상속: IDynamicContent
예제 #1
	    public static string Url(Post post)
            var slug = SlugConverter.TitleToSlug(post.Title);
            var id = RavenIdResolver.Resolve(post.Id);
            var blogUrl = ConfigurationHelper.MainBlogUrl.TrimEnd('/');
            return $"{blogUrl}/{id}/{slug}";
		public static PostReference GetNextPrevPost(this IDocumentSession session, Post compareTo, bool isNext)
			var queryable = session.Query<Post>()

			if (isNext)
				queryable = queryable
					.Where(post => post.PublishAt >= compareTo.PublishAt && post.Id != compareTo.Id)
					.OrderBy(post => post.PublishAt);
				queryable = queryable
					.Where(post => post.PublishAt <= compareTo.PublishAt && post.Id != compareTo.Id)
					.OrderByDescending(post => post.PublishAt);

			var postReference = queryable
				.Select(p => new Post {Id = p.Id, Title = p.Title})

			if (postReference == null)
				return null;

			return postReference.MapTo<PostReference>();
예제 #3
        private void HandleManualSubmission(Subreddit subreddit, Post post)
            _log.Info($"Post was manually submitted \"{post.Title}\" to /r/{subreddit.Name}. Verifying.");

            var postUrl        = PostHelper.Url(post);
            var posts          = subreddit.Search($"url:{postUrl}");
            var postSubmission = post.Integration.Reddit.GetPostSubmissionForSubreddit(subreddit.Name);

            if (posts.Any())
                _log.Info($"Post \"{post.Title}\" found in /r/{subreddit.Name}.");

                postSubmission.Status = SubmissionStatus.Submitted;


            _log.Warn($"Post \"{post.Title}\" not found in /r/{subreddit.Name}.");
            if (postSubmission.Attempts >= 3)
                postSubmission.Status   = SubmissionStatus.ManualSubmissionFailure;
                postSubmission.Attempts = 0;
예제 #4
        public bool AreCommentsClosed(Post post, int numberOfDayToCloseComments)
            if (numberOfDayToCloseComments < 1)
                return false;

            DateTimeOffset lastCommentDate = Comments.Count == 0 ? post.CreatedAt : Comments.Max(x => x.CreatedAt);
            return DateTimeOffset.Now - lastCommentDate > TimeSpan.FromDays(numberOfDayToCloseComments);
예제 #5
        private void SubmitPostToSubreddit(Post post, Subreddit subreddit)
            var redditIntegration = post.Integration.Reddit;
            var postSubmission    = redditIntegration.GetPostSubmissionForSubreddit(subreddit.Name) ??
                                    new PostSubmission()
                Subreddit = subreddit.Name

            if (postSubmission.IsManualSubmissionPending)
                HandleManualSubmission(subreddit, post);

            if (postSubmission.ShouldTrySubmit == false)

            _log.Info($"Submitting \"{post.Title}\" to /r/{subreddit.Name}.");

                var redditPost = subreddit.SubmitPost(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(post.Title), PostHelper.Url(post));
                if (redditPost == null)
                    throw new Exception($"Got null from reddit submit for {post.Id}");

                postSubmission.Status = SubmissionStatus.Submitted;

                    $"Post \"{post.Title}\" with ID {post.Id} has been successfully submitted to /r/{subreddit.Name} with permalink {redditPost.Permalink}.");
            catch (DuplicateLinkException duplicateLinkException)
                _log.InfoException($"Link to post \"{post.Title}\" with ID {post.Id} already submitted to Reddit.",
                postSubmission.Status = SubmissionStatus.Submitted;
            catch (CaptchaFailedException)
                postSubmission.Status = SubmissionStatus.CaptchaFailure;
            catch (Exception exception)
                _log.ErrorException($"Error submitting post \"{post.Title}\" with ID {post.Id} to /r/{subreddit.Name}", exception);
                postSubmission.Status = SubmissionStatus.UnknownFailure;


            NotifyOnFailure(post, postSubmission);
예제 #6
 public static string SubmitUrl(string subredditName, Post post)
     var queryStringData = new NameValueCollection()
         { "url", PostHelper.Url(post) },
         { "title", post.Title },
         { "resubmit", false.ToString() }
     var queryString = ToQueryString(queryStringData);
     return $"https://www.reddit.com/r/{subredditName}/submit{queryString}";
예제 #7
        private void SendNewCommentEmail(Post post, PostComments.Comment comment)
            var viewModel = comment.MapTo<NewCommentEmailViewModel>();
            viewModel.PostId = RavenIdResolver.Resolve(post.Id);
            viewModel.PostTitle = post.Title;
            viewModel.BlogName = Session.Load<BlogConfig>("Blog/Config").Title;

            var subject = string.Format("Comment on: {0} from {1}", viewModel.PostTitle, viewModel.BlogName);

                subject = "Spam " + subject;

            CommandExecutor.ExcuteLater(new SendEmailCommand(viewModel.Email,subject, "NewComment", viewModel));
예제 #8
        public ActionResult Add(PostInput input)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return View("Edit", input);

            // Be able to record the user making the actual post
            var user = RavenSession.GetCurrentUser();

            // Create the post comments object and link between it and the post
            var comments = new PostComments
                Comments = new List<PostComments.Comment>(),
                Spam = new List<PostComments.Comment>()

            // Create new post object
            var post = new Post
                            Tags = TagsResolver.ResolveTagsInput(input.Tags),
                            PublishAt = input.PublishAt,
                            AllowComments = input.AllowComments,
                            AuthorId = user.Id,
                            LastEditedByUserId = user.Id,
                            LastEditedAt = DateTimeOffset.Now,
                            CommentsId = comments.Id,
                            ContentType = input.ContentType,
                            Body = input.Body,
                            CreatedAt = DateTimeOffset.Now,
                            Title = input.Title,

            if (post.PublishAt == DateTimeOffset.MinValue)
                var postScheduleringStrategy = new PostSchedulingStrategy(RavenSession, DateTimeOffset.Now);
                post.PublishAt = postScheduleringStrategy.Schedule();

            // Actually save the post now
            comments.Post = new PostComments.PostReference
                Id = post.Id,
                PublishAt = post.PublishAt,

            return RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = post.Id.ToIntId() });
예제 #9
        private void SendNewCommentEmail(Post post, PostComments.Comment comment, User postAuthor)
            if (_requestValues.IsAuthenticated)
                return; // we don't send email for authenticated users

            var viewModel = comment.MapTo<NewCommentEmailViewModel>();
            viewModel.PostId = RavenIdResolver.Resolve(post.Id);
            viewModel.PostTitle = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(post.Title);
            viewModel.PostSlug = SlugConverter.TitleToSlug(post.Title);
            viewModel.BlogName = DocumentSession.Load<BlogConfig>("Blog/Config").Title;
            viewModel.Key = post.ShowPostEvenIfPrivate.MapTo<string>();

            var subject = string.Format("{2}Comment on: {0} from {1}", viewModel.PostTitle, viewModel.BlogName, comment.IsSpam ? "[Spam] " : string.Empty);

            TaskExecutor.ExcuteLater(new SendEmailTask(viewModel.Email, subject, "NewComment", postAuthor.Email, viewModel));
예제 #10
        private static void InitRedditIntegration(Post post)
            if (post.Integration == null)
                post.Integration = new SocialNetworkIntegration();

            if (post.Integration.Reddit == null)
                post.Integration.Reddit = new Models.SocialNetwork.Reddit();

            if (post.Integration.Reddit.PostSubmissions == null)
                post.Integration.Reddit.PostSubmissions = new HashSet <PostSubmission>();
예제 #11
        private void SendNewCommentEmail(Post post, PostComments.Comment comment)
            if (_requestValues.IsAuthenticated)
                return; // we don't send email for authenticated users

            var viewModel = comment.MapTo<NewCommentEmailViewModel>();
            viewModel.PostId = RavenIdResolver.Resolve(post.Id);
            viewModel.PostTitle = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(post.Title);
            viewModel.BlogName = Session.Load<BlogConfig>("Blog/Config").Title;

            var subject = string.Format("Comment on: {0} from {1}", viewModel.PostTitle, viewModel.BlogName);

                subject = "Spam " + subject;

            CommandExecutor.ExcuteLater(new SendEmailCommand(viewModel.Email,subject, "NewComment", viewModel));
예제 #12
        private void NotifyOnFailure(Post post, PostSubmission postSubmission)
            if (postSubmission.IsFailure == false)

                var subject = $"Failed submitting post to /r/{postSubmission.Subreddit}";
                var author  = _session.Load <User>(post.AuthorId);
                var model   = new RedditSubmissionFailedViewModel()
                    Submission = postSubmission,
                    Post       = post
                TaskExecutor.ExcuteLater(new SendEmailTask(null, subject, "RedditSubmissionFailed", author.Email, model));
            catch (Exception e)
                _log.ErrorException("Error notifying on Reddit submission failures.", e);
예제 #13
        private void importBlogPosts(IDocumentStore store, BlogMLBlog blog, Dictionary<string, User> usersList)
            foreach (var post in blog.Posts)
                var authorId = getAuthorId(usersList, post);

                var ravenPost = new Post
                        AuthorId = authorId,
                        CreatedAt = new DateTimeOffset(post.DateCreated),
                        PublishAt = new DateTimeOffset(post.DateCreated),
                        Body = post.Content.Text,
                        LegacySlug = SlugConverter.TitleToSlug(post.PostName ?? post.Title),
                        Title = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(post.Title),
                        Tags =
                                .Select(x => blog.Categories.First(c => c.ID == x.Ref).Title)
                        AllowComments = true

                var commentsCollection = new PostComments();
                commentsCollection.Spam = new List<PostComments.Comment>();
                commentsCollection.Comments = post.Comments.Cast<BlogMLComment>()
                                                  .Where(comment => comment.Approved)
                                                  .OrderBy(comment => comment.DateCreated)
                                                      comment => new PostComments.Comment
                                                              Id = commentsCollection.GenerateNewCommentId(),
                                                              Author = comment.UserName,
                                                              Body = ConvertCommentToMarkdown(comment.Content.Text),
                                                              CreatedAt = comment.DateCreated,
                                                              Email = comment.UserEMail,
                                                              Url = comment.UserUrl,
                                                              Important =
                                                                      u => u.Value.FullName == comment.UserName),
                                                              //UserAgent = comment.,
                                                              //UserHostAddress = comment.IpAddress,
                                                              IsSpam = false,
                                                              CommenterId = null,
                commentsCollection.Spam = post.Comments.Cast<BlogMLComment>()
                                              .Where(comment => !comment.Approved)
                                              .OrderBy(comment => comment.DateCreated)
                                                  comment => new PostComments.Comment
                                                          Id = commentsCollection.GenerateNewCommentId(),
                                                          Author = comment.UserName,
                                                          Body = ConvertCommentToMarkdown(comment.Content.Text),
                                                          CreatedAt = comment.DateCreated,
                                                          Email = comment.UserEMail,
                                                          Url = comment.UserUrl,
                                                          Important =
                                                              usersList.Any(u => u.Value.FullName == comment.UserName),
                                                          //UserAgent = comment.UserAgent,
                                                          //UserHostAddress = comment.IpAddress,
                                                          IsSpam = true,
                                                          CommenterId = null,
                    ).Where(c => c.Body != null).ToList();

                ravenPost.CommentsCount = commentsCollection.Comments.Count;

                using (var s = store.OpenSession())
                    ravenPost.CommentsId = commentsCollection.Id;

                    commentsCollection.Post = new PostComments.PostReference
                            Id = ravenPost.Id,
                            PublishAt = ravenPost.PublishAt

예제 #14
        private static void InitRedditIntegration(Post post)
            if (post.Integration == null)
                post.Integration = new SocialNetworkIntegration();

            if (post.Integration.Reddit == null)
                post.Integration.Reddit = new Models.SocialNetwork.Reddit();

            if (post.Integration.Reddit.PostSubmissions == null)
                post.Integration.Reddit.PostSubmissions = new HashSet<PostSubmission>();
예제 #15
        private void HandleManualSubmission(Subreddit subreddit, Post post)
            _log.Info($"Post was manually submitted \"{post.Title}\" to /r/{subreddit.Name}. Verifying.");

            var postUrl = PostHelper.Url(post);
            var posts = subreddit.Search($"url:{postUrl}");
            var postSubmission = post.Integration.Reddit.GetPostSubmissionForSubreddit(subreddit.Name);
            if (posts.Any())
                _log.Info($"Post \"{post.Title}\" found in /r/{subreddit.Name}.");

                postSubmission.Status = SubmissionStatus.Submitted;


            _log.Warn($"Post \"{post.Title}\" not found in /r/{subreddit.Name}.");
            if (postSubmission.Attempts >= 3)
                postSubmission.Status = SubmissionStatus.ManualSubmissionFailure;
                postSubmission.Attempts = 0;
        private ActionResult PostingCommentFailed(Post post, CommentInput input, Guid key)
            if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                return Json(new {Success = false, message = ModelState.FirstErrorMessage()});

            var postReference = post.MapTo<PostReference>();
            var result = Details(postReference.DomainId, postReference.Slug, key);
            var model = result as ViewResult;
            if (model != null)
                var viewModel = model.Model as PostViewModel;
                if (viewModel != null)
                    viewModel.Input = input;
            return result;
 private void ValidateCommentsAllowed(Post post, PostComments comments)
     if (comments.AreCommentsClosed(post, BlogConfig.NumberOfDayToCloseComments))
         ModelState.AddModelError("CommentsClosed", "This post is closed for new comments.");
     if (post.AllowComments == false)
         ModelState.AddModelError("CommentsClosed", "This post does not allow comments.");
        private ActionResult PostingCommentSucceeded(Post post)
            const string successMessage = "Your comment will be posted soon. Thanks!";
            if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                return Json(new {Success = true, message = successMessage});

            TempData["message"] = successMessage;
            var postReference = post.MapTo<PostReference>();
            return RedirectToAction("Details", new {Id = postReference.DomainId, postReference.Slug});
예제 #19
        private void NotifyOnFailure(Post post, PostSubmission postSubmission)
            if (postSubmission.IsFailure == false)

                var subject = $"Failed submitting post to /r/{postSubmission.Subreddit}";
                var author = _session.Load<User>(post.AuthorId);
                var model = new RedditSubmissionFailedViewModel()
                    Submission = postSubmission,
                    Post = post
                TaskExecutor.ExcuteLater(new SendEmailTask(null, subject, "RedditSubmissionFailed", author.Email, model));
            catch (Exception e)
                _log.ErrorException("Error notifying on Reddit submission failures.", e);
예제 #20
 public bool AreCommentsClosed(Post post)
     DateTimeOffset lastCommentDate = Comments.Count == 0 ? post.CreatedAt : Comments.Max(x => x.CreatedAt);
     return DateTimeOffset.Now - lastCommentDate > TimeSpan.FromDays(30);
 private string GetPostLink(Post post)
     var postReference = post.MapTo<PostReference>();
     return Url.RelativeToAbsolute(Url.Action("Details", "PostDetails", new { Id = postReference.DomainId, postReference.Slug }));
		private ActionResult PostingCommentSucceeded(Post post, CommentInput input)
			const string successMessage = "Your comment will be posted soon. Thanks!";
			if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
				return Json(new {Success = true, message = successMessage});

			TempData["new-comment"] = input;
			var postReference = post.MapTo<PostReference>();

			return Redirect(Url.Action("Details",
				new { Id = postReference.DomainId, postReference.Slug, key = post.ShowPostEvenIfPrivate }) + "#comments-form-location");
		private string GetPostLink(Post post)
			if (post.Id == null) // invalid feed
				return Url.AbsoluteAction("Index", "Posts");
			return Url.AbsoluteAction("Details", "PostDetails", new { Id = RavenIdResolver.Resolve(post.Id), Slug = SlugConverter.TitleToSlug(post.Title), Key = post.ShowPostEvenIfPrivate });
예제 #24
        private void SubmitPostToSubreddit(Post post, Subreddit subreddit)
            var redditIntegration = post.Integration.Reddit;
            var postSubmission = redditIntegration.GetPostSubmissionForSubreddit(subreddit.Name) ??
                new PostSubmission()
                    Subreddit = subreddit.Name

            if (postSubmission.IsManualSubmissionPending)
                HandleManualSubmission(subreddit, post);

            if (postSubmission.ShouldTrySubmit == false)

            _log.Info($"Submitting \"{post.Title}\" to /r/{subreddit.Name}.");

                var redditPost = subreddit.SubmitPost(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(post.Title), PostHelper.Url(post));
                if (redditPost == null)
                    throw new Exception($"Got null from reddit submit for {post.Id}");

                postSubmission.Status = SubmissionStatus.Submitted;

                    $"Post \"{post.Title}\" with ID {post.Id} has been successfully submitted to /r/{subreddit.Name} with permalink {redditPost.Permalink}.");
            catch (DuplicateLinkException duplicateLinkException)
                _log.InfoException($"Link to post \"{post.Title}\" with ID {post.Id} already submitted to Reddit.",
                postSubmission.Status = SubmissionStatus.Submitted;
            catch (CaptchaFailedException)
                postSubmission.Status = SubmissionStatus.CaptchaFailure;
            catch (Exception exception)
                _log.ErrorException($"Error submitting post \"{post.Title}\" with ID {post.Id} to /r/{subreddit.Name}", exception);
                postSubmission.Status = SubmissionStatus.UnknownFailure;


            NotifyOnFailure(post, postSubmission);