public override bool BeforeInvoke(InvocationInfo info, out object returnValue) { returnValue = null; Message m = (Message)info.Arguments()[0]; // check whether it's a RoomEnterMessage, leave the RoomEnterFreeMessage because // we still want to join the first free room upon starting the game if (m is RoomEnterMessage && !(m is RoomEnterFreeMessage)) { RoomEnterMessage rem = (RoomEnterMessage)m; // construct new RoomEnterMultiMessage with desired room RoomEnterMultiMessage remm = new RoomEnterMultiMessage(new String[]{ rem.roomName }); // and send the request to the server. App.Communicator.sendRequest((Message)remm); // add the room to the UI, this isn't done automatically after RoomEnterMulti, // only after RoomEnter which this isn't. App.ArenaChat.ChatRooms.SetCurrentRoom(rem.roomName); // ... and stop the method from executing :) return true; } return false; }
public override void AfterInvoke(InvocationInfo info, ref object returnValue) { if (info.targetMethod.Equals("OnGUI") && == "DeckBuilder2") { if (deckBuilder == null) { deckBuilder = (DeckBuilder2); } = buttonSkin; GUIPositioner positioner4 = App.LobbyMenu.getSubMenuPositioner(1f, 6); var rect = positioner4.getButtonRect (4f); rect.x += 60; if (LobbyMenu.drawButton(rect, "Sync Collection")) { FieldInfo initedInfo = deckBuilderType.GetField("inited", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); inited = (bool)initedInfo.GetValue(deckBuilder); if (inited) { FieldInfo deckListInfo = deckBuilderType.GetField("allCardsDict", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); allCardsDict = (Dictionary<long, Card>)deckListInfo.GetValue(deckBuilder); } var writer = new JsonWriter(); string json = writer.Write(allCardsDict); this.loadFromWeb(json); } } }
public override bool BeforeInvoke(InvocationInfo info, out object returnValue) { if (info.TargetMethod().Equals("sendBattleRequest")) { GameLog.WriteLine (info.Arguments()[0]); } Log.WriteLine ("Client: "+info.Arguments()[0]); returnValue = null; return false; }
public override bool BeforeInvoke(InvocationInfo info, out object returnValue) { // we can obtain the BattleMode instance from this call if (info.targetMethod.Equals("handleMessage")) { if (bm == null) { bm = (BattleMode); } Message m = (Message)info.arguments[0]; if (m is GameInfoMessage) { GameInfoMessage gm = (GameInfoMessage)m; if (new GameType(gm.gameType).isMultiplayer()) // just multiplayer matches { try { String opponentName = getOpponentName(gm); // now use the api to get the player's data WebClientTimeOut wc = new WebClientTimeOut(); wc.TimeOut = 3000; wc.DownloadStringCompleted += (sender, e) => { parseJSONResult(e.Result, opponentName); }; wc.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri("" + opponentName)); } catch // could not get information { } } } } returnValue = null; return false; }
public override bool BeforeInvoke(InvocationInfo info, out object returnValue) { returnValue = null; if (info.targetMethod.Equals("ChatMessage")) // ChatMessage (received) in ChatRooms { RoomChatMessageMessage rcmm = (RoomChatMessageMessage)info.arguments[0]; return hooks(false, rcmm); } else if (info.targetMethod.Equals("sendRequest")) { if (info.arguments[0] is RoomChatMessageMessage) { RoomChatMessageMessage rcmm = (RoomChatMessageMessage)info.arguments[0]; return hooks(true, rcmm); } } return false; }
public void AfterInvoke(InvocationInfo info, ref object returnValue) { switch (info.TargetMethod ()) { case "Start": { if (playing) { battleModeUI = (BattleModeUI)info.Target (); endGameButton = ((GameObject)typeof(BattleModeUI).GetField ("endTurnButton", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue (info.Target())); endGameButton.renderer.material.mainTexture = pauseButton; battleModeUI.StartCoroutine ("FadeInEndTurn"); } } break; case "Init": { if (playing) { typeof(BattleModeUI).GetField("callback", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).SetValue(info.Target(), this); App.ChatUI.SetEnabled (true); App.ChatUI.SetLocked (false); App.ChatUI.Show (false); App.ChatUI.SetCanOpenContextMenu (false); //activate chat on replays but disable profile or trading menus (wired bugs) } } break; case "Raycast": { if (playing && endGameButton.renderer.material.mainTexture != pauseButton && endGameButton.renderer.material.mainTexture != playButton) { //Console.WriteLine(endGameButton.renderer.material.mainTexture.height+" "+endGameButton.renderer.material.mainTexture.width); if (paused) { endGameButton.renderer.material.mainTexture = playButton; } else { endGameButton.renderer.material.mainTexture = pauseButton; } } } break; } }
public bool WantsToReplace (InvocationInfo info) { if (!playing) return false; switch ((String)info.targetMethod) { /*case "runEffect": { return paused; } case "_handleMessage": { return paused | !readNextMsg; }*/ case "ShowEndTurn": { return true; } } return false; }
public override void AfterInvoke(InvocationInfo info, ref object returnValue) { if (info.targetMethod == "compareVersions") { if (login != null) { login.Login(); return; } } var filename = Application.persistentDataPath + PASSWORD_FILENAME; if (info.targetMethod.Equals("loadSettings")) { login = new LoginWrapper((Login); if (login.RememberMeChecked) { var fileContent = FileUtils.ReadFileContent(filename); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileContent)) { var bytes = fileContent.HexToBytes(); login.Password = AesCryptoServiceHelper.DecryptStringFromBytes(bytes, KEY, IV); } } } if (info.targetMethod.Equals("saveSettings")) { login = new LoginWrapper((Login); if (login.RememberMeChecked) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(login.Password)) { var bytes = AesCryptoServiceHelper.EncryptStringToBytes(login.Password, KEY, IV); FileUtils.WriteFileContent(filename, String.Concat(Array.ConvertAll(bytes, x => x.ToString("X2")))); } } } return; }
public override void AfterInvoke(InvocationInfo info, ref object returnValue) { if ( () == typeof(LobbyMenu) && info.targetMethod.Equals ("OnGUI")) { lobbyMenu.OnGUI (); } else if ( () == typeof(Popups) && info.targetMethod.Equals ("OnGUI")) { popups.OnGUI (); }/* else if ( () == typeof(Tile) && info.targetMethod.Equals ("FixedUpdate")) { // Custom, more clearly visable tile hover color. if (battleMode.InControlOfBoard() && selectedTile != null && selectedTile.Equals( { Tile.SelectionType markerType = (Tile.SelectionType)typeof(Tile).GetField ("markerType", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue (selectedTile); if (markerType == Tile.SelectionType.Hover) { GameObject referenceTile = (GameObject)typeof(Tile).GetField ("referenceTile", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue (selectedTile); referenceTile.renderer.material.color = new Color(.3f, 1f, .3f, .6f); } } }*/ else if ( () == typeof(SettingsMenu) && info.targetMethod.Equals ("OnGUI")) { if (settingsMenu == null) { settingsMenu = new SettingsMenuWrapper (configManager, configGUI); } if (lobbyMenu.GetCurrentSceneName () == "_Settings") { settingsMenu.OnGUI (true); } } else if ( () == typeof(BattleMode) && info.targetMethod.Equals ("OnGUI")) { if (battleMode.ShowingMenu () && battleModeMenu.GetMenuState() != GUIBattleModeMenuWrapper.EMenuState.HELP) { if (settingsMenu == null) { settingsMenu = new SettingsMenuWrapper (configManager, configGUI); } if (!popups.IsShowingPopup ()) { bool drawHighlight = (battleModeMenu.GetMenuState() == GUIBattleModeMenuWrapper.EMenuState.CONTROL_SCHEME); settingsMenu.OnGUI (drawHighlight); } } } return; }
public override void AfterInvoke(ScrollsModLoader.Interfaces.InvocationInfo info, ref object returnValue) { Log("AfterInvoke Called"); Log(" " + + ":" + info.targetMethod); if ("App (AssetLoader)") && info.targetMethod.Equals("LoadTexture2D")) { if (info.arguments[0].Equals(nogCardImage)) { // inefficient, I know; but I'm too lazy to spend the minute needed to create a member variable to store the created texture in... yeah. byte[] preview = GetEmbeddedAssetBytes(EMBEDDED_CARD_ART); if (preview != null) { Texture2D texture2D = new Texture2D(2, 2, TextureFormat.RGB24, false); texture2D.LoadImage(preview); returnValue = texture2D; } } } return; }
public override bool WantsToReplace(InvocationInfo info) { if (info.targetMethod.Equals("sendRequest") && info.arguments[0] is RoomChatMessageMessage) { RoomChatMessageMessage msg = (RoomChatMessageMessage) info.arguments[0]; return IsCommand(msg.text); } else if (info.targetMethod.Equals("ChatMessage")) { RoomChatMessageMessage msg = (RoomChatMessageMessage) info.arguments[0]; msg.text = ColorizeText(msg.text); if (filteredTexts.Count == 0 || msg.from.ToLower() == || msg.roomName.ToLower().StartsWith("trade-") || msg.from == "Scrolls" || msg.from == "ChatFilter") { // don't filter my messages return false; } bool hideMessage = filteredTexts.Count > 0 || filterLibrary; foreach (String card in highlightedCards) { if (msg.text.ToLower().Contains(card)) { hideMessage = false; } } foreach (String filteredText in filteredTexts) { if (msg.text.ToLower().Contains(filteredText)) { if (filterLibrary && !hideMessage) { return false; } else if (!filterLibrary) { return false; } else if (filterLibrary && hideMessage) { return true; } } } return hideMessage || filteredTexts.Count != 0; } return false; }
public override void ReplaceMethod(InvocationInfo info, out object returnValue) { returnValue = null; if (info.targetMethod.Equals("sendRequest")) { if (info.arguments[0] is RoomChatMessageMessage) { RoomChatMessageMessage msg = (RoomChatMessageMessage) info.arguments[0]; if (msg.IsCommand("/filter") || msg.IsCommand("/f")) { String[] splitted = msg.text.Split(new char[] {' '}, 2); if (splitted.Length == 2) { AddFilter(splitted[1].ToLower()); SendMessage("Current filters: " + string.Join(", ", filteredTexts.ToArray())); } } else if (msg.IsCommand("/resetfilter") || msg.IsCommand("/rf")) { filteredTexts.Clear(); SendMessage("Filters have been reseted"); } else if (msg.IsCommand("/highlight") || msg.IsCommand("/hl")) { String[] splitted = msg.text.Split(new char[] {' '}, 2); if (splitted.Length == 2) { AddHighlight(splitted[1].ToLower()); SendMessage("Current highlights: " + string.Join(", ", highlightedTexts.ToArray())); } } else if (msg.IsCommand("/resethighlight") || msg.IsCommand("/rhl")) { highlightedTexts.Clear(); SendMessage("Highlights have been reseted"); } else if (msg.IsCommand("/filterlibrary")) { String[] splitted = msg.text.Split(new char[] {' '}, 2); int count = 0; if (splitted.Length == 2) { try { count = byte.Parse(splitted[1]); } catch (FormatException) { SendMessage("Incorrect parameter!"); } } LibraryManager libraryManager = new LibraryManager(); libraryManager.LoadLibrary(() => { Console.WriteLine("Loaded"); var cards = libraryManager.Cards.GroupBy(c => c.getName()).ToDictionary(grp => grp.Key, grp => grp.ToList()); highlightedCards.Clear(); foreach (var card in cards) { if (card.Value.Count > count) { highlightedCards.Add(card.Key.ToLower()); } } filterLibrary = true; SendMessage("Library filter activated!"); }); } } } }
public void AfterInvoke(InvocationInfo info, ref object returnValue) { if( is BattleMode && info.targetMethod.Equals("OnGUI") && playing) { if (!this.didButtonStyle) { this.setButtonStyle(); this.didButtonStyle = true; } int depth = GUI.depth; // Container Color color = GUI.color; GUI.color = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 1f); Rect container = new Rect((float)(Screen.width * 0.10f), (float)Screen.height * (0.84f + 0.032f) + 10f, (float)(Screen.width * 0.08f), (float)Screen.height * 0.16f * 0.40f +12f); GUI.DrawTexture(container, ResourceManager.LoadTexture("Shared/blackFiller")); GUI.color = color; GUI.depth = depth - 4; // Start/Pause Rect pos = new Rect(container.x + 3f, container.y + 3f, container.width - 6f, (float)Screen.height * 0.16f * 0.20f); //pos = new Rect(container.x * 1.06f, pos.y + pos.height - 6f, container.width * 0.90f, container.height * 0.0f); if (GUI.Button(pos, paused ? "Play" : "Pause", this.buttonStyle)) { App.AudioScript.PlaySFX("Sounds/hyperduck/UI/ui_button_click"); paused = !paused; } // Go to Round Rect goToPos = new Rect(pos.x, pos.yMax + 6f, pos.width, (float)Screen.height * 0.16f * 0.20f); String label = "Go To"; if (seekTurn > 0) { label = "Going"; } if (GUI.Button(goToPos, label, this.buttonStyle)) { paused = true; App.AudioScript.PlaySFX("Sounds/hyperduck/UI/ui_button_click"); string enterturnstring = "Enter a Turn between " + this.minTurn + " and " + this.maxTurn + ":"; //App.Popups.ShowTextInput(this, "", "Turn 1 = First Player Round 1 / Turn 2 = Second Player Round 1 / Turn 3 = First Player Round 2 and so on.", "turn", "Turn Seek", enterturnstring, "Seek"); App.Popups.ShowTextEntry(this, "turn", "Turn Seek", enterturnstring, "Seek", "Cancel", ""); } } /* if ( is BattleModeUI) { switch (info.targetMethod) { case "Start": { if (playing) { battleModeUI = (BattleModeUI); endGameButton = ((GameObject)typeof(BattleModeUI).GetField("endTurnButton", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(; endGameButton.renderer.material.mainTexture = pauseButton; battleModeUI.StartCoroutine("FadeInEndTurn"); } } break; case "Init": { if (playing) { typeof(BattleModeUI).GetField("callback", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).SetValue(, this); // NOTE: Not yet working, needs alternative ICommListener for Chat messages //App.ChatUI.SetEnabled(true); //App.ChatUI.SetLocked(false); //App.ChatUI.Show(false); //App.ChatUI.SetCanOpenContextMenu(false); //activate chat on replays but disable profile or trading menus (wired bugs) } } break; case "Raycast": { endGameButton = ((GameObject)typeof(BattleModeUI).GetField("endTurnButton", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(; if (playing && endGameButton.renderer.material.mainTexture != pauseButton && endGameButton.renderer.material.mainTexture != playButton) { if (paused) { endGameButton.renderer.material.mainTexture = playButton; } else { endGameButton.renderer.material.mainTexture = pauseButton; } } } break; } }*/ }
public override void BeforeInvoke(InvocationInfo info) { }
public override void BeforeInvoke(InvocationInfo info) { if ( is BattleMode && info.targetMethod.Equals("forceRunEffect")) { EffectMessage currentEffect = (EffectMessage)info.arguments[0]; string type = currentEffect.type; try { if (type == "TurnBegin") { resetMoveAllUnits(); foreach (KeyValuePair<long, moveunit> mu in this.moveCounter) { mu.Value.movesdone = 0; } } if (type == "UnitActivateAbility") { EMUnitActivateAbility cef = (EMUnitActivateAbility)currentEffect; string name =; if (name == "Move" || name == "Flying") { long id = this.getId(; if (this.moveCounter.ContainsKey(id)) this.moveCounter[id].movesdone += 1; } } if (type == "StatsUpdate") { EMStatsUpdate cef = (EMStatsUpdate)currentEffect; this.tpStatsupdate = new TilePosition(,,; } } catch { } } return; }
public override bool WantsToReplace(InvocationInfo info) { if (info.targetMethod.Equals("sendBattleRequest")) { Console.WriteLine("sendrequest"); if (info.arguments[0] is GameChatMessageMessage) { GameChatMessageMessage msg = (GameChatMessageMessage)info.arguments[0]; string[] splitt = msg.text.Split(' '); if ((splitt[0] == "/showench" || splitt[0] == "\\showench")) { return true; } } } return false; }
public override void ReplaceMethod(InvocationInfo info, out object returnValue) { returnValue = null; if ( is Communicator && info.targetMethod.Equals("sendRequest")) { Message msg = (Message)info.arguments[0]; if (msg is RoomChatMessageMessage) { RoomChatMessageMessage rcmm = (RoomChatMessageMessage)msg; Console.WriteLine("###roomchatmessage" + rcmm.text); if (rcmm.text.StartsWith("/autoencrypt")) { gdata.autoencrypt = !gdata.autoencrypt; RoomChatMessageMessage nrcmm = new RoomChatMessageMessage(rcmm.roomName, "autoencryption in guildchat is disabled"); nrcmm.from = "guildmod"; if (gdata.autoencrypt) nrcmm.text = "autoencryption in guildchat is enabled"; App.ArenaChat.handleMessage(nrcmm); gdata.saveEncryptSettings(); returnValue = true; return; } if (rcmm.roomName == gdata.guildroom && !(rcmm.text.StartsWith("/g") || rcmm.text.StartsWith("\\g"))) { rcmm.text = "/g " + rcmm.text; } if (rcmm.text.StartsWith("/g") || rcmm.text.StartsWith("\\g")) { Console.WriteLine("###" + rcmm.text); string chiffre = cry.Encrypt(rcmm.text); Console.WriteLine("###" + chiffre); if (chiffre.Length >= 512) { returnValue = true; return; } rcmm.text = chiffre; rcmm.roomName = gdata.guildroom; //App.Communicator.sendRequest(rcmm); List<Room> lrooms = chatrooms.GetAllRooms(); bool isinguildroom = false; foreach (Room room in lrooms) { if ( == gdata.guildroom) isinguildroom = true; } if (!isinguildroom) { openGuildChatWindow(); } returnValue = App.Communicator.send(rcmm); } } } if ( is ArenaChat && info.targetMethod.Equals("handleMessage")) { Message msg = (Message)info.arguments[0]; if ( msg is RoomChatMessageMessage) { RoomChatMessageMessage wmsg = (RoomChatMessageMessage)msg; if ((wmsg.text).StartsWith(".g ") || (wmsg.text).StartsWith(",g ")) { string txt = wmsg.text; txt = cry.Decrypt(txt); ArenaChat ac = (ArenaChat); txt = gdata.guildcolor + txt + "</color>"; RoomChatMessageMessage rcmm = new RoomChatMessageMessage(gdata.guildroom, txt); rcmm.from = wmsg.from; ac.handleMessage(rcmm); } } } }
public override void AfterInvoke (InvocationInfo info, ref object returnValue) { if ( is GameSocket && info.targetMethod.Equals("OnDestroy")) { gdata.sendOffline(); } if ( is ChatUI && info.targetMethod.Equals("Show")) { this.chatisshown = (bool)info.arguments[0]; } if ( is MainMenu && info.targetMethod.Equals("OnGUI")) { GUI.depth = 21; GUIPositioner subMenuPositioner = App.LobbyMenu.getSubMenuPositioner(1f, 5); this.guildbutton = new Rect(subMenuPositioner.getButtonRect(0f)); if (LobbyMenu.drawButton(this.guildbutton, "Guild", this.lobbyskin)) { this.inGuildmenu = !this.inGuildmenu; ggui.reset(); targetchathightinfo.SetValue(App.ChatUI, (float)Screen.height * 0.25f); } if (this.inGuildmenu) { //ggui.cardListPopupBigLabelSkin.label.fontSize = (int)(this.fieldHeight / 1.7f); //ggui.cardListPopupSkin.label.fontSize = (int)(this.fieldHeight / 2.5f); recto.setupPositions(this.chatisshown, 1.0f, this.chatLogStyle, ggui.cardListPopupSkin); ggui.drawgui(this.chatLogStyle); } } if ( is ChatUI && (info.targetMethod.Equals("Initiate") || info.targetMethod.Equals("Awake"))) { this.chatrooms = App.ArenaChat.ChatRooms; this.chatLogStyle = (GUIStyle)chatLogStyleinfo.GetValue(; if (gdata.guildroom != "") { openGuildChatWindow(); } } if ( is ChatUI && info.targetMethod.Equals("OnGUI") ) { string typingmessage = (string)chatmsg.GetValue(; if (chatrooms.GetCurrentRoomName() == null) return; if ((this.chatrooms.GetCurrentRoomName()).Equals(gdata.guildroom) || typingmessage.StartsWith("/g") || typingmessage.StartsWith("\\g")) { if (!(typingmessage.StartsWith("/g") || typingmessage.StartsWith("\\g"))) { typingmessage = "/g " + typingmessage; } if (typingmessage != this.oldtyping && typingmessage.Length>=50) { string result = cry.Encrypt(typingmessage); if (result.Length >= 512) { chatmsg.SetValue(,oldtyping); } else { this.oldtyping = typingmessage; } } } } return; }
public override bool WantsToReplace(InvocationInfo info) { if ( is MainMenu && info.targetMethod.Equals("OnGUI")) { if (this.inGuildmenu) { return true; } } if ( is Communicator && info.targetMethod.Equals("sendRequest")) { Message msg = (Message)info.arguments[0]; if (msg is RoomChatMessageMessage) { RoomChatMessageMessage rcmm = (RoomChatMessageMessage)msg; if (rcmm.text.StartsWith("/g") || rcmm.text.StartsWith("\\g")) { return true; } if (gdata.autoencrypt && rcmm.roomName == gdata.guildroom) { return true; } if (rcmm.text.StartsWith("/autoencrypt")) { return true; } } } if ( is ArenaChat && info.targetMethod.Equals("handleMessage")) { Message msg = (Message)info.arguments[0]; if (msg is RoomChatMessageMessage) { RoomChatMessageMessage wmsg = (RoomChatMessageMessage)msg; if ((wmsg.text).StartsWith(".g") || (wmsg.text).StartsWith(",g ")) return true; } } return false; }
public override bool BeforeInvoke(InvocationInfo info, out object returnValue) { returnValue = null; if (info.targetMethod.Equals("Start")) { if (!File.Exists(favChannelsFilePath)) { File.Create(favChannelsFilePath).Close(); return false; } if (isEmpty(favChannelsFilePath)) { return false; } else { Console.WriteLine("File is not empty, gathering favorite channels!"); string line; using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(favChannelsFilePath)) { while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { if (!line.Contains("trading") && !line.Contains("general")) { FavoriteChannelsList.Add(line.ToLower()); // toLower for certainty App.ArenaChat.RoomEnter(line); } } } } return false; } else if (info.targetMethod.Equals("sendRequest")) { if (info.arguments[0] is RoomChatMessageMessage) { RoomChatMessageMessage rcmm = (RoomChatMessageMessage)info.arguments[0]; if (rcmm.text.Equals("/acc") || rcmm.text.StartsWith("/addcurrentchannel")) { String channelToAdd = App.ArenaChat.ChatRooms.GetCurrentRoom().ToLower(); if (!FavoriteChannelsList.Contains(channelToAdd) && (!channelToAdd.Contains("trading") && !channelToAdd.Contains("general"))) //If channel is not on list already { FavoriteChannelsList.Add(channelToAdd); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(favChannelsFilePath, true); sw.WriteLine(channelToAdd); sw.Close(); // splitted[1] instead of usernameToIgnore because of caps :) msg("Added channel " + channelToAdd + " to FavoriteChannels list!"); } else if (channelToAdd.Contains("trading") || channelToAdd.Contains("general")) { msg("Sorry but you may not add trading / general rooms to favorites."); } else { msg("Channel " + channelToAdd + " is already on the favorite channels list."); } return true; } else if (rcmm.text.StartsWith("/addchannel") || rcmm.text.StartsWith("/ac")) { String[] splitted = rcmm.text.Split(' '); if (splitted.Length >= 2) { String channelToAdd = splitted[1].ToLower(); if (!FavoriteChannelsList.Contains(channelToAdd) && (!channelToAdd.Contains("trading") && !channelToAdd.Contains("general"))) //If channel is not on list already { FavoriteChannelsList.Add(channelToAdd); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(favChannelsFilePath, true); sw.WriteLine(channelToAdd); sw.Close(); msg("Added channel " + splitted[1] + " to FavoriteChannels list!"); } else if (splitted[1].Contains("trading") || splitted[1].Contains("general")) { msg("Sorry but you may not add trading / general rooms to favorites."); } else { msg("Channel " + splitted[1] + " is already on the favorite channels list."); } } return true; } else if (rcmm.text.StartsWith("/removecurrentchannel") || rcmm.text.Equals("/rcc")) { String channeltoRemove = App.ArenaChat.ChatRooms.GetCurrentRoom().ToLower(); if (FavoriteChannelsList.Contains(channeltoRemove)) //If channel is on list already { FavoriteChannelsList.Remove(channeltoRemove); File.Delete(favChannelsFilePath); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(favChannelsFilePath, true); foreach (string s in FavoriteChannelsList) { sw.WriteLine(s); } sw.Close(); // splitted[1] instead of usernameToIgnore because of caps :) msg("Removed channel " + channeltoRemove + " from FavoriteChannels list!"); } else { msg("Channel " + channeltoRemove + " was not on the favorites list."); } return true; } else if (rcmm.text.StartsWith("/removechannel") || rcmm.text.StartsWith("/rc")) { String[] splitted = rcmm.text.Split(' '); if (splitted.Length >= 2) { String channeltoRemove = splitted[1].ToLower(); if (FavoriteChannelsList.Contains(channeltoRemove)) //If channel is not on list already { FavoriteChannelsList.Remove(channeltoRemove); File.Delete(favChannelsFilePath); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(favChannelsFilePath, true); foreach (string s in FavoriteChannelsList) { sw.WriteLine(s); } sw.Close(); msg("Removed channel " + splitted[1] + " from FavoriteChannels list!"); } else { msg(splitted[1] + " was not on the Favorite Channels list!"); } } return true; } else if (rcmm.text.Equals("/listfavorites") || rcmm.text.Equals("/lf") || rcmm.text.Equals("/favorites")) { if (FavoriteChannelsList.Count == 0) { msg("There are currently no favorite channels added! You can add a channel by typing '/ac [channelname]' or if you want to add your current channel, you can type '/acc'"); } else { msg("Current favorite channels: " + String.Join(", ", FavoriteChannelsList.ToArray())); } return true; } else if (rcmm.text.Equals("/fhelp") || rcmm.text.Equals("/fcommands") || rcmm.text.Equals("/favoriteshelp")) { msg("Favorite Channels command list:"); printCommands(); return true; } } } return false; }
public void ReplaceMethod (InvocationInfo info, out object returnValue) { returnValue = null; switch ((String)info.targetMethod) { case "ShowEndTurn": case "runEffect": returnValue = null; return; case "_handleMessage": returnValue = true; return; } }
public override void AfterInvoke(InvocationInfo info, ref object returnValue) { return; }
public override void BeforeInvoke(InvocationInfo info) { if( info.targetMethod.Equals("StartTrade") ) { activeTrade = new TradePrices(this, (TradeSystem); } else if( info.targetMethod.Equals("UpdateView") && activeTrade != null ) { activeTrade.PreUpdateView(); } else if( info.targetMethod.Equals("CloseTrade") && activeTrade != null ) { activeTrade.Finished(); activeTrade = null; } else if( info.targetMethod.Equals("updateGraphics") && activeTrade != null ) { activeTrade.PreOverlayRender((Card)info.arguments[0]); // Do our initial login check } else if( !loggedIn && info.targetMethod.Equals("sendRequest") && info.arguments[0] is RoomEnterFreeMessage ) { loggedIn = true; Init(); } else if( replayRunner != null ) { if ( is BattleMode && info.targetMethod.Equals("OnGUI") && == battleType) { replayRunner.OnBattleGUI(info); } else if (info.targetMethod.Equals("UpdateOnly")) { replayRunner.OnAnimationUpdate(info); } } }
public override void AfterInvoke(InvocationInfo info, ref object returnValue) { if( activeTrade != null && info.targetMethod.Equals("updateGraphics") ) { activeTrade.PostOverlayRender((Card)info.arguments[0]); } else if( activeTrade != null && info.targetMethod.Equals("UpdateView") ) { activeTrade.PostUpdateView(); } else if( info.targetMethod.Equals("OnGUI") && == deckType ) { deckManager.OnGUI( as DeckBuilder2); } return; }
public override void ReplaceMethod(InvocationInfo info, out object returnValue) { returnValue = nextReturnVal; if( info.targetMethod.Equals("sendRequest") && info.arguments[0] is RoomChatMessageMessage ) { RoomChatMessageMessage msg = (RoomChatMessageMessage)info.arguments[0]; if( msg.text.Equals("/sp") || msg.text.Equals("/scrollspost") || msg.text.Equals("/scrollpost") ) { new Thread(new ThreadStart(configGUI.Show)).Start(); SendMessage("Configuration opened"); } else if( msg.text.StartsWith("/pc-1h ") ) { new PriceCheck(this, "1-hour", msg.text.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 2)[1]); } else if( msg.text.StartsWith("/pc-3d ") ) { new PriceCheck(this, "3-days", msg.text.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 2)[1]); } else if( msg.text.StartsWith("/pc-7d ") ) { new PriceCheck(this, "7-days", msg.text.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 2)[1]); } else if( msg.text.StartsWith("/pc ") || msg.text.StartsWith("/pc-1d ") ) { new PriceCheck(this, "1-day", msg.text.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 2)[1]); } } else if( replayRunner != null ) { if( info.targetMethod.Equals("toggleMenu") ) { StopReplayRunner(); } else if( info.targetMethod.Equals("Launch") ) { replayRunner.OnTweenLaunch(info); } } }
public override void ReplaceMethod(InvocationInfo info, out object returnValue) { returnValue = null; if (info.targetMethod.Equals("sendBattleRequest")) { Console.WriteLine("sendrequest"); if (info.arguments[0] is GameChatMessageMessage) { GameChatMessageMessage msg = (GameChatMessageMessage)info.arguments[0]; string[] splitt = msg.text.Split(' '); if ((splitt[0] == "/showench" || splitt[0] == "\\showench")) { Boolean donesomething =false; if (splitt.Length == 2) { if (splitt[1] == "circle") { this.showpattern = 1; string text = "enchantments are shown on a circle around unit"; writetxtinchat(text); donesomething = true; } if (splitt[1] == "below") { this.showpattern = 2; string text = "enchantments are shown below unit"; writetxtinchat(text); donesomething = true; } if (splitt[1] == "ctrlon") { this.allwayson = true; string text = "if unit stats are shown permanently, enchantments are shown permanently, "; writetxtinchat(text); donesomething = true; } if (splitt[1] == "ctrloff") { this.allwayson = false; string text = "if unit stats are shown permanently, enchantments aren't shown permanently, "; writetxtinchat(text); donesomething = true; } } if (donesomething==false) { string text = "commands: circle, below"; writetxtinchat(text); } } } } }
public override bool WantsToReplace(InvocationInfo info) { nextReturnVal = false; if( info.targetMethod.Equals("sendRequest") && info.arguments[0] is RoomChatMessageMessage ) { RoomChatMessageMessage msg = (RoomChatMessageMessage)info.arguments[0]; if( msg.text.Equals("/sp") || msg.text.Equals("/scrollspost") || msg.text.Equals("/scrollpost") || msg.text.StartsWith("/pc") ) { nextReturnVal = true; return true; } } else if( replayRunner != null ) { if( info.targetMethod.Equals("addDelay") ) { if( replayRunner.SpeedUpGame() ) { nextReturnVal = true; return true; } } else if( info.targetMethod.Equals("toggleMenu") ) { nextReturnVal = true; return true; } else if( info.targetMethod.Equals("ShowEndTurn") ) { if( replayRunner.OnBattleUIShowEndTurn(info) ) { nextReturnVal = true; return true; } } else if( info.targetMethod.Equals("Launch") && replayRunner.SpeedUpGame() ) { nextReturnVal = true; return true; } else if( info.targetMethod.Equals("GoToLobby") ) { StopReplayRunner(); nextReturnVal = true; return true; } } return false; }
public override void AfterInvoke (InvocationInfo info, ref object returnValue) { if ( is BattleMode && info.targetMethod.Equals("forceRunEffect")) { if (tpStatsupdate != null) { Unit statsupdate =; if (statsupdate != null) { updateMoveUnit(statsupdate, statsupdate.getBuffs(), statsupdate.getActiveAbilities(), statsupdate.getName(), statsupdate.getTilePosition()); } tpStatsupdate = null; } EffectMessage currentEffect = (EffectMessage)info.arguments[0]; string type = currentEffect.type; if (type == "MoveUnit") { this.resetMoveAllUnits(); } if (type == "SummonUnit") { EMSummonUnit cef = (EMSummonUnit)currentEffect; Unit un =; this.updateMoveUnit(un, new List<EnchantmentInfo>(), cef.card.getActiveAbilities(), cef.card.getName(),; } if (type == "TeleportUnits") { this.resetMoveAllUnits(); } } if ( is BattleMode && info.targetMethod.Equals("toggleUnitStats")) { Boolean showUnitStats= (Boolean)typeof(BattleMode).GetField ("showUnitStats", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(; Allenchlist.Clear(); this.showall = showUnitStats; if (showUnitStats == true) { MethodInfo mi = typeof(BattleMode).GetMethod("getAllUnitsCopy", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); foreach (Unit current in (List<Unit>)mi.Invoke(,null)) { List<EnchantmentInfo> enchants = current.getBuffs(); //Tile component = ((BattleMode); Tile component = ((BattleMode); this.Allenchantcreator(enchants, component, true); } } } if ( is Unit && info.targetMethod.Equals("renderUnit")) { if (bm == null) return; Unit current = (Unit); List<EnchantmentInfo> enchants = current.getBuffs(); if (enchants.Count > 0) { //Tile component = ((BattleMode)bm).getTileFromUnit(current); Tile component = ((BattleMode)bm).getTile(current.getTilePosition()); Tile.SelectionType marker = (Tile.SelectionType)mrktpe.GetValue(component); if (marker != Tile.SelectionType.Hover) { Material buffmat = (Material)this.buffMaterialInfo.GetValue(; buffmat.SetColor("_Color", ColorUtil.FromInts(255, 0, 0, 220)); buffmat.color = new Color(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.7f); //current.renderer.material.color = new Color(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.7f); //GameObject refer = (GameObject)reftile.GetValue(component); //refer.renderer.material.color = new Color(1.0f, 0f, 0f, 0.4f); //GameObject to = (GameObject)tileover.GetValue(component); //to.renderer.material.color = new Color(1.0f, 0f, 0f, 0.4f); //component.getReference().renderer.material.color = new Color(1f, 0f, 0f, 0.4f); } } } if ( is BattleMode && info.targetMethod.Equals("Update")) { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.M)) { foreach (Unit u in { showMoveOfUnit(u); } foreach (Unit u in { showMoveOfUnit(u); } } if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.M)) { foreach (Unit u in { int v = (int)attackcounterinfo.GetValue(u); u.setAttackCounter(v - 1); u.setAttackCounter(v); } foreach (Unit u in { int v = (int)attackcounterinfo.GetValue(u); u.setAttackCounter(v - 1); u.setAttackCounter(v); } } } if ( is BattleMode && info.targetMethod.Equals("OnGUI")) { if (bm == null) { bm = (BattleMode); } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && this.currentHover.color != TileColor.unknown) { //mouse pressed! this.calculateEnemyLobbers(this.currentHover.color.otherColor()); //Console.WriteLine("moves:###############################"); //printMove(TileColor.white); //printMove(; } if (showall == true && this.allwayson==true) { Allenchlist.Clear(); foreach (Unit current in (List<Unit>)mi.Invoke(, null)) { List<EnchantmentInfo> enchants = current.getBuffs(); //Tile component = ((BattleMode); Tile component = ((BattleMode); this.Allenchantcreator(enchants, component, true); } foreach (var item in Allenchlist) { Rect position = new Rect(item.posx, item.posy, picx, picy); GUI.DrawTexture(position, enchantslib[]); } } else { if (showpicture == true) { foreach (var item in enchlist) { Rect position = new Rect(item.posx, item.posy, picx, picy); GUI.DrawTexture(position, enchantslib[]); } } } /* foreach (Unit current in (List<Unit>)mi.Invoke(, null)) { //current.renderer.material.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f); Material buffmat = (Material)this.buffMaterialInfo.GetValue(current); Console.WriteLine("#clolor12" + buffmat.GetColor("_Color")); buffmat.SetColor("_Color", ColorUtil.FromHex24(16777173u)); List<EnchantmentInfo> enchants = current.getBuffs(); Tile component = ((BattleMode); if (enchants.Count > 0) { Tile.SelectionType marker = (Tile.SelectionType)mrktpe.GetValue(component); if (marker != Tile.SelectionType.Hover) { //current.renderer.material.color = new Color(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.7f); buffmat.SetColor("_Color", ColorUtil.FromInts(255,0,0,220)); buffmat.color = new Color(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.7f); current.renderer.material.color = new Color(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.7f); Console.WriteLine("#clolorrrrr" + buffmat.GetColor("_Color")); //GameObject refer = (GameObject)reftile.GetValue(component); //refer.renderer.material.color = new Color(1.0f, 0f, 0f, 0.4f); //GameObject to = (GameObject)tileover.GetValue(component); //to.renderer.material.color = new Color(1.0f, 0f, 0f, 0.4f); //component.getReference().renderer.material.color = new Color(1f, 0f, 0f, 0.4f); } } }*/ } if ( is BattleMode && info.targetMethod.Equals("tileOver")) { showpicture = true; TilePosition tilepos = (TilePosition)info.arguments[0]; this.currentHover.color = tilepos.color; this.currentHover.row = tilepos.row; this.currentHover.column = tilepos.column; //Unit unitFromTile = ((BattleMode); Unit unitFromTile = ((BattleMode); Tile component = ((BattleMode); enchlist.Clear(); if (unitFromTile != null) { List<EnchantmentInfo> enchants= unitFromTile.getBuffs(); this.Allenchantcreator(enchants,component, false); } } if ( is BattleMode && info.targetMethod.Equals("tileOut")) { showpicture = false; this.currentHover.color = TileColor.unknown; } if ( is BattleMode && info.targetMethod.Equals("markMoveTile")) { TilePosition tilepos =(TilePosition)info.arguments[1]; Tile tile =; int bad = 0; foreach (TilePosition tp in this.enemyLobbers) { if (tilepos.Equals(tp)) { bad++; } } if (bad>=1) { //Console.WriteLine("bad spottet " + tilepos); GameObject to = (GameObject)tileover.GetValue(tile); GameObject refer = (GameObject)reftile.GetValue(tile); GameObject taf = (GameObject)targetAnimFront.GetValue(tile); GameObject tab = (GameObject)targetAnimBack.GetValue(tile); GameObject car = (GameObject)chargeAnim.GetValue(tile); refer.renderer.material.color = new Color(1.0f, 0f, 0f, 0.2f * bad); to.renderer.material.color = new Color(1.0f, 0f, 0f, 0.2f * bad); if (taf != null) taf.renderer.material.color = new Color(1.0f, 0f, 0f, 0.2f * bad); if (tab != null) tab.renderer.material.color = new Color(1.0f, 0f, 0f, 0.2f * bad); if (car != null) car.renderer.material.color = new Color(1.0f, 0f, 0f, 0.2f * bad); } } if (this.mark && is Tile && info.targetMethod.Equals("markInternal")) { TilePosition tpp = ((Tile); Tile tile = (Tile); int bad = 0; if (enemyLobbers.Count >= 1 && enemyLobbers[0].color == tpp.color && ((Tile.SelectionType)info.arguments[0]) == Tile.SelectionType.None) { //this.mark = false; return; } foreach (TilePosition tp in this.enemyLobbers) { if (tpp.Equals(tp)) { bad++; } } if (bad >= 1) { //Console.WriteLine("bad spottet " + tpp); GameObject to = (GameObject)tileover.GetValue(tile); GameObject refer = (GameObject)reftile.GetValue(tile); GameObject taf = (GameObject)targetAnimFront.GetValue(tile); GameObject tab = (GameObject)targetAnimBack.GetValue(tile); refer.renderer.material.color = new Color(1.0f, 0f, 0f, 0.2f * bad); to.renderer.material.color = new Color(1.0f, 0f, 0f, 0.2f * bad); if (taf != null) taf.renderer.material.color = new Color(1.0f, 0f, 0f, 0.2f * bad); if (tab != null) tab.renderer.material.color = new Color(1.0f, 0f, 0f, 0.2f * bad); } } return; }
public override bool BeforeInvoke(InvocationInfo info, out object returnValue) { returnValue = null; if (info.targetMethod.Equals("sendRequest")) { if (info.arguments[0] is RoomChatMessageMessage) { RoomChatMessageMessage msg = (RoomChatMessageMessage) info.arguments[0]; if (msg.IsCommand("/filter") || msg.IsCommand("/f")) { String[] splitted = msg.text.Split(new char[] {' '}, 2); if (splitted.Length == 2) { AddFilter(splitted[1].ToLower()); SendMessage("Current filters: " + string.Join(", ", filteredTexts.ToArray())); } return true; } else if (msg.IsCommand("/resetfilter") || msg.IsCommand("/rf")) { filteredTexts.Clear(); SendMessage("Filters have been reseted"); return true; } else if (msg.IsCommand("/highlight") || msg.IsCommand("/hl")) { String[] splitted = msg.text.Split(new char[] {' '}, 2); if (splitted.Length == 2) { AddHighlight(splitted[1].ToLower()); SendMessage("Current highlights: " + string.Join(", ", highlightedTexts.ToArray())); } return true; } else if (msg.IsCommand("/resethighlight") || msg.IsCommand("/rhl")) { highlightedTexts.Clear(); SendMessage("Highlights have been reseted"); return true; } } } else if (info.targetMethod.Equals("ChatMessage")) { RoomChatMessageMessage msg = (RoomChatMessageMessage) info.arguments[0]; msg.text = ColorizeText(msg.text); if (filteredTexts.Count == 0 || msg.from.ToLower() == || msg.roomName.toLowerCase().StartsWith("trade-") || msg.from == "Scrolls") { // don't filter my message return false; } foreach (String filteredText in filteredTexts) { if (msg.text.ToLower().Contains(filteredText)) { return false; } } return filteredTexts.Count > 0; } return false; }
public override void AfterInvoke(InvocationInfo info, ref object returnValue) { if( activeTrade != null && info.targetMethod.Equals("updateGraphics") ) { activeTrade.PostOverlayRender((Card)info.arguments[0]); } else if( activeTrade != null && info.targetMethod.Equals("UpdateView") ) { activeTrade.PostUpdateView(); } else if( info.targetMethod.Equals("OnGUI") && == deckType ) { deckManager.OnGUI( as DeckBuilder2); } if( is GameSocket && info.targetMethod.Equals("Init")) { Console.WriteLine("gamesocket init"); = (GameSocket); } return; }
public void BeforeInvoke(InvocationInfo info) { switch ((String)info.targetMethod) { /*case "OnGUI": { if (playing) { typeof(BattleMode).GetMethod ("deselectAllTiles", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).Invoke (, null); } } break; case "_handleMessage": { if (playing && readNextMsg != false) { readNextMsg = false; } } break; */ case "toggleMenu": { if (playing) { //quit on Esc/Back Arrow playing = false; App.Communicator.setData(""); SceneLoader.loadScene("_Lobby"); this.replay.Abort(); this.replay = null; } } break; } }