예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Raises the <see cref="E:System.Web.UI.Control.Init" /> event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">An <see cref="T:System.EventArgs" /> object that contains the event data.</param>
        protected override void OnInit( EventArgs e )
            base.OnInit( e );

            ddlTitle.BindToDefinedType( DefinedTypeCache.Read( new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedType.PERSON_TITLE ) ), true );
            ddlSuffix.BindToDefinedType( DefinedTypeCache.Read( new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedType.PERSON_SUFFIX ) ), true );
            rblMaritalStatus.BindToDefinedType( DefinedTypeCache.Read( new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedType.PERSON_MARITAL_STATUS ) ) );
            rblStatus.BindToDefinedType( DefinedTypeCache.Read( new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedType.PERSON_CONNECTION_STATUS ) ) );
            ddlRecordStatus.BindToDefinedType( DefinedTypeCache.Read( new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedType.PERSON_RECORD_STATUS ) ) );
            ddlReason.BindToDefinedType( DefinedTypeCache.Read( new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedType.PERSON_RECORD_STATUS_REASON ) ), true );

            ddlGivingGroup.Items.Add( new ListItem( None.Text, None.IdValue ) );
            if ( Person != null )
                var personService = new PersonService();
                foreach ( var family in personService.GetFamilies( Person ) )
                    ddlGivingGroup.Items.Add( new ListItem( family.Name, family.Id.ToString() ) );
예제 #2
        private Person GetPersonOrBusiness( Person person )
            if ( person != null && phGiveAsOption.Visible && !tglGiveAsOption.Checked )
                var rockContext = new RockContext();
                var personService = new PersonService( rockContext );
                var groupService = new GroupService( rockContext );
                var groupMemberService = new GroupMemberService( rockContext );

                Group familyGroup = null;

                Person business = null;
                int? businessId = cblBusiness.SelectedValueAsInt();
                if ( businessId.HasValue )
                    business = personService.Get( businessId.Value );

                if ( business == null )
                    DefinedValueCache dvcConnectionStatus = DefinedValueCache.Read( GetAttributeValue( "ConnectionStatus" ).AsGuid() );
                    DefinedValueCache dvcRecordStatus = DefinedValueCache.Read( GetAttributeValue( "RecordStatus" ).AsGuid() );

                    // Create Person
                    business = new Person();
                    business.LastName = txtLastName.Text;
                    business.IsEmailActive = true;
                    business.EmailPreference = EmailPreference.EmailAllowed;
                    business.RecordTypeValueId = DefinedValueCache.Read( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.PERSON_RECORD_TYPE_BUSINESS.AsGuid() ).Id;
                    if ( dvcConnectionStatus != null )
                        business.ConnectionStatusValueId = dvcConnectionStatus.Id;

                    if ( dvcRecordStatus != null )
                        business.RecordStatusValueId = dvcRecordStatus.Id;

                    // Create Person/Family
                    familyGroup = PersonService.SaveNewPerson( business, rockContext, null, false );

                    // Get the relationship roles to use
                    var knownRelationshipGroupType = GroupTypeCache.Read( Rock.SystemGuid.GroupType.GROUPTYPE_KNOWN_RELATIONSHIPS.AsGuid() );
                    int businessContactRoleId = knownRelationshipGroupType.Roles
                        .Where( r =>
                            r.Guid.Equals( Rock.SystemGuid.GroupRole.GROUPROLE_KNOWN_RELATIONSHIPS_BUSINESS_CONTACT.AsGuid() ) )
                        .Select( r => r.Id )
                    int businessRoleId = knownRelationshipGroupType.Roles
                        .Where( r =>
                            r.Guid.Equals( Rock.SystemGuid.GroupRole.GROUPROLE_KNOWN_RELATIONSHIPS_BUSINESS.AsGuid() ) )
                        .Select( r => r.Id )
                    int ownerRoleId = knownRelationshipGroupType.Roles
                        .Where( r =>
                            r.Guid.Equals( Rock.SystemGuid.GroupRole.GROUPROLE_KNOWN_RELATIONSHIPS_OWNER.AsGuid() ) )
                        .Select( r => r.Id )

                    if ( ownerRoleId > 0 && businessContactRoleId > 0 && businessRoleId > 0 )
                        // get the known relationship group of the business contact
                        // add the business as a group member of that group using the group role of GROUPROLE_KNOWN_RELATIONSHIPS_BUSINESS
                        var contactKnownRelationshipGroup = groupMemberService.Queryable()
                            .Where( g =>
                                g.GroupRoleId == ownerRoleId &&
                                g.PersonId == person.Id )
                            .Select( g => g.Group )
                        if ( contactKnownRelationshipGroup == null )
                            // In some cases person may not yet have a know relationship group type
                            contactKnownRelationshipGroup = new Group();
                            groupService.Add( contactKnownRelationshipGroup );
                            contactKnownRelationshipGroup.Name = "Known Relationship";
                            contactKnownRelationshipGroup.GroupTypeId = knownRelationshipGroupType.Id;

                            var ownerMember = new GroupMember();
                            ownerMember.PersonId = person.Id;
                            ownerMember.GroupRoleId = ownerRoleId;
                            contactKnownRelationshipGroup.Members.Add( ownerMember );
                        var groupMember = new GroupMember();
                        groupMember.PersonId = business.Id;
                        groupMember.GroupRoleId = businessRoleId;
                        contactKnownRelationshipGroup.Members.Add( groupMember );

                        // get the known relationship group of the business
                        // add the business contact as a group member of that group using the group role of GROUPROLE_KNOWN_RELATIONSHIPS_BUSINESS_CONTACT
                        var businessKnownRelationshipGroup = groupMemberService.Queryable()
                            .Where( g =>
                                g.GroupRole.Guid.Equals( new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.GroupRole.GROUPROLE_KNOWN_RELATIONSHIPS_OWNER ) ) &&
                                g.PersonId == business.Id )
                            .Select( g => g.Group )
                        if ( businessKnownRelationshipGroup == null )
                            // In some cases business may not yet have a know relationship group type
                            businessKnownRelationshipGroup = new Group();
                            groupService.Add( businessKnownRelationshipGroup );
                            businessKnownRelationshipGroup.Name = "Known Relationship";
                            businessKnownRelationshipGroup.GroupTypeId = knownRelationshipGroupType.Id;

                            var ownerMember = new GroupMember();
                            ownerMember.PersonId = business.Id;
                            ownerMember.GroupRoleId = ownerRoleId;
                            businessKnownRelationshipGroup.Members.Add( ownerMember );
                        var businessGroupMember = new GroupMember();
                        businessGroupMember.PersonId = person.Id;
                        businessGroupMember.GroupRoleId = businessContactRoleId;
                        businessKnownRelationshipGroup.Members.Add( businessGroupMember );


                business.LastName = txtBusinessName.Text;
                business.Email = txtEmail.Text;

                if ( GetAttributeValue( "DisplayPhone" ).AsBooleanOrNull() ?? false )
                    var numberTypeId = DefinedValueCache.Read( new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.PERSON_PHONE_TYPE_WORK ) ).Id;
                    var phone = business.PhoneNumbers.FirstOrDefault( p => p.NumberTypeValueId == numberTypeId );
                    if ( phone == null )
                        phone = new PhoneNumber();
                        business.PhoneNumbers.Add( phone );
                        phone.NumberTypeValueId = numberTypeId;
                    phone.CountryCode = PhoneNumber.CleanNumber( pnbPhone.CountryCode );
                    phone.Number = PhoneNumber.CleanNumber( pnbPhone.Number );

                if ( familyGroup == null )
                    var groupLocationService = new GroupLocationService( rockContext );
                    if ( GroupLocationId.HasValue )
                        familyGroup = groupLocationService.Queryable()
                            .Where( gl => gl.Id == GroupLocationId.Value )
                            .Select( gl => gl.Group )
                        familyGroup = personService.GetFamilies( business.Id ).FirstOrDefault();


                if ( familyGroup != null )
                        acAddress.Street1, acAddress.Street2, acAddress.City, acAddress.State, acAddress.PostalCode, acAddress.Country,
                        false );

                return business;

            return person;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the person.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="create">if set to <c>true</c> [create].</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Person GetPerson( bool create )
            Person person = null;
            var rockContext = new RockContext();
            var personService = new PersonService( rockContext );

            Group familyGroup = null;

            int personId = ViewState["PersonId"] as int? ?? 0;
            if ( personId == 0 && _targetPerson != null )
                personId = _targetPerson.Id;

            if ( personId != 0 )
                person = personService.Get( personId );

            if ( create && ( !phGiveAsOption.Visible || tglGiveAsOption.Checked ) ) // If tglGiveOption is not checked, then person should not be null
                if ( person == null )
                    // Check to see if there's only one person with same email, first name, and last name
                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( txtEmail.Text ) &&
                        !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( txtFirstName.Text ) &&
                        !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( txtLastName.Text ) )
                        // Same logic as CreatePledge.ascx.cs
                        var personMatches = personService.GetByMatch( txtFirstName.Text, txtLastName.Text, txtEmail.Text );
                        if ( personMatches.Count() == 1 )
                            person = personMatches.FirstOrDefault();
                            person = null;

                    if ( person == null )
                        DefinedValueCache dvcConnectionStatus = DefinedValueCache.Read( GetAttributeValue( "ConnectionStatus" ).AsGuid() );
                        DefinedValueCache dvcRecordStatus = DefinedValueCache.Read( GetAttributeValue( "RecordStatus" ).AsGuid() );

                        // Create Person
                        person = new Person();
                        person.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text;
                        person.LastName = txtLastName.Text;
                        person.IsEmailActive = true;
                        person.EmailPreference = EmailPreference.EmailAllowed;
                        person.RecordTypeValueId = DefinedValueCache.Read( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.PERSON_RECORD_TYPE_PERSON.AsGuid() ).Id;
                        if ( dvcConnectionStatus != null )
                            person.ConnectionStatusValueId = dvcConnectionStatus.Id;

                        if ( dvcRecordStatus != null )
                            person.RecordStatusValueId = dvcRecordStatus.Id;

                        // Create Person/Family
                        familyGroup = PersonService.SaveNewPerson( person, rockContext, null, false );

                    ViewState["PersonId"] = person != null ? person.Id : 0;

            if ( create && person != null ) // person should never be null at this point
                person.Email = txtEmail.Text;

                if ( GetAttributeValue( "DisplayPhone" ).AsBooleanOrNull() ?? false )
                    var numberTypeId = DefinedValueCache.Read( new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.PERSON_PHONE_TYPE_HOME ) ).Id;
                    var phone = person.PhoneNumbers.FirstOrDefault( p => p.NumberTypeValueId == numberTypeId );
                    if ( phone == null )
                        phone = new PhoneNumber();
                        person.PhoneNumbers.Add( phone );
                        phone.NumberTypeValueId = numberTypeId;
                    phone.CountryCode = PhoneNumber.CleanNumber( pnbPhone.CountryCode );
                    phone.Number = PhoneNumber.CleanNumber( pnbPhone.Number );

                if ( familyGroup == null )
                    var groupLocationService = new GroupLocationService( rockContext );
                    if ( GroupLocationId.HasValue )
                        familyGroup = groupLocationService.Queryable()
                            .Where( gl => gl.Id == GroupLocationId.Value )
                            .Select( gl => gl.Group )
                        familyGroup = personService.GetFamilies( person.Id ).FirstOrDefault();


                if ( familyGroup != null )
                        GetAttributeValue( "AddressType" ),
                        acAddress.Street1, acAddress.Street2, acAddress.City, acAddress.State, acAddress.PostalCode, acAddress.Country,
                        true );

            return person;
예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Loads the person preview.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="personId">The person identifier.</param>
 private void LoadPersonPreview( int? personId )
     string previewHtmlDetails = string.Empty;
     var rockContext = new RockContext();
     var person = new PersonService( rockContext ).Get( personId ?? 0 );
     pnlPreview.Visible = person != null;
     if ( person != null )
         lPersonName.Text = person.FullName;
         var spouse = person.GetSpouse( rockContext );
         lSpouseName.Text = spouse != null ? string.Format( "<strong>Spouse: </strong>{0}", spouse.FullName ) : string.Empty;
         rptrAddresses.DataSource = person.GetFamilies().SelectMany( a => a.GroupLocations ).ToList();
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Raises the <see cref="E:System.Web.UI.Control.Init" /> event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">An <see cref="T:System.EventArgs" /> object that contains the event data.</param>
        protected override void OnInit( EventArgs e )
            base.OnInit( e );

            ddlTitle.BindToDefinedType( DefinedTypeCache.Read( new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedType.PERSON_TITLE ) ), true );
            ddlSuffix.BindToDefinedType( DefinedTypeCache.Read( new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedType.PERSON_SUFFIX ) ), true );
            rblMaritalStatus.BindToDefinedType( DefinedTypeCache.Read( new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedType.PERSON_MARITAL_STATUS ) ) );
            rblStatus.BindToDefinedType( DefinedTypeCache.Read( new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedType.PERSON_CONNECTION_STATUS ) ) );
            ddlRecordStatus.BindToDefinedType( DefinedTypeCache.Read( new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedType.PERSON_RECORD_STATUS ) ) );
            ddlReason.BindToDefinedType( DefinedTypeCache.Read( new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedType.PERSON_RECORD_STATUS_REASON ) ), true );

            ddlGivingGroup.Items.Add( new ListItem( None.Text, None.IdValue ) );
            if ( Person != null )
                var personService = new PersonService( new RockContext() );
                foreach ( var family in personService.GetFamilies( Person.Id ) )
                    ddlGivingGroup.Items.Add( new ListItem( family.Name, family.Id.ToString() ) );

            DateTime? gradeTransitionDate = GlobalAttributesCache.Read().GetValue( "GradeTransitionDate" ).AsDateTime();
            if (gradeTransitionDate.HasValue)
                _gradeTransitionDate = gradeTransitionDate.Value;

            ddlGrade.Items.Add( new ListItem( "", "" ) );
            ddlGrade.Items.Add( new ListItem( "K", "0" ) );
            ddlGrade.Items.Add( new ListItem( "1st", "1" ) );
            ddlGrade.Items.Add( new ListItem( "2nd", "2" ) );
            ddlGrade.Items.Add( new ListItem( "3rd", "3" ) );
            ddlGrade.Items.Add( new ListItem( "4th", "4" ) );
            ddlGrade.Items.Add( new ListItem( "5th", "5" ) );
            ddlGrade.Items.Add( new ListItem( "6th", "6" ) );
            ddlGrade.Items.Add( new ListItem( "7th", "7" ) );
            ddlGrade.Items.Add( new ListItem( "8th", "8" ) );
            ddlGrade.Items.Add( new ListItem( "9th", "9" ) );
            ddlGrade.Items.Add( new ListItem( "10th", "10" ) );
            ddlGrade.Items.Add( new ListItem( "11th", "11" ) );
            ddlGrade.Items.Add( new ListItem( "12th", "12" ) );

            int gradeFactorReactor = ( RockDateTime.Now < _gradeTransitionDate ) ? 12 : 13;

            string script = string.Format( @"
            if ($(this).val() != '') {{
            $('#{1}').val( {2} + ( {3} - parseInt( $(this).val() ) ) );


            if ($(this).val() == '') {{
            }} else {{
            var grade = {3} - ( parseInt( $(this).val() ) - {4} );
            if (grade >= 0 && grade <= 12) {{
            }} else {{

            ", ddlGrade.ClientID, ypGraduation.ClientID, _gradeTransitionDate.Year, gradeFactorReactor, RockDateTime.Now.Year );
            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript( ddlGrade, ddlGrade.GetType(), "grade-selection-" + BlockId.ToString(), script, true );

            string smsScript = @"
            $('.js-sms-number').click(function () {
            if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
            $('.js-sms-number').not($(this)).prop('checked', false);
            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript( rContactInfo, rContactInfo.GetType(), "sms-number-" + BlockId.ToString(), smsScript, true );
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// logic to setup the groups location entry panel
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="group">The group.</param>
        private void ConfigureGroupLocationControls( Group group )
            var rockContext = new RockContext();

            var groupType = GroupTypeCache.Read( group.GroupTypeId );
            if ( groupType != null )
                // only allow editing groups with single locations
                if ( !groupType.AllowMultipleLocations )
                    GroupLocationPickerMode groupTypeModes = groupType.LocationSelectionMode;
                    if ( groupTypeModes != GroupLocationPickerMode.None )
                        // Set the location picker modes allowed based on the group type's allowed modes
                        LocationPickerMode modes = LocationPickerMode.None;
                        if ( ( groupTypeModes & GroupLocationPickerMode.Named ) == GroupLocationPickerMode.Named )
                            modes = modes | LocationPickerMode.Named;

                        if ( ( groupTypeModes & GroupLocationPickerMode.Address ) == GroupLocationPickerMode.Address )
                            modes = modes | LocationPickerMode.Address;

                        if ( ( groupTypeModes & GroupLocationPickerMode.Point ) == GroupLocationPickerMode.Point )
                            modes = modes | LocationPickerMode.Point;

                        if ( ( groupTypeModes & GroupLocationPickerMode.Polygon ) == GroupLocationPickerMode.Polygon )
                            modes = modes | LocationPickerMode.Polygon;

                        bool displayMemberTab = ( groupTypeModes & GroupLocationPickerMode.GroupMember ) == GroupLocationPickerMode.GroupMember;
                        bool displayOtherTab = modes != LocationPickerMode.None;

                        ulNav.Visible = displayOtherTab && displayMemberTab;
                        pnlMemberSelect.Visible = displayMemberTab;
                        pnlLocationSelect.Visible = displayOtherTab && !displayMemberTab;

                        if ( displayMemberTab )
                            var personService = new PersonService( rockContext );
                            Guid previousLocationType = Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.GROUP_LOCATION_TYPE_PREVIOUS.AsGuid();

                            foreach ( GroupMember member in new GroupMemberService( rockContext ).GetByGroupId( group.Id ) )
                                foreach ( Group family in personService.GetFamilies( member.PersonId ) )
                                    foreach ( GroupLocation familyGroupLocation in family.GroupLocations
                                        .Where( l => l.IsMappedLocation && !l.GroupLocationTypeValue.Guid.Equals( previousLocationType ) ) )
                                        ListItem li = new ListItem(
                                            string.Format( "{0} {1} ({2})", member.Person.FullName, familyGroupLocation.GroupLocationTypeValue.Value, familyGroupLocation.Location.ToString() ),
                                            string.Format( "{0}|{1}", familyGroupLocation.Location.Id, member.PersonId ) );

                                        ddlMember.Items.Add( li );

                        if ( displayOtherTab )
                            locpGroupLocation.AllowedPickerModes = modes;

                        ddlLocationType.DataSource = groupType.LocationTypeValues.ToList();

                        LocationTypeTab = ( displayMemberTab && ddlMember.Items.Count > 0 ) ? MEMBER_LOCATION_TAB_TITLE : OTHER_LOCATION_TAB_TITLE;

                        var groupLocation = group.GroupLocations.FirstOrDefault();
                        if ( groupLocation != null && groupLocation.Location != null )
                            if ( displayOtherTab )
                                locpGroupLocation.CurrentPickerMode = locpGroupLocation.GetBestPickerModeForLocation( groupLocation.Location );

                                locpGroupLocation.MapStyleValueGuid = GetAttributeValue( "MapStyle" ).AsGuid();

                                if ( groupLocation.Location != null )
                                    locpGroupLocation.Location = new LocationService( rockContext ).Get( groupLocation.Location.Id );

                            if ( displayMemberTab && ddlMember.Items.Count > 0 && groupLocation.GroupMemberPersonAliasId.HasValue )
                                LocationTypeTab = MEMBER_LOCATION_TAB_TITLE;
                                int? personId = new PersonAliasService( rockContext ).GetPersonId( groupLocation.GroupMemberPersonAliasId.Value );
                                if ( personId.HasValue )
                                    ddlMember.SetValue( string.Format( "{0}|{1}", groupLocation.LocationId, personId.Value ) );
                            else if ( displayOtherTab )
                                LocationTypeTab = OTHER_LOCATION_TAB_TITLE;

                            ddlLocationType.SetValue( groupLocation.GroupLocationTypeValueId );
                            LocationTypeTab = ( displayMemberTab && ddlMember.Items.Count > 0 ) ? MEMBER_LOCATION_TAB_TITLE : OTHER_LOCATION_TAB_TITLE;

                        rptLocationTypes.DataSource = _tabs;

                    lContent.Text = "<div class='alert alert-warning'>This editor only allows editing groups with a single location.</div>";
예제 #7
        public IQueryable<GuestFamily> GetGuestsForFamily( int groupId )
            Guid knownRelationshipGuid = new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.GroupType.GROUPTYPE_KNOWN_RELATIONSHIPS );
            Guid knownRelationshipOwner = new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.GroupRole.GROUPROLE_KNOWN_RELATIONSHIPS_OWNER );
            Guid knownRelationshipCanCheckin = new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.GroupRole.GROUPROLE_KNOWN_RELATIONSHIPS_CAN_CHECK_IN );

            RockContext rockContext = new RockContext();
            GroupMemberService groupMemberService = new GroupMemberService( rockContext );
            PersonService personService = new PersonService( rockContext );

            var familyMembers = groupMemberService.Queryable()
                                    .Where( f => f.GroupId == groupId )
                                    .Select( f => f.PersonId );

            var familyMembersKnownRelationshipGroups = new GroupMemberService( rockContext ).Queryable()
                                    .Where( g => g.Group.GroupType.Guid == knownRelationshipGuid
                                                    && g.GroupRole.Guid == knownRelationshipOwner
                                                    && familyMembers.Contains( g.PersonId ) )
                                    .Select( m => m.GroupId );
            rockContext.Database.Log = s => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( s );
            var guests = groupMemberService.Queryable()
                                    .Where( g => g.GroupRole.Guid == knownRelationshipCanCheckin
                                                    && familyMembersKnownRelationshipGroups.Contains( g.GroupId ) )
                                    .Select( g => g.PersonId )

            var guestFamilies = new List<GuestFamily>();
            rockContext.Database.Log = null;
            foreach ( var guestPersonId in guests )
                var families = personService.GetFamilies( guestPersonId );

                foreach ( var family in families )
                    if ( !guestFamilies.Select( f => f.Id ).Contains( family.Id ) )
                        GuestFamily guestFamily = new GuestFamily();
                        guestFamily.Id = family.Id;
                        guestFamily.Guid = family.Guid;
                        guestFamily.Name = family.Name;

                        guestFamily.FamilyMembers = new List<GuestFamilyMember>();
                        foreach ( var familyMember in family.Members )
                            GuestFamilyMember guestFamilyMember = new GuestFamilyMember();
                            guestFamilyMember.Id = familyMember.PersonId;
                            guestFamilyMember.PersonAliasId = familyMember.Person.PrimaryAliasId.Value;
                            guestFamilyMember.Guid = familyMember.Person.Guid;
                            guestFamilyMember.FirstName = familyMember.Person.NickName;
                            guestFamilyMember.LastName = familyMember.Person.LastName;
                            guestFamilyMember.PhotoUrl = familyMember.Person.PhotoUrl;
                            guestFamilyMember.CanCheckin = guests.Contains( familyMember.PersonId );
                            guestFamilyMember.Role = familyMember.GroupRole.Name;
                            guestFamilyMember.Age = familyMember.Person.Age;
                            guestFamilyMember.Gender = familyMember.Person.Gender;

                            guestFamily.FamilyMembers.Add( guestFamilyMember );

                        guestFamilies.Add( guestFamily );

            return guestFamilies.AsQueryable();
예제 #8
        public IQueryable<FamilySearchResult> GetFamiliesByPersonNameSearch( string searchString, int maxResults = 20 )
            bool reversed;

            RockContext rockContext = new RockContext();
            PersonService personService = new PersonService( rockContext );
            Guid homeAddressGuid = Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.GROUP_LOCATION_TYPE_HOME.AsGuid();

            // get list of people matching the search string
            IOrderedQueryable<Person> sortedPersonQry = personService
                .GetByFullNameOrdered( searchString, true, false, false, out reversed );

            var personResults = sortedPersonQry.AsNoTracking().ToList();

            List<FamilySearchResult> familyResults = new List<FamilySearchResult>();
            foreach ( var person in personResults )
                var families = personService.GetFamilies( person.Id )
                                    .Select( f => new FamilySearchResult
                                                            Id = f.Id,
                                                            Name = f.Name,
                                                            FamilyMembers = f.Members.ToList(),
                                                            HomeLocation = f.GroupLocations
                                                                            .Where( l => l.GroupLocationTypeValue.Guid == homeAddressGuid )
                                                                            .OrderByDescending( l => l.IsMailingLocation )
                                                                            .Select( l => l.Location )
                                                            MainPhone = f.Members
                                                                            .OrderBy( m => m.GroupRole.Order )
                                                                            .ThenBy( m => m.Person.Gender )
                                                                            .Person.PhoneNumbers.OrderBy( p => p.NumberTypeValue.Order ).FirstOrDefault()
                                                        } )

                foreach ( var family in families )
                    familyResults.Add( family );

            return familyResults.DistinctBy( f => f.Id ).AsQueryable();
        /// <summary>
        /// Gs the locations_ show edit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="locationGuid">The location unique identifier.</param>
        protected void gLocations_ShowEdit( Guid locationGuid )
            var rockContext = new RockContext();

            int? groupTypeId = ddlGroupType.SelectedValueAsId();
            if ( groupTypeId.HasValue )
                var groupType = GroupTypeCache.Read( groupTypeId.Value );
                if ( groupType != null )
                    GroupLocationPickerMode groupTypeModes = groupType.LocationSelectionMode;
                    if ( groupTypeModes != GroupLocationPickerMode.None )
                        // Set the location picker modes allowed based on the group type's allowed modes
                        LocationPickerMode modes = LocationPickerMode.None;
                        if ( ( groupTypeModes & GroupLocationPickerMode.Named ) == GroupLocationPickerMode.Named )
                            modes = modes | LocationPickerMode.Named;

                        if ( ( groupTypeModes & GroupLocationPickerMode.Address ) == GroupLocationPickerMode.Address )
                            modes = modes | LocationPickerMode.Address;

                        if ( ( groupTypeModes & GroupLocationPickerMode.Point ) == GroupLocationPickerMode.Point )
                            modes = modes | LocationPickerMode.Point;

                        if ( ( groupTypeModes & GroupLocationPickerMode.Polygon ) == GroupLocationPickerMode.Polygon )
                            modes = modes | LocationPickerMode.Polygon;

                        bool displayMemberTab = ( groupTypeModes & GroupLocationPickerMode.GroupMember ) == GroupLocationPickerMode.GroupMember;
                        bool displayOtherTab = modes != LocationPickerMode.None;

                        ulNav.Visible = displayOtherTab && displayMemberTab;
                        pnlMemberSelect.Visible = displayMemberTab;
                        pnlLocationSelect.Visible = displayOtherTab && !displayMemberTab;

                        if ( displayMemberTab )
                            int groupId = hfGroupId.ValueAsInt();
                            if ( groupId != 0 )
                                var personService = new PersonService( rockContext );
                                Guid previousLocationType = Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.GROUP_LOCATION_TYPE_PREVIOUS.AsGuid();

                                foreach ( GroupMember member in new GroupMemberService( rockContext ).GetByGroupId( groupId ) )
                                    foreach ( Group family in personService.GetFamilies( member.PersonId ) )
                                        foreach ( GroupLocation familyGroupLocation in family.GroupLocations
                                            .Where( l => l.IsMappedLocation && !l.GroupLocationTypeValue.Guid.Equals( previousLocationType ) ) )
                                            ListItem li = new ListItem(
                                                string.Format( "{0} {1} ({2})", member.Person.FullName, familyGroupLocation.GroupLocationTypeValue.Name, familyGroupLocation.Location.ToString() ),
                                                string.Format( "{0}|{1}", familyGroupLocation.Location.Id, member.PersonId ) );

                                            ddlMember.Items.Add( li );

                        if ( displayOtherTab )
                            locpGroupLocation.AllowedPickerModes = modes;

                        ddlLocationType.DataSource = groupType.LocationTypeValues.ToList();

                        var groupLocation = GroupLocationsState.FirstOrDefault( l => l.Guid.Equals( locationGuid ) );
                        if ( groupLocation != null && groupLocation.Location != null )
                            if ( displayOtherTab )
                                locpGroupLocation.CurrentPickerMode = locpGroupLocation.GetBestPickerModeForLocation( groupLocation.Location );

                                locpGroupLocation.MapStyleValueGuid = GetAttributeValue( "MapStyle" ).AsGuid();

                                if ( groupLocation.Location != null )
                                    locpGroupLocation.Location = new LocationService( rockContext ).Get( groupLocation.Location.Id );

                            if ( displayMemberTab && ddlMember.Items.Count > 0 && groupLocation.GroupMemberPersonId.HasValue )
                                ddlMember.SetValue( string.Format( "{0}|{1}", groupLocation.LocationId, groupLocation.GroupMemberPersonId ) );
                                LocationTypeTab = MEMBER_LOCATION_TAB_TITLE;
                            else if ( displayOtherTab )
                                LocationTypeTab = OTHER_LOCATION_TAB_TITLE;

                            ddlLocationType.SetValue( groupLocation.GroupLocationTypeValueId );

                            hfAddLocationGroupGuid.Value = locationGuid.ToString();
                            hfAddLocationGroupGuid.Value = string.Empty;
                            LocationTypeTab = ( displayMemberTab && ddlMember.Items.Count > 0 ) ? MEMBER_LOCATION_TAB_TITLE : OTHER_LOCATION_TAB_TITLE;

                        rptLocationTypes.DataSource = _tabs;

                        ShowDialog( "Locations", true );
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Raises the <see cref="E:System.Web.UI.Control.Init" /> event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">An <see cref="T:System.EventArgs" /> object that contains the event data.</param>
        protected override void OnInit( EventArgs e )
            base.OnInit( e );

            ddlTitle.BindToDefinedType( DefinedTypeCache.Read( new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedType.PERSON_TITLE ) ), true );
            ddlSuffix.BindToDefinedType( DefinedTypeCache.Read( new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedType.PERSON_SUFFIX ) ), true );
            ddlMaritalStatus.BindToDefinedType( DefinedTypeCache.Read( new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedType.PERSON_MARITAL_STATUS ) ), true );
            ddlConnectionStatus.BindToDefinedType( DefinedTypeCache.Read( new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedType.PERSON_CONNECTION_STATUS ) ), true );
            ddlRecordStatus.BindToDefinedType( DefinedTypeCache.Read( new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedType.PERSON_RECORD_STATUS ) ) );
            ddlReason.BindToDefinedType( DefinedTypeCache.Read( new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedType.PERSON_RECORD_STATUS_REASON ) ), true );

            ddlGivingGroup.Items.Add( new ListItem( None.Text, None.IdValue ) );
            if ( Person != null )
                var personService = new PersonService( new RockContext() );
                foreach ( var family in personService.GetFamilies( Person.Id ).Select( a => new { a.Name, a.Id, a.Members } ) )
                    string familyNameWithFirstNames = GetFamilyNameWithFirstNames( family.Name, family.Members );
                    ddlGivingGroup.Items.Add( new ListItem( familyNameWithFirstNames, family.Id.ToString() ) );

            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript( ddlGradePicker, ddlGradePicker.GetType(), "grade-selection-" + BlockId.ToString(), ddlGradePicker.GetJavascriptForYearPicker( ypGraduation ), true );

            string smsScript = @"
            $('.js-sms-number').click(function () {
            if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
            $('.js-sms-number').not($(this)).prop('checked', false);
            btnSave.Visible = IsUserAuthorized( Rock.Security.Authorization.EDIT );

            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript( rContactInfo, rContactInfo.GetType(), "sms-number-" + BlockId.ToString(), smsScript, true );

            grdPreviousNames.Actions.ShowAdd = true;
            grdPreviousNames.Actions.AddClick += grdPreviousNames_AddClick;
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the btnSave control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs" /> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void btnSave_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
            if ( IsUserAuthorized( Rock.Security.Authorization.EDIT ) )
                var rockContext = new RockContext();

                rockContext.WrapTransaction( () =>
                    var personService = new PersonService( rockContext );

                    var changes = new List<string>();

                    var person = personService.Get( Person.Id );

                    int? orphanedPhotoId = null;
                    if ( person.PhotoId != imgPhoto.BinaryFileId )
                        orphanedPhotoId = person.PhotoId;
                        person.PhotoId = imgPhoto.BinaryFileId;

                        if ( orphanedPhotoId.HasValue )
                            if ( person.PhotoId.HasValue )
                                changes.Add( "Modified the photo." );
                                changes.Add( "Deleted the photo." );
                        else if ( person.PhotoId.HasValue )
                            changes.Add( "Added a photo." );

                    int? newTitleId = ddlTitle.SelectedValueAsInt();
                    History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Title", DefinedValueCache.GetName( person.TitleValueId ), DefinedValueCache.GetName( newTitleId ) );
                    person.TitleValueId = newTitleId;

                    History.EvaluateChange( changes, "First Name", person.FirstName, tbFirstName.Text );
                    person.FirstName = tbFirstName.Text;

                    string nickName = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( tbNickName.Text ) ? tbFirstName.Text : tbNickName.Text;
                    History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Nick Name", person.NickName, nickName );
                    person.NickName = tbNickName.Text;

                    History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Middle Name", person.MiddleName, tbMiddleName.Text );
                    person.MiddleName = tbMiddleName.Text;

                    History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Last Name", person.LastName, tbLastName.Text );
                    person.LastName = tbLastName.Text;

                    int? newSuffixId = ddlSuffix.SelectedValueAsInt();
                    History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Suffix", DefinedValueCache.GetName( person.SuffixValueId ), DefinedValueCache.GetName( newSuffixId ) );
                    person.SuffixValueId = newSuffixId;

                    var birthMonth = person.BirthMonth;
                    var birthDay = person.BirthDay;
                    var birthYear = person.BirthYear;

                    var birthday = bpBirthDay.SelectedDate;
                    if ( birthday.HasValue )
                        person.BirthMonth = birthday.Value.Month;
                        person.BirthDay = birthday.Value.Day;
                        if ( birthday.Value.Year != DateTime.MinValue.Year )
                            person.BirthYear = birthday.Value.Year;
                            person.BirthYear = null;
                        person.SetBirthDate( null );

                    History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Birth Month", birthMonth, person.BirthMonth );
                    History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Birth Day", birthDay, person.BirthDay );
                    History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Birth Year", birthYear, person.BirthYear );

                    int? graduationYear = null;
                    if ( ypGraduation.SelectedYear.HasValue )
                        graduationYear = ypGraduation.SelectedYear.Value;

                    History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Graduation Year", person.GraduationYear, graduationYear );
                    person.GraduationYear = graduationYear;

                    History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Anniversary Date", person.AnniversaryDate, dpAnniversaryDate.SelectedDate );
                    person.AnniversaryDate = dpAnniversaryDate.SelectedDate;

                    var newGender = rblGender.SelectedValue.ConvertToEnum<Gender>();
                    History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Gender", person.Gender, newGender );
                    person.Gender = newGender;

                    int? newMaritalStatusId = ddlMaritalStatus.SelectedValueAsInt();
                    History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Marital Status", DefinedValueCache.GetName( person.MaritalStatusValueId ), DefinedValueCache.GetName( newMaritalStatusId ) );
                    person.MaritalStatusValueId = newMaritalStatusId;

                    int? newConnectionStatusId = ddlConnectionStatus.SelectedValueAsInt();
                    History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Connection Status", DefinedValueCache.GetName( person.ConnectionStatusValueId ), DefinedValueCache.GetName( newConnectionStatusId ) );
                    person.ConnectionStatusValueId = newConnectionStatusId;

                    var phoneNumberTypeIds = new List<int>();

                    bool smsSelected = false;

                    foreach ( RepeaterItem item in rContactInfo.Items )
                        HiddenField hfPhoneType = item.FindControl( "hfPhoneType" ) as HiddenField;
                        PhoneNumberBox pnbPhone = item.FindControl( "pnbPhone" ) as PhoneNumberBox;
                        CheckBox cbUnlisted = item.FindControl( "cbUnlisted" ) as CheckBox;
                        CheckBox cbSms = item.FindControl( "cbSms" ) as CheckBox;

                        if ( hfPhoneType != null &&
                            pnbPhone != null &&
                            cbSms != null &&
                            cbUnlisted != null )
                            if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( PhoneNumber.CleanNumber( pnbPhone.Number ) ) )
                                int phoneNumberTypeId;
                                if ( int.TryParse( hfPhoneType.Value, out phoneNumberTypeId ) )
                                    var phoneNumber = person.PhoneNumbers.FirstOrDefault( n => n.NumberTypeValueId == phoneNumberTypeId );
                                    string oldPhoneNumber = string.Empty;
                                    if ( phoneNumber == null )
                                        phoneNumber = new PhoneNumber { NumberTypeValueId = phoneNumberTypeId };
                                        person.PhoneNumbers.Add( phoneNumber );
                                        oldPhoneNumber = phoneNumber.NumberFormattedWithCountryCode;

                                    phoneNumber.CountryCode = PhoneNumber.CleanNumber( pnbPhone.CountryCode );
                                    phoneNumber.Number = PhoneNumber.CleanNumber( pnbPhone.Number );

                                    // Only allow one number to have SMS selected
                                    if ( smsSelected )
                                        phoneNumber.IsMessagingEnabled = false;
                                        phoneNumber.IsMessagingEnabled = cbSms.Checked;
                                        smsSelected = cbSms.Checked;

                                    phoneNumber.IsUnlisted = cbUnlisted.Checked;
                                    phoneNumberTypeIds.Add( phoneNumberTypeId );

                                        string.Format( "{0} Phone", DefinedValueCache.GetName( phoneNumberTypeId ) ),
                                        phoneNumber.NumberFormattedWithCountryCode );

                    // Remove any blank numbers
                    var phoneNumberService = new PhoneNumberService( rockContext );
                    foreach ( var phoneNumber in person.PhoneNumbers
                        .Where( n => n.NumberTypeValueId.HasValue && !phoneNumberTypeIds.Contains( n.NumberTypeValueId.Value ) )
                        .ToList() )
                            string.Format( "{0} Phone", DefinedValueCache.GetName( phoneNumber.NumberTypeValueId ) ),
                            string.Empty );

                        person.PhoneNumbers.Remove( phoneNumber );
                        phoneNumberService.Delete( phoneNumber );

                    History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Email", person.Email, tbEmail.Text );
                    person.Email = tbEmail.Text.Trim();

                    History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Email Active", person.IsEmailActive, cbIsEmailActive.Checked );
                    person.IsEmailActive = cbIsEmailActive.Checked;

                    var newEmailPreference = rblEmailPreference.SelectedValue.ConvertToEnum<EmailPreference>();
                    History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Email Preference", person.EmailPreference, newEmailPreference );
                    person.EmailPreference = newEmailPreference;

                    int? newGivingGroupId = ddlGivingGroup.SelectedValueAsId();
                    if ( person.GivingGroupId != newGivingGroupId )
                        string oldGivingGroupName = string.Empty;
                        if ( Person.GivingGroup != null )
                            oldGivingGroupName = GetFamilyNameWithFirstNames( Person.GivingGroup.Name, Person.GivingGroup.Members );

                        string newGivingGroupName = newGivingGroupId.HasValue ? ddlGivingGroup.Items.FindByValue( newGivingGroupId.Value.ToString() ).Text : string.Empty;
                        History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Giving Group", oldGivingGroupName, newGivingGroupName );

                    person.GivingGroupId = newGivingGroupId;

                    bool recordStatusChangedToOrFromInactive = false;
                    var recordStatusInactiveId = DefinedValueCache.Read( new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.PERSON_RECORD_STATUS_INACTIVE ) ).Id;

                    int? newRecordStatusId = ddlRecordStatus.SelectedValueAsInt();
                    // Is the person's record status changing?
                    if ( person.RecordStatusValueId.HasValue && person.RecordStatusValueId != newRecordStatusId )
                        //  If it was inactive OR if the new status is inactive, flag this for use later below.
                        if ( person.RecordStatusValueId == recordStatusInactiveId || newRecordStatusId == recordStatusInactiveId )
                            recordStatusChangedToOrFromInactive = true;

                    History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Record Status", DefinedValueCache.GetName( person.RecordStatusValueId ), DefinedValueCache.GetName( newRecordStatusId ) );
                    person.RecordStatusValueId = newRecordStatusId;

                    int? newRecordStatusReasonId = null;
                    if ( person.RecordStatusValueId.HasValue && person.RecordStatusValueId.Value == recordStatusInactiveId )
                        newRecordStatusReasonId = ddlReason.SelectedValueAsInt();

                    History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Inactive Reason", DefinedValueCache.GetName( person.RecordStatusReasonValueId ), DefinedValueCache.GetName( newRecordStatusReasonId ) );
                    person.RecordStatusReasonValueId = newRecordStatusReasonId;
                    History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Inactive Reason Note", person.InactiveReasonNote, tbInactiveReasonNote.Text );
                    person.InactiveReasonNote = tbInactiveReasonNote.Text.Trim();

                    // Save any Removed/Added Previous Names
                    var personPreviousNameService = new PersonPreviousNameService( rockContext );
                    var databasePreviousNames = personPreviousNameService.Queryable().Where( a => a.PersonAlias.PersonId == person.Id ).ToList();
                    foreach ( var deletedPreviousName in databasePreviousNames.Where( a => !PersonPreviousNamesState.Any( p => p.Guid == a.Guid ) ) )
                        personPreviousNameService.Delete( deletedPreviousName );

                            "Previous Name",
                            string.Empty );

                    foreach ( var addedPreviousName in PersonPreviousNamesState.Where( a => !databasePreviousNames.Any( d => d.Guid == a.Guid ) ) )
                        addedPreviousName.PersonAliasId = person.PrimaryAliasId.Value;
                        personPreviousNameService.Add( addedPreviousName );

                            "Previous Name",
                            addedPreviousName.ToString() );

                    if ( person.IsValid )
                        if ( rockContext.SaveChanges() > 0 )
                            if ( changes.Any() )
                                    typeof( Person ),
                                    changes );

                            if ( orphanedPhotoId.HasValue )
                                BinaryFileService binaryFileService = new BinaryFileService( rockContext );
                                var binaryFile = binaryFileService.Get( orphanedPhotoId.Value );
                                if ( binaryFile != null )
                                    string errorMessage;
                                    if ( binaryFileService.CanDelete( binaryFile, out errorMessage ) )
                                        binaryFileService.Delete( binaryFile );

                            // if they used the ImageEditor, and cropped it, the uncropped file is still in BinaryFile. So clean it up
                            if ( imgPhoto.CropBinaryFileId.HasValue )
                                if ( imgPhoto.CropBinaryFileId != person.PhotoId )
                                    BinaryFileService binaryFileService = new BinaryFileService( rockContext );
                                    var binaryFile = binaryFileService.Get( imgPhoto.CropBinaryFileId.Value );
                                    if ( binaryFile != null && binaryFile.IsTemporary )
                                        string errorMessage;
                                        if ( binaryFileService.CanDelete( binaryFile, out errorMessage ) )
                                            binaryFileService.Delete( binaryFile );

                            // If the person's record status was changed to or from inactive,
                            // we need to check if any of their families need to be activated or inactivated.
                            if ( recordStatusChangedToOrFromInactive )
                                foreach ( var family in personService.GetFamilies( person.Id ) )
                                    // Are there any more members of the family who are NOT inactive?
                                    // If not, mark the whole family inactive.
                                    if ( !family.Members.Where( m => m.Person.RecordStatusValueId != recordStatusInactiveId ).Any() )
                                        family.IsActive = false;
                                        family.IsActive = true;


                        Response.Redirect( string.Format( "~/Person/{0}", Person.Id ), false );
                } );
예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the person.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="create">if set to <c>true</c> [create].</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Person GetPerson( bool create )
            Person person = null;
            var rockContext = new RockContext();
            var personService = new PersonService( rockContext );

            Group familyGroup = null;

            int personId = ViewState["PersonId"] as int? ?? 0;
            if ( personId == 0 && TargetPerson != null )
                person = TargetPerson;
                if ( personId != 0 )
                    person = personService.Get( personId );

                if ( person == null && create )
                    // Check to see if there's only one person with same email, first name, and last name
                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( txtEmail.Text ) &&
                        !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( txtFirstName.Text ) &&
                        !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( txtLastName.Text ) )
                        // Same logic as CreatePledge.ascx.cs
                        var personMatches = personService.GetByMatch( txtFirstName.Text, txtLastName.Text, txtEmail.Text );
                        if ( personMatches.Count() == 1 )
                            person = personMatches.FirstOrDefault();
                            person = null;

                    if ( person == null )
                        // Create Person
                        person = new Person();
                        person.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text;
                        person.LastName = txtLastName.Text;
                        person.Email = txtEmail.Text;
                        person.EmailPreference = EmailPreference.EmailAllowed;

                        if ( GetAttributeValue( "DisplayPhone" ).AsBooleanOrNull() ?? false )
                            var phone = new PhoneNumber();
                            phone.CountryCode = PhoneNumber.CleanNumber( pnbPhone.CountryCode );
                            phone.Number = PhoneNumber.CleanNumber( pnbPhone.Number );
                            phone.NumberTypeValueId = DefinedValueCache.Read( new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.PERSON_PHONE_TYPE_HOME ) ).Id;
                            person.PhoneNumbers.Add( phone );

                        // Create Family
                        familyGroup = GroupService.SaveNewFamily( rockContext, person, null, false );

                    ViewState["PersonId"] = person != null ? person.Id : 0;

            if ( create && person != null ) // person should never be null at this point
                if ( familyGroup == null )
                    var groupLocationService = new GroupLocationService( rockContext );
                    if ( GroupLocationId.HasValue )
                        familyGroup = groupLocationService.Queryable()
                            .Where( gl => gl.Id == GroupLocationId.Value )
                            .Select( gl => gl.Group )
                        familyGroup = personService.GetFamilies( person.Id ).FirstOrDefault();

                if ( familyGroup != null )
                        GetAttributeValue( "AddressType" ),
                        acAddress.Street1, acAddress.Street2, acAddress.City, acAddress.State, acAddress.PostalCode, acAddress.Country,
                        true );

            return person;