public void addVertex(float x, float y, float z, float u, float v) { warp_Vertex vert = new warp_Vertex(x, y, z); vert.setUV(u, v); addVertex(vert); }
public warp_Vertex getClone() { warp_Vertex newVertex = new warp_Vertex(); newVertex.pos = pos; newVertex.n = n; newVertex.u = u; newVertex.v = v; return(newVertex); }
public static warp_Object ROTATIONOBJECT(warp_Vector[] path, int sides) { int steps = sides + 1; warp_Object newObject = new warp_Object(); double alpha = 2 * pi / ((double)steps - 1); float qx, qz; int nodes = path.GetLength(0); warp_Vertex vertex = null; float u, v; // Texture coordinates for (int j = 0; j < steps; j++) { u = (float)(steps - j - 1) / (float)(steps - 1); for (int i = 0; i < nodes; i++) { v = (float)i / (float)(nodes - 1); qx = (float)(path[i].x * Math.Cos(j * alpha) + path[i].z * Math.Sin(j * alpha)); qz = (float)(path[i].z * Math.Cos(j * alpha) - path[i].x * Math.Sin(j * alpha)); vertex = new warp_Vertex(qx, path[i].y, qz); vertex.u = u; vertex.v = v; newObject.addVertex(vertex); } } for (int j = 0; j < steps - 1; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes - 1; i++) { newObject.addTriangle(i + nodes * j, i + nodes * (j + 1), i + 1 + nodes * j); newObject.addTriangle(i + nodes * (j + 1), i + 1 + nodes * (j + 1), i + 1 + nodes * j); } } for (int i = 0; i < nodes - 1; i++) { newObject.addTriangle(i + nodes * (steps - 1), i, i + 1 + nodes * (steps - 1)); newObject.addTriangle(i, i + 1, i + 1 + nodes * (steps - 1)); } return(newObject); }
private void CreatePrim(WarpRenderer renderer, SceneObjectPart prim, bool useTextures) { const float MIN_SIZE = 2f; if ((PCode)prim.Shape.PCode != PCode.Prim) return; if (prim.Scale.LengthSquared() < MIN_SIZE * MIN_SIZE) return; FacetedMesh renderMesh = null; Primitive omvPrim = prim.Shape.ToOmvPrimitive(prim.OffsetPosition, prim.RotationOffset); if (m_renderMeshes) { if (omvPrim.Sculpt != null && omvPrim.Sculpt.SculptTexture != UUID.Zero) { // Try fetchinng the asset byte[] sculptAsset = m_scene.AssetService.GetData(omvPrim.Sculpt.SculptTexture.ToString()); if (sculptAsset != null) { // Is it a mesh? if (omvPrim.Sculpt.Type == SculptType.Mesh) { AssetMesh meshAsset = new AssetMesh(omvPrim.Sculpt.SculptTexture, sculptAsset); FacetedMesh.TryDecodeFromAsset(omvPrim, meshAsset, DetailLevel.Highest, out renderMesh); meshAsset = null; } else // It's sculptie { IJ2KDecoder imgDecoder = m_scene.RequestModuleInterface<IJ2KDecoder>(); if (imgDecoder != null) { Image sculpt = imgDecoder.DecodeToImage(sculptAsset); if (sculpt != null) { renderMesh = m_primMesher.GenerateFacetedSculptMesh(omvPrim, (Bitmap)sculpt, DetailLevel.Medium); sculpt.Dispose(); } } } } } } // If not a mesh or sculptie, try the regular mesher if (renderMesh == null) { renderMesh = m_primMesher.GenerateFacetedMesh(omvPrim, DetailLevel.Medium); } if (renderMesh == null) return; warp_Vector primPos = ConvertVector(prim.GetWorldPosition()); warp_Quaternion primRot = ConvertQuaternion(prim.RotationOffset); warp_Matrix m = warp_Matrix.quaternionMatrix(primRot); if (prim.ParentID != 0) { SceneObjectGroup group = m_scene.SceneGraph.GetGroupByPrim(prim.LocalId); if (group != null) m.transform(warp_Matrix.quaternionMatrix(ConvertQuaternion(group.RootPart.RotationOffset))); } warp_Vector primScale = ConvertVector(prim.Scale); string primID = prim.UUID.ToString(); // Create the prim faces // TODO: Implement the useTextures flag behavior for (int i = 0; i < renderMesh.Faces.Count; i++) { Face face = renderMesh.Faces[i]; string meshName = primID + "-Face-" + i.ToString(); // Avoid adding duplicate meshes to the scene if (renderer.Scene.objectData.ContainsKey(meshName)) { continue; } warp_Object faceObj = new warp_Object(face.Vertices.Count, face.Indices.Count / 3); for (int j = 0; j < face.Vertices.Count; j++) { Vertex v = face.Vertices[j]; warp_Vector pos = ConvertVector(v.Position); warp_Vector norm = ConvertVector(v.Normal); if (prim.Shape.SculptTexture == UUID.Zero) norm = norm.reverse(); warp_Vertex vert = new warp_Vertex(pos, norm, v.TexCoord.X, v.TexCoord.Y); faceObj.addVertex(vert); } for (int j = 0; j < face.Indices.Count; j += 3) { faceObj.addTriangle( face.Indices[j + 0], face.Indices[j + 1], face.Indices[j + 2]); } Primitive.TextureEntryFace teFace = prim.Shape.Textures.GetFace((uint)i); Color4 faceColor = GetFaceColor(teFace); string materialName = String.Empty; if (m_texturePrims && prim.Scale.LengthSquared() > m_texturePrimSize*m_texturePrimSize) materialName = GetOrCreateMaterial(renderer, faceColor, teFace.TextureID); else materialName = GetOrCreateMaterial(renderer, faceColor); faceObj.transform(m); faceObj.setPos(primPos); faceObj.scaleSelf(primScale.x, primScale.y, primScale.z); renderer.Scene.addObject(meshName, faceObj); renderer.SetObjectMaterial(meshName, materialName); } }
public static warp_Object ROTATIONOBJECT(warp_Vector[] path, int sides) { int steps = sides + 1; warp_Object newObject = new warp_Object(); double alpha = 2 * pi / ( (double) steps - 1); float qx, qz; int nodes = path.GetLength(0); warp_Vertex vertex = null; float u, v; // Texture coordinates for (int j = 0; j < steps; j++) { u = (float) (steps - j - 1) / (float) (steps - 1); for (int i = 0; i < nodes; i++) { v = (float) i / (float) (nodes - 1); qx = (float) (path[i].x * Math.Cos(j * alpha) + path[i].z * Math.Sin(j * alpha)); qz = (float) (path[i].z * Math.Cos(j * alpha) - path[i].x * Math.Sin(j * alpha)); vertex = new warp_Vertex(qx, path[i].y, qz); vertex.u = u; vertex.v = v; newObject.addVertex(vertex); } } for (int j = 0; j < steps - 1; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes - 1; i++) { newObject.addTriangle(i + nodes * j, i + nodes * (j + 1), i + 1 + nodes * j); newObject.addTriangle(i + nodes * (j + 1), i + 1 + nodes * (j + 1), i + 1 + nodes * j); } } for (int i = 0; i < nodes - 1; i++) { newObject.addTriangle(i + nodes * (steps - 1), i, i + 1 + nodes * (steps - 1)); newObject.addTriangle(i, i + 1, i + 1 + nodes * (steps - 1)); } return newObject; }
public void addVertex(warp_Vertex newVertex) { newVertex.parent=this; vertexData.Add(newVertex); dirty=true; }
public void addVertex(float x, float y, float z, float u, float v) { warp_Vertex vert=new warp_Vertex(x,y,z); vert.setUV(u,v); addVertex(vert); }
public warp_Edge(warp_Vertex v1, warp_Vertex v2) { a = v1; b = v2; }
public void removeVertex(warp_Vertex v) { vertexData.Remove(v); }
public void addTriangle(warp_Vertex a, warp_Vertex b, warp_Vertex c) { addTriangle(new warp_Triangle(a, b, c)); }
public bool equals(warp_Vertex v) { return((pos.x == v.pos.x) && (pos.y == v.pos.y) && (pos.z == v.pos.z)); }
public bool equals(warp_Vertex v,float tolerance) { return Math.Abs(warp_Vector.sub(pos,v.pos).length())<tolerance; }
public bool equals(warp_Vertex v) { return ((pos.x==v.pos.x)&&(pos.y==v.pos.y)&&(pos.z==v.pos.z)); }
public warp_Vertex getClone() { warp_Vertex newVertex=new warp_Vertex(); newVertex.pos=pos.getClone(); newVertex.n=n.getClone(); newVertex.u=u; newVertex.v=v; return newVertex; }
public static warp_Object TUBE(warp_Vector[] path, float r, int steps, bool closed) { warp_Vector[] circle = new warp_Vector[steps]; float angle; for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++) { angle = 2 * 3.14159265f * (float)i / (float)steps; circle[i] = new warp_Vector(r * warp_Math.cos(angle), r * warp_Math.sin(angle), 0f); } warp_Object newObject = new warp_Object(); int segments = path.GetLength(0); warp_Vector forward, up, right; warp_Matrix frenetmatrix; warp_Vertex tempvertex; float relx, rely; int a, b, c, d; for (int i = 0; i < segments; i++) { // Calculate frenet frame matrix if (i != segments - 1) { forward = warp_Vector.sub(path[i + 1], path[i]); } else { if (!closed) { forward = warp_Vector.sub(path[i], path[i - 1]); } else { forward = warp_Vector.sub(path[1], path[0]); } } forward.normalize(); up = new warp_Vector(0f, 0f, 1f); right = warp_Vector.getNormal(forward, up); up = warp_Vector.getNormal(forward, right); frenetmatrix = new warp_Matrix(right, up, forward); frenetmatrix.shift(path[i].x, path[i].y, path[i].z); // Add nodes relx = (float)i / (float)(segments - 1); for (int k = 0; k < steps; k++) { rely = (float)k / (float)steps; tempvertex = new warp_Vertex(circle[k].transform(frenetmatrix)); tempvertex.u = relx; tempvertex.v = rely; newObject.addVertex(tempvertex); } } for (int i = 0; i < segments - 1; i++) { for (int k = 0; k < steps - 1; k++) { a = i * steps + k; b = a + 1; c = a + steps; d = b + steps; newObject.addTriangle(a, c, b); newObject.addTriangle(b, c, d); } a = (i + 1) * steps - 1; b = a + 1 - steps; c = a + steps; d = b + steps; newObject.addTriangle(a, c, b); newObject.addTriangle(b, c, d); } return(newObject); }
private void drawLine(warp_Vertex a, warp_Vertex b ,int color) { warp_Vertex temp; if ((a.clipcode&b.clipcode)!=0) return; dx=(int)Math.Abs(a.x-b.x); dy=(int)Math.Abs(a.y-b.y); dz=0; if (dx>dy) { if (a.x>b.x){temp=a; a=b; b=temp;} if (dx>0) { dz=(b.z-a.z)/dx; dy=((b.y-a.y)<<16)/dx; } z=a.z; y=a.y<<16; for(x=a.x;x<=b.x;x++) { y2=y>>16; if (warp_Math.inrange(x,0,width-1)&&warp_Math.inrange(y2,0,height-1)) { offset=y2*width; if (z<zBuffer[x+offset]) { { screen.pixels[ x + offset ] = color; zBuffer[x+offset]=z; } } if (useIdBuffer) idBuffer[x+offset]=currentId; } z+=dz; y+=dy; } } else { if (a.y>b.y){ temp=a; a=b; b=temp; } if (dy>0) { dz=(b.z-a.z)/dy; dx=((b.x-a.x)<<16)/dy; } z=a.z; x=a.x<<16; for(y=a.y;y<=b.y;y++) { x2=x>>16; if (warp_Math.inrange(x2,0,width-1)&&warp_Math.inrange(y,0,height-1)) { offset=y*width; if (z<zBuffer[x2+offset]) { { screen.pixels[ x2 + offset ] = color; zBuffer[ x2 + offset ] = z; } } if (useIdBuffer) idBuffer[x2+offset]=currentId; } z+=dz; x+=dx; } } }
public bool equals(warp_Vertex v, float tolerance) { return(Math.Abs(warp_Vector.sub(pos, v.pos).length()) < tolerance); }
public void addVertex(warp_Vertex newVertex) { newVertex.parent = this; vertexData.Add(newVertex); dirty = true; }
public void render(warp_Triangle tri) { if (!ready) { return; } if (tri.parent == null) { return; } if ((mode & W) != 0) { drawWireframe(tri, color); if ((mode & W) == 0) { return; } } p1 = tri.p1; p2 = tri.p2; p3 = tri.p3; if (p1.y > p2.y) { tempVertex = p1; p1 = p2; p2 = tempVertex; } if (p2.y > p3.y) { tempVertex = p2; p2 = p3; p3 = tempVertex; } if (p1.y > p2.y) { tempVertex = p1; p1 = p2; p2 = tempVertex; } if (p1.y >= height) { return; } if (p3.y < 0) { return; } if (p1.y == p3.y) { return; } if (mode == F) { lutID = (int)(tri.n2.x * 127 + 127) + ((int)(tri.n2.y * 127 + 127) << 8); c = warp_Color.multiply(color, diffuse[lutID]); s = warp_Color.scale(specular[lutID], reflectivity); currentColor = warp_Color.add(c, s); } currentId = ( << 16) |; x1 = p1.x << 8; x2 = p2.x << 8; x3 = p3.x << 8; y1 = p1.y; y2 = p2.y; y3 = p3.y; x4 = x1 + (x3 - x1) * (y2 - y1) / (y3 - y1); x1 <<= 8; x2 <<= 8; x3 <<= 8; x4 <<= 8; z1 = p1.z; z2 = p2.z; z3 = p3.z; nx1 = p1.nx << 16; nx2 = p2.nx << 16; nx3 = p3.nx << 16; ny1 = p1.ny << 16; ny2 = p2.ny << 16; ny3 = p3.ny << 16; sw1 = 1.0f / p1.sw; sw2 = 1.0f / p2.sw; sw3 = 1.0f / p3.sw; tx1 = p1.tx * sw1; tx2 = p2.tx * sw2; tx3 = p3.tx * sw3; ty1 = p1.ty * sw1; ty2 = p2.ty * sw2; ty3 = p3.ty * sw3; dx = (x4 - x2) >> 16; if (dx == 0) { return; } temp = 256 * (y2 - y1) / (y3 - y1); z4 = z1 + ((z3 - z1) >> 8) * temp; nx4 = nx1 + ((nx3 - nx1) >> 8) * temp; ny4 = ny1 + ((ny3 - ny1) >> 8) * temp; float tf = (float)(y2 - y1) / (float)(y3 - y1); tx4 = tx1 + ((tx3 - tx1) * tf); ty4 = ty1 + ((ty3 - ty1) * tf); sw4 = sw1 + ((sw3 - sw1) * tf); dz = (z4 - z2) / dx; dnx = (nx4 - nx2) / dx; dny = (ny4 - ny2) / dx; dtx = (tx4 - tx2) / dx; dty = (ty4 - ty2) / dx; dsw = (sw4 - sw2) / dx; if (dx < 0) { temp = x2; x2 = x4; x4 = temp; z2 = z4; tx2 = tx4; ty2 = ty4; sw2 = sw4; nx2 = nx4; ny2 = ny4; } if (y2 >= 0) { dy = y2 - y1; if (dy != 0) { dxL = (x2 - x1) / dy; dxR = (x4 - x1) / dy; dzBase = (z2 - z1) / dy; dnxBase = (nx2 - nx1) / dy; dnyBase = (ny2 - ny1) / dy; dtxBase = (tx2 - tx1) / dy; dtyBase = (ty2 - ty1) / dy; dswBase = (sw2 - sw1) / dy; } xBase = x1; xMax = x1; zBase = z1; nxBase = nx1; nyBase = ny1; txBase = tx1; tyBase = ty1; swBase = sw1; if (y1 < 0) { xBase -= y1 * dxL; xMax -= y1 * dxR; zBase -= y1 * dzBase; nxBase -= y1 * dnxBase; nyBase -= y1 * dnyBase; txBase -= y1 * dtxBase; tyBase -= y1 * dtyBase; swBase -= y1 * dswBase; y1 = 0; } y2 = (y2 < height) ? y2 : height; offset = y1 * width; for (y = y1; y < y2; y++) { renderLine(); } } if (y2 < height) { dy = y3 - y2; if (dy != 0) { dxL = (x3 - x2) / dy; dxR = (x3 - x4) / dy; dzBase = (z3 - z2) / dy; dnxBase = (nx3 - nx2) / dy; dnyBase = (ny3 - ny2) / dy; dtxBase = (tx3 - tx2) / dy; dtyBase = (ty3 - ty2) / dy; dswBase = (sw3 - sw2) / dy; } xBase = x2; xMax = x4; zBase = z2; nxBase = nx2; nyBase = ny2; txBase = tx2; tyBase = ty2; swBase = sw2; if (y2 < 0) { xBase -= y2 * dxL; xMax -= y2 * dxR; zBase -= y2 * dzBase; nxBase -= y2 * dnxBase; nyBase -= y2 * dnyBase; txBase -= y2 * dtxBase; tyBase -= y2 * dtyBase; swBase -= y2 * dswBase; y2 = 0; } y3 = (y3 < height) ? y3 : height; offset = y2 * width; for (y = y2; y < y3; y++) { renderLine(); } } }
public warp_Triangle(warp_Vertex a, warp_Vertex b, warp_Vertex c) { p1=a; p2=b; p3=c; }
private void drawLine(warp_Vertex a, warp_Vertex b, int color) { warp_Vertex temp; if ((a.clipcode & b.clipcode) != 0) { return; } dx = (int)Math.Abs(a.x - b.x); dy = (int)Math.Abs(a.y - b.y); dz = 0; if (dx > dy) { if (a.x > b.x) { temp = a; a = b; b = temp; } if (dx > 0) { dz = (b.z - a.z) / dx; dy = ((b.y - a.y) << 16) / dx; } z = a.z; y = a.y << 16; for (x = a.x; x <= b.x; x++) { y2 = y >> 16; if (warp_Math.inrange(x, 0, width - 1) && warp_Math.inrange(y2, 0, height - 1)) { offset = y2 * width; if (z < zBuffer[x + offset]) { { screen.pixels[x + offset] = color; zBuffer[x + offset] = z; } } if (useIdBuffer) { idBuffer[x + offset] = currentId; } } z += dz; y += dy; } } else { if (a.y > b.y) { temp = a; a = b; b = temp; } if (dy > 0) { dz = (b.z - a.z) / dy; dx = ((b.x - a.x) << 16) / dy; } z = a.z; x = a.x << 16; for (y = a.y; y <= b.y; y++) { x2 = x >> 16; if (warp_Math.inrange(x2, 0, width - 1) && warp_Math.inrange(y, 0, height - 1)) { offset = y * width; if (z < zBuffer[x2 + offset]) { { screen.pixels[x2 + offset] = color; zBuffer[x2 + offset] = z; } } if (useIdBuffer) { idBuffer[x2 + offset] = currentId; } } z += dz; x += dx; } } }
private void CreatePrim(WarpRenderer renderer, ISceneChildEntity prim) { try { const float MIN_SIZE = 2f; if ((PCode) prim.Shape.PCode != PCode.Prim) return; if (prim.Scale.LengthSquared() < MIN_SIZE*MIN_SIZE) return; Primitive omvPrim = prim.Shape.ToOmvPrimitive(prim.OffsetPosition, prim.GetRotationOffset()); FacetedMesh renderMesh = null; // Are we dealing with a sculptie or mesh? if (omvPrim.Sculpt != null && omvPrim.Sculpt.SculptTexture != UUID.Zero) { // Try fetchinng the asset byte[] sculptAsset = m_scene.AssetService.GetData(omvPrim.Sculpt.SculptTexture.ToString()); if (sculptAsset != null) { // Is it a mesh? if (omvPrim.Sculpt.Type == SculptType.Mesh) { AssetMesh meshAsset = new AssetMesh(omvPrim.Sculpt.SculptTexture, sculptAsset); FacetedMesh.TryDecodeFromAsset(omvPrim, meshAsset, DetailLevel.Highest, out renderMesh); meshAsset = null; } else // It's sculptie { Image sculpt = m_imgDecoder.DecodeToImage(sculptAsset); if (sculpt != null) { renderMesh = m_primMesher.GenerateFacetedSculptMesh(omvPrim, (Bitmap) sculpt, DetailLevel.Medium); sculpt.Dispose(); } } } } else // Prim { renderMesh = m_primMesher.GenerateFacetedMesh(omvPrim, DetailLevel.Medium); } if (renderMesh == null) return; warp_Vector primPos = ConvertVector(prim.GetWorldPosition()); warp_Quaternion primRot = ConvertQuaternion(prim.GetRotationOffset()); warp_Matrix m = warp_Matrix.quaternionMatrix(primRot); if (prim.ParentID != 0) { ISceneEntity group = m_scene.GetGroupByPrim(prim.LocalId); if (group != null) m.transform(warp_Matrix.quaternionMatrix(ConvertQuaternion(group.RootChild.GetRotationOffset()))); } warp_Vector primScale = ConvertVector(prim.Scale); string primID = prim.UUID.ToString(); // Create the prim faces for (int i = 0; i < renderMesh.Faces.Count; i++) { Face face = renderMesh.Faces[i]; string meshName = primID + "-Face-" + i.ToString(); warp_Object faceObj = new warp_Object(face.Vertices.Count, face.Indices.Count/3); foreach (Vertex v in face.Vertices) { warp_Vector pos = ConvertVector(v.Position); warp_Vector norm = ConvertVector(v.Normal); if (prim.Shape.SculptTexture == UUID.Zero) norm = norm.reverse(); warp_Vertex vert = new warp_Vertex(pos, norm, v.TexCoord.X, v.TexCoord.Y); faceObj.addVertex(vert); } for (int j = 0; j < face.Indices.Count;) { faceObj.addTriangle( face.Indices[j++], face.Indices[j++], face.Indices[j++]); } Primitive.TextureEntryFace teFace = prim.Shape.Textures.GetFace((uint) i); string materialName; Color4 faceColor = GetFaceColor(teFace); if (m_texturePrims && prim.Scale.LengthSquared() > 48*48) { materialName = GetOrCreateMaterial(renderer, faceColor, teFace.TextureID); } else { materialName = GetOrCreateMaterial(renderer, faceColor); } faceObj.transform(m); faceObj.setPos(primPos); faceObj.scaleSelf(primScale.x, primScale.y, primScale.z); renderer.Scene.addObject(meshName, faceObj); renderer.SetObjectMaterial(meshName, materialName); } renderMesh.Faces.Clear(); renderMesh = null; } catch (Exception ex) { MainConsole.Instance.Warn("[Warp3D]: Exception creating prim, " + ex); } }
public warp_Triangle(warp_Vertex a, warp_Vertex b, warp_Vertex c) { p1 = a; p2 = b; p3 = c; }
public void addTriangle(warp_Vertex a, warp_Vertex b, warp_Vertex c) { addTriangle(new warp_Triangle(a,b,c)); }
private void CreatePrim(WarpRenderer renderer, SceneObjectPart prim, bool useTextures) { const float MIN_SIZE = 2f; if ((PCode)prim.Shape.PCode != PCode.Prim) return; if (prim.Scale.LengthSquared() < MIN_SIZE * MIN_SIZE) return; Primitive omvPrim = prim.Shape.ToOmvPrimitive(prim.OffsetPosition, prim.RotationOffset); FacetedMesh renderMesh = m_primMesher.GenerateFacetedMesh(omvPrim, DetailLevel.Medium); if (renderMesh == null) return; warp_Vector primPos = ConvertVector(prim.GetWorldPosition()); warp_Quaternion primRot = ConvertQuaternion(prim.RotationOffset); warp_Matrix m = warp_Matrix.quaternionMatrix(primRot); if (prim.ParentID != 0) { SceneObjectGroup group = m_scene.SceneGraph.GetGroupByPrim(prim.LocalId); if (group != null) m.transform(warp_Matrix.quaternionMatrix(ConvertQuaternion(group.RootPart.RotationOffset))); } warp_Vector primScale = ConvertVector(prim.Scale); string primID = prim.UUID.ToString(); // Create the prim faces // TODO: Implement the useTextures flag behavior for (int i = 0; i < renderMesh.Faces.Count; i++) { Face face = renderMesh.Faces[i]; string meshName = primID + "-Face-" + i.ToString(); // Avoid adding duplicate meshes to the scene if (renderer.Scene.objectData.ContainsKey(meshName)) { continue; } warp_Object faceObj = new warp_Object(face.Vertices.Count, face.Indices.Count / 3); for (int j = 0; j < face.Vertices.Count; j++) { Vertex v = face.Vertices[j]; warp_Vector pos = ConvertVector(v.Position); warp_Vector norm = ConvertVector(v.Normal); if (prim.Shape.SculptTexture == UUID.Zero) norm = norm.reverse(); warp_Vertex vert = new warp_Vertex(pos, norm, v.TexCoord.X, v.TexCoord.Y); faceObj.addVertex(vert); } for (int j = 0; j < face.Indices.Count; j += 3) { faceObj.addTriangle( face.Indices[j + 0], face.Indices[j + 1], face.Indices[j + 2]); } Primitive.TextureEntryFace teFace = prim.Shape.Textures.GetFace((uint)i); Color4 faceColor = GetFaceColor(teFace); string materialName = GetOrCreateMaterial(renderer, faceColor); faceObj.transform(m); faceObj.setPos(primPos); faceObj.scaleSelf(primScale.x, primScale.y, primScale.z); renderer.Scene.addObject(meshName, faceObj); renderer.SetObjectMaterial(meshName, materialName); } }
public void render(warp_Triangle tri) { if (!ready) {return;} if (tri.parent == null){return;} if ( (mode & W) != 0) { drawWireframe(tri, color); if ( (mode & W) == 0){return;} } p1 = tri.p1; p2 = tri.p2; p3 = tri.p3; if (p1.y > p2.y){tempVertex = p1;p1 = p2;p2 = tempVertex;} if (p2.y > p3.y){tempVertex = p2;p2 = p3;p3 = tempVertex;} if (p1.y > p2.y){tempVertex = p1;p1 = p2;p2 = tempVertex;} if (p1.y >= height){return;} if (p3.y < 0){return;} if (p1.y == p3.y){return;} if (mode == F) { lutID = (int) (tri.n2.x * 127 + 127) +( (int) (tri.n2.y * 127 + 127) << 8); c = warp_Color.multiply(color, diffuse[lutID]); s = warp_Color.scale(specular[lutID], reflectivity); currentColor = warp_Color.add(c, s); } currentId = ( << 16) |; x1 = p1.x << 8; x2 = p2.x << 8; x3 = p3.x << 8; y1 = p1.y; y2 = p2.y; y3 = p3.y; x4 = x1 + (x3 - x1) * (y2 - y1) / (y3 - y1); x1 <<= 8; x2 <<= 8; x3 <<= 8; x4 <<= 8; z1 = p1.z; z2 = p2.z; z3 = p3.z; nx1 = p1.nx << 16; nx2 = p2.nx << 16; nx3 = p3.nx << 16; ny1 = p1.ny << 16; ny2 = p2.ny << 16; ny3 = p3.ny << 16; sw1 = 1.0f / p1.sw; sw2 = 1.0f / p2.sw; sw3 = 1.0f / p3.sw; tx1 = p1.tx * sw1; tx2 = p2.tx * sw2; tx3 = p3.tx * sw3; ty1 = p1.ty * sw1; ty2 = p2.ty * sw2; ty3 = p3.ty * sw3; dx = (x4 - x2) >> 16; if (dx == 0) { return; } temp = 256 * (y2 - y1) / (y3 - y1); z4 = z1 + ( (z3 - z1) >> 8) * temp; nx4 = nx1 + ( (nx3 - nx1) >> 8) * temp; ny4 = ny1 + ( (ny3 - ny1) >> 8) * temp; float tf = (float)(y2 - y1) / (float)(y3 - y1); tx4 = tx1 + ( (tx3 - tx1) * tf); ty4 = ty1 + ( (ty3 - ty1) * tf); sw4 = sw1 + ( (sw3 - sw1) * tf) ; dz = (z4 - z2) / dx; dnx = (nx4 - nx2) / dx; dny = (ny4 - ny2) / dx; dtx = (tx4 - tx2) / dx; dty = (ty4 - ty2) / dx; dsw = (sw4 - sw2) / dx; if (dx < 0) { temp = x2; x2 = x4; x4 = temp; z2 = z4; tx2 = tx4; ty2 = ty4; sw2 = sw4; nx2 = nx4; ny2 = ny4; } if (y2 >= 0) { dy = y2 - y1; if (dy != 0) { dxL = (x2 - x1) / dy; dxR = (x4 - x1) / dy; dzBase = (z2 - z1) / dy; dnxBase = (nx2 - nx1) / dy; dnyBase = (ny2 - ny1) / dy; dtxBase = (tx2 - tx1) / dy; dtyBase = (ty2 - ty1) / dy; dswBase = (sw2 - sw1) / dy; } xBase = x1; xMax = x1; zBase = z1; nxBase = nx1; nyBase = ny1; txBase = tx1; tyBase = ty1; swBase = sw1; if (y1 < 0) { xBase -= y1 * dxL; xMax -= y1 * dxR; zBase -= y1 * dzBase; nxBase -= y1 * dnxBase; nyBase -= y1 * dnyBase; txBase -= y1 * dtxBase; tyBase -= y1 * dtyBase; swBase -= y1 * dswBase; y1 = 0; } y2 = (y2 < height) ? y2 : height; offset = y1 * width; for (y = y1; y < y2; y++) { renderLine(); } } if (y2 < height) { dy = y3 - y2; if (dy != 0) { dxL = (x3 - x2) / dy; dxR = (x3 - x4) / dy; dzBase = (z3 - z2) / dy; dnxBase = (nx3 - nx2) / dy; dnyBase = (ny3 - ny2) / dy; dtxBase = (tx3 - tx2) / dy; dtyBase = (ty3 - ty2) / dy; dswBase = (sw3 - sw2) / dy; } xBase = x2; xMax = x4; zBase = z2; nxBase = nx2; nyBase = ny2; txBase = tx2; tyBase = ty2; swBase = sw2; if (y2 < 0) { xBase -= y2 * dxL; xMax -= y2 * dxR; zBase -= y2 * dzBase; nxBase -= y2 * dnxBase; nyBase -= y2 * dnyBase; txBase -= y2 * dtxBase; tyBase -= y2 * dtyBase; swBase -= y2 * dswBase; y2 = 0; } y3 = (y3 < height) ? y3 : height; offset = y2 * width; for (y = y2; y < y3; y++) { renderLine(); } } }
public static warp_Object TUBE(warp_Vector[] path, float r, int steps, bool closed) { warp_Vector[] circle = new warp_Vector[steps]; float angle; for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++) { angle = 2 * 3.14159265f * (float) i / (float) steps; circle[i] = new warp_Vector(r * warp_Math.cos(angle), r * warp_Math.sin(angle), 0f); } warp_Object newObject = new warp_Object(); int segments = path.GetLength(0); warp_Vector forward, up, right; warp_Matrix frenetmatrix; warp_Vertex tempvertex; float relx, rely; int a, b, c, d; for (int i = 0; i < segments; i++) { // Calculate frenet frame matrix if (i != segments - 1) { forward = warp_Vector.sub(path[i + 1], path[i]); } else { if (!closed) { forward = warp_Vector.sub(path[i], path[i - 1]); } else { forward = warp_Vector.sub(path[1], path[0]); } } forward.normalize(); up = new warp_Vector(0f, 0f, 1f); right = warp_Vector.getNormal(forward, up); up = warp_Vector.getNormal(forward, right); frenetmatrix = new warp_Matrix(right, up, forward); frenetmatrix.shift(path[i].x, path[i].y, path[i].z); // Add nodes relx = (float) i / (float) (segments - 1); for (int k = 0; k < steps; k++) { rely = (float) k / (float) steps; tempvertex = new warp_Vertex(circle[k].transform(frenetmatrix)); tempvertex.u = relx; tempvertex.v = rely; newObject.addVertex(tempvertex); } } for (int i = 0; i < segments - 1; i++) { for (int k = 0; k < steps - 1; k++) { a = i * steps + k; b = a + 1; c = a + steps; d = b + steps; newObject.addTriangle(a, c, b); newObject.addTriangle(b, c, d); } a = (i + 1) * steps - 1; b = a + 1 - steps; c = a + steps; d = b + steps; newObject.addTriangle(a, c, b); newObject.addTriangle(b, c, d); } return newObject; }
private void CreatePrim(WarpRenderer renderer, LLPrimitive prim, IPrimMesher primMesher) { const float MIN_SIZE = 2f; if (prim.Prim.PrimData.PCode != PCode.Prim) return; if (prim.Scale.LengthSquared() < MIN_SIZE * MIN_SIZE) return; RenderingMesh renderMesh; DetailLevel lod = DetailLevel.Medium; renderMesh = primMesher.GetRenderingMesh(prim, lod); if (renderMesh == null) return; warp_Vector primPos = ConvertVector(prim.ScenePosition); warp_Quaternion primRot = ConvertQuaternion(prim.RelativeRotation); warp_Matrix m = warp_Matrix.quaternionMatrix(primRot); if (prim.Parent != null) m.transform(warp_Matrix.quaternionMatrix(ConvertQuaternion(prim.Parent.RelativeRotation))); warp_Vector primScale = ConvertVector(prim.Scale); string primID = prim.ID.ToString(); // Create the prim faces for (int i = 0; i < renderMesh.Faces.Length; i++) { RenderingMesh.Face face = renderMesh.Faces[i]; string meshName = primID + "-Face-" + i.ToString(); warp_Object faceObj = new warp_Object(face.Vertices.Length, face.Indices.Length / 3); for (int j = 0; j < face.Vertices.Length; j++) { Vertex v = face.Vertices[j]; warp_Vector pos = ConvertVector(v.Position); warp_Vector norm = ConvertVector(v.Normal); if (prim.Prim.Sculpt == null || prim.Prim.Sculpt.SculptTexture == UUID.Zero) norm = norm.reverse(); warp_Vertex vert = new warp_Vertex(pos, norm, v.TexCoord.X, v.TexCoord.Y); faceObj.addVertex(vert); } for (int j = 0; j < face.Indices.Length; j += 3) { faceObj.addTriangle( face.Indices[j + 0], face.Indices[j + 1], face.Indices[j + 2]); } Primitive.TextureEntryFace teFace = prim.Prim.Textures.GetFace((uint)i); Color4 faceColor = GetFaceColor(teFace); string materialName = GetOrCreateMaterial(renderer, faceColor); faceObj.transform(m); faceObj.setPos(primPos); faceObj.scaleSelf(primScale.x, primScale.y, primScale.z); renderer.Scene.addObject(meshName, faceObj); renderer.SetObjectMaterial(meshName, materialName); } }