Example #1
        public override void InitPath(IPathProcessor buffer)
            this.scene = pathIntegrator.Scene;

            this.Radiance = new RgbSpectrum(0f);
            this.PathState = BDPTSamplerState.InitPath;
            if (this.connectRays == null)
                this.connectRays = new ConnectRayInfo[scene.MaxPathDepth * scene.MaxPathDepth];
            lightPath = new VertexInfo[MaxLightDepth];
            this.Sample = pathIntegrator.Sampler.GetSample(null);
            lightVertices = 0;

            //Init eye ray
            this.EyeThroughput = new RgbSpectrum(1f);
            pathIntegrator.Scene.Camera.GetRay(Sample.imageX, Sample.imageY, out this.PathRay);
            this.RayIndex = -1;
            this.LightRayIndex = -1;
            this.eyePdf = 1f;

            //Init light path
            LightSample ls;
            var light = scene.Lights[scene.SampleLights(Sample.GetLazyValue())];
            light.EvaluatePhoton(scene, Sample.GetLazyValue(), Sample.GetLazyValue(), Sample.GetLazyValue(), Sample.GetLazyValue(), Sample.GetLazyValue(), out ls);
            LightRay = ls.LightRay;
            lightPdf = ls.Pdf * (1f / scene.Lights.Length);
            LightThroughput = (RgbSpectrum)(ls.Spectrum);

            this.tracedConnectRayCount = 0;
            this.eyeDepth = 0;
            this.lightDepth = 0;
            this.eyeStop = false;
            this.lightStop = false;
Example #2
        public BaseBxdf GetBsdf(ref RayData pathRay, ref RayHit hit, ref MediumInfo med, bool fromLight, float u0)
            var currentTriangleIndex = (int) hit.Index;
            bool isLight = scene.IsLight(currentTriangleIndex);

            var mesh = scene.GetMeshByTriangleIndex(currentTriangleIndex);
            if (mesh == null)
            //|| mesh.MeshName.Equals("COL254_01", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                //ii.Color = new RgbSpectrum(1f);
                throw new ApplicationException("Invalid triangle index " + currentTriangleIndex + " Mesh not found");
            UV TexCoords;
            Normal normal = new Normal(), shadeN = new Normal();

            mesh.InterpolateTriUV(currentTriangleIndex, hit.U, hit.V, out TexCoords);
            //normal = -scene.Triangles[currentTriangleIndex].ComputeNormal(scene.Vertices).Normalize();

            mesh.InterpolateTriangleNormal((int)hit.Index, hit.U, hit.V, ref normal);
            //normal = -normal;
            shadeN = (Normal.Dot(ref pathRay.Dir, ref normal) > 0f) ? -normal : normal;

            var bsdf =  mesh.Material.GetBsdf(ref pathRay, ref hit, ref normal, ref shadeN, ref TexCoords, ref med, fromLight,u0);
            return bsdf;
Example #3
 public PacketRayData(ref RayData rayData)
     maxT = rayData.maxT;
     Phi = 0;
     Theta = 0;
     Org = rayData.Org;
     Dir = rayData.Dir;
Example #4
 public override void EvaluateShadow(ShadePointInfo pt, float u0, float u1, float u2, out IColorType radiance, out float pdf, out RayData ray)
     var wi = MC.CosineSampleHemisphere(u1, u2);
     pdf = wi.z * MathLab.INVPI;
     wi = pt.Frame.ToWorld(ref wi);
     ray = new RayData(ref pt.HitPoint, ref wi, 1e-4f, float.MaxValue);
     radiance = Le(ref wi);
Example #5
        public override void EvaluateIllumination(RayEngineScene scn, float u0, float u1, float u2, float u3, float u4, out RayData ray, out float pdf, out IColorType radiance)
            Vector dir = MC.UniformSampleSphere(u0, u1);

            ray = new RayData(ref Position, ref dir, 1e-4f, 1e4f);

            pdf = MathLab.INV4PI;

            radiance = (power.Mul(MathLab.M_PI * 4f));
Example #6
        protected BaseBxdf(ref RayHit rh, ref RayData ray, ref Normal ng, ref Normal ns, ref UV texCoord,
                MaterialInfo mi, SurfaceTextureInfo texData, bool fromLight)
            if (ng.Length > 1f || ns.Length > 1f)
                Console.WriteLine("Normals in bsdf arent normalized");
            this.Init(ref rh, ref ray, ref ng, ref ns, ref texCoord, mi, texData, fromLight);
Example #7
 public override void EvaluateShadow(ShadePointInfo pt, float u0, float u1, float u2, out IColorType radiance, out float pdf, out RayData ray)
     var dir = -(Position - pt.HitPoint);
     var l2 = dir.Length2();
     var l = MathLab.Sqrt(l2);
     pdf = MC.UniformSpherePdf();
     ray = new RayData(ref pt.HitPoint, ref dir, 1e-4f, l - 1e-4f);
     radiance = power.Mul(1f / l);
     //float theta = Vector.SphericalTheta(ref dir);
     //Profile.Evaluate(Vector.SphericalPhi(ref dir) * MathLab.INVTWOPI, theta * MathLab.INVPI);
Example #8
        public override void GetRay(double x, double y, out Core.Types.RayData ray)
            float theta = MathLab.M_PI * ((float)y/Height);
	        float phi = MathLab.M_2PI * ((float)x/Width);
            Vector dir = new Vector(MathLab.Sin(theta) * MathLab.Cos(phi), MathLab.Cos(theta),MathLab.Sin(theta) * MathLab.Sin(phi));
            ray = new RayData()
                Org = rayOrigin,
                Dir = -(dir),
                minT = clipHither,
                maxT = clipYon
Example #9
        private void RestartLight()
            this.LightRayIndex = -1;
            float lPdf;
            LightSample lightSample;
            var light = scene.Lights[scene.SampleLights(this.Sample.GetLazyValue(), out lPdf)];
            light.EvaluatePhoton(scene, this.Sample.GetLazyValue(), this.Sample.GetLazyValue(), this.Sample.GetLazyValue(), this.Sample.GetLazyValue(),
                                 out lightSample);
            LightThroughtput = (RgbSpectrum)(RgbSpectrumInfo)(lightSample.Spectrum) / (lightSample.Pdf);
            lightWeight = lightSample.Pdf*lPdf;
            LightRay = lightSample.LightRay;
            this.currentLightVertex = 0;
            this.lightDepth = 0;

        public bool NextVertex(ref SurfaceIntersectionData hit, ref RayData pathRay, ref RgbSpectrum throughput, int depth, out float pdf)
            var currentTriangleIndex = (int)hit.Hit.Index;
            var lt = Scene.GetLightByIndex(currentTriangleIndex);
            var wo = -pathRay.Dir;
            pdf = 1f;
            if (hit.Brdf.IsSpecular() || depth == 1)
                if (lt != null)
                    var le = hit.Color * lt.Emittance(ref wo, out pdf);
                    throughput.MAdd(ref throughput, ref le);

            return false;
        public void Sample(VolumeMaterialInfo info, float distance, ref RayData ray, out VolumeHitData vhd)
            var pt = ray.Point(distance);
            var n3d = //NoiseProvider.Instance.Noise(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z);
                        NoiseProvider.Instance.Turbulence(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z, 6);
            var t3d = NoiseProvider.Instance.Turbulence(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z, 4);
            // Sample texture   info.Density
            vhd = new VolumeHitData()
                IoR = info.MediumInfo.IoR,
                Emittance = info.Outscattering*t3d,
                Absorbance = info.Absorbtion*n3d,
                Scattering = ((info.Inscattering + info.Absorbtion) * t3d) / info.Inscattering,
                Density = 0.05f//NoiseProvider.Instance.Noise(pt.x,pt.y,pt.z),                

Example #12
        public static bool IntersectBox(ref BBox box, ref RayData ray) {
            float t0 = ray.Min;
            float t1 = ray.Max;

            var rayInvDir = ray.InvDirection;
            //1f /ray.Dir;

            float invDirX = rayInvDir.x;
            if (!process_box_coord(ref t0, ref t1, box.Min.x - ray.Org.x, box.Max.x - ray.Org.x, invDirX))
                return false;

            float invDirY = rayInvDir.y;
            if (!process_box_coord(ref t0, ref t1, box.Min.y - ray.Org.y, box.Max.y - ray.Org.y, invDirY))
                return false;

            float invDirZ = rayInvDir.z;
            if (!process_box_coord(ref t0, ref t1, box.Min.z - ray.Org.z, box.Max.z - ray.Org.z, invDirZ))
                return false;
            return true;
Example #13
 private RgbSpectrum EvalRadiance(ref RayData r, int depth)
     double t = 0; // distance to intersection 
     int id = 0; // id of intersected object 
     if (!Scene.Intersect(ref r, ref t, ref id) || depth > MaxDepth)
         return RgbSpectrum.Black;
     var obj = SceneManager.Sph[id];
     var x = r.Point((float)t);
     Normal n = (Normal) (x - obj.p).Normalize();
     var nl = Vector.Dot(ref n, ref r.Dir) < 0 ? n : n * -1;
     var f = obj.c;
     var e = RgbSpectrum.Black;
     var p = f.c1 > f.c2 && f.c1 > f.c3 ? f.c1 : f.c2 > f.c3 ? f.c2 : f.c3; // max refl 
     if (obj.refl == 3)
         e += f;
     if (++depth > MaxDepth)
         if (rnd.NextFloat() < p)
             f = f*(1f/p);
             return e;
     var brdf = Brdfs[obj.refl];
     Vector dir;
     float fb;
     brdf.Sample(ref r.Dir, ref n, rnd.NextFloat(), rnd.NextFloat(), 1f, out dir, out fb);
     RayData newRay = new RayData(ref x, ref dir);
     return e + f * fb * EvalRadiance(ref newRay, depth);
Example #14
 internal void Init(ref RayHit rh, ref RayData ray, ref Normal ng, ref Normal ns, ref UV texCoord,
     MaterialInfo mi, SurfaceTextureInfo texData, bool fromLight)
     if (rh.Miss())
         throw new ArgumentException("RayHit missed geometry!");
     //if (HitPoint == null)
         HitPoint = new HitPointInfo
             Color = RgbSpectrum.Max(ref mi.Kd, ref mi.Ks),
             HitPoint = ray.Point(rh.Distance),
             TexCoord = texCoord,
             FromDirection = -ray.Dir,
             GeoNormal = ng,
             ShadingNormal = ns,
             FromLight = fromLight
     //    HitPoint.HitPoint = ray.Point(rh.Distance);
     //    HitPoint.TexCoord = texCoord;
     //    HitPoint.FromDirection = -ray.Dir;
     //    HitPoint.GeoNormal = ng;
     //    HitPoint.ShadingNormal = ns;
     //    HitPoint.FromLight = fromLight;
     this.MaterialInfo = mi;
     this.TexData = texData;
     if (Frame == null)
         this.Frame = new ONB(ref HitPoint.GeoNormal);
         Frame.SetFromZ(ref HitPoint.GeoNormal);
Example #15
        protected override bool ShadowRayTest(ref RayHit shadowRayHit, ref RayData shadowRay, out RgbSpectrum attenuation, out bool continueTrace)
            var hit = shadowRayHit.Index == 0xffffffffu || scene.IsLight((int)shadowRayHit.Index);
            attenuation = new RgbSpectrum(1f);
            continueTrace = false;

            if (hit) return true;
            var mesh = scene.GetMeshByTriangleIndex((int)shadowRayHit.Index);
            var mat =
                scene.MatLib.GetSurfMat(mesh != null ? mesh.MaterialName : "default");

            if (mat.TransparentShadows)
                continueTrace = true;
                return true;

            if (mat.AlphaTexture != null)
                continueTrace = true;
                this.SurfaceSampler.GetIntersection(ref shadowRay, ref shadowRayHit, ref hitInfo, IntersectionOptions.ResolveTextures);
                attenuation = (RgbSpectrum) hitInfo.TextureData.Alpha;
                hit = true;
                //mat.MaterialData.Kt.Filter() < Sample.GetLazyValue();

            return hit;
Example #16
        public override sealed void Advance(RayBuffer rayBuffer, SampleBuffer consumer)
             int currentTriangleIndex = 0;

            try {

            if (((PathState == PathTracerPathState.ShadowRaysOnly) || (PathState == PathTracerPathState.NextVertex)) &&
                (tracedShadowRayCount > 0))
                for (int i = 0; i < tracedShadowRayCount; ++i)
                    RayHit shadowRayHit = rayBuffer.rayHits[secRays[i].ShadowRayIndex];
                    RgbSpectrum attenuation;
                    bool continueTrace;
                    if (this.ShadowRayTest(ref shadowRayHit, ref secRays[i].ShadowRay, out attenuation, out continueTrace))

                        Radiance += attenuation * ((secRays[i].Throughput) / secRays[i].Pdf);
                        pathWeight *= secRays[i].Pdf;

                    if (continueTrace)
                        continueRays[contCount++] = secRays[i];

                if (PathState == PathTracerPathState.ShadowRaysOnly)

                Array.Copy(continueRays, secRays, contCount);
                tracedShadowRayCount = contCount;
                contCount = 0;
            RayHit rayHit = rayBuffer.rayHits[RayIndex];
            Vector wo = -PathRay.Dir;

            bool missed = rayHit.Index == 0xffffffffu;
            if (missed || PathState == PathTracerPathState.ShadowRaysOnly || depth > scene.MaxPathDepth)
                if (missed)
                    //Radiance += this.scene.SampleEnvironment(ref wo) * Throughput;
                    var sampledEnvironment = this.scene.SampleEnvironment(ref wo);
                    Radiance.MAdd(ref sampledEnvironment , ref Throughput);


            //var mesh = scene.GetMeshByTriangleIndex(currentTriangleIndex);
            //rayHit.Index += (uint)mesh.StartTriangle;
            // Something was hit
            if (hitInfo == null)
                hitInfo = SurfaceSampler.GetIntersection(ref PathRay, ref rayHit);
                SurfaceSampler.GetIntersection(ref PathRay, ref rayHit, ref hitInfo);
            currentTriangleIndex = (int)rayHit.Index;

            if (hitInfo == null)
            //If Hit light)

            if (hitInfo.IsLight)
                if (specularBounce || depth == 1)
                    var lt = scene.GetLightByIndex(currentTriangleIndex);
                    if (lt != null)
                        float pdf;
                        var le = hitInfo.Color * lt.Emittance(ref wo, out pdf);
                        //Radiance += Throughput * le;
                        Radiance.MAdd(ref Throughput, ref le);


            var hitPoint = PathRay.Point(rayHit.Distance);

            tracedShadowRayCount = 0;
            var bsdf = hitInfo.MMaterial;

            if (!hitInfo.TextureData.Alpha.IsBlack())
                Throughput *= (RgbSpectrum.UnitSpectrum() - (RgbSpectrum) hitInfo.TextureData.Alpha);
                PathRay = new RayData(hitPoint, -wo);

            if (bsdf.IsDiffuse())
                float lightStrategyPdf = LightSampler.StrategyPdf;
                RgbSpectrum lightTroughtput = Throughput * hitInfo.Color;
                LightSampler.EvaluateShadow(ref hitPoint, ref hitInfo.Normal, Sample.GetLazyValue(),
                                            Sample.GetLazyValue(), Sample.GetLazyValue(), ref ls);
                for (int index = 0; index < ls.Length; index++)

                    if (ls[index].Pdf <= 0f)
                    secRays[tracedShadowRayCount].Throughput = ls[index].Spectrum.GetType() == typeof(RgbSpectrumInfo) ? (RgbSpectrum) (RgbSpectrumInfo)ls[index].Spectrum : (RgbSpectrum)ls[index].Spectrum;
                    secRays[tracedShadowRayCount].Pdf = ls[index].Pdf;
                    secRays[tracedShadowRayCount].ShadowRay = ls[index].LightRay;
                    Vector lwi = secRays[tracedShadowRayCount].ShadowRay.Dir;
                    RgbSpectrum fs;
                    hitInfo.MMaterial.f(ref secRays[tracedShadowRayCount].ShadowRay.Dir, ref wo, ref hitInfo.ShadingNormal, ref Throughput, out fs, types: BrdfType.Diffuse);
                    secRays[tracedShadowRayCount].Throughput *= lightTroughtput *
                                                                Vector.AbsDot(ref hitInfo.Normal, ref lwi) *
                    if (!secRays[tracedShadowRayCount].Throughput.IsBlack())
                        secRays[tracedShadowRayCount].Pdf /= lightStrategyPdf;
                        LightSample = ls[index];

            float fPdf = 0f;
            var wi = new Vector();
            RgbSpectrum f;
            hitInfo.TextureData.Throughput = Throughput;
            f = bsdf.Sample_f(ref wo, out wi, ref hitInfo.Normal, ref hitInfo.ShadingNormal, ref Throughput,
                                Sample.GetLazyValue(), Sample.GetLazyValue(), Sample.GetLazyValue()
                                , ref hitInfo.TextureData, out fPdf, out specularBounce);

            if ((fPdf <= 0.0f) || f.IsBlack())
                if (tracedShadowRayCount > 0)
                    PathState = PathTracerPathState.ShadowRaysOnly;

            CurrentVertices.Add(new PathVertex()
                BsdfPdf = fPdf,
                Throughput = Throughput,
                GeoNormal = hitInfo.Normal,
                HitPoint = hitPoint,
                HitType = PathVertexType.Geometry,
                IncomingDirection = wi,
                Material = bsdf,
                OutgoingDirection = wo,
                RayDistance = rayHit.Distance,
                SampleU = rayHit.U,
                SampleV = rayHit.V,
                ShadingNormal = hitInfo.ShadingNormal,
                TexCoords = hitInfo.TexCoords,
                rrWeight = 1f,
            pathWeight *= fPdf;
            Throughput *= (f * hitInfo.Color) / fPdf;

            if (depth > scene.MaxPathDepth)
                float prob = Math.Max(Throughput.Filter(), scene.RussianRuletteImportanceCap);
                if (prob >= Sample.GetLazyValue())
                    CurrentVertices[CurrentVertices.Count - 1].rrWeight = 1f/prob;
                    Throughput /= prob;
                    pathWeight *= prob;
                    if (tracedShadowRayCount > 0)
                        PathState = PathTracerPathState.ShadowRaysOnly;



            PathRay.Org = hitPoint;
            PathRay.Dir = wi.Normalize();
            PathState = PathTracerPathState.NextVertex;

            catch (Exception ex) {
                RayDen.Library.Components.SystemComponents.Tracer.TraceLine("Advance path exception");
                RayDen.Library.Components.SystemComponents.Tracer.TraceLine("Error triangle {0}", currentTriangleIndex);

Example #17
        private RgbSpectrum EvalRadiance(ref RayData r, int depth)
            double t = 0; // distance to intersection 
            int id = 0; // id of intersected object 
            if (!Scene.Intersect(ref r, ref t, ref id) || depth > MaxDepth)
                return RgbSpectrum.Black;
            var obj = SceneManager.Sph[id];
            var x = r.Point((float)t);
            Normal n = (Normal)(x - obj.p).Normalize();
            var nl = Vector.Dot(ref n, ref r.Dir) < 0 ? n : n * -1;
            var f = obj.c;
            var e = RgbSpectrum.Black;
            var p = f.c1 > f.c2 && f.c1 > f.c3 ? f.c1 : f.c2 > f.c3 ? f.c2 : f.c3; // max refl 
            var brdf = Brdfs[obj.refl];
            Vector dir;
            float fb;
            RgbSpectrum rad = new RgbSpectrum();

            brdf.Sample(ref r.Dir, ref n, rnd.NextFloat(), rnd.NextFloat(), 1f, out dir, out fb);
            if (id == 8)
                return f;
            if (brdf.BsdfType.Has(BsdfEvent.Diffuse))
                RayData shr = new RayData();
                Scene.GenerateShadowRay(rnd.NextFloat(), rnd.NextFloat(), ref x, ref shr);
                var l = x - shr.Org;
                shr.maxT = l.Length;
                double shd = 1e5f;
                int tid = 0;

                if (Scene.Intersect(ref shr, ref shd, ref tid))
                    if (tid == 8)
                        var w = -shr.Dir;
                        rad += (SceneManager.Sph[8].c*Vector.AbsDot(ref nl, ref w)*f*fb)/l.Length;
                    rad += SceneManager.Sph[8].c*Vector.AbsDot(ref nl, ref shr.Dir)*f/l.Length;
            if (brdf.BsdfType.Has(BsdfEvent.Transmit) && depth < MaxDepth)
                RayData newRay = new RayData(ref x, ref dir);
                rad += fb * EvalRadiance(ref newRay, depth+1);

            if (brdf.BsdfType.Has(BsdfEvent.Specular) && depth < MaxDepth)
                brdf.Sample(ref r.Dir, ref n, rnd.NextFloat(), rnd.NextFloat(), 1f, out dir, out fb);
                RayData newRay = new RayData(ref x, ref dir);
                rad += fb*EvalRadiance(ref newRay, depth+1);


            return rad;
Example #18
        protected override bool ShadowRayTest(ref RayHit shadowRayHit, ref RayData shadowRay, out RgbSpectrum attenuation, out bool continueTrace)
            var hit = shadowRayHit.Index == 0xffffffffu || scene.IsLight((int)shadowRayHit.Index);
            attenuation = new RgbSpectrum(1f);
            continueTrace = false;

            if (hit) return true;
            var mesh = scene.GetMeshByTriangleIndex((int)shadowRayHit.Index);
            var mat =
                scene.MatLib.GetSurfMat(mesh != null ? mesh.MaterialName : "default");
            shadowRayEvent = mat.Type.TypeToEvent();
            if (mat.TransparentShadows)
                continueTrace = true;
                return true;

            //if (shadowRayEvent.Has(BsdfEvent.Transmit))
            //    var att = MathLab.Exp(-0.1f*shadowRayHit.Distance);
            //    attenuation *= att + att* hitInfo.TextureData.Transmittance;
            //    continueTrace = true;
            //    return true;

            //if (mat.AlphaTexture != null)
            //    continueTrace = true;
            //    this.SurfaceSampler.GetIntersection(ref shadowRay, ref shadowRayHit, ref hitInfo, IntersectionOptions.ResolveTextures);
            //    attenuation = (RgbSpectrum) hitInfo.TextureData.Alpha;
            //    hit = true;
            //    //mat.MaterialData.Kt.Filter() < Sample.GetLazyValue();

            return hit;
        public override void GenerateLiRays(IRayEngineScene scn, Sample sample, ref RayData ray, VolumeComputation comp)
            var scene = (RayEngineScene)(scn);

            var sigs = sig_s;
            comp.EmittedLight = lightEmission;
            float t0, t1;
            if (!region.Intersect(ray, out t0, out t1))

            if (sigs.IsBlack() || (scene.Lights.Length < 1))
                float distance = t1 - t0;
                comp.EmittedLight = lightEmission * distance;
                // Prepare for volume integration stepping
                float distance = t1 - t0;
                var nSamples = MathLab.Ceil2UInt(distance / stepSize);

                float step = distance / nSamples;
                RgbSpectrum Tr = new RgbSpectrum(1f);
                RgbSpectrum Lv = new RgbSpectrum();
                var p = ray.Point(t0);
                float offset = sample.GetLazyValue();
                t0 += offset * step;

                //Vector pPrev;
                for (var i = 0; i < nSamples; ++i, t0 += step)
                    //pPrev = p;
                    p = ray.Point(t0);
                    Sigma_s(ref p, out sigs);
                    //sigs = NoiseProvider.Instance.Noise3D(((Vector)p).Normalize());
                    Lv += lightEmission;
                    if (!sigs.IsBlack() && (scene.Lights.Length) > 0)
                        // Select the light to sample
                        float lightStrategyPdf;
                        var light = scene.Lights[scene.SampleLights(sample.GetLazyValue(), out lightStrategyPdf)];

                        // Select a point on the light surface
                        float lightPdf;
                        Normal fakeNorml = new Normal(0f, 0f, 1f);
                        LightSample ls = new LightSample();
                        light.EvaluateShadow(ref p, ref fakeNorml, sample.GetLazyValue(),
                                                                sample.GetLazyValue(), sample.GetLazyValue(), ref ls);

                        var lightColor = (RgbSpectrumInfo)(ls.Spectrum);
                        lightPdf = ls.Pdf;
                        comp.Rays[comp.RayCount] = ls.LightRay;

                        if ((lightPdf > 0f) && !lightColor.IsBlack())
                            comp.ScatteredLight[comp.RayCount] =(RgbSpectrum)(Tr * sigs * lightColor * MathLab.Exp(-distance) *
                                                                 ((Density(ref p) * step) / (4f * MathLab.M_PI * lightPdf * lightStrategyPdf)));

                    comp.EmittedLight = Lv * step;
Example #20
        public void GetRay(double xp, double yp, out IRay cameraRay)
            var u = (float)(2.0f * xp / w - 1.0f);
            var v = (float)(1.0f - 2.0f * yp / h);

            Vector rdir = mRight * u + mUp * v + this.Look;
            var rorig = (Position + rdir * 0.1f);
            cameraRay = new RayData(rorig, rdir);
Example #21
        public bool Intersect(ref TriangleDataInfo ti, Point[] meshVertices, ref RayData ray, ref float thit, ref float u, ref float v)
            var p0 = meshVertices[ti.v0.VertexIndex];
            var p1 = meshVertices[ti.v1.VertexIndex];
            var p2 = meshVertices[ti.v2.VertexIndex];
            Vector e1, e2, s1;
            Point.Sub(ref p1, ref p0, out e1);
            Point.Sub(ref p2, ref p0, out e2);

            Vector.Cross(ref ray.Dir, ref e2, out s1);

            var divisor = Vector.Dot(ref s1, ref e1);
            if (divisor < MathLab.Epsilon)
                return false;

            var invDivisor = 1f / divisor;

            Vector d, s2;
            Point.Sub(ref ray.Org, ref p0, out d);
            var b1 = Vector.Dot(ref d, ref s1) * invDivisor;
            if (b1 < 0f)
                return false;

            Vector.Cross(ref d, ref  e1, out s2);
            var b2 = Vector.Dot(ref ray.Dir, ref  s2) * invDivisor;
            if (b2 < 0f)
                return false;

            var b0 = 1f - b1 - b2;
            if (b0 < 0f)
                return false;

            var t = Vector.Dot(ref e2, ref s2) * invDivisor;
            if (t < ray.minT || t > ray.maxT)
                return false;

            thit = t;
            u = b1;
            v = b2;

            return true;
        public override void GetRay(double xp, double yp, out RayData ray)

             float3 ray_origin = eye;
		    float3 ray_direction = d.x*U + d.y*V + W;
		    float3 ray_target = ray_origin + focal_scale * ray_direction;

		float2 sample = optix::square_to_disk(make_float2(jt.x, jt.y));
		ray_origin = ray_origin + aperture_radius * ( sample.x * normalize( U ) + sample.y * normalize( V ) );
		ray_direction = normalize(ray_target - ray_origin);
            // Generate raster and camera samples
            Point Pras = new Point((float)xp, (float)yp, 0);
            Point Pcamera = UnProject(ref Pras);
            var u = (float)(2.0f * xp / Width - 1.0f);
            var v = (float)(1.0f - 2.0f * yp / Height);

            Vector ray_dir = new Vector(x.x * u + y.x * v + dir.x, x.y * u + y.y * v + dir.y, x.z * u + y.z * v + dir.z);
            Vector ray_target = (Vector)(Position + ray_dir * focal_scale);

            Point ray_origin = Position;

            ray = new RayData(ray_origin, ray_dir, 0f, 1e20f);
            // Modify ray for depth of field
            if (lensRadius > 0f)
                // Sample point on lens
                float lensU = 0f, lensV = 0f;
                float samplelensU = rnd.NextFloat();
                float samplelensV = rnd.NextFloat();

                MC.ConcentricSampleDisk(samplelensU, samplelensV, ref lensU, ref lensV);
                lensU *= lensRadius;
                lensV *= lensRadius;

                ray_target += lensRadius * (lensU * Vector.Normalize(x) + lensV * Vector.Normalize(y));

                // Compute point on plane of focus
                //float ft = focalDistance / ray.Dir.z;
                //Point Pfocus = ray.Point(ft);

                // Update ray for effect of lens
                ray.Org = ray_origin;
                ray.Dir = Vector.Normalize(ray_target - (Vector) ray_origin);

            //ray->time = Lerp(sample.time, shutterOpen, shutterClose);
            //CameraToWorld(*ray, ray);
            //return 1.f;
Example #23
        public static bool IntersectBox(AABB box, ref RayData ray) {
            float t0 = ray.Min;
            float t1 = ray.Max;
            float hitt0 = t0;
            float hitt1 = t1;

            var rayInvDir = ray.InvDirection;
            //1f /ray.Dir;

            float invDirX = rayInvDir.x;
            if (!process_box_coord(ref t0, ref t1, box.Min.x - ray.Org.x, box.Max.x - ray.Org.x, invDirX))
                return false;

            float invDirY = rayInvDir.y;
            if (!process_box_coord(ref t0, ref t1, box.Min.y - ray.Org.y, box.Max.y - ray.Org.y, invDirY))
                return false;

            float invDirZ = rayInvDir.z;
            if (!process_box_coord(ref t0, ref t1, box.Min.z - ray.Org.z, box.Max.z - ray.Org.z, invDirZ))
                return false;

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
                // Update interval for _i_th bounding box slab
                float invRayDir = 1f / ray.Direction[i];
                if (!process_box_coord(ref t0, ref t1, min[i] - ray.Origin[i], max[i] - ray.Origin[i], invRayDir)) return false;
             * */
            //ray.MinT = t0;
            //ray.MaxT = t1;
            hitt0 = t0;
            hitt1 = t1;
            return true;
Example #24
 public abstract void EvaluateIllumination(RayEngineScene scn, float u0, float u1, float u2, float u3, float u4,
                                           out RayData ray, out float pdf, out IColorType radiance);
Example #25
 public abstract void EvaluateShadow(ShadePointInfo pt, float u0, float u1, float u2,
                                      out IColorType radiance, out float pdf, out RayData ray);
Example #26
        public RgbSpectrumInfo Sample(ref Point p, ref Normal N, float u2, float u0, float u1, out RayData shadowRay, out float pdf)
            Point samplePoint = new Point();
            float b0, b1, b2;

            scene.Triangles[triangleIndex].Sample(scene.Vertices, u0, u1, out samplePoint, out b0, out b1, out b2);
            //var sampleN = TriangleNormal;
            //var N = n;

            Vector wi = samplePoint - p;
            float distanceSquared = wi.Length2();
            float distance = MathLab.Sqrt(distanceSquared);
            wi /= distance;

            var nw = -wi;
            float sampleNdotMinusWi = Normal.Dot(ref TriangleNormal, ref nw);
            float NdotWi = Normal.Dot(ref N, ref wi);
            if ((sampleNdotMinusWi <= 0f) || (NdotWi <= 0f))
                pdf = 0f;
                shadowRay = new RayData();
                return new RgbSpectrumInfo(0f);

            shadowRay = new RayData(ref p, ref wi, MathLab.RAY_EPSILON, distance - MathLab.RAY_EPSILON);
            pdf = (distanceSquared / (sampleNdotMinusWi * area));

            // Using 0.1 instead of 0.0 to cut down fireflies
            if (pdf <= 0.1f)
                pdf = 0f;
                return new RgbSpectrumInfo(0);
            return Gain;
Example #27
 public override void EvaluateIllumination(RayEngineScene scn, float u0, float u1, float u2, float u3, float u4, out RayData ray,
     out float pdf, out IColorType radiance)
     throw new System.NotImplementedException();
Example #28
 public MatteLambertBrdf(ref RayHit rh, ref RayData ray, ref Normal ng, ref Normal ns, ref UV texCoord, MaterialInfo mi, SurfaceTextureInfo texData, bool fromLight)
     : base(ref rh, ref ray, ref ng, ref ns, ref texCoord, mi, texData, fromLight)
        public void Sample(float xp, float yp, float u0, float u1, float u2, out IRay r, out float pdf)
            Point Pras = new Point(xp, yp, 0);
            //Point Pcamera = UnProject(ref Pras);
            var u = 2.0f * xp / Width - 1.0f;
            var v = 1.0f - 2.0f * yp / Height;

            Vector ray_dir = new Vector(x.x * u + y.x * v + dir.x, x.y * u + y.y * v + dir.y, x.z * u + y.z * v + dir.z);
            Vector ray_target = (Vector)(Position + ray_dir * focal_scale);

            Point ray_origin = Position;

            var ray = new RayData(ray_origin, ray_dir, 0f, 1e20f);
            // Modify ray for depth of field
            if (lensRadius > 0f)
                // Sample point on lens
                float lensU = 0f, lensV = 0f;
                float samplelensU = rnd.NextFloat();
                float samplelensV = rnd.NextFloat();

                MC.ConcentricSampleDisk(samplelensU, samplelensV, ref lensU, ref lensV);
                lensU *= lensRadius;
                lensV *= lensRadius;

                ray_target += lensRadius * (lensU * Vector.Normalize(x) + lensV * Vector.Normalize(y));

                // Compute point on plane of focus
                //float ft = focalDistance / ray.Dir.z;
                //Point Pfocus = ray.Point(ft);

                // Update ray for effect of lens
                ray.Org = ray_origin;
                ray.Dir = Vector.Normalize(ray_target - (Vector)ray_origin);
            pdf = 1;
            r = (IRay)ray;

Example #30
 public override void GetRay(double x, double y, out RayData ray)
     ray = new RayData();
     camera.GenerateRay(new UV((float)x, (float)y), out ray.Org, out ray.Dir);