAssert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => alarm.TriggerOn = DateTime.Now);