public static void Menu(string arg) { switch (arg) { case "1": Console.Write("Path to snapshot:\n"); string path = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Name of snapshot:\n"); string name = Console.ReadLine(); name = name + ".txt"; new Snapshot(path, name); Console.Write("\nErfolg!"); break; case "2": Console.WriteLine("Case 2"); break; case "3": Console.WriteLine("Edit game"); Console.WriteLine("Enter game name:"); string game = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter game path:\n"); string gamePath = Console.ReadLine(); break; case "4": Console.WriteLine("Case 2"); break; case "5": break; case "menu": Console.WriteLine("Enter one of the numbers"); Console.WriteLine("1) create new snapshot 2) load snapshot 3) edit game\n4) delete game 5) exit"); string choice = Console.ReadLine(); SmmcliFunction.Menu(choice); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Not a valid option"); break; } return; }
static void Main() { string cwd = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); Console.WriteLine("##########################"); Console.WriteLine("Thank you for using SMMcli"); Console.WriteLine("##########################"); if (!File.Exists(cwd + "\\smmcli.conf")) { Console.Write("\nTo get started we need to configure SMMcli first"); Console.Write("\nWe need to where your game files are located. \nFor this you need to enter the Path to your game files."); Console.Write("\nPlease let me know where you Call of Chernobyl folder is:\n"); string rootDir = Console.ReadLine(); if (!Directory.Exists(rootDir)) { Console.Write("Something went wrong ... Try again"); rootDir = Console.ReadLine(); } Console.Write("\nThanks. "); Console.Write("Now, where shall SMMcli save stuff:\n"); string saveLocation = Console.ReadLine(); if (!Directory.Exists(saveLocation)) { Console.Write("Something went wrong ... Try again"); saveLocation = Console.ReadLine(); } string saveFileTextRootDir = "rootDir: \"" + rootDir + "\""; string saveFileTextSaveLocation = "saveLocation: \"" + saveLocation + "\""; string[] saveFileText = { saveFileTextRootDir, saveFileTextSaveLocation }; SmmcliFunction.WriteFile("smmcli.conf", saveFileText, "DEFAULT"); } Console.WriteLine("smmcli.conf found ..."); Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: " + cwd + "\\smmcli.conf"); do { SmmcliFunction.Menu("menu"); } while (true); }