private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { key = new Key(); help = new Help(); abr = new Abstract(curSEQ); dropDown.SelectedIndex = 0; // keep track of controls used for sequence viewing List <Control> seqView = new List <Control>(); seqView.Add(titleBox); seqView.Add(subTitleTop); seqView.Add(subTitleBot); seqView.Add(end3prime); seqView.Add(end5prime); seqView.Add(keyButton); seqView.Add(featureListBox); seqView.Add(pan_down); seqView.Add(pan_up); seqView.Add(zoom_in); seqView.Add(zoom_out); seqView.Add(navLabel); seqView.Add(navInput); seqView.Add(navButton); seqView.Add(posStart); seqView.Add(posEnd); seqView.Add(prv_src); seqView.Add(prv_rna); seqView.Add(abstractButton); viewer = new SeqView(seqView); viewer.Off(); // keep track of controls used for search list viewing List <Control> listView = new List <Control>(); listView.Add(searchResultsTable); view_list = new ListView(listView); view_list.Off(); }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { key = new Key(); help = new Help(); abr = new Abstract(curSEQ); dropDown.SelectedIndex = 0; // keep track of controls used for sequence viewing List<Control> seqView = new List<Control>(); seqView.Add(titleBox); seqView.Add(subTitleTop); seqView.Add(subTitleBot); seqView.Add(end3prime); seqView.Add(end5prime); seqView.Add(keyButton); seqView.Add(featureListBox); seqView.Add(pan_down); seqView.Add(pan_up); seqView.Add(zoom_in); seqView.Add(zoom_out); seqView.Add(navLabel); seqView.Add(navInput); seqView.Add(navButton); seqView.Add(posStart); seqView.Add(posEnd); seqView.Add(prv_src); seqView.Add(prv_rna); seqView.Add(abstractButton); viewer = new SeqView(seqView); viewer.Off(); // keep track of controls used for search list viewing List<Control> listView = new List<Control>(); listView.Add(searchResultsTable); view_list = new ListView(listView); view_list.Off(); }
private void Form1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true); this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true); this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true); if (isSeqView && curSEQ.getSEQ() != null) { //clear e.Graphics.Clear(this.BackColor); // determine window size Size size = this.ClientSize; size.Height -= (menuHeight + 30); size.Width -= menuWidth; // line of bases int unitsize = size.Height / graphheight; if (unitsize < 5) { graphheight = size.Height / 5; unitsize = 5; } // position units posStart.Text = graphstart.ToString(); posEnd.Text = (graphstart + graphheight).ToString(); if (unitsize < 15) { for (int i = 0; i < graphheight && i + graphstart <= curSEQ.getSEQ().Length; i++) { char ntbase = curSEQ.getSEQ()[graphstart + i - 1]; SolidBrush pencolor = new SolidBrush(SeqView.getColor(ntbase)); Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle( size.Width * 2 / 5 - unitsize / 2, menuHeight + i * unitsize, unitsize, unitsize); e.Graphics.FillEllipse(pencolor, rectangle); } } else if (unitsize < 75) { Font drawFont = new Font("Arial", unitsize, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); for (int i = 0; i < graphheight && i + graphstart <= curSEQ.getSEQ().Length; i++) { char ntbase = curSEQ.getSEQ()[graphstart + i - 1]; SolidBrush drawBrush = new SolidBrush(SeqView.getColor(ntbase)); float x = size.Width * 2 / 5 - unitsize / 2; float y = menuHeight + i * (unitsize); StringFormat drawFormat = new StringFormat(); e.Graphics.DrawString(ntbase.ToString(), drawFont, drawBrush, x, y, drawFormat); //drawBrush.Dispose(); } //graphics.Dispose(); //drawFont.Dispose(); } else { for (int i = 0; i < graphheight && i + graphstart <= curSEQ.getSEQ().Length; i++) { char ntbase = curSEQ.getSEQ()[graphstart + i - 1]; Image newImage = SeqView.ResizeImage(SeqView.getImg(ntbase), unitsize, unitsize * 3 / 5); Point ulCorner = new Point(size.Width * 2 / 5 - unitsize / 2, menuHeight + i * (unitsize)); e.Graphics.DrawImage(newImage, ulCorner); } } List <Sequence.feature> featurelist = curSEQ.getVisibleFeatures(graphstart, graphstart + graphheight - 1); featurelist = featurelist.OrderBy(feat => feat.start).ToList(); int done = 0; foreach (TextBox box in funcBox.ToList()) { if (!stopBoxDraw) { box.Hide(); } } if (!stopBoxDraw) { foreach (Sequence.feature feat in featurelist) { int boxheight = size.Height / featurelist.Count(); int boxwidth = size.Width / 4; TextBox txt; if (funcBox.Count() >= done) { txt = new TextBox(); txt.Multiline = true; txt.WordWrap = true; txt.AutoSize = false; txt.ScrollBars = ScrollBars.Vertical; txt.MouseEnter += new System.EventHandler(this.flicker_Off); txt.MouseLeave += new System.EventHandler(this.flicker_On); } else { txt = funcBox[done]; } txt.Text = + "\r\n"; txt.Text += "-> Position: " + feat.start + "-" + feat.end + "\r\n"; txt.Text += feat.notes; txt.Size = new Size(boxwidth, (int)(boxheight * 0.8)); int featbox_x = size.Width - boxwidth; int featbox_y = menuHeight + 15 + done * boxheight; txt.Location = new Point(featbox_x, featbox_y); if (funcBox.Count() >= done) { funcBox.Add(txt); Controls.Add(txt); } else { txt.Show(); } Pen myPen = new Pen(SeqView.randColor(done)); int startWidth = size.Width * 3 / 5; int linetop = (feat.start < graphstart) ? 0 : feat.start - graphstart; int linebot = (feat.end >= graphstart + graphheight) ? graphheight : feat.end - graphstart + 1; int x = startWidth + done * 8; int y1 = menuHeight + linetop * unitsize; int y2 = menuHeight + linebot * unitsize; e.Graphics.DrawLine(myPen, x, y1, x, y2); e.Graphics.DrawLine(myPen, x, (y1 + y2) / 2, featbox_x, featbox_y + txt.Size.Height / 2); myPen.Dispose(); done++; } } } }