예제 #1
        public override void InitPath(IPathProcessor buffer)
            this.scene = pathIntegrator.Scene;

            this.Radiance = new RgbSpectrum(0f);
            this.PathState = BDPTSamplerState.InitPath;
            if (this.connectRays == null)
                this.connectRays = new ConnectRayInfo[scene.MaxPathDepth * scene.MaxPathDepth];
            lightPath = new VertexInfo[MaxLightDepth];
            this.Sample = pathIntegrator.Sampler.GetSample(null);
            lightVertices = 0;

            //Init eye ray
            this.EyeThroughput = new RgbSpectrum(1f);
            pathIntegrator.Scene.Camera.GetRay(Sample.imageX, Sample.imageY, out this.PathRay);
            this.RayIndex = -1;
            this.LightRayIndex = -1;
            this.eyePdf = 1f;

            //Init light path
            LightSample ls;
            var light = scene.Lights[scene.SampleLights(Sample.GetLazyValue())];
            light.EvaluatePhoton(scene, Sample.GetLazyValue(), Sample.GetLazyValue(), Sample.GetLazyValue(), Sample.GetLazyValue(), Sample.GetLazyValue(), out ls);
            LightRay = ls.LightRay;
            lightPdf = ls.Pdf * (1f / scene.Lights.Length);
            LightThroughput = (RgbSpectrum)(ls.Spectrum);

            this.tracedConnectRayCount = 0;
            this.eyeDepth = 0;
            this.lightDepth = 0;
            this.eyeStop = false;
            this.lightStop = false;
예제 #2
        public BaseBxdf GetBsdf(ref RayData pathRay, ref RayHit hit, ref MediumInfo med, bool fromLight, float u0)
            var currentTriangleIndex = (int) hit.Index;
            bool isLight = scene.IsLight(currentTriangleIndex);

            var mesh = scene.GetMeshByTriangleIndex(currentTriangleIndex);
            if (mesh == null)
            //|| mesh.MeshName.Equals("COL254_01", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                //ii.Color = new RgbSpectrum(1f);
                throw new ApplicationException("Invalid triangle index " + currentTriangleIndex + " Mesh not found");
            UV TexCoords;
            Normal normal = new Normal(), shadeN = new Normal();

            mesh.InterpolateTriUV(currentTriangleIndex, hit.U, hit.V, out TexCoords);
            //normal = -scene.Triangles[currentTriangleIndex].ComputeNormal(scene.Vertices).Normalize();

            mesh.InterpolateTriangleNormal((int)hit.Index, hit.U, hit.V, ref normal);
            //normal = -normal;
            shadeN = (Normal.Dot(ref pathRay.Dir, ref normal) > 0f) ? -normal : normal;

            var bsdf =  mesh.Material.GetBsdf(ref pathRay, ref hit, ref normal, ref shadeN, ref TexCoords, ref med, fromLight,u0);
            return bsdf;
예제 #3
 public PacketRayData(ref RayData rayData)
     maxT = rayData.maxT;
     Phi = 0;
     Theta = 0;
     Org = rayData.Org;
     Dir = rayData.Dir;
예제 #4
 public override void EvaluateShadow(ShadePointInfo pt, float u0, float u1, float u2, out IColorType radiance, out float pdf, out RayData ray)
     var wi = MC.CosineSampleHemisphere(u1, u2);
     pdf = wi.z * MathLab.INVPI;
     wi = pt.Frame.ToWorld(ref wi);
     ray = new RayData(ref pt.HitPoint, ref wi, 1e-4f, float.MaxValue);
     radiance = Le(ref wi);
예제 #5
        public override void EvaluateIllumination(RayEngineScene scn, float u0, float u1, float u2, float u3, float u4, out RayData ray, out float pdf, out IColorType radiance)
            Vector dir = MC.UniformSampleSphere(u0, u1);

            ray = new RayData(ref Position, ref dir, 1e-4f, 1e4f);

            pdf = MathLab.INV4PI;

            radiance = (power.Mul(MathLab.M_PI * 4f));
예제 #6
        protected BaseBxdf(ref RayHit rh, ref RayData ray, ref Normal ng, ref Normal ns, ref UV texCoord,
                MaterialInfo mi, SurfaceTextureInfo texData, bool fromLight)
            if (ng.Length > 1f || ns.Length > 1f)
                Console.WriteLine("Normals in bsdf arent normalized");
            this.Init(ref rh, ref ray, ref ng, ref ns, ref texCoord, mi, texData, fromLight);
예제 #7
 public override void EvaluateShadow(ShadePointInfo pt, float u0, float u1, float u2, out IColorType radiance, out float pdf, out RayData ray)
     var dir = -(Position - pt.HitPoint);
     var l2 = dir.Length2();
     var l = MathLab.Sqrt(l2);
     pdf = MC.UniformSpherePdf();
     ray = new RayData(ref pt.HitPoint, ref dir, 1e-4f, l - 1e-4f);
     radiance = power.Mul(1f / l);
     //float theta = Vector.SphericalTheta(ref dir);
     //Profile.Evaluate(Vector.SphericalPhi(ref dir) * MathLab.INVTWOPI, theta * MathLab.INVPI);
예제 #8
        public override void GetRay(double x, double y, out Core.Types.RayData ray)
            float theta = MathLab.M_PI * ((float)y/Height);
	        float phi = MathLab.M_2PI * ((float)x/Width);
            Vector dir = new Vector(MathLab.Sin(theta) * MathLab.Cos(phi), MathLab.Cos(theta),MathLab.Sin(theta) * MathLab.Sin(phi));
            ray = new RayData()
                Org = rayOrigin,
                Dir = -(dir),
                minT = clipHither,
                maxT = clipYon
예제 #9
        private void RestartLight()
            this.LightRayIndex = -1;
            float lPdf;
            LightSample lightSample;
            var light = scene.Lights[scene.SampleLights(this.Sample.GetLazyValue(), out lPdf)];
            light.EvaluatePhoton(scene, this.Sample.GetLazyValue(), this.Sample.GetLazyValue(), this.Sample.GetLazyValue(), this.Sample.GetLazyValue(),
                                 out lightSample);
            LightThroughtput = (RgbSpectrum)(RgbSpectrumInfo)(lightSample.Spectrum) / (lightSample.Pdf);
            lightWeight = lightSample.Pdf*lPdf;
            LightRay = lightSample.LightRay;
            this.currentLightVertex = 0;
            this.lightDepth = 0;

예제 #10
        public bool NextVertex(ref SurfaceIntersectionData hit, ref RayData pathRay, ref RgbSpectrum throughput, int depth, out float pdf)
            var currentTriangleIndex = (int)hit.Hit.Index;
            var lt = Scene.GetLightByIndex(currentTriangleIndex);
            var wo = -pathRay.Dir;
            pdf = 1f;
            if (hit.Brdf.IsSpecular() || depth == 1)
                if (lt != null)
                    var le = hit.Color * lt.Emittance(ref wo, out pdf);
                    throughput.MAdd(ref throughput, ref le);

            return false;
예제 #11
        public void Sample(VolumeMaterialInfo info, float distance, ref RayData ray, out VolumeHitData vhd)
            var pt = ray.Point(distance);
            var n3d = //NoiseProvider.Instance.Noise(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z);
                        NoiseProvider.Instance.Turbulence(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z, 6);
            var t3d = NoiseProvider.Instance.Turbulence(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z, 4);
            // Sample texture   info.Density
            vhd = new VolumeHitData()
                IoR = info.MediumInfo.IoR,
                Emittance = info.Outscattering*t3d,
                Absorbance = info.Absorbtion*n3d,
                Scattering = ((info.Inscattering + info.Absorbtion) * t3d) / info.Inscattering,
                Density = 0.05f//NoiseProvider.Instance.Noise(pt.x,pt.y,pt.z),                

예제 #12
        public static bool IntersectBox(ref BBox box, ref RayData ray) {
            float t0 = ray.Min;
            float t1 = ray.Max;

            var rayInvDir = ray.InvDirection;
            //1f /ray.Dir;

            float invDirX = rayInvDir.x;
            if (!process_box_coord(ref t0, ref t1, box.Min.x - ray.Org.x, box.Max.x - ray.Org.x, invDirX))
                return false;

            float invDirY = rayInvDir.y;
            if (!process_box_coord(ref t0, ref t1, box.Min.y - ray.Org.y, box.Max.y - ray.Org.y, invDirY))
                return false;

            float invDirZ = rayInvDir.z;
            if (!process_box_coord(ref t0, ref t1, box.Min.z - ray.Org.z, box.Max.z - ray.Org.z, invDirZ))
                return false;
            return true;
예제 #13
 private RgbSpectrum EvalRadiance(ref RayData r, int depth)
     double t = 0; // distance to intersection 
     int id = 0; // id of intersected object 
     if (!Scene.Intersect(ref r, ref t, ref id) || depth > MaxDepth)
         return RgbSpectrum.Black;
     var obj = SceneManager.Sph[id];
     var x = r.Point((float)t);
     Normal n = (Normal) (x - obj.p).Normalize();
     var nl = Vector.Dot(ref n, ref r.Dir) < 0 ? n : n * -1;
     var f = obj.c;
     var e = RgbSpectrum.Black;
     var p = f.c1 > f.c2 && f.c1 > f.c3 ? f.c1 : f.c2 > f.c3 ? f.c2 : f.c3; // max refl 
     if (obj.refl == 3)
         e += f;
     if (++depth > MaxDepth)
         if (rnd.NextFloat() < p)
             f = f*(1f/p);
             return e;
     var brdf = Brdfs[obj.refl];
     Vector dir;
     float fb;
     brdf.Sample(ref r.Dir, ref n, rnd.NextFloat(), rnd.NextFloat(), 1f, out dir, out fb);
     RayData newRay = new RayData(ref x, ref dir);
     return e + f * fb * EvalRadiance(ref newRay, depth);
예제 #14
 internal void Init(ref RayHit rh, ref RayData ray, ref Normal ng, ref Normal ns, ref UV texCoord,
     MaterialInfo mi, SurfaceTextureInfo texData, bool fromLight)
     if (rh.Miss())
         throw new ArgumentException("RayHit missed geometry!");
     //if (HitPoint == null)
         HitPoint = new HitPointInfo
             Color = RgbSpectrum.Max(ref mi.Kd, ref mi.Ks),
             HitPoint = ray.Point(rh.Distance),
             TexCoord = texCoord,
             FromDirection = -ray.Dir,
             GeoNormal = ng,
             ShadingNormal = ns,
             FromLight = fromLight
     //    HitPoint.HitPoint = ray.Point(rh.Distance);
     //    HitPoint.TexCoord = texCoord;
     //    HitPoint.FromDirection = -ray.Dir;
     //    HitPoint.GeoNormal = ng;
     //    HitPoint.ShadingNormal = ns;
     //    HitPoint.FromLight = fromLight;
     this.MaterialInfo = mi;
     this.TexData = texData;
     if (Frame == null)
         this.Frame = new ONB(ref HitPoint.GeoNormal);
         Frame.SetFromZ(ref HitPoint.GeoNormal);
예제 #15
        protected override bool ShadowRayTest(ref RayHit shadowRayHit, ref RayData shadowRay, out RgbSpectrum attenuation, out bool continueTrace)
            var hit = shadowRayHit.Index == 0xffffffffu || scene.IsLight((int)shadowRayHit.Index);
            attenuation = new RgbSpectrum(1f);
            continueTrace = false;

            if (hit) return true;
            var mesh = scene.GetMeshByTriangleIndex((int)shadowRayHit.Index);
            var mat =
                scene.MatLib.GetSurfMat(mesh != null ? mesh.MaterialName : "default");

            if (mat.TransparentShadows)
                continueTrace = true;
                return true;

            if (mat.AlphaTexture != null)
                continueTrace = true;
                this.SurfaceSampler.GetIntersection(ref shadowRay, ref shadowRayHit, ref hitInfo, IntersectionOptions.ResolveTextures);
                attenuation = (RgbSpectrum) hitInfo.TextureData.Alpha;
                hit = true;
                //mat.MaterialData.Kt.Filter() < Sample.GetLazyValue();

            return hit;
예제 #16
        public override sealed void Advance(RayBuffer rayBuffer, SampleBuffer consumer)
             int currentTriangleIndex = 0;

            try {

            if (((PathState == PathTracerPathState.ShadowRaysOnly) || (PathState == PathTracerPathState.NextVertex)) &&
                (tracedShadowRayCount > 0))
                for (int i = 0; i < tracedShadowRayCount; ++i)
                    RayHit shadowRayHit = rayBuffer.rayHits[secRays[i].ShadowRayIndex];
                    RgbSpectrum attenuation;
                    bool continueTrace;
                    if (this.ShadowRayTest(ref shadowRayHit, ref secRays[i].ShadowRay, out attenuation, out continueTrace))

                        Radiance += attenuation * ((secRays[i].Throughput) / secRays[i].Pdf);
                        pathWeight *= secRays[i].Pdf;

                    if (continueTrace)
                        continueRays[contCount++] = secRays[i];

                if (PathState == PathTracerPathState.ShadowRaysOnly)

                Array.Copy(continueRays, secRays, contCount);
                tracedShadowRayCount = contCount;
                contCount = 0;
            RayHit rayHit = rayBuffer.rayHits[RayIndex];
            Vector wo = -PathRay.Dir;

            bool missed = rayHit.Index == 0xffffffffu;
            if (missed || PathState == PathTracerPathState.ShadowRaysOnly || depth > scene.MaxPathDepth)
                if (missed)
                    //Radiance += this.scene.SampleEnvironment(ref wo) * Throughput;
                    var sampledEnvironment = this.scene.SampleEnvironment(ref wo);
                    Radiance.MAdd(ref sampledEnvironment , ref Throughput);


            //var mesh = scene.GetMeshByTriangleIndex(currentTriangleIndex);
            //rayHit.Index += (uint)mesh.StartTriangle;
            // Something was hit
            if (hitInfo == null)
                hitInfo = SurfaceSampler.GetIntersection(ref PathRay, ref rayHit);
                SurfaceSampler.GetIntersection(ref PathRay, ref rayHit, ref hitInfo);
            currentTriangleIndex = (int)rayHit.Index;

            if (hitInfo == null)
            //If Hit light)

            if (hitInfo.IsLight)
                if (specularBounce || depth == 1)
                    var lt = scene.GetLightByIndex(currentTriangleIndex);
                    if (lt != null)
                        float pdf;
                        var le = hitInfo.Color * lt.Emittance(ref wo, out pdf);
                        //Radiance += Throughput * le;
                        Radiance.MAdd(ref Throughput, ref le);


            var hitPoint = PathRay.Point(rayHit.Distance);

            tracedShadowRayCount = 0;
            var bsdf = hitInfo.MMaterial;

            if (!hitInfo.TextureData.Alpha.IsBlack())
                Throughput *= (RgbSpectrum.UnitSpectrum() - (RgbSpectrum) hitInfo.TextureData.Alpha);
                PathRay = new RayData(hitPoint, -wo);

            if (bsdf.IsDiffuse())
                float lightStrategyPdf = LightSampler.StrategyPdf;
                RgbSpectrum lightTroughtput = Throughput * hitInfo.Color;
                LightSampler.EvaluateShadow(ref hitPoint, ref hitInfo.Normal, Sample.GetLazyValue(),
                                            Sample.GetLazyValue(), Sample.GetLazyValue(), ref ls);
                for (int index = 0; index < ls.Length; index++)

                    if (ls[index].Pdf <= 0f)
                    secRays[tracedShadowRayCount].Throughput = ls[index].Spectrum.GetType() == typeof(RgbSpectrumInfo) ? (RgbSpectrum) (RgbSpectrumInfo)ls[index].Spectrum : (RgbSpectrum)ls[index].Spectrum;
                    secRays[tracedShadowRayCount].Pdf = ls[index].Pdf;
                    secRays[tracedShadowRayCount].ShadowRay = ls[index].LightRay;
                    Vector lwi = secRays[tracedShadowRayCount].ShadowRay.Dir;
                    RgbSpectrum fs;
                    hitInfo.MMaterial.f(ref secRays[tracedShadowRayCount].ShadowRay.Dir, ref wo, ref hitInfo.ShadingNormal, ref Throughput, out fs, types: BrdfType.Diffuse);
                    secRays[tracedShadowRayCount].Throughput *= lightTroughtput *
                                                                Vector.AbsDot(ref hitInfo.Normal, ref lwi) *
                    if (!secRays[tracedShadowRayCount].Throughput.IsBlack())
                        secRays[tracedShadowRayCount].Pdf /= lightStrategyPdf;
                        LightSample = ls[index];

            float fPdf = 0f;
            var wi = new Vector();
            RgbSpectrum f;
            hitInfo.TextureData.Throughput = Throughput;
            f = bsdf.Sample_f(ref wo, out wi, ref hitInfo.Normal, ref hitInfo.ShadingNormal, ref Throughput,
                                Sample.GetLazyValue(), Sample.GetLazyValue(), Sample.GetLazyValue()
                                , ref hitInfo.TextureData, out fPdf, out specularBounce);

            if ((fPdf <= 0.0f) || f.IsBlack())
                if (tracedShadowRayCount > 0)
                    PathState = PathTracerPathState.ShadowRaysOnly;

            CurrentVertices.Add(new PathVertex()
                BsdfPdf = fPdf,
                Throughput = Throughput,
                GeoNormal = hitInfo.Normal,
                HitPoint = hitPoint,
                HitType = PathVertexType.Geometry,
                IncomingDirection = wi,
                Material = bsdf,
                OutgoingDirection = wo,
                RayDistance = rayHit.Distance,
                SampleU = rayHit.U,
                SampleV = rayHit.V,
                ShadingNormal = hitInfo.ShadingNormal,
                TexCoords = hitInfo.TexCoords,
                rrWeight = 1f,
            pathWeight *= fPdf;
            Throughput *= (f * hitInfo.Color) / fPdf;

            if (depth > scene.MaxPathDepth)
                float prob = Math.Max(Throughput.Filter(), scene.RussianRuletteImportanceCap);
                if (prob >= Sample.GetLazyValue())
                    CurrentVertices[CurrentVertices.Count - 1].rrWeight = 1f/prob;
                    Throughput /= prob;
                    pathWeight *= prob;
                    if (tracedShadowRayCount > 0)
                        PathState = PathTracerPathState.ShadowRaysOnly;



            PathRay.Org = hitPoint;
            PathRay.Dir = wi.Normalize();
            PathState = PathTracerPathState.NextVertex;

            catch (Exception ex) {
                RayDen.Library.Components.SystemComponents.Tracer.TraceLine("Advance path exception");
                RayDen.Library.Components.SystemComponents.Tracer.TraceLine("Error triangle {0}", currentTriangleIndex);

예제 #17
        private RgbSpectrum EvalRadiance(ref RayData r, int depth)
            double t = 0; // distance to intersection 
            int id = 0; // id of intersected object 
            if (!Scene.Intersect(ref r, ref t, ref id) || depth > MaxDepth)
                return RgbSpectrum.Black;
            var obj = SceneManager.Sph[id];
            var x = r.Point((float)t);
            Normal n = (Normal)(x - obj.p).Normalize();
            var nl = Vector.Dot(ref n, ref r.Dir) < 0 ? n : n * -1;
            var f = obj.c;
            var e = RgbSpectrum.Black;
            var p = f.c1 > f.c2 && f.c1 > f.c3 ? f.c1 : f.c2 > f.c3 ? f.c2 : f.c3; // max refl 
            var brdf = Brdfs[obj.refl];
            Vector dir;
            float fb;
            RgbSpectrum rad = new RgbSpectrum();

            brdf.Sample(ref r.Dir, ref n, rnd.NextFloat(), rnd.NextFloat(), 1f, out dir, out fb);
            if (id == 8)
                return f;
            if (brdf.BsdfType.Has(BsdfEvent.Diffuse))
                RayData shr = new RayData();
                Scene.GenerateShadowRay(rnd.NextFloat(), rnd.NextFloat(), ref x, ref shr);
                var l = x - shr.Org;
                shr.maxT = l.Length;
                double shd = 1e5f;
                int tid = 0;

                if (Scene.Intersect(ref shr, ref shd, ref tid))
                    if (tid == 8)
                        var w = -shr.Dir;
                        rad += (SceneManager.Sph[8].c*Vector.AbsDot(ref nl, ref w)*f*fb)/l.Length;
                    rad += SceneManager.Sph[8].c*Vector.AbsDot(ref nl, ref shr.Dir)*f/l.Length;
            if (brdf.BsdfType.Has(BsdfEvent.Transmit) && depth < MaxDepth)
                RayData newRay = new RayData(ref x, ref dir);
                rad += fb * EvalRadiance(ref newRay, depth+1);

            if (brdf.BsdfType.Has(BsdfEvent.Specular) && depth < MaxDepth)
                brdf.Sample(ref r.Dir, ref n, rnd.NextFloat(), rnd.NextFloat(), 1f, out dir, out fb);
                RayData newRay = new RayData(ref x, ref dir);
                rad += fb*EvalRadiance(ref newRay, depth+1);


            return rad;
예제 #18
        protected override bool ShadowRayTest(ref RayHit shadowRayHit, ref RayData shadowRay, out RgbSpectrum attenuation, out bool continueTrace)
            var hit = shadowRayHit.Index == 0xffffffffu || scene.IsLight((int)shadowRayHit.Index);
            attenuation = new RgbSpectrum(1f);
            continueTrace = false;

            if (hit) return true;
            var mesh = scene.GetMeshByTriangleIndex((int)shadowRayHit.Index);
            var mat =
                scene.MatLib.GetSurfMat(mesh != null ? mesh.MaterialName : "default");
            shadowRayEvent = mat.Type.TypeToEvent();
            if (mat.TransparentShadows)
                continueTrace = true;
                return true;

            //if (shadowRayEvent.Has(BsdfEvent.Transmit))
            //    var att = MathLab.Exp(-0.1f*shadowRayHit.Distance);
            //    attenuation *= att + att* hitInfo.TextureData.Transmittance;
            //    continueTrace = true;
            //    return true;

            //if (mat.AlphaTexture != null)
            //    continueTrace = true;
            //    this.SurfaceSampler.GetIntersection(ref shadowRay, ref shadowRayHit, ref hitInfo, IntersectionOptions.ResolveTextures);
            //    attenuation = (RgbSpectrum) hitInfo.TextureData.Alpha;
            //    hit = true;
            //    //mat.MaterialData.Kt.Filter() < Sample.GetLazyValue();

            return hit;
        public override void GenerateLiRays(IRayEngineScene scn, Sample sample, ref RayData ray, VolumeComputation comp)
            var scene = (RayEngineScene)(scn);

            var sigs = sig_s;
            comp.EmittedLight = lightEmission;
            float t0, t1;
            if (!region.Intersect(ray, out t0, out t1))

            if (sigs.IsBlack() || (scene.Lights.Length < 1))
                float distance = t1 - t0;
                comp.EmittedLight = lightEmission * distance;
                // Prepare for volume integration stepping
                float distance = t1 - t0;
                var nSamples = MathLab.Ceil2UInt(distance / stepSize);

                float step = distance / nSamples;
                RgbSpectrum Tr = new RgbSpectrum(1f);
                RgbSpectrum Lv = new RgbSpectrum();
                var p = ray.Point(t0);
                float offset = sample.GetLazyValue();
                t0 += offset * step;

                //Vector pPrev;
                for (var i = 0; i < nSamples; ++i, t0 += step)
                    //pPrev = p;
                    p = ray.Point(t0);
                    Sigma_s(ref p, out sigs);
                    //sigs = NoiseProvider.Instance.Noise3D(((Vector)p).Normalize());
                    Lv += lightEmission;
                    if (!sigs.IsBlack() && (scene.Lights.Length) > 0)
                        // Select the light to sample
                        float lightStrategyPdf;
                        var light = scene.Lights[scene.SampleLights(sample.GetLazyValue(), out lightStrategyPdf)];

                        // Select a point on the light surface
                        float lightPdf;
                        Normal fakeNorml = new Normal(0f, 0f, 1f);
                        LightSample ls = new LightSample();
                        light.EvaluateShadow(ref p, ref fakeNorml, sample.GetLazyValue(),
                                                                sample.GetLazyValue(), sample.GetLazyValue(), ref ls);

                        var lightColor = (RgbSpectrumInfo)(ls.Spectrum);
                        lightPdf = ls.Pdf;
                        comp.Rays[comp.RayCount] = ls.LightRay;

                        if ((lightPdf > 0f) && !lightColor.IsBlack())
                            comp.ScatteredLight[comp.RayCount] =(RgbSpectrum)(Tr * sigs * lightColor * MathLab.Exp(-distance) *
                                                                 ((Density(ref p) * step) / (4f * MathLab.M_PI * lightPdf * lightStrategyPdf)));

                    comp.EmittedLight = Lv * step;
예제 #20
        public void GetRay(double xp, double yp, out IRay cameraRay)
            var u = (float)(2.0f * xp / w - 1.0f);
            var v = (float)(1.0f - 2.0f * yp / h);

            Vector rdir = mRight * u + mUp * v + this.Look;
            var rorig = (Position + rdir * 0.1f);
            cameraRay = new RayData(rorig, rdir);
예제 #21
        public bool Intersect(ref TriangleDataInfo ti, Point[] meshVertices, ref RayData ray, ref float thit, ref float u, ref float v)
            var p0 = meshVertices[ti.v0.VertexIndex];
            var p1 = meshVertices[ti.v1.VertexIndex];
            var p2 = meshVertices[ti.v2.VertexIndex];
            Vector e1, e2, s1;
            Point.Sub(ref p1, ref p0, out e1);
            Point.Sub(ref p2, ref p0, out e2);

            Vector.Cross(ref ray.Dir, ref e2, out s1);

            var divisor = Vector.Dot(ref s1, ref e1);
            if (divisor < MathLab.Epsilon)
                return false;

            var invDivisor = 1f / divisor;

            Vector d, s2;
            Point.Sub(ref ray.Org, ref p0, out d);
            var b1 = Vector.Dot(ref d, ref s1) * invDivisor;
            if (b1 < 0f)
                return false;

            Vector.Cross(ref d, ref  e1, out s2);
            var b2 = Vector.Dot(ref ray.Dir, ref  s2) * invDivisor;
            if (b2 < 0f)
                return false;

            var b0 = 1f - b1 - b2;
            if (b0 < 0f)
                return false;

            var t = Vector.Dot(ref e2, ref s2) * invDivisor;
            if (t < ray.minT || t > ray.maxT)
                return false;

            thit = t;
            u = b1;
            v = b2;

            return true;
예제 #22
        public override void GetRay(double xp, double yp, out RayData ray)

             float3 ray_origin = eye;
		    float3 ray_direction = d.x*U + d.y*V + W;
		    float3 ray_target = ray_origin + focal_scale * ray_direction;

		float2 sample = optix::square_to_disk(make_float2(jt.x, jt.y));
		ray_origin = ray_origin + aperture_radius * ( sample.x * normalize( U ) + sample.y * normalize( V ) );
		ray_direction = normalize(ray_target - ray_origin);
            // Generate raster and camera samples
            Point Pras = new Point((float)xp, (float)yp, 0);
            Point Pcamera = UnProject(ref Pras);
            var u = (float)(2.0f * xp / Width - 1.0f);
            var v = (float)(1.0f - 2.0f * yp / Height);

            Vector ray_dir = new Vector(x.x * u + y.x * v + dir.x, x.y * u + y.y * v + dir.y, x.z * u + y.z * v + dir.z);
            Vector ray_target = (Vector)(Position + ray_dir * focal_scale);

            Point ray_origin = Position;

            ray = new RayData(ray_origin, ray_dir, 0f, 1e20f);
            // Modify ray for depth of field
            if (lensRadius > 0f)
                // Sample point on lens
                float lensU = 0f, lensV = 0f;
                float samplelensU = rnd.NextFloat();
                float samplelensV = rnd.NextFloat();

                MC.ConcentricSampleDisk(samplelensU, samplelensV, ref lensU, ref lensV);
                lensU *= lensRadius;
                lensV *= lensRadius;

                ray_target += lensRadius * (lensU * Vector.Normalize(x) + lensV * Vector.Normalize(y));

                // Compute point on plane of focus
                //float ft = focalDistance / ray.Dir.z;
                //Point Pfocus = ray.Point(ft);

                // Update ray for effect of lens
                ray.Org = ray_origin;
                ray.Dir = Vector.Normalize(ray_target - (Vector) ray_origin);

            //ray->time = Lerp(sample.time, shutterOpen, shutterClose);
            //CameraToWorld(*ray, ray);
            //return 1.f;
예제 #23
        public static bool IntersectBox(AABB box, ref RayData ray) {
            float t0 = ray.Min;
            float t1 = ray.Max;
            float hitt0 = t0;
            float hitt1 = t1;

            var rayInvDir = ray.InvDirection;
            //1f /ray.Dir;

            float invDirX = rayInvDir.x;
            if (!process_box_coord(ref t0, ref t1, box.Min.x - ray.Org.x, box.Max.x - ray.Org.x, invDirX))
                return false;

            float invDirY = rayInvDir.y;
            if (!process_box_coord(ref t0, ref t1, box.Min.y - ray.Org.y, box.Max.y - ray.Org.y, invDirY))
                return false;

            float invDirZ = rayInvDir.z;
            if (!process_box_coord(ref t0, ref t1, box.Min.z - ray.Org.z, box.Max.z - ray.Org.z, invDirZ))
                return false;

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
                // Update interval for _i_th bounding box slab
                float invRayDir = 1f / ray.Direction[i];
                if (!process_box_coord(ref t0, ref t1, min[i] - ray.Origin[i], max[i] - ray.Origin[i], invRayDir)) return false;
             * */
            //ray.MinT = t0;
            //ray.MaxT = t1;
            hitt0 = t0;
            hitt1 = t1;
            return true;
예제 #24
 public abstract void EvaluateIllumination(RayEngineScene scn, float u0, float u1, float u2, float u3, float u4,
                                           out RayData ray, out float pdf, out IColorType radiance);
예제 #25
 public abstract void EvaluateShadow(ShadePointInfo pt, float u0, float u1, float u2,
                                      out IColorType radiance, out float pdf, out RayData ray);
예제 #26
        public RgbSpectrumInfo Sample(ref Point p, ref Normal N, float u2, float u0, float u1, out RayData shadowRay, out float pdf)
            Point samplePoint = new Point();
            float b0, b1, b2;

            scene.Triangles[triangleIndex].Sample(scene.Vertices, u0, u1, out samplePoint, out b0, out b1, out b2);
            //var sampleN = TriangleNormal;
            //var N = n;

            Vector wi = samplePoint - p;
            float distanceSquared = wi.Length2();
            float distance = MathLab.Sqrt(distanceSquared);
            wi /= distance;

            var nw = -wi;
            float sampleNdotMinusWi = Normal.Dot(ref TriangleNormal, ref nw);
            float NdotWi = Normal.Dot(ref N, ref wi);
            if ((sampleNdotMinusWi <= 0f) || (NdotWi <= 0f))
                pdf = 0f;
                shadowRay = new RayData();
                return new RgbSpectrumInfo(0f);

            shadowRay = new RayData(ref p, ref wi, MathLab.RAY_EPSILON, distance - MathLab.RAY_EPSILON);
            pdf = (distanceSquared / (sampleNdotMinusWi * area));

            // Using 0.1 instead of 0.0 to cut down fireflies
            if (pdf <= 0.1f)
                pdf = 0f;
                return new RgbSpectrumInfo(0);
            return Gain;
예제 #27
 public override void EvaluateIllumination(RayEngineScene scn, float u0, float u1, float u2, float u3, float u4, out RayData ray,
     out float pdf, out IColorType radiance)
     throw new System.NotImplementedException();
예제 #28
 public MatteLambertBrdf(ref RayHit rh, ref RayData ray, ref Normal ng, ref Normal ns, ref UV texCoord, MaterialInfo mi, SurfaceTextureInfo texData, bool fromLight)
     : base(ref rh, ref ray, ref ng, ref ns, ref texCoord, mi, texData, fromLight)
예제 #29
        public void Sample(float xp, float yp, float u0, float u1, float u2, out IRay r, out float pdf)
            Point Pras = new Point(xp, yp, 0);
            //Point Pcamera = UnProject(ref Pras);
            var u = 2.0f * xp / Width - 1.0f;
            var v = 1.0f - 2.0f * yp / Height;

            Vector ray_dir = new Vector(x.x * u + y.x * v + dir.x, x.y * u + y.y * v + dir.y, x.z * u + y.z * v + dir.z);
            Vector ray_target = (Vector)(Position + ray_dir * focal_scale);

            Point ray_origin = Position;

            var ray = new RayData(ray_origin, ray_dir, 0f, 1e20f);
            // Modify ray for depth of field
            if (lensRadius > 0f)
                // Sample point on lens
                float lensU = 0f, lensV = 0f;
                float samplelensU = rnd.NextFloat();
                float samplelensV = rnd.NextFloat();

                MC.ConcentricSampleDisk(samplelensU, samplelensV, ref lensU, ref lensV);
                lensU *= lensRadius;
                lensV *= lensRadius;

                ray_target += lensRadius * (lensU * Vector.Normalize(x) + lensV * Vector.Normalize(y));

                // Compute point on plane of focus
                //float ft = focalDistance / ray.Dir.z;
                //Point Pfocus = ray.Point(ft);

                // Update ray for effect of lens
                ray.Org = ray_origin;
                ray.Dir = Vector.Normalize(ray_target - (Vector)ray_origin);
            pdf = 1;
            r = (IRay)ray;

예제 #30
 public override void GetRay(double x, double y, out RayData ray)
     ray = new RayData();
     camera.GenerateRay(new UV((float)x, (float)y), out ray.Org, out ray.Dir);