public void MapInterfaceUpdate() { if (Find.VisibleMap != null && !WorldRendererUtility.WorldRenderedNow) { this.targeter.TargeterUpdate(); SelectionDrawer.DrawSelectionOverlays(); EnvironmentInspectDrawer.DrawRoomOverlays(); this.designatorManager.DesignatorManagerUpdate(); Find.VisibleMap.roofGrid.RoofGridUpdate(); Find.VisibleMap.exitMapGrid.ExitMapGridUpdate(); Find.VisibleMap.deepResourceGrid.DeepResourceGridUpdate(); if (DebugViewSettings.drawPawnDebug) { Find.VisibleMap.pawnDestinationReservationManager.DebugDrawDestinations(); Find.VisibleMap.reservationManager.DebugDrawReservations(); } if (DebugViewSettings.drawFoodSearchFromMouse) { FoodUtility.DebugFoodSearchFromMouse_Update(); } if (DebugViewSettings.drawPreyInfo) { FoodUtility.DebugDrawPredatorFoodSource(); } if (DebugViewSettings.drawAttackTargetScores) { AttackTargetFinder.DebugDrawAttackTargetScores_Update(); } MiscDebugDrawer.DebugDrawInteractionCells(); Find.VisibleMap.debugDrawer.DebugDrawerUpdate(); Find.VisibleMap.regionGrid.DebugDraw(); InfestationCellFinder.DebugDraw(); StealAIDebugDrawer.DebugDraw(); if (DebugViewSettings.drawRiverDebug) { Find.VisibleMap.waterInfo.DebugDrawRiver(); } } }
private void <ReserveFoodIfWillIngestWholeStack> m__0() { if (this.pawn.Faction != null) { Thing thing = this.job.GetTarget(TargetIndex.A).Thing; if (this.pawn.carryTracker.CarriedThing != thing) { int num = FoodUtility.WillIngestStackCountOf(this.pawn, thing.def, thing.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Nutrition, true)); if (num >= thing.stackCount) { if (!thing.Spawned) {, true); } else { this.pawn.Reserve(thing, this.job, 1, -1, null); } } } } }
public void MapInterfaceOnGUI_BeforeMainTabs() { if (Find.CurrentMap == null) { return; } if (!WorldRendererUtility.WorldRenderedNow) { ScreenshotModeHandler screenshotMode = Find.UIRoot.screenshotMode; this.thingOverlays.ThingOverlaysOnGUI(); MapComponentUtility.MapComponentOnGUI(Find.CurrentMap); BeautyDrawer.BeautyDrawerOnGUI(); if (!screenshotMode.FiltersCurrentEvent) { this.colonistBar.ColonistBarOnGUI(); } this.selector.dragBox.DragBoxOnGUI(); this.designatorManager.DesignationManagerOnGUI(); this.targeter.TargeterOnGUI(); Find.CurrentMap.tooltipGiverList.DispenseAllThingTooltips(); if (DebugViewSettings.drawFoodSearchFromMouse) { FoodUtility.DebugFoodSearchFromMouse_OnGUI(); } if (DebugViewSettings.drawAttackTargetScores) { AttackTargetFinder.DebugDrawAttackTargetScores_OnGUI(); } if (!screenshotMode.FiltersCurrentEvent) { this.globalControls.GlobalControlsOnGUI(); this.resourceReadout.ResourceReadoutOnGUI(); } } else { this.targeter.StopTargeting(); } }
private Toil StartFeedAnimal(TargetIndex tameeInd) { Toil toil = new Toil(); toil.initAction = delegate { Pawn actor = toil.GetActor(); Pawn pawn = (Pawn)((Thing)actor.CurJob.GetTarget(tameeInd)); PawnUtility.ForceWait(pawn, 270, actor, false); Thing thing = FoodUtility.BestFoodInInventory(actor, pawn, FoodPreferability.NeverForNutrition, FoodPreferability.RawTasty, 0f, false); if (thing == null) {, true); return; } actor.mindState.lastInventoryRawFoodUseTick = Find.TickManager.TicksGame; int num = FoodUtility.StackCountForNutrition(thing.def, this.feedNutritionLeft); int stackCount = thing.stackCount; Thing thing2 = actor.inventory.innerContainer.Take(thing, Mathf.Min(num, stackCount)); actor.carryTracker.TryStartCarry(thing2); actor.CurJob.SetTarget(TargetIndex.B, thing2); float num2 = (float)thing2.stackCount * thing2.def.ingestible.nutrition; this.ticksLeftThisToil = Mathf.CeilToInt(270f * (num2 / JobDriver_InteractAnimal.RequiredNutritionPerFeed(pawn))); if (num <= stackCount) { this.feedNutritionLeft = 0f; } else { this.feedNutritionLeft -= num2; if (this.feedNutritionLeft < 0.001f) { this.feedNutritionLeft = 0f; } } }; toil.defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.Delay; return(toil); }
public override float GetPriority(Pawn pawn) { Need_Food food =; if (food == null) { return(0f); } if ( < HungerCategory.Starving && FoodUtility.ShouldBeFedBySomeone(pawn)) { return(0f); } if (food.CurCategory < this.minCategory) { return(0f); } if (food.CurLevelPercentage < pawn.RaceProps.FoodLevelPercentageWantEat) { return(9.5f); } return(0f); }
public override bool HasJobOnThing(Pawn pawn, Thing t, bool forced = false) { Pawn pawn2 = t as Pawn; if (pawn2 != null && pawn2 != pawn) { if (base.def.feedHumanlikesOnly && !pawn2.RaceProps.Humanlike) { return(false); } if (base.def.feedAnimalsOnly && !pawn2.RaceProps.Animal) { return(false); } if ( != null && !( > + 0.019999999552965164)) { if (!FeedPatientUtility.ShouldBeFed(pawn2)) { return(false); } LocalTargetInfo target = t; if (!pawn.CanReserve(target, 1, -1, null, forced)) { return(false); } Thing thing = default(Thing); ThingDef thingDef = default(ThingDef); if (!FoodUtility.TryFindBestFoodSourceFor(pawn, pawn2, == HungerCategory.Starving, out thing, out thingDef, false, true, false, true, false, false)) { JobFailReason.Is("NoFood".Translate()); return(false); } return(true); } return(false); } return(false); }
public override bool HasJobOnThing(Pawn pawn, Thing t, bool forced = false) { Pawn pawn2 = t as Pawn; if (pawn2 == null || pawn2 == pawn) { return(false); } if (def.feedHumanlikesOnly && !pawn2.RaceProps.Humanlike) { return(false); } if (def.feedAnimalsOnly && !pawn2.RaceProps.Animal) { return(false); } if ( == null || > + 0.02f) { return(false); } if (!FeedPatientUtility.ShouldBeFed(pawn2)) { return(false); } LocalTargetInfo target = t; bool ignoreOtherReservations = forced; if (!pawn.CanReserve(target, 1, -1, null, ignoreOtherReservations)) { return(false); } if (!FoodUtility.TryFindBestFoodSourceFor(pawn, pawn2, == HungerCategory.Starving, out Thing _, out ThingDef _, canRefillDispenser: false)) { JobFailReason.Is("NoFood".Translate()); return(false); } return(true); }
// Token: 0x060003E2 RID: 994 RVA: 0x000280A0 File Offset: 0x000264A0 public override bool TryMakePreToilReservations(bool errorOnFailed) { if (this.pawn.Faction != null && !(this.IngestibleSource is Building_NutrientPasteDispenser)) { Thing ingestibleSource = this.IngestibleSource; if (ingestibleSource == null) { return(false); } if (ingestibleSource.def == null) { return(false); } try { int num = FoodUtility.WillIngestStackCountOf(this.pawn, ingestibleSource.def, ingestibleSource.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Nutrition, true) + 1); if (num >= ingestibleSource.stackCount && ingestibleSource.Spawned) { Pawn pawn = this.pawn; LocalTargetInfo target = ingestibleSource; Job job = this.job; if (!pawn.Reserve(target, job, 1, -1, null, errorOnFailed)) { return(false); } } } catch (Exception) { // Log.Message(string.Format("pawn: {0}", pawn)); // Log.Message(string.Format("ingestibleSource.def: {0}", ingestibleSource.def)); // Log.Message(string.Format("Nutrition: {0}", ingestibleSource.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Nutrition, true))); return(false); } } return(true); }
internal bool <> m__0(Thing t) { if (!this.$this.IsGoodPackableFoodFor(t, this.pawn) || t.IsForbidden(this.pawn) || !this.pawn.CanReserve(t, 1, -1, null, false) || !t.IsSociallyProper(this.pawn)) { return(false); } float num = this.invNutrition + t.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Nutrition, true) * (float)t.stackCount; if (num < 0.8f) { return(false); } List <ThoughtDef> list = FoodUtility.ThoughtsFromIngesting(this.pawn, t, FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(t, false)); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (list[i].stages[0].baseMoodEffect < 0f) { return(false); } } return(true); }
public override Job JobOnThing(Pawn pawn, Thing t, bool forced = false) { Pawn pawn2 = (Pawn)t; Thing thing; ThingDef thingDef; Job result; if (FoodUtility.TryFindBestFoodSourceFor(pawn, pawn2, == HungerCategory.Starving, out thing, out thingDef, false, true, false, true, false, false, false)) { float nutrition = FoodUtility.GetNutrition(thing, thingDef); result = new Job(JobDefOf.FeedPatient) { targetA = thing, targetB = pawn2, count = FoodUtility.WillIngestStackCountOf(pawn2, thingDef, nutrition) }; } else { result = null; } return(result); }
public override Job JobOnThing(Pawn pawn, Thing t, bool forced = false) { Job result; if (!base.ShouldTakeCareOfPrisoner(pawn, t)) { result = null; } else { Pawn pawn2 = (Pawn)t; Thing thing; ThingDef thingDef; if (!WardenFeedUtility.ShouldBeFed(pawn2)) { result = null; } else if ( >= + 0.02f) { result = null; } else if (!FoodUtility.TryFindBestFoodSourceFor(pawn, pawn2, == HungerCategory.Starving, out thing, out thingDef, false, true, false, false, false, false, false)) { JobFailReason.Is("NoFood".Translate(), null); result = null; } else { float nutrition = FoodUtility.GetNutrition(thing, thingDef); result = new Job(JobDefOf.FeedPatient, thing, pawn2) { count = FoodUtility.WillIngestStackCountOf(pawn2, thingDef, nutrition) }; } } return(result); }
protected override Job TryGiveJob(Pawn pawn) { PawnDuty duty = pawn.mindState.duty; if (duty == null) { return(null); } if ((double) > 0.9) { return(null); } IntVec3 cell = duty.focus.Cell; Thing thing = FindFood(pawn, cell); if (thing == null) { return(null); } Job job = JobMaker.MakeJob(JobDefOf.Ingest, thing); job.count = FoodUtility.WillIngestStackCountOf(pawn, thing.def, thing.def.GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.Nutrition)); return(job); }
protected override Job TryGiveJob(Pawn pawn) { Job result; if (pawn.inventory == null) { result = null; } else { float invNutrition = this.GetInventoryPackableFoodNutrition(pawn); if (invNutrition > 0.4f) { result = null; } else if (pawn.Map.resourceCounter.TotalHumanEdibleNutrition < (float)pawn.Map.mapPawns.ColonistsSpawnedCount * 1.5f) { result = null; } else { Thing thing = GenClosest.ClosestThing_Regionwise_ReachablePrioritized(pawn.Position, pawn.Map, ThingRequest.ForGroup(ThingRequestGroup.FoodSourceNotPlantOrTree), PathEndMode.ClosestTouch, TraverseParms.For(pawn, Danger.Deadly, TraverseMode.ByPawn, false), 20f, delegate(Thing t) { bool result2; if (!this.IsGoodPackableFoodFor(t, pawn) || t.IsForbidden(pawn) || !pawn.CanReserve(t, 1, -1, null, false) || !t.IsSociallyProper(pawn)) { result2 = false; } else { float num3 = invNutrition + t.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Nutrition, true) * (float)t.stackCount; if (num3 < 0.8f) { result2 = false; } else { List <ThoughtDef> list = FoodUtility.ThoughtsFromIngesting(pawn, t, FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(t, false)); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (list[i].stages[0].baseMoodEffect < 0f) { return(false); } } result2 = true; } } return(result2); }, (Thing x) => FoodUtility.FoodOptimality(pawn, x, FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(x, false), 0f, false), 24, 30); if (thing == null) { result = null; } else { float num = - invNutrition; int num2 = Mathf.FloorToInt(num / thing.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Nutrition, true)); num2 = Mathf.Min(num2, thing.stackCount); num2 = Mathf.Max(num2, 1); result = new Job(JobDefOf.TakeInventory, thing) { count = num2 }; } } } return(result); }
private static Pawn BestPawnToHuntForPredator(Pawn predator) { if (predator.meleeVerbs.TryGetMeleeVerb() == null) { return(null); } bool flag = false; float summaryHealthPercent =; if (summaryHealthPercent < 0.25) { flag = true; } List <Pawn> allPawnsSpawned = predator.Map.mapPawns.AllPawnsSpawned; Pawn pawn = null; float num = 0f; bool tutorialMode = TutorSystem.TutorialMode; for (int i = 0; i < allPawnsSpawned.Count; i++) { Pawn pawn2 = allPawnsSpawned[i]; if (predator.GetRoom(RegionType.Set_Passable) == pawn2.GetRoom(RegionType.Set_Passable) && predator != pawn2 && (!flag || pawn2.Downed) && FoodUtility.IsAcceptablePreyFor(predator, pawn2) && predator.CanReach(pawn2, PathEndMode.ClosestTouch, Danger.Deadly, false, TraverseMode.ByPawn) && !pawn2.IsForbidden(predator) && (!tutorialMode || pawn2.Faction != Faction.OfPlayer)) { float preyScoreFor = FoodUtility.GetPreyScoreFor(predator, pawn2); if (preyScoreFor > num || pawn == null) { num = preyScoreFor; pawn = pawn2; } } } return(pawn); }
internal float <> m__1(Thing x) { return(FoodUtility.FoodOptimality(this.pawn, x, FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(x, false), 0f, false)); }
public static Thing BestFoodSourceOnMap(Pawn getter, Pawn eater, bool desperate, out ThingDef foodDef, FoodPreferability maxPref = FoodPreferability.MealLavish, bool allowPlant = true, bool allowDrug = true, bool allowCorpse = true, bool allowDispenserFull = true, bool allowDispenserEmpty = true, bool allowForbidden = false, bool allowSociallyImproper = false, bool allowHarvest = false) { foodDef = null; bool getterCanManipulate = getter.RaceProps.ToolUser &&; if (!getterCanManipulate && getter != eater) { Log.Error(getter + " tried to find food to bring to " + eater + " but " + getter + " is incapable of Manipulation."); return(null); } FoodPreferability minPref; if (eater.NonHumanlikeOrWildMan()) { minPref = FoodPreferability.NeverForNutrition; } else if (desperate) { minPref = FoodPreferability.DesperateOnly; } else { minPref = (FoodPreferability)(((int) <= 2) ? 4 : 6); } Predicate <Thing> foodValidator = delegate(Thing t) { if (!allowForbidden && t.IsForbidden(getter)) { return(false); } Building_NutrientPasteDispenser building_NutrientPasteDispenser = t as Building_NutrientPasteDispenser; if (building_NutrientPasteDispenser != null) { if (allowDispenserFull && (int)ThingDefOf.MealNutrientPaste.ingestible.preferability >= (int)minPref && (int)ThingDefOf.MealNutrientPaste.ingestible.preferability <= (int)maxPref && getterCanManipulate && !getter.IsWildMan() && (t.Faction == getter.Faction || t.Faction == getter.HostFaction) && building_NutrientPasteDispenser.powerComp.PowerOn && (allowDispenserEmpty || building_NutrientPasteDispenser.HasEnoughFeedstockInHoppers()) && FoodUtility.IsFoodSourceOnMapSociallyProper(t, getter, eater, allowSociallyImproper) && t.InteractionCell.Standable(t.Map) && getter.Map.reachability.CanReachNonLocal(getter.Position, new TargetInfo(t.InteractionCell, t.Map, false), PathEndMode.OnCell, TraverseParms.For(getter, Danger.Some, TraverseMode.ByPawn, false))) { goto IL_025e; } return(false); } if ((int)t.def.ingestible.preferability < (int)minPref) { return(false); } if ((int)t.def.ingestible.preferability > (int)maxPref) { return(false); } if (t.IngestibleNow && t.def.IsNutritionGivingIngestible && (allowCorpse || !(t is Corpse)) && (allowDrug || !t.def.IsDrug) && (desperate || !t.IsNotFresh()) && !t.IsDessicated() && eater.RaceProps.WillAutomaticallyEat(t) && FoodUtility.IsFoodSourceOnMapSociallyProper(t, getter, eater, allowSociallyImproper) && getter.AnimalAwareOf(t) && getter.CanReserve(t, 1, -1, null, false)) { goto IL_025e; } return(false); IL_025e: return(true); }; ThingRequest thingRequest = ((eater.RaceProps.foodType & (FoodTypeFlags.Plant | FoodTypeFlags.Tree)) == FoodTypeFlags.None || !allowPlant) ? ThingRequest.ForGroup(ThingRequestGroup.FoodSourceNotPlantOrTree) : ThingRequest.ForGroup(ThingRequestGroup.FoodSource); Thing bestThing; if (getter.RaceProps.Humanlike) { Pawn eater2 = eater; IntVec3 position = getter.Position; List <Thing> searchSet = getter.Map.listerThings.ThingsMatching(thingRequest); PathEndMode peMode = PathEndMode.ClosestTouch; TraverseParms traverseParams = TraverseParms.For(getter, Danger.Deadly, TraverseMode.ByPawn, false); Predicate <Thing> validator = foodValidator; bestThing = FoodUtility.SpawnedFoodSearchInnerScan(eater2, position, searchSet, peMode, traverseParams, 9999f, validator); if (allowHarvest && getterCanManipulate) { Thing thing = GenClosest.ClosestThingReachable(getter.Position, getter.Map, ThingRequest.ForGroup(ThingRequestGroup.HarvestablePlant), PathEndMode.Touch, TraverseParms.For(getter, Danger.Deadly, TraverseMode.ByPawn, false), 9999f, delegate(Thing x) { Plant plant = (Plant)x; if (!plant.HarvestableNow) { return(false); } ThingDef harvestedThingDef = plant.def.plant.harvestedThingDef; if (!harvestedThingDef.IsNutritionGivingIngestible) { return(false); } if (!getter.CanReserve(plant, 1, -1, null, false)) { return(false); } if (!allowForbidden && plant.IsForbidden(getter)) { return(false); } if (bestThing != null && (int)FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(bestThing, false).ingestible.preferability >= (int)harvestedThingDef.ingestible.preferability) { return(false); } return(true); }, null, 0, 30, false, RegionType.Set_Passable, false); if (thing != null) { bestThing = thing; foodDef = FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(thing, true); } } if (foodDef == null && bestThing != null) { foodDef = FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(bestThing, false); } } else { int searchRegionsMax = 30; if (getter.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer) { searchRegionsMax = 100; } FoodUtility.filtered.Clear(); foreach (Thing item in GenRadial.RadialDistinctThingsAround(getter.Position, getter.Map, 2f, true)) { Pawn pawn = item as Pawn; if (pawn != null && pawn != getter && pawn.RaceProps.Animal && pawn.CurJob != null && pawn.CurJob.def == JobDefOf.Ingest && pawn.CurJob.GetTarget(TargetIndex.A).HasThing) { FoodUtility.filtered.Add(pawn.CurJob.GetTarget(TargetIndex.A).Thing); } } bool flag = !allowForbidden && ForbidUtility.CaresAboutForbidden(getter, true) && getter.playerSettings != null && getter.playerSettings.EffectiveAreaRestrictionInPawnCurrentMap != null; Predicate <Thing> predicate = delegate(Thing t) { if (!foodValidator(t)) { return(false); } if (FoodUtility.filtered.Contains(t)) { return(false); } if (!(t is Building_NutrientPasteDispenser) && (int)t.def.ingestible.preferability <= 2) { return(false); } if (t.IsNotFresh()) { return(false); } return(true); }; IntVec3 position = getter.Position; Map map = getter.Map; ThingRequest thingReq = thingRequest; PathEndMode peMode = PathEndMode.ClosestTouch; TraverseParms traverseParams = TraverseParms.For(getter, Danger.Deadly, TraverseMode.ByPawn, false); Predicate <Thing> validator = predicate; bool ignoreEntirelyForbiddenRegions = flag; bestThing = GenClosest.ClosestThingReachable(position, map, thingReq, peMode, traverseParams, 9999f, validator, null, 0, searchRegionsMax, false, RegionType.Set_Passable, ignoreEntirelyForbiddenRegions); FoodUtility.filtered.Clear(); if (bestThing == null) { desperate = true; position = getter.Position; map = getter.Map; thingReq = thingRequest; peMode = PathEndMode.ClosestTouch; traverseParams = TraverseParms.For(getter, Danger.Deadly, TraverseMode.ByPawn, false); validator = foodValidator; ignoreEntirelyForbiddenRegions = flag; bestThing = GenClosest.ClosestThingReachable(position, map, thingReq, peMode, traverseParams, 9999f, validator, null, 0, searchRegionsMax, false, RegionType.Set_Passable, ignoreEntirelyForbiddenRegions); } if (bestThing != null) { foodDef = FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(bestThing, false); } } return(bestThing); }
public static bool TryFindBestFoodSourceFor(Pawn getter, Pawn eater, bool desperate, out Thing foodSource, out ThingDef foodDef, bool canRefillDispenser = true, bool canUseInventory = true, bool allowForbidden = false, bool allowCorpse = true, bool allowSociallyImproper = false, bool allowHarvest = false) { bool flag = getter.RaceProps.ToolUser &&; bool allowDrug = !eater.IsTeetotaler(); Thing thing = null; if (canUseInventory) { if (flag) { thing = FoodUtility.BestFoodInInventory(getter, null, FoodPreferability.MealAwful, FoodPreferability.MealLavish, 0f, false); } if (thing != null) { if (getter.Faction != Faction.OfPlayer) { foodSource = thing; foodDef = FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(foodSource, false); return(true); } CompRottable compRottable = thing.TryGetComp <CompRottable>(); if (compRottable != null && compRottable.Stage == RotStage.Fresh && compRottable.TicksUntilRotAtCurrentTemp < 30000) { foodSource = thing; foodDef = FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(foodSource, false); return(true); } } } bool allowPlant = getter == eater; ThingDef thingDef = default(ThingDef); Thing thing2 = FoodUtility.BestFoodSourceOnMap(getter, eater, desperate, out thingDef, FoodPreferability.MealLavish, allowPlant, allowDrug, allowCorpse, true, canRefillDispenser, allowForbidden, allowSociallyImproper, allowHarvest); if (thing == null && thing2 == null) { if (canUseInventory && flag) { thing = FoodUtility.BestFoodInInventory(getter, null, FoodPreferability.DesperateOnly, FoodPreferability.MealLavish, 0f, allowDrug); if (thing != null) { foodSource = thing; foodDef = FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(foodSource, false); return(true); } } if (thing2 == null && getter == eater && (getter.RaceProps.predator || getter.IsWildMan())) { Pawn pawn = FoodUtility.BestPawnToHuntForPredator(getter); if (pawn != null) { foodSource = pawn; foodDef = FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(foodSource, false); return(true); } } foodSource = null; foodDef = null; return(false); } if (thing == null && thing2 != null) { foodSource = thing2; foodDef = thingDef; return(true); } ThingDef finalIngestibleDef = FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(thing, false); if (thing2 == null) { foodSource = thing; foodDef = finalIngestibleDef; return(true); } float num = FoodUtility.FoodOptimality(eater, thing2, thingDef, (float)(getter.Position - thing2.Position).LengthManhattan, false); float num2 = FoodUtility.FoodOptimality(eater, thing, finalIngestibleDef, 0f, false); num2 = (float)(num2 - 32.0); if (num > num2) { foodSource = thing2; foodDef = thingDef; return(true); } foodSource = thing; foodDef = FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(foodSource, false); return(true); }
protected override Job TryGiveJob(Pawn pawn) { Need_Food food =; if (food == null || food.CurCategory < this.minCategory) { return(null); } bool flag; if (pawn.AnimalOrWildMan()) { flag = true; } else { Hediff firstHediffOfDef =, false); flag = (firstHediffOfDef != null && firstHediffOfDef.Severity > 0.4f); } bool flag2 = == HungerCategory.Starving; bool desperate = flag2; bool canRefillDispenser = true; bool canUseInventory = true; bool allowCorpse = flag; bool flag3 = this.forceScanWholeMap; Thing thing; ThingDef thingDef; if (!FoodUtility.TryFindBestFoodSourceFor(pawn, pawn, desperate, out thing, out thingDef, canRefillDispenser, canUseInventory, false, allowCorpse, false, pawn.IsWildMan(), flag3)) { return(null); } Pawn pawn2 = thing as Pawn; if (pawn2 != null) { return(new Job(JobDefOf.PredatorHunt, pawn2) { killIncappedTarget = true }); } if (thing is Plant && thing.def.plant.harvestedThingDef == thingDef) { return(new Job(JobDefOf.Harvest, thing)); } Building_NutrientPasteDispenser building_NutrientPasteDispenser = thing as Building_NutrientPasteDispenser; if (building_NutrientPasteDispenser != null && !building_NutrientPasteDispenser.HasEnoughFeedstockInHoppers()) { Building building = building_NutrientPasteDispenser.AdjacentReachableHopper(pawn); if (building != null) { ISlotGroupParent hopperSgp = building as ISlotGroupParent; Job job = WorkGiver_CookFillHopper.HopperFillFoodJob(pawn, hopperSgp); if (job != null) { return(job); } } thing = FoodUtility.BestFoodSourceOnMap(pawn, pawn, flag2, out thingDef, FoodPreferability.MealLavish, false, !pawn.IsTeetotaler(), false, false, false, false, false, false, this.forceScanWholeMap); if (thing == null) { return(null); } } float nutrition = FoodUtility.GetNutrition(thing, thingDef); return(new Job(JobDefOf.Ingest, thing) { count = FoodUtility.WillIngestStackCountOf(pawn, thingDef, nutrition) }); }
// RimWorld.FoodUtility private static Pawn BestPawnToHuntForPredator(Pawn predator, bool forceScanWholeMap) { if (predator.meleeVerbs.TryGetMeleeVerb(null) == null) { return(null); } bool flag = false; float summaryHealthPercent =; if (summaryHealthPercent < 0.25f) { flag = true; } tmpPredatorCandidates.Clear(); int maxRegionsToScan = GetMaxRegionsToScan(predator, forceScanWholeMap); if (maxRegionsToScan < 0) { tmpPredatorCandidates.AddRange(predator.Map.mapPawns.AllPawnsSpawned); } else { TraverseParms traverseParms = TraverseParms.For(predator, Danger.Deadly, TraverseMode.ByPawn, false); RegionTraverser.BreadthFirstTraverse(predator.Position, predator.Map, (Region from, Region to) => to.Allows(traverseParms, true), delegate(Region x) { List <Thing> list = x.ListerThings.ThingsInGroup(ThingRequestGroup.Pawn); for (int j = 0; j < list.Count; j++) { bool XenoInfection = (((Pawn)list[j]).health.hediffSet.HasHediff(XenomorphDefOf.RRY_FaceHuggerInfection) || ((Pawn)list[j]).health.hediffSet.HasHediff(XenomorphDefOf.RRY_HiddenXenomorphImpregnation) || ((Pawn)list[j]).health.hediffSet.HasHediff(XenomorphDefOf.RRY_XenomorphImpregnation)) ? true : false; bool IsXenos = (((Pawn)list[j]).kindDef == XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Drone || ((Pawn)list[j]).kindDef == XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_FaceHugger || ((Pawn)list[j]).kindDef == XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Queen || ((Pawn)list[j]).kindDef == XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Runner || ((Pawn)list[j]).kindDef == XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Warrior) ? true : false; if (!XenoInfection && !IsXenos) { tmpPredatorCandidates.Add((Pawn)list[j]); } else { // Log.Message(string.Format("{0} cannae hunt {2} XenoInfection:{1} IsXenos:{3}", predator.Label, XenoInfection, ((Pawn)list[j]).Label, IsXenos)); } } return(false); }, 999999, RegionType.Set_Passable); } Pawn pawn = null; float num = 0f; bool tutorialMode = TutorSystem.TutorialMode; for (int i = 0; i < tmpPredatorCandidates.Count; i++) { Pawn pawn2 = tmpPredatorCandidates[i]; if (predator.GetRoom(RegionType.Set_Passable) == pawn2.GetRoom(RegionType.Set_Passable)) { if (predator != pawn2) { if (!flag || pawn2.Downed) { if (IsAcceptablePreyFor(predator, pawn2)) { if (predator.CanReach(pawn2, PathEndMode.ClosestTouch, Danger.Deadly, false, TraverseMode.ByPawn)) { if (!pawn2.IsForbidden(predator) && !(XenoInfection(pawn2))) { if (!tutorialMode || pawn2.Faction != Faction.OfPlayer) { float preyScoreFor = FoodUtility.GetPreyScoreFor(predator, pawn2); if (preyScoreFor > num || pawn == null) { num = preyScoreFor; pawn = pawn2; } } } } } } } } } tmpPredatorCandidates.Clear(); return(pawn); }
// RimWorld.FoodUtility private static Pawn BestPawnToHuntForPredator(Pawn predator, bool forceScanWholeMap) { if (predator.meleeVerbs.TryGetMeleeVerb(null) == null) { return(null); } bool flag = false; float summaryHealthPercent =; if (summaryHealthPercent < 0.25f) { flag = true; } tmpPredatorCandidates.Clear(); int maxRegionsToScan = GetMaxRegionsToScan(predator, forceScanWholeMap); if (maxRegionsToScan < 0) { tmpPredatorCandidates.AddRange(predator.Map.mapPawns.AllPawnsSpawned); } else { TraverseParms traverseParms = TraverseParms.For(predator, Danger.Deadly, TraverseMode.ByPawn, false); RegionTraverser.BreadthFirstTraverse(predator.Position, predator.Map, (Region from, Region to) => to.Allows(traverseParms, true), delegate(Region x) { List <Thing> list = x.ListerThings.ThingsInGroup(ThingRequestGroup.Pawn); for (int j = 0; j < list.Count; j++) { Pawn p = ((Pawn)list[j]); if (p.isPotentialHost()) { tmpPredatorCandidates.Add(p); } else { if ( {"{0} cannae hunt {2} XenoInfection:{1} IsXenos:{3}", predator.Label, XenomorphUtil.IsInfectedPawn(p), ((Pawn)list[j]).Label, XenomorphUtil.IsXenomorph(p))); } } } return(false); }, 999999, RegionType.Set_Passable); } Pawn pawn = null; float num = 0f; bool tutorialMode = TutorSystem.TutorialMode; for (int i = 0; i < tmpPredatorCandidates.Count; i++) { Pawn pawn2 = tmpPredatorCandidates[i]; if (predator.GetRoom(RegionType.Set_Passable) == pawn2.GetRoom(RegionType.Set_Passable)) { if (predator != pawn2) { if (!flag || pawn2.Downed) { if (IsAcceptablePreyFor(predator, pawn2)) { if (predator.CanReach(pawn2, PathEndMode.ClosestTouch, Danger.Deadly, false, TraverseMode.ByPawn)) { if (!pawn2.IsForbidden(predator)) { if (!tutorialMode || pawn2.Faction != Faction.OfPlayer) { float preyScoreFor = FoodUtility.GetPreyScoreFor(predator, pawn2); if (preyScoreFor > num || pawn == null) { num = preyScoreFor; pawn = pawn2; } } } } } } } } } tmpPredatorCandidates.Clear(); return(pawn); }
private static void DoDebugOptions(Rect rightRect, Pawn pawn) { Widgets.CheckboxLabeled(new Rect(rightRect.x, rightRect.y - 25f, 110f, 30f), "Dev: AllDiffs", ref showAllHediffs); Widgets.CheckboxLabeled(new Rect(rightRect.x + 115f, rightRect.y - 25f, 120f, 30f), "DiffsDebugInfo", ref showHediffsDebugInfo); if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(rightRect.x + 240f, rightRect.y - 27f, 115f, 25f), "Debug info")) { List <FloatMenuOption> list = new List <FloatMenuOption>(); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("Parts hit chance (this part or any child node)", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder13 = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BodyPartRecord item2 in from x in pawn.RaceProps.body.AllParts orderby x.coverageAbsWithChildren descending select x) { stringBuilder13.AppendLine(item2.LabelCap + " " + item2.coverageAbsWithChildren.ToStringPercent()); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder13.ToString())); })); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("Parts hit chance (exactly this part)", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder12 = new StringBuilder(); float num8 = 0f; foreach (BodyPartRecord item3 in from x in pawn.RaceProps.body.AllParts orderby x.coverageAbs descending select x) { stringBuilder12.AppendLine(item3.LabelCap + " " + item3.coverageAbs.ToStringPercent()); num8 += item3.coverageAbs; } stringBuilder12.AppendLine(); stringBuilder12.AppendLine("Total " + num8.ToStringPercent()); Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder12.ToString())); })); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("Per-part efficiency", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder11 = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BodyPartRecord allPart in pawn.RaceProps.body.AllParts) { stringBuilder11.AppendLine(allPart.LabelCap + " " + PawnCapacityUtility.CalculatePartEfficiency(, allPart).ToStringPercent()); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder11.ToString())); })); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("BodyPartGroup efficiency (of only natural parts)", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder10 = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BodyPartGroupDef item4 in from x in DefDatabase <BodyPartGroupDef> .AllDefs where pawn.RaceProps.body.AllParts.Any((BodyPartRecord y) => y.groups.Contains(x)) select x) { stringBuilder10.AppendLine(item4.LabelCap + " " + PawnCapacityUtility.CalculateNaturalPartsAverageEfficiency(, item4).ToStringPercent()); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder10.ToString())); })); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("IsSolid", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder9 = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BodyPartRecord notMissingPart in { stringBuilder9.AppendLine(notMissingPart.LabelCap + " " + notMissingPart.def.IsSolid(notMissingPart,; } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder9.ToString())); })); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("IsSkinCovered", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder8 = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BodyPartRecord notMissingPart2 in { stringBuilder8.AppendLine(notMissingPart2.LabelCap + " " + notMissingPart2.def.IsSkinCovered(notMissingPart2,; } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder8.ToString())); })); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("does have added parts", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder7 = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BodyPartRecord notMissingPart3 in { stringBuilder7.AppendLine(notMissingPart3.LabelCap + " " +; } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder7.ToString())); })); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("GetNotMissingParts", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder6 = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BodyPartRecord notMissingPart4 in { stringBuilder6.AppendLine(notMissingPart4.LabelCap); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder6.ToString())); })); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("GetCoverageOfNotMissingNaturalParts", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder5 = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BodyPartRecord item5 in from x in pawn.RaceProps.body.AllParts orderby descending select x) { stringBuilder5.AppendLine(item5.LabelCap + ": " +; } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder5.ToString())); })); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("parts nutrition (assuming adult)", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder4 = new StringBuilder(); float totalCorpseNutrition = StatDefOf.Nutrition.Worker.GetValueAbstract(pawn.RaceProps.corpseDef); foreach (BodyPartRecord item6 in from x in pawn.RaceProps.body.AllParts orderby FoodUtility.GetBodyPartNutrition(totalCorpseNutrition, pawn, x) descending select x) { stringBuilder4.AppendLine(item6.LabelCap + ": " + FoodUtility.GetBodyPartNutrition(totalCorpseNutrition, pawn, item6)); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder4.ToString())); })); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("test permanent injury pain factor probability", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder3 = new StringBuilder(); int num2 = 0; int num3 = 0; int num4 = 0; float num5 = 0f; int num6 = 10000; for (int k = 0; k < num6; k++) { float num7 = Mathf.Max(0f, Rand.ByCurve(HealthTuning.PermanentInjuryPainFactorRandomCurve)); if (num7 < 0f) { Log.Error("Pain factor < 0"); } if (num7 == 0f) { num2++; } if (num7 < 1f) { num3++; } if (num7 < 5f) { num4++; } if (num7 > num5) { num5 = num7; } } stringBuilder3.AppendLine("total: " + num6); stringBuilder3.AppendLine("0: " + num2 + " (" + ((float)num2 / (float)num6).ToStringPercent() + ")"); stringBuilder3.AppendLine("< 1: " + num3 + " (" + ((float)num3 / (float)num6).ToStringPercent() + ")"); stringBuilder3.AppendLine("< 5: " + num4 + " (" + ((float)num4 / (float)num6).ToStringPercent() + ")"); stringBuilder3.AppendLine("max: " + num5); Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder3.ToString())); })); HediffGiver_Birthday hLocal; list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("HediffGiver_Birthday chance at age", delegate { List <FloatMenuOption> list2 = new List <FloatMenuOption>(); foreach (HediffGiverSetDef hediffGiverSet in pawn.RaceProps.hediffGiverSets) { foreach (HediffGiver_Birthday item7 in hediffGiverSet.hediffGivers.OfType <HediffGiver_Birthday>()) { hLocal = item7; FloatMenuOption item = new FloatMenuOption(hediffGiverSet.defName + " - " + item7.hediff.defName, delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder2 = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder2.AppendLine("% of pawns which will have at least 1 " + hLocal.hediff.label + " at age X:"); stringBuilder2.AppendLine(); for (int j = 1; (float)j < pawn.RaceProps.lifeExpectancy + 20f; j++) { stringBuilder2.AppendLine(j + ": " + hLocal.DebugChanceToHaveAtAge(pawn, j).ToStringPercent()); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder2.ToString())); }); list2.Add(item); } } Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(list2)); })); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("HediffGiver_Birthday count at age", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.AppendLine("Average hediffs count (from HediffGiver_Birthday) at age X:"); stringBuilder.AppendLine(); for (int i = 1; (float)i < pawn.RaceProps.lifeExpectancy + 20f; i++) { float num = 0f; foreach (HediffGiverSetDef hediffGiverSet2 in pawn.RaceProps.hediffGiverSets) { foreach (HediffGiver_Birthday item8 in hediffGiverSet2.hediffGivers.OfType <HediffGiver_Birthday>()) { num += item8.DebugChanceToHaveAtAge(pawn, i); } } stringBuilder.AppendLine(i + ": " + num.ToStringDecimalIfSmall()); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder.ToString())); })); Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(list)); } }
private static void DoDebugOptions(Rect rightRect, Pawn pawn) { Widgets.CheckboxLabeled(new Rect(rightRect.x, rightRect.y - 25f, 110f, 30f), "Dev: AllDiffs", ref showAllHediffs); Widgets.CheckboxLabeled(new Rect(rightRect.x + 115f, rightRect.y - 25f, 120f, 30f), "DiffsDebugInfo", ref showHediffsDebugInfo); if (!Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(rightRect.x + 240f, rightRect.y - 27f, 115f, 25f), "Debug info")) { return; } List <FloatMenuOption> list = new List <FloatMenuOption>(); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("Parts hit chance (this part or any child node)", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder13 = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BodyPartRecord item2 in pawn.RaceProps.body.AllParts.OrderByDescending((BodyPartRecord x) => x.coverageAbsWithChildren)) { stringBuilder13.AppendLine(item2.LabelCap + " " + item2.coverageAbsWithChildren.ToStringPercent()); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder13.ToString())); })); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("Parts hit chance (exactly this part)", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder12 = new StringBuilder(); float num2 = 0f; foreach (BodyPartRecord item3 in pawn.RaceProps.body.AllParts.OrderByDescending((BodyPartRecord x) => x.coverageAbs)) { stringBuilder12.AppendLine(item3.LabelCap + " " + item3.coverageAbs.ToStringPercent()); num2 += item3.coverageAbs; } stringBuilder12.AppendLine(); stringBuilder12.AppendLine("Total " + num2.ToStringPercent()); Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder12.ToString())); })); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("Per-part efficiency", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder11 = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BodyPartRecord allPart in pawn.RaceProps.body.AllParts) { stringBuilder11.AppendLine(allPart.LabelCap + " " + PawnCapacityUtility.CalculatePartEfficiency(, allPart).ToStringPercent()); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder11.ToString())); })); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("BodyPartGroup efficiency (of only natural parts)", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder10 = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BodyPartGroupDef item4 in DefDatabase <BodyPartGroupDef> .AllDefs.Where((BodyPartGroupDef x) => pawn.RaceProps.body.AllParts.Any((BodyPartRecord y) => y.groups.Contains(x)))) { stringBuilder10.AppendLine(item4.LabelCap + " " + PawnCapacityUtility.CalculateNaturalPartsAverageEfficiency(, item4).ToStringPercent()); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder10.ToString())); })); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("IsSolid", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder9 = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BodyPartRecord notMissingPart in { stringBuilder9.AppendLine(notMissingPart.LabelCap + " " + notMissingPart.def.IsSolid(notMissingPart,; } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder9.ToString())); })); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("IsSkinCovered", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder8 = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BodyPartRecord notMissingPart2 in { stringBuilder8.AppendLine(notMissingPart2.LabelCap + " " + notMissingPart2.def.IsSkinCovered(notMissingPart2,; } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder8.ToString())); })); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("Immunities", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder7 = new StringBuilder(); foreach (HediffDef item5 in DefDatabase <HediffDef> .AllDefsListForReading) { ImmunityRecord immunityRecord =; if (immunityRecord != null) { stringBuilder7.AppendLine(string.Concat("Hediff: ", immunityRecord.hediffDef, ", Source: ", immunityRecord.source, ", Immunity: ", immunityRecord.immunity)); } } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder7.ToString())); })); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("does have added parts", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder6 = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BodyPartRecord notMissingPart3 in { stringBuilder6.AppendLine(notMissingPart3.LabelCap + " " +; } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder6.ToString())); })); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("GetNotMissingParts", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder5 = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BodyPartRecord notMissingPart4 in { stringBuilder5.AppendLine(notMissingPart4.LabelCap); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder5.ToString())); })); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("GetCoverageOfNotMissingNaturalParts", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder4 = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BodyPartRecord item6 in pawn.RaceProps.body.AllParts.OrderByDescending((BodyPartRecord x) => { stringBuilder4.AppendLine(item6.LabelCap + ": " +; } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder4.ToString())); })); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("parts nutrition (assuming adult)", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder3 = new StringBuilder(); float totalCorpseNutrition = StatDefOf.Nutrition.Worker.GetValueAbstract(pawn.RaceProps.corpseDef); foreach (BodyPartRecord item7 in pawn.RaceProps.body.AllParts.OrderByDescending((BodyPartRecord x) => FoodUtility.GetBodyPartNutrition(totalCorpseNutrition, pawn, x))) { stringBuilder3.AppendLine(item7.LabelCap + ": " + FoodUtility.GetBodyPartNutrition(totalCorpseNutrition, pawn, item7)); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder3.ToString())); })); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("HediffGiver_Birthday chance at age", delegate { List <FloatMenuOption> list2 = new List <FloatMenuOption>(); HediffGiver_Birthday hLocal = default(HediffGiver_Birthday); foreach (HediffGiverSetDef hediffGiverSet in pawn.RaceProps.hediffGiverSets) { foreach (HediffGiver_Birthday item8 in hediffGiverSet.hediffGivers.OfType <HediffGiver_Birthday>()) { hLocal = item8; FloatMenuOption item = new FloatMenuOption(hediffGiverSet.defName + " - " + item8.hediff.defName, delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder2 = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder2.AppendLine("% of pawns which will have at least 1 " + hLocal.hediff.label + " at age X:"); stringBuilder2.AppendLine(); for (int j = 1; (float)j < pawn.RaceProps.lifeExpectancy + 20f; j++) { stringBuilder2.AppendLine(j + ": " + hLocal.DebugChanceToHaveAtAge(pawn, j).ToStringPercent()); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder2.ToString())); }); list2.Add(item); } } Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(list2)); })); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("HediffGiver_Birthday count at age", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.AppendLine("Average hediffs count (from HediffGiver_Birthday) at age X:"); stringBuilder.AppendLine(); for (int i = 1; (float)i < pawn.RaceProps.lifeExpectancy + 20f; i++) { float num = 0f; foreach (HediffGiverSetDef hediffGiverSet2 in pawn.RaceProps.hediffGiverSets) { foreach (HediffGiver_Birthday item9 in hediffGiverSet2.hediffGivers.OfType <HediffGiver_Birthday>()) { num += item9.DebugChanceToHaveAtAge(pawn, i); } } stringBuilder.AppendLine(i + ": " + num.ToStringDecimalIfSmall()); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder.ToString())); })); Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(list)); }
// Token: 0x060004FD RID: 1277 RVA: 0x000321F8 File Offset: 0x000305F8 protected override Job TryGiveJob(Pawn pawn) { bool selected = Find.Selector.SelectedObjects.Contains(pawn) && Prefs.DevMode; Need_Food food =; LifeStageDef stage = pawn.ageTracker.CurLifeStage; bool desperate = food.CurCategory >= HungerCategory.Starving; bool canRefillDispenser = false; bool canUseInventory = false; bool allowCorpse = true; bool flag3 = this.forceScanWholeMap; if (stage == pawn.RaceProps.lifeStageAges[pawn.RaceProps.lifeStageAges.Count - 1].def) { if (selected) { Log.Message(string.Format("adult {0} @ {1}", pawn, pawn.Position)); } if (food.CurCategory == HungerCategory.Fed) { return(null); } } else { if (selected) { Log.Message(string.Format("young {0} @ {1}", pawn, pawn.Position)); } /* * if (food.CurCategory == HungerCategory.Fed) * { * return null; * } */ } float nutrition; if (!FoodUtility.TryFindBestFoodSourceFor(pawn, pawn, desperate, out Thing thing, out ThingDef thingDef, canRefillDispenser, canUseInventory, true, allowCorpse, true, pawn.IsWildMan(), flag3)) { return(null); } if (thing is Corpse corpse) { if (selected) { Log.Message(string.Format("{0} is corpse @ {1}", thing, thing.Position)); } nutrition = FoodUtility.GetNutrition(thing, thingDef); return(new Job(XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Neomorph_Ingest, thing) { count = FoodUtility.WillIngestStackCountOf(pawn, thingDef, nutrition) }); } if (thing is Pawn pawn2) { if (selected) { Log.Message(string.Format("{0} is pawn @ {1}", thing, thing.Position)); } if (pawn2 != null) { return(new Job(JobDefOf.PredatorHunt, pawn2) { killIncappedTarget = true }); } } nutrition = FoodUtility.GetNutrition(thing, thingDef); if (selected) { Log.Message(string.Format("{0} is thing @ {1}", thing, thing.Position)); } return(new Job(XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Neomorph_Ingest, thing) { count = FoodUtility.WillIngestStackCountOf(pawn, thingDef, nutrition) }); }
public bool MoveNext() { uint num = (uint)this.$PC; this.$PC = -1; switch (num) { case 0u: this.FailOnDespawnedNullOrForbidden(TargetIndex.B); this.FailOn(() => !FoodUtility.ShouldBeFedBySomeone(base.Deliveree)); if (this.pawn.inventory != null && this.pawn.inventory.Contains(base.TargetThingA)) { this.$current = Toils_Misc.TakeItemFromInventoryToCarrier(this.pawn, TargetIndex.A); if (!this.$disposing) { this.$PC = 1; } return(true); } if (base.TargetThingA is Building_NutrientPasteDispenser) { this.$current = Toils_Goto.GotoThing(TargetIndex.A, PathEndMode.InteractionCell).FailOnForbidden(TargetIndex.A); if (!this.$disposing) { this.$PC = 2; } return(true); } this.$current = Toils_Goto.GotoThing(TargetIndex.A, PathEndMode.ClosestTouch).FailOnForbidden(TargetIndex.A); if (!this.$disposing) { this.$PC = 4; } return(true); case 1u: break; case 2u: this.$current = Toils_Ingest.TakeMealFromDispenser(TargetIndex.A, this.pawn); if (!this.$disposing) { this.$PC = 3; } return(true); case 3u: break; case 4u: this.$current = Toils_Ingest.PickupIngestible(TargetIndex.A, base.Deliveree); if (!this.$disposing) { this.$PC = 5; } return(true); case 5u: break; case 6u: this.$current = Toils_Ingest.ChewIngestible(base.Deliveree, 1.5f, TargetIndex.A, TargetIndex.None).FailOnCannotTouch(TargetIndex.B, PathEndMode.Touch); if (!this.$disposing) { this.$PC = 7; } return(true); case 7u: this.$current = Toils_Ingest.FinalizeIngest(base.Deliveree, TargetIndex.A); if (!this.$disposing) { this.$PC = 8; } return(true); case 8u: this.$PC = -1; return(false); default: return(false); } this.$current = Toils_Goto.GotoThing(TargetIndex.B, PathEndMode.Touch); if (!this.$disposing) { this.$PC = 6; } return(true); }
// Token: 0x060004FD RID: 1277 RVA: 0x000321F8 File Offset: 0x000305F8 protected override Job TryGiveJob(Pawn pawn) { Need_Food food =; LifeStageDef stage = pawn.ageTracker.CurLifeStage; if (stage == pawn.RaceProps.lifeStageAges[pawn.RaceProps.lifeStageAges.Count - 1].def) { return(null); } bool flag; if (pawn.AnimalOrWildMan()) { flag = true; } else { Hediff firstHediffOfDef =, false); flag = (firstHediffOfDef != null && firstHediffOfDef.Severity > 0.4f); } bool flag2 = == HungerCategory.Starving; bool desperate = flag2; Thing thing; ThingDef thingDef; bool canRefillDispenser = false; bool canUseInventory = false; bool allowCorpse = true; bool flag3 = false; if (pawn.GetLord() != null && pawn.GetLord() is Lord L) { if (L.CurLordToil is LordToil_DefendAndExpandHiveLike Hivelord) { if (Hivelord.Data.assignedHiveLikes.TryGetValue(pawn) != null) { if (!Hivelord.Data.assignedHiveLikes.TryGetValue(pawn).active) { return(null); } } } } if (!FoodUtility.TryFindBestFoodSourceFor(pawn, pawn, desperate, out thing, out thingDef, canRefillDispenser, canUseInventory, true, allowCorpse, true, pawn.IsWildMan(), flag3)) { return(null); } if (thing.GetType() != typeof(Corpse)) { return(null); } Pawn pawn2 = thing as Pawn; if (pawn2 != null && pawn.CanSee(pawn2) && pawn.isXenomorph()) { return(new Job(JobDefOf.PredatorHunt, pawn2) { killIncappedTarget = true }); } float nutrition = FoodUtility.GetNutrition(thing, thingDef); return(new Job(XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Neomorph_Ingest, thing) { count = FoodUtility.WillIngestStackCountOf(pawn, thingDef, nutrition) }); }
private static void DoDebugOptions(Rect rightRect, Pawn pawn) { Widgets.CheckboxLabeled(new Rect(rightRect.x, (float)(rightRect.y - 25.0), 110f, 30f), "Dev: AllDiffs", ref HealthCardUtility.showAllHediffs, false); Widgets.CheckboxLabeled(new Rect((float)(rightRect.x + 115.0), (float)(rightRect.y - 25.0), 120f, 30f), "DiffsDebugInfo", ref HealthCardUtility.showHediffsDebugInfo, false); if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect((float)(rightRect.x + 240.0), (float)(rightRect.y - 27.0), 115f, 25f), "Debug info", true, false, true)) { List <FloatMenuOption> list = new List <FloatMenuOption>(); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("Parts hit chance (this part or any child node)", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder13 = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BodyPartRecord item2 in from x in pawn.RaceProps.body.AllParts orderby x.coverageAbsWithChildren descending select x) { stringBuilder13.AppendLine(item2.def.LabelCap + " " + item2.coverageAbsWithChildren.ToStringPercent()); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder13.ToString(), null, null, null, null, null, false)); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("Parts hit chance (exactly this part)", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder12 = new StringBuilder(); float num9 = 0f; foreach (BodyPartRecord item3 in from x in pawn.RaceProps.body.AllParts orderby x.coverageAbs descending select x) { stringBuilder12.AppendLine(item3.def.LabelCap + " " + item3.coverageAbs.ToStringPercent()); num9 += item3.coverageAbs; } stringBuilder12.AppendLine(); stringBuilder12.AppendLine("Total " + num9.ToStringPercent()); Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder12.ToString(), null, null, null, null, null, false)); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("Per-part efficiency", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder11 = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BodyPartRecord allPart in pawn.RaceProps.body.AllParts) { stringBuilder11.AppendLine(allPart.def.LabelCap + " " + PawnCapacityUtility.CalculatePartEfficiency(, allPart, false, null).ToStringPercent()); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder11.ToString(), null, null, null, null, null, false)); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("BodyPartGroup efficiency (of only natural parts)", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder10 = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BodyPartGroupDef item4 in from x in DefDatabase <BodyPartGroupDef> .AllDefs where pawn.RaceProps.body.AllParts.Any((BodyPartRecord y) => y.groups.Contains(x)) select x) { stringBuilder10.AppendLine(item4.LabelCap + " " + PawnCapacityUtility.CalculateNaturalPartsAverageEfficiency(, item4).ToStringPercent()); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder10.ToString(), null, null, null, null, null, false)); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("IsSolid", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder9 = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BodyPartRecord notMissingPart in, BodyPartDepth.Undefined)) { stringBuilder9.AppendLine(notMissingPart.def.LabelCap + " " + notMissingPart.def.IsSolid(notMissingPart,; } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder9.ToString(), null, null, null, null, null, false)); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("IsSkinCovered", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder8 = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BodyPartRecord notMissingPart2 in, BodyPartDepth.Undefined)) { stringBuilder8.AppendLine(notMissingPart2.def.LabelCap + " " + notMissingPart2.def.IsSkinCovered(notMissingPart2,; } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder8.ToString(), null, null, null, null, null, false)); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("does have added parts", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder7 = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BodyPartRecord notMissingPart3 in, BodyPartDepth.Undefined)) { stringBuilder7.AppendLine(notMissingPart3.def.LabelCap + " " +; } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder7.ToString(), null, null, null, null, null, false)); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("GetNotMissingParts", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder6 = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BodyPartRecord notMissingPart4 in, BodyPartDepth.Undefined)) { stringBuilder6.AppendLine(notMissingPart4.def.LabelCap); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder6.ToString(), null, null, null, null, null, false)); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("GetCoverageOfNotMissingNaturalParts", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder5 = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BodyPartRecord item5 in from x in pawn.RaceProps.body.AllParts orderby descending select x) { stringBuilder5.AppendLine(item5.def.LabelCap + ": " +; } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder5.ToString(), null, null, null, null, null, false)); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("parts nutrition", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder4 = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BodyPartRecord item6 in from x in pawn.RaceProps.body.AllParts orderby FoodUtility.GetBodyPartNutrition(pawn, x) descending select x) { stringBuilder4.AppendLine(item6.def.LabelCap + ": " + FoodUtility.GetBodyPartNutrition(pawn, item6)); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder4.ToString(), null, null, null, null, null, false)); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("test old injury pain factor probability", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder3 = new StringBuilder(); int num4 = 0; int num5 = 0; int num6 = 0; float num7 = 0f; int num8 = 10000; for (int i = 0; i < num8; i++) { float randomPainFactor = OldInjuryUtility.GetRandomPainFactor(); if (randomPainFactor < 0.0) { Log.Error("Pain factor < 0"); } if (randomPainFactor == 0.0) { num4++; } if (randomPainFactor < 1.0) { num5++; } if (randomPainFactor < 5.0) { num6++; } if (randomPainFactor > num7) { num7 = randomPainFactor; } } stringBuilder3.AppendLine("total: " + num8); stringBuilder3.AppendLine("0: " + num4 + " (" + ((float)num4 / (float)num8).ToStringPercent() + ")"); stringBuilder3.AppendLine("< 1: " + num5 + " (" + ((float)num5 / (float)num8).ToStringPercent() + ")"); stringBuilder3.AppendLine("< 5: " + num6 + " (" + ((float)num6 / (float)num8).ToStringPercent() + ")"); stringBuilder3.AppendLine("max: " + num7); Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder3.ToString(), null, null, null, null, null, false)); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); HediffGiver_Birthday hLocal; list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("HediffGiver_Birthday chance at age", delegate { List <FloatMenuOption> list2 = new List <FloatMenuOption>(); foreach (HediffGiverSetDef hediffGiverSet in pawn.RaceProps.hediffGiverSets) { foreach (HediffGiver_Birthday item7 in hediffGiverSet.hediffGivers.OfType <HediffGiver_Birthday>()) { hLocal = item7; FloatMenuOption item = new FloatMenuOption(hediffGiverSet.defName + " - " + item7.hediff.defName, delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder2 = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder2.AppendLine("% of pawns which will have at least 1 " + hLocal.hediff.label + " at age X:"); stringBuilder2.AppendLine(); int num3 = 1; while ((float)num3 < pawn.RaceProps.lifeExpectancy + 20.0) { stringBuilder2.AppendLine(num3 + ": " + hLocal.DebugChanceToHaveAtAge(pawn, num3).ToStringPercent()); num3++; } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder2.ToString(), null, null, null, null, null, false)); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null); list2.Add(item); } } Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(list2)); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("HediffGiver_Birthday count at age", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.AppendLine("Average hediffs count (from HediffGiver_Birthday) at age X:"); stringBuilder.AppendLine(); int num = 1; while ((float)num < pawn.RaceProps.lifeExpectancy + 20.0) { float num2 = 0f; foreach (HediffGiverSetDef hediffGiverSet2 in pawn.RaceProps.hediffGiverSets) { foreach (HediffGiver_Birthday item8 in hediffGiverSet2.hediffGivers.OfType <HediffGiver_Birthday>()) { num2 += item8.DebugChanceToHaveAtAge(pawn, num); } } stringBuilder.AppendLine(num + ": " + num2.ToStringDecimalIfSmall()); num++; } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder.ToString(), null, null, null, null, null, false)); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(list)); } }
private void DrawThingRow(ref float y, float width, Thing thing, bool inventory = false) { Rect rect = new Rect(0f, y, width, 28f); Widgets.InfoCardButton(rect.width - 24f, y, thing); rect.width -= 24f; bool flag = false; if (CanControl && (inventory || CanControlColonist || (SelPawnForGear.Spawned && !SelPawnForGear.Map.IsPlayerHome))) { Rect rect2 = new Rect(rect.width - 24f, y, 24f, 24f); bool flag2 = false; if (SelPawnForGear.IsQuestLodger()) { flag2 = inventory || !EquipmentUtility.QuestLodgerCanUnequip(thing, SelPawnForGear); } Apparel apparel; bool flag3 = (apparel = thing as Apparel) != null && SelPawnForGear.apparel != null && SelPawnForGear.apparel.IsLocked(apparel); flag = flag2 || flag3; if (Mouse.IsOver(rect2)) { if (flag3) { TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect2, "DropThingLocked".Translate()); } else if (flag2) { TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect2, "DropThingLodger".Translate()); } else { TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect2, "DropThing".Translate()); } } Color color = (flag ? Color.grey : Color.white); Color mouseoverColor = (flag ? color : GenUI.MouseoverColor); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(rect2, TexButton.Drop, color, mouseoverColor, !flag) && !flag) { SoundDefOf.Tick_High.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); InterfaceDrop(thing); } rect.width -= 24f; } if (CanControlColonist) { if (FoodUtility.WillIngestFromInventoryNow(SelPawnForGear, thing)) { Rect rect3 = new Rect(rect.width - 24f, y, 24f, 24f); TooltipHandler.TipRegionByKey(rect3, "ConsumeThing", thing.LabelNoCount, thing); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(rect3, TexButton.Ingest)) { SoundDefOf.Tick_High.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); FoodUtility.IngestFromInventoryNow(SelPawnForGear, thing); } } rect.width -= 24f; } Rect rect4 = rect; rect4.xMin = rect4.xMax - 60f; CaravanThingsTabUtility.DrawMass(thing, rect4); rect.width -= 60f; if (Mouse.IsOver(rect)) { GUI.color = HighlightColor; GUI.DrawTexture(rect, TexUI.HighlightTex); } if (thing.def.DrawMatSingle != null && thing.def.DrawMatSingle.mainTexture != null) { Widgets.ThingIcon(new Rect(4f, y, 28f, 28f), thing); } Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; GUI.color = ThingLabelColor; Rect rect5 = new Rect(36f, y, rect.width - 36f, rect.height); string text = thing.LabelCap; Apparel apparel2 = thing as Apparel; if (apparel2 != null && SelPawnForGear.outfits != null && SelPawnForGear.outfits.forcedHandler.IsForced(apparel2)) { text += ", " + "ApparelForcedLower".Translate(); } if (flag) { text += " (" + "ApparelLockedLower".Translate() + ")"; } Text.WordWrap = false; Widgets.Label(rect5, text.Truncate(rect5.width)); Text.WordWrap = true; if (Mouse.IsOver(rect)) { string text2 = thing.DescriptionDetailed; if (thing.def.useHitPoints) { text2 = text2 + "\n" + thing.HitPoints + " / " + thing.MaxHitPoints; } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect, text2); } y += 28f; }
private static void DoDebugOptions(Rect rightRect, Pawn pawn) { Widgets.CheckboxLabeled(new Rect(rightRect.x, rightRect.y - 25f, 110f, 30f), "Dev: AllDiffs", ref HealthCardUtility.showAllHediffs, false); Widgets.CheckboxLabeled(new Rect(rightRect.x + 115f, rightRect.y - 25f, 120f, 30f), "DiffsDebugInfo", ref HealthCardUtility.showHediffsDebugInfo, false); if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(rightRect.x + 240f, rightRect.y - 27f, 115f, 25f), "Debug info", true, false, true)) { List <FloatMenuOption> list = new List <FloatMenuOption>(); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("Parts hit chance (this part or any child node)", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BodyPartRecord current in from x in pawn.RaceProps.body.AllParts orderby x.coverageAbsWithChildren descending select x) { stringBuilder.AppendLine(current.def.LabelCap + " " + current.coverageAbsWithChildren.ToStringPercent()); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder.ToString(), null, null, null, null, null, false)); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("Parts hit chance (exactly this part)", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); float num = 0f; foreach (BodyPartRecord current in from x in pawn.RaceProps.body.AllParts orderby x.coverageAbs descending select x) { stringBuilder.AppendLine(current.def.LabelCap + " " + current.coverageAbs.ToStringPercent()); num += current.coverageAbs; } stringBuilder.AppendLine(); stringBuilder.AppendLine("Total " + num.ToStringPercent()); Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder.ToString(), null, null, null, null, null, false)); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("Per-part efficiency", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BodyPartRecord current in pawn.RaceProps.body.AllParts) { stringBuilder.AppendLine(current.def.LabelCap + " " + PawnCapacityUtility.CalculatePartEfficiency(, current, false, null).ToStringPercent()); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder.ToString(), null, null, null, null, null, false)); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("BodyPartGroup efficiency (of only natural parts)", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BodyPartGroupDef current in from x in DefDatabase <BodyPartGroupDef> .AllDefs where pawn.RaceProps.body.AllParts.Any((BodyPartRecord y) => y.groups.Contains(x)) select x) { stringBuilder.AppendLine(current.LabelCap + " " + PawnCapacityUtility.CalculateNaturalPartsAverageEfficiency(, current).ToStringPercent()); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder.ToString(), null, null, null, null, null, false)); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("IsSolid", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BodyPartRecord current in, BodyPartDepth.Undefined)) { stringBuilder.AppendLine(current.def.LabelCap + " " + current.def.IsSolid(current,; } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder.ToString(), null, null, null, null, null, false)); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("IsSkinCovered", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BodyPartRecord current in, BodyPartDepth.Undefined)) { stringBuilder.AppendLine(current.def.LabelCap + " " + current.def.IsSkinCovered(current,; } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder.ToString(), null, null, null, null, null, false)); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("does have added parts", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BodyPartRecord current in, BodyPartDepth.Undefined)) { stringBuilder.AppendLine(current.def.LabelCap + " " +; } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder.ToString(), null, null, null, null, null, false)); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("GetNotMissingParts", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BodyPartRecord current in, BodyPartDepth.Undefined)) { stringBuilder.AppendLine(current.def.LabelCap); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder.ToString(), null, null, null, null, null, false)); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("GetCoverageOfNotMissingNaturalParts", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BodyPartRecord current in from x in pawn.RaceProps.body.AllParts orderby descending select x) { stringBuilder.AppendLine(current.def.LabelCap + ": " +; } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder.ToString(), null, null, null, null, null, false)); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("parts nutrition", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BodyPartRecord current in from x in pawn.RaceProps.body.AllParts orderby FoodUtility.GetBodyPartNutrition(pawn, x) descending select x) { stringBuilder.AppendLine(current.def.LabelCap + ": " + FoodUtility.GetBodyPartNutrition(pawn, current)); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder.ToString(), null, null, null, null, null, false)); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("test old injury pain factor probability", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); int num = 0; int num2 = 0; int num3 = 0; float num4 = 0f; int num5 = 10000; for (int i = 0; i < num5; i++) { float randomPainFactor = OldInjuryUtility.GetRandomPainFactor(); if (randomPainFactor < 0f) { Log.Error("Pain factor < 0"); } if (randomPainFactor == 0f) { num++; } if (randomPainFactor < 1f) { num2++; } if (randomPainFactor < 5f) { num3++; } if (randomPainFactor > num4) { num4 = randomPainFactor; } } stringBuilder.AppendLine("total: " + num5); stringBuilder.AppendLine(string.Concat(new object[] { "0: ", num, " (", ((float)num / (float)num5).ToStringPercent(), ")" })); stringBuilder.AppendLine(string.Concat(new object[] { "< 1: ", num2, " (", ((float)num2 / (float)num5).ToStringPercent(), ")" })); stringBuilder.AppendLine(string.Concat(new object[] { "< 5: ", num3, " (", ((float)num3 / (float)num5).ToStringPercent(), ")" })); stringBuilder.AppendLine("max: " + num4); Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder.ToString(), null, null, null, null, null, false)); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("HediffGiver_Birthday chance at age", delegate { List <FloatMenuOption> list2 = new List <FloatMenuOption>(); foreach (HediffGiverSetDef current in pawn.RaceProps.hediffGiverSets) { foreach (HediffGiver_Birthday current2 in current.hediffGivers.OfType <HediffGiver_Birthday>()) { HediffGiver_Birthday hLocal = current2; FloatMenuOption item = new FloatMenuOption(current.defName + " - " + current2.hediff.defName, delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.AppendLine("% of pawns which will have at least 1 " + hLocal.hediff.label + " at age X:"); stringBuilder.AppendLine(); int num = 1; while ((float)num < pawn.RaceProps.lifeExpectancy + 20f) { stringBuilder.AppendLine(num + ": " + hLocal.DebugChanceToHaveAtAge(pawn, num).ToStringPercent()); num++; } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder.ToString(), null, null, null, null, null, false)); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null); list2.Add(item); } } Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(list2)); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("HediffGiver_Birthday count at age", delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.AppendLine("Average hediffs count (from HediffGiver_Birthday) at age X:"); stringBuilder.AppendLine(); int num = 1; while ((float)num < pawn.RaceProps.lifeExpectancy + 20f) { float num2 = 0f; foreach (HediffGiverSetDef current in pawn.RaceProps.hediffGiverSets) { foreach (HediffGiver_Birthday current2 in current.hediffGivers.OfType <HediffGiver_Birthday>()) { num2 += current2.DebugChanceToHaveAtAge(pawn, num); } } stringBuilder.AppendLine(num + ": " + num2.ToStringDecimalIfSmall()); num++; } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(stringBuilder.ToString(), null, null, null, null, null, false)); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(list)); } }
private void InterfaceIngest(Thing t) { FoodUtility.IngestFromInventoryNow(SelPawnForGear, t); }
protected override Job TryGiveJob(Pawn pawn) { Need_Food food =; if (food == null || (int)food.CurCategory < (int)minCategory) { return(null); } bool flag; if (pawn.AnimalOrWildMan()) { flag = true; } else { Hediff firstHediffOfDef =; flag = (firstHediffOfDef != null && firstHediffOfDef.Severity > 0.4f); } bool flag2 = == HungerCategory.Starving; bool desperate = flag2; bool canRefillDispenser = true; bool canUseInventory = true; bool allowCorpse = flag; bool flag3 = forceScanWholeMap; Thing foodSource = default(Thing); ThingDef foodDef = default(ThingDef); if (!FoodUtility.TryFindBestFoodSourceFor(pawn, pawn, desperate, out foodSource, out foodDef, canRefillDispenser, canUseInventory, allowForbidden: false, allowCorpse, allowSociallyImproper: false, pawn.IsWildMan(), flag3)) { return(null); } Pawn pawn2 = foodSource as Pawn; if (pawn2 != null) { Job job = new Job(JobDefOf.PredatorHunt, pawn2); job.killIncappedTarget = true; return(job); } if (foodSource is Plant && foodSource.def.plant.harvestedThingDef == foodDef) { return(new Job(JobDefOf.Harvest, foodSource)); } Building_NutrientPasteDispenser building_NutrientPasteDispenser = foodSource as Building_NutrientPasteDispenser; if (building_NutrientPasteDispenser != null && !building_NutrientPasteDispenser.HasEnoughFeedstockInHoppers()) { Building building = building_NutrientPasteDispenser.AdjacentReachableHopper(pawn); if (building != null) { ISlotGroupParent hopperSgp = building as ISlotGroupParent; Job job2 = WorkGiver_CookFillHopper.HopperFillFoodJob(pawn, hopperSgp); if (job2 != null) { return(job2); } } foodSource = FoodUtility.BestFoodSourceOnMap(pawn, pawn, flag2, out foodDef, FoodPreferability.MealLavish, allowPlant: false, !pawn.IsTeetotaler(), allowCorpse: false, allowDispenserFull: false, allowDispenserEmpty: false, allowForbidden: false, allowSociallyImproper: false, allowHarvest: false, forceScanWholeMap); if (foodSource == null) { return(null); } } float nutrition = FoodUtility.GetNutrition(foodSource, foodDef); Job job3 = new Job(JobDefOf.Ingest, foodSource); job3.count = FoodUtility.WillIngestStackCountOf(pawn, foodDef, nutrition); return(job3); }