public void Execute <TCtx>(TCtx ctx, InputTriggerPort port) where TCtx : IGraphInstance { var entity = ctx.ReadEntity(GameObject); if (entity != Entity.Null) { quaternion currentRotation; // Make sure that the entity has a Rotation if (!ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <Rotation>(entity)) { ctx.EntityManager.AddComponent <Rotation>(entity); currentRotation = quaternion.identity; } else { currentRotation = ctx.EntityManager.GetComponentData <Rotation>(entity).Value; } currentRotation *= Quaternion.Euler(ctx.ReadFloat3(Value)); ctx.EntityManager.SetComponentData(entity, new Rotation { Value = currentRotation }); } ctx.Trigger(Output); }
public unsafe void Execute <TCtx>(TCtx ctx, InputTriggerPort port) where TCtx : IGraphInstance { var entity = ctx.ReadEntity(Entity); if (entity == Unity.Entities.Entity.Null) { return; } if (!ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsCollider>(entity)) { return; } PhysicsCollider physicsCollider = ctx.EntityManager.GetComponentData <PhysicsCollider>(entity); Collider * colliderPtr = (Collider *)physicsCollider.Value.GetUnsafePtr(); CollisionFilter newFilter = new CollisionFilter(); newFilter.BelongsTo = (uint)ctx.ReadInt(this.BelongsTo); newFilter.CollidesWith = (uint)ctx.ReadInt(this.CollidesWith); newFilter.GroupIndex = ctx.ReadInt(this.GroupIndex); colliderPtr->Filter = newFilter; ctx.Trigger(Output); }
public unsafe void Execute <TCtx>(TCtx ctx, InputTriggerPort port) where TCtx : IGraphInstance { var entity = ctx.ReadEntity(Entity); if (entity == Unity.Entities.Entity.Null) { return; } if (!ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsMass>(entity) || !ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsVelocity>(entity)) { return; } PhysicsMass physicsMass = ctx.EntityManager.GetComponentData <PhysicsMass>(entity); PhysicsVelocity physicsVelocity = ctx.EntityManager.GetComponentData <PhysicsVelocity>(entity); if (LinearOnly) { physicsVelocity.ApplyLinearImpulse(physicsMass, ctx.ReadFloat3(Value)); } else { Translation t = ctx.EntityManager.GetComponentData <Translation>(entity); Rotation r = ctx.EntityManager.GetComponentData <Rotation>(entity); ComponentExtensions.ApplyImpulse(ref physicsVelocity, physicsMass, t, r, ctx.ReadFloat3(Value), ctx.ReadFloat3(Point)); } ctx.EntityManager.SetComponentData(entity, physicsVelocity); }
public unsafe void Execute <TCtx>(TCtx ctx, InputTriggerPort port) where TCtx : IGraphInstance { var entity = ctx.ReadEntity(Entity); if (entity == Unity.Entities.Entity.Null) { return; } if (!ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsCollider>(entity)) { return; } if (!ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsGravityFactor>(entity)) { ctx.EntityManager.AddComponent <PhysicsGravityFactor>(entity); } float gravityFactor = ctx.ReadFloat(Value); ctx.EntityManager.SetComponentData(entity, new PhysicsGravityFactor() { Value = gravityFactor }); ctx.Trigger(Output); }
public void Execute <TCtx>(TCtx ctx, InputTriggerPort port) where TCtx : IGraphInstance { var readValue = ctx.ReadValueOfType(Value, VariableType); ctx.Write(OutValue, readValue); ctx.Trigger(Output); }
public Execution Execute <TCtx>(TCtx ctx, InputTriggerPort port) where TCtx : IGraphInstance { Entity target = ctx.ReadEntity(Target); Assert.AreNotEqual(Entity.Null, target, "Referenced graph must have an entity"); int index = ctx.GetTriggeredIndex(Inputs, port); return(ctx.RunNestedGraph(this, target, index)); }
public unsafe void Execute <TCtx>(TCtx ctx, InputTriggerPort port) where TCtx : IGraphInstance { var entity = ctx.ReadEntity(Entity); if (entity == Unity.Entities.Entity.Null) { return; } if (!ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsCollider>(entity)) { return; } PhysicsCollider physicsCollider = ctx.EntityManager.GetComponentData <PhysicsCollider>(entity); Collider * colliderPtr = (Collider *)physicsCollider.Value.GetUnsafePtr(); if (!ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsGravityFactor>(entity)) { ctx.EntityManager.AddComponent <PhysicsGravityFactor>(entity); } float gravityFactor = ctx.ReadFloat(GravityFactor); ctx.EntityManager.SetComponentData(entity, new PhysicsGravityFactor() { Value = gravityFactor }); if (!ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsMass>(entity)) { ctx.EntityManager.AddComponent <PhysicsMass>(entity); } float mass = ctx.ReadFloat(Mass); ctx.EntityManager.SetComponentData(entity, PhysicsMass.CreateDynamic(colliderPtr->MassProperties, mass)); if (!ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsVelocity>(entity)) { ctx.EntityManager.AddComponent <PhysicsVelocity>(entity); } ctx.EntityManager.SetComponentData(entity, new PhysicsVelocity { Linear =, Angular = }); float drag = ctx.ReadFloat(Drag); float angularDrag = ctx.ReadFloat(AngularDrag); if (!ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsDamping>(entity)) { ctx.EntityManager.AddComponent <PhysicsDamping>(entity); } ctx.EntityManager.SetComponentData(entity, new PhysicsDamping { Linear = drag, Angular = angularDrag }); ctx.Trigger(Output); }
public void Execute <TCtx>(TCtx ctx, InputTriggerPort port) where TCtx : IGraphInstance { // MBRIAU: NOTES: // If the scale is only modified in the editor, the info is only stored in the CompositeScale // If the scale is modified by Scale, it's stored in Scale and CompositeScale is updated with that value // If the scale is modified by NonUniformScale, it's stored in NonUniformScale and CompositeScale is updated with that value // WEIRD CASES // if both are set, the CompositeScale is not properly updated with what is rendered! We need to make sure to avoid setting both NonUniformScale and UniformScale // TODO: Would be interesting to try to add a Scale/NonUniformScale and then remove the component to see how the CompositeScale behaves var entity = ctx.ReadEntity(GameObject); if (entity != Entity.Null) { // Important to read right now and get the right value before messing around with the scaling components of that entity Value v = ctx.ReadValue(Value); float3 newScale; if (v.Type == ValueType.Float) { newScale = new float3(v.Float, v.Float, v.Float); } else if (v.Type == ValueType.Int) { newScale = new float3(v.Int, v.Int, v.Int); } else if (v.Type == ValueType.Float3) { newScale = v.Float3; } else { // Simply return without triggering // TODO: Should display a warning or only allow float and float3 to be connected return; } NonUniformScale nus = new NonUniformScale { Value = newScale }; if (ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <Scale>(entity)) { ctx.EntityManager.RemoveComponent <Scale>(entity); } if (!ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <NonUniformScale>(entity)) { ctx.EntityManager.AddComponent <NonUniformScale>(entity); } ctx.EntityManager.SetComponentData(entity, nus); } ctx.Trigger(Output); }
public void Execute <TCtx>(TCtx ctx, InputTriggerPort port) where TCtx : IGraphInstance { var entity = ctx.ReadEntity(Entity); if (entity != Unity.Entities.Entity.Null) { ctx.EntityManager.SetEnabled(entity, false); } ctx.Trigger(Output); }
public void Execute <TCtx>(TCtx ctx, InputTriggerPort port) where TCtx : IGraphInstance { var entity = ctx.ReadEntity(Prefab); if (entity != Entity.Null) { var instantiated = ctx.EntityManager.Instantiate(entity); ctx.Write(Instantiated, instantiated); } ctx.Trigger(Output); }
public void Execute <TCtx>(TCtx ctx, InputTriggerPort port) where TCtx : IGraphInstance { var entity = ctx.ReadEntity(GameObject); if (entity != Entity.Null) { var t = ctx.EntityManager.GetComponentData <Translation>(entity); t.Value = ctx.ReadFloat3(Value); ctx.EntityManager.SetComponentData(entity, t); } ctx.Trigger(Output); }
public void Execute <TCtx>(TCtx ctx, InputTriggerPort port) where TCtx : IGraphInstance { var prefab = ctx.ReadEntity(Prefab); if (prefab == Entity.Null) { ctx.Trigger(Output); return; } var entity = ctx.EntityManager.Instantiate(prefab); var activated = ctx.ReadBool(Activate); ctx.EntityManager.SetEnabled(entity, activated); AddComponent(ctx, entity, new Translation { Value = ctx.ReadFloat3(Position) }); AddComponent(ctx, entity, new Rotation { Value = ctx.ReadQuaternion(Rotation) }); var scale = ctx.ReadFloat3(Scale); var isUniformScale = scale.x.Equals(scale.y) && scale.x.Equals(scale.z); if (isUniformScale) { if (ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <NonUniformScale>(entity)) { ctx.EntityManager.RemoveComponent <NonUniformScale>(entity); } AddComponent(ctx, entity, new Scale { Value = scale.x }); } else { if (ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <Scale>(entity)) { ctx.EntityManager.RemoveComponent <Scale>(entity); } AddComponent(ctx, entity, new NonUniformScale { Value = scale }); } ctx.Write(Instantiated, entity); ctx.Trigger(Output); }
public unsafe Execution Execute <TCtx>(TCtx ctx, InputTriggerPort port) where TCtx : IGraphInstance { var entity = ctx.ReadEntity(Entity); if (entity == Unity.Entities.Entity.Null) { return(Execution.Done); } if (!ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsCollider>(entity)) { return(Execution.Done); } ref State state = ref ctx.GetState(this);
public unsafe void Execute <TCtx>(TCtx ctx, InputTriggerPort port) where TCtx : IGraphInstance { var entity = ctx.ReadEntity(Entity); if (entity == Unity.Entities.Entity.Null) { return; } if (!ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsCollider>(entity)) { return; } // No mass (infinite) if (ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsMass>(entity)) { ctx.EntityManager.RemoveComponent <PhysicsMass>(entity); } // No damping (animated) if (ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsDamping>(entity)) { ctx.EntityManager.RemoveComponent <PhysicsDamping>(entity); } // No gravity (actually need a component to "remove" the gravity) if (!ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsGravityFactor>(entity)) { ctx.EntityManager.AddComponent <PhysicsGravityFactor>(entity); } ctx.EntityManager.SetComponentData(entity, new PhysicsGravityFactor() { Value = 0 }); // Let's set the Velocity to zero only if it hasn't been set yet (MBriau: not sure if it should always be set to zero or maybe add an option) if (!ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsVelocity>(entity)) { ctx.EntityManager.AddComponentData(entity, new PhysicsVelocity() { Linear =, Angular = }); } ctx.Trigger(Output); }
public void Execute <TCtx>(TCtx ctx, InputTriggerPort port) where TCtx : IGraphInstance { Assert.AreEqual(Input.Port.Index, port.Port.Index); string message = null; for (uint i = 0; i < Messages.DataCount; i++) { ConcatToMessage(ctx, ctx.ReadValue(Messages.SelectPort(i)), ref message); } if (message != null) { Debug.Log(message); } ctx.Trigger(Output); }
public void Execute <TCtx>(TCtx ctx, InputTriggerPort port) where TCtx : IGraphInstance { bool anyMatched = false; var val = ctx.ReadInt(Selector); for (uint i = 0; i < SwitchValues.DataCount; i++) { if (ctx.ReadInt(SwitchValues.SelectPort(i)) == val) { ctx.Trigger(SwitchTriggers.SelectPort(i)); anyMatched = true; } } if (!anyMatched) { ctx.Trigger(Default); } }
public Execution Execute <TCtx>(TCtx ctx, InputTriggerPort port) where TCtx : IGraphInstance { var go = ctx.ReadEntity(GameObject); if (go == Entity.Null) { go = ctx.CurrentEntity; } if (!ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <Child>(go)) { ctx.Write(Child, Entity.Null); ctx.Write(ChildIndex, -1); ctx.Trigger(Done); return(Execution.Done); } ref State state = ref ctx.GetState(this);
public void Execute <TCtx>(TCtx ctx, InputTriggerPort port) where TCtx : IGraphInstance { var entity = ctx.ReadEntity(GameObject); if (entity != Entity.Null) { // Make sure that the entity has a Rotation if (!ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <Rotation>(entity)) { ctx.EntityManager.AddComponent <Rotation>(entity); } Rotation r = new Rotation { Value = ctx.ReadQuaternion(Value) }; ctx.EntityManager.SetComponentData(entity, r); } ctx.Trigger(Output); }
public unsafe void Execute <TCtx>(TCtx ctx, InputTriggerPort port) where TCtx : IGraphInstance { var entity = ctx.ReadEntity(Entity); if (entity == Unity.Entities.Entity.Null) { return; } if (!ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsVelocity>(entity) || !ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsVelocity>(entity)) { return; } PhysicsVelocity physicsVelocity = ctx.EntityManager.GetComponentData <PhysicsVelocity>(entity); PhysicsMass physicsMass = ctx.EntityManager.GetComponentData <PhysicsMass>(entity); physicsVelocity.ApplyLinearImpulse(physicsMass, ctx.ReadFloat3(Value)); ctx.EntityManager.SetComponentData(entity, physicsVelocity); }
public unsafe void Execute <TCtx>(TCtx ctx, InputTriggerPort port) where TCtx : IGraphInstance { var entity = ctx.ReadEntity(Entity); if (entity == Unity.Entities.Entity.Null) { return; } if (!ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsCollider>(entity)) { return; } PhysicsCollider physicsCollider = ctx.EntityManager.GetComponentData <PhysicsCollider>(entity); Collider * colliderPtr = (Collider *)physicsCollider.Value.GetUnsafePtr(); colliderPtr->Filter = CollisionFilter.Default; ctx.Trigger(Output); }
public unsafe void Execute <TCtx>(TCtx ctx, InputTriggerPort port) where TCtx : IGraphInstance { var entity = ctx.ReadEntity(Entity); if (entity == Unity.Entities.Entity.Null) { return; } if (!ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsMass>(entity) || !ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsCollider>(entity)) { return; } PhysicsCollider physicsCollider = ctx.EntityManager.GetComponentData <PhysicsCollider>(entity); float newMass = ctx.ReadFloat(Mass); Collider *colliderPtr = (Collider *)physicsCollider.Value.GetUnsafePtr(); ctx.EntityManager.SetComponentData(entity, PhysicsMass.CreateDynamic(colliderPtr->MassProperties, newMass)); }
public unsafe void Execute <TCtx>(TCtx ctx, InputTriggerPort port) where TCtx : IGraphInstance { var entity = ctx.ReadEntity(Entity); if (entity == Unity.Entities.Entity.Null) { return; } if (!ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsCollider>(entity)) { return; } if (!ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsVelocity>(entity)) { return; } PhysicsCollider physicsCollider = ctx.EntityManager.GetComponentData <PhysicsCollider>(entity); Collider *colliderPtr = (Collider *)physicsCollider.Value.GetUnsafePtr(); float3 linearVelocity = ctx.ReadFloat3(Linear); float3 angularVelocity = ctx.ReadFloat3(Angular); // TODO: MBRIAU: Make sure to understand exactly what's going on here // Calculate the angular velocity in local space from rotation and world angular velocity float3 angularVelocityLocal = math.mul(math.inverse(colliderPtr->MassProperties.MassDistribution.Transform.rot), angularVelocity); ctx.EntityManager.SetComponentData(entity, new PhysicsVelocity() { Linear = linearVelocity, Angular = angularVelocityLocal }); ctx.Trigger(Output); }
public unsafe void Execute <TCtx>(TCtx ctx, InputTriggerPort port) where TCtx : IGraphInstance { var entity = ctx.ReadEntity(Entity); if (entity == Unity.Entities.Entity.Null) { return; } if (!ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsCollider>(entity)) { return; } if (ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsGravityFactor>(entity)) { ctx.EntityManager.RemoveComponent <PhysicsGravityFactor>(entity); } if (ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsMass>(entity)) { ctx.EntityManager.RemoveComponent <PhysicsMass>(entity); } if (ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsVelocity>(entity)) { ctx.EntityManager.RemoveComponent <PhysicsVelocity>(entity); } if (ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsDamping>(entity)) { ctx.EntityManager.RemoveComponent <PhysicsDamping>(entity); } ctx.Trigger(Output); }
public void Execute <TCtx>(TCtx ctx, InputTriggerPort port) where TCtx : IGraphInstance { ctx.Trigger(ctx.ReadBool(Condition) ? IfTrue : IfFalse); }
public void Execute <TCtx>(TCtx ctx, InputTriggerPort port) where TCtx : IGraphInstance { ctx.Write(State, port.GetPort().Index == SetTrue.GetPort().Index); ctx.Trigger(Done); }
public Execution Execute <TCtx>(TCtx ctx, InputTriggerPort port) where TCtx : IGraphInstance { Execution Result = ctx.IsNodeCurrentlyScheduledForUpdate() ? Execution.Running : Execution.Done; ref WaitState state = ref ctx.GetState(this);
Execution IStateFlowNode.Execute <TCtx>(TCtx ctx, InputTriggerPort port) { return(ctx.TriggerGraphOutput(OutputIndex)); }
public Execution Execute <TCtx>(TCtx ctx, InputTriggerPort port) where TCtx : IGraphInstance { ref State state = ref ctx.GetState(this);
public Edge(OutputTriggerPort output, InputTriggerPort input) { Output = output.Port; Input = input.Port; }