internal void TurnStart(ActivePlayer player) { if (!_isMulliganDone) { _game.Process(ChooseTask.Mulligan(_game.Player1, _toBeKept)); _game.Process(ChooseTask.Mulligan(_game.Player2, _game.Player2.Choice.Choices)); } _isMulliganDone = true; _isNewTurn = true; _activePlayer = player; _numberOfTurns++; if (_numberOfTurns > 1) { ProcessPlayerAction(); _game.MainEnd(); _game.MainNext(); } GameV2 gameV2 = Core.Game; if (player == ActivePlayer.Player) { _messenger.Reset(); _messenger.SetTitle("Turn " + gameV2.GetTurnNumber()); } Converter.AreGamesInSync(_game, gameV2); }
/** * Simulates the tasks against the current game and * returns a Dictionary with the following POGame-Object * for each task (or null if an exception happened * during that game) */ public Dictionary <PlayerTask, POGame> Simulate(List <PlayerTask> tasksToSimulate) { Dictionary <PlayerTask, POGame> simulated = new Dictionary <PlayerTask, POGame>(); foreach (PlayerTask task in tasksToSimulate) { SabberStoneCore.Model.Game clone = this.origGame.Clone(); try { clone.Process(task); simulated.Add(task, new POGame(clone, this.debug)); } catch (Exception) { simulated.Add(task, null); } } return(simulated); }
internal void ProcessPlayerAction() { foreach (var playerAction in _playerActions) { _isProcessingTask = true; _randomController.RandomHappened = false; if (playerAction.ActionType == ActionType.PLAYCARD && playerAction.Player == 2) { STCEntities.IPlayable toBePlayed = STCEntities.Entity.FromCard(_game.Player2, STC.Cards.FromAssetId(playerAction.Source.Card.DbfIf)); _game.Player2.HandZone.Replace(_game.Player2.HandZone[0], toBePlayed); _entityIdMapping.Add(playerAction.Source.Id, toBePlayed.Id); } List <PlayerTask> allOptions = playerAction.Player == 1 ? _game.Player1.Options(true) : _game.Player2.Options(true); List <PlayerTask> filteredOptions = new List <PlayerTask>(); allOptions.ForEach(option => { try { switch (playerAction.ActionType) { case ActionType.HEROPOWER: if (option is HeroPowerTask) { filteredOptions.Add(option); } break; case ActionType.PLAYCARD: if (option is PlayCardTask) { if (option.Source.Id == _entityIdMapping[playerAction.Source.Id]) { filteredOptions.Add(option); } } break; case ActionType.MINIONATTACK: if (option is MinionAttackTask) { if (option.Source.Id == _entityIdMapping[playerAction.AttackInfo.Attacker.Id]) { filteredOptions.Add(option); } } if (option is HeroAttackTask) { if (option.Controller.HeroId == _entityIdMapping[playerAction.AttackInfo.Attacker.Id]) { filteredOptions.Add(option); } } break; } } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } }); if (filteredOptions.Count > 0) { if (filteredOptions.Count == 1) { _game.Process(filteredOptions[0]); _game.MainCleanUp(); } else { STC.Game nextGame = null; List <List <string> > errorsList = new List <List <string> >(); foreach (PlayerTask task in filteredOptions) { STC.Game clonedGame = _game.Clone(false, false, _randomController.Clone()); clonedGame.Process(task); clonedGame.MainCleanUp(); var errors = Converter.AreGamesInSync(clonedGame, Core.Game); if (errors.Count == 0) { nextGame = clonedGame; break; } else { errorsList.Add(errors); } } if (nextGame == null) { System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); } _game = nextGame; _randomController = (RandomController)nextGame.RandomController; } Converter.SyncEntityIds(ref _entityIdMapping, _game, Core.Game); _game.Step = Step.MAIN_ACTION; _randomController.Reset(); if (_randomController.RandomHappened) { launchAgent(); } } else { System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); var foo = playerAction.Player == 1 ? _game.Player1.Options(true) : _game.Player2.Options(true); } } _isProcessingTask = false; _randomController.RandomHappened = false; _playerActions = new List <PlayerAction>(); }
public bool PlayGame(bool addToGameStats = true, bool debug = false) { SabberStoneCore.Model.Game game = new SabberStoneCore.Model.Game(gameConfig, setupHeroes); //var game = new Game(gameConfig, setupHeroes); player1.InitializeGame(); player2.InitializeGame(); AbstractAgent currentAgent; Stopwatch currentStopwatch; POGame poGame; PlayerTask playertask = null; Stopwatch[] watches = new[] { new Stopwatch(), new Stopwatch() }; bool printGame = false; int numturns = 0; game.StartGame(); if (gameConfig.SkipMulligan == false) { var originalStartingPlayer = game.CurrentPlayer; var originalStartinOpponent = game.CurrentOpponent; game.CurrentPlayer = originalStartingPlayer; currentAgent = gameConfig.StartPlayer == 1 ? player1 : player2; poGame = new POGame(game, debug); playertask = currentAgent.GetMove(poGame); game.Process(playertask); game.CurrentPlayer = originalStartinOpponent; currentAgent = gameConfig.StartPlayer == 1 ? player2 : player1; poGame = new POGame(game, debug); playertask = currentAgent.GetMove(poGame); game.Process(playertask); game.CurrentPlayer = originalStartingPlayer; game.MainReady(); } #if DEBUG try { #endif while (game.State != State.COMPLETE && game.State != State.INVALID) { //if (debug) numturns = game.Turn; //Console.WriteLine("Turn " + game.Turn); //ShowLog(game, LogLevel.INFO); if (printGame) { //Console.WriteLine(MCGS.SabberHelper.SabberUtils.PrintGame(game)); printGame = false; } if (game.Turn >= maxTurns) { break; } currentAgent = game.CurrentPlayer == game.Player1 ? player1 : player2; Controller currentPlayer = game.CurrentPlayer; currentStopwatch = game.CurrentPlayer == game.Player1 ? watches[0] : watches[1]; poGame = new POGame(game, debug); currentStopwatch.Start(); playertask = currentAgent.GetMove(poGame); currentStopwatch.Stop(); game.CurrentPlayer.Game = game; game.CurrentOpponent.Game = game; if (debug) { //Console.WriteLine(playertask); } if (playertask.PlayerTaskType == PlayerTaskType.END_TURN) { printGame = true; } if (playertask.PlayerTaskType == PlayerTaskType.END_TURN && game.CurrentPlayer == game.Player1) { if (game.Turn > new Random().Next(-5, 20)) { OutputCurrentGameForTrainingData(game); } } game.Process(playertask); } #if DEBUG } catch (Exception e) //Current Player loses if he throws an exception { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); game.State = State.COMPLETE; game.CurrentPlayer.PlayState = PlayState.CONCEDED; game.CurrentOpponent.PlayState = PlayState.WON; if (addToGameStats && game.State != State.INVALID) { gameStats.registerException(game, e); } } #endif if (game.State == State.INVALID || (game.Turn >= maxTurns && repeatDraws)) { return(false); } if (addToGameStats) { gameStats.addGame(game, watches); } List <int> features; if (game.Player1.PlayState == PlayState.WON) { while (tmpData.Count > 0) { features = tmpData.Dequeue(); features.Add(1); trainingData.Enqueue(features); } } else if (game.Player2.PlayState == PlayState.WON) { while (tmpData.Count > 0) { features = tmpData.Dequeue(); features.Add(-1); trainingData.Enqueue(features); } } else { while (tmpData.Count > 0) { features = tmpData.Dequeue(); features.Add(-1); trainingData.Enqueue(features); } } player1.FinalizeGame(); player2.FinalizeGame(); turnsRecords.Add(numturns); //ShowLog(game, LogLevel.INFO); return(true); }
public void Process(PlayerTask task) { game.Process(task); }