예제 #1
 public YoYInflationCoupon(Date paymentDate, double nominal, Date startDate, Date endDate, int fixingDays, YoYInflationIndex yoyIndex, Period observationLag, DayCounter dayCounter, double gearing, double spread, Date refPeriodStart, Date refPeriodEnd)
     : base(paymentDate, nominal, startDate, endDate, fixingDays, yoyIndex, observationLag, dayCounter, refPeriodStart, refPeriodEnd)
     yoyIndex_ = yoyIndex;
     gearing_ = gearing;
     spread_ = spread;
예제 #2
 /*! \warning Relinking the term structure underlying the index will
              not have effect on the returned swap.
 OvernightIndexedSwap underlyingSwap(Date fixingDate)
     double fixedRate = 0.0;
     return new MakeOIS(tenor_, overnightIndex_, fixedRate)
예제 #3
 //public ZeroCouponBond(int settlementDays, Calendar calendar, double faceAmount, Date maturityDate,
 //               BusinessDayConvention paymentConvention = Following,
 //               double redemption = 100.0,
 //               Date issueDate = Date());
 public ZeroCouponBond(int settlementDays, Calendar calendar, double faceAmount, Date maturityDate,
                       BusinessDayConvention paymentConvention, double redemption, Date issueDate)
     : base(settlementDays, calendar, issueDate)
     maturityDate_ = maturityDate;
     Date redemptionDate = calendar_.adjust(maturityDate, paymentConvention);
     setSingleRedemption(faceAmount, redemption, redemptionDate);
예제 #4
파일: Coupon.cs 프로젝트: ammachado/QLNet
 // coupon does not adjust the payment date which must already be a business day
 public Coupon(double nominal, Date paymentDate, Date accrualStartDate, Date accrualEndDate,
     Date refPeriodStart = null, Date refPeriodEnd = null, double? amount = null)
     nominal_ = nominal;
     amount_ = amount;
     paymentDate_ = paymentDate;
     accrualStartDate_ = accrualStartDate;
     accrualEndDate_ = accrualEndDate;
     refPeriodStart_ = refPeriodStart ?? accrualStartDate_;
     refPeriodEnd_ = refPeriodEnd ?? accrualEndDate_;
예제 #5
파일: Principal.cs 프로젝트: tickzoom/QLNet
 public Principal(double amount, double nominal, Date paymentDate, Date accrualStartDate, Date accrualEndDate, DayCounter dayCounter, Date refPeriodStart, Date refPeriodEnd)
     amount_ = amount;
     nominal_ = nominal;
     paymentDate_ = paymentDate;
     accrualStartDate_ = accrualStartDate;
     accrualEndDate_ = accrualEndDate;
     dayCounter_ = dayCounter;
     refPeriodStart_ = refPeriodStart ?? accrualStartDate_;
     refPeriodEnd_ = refPeriodEnd ?? accrualEndDate_;
예제 #6
        public double yoyRate(Date d, Period instObsLag, bool forceLinearInterpolation,
            bool extrapolate)
            Period useLag = instObsLag;
            if (instObsLag == new Period(-1, TimeUnit.Days))
                useLag = observationLag();

            double yoyRate;
            if (forceLinearInterpolation)
                KeyValuePair<Date, Date> dd = Utils.inflationPeriod(d - useLag, frequency());
                Date ddValue = dd.Value + new Period(1, TimeUnit.Days);
                double dp = ddValue - dd.Key;
                double dt = (d - useLag) - dd.Key;
                // if we are interpolating we only check the exact point
                // this prevents falling off the end at curve maturity
                base.checkRange(d, extrapolate);
                double t1 = timeFromReference(dd.Key);
                double t2 = timeFromReference(dd.Value);
                yoyRate = yoyRateImpl(t1) + (yoyRateImpl(t2) - yoyRateImpl(t1)) * (dt / dp);
                if (indexIsInterpolated())
                    base.checkRange(d - useLag, extrapolate);
                    double t = timeFromReference(d - useLag);
                    yoyRate = yoyRateImpl(t);
                    KeyValuePair<Date, Date> dd = Utils.inflationPeriod(d - useLag, frequency());
                    base.checkRange(dd.Key, extrapolate);
                    double t = timeFromReference(dd.Key);
                    yoyRate = yoyRateImpl(t);

            if (hasSeasonality())
                yoyRate = seasonality().correctYoYRate(d - useLag, yoyRate, this);
            return yoyRate;
예제 #7
파일: Coupon.cs 프로젝트: ammachado/QLNet
 //! accrued days at the given date
 public int accruedDays(Date d)
     if (d <= accrualStartDate_ || d > paymentDate_)
         return 0;
         return dayCounter().dayCount(accrualStartDate_, Date.Min(d, accrualEndDate_));
예제 #8
파일: Coupon.cs 프로젝트: ammachado/QLNet
 public abstract double accruedAmount(Date d);
예제 #9
 public YoYInflationCoupon(Date paymentDate, double nominal, Date startDate, Date endDate, int fixingDays, YoYInflationIndex yoyIndex, Period observationLag, DayCounter dayCounter)
     : this(paymentDate, nominal, startDate, endDate, fixingDays, yoyIndex, observationLag, dayCounter, 1.0, 0.0, null, null)
예제 #10
 protected override double forecastFixing(Date fixingDate)
     return underlyingSwap(fixingDate).fairRate();
예제 #11
        // \warning Relinking the term structure underlying the index will not have effect on the returned swap.
        // recheck
        public VanillaSwap underlyingSwap(Date fixingDate)
            double fixedRate = 0.0;

            if (exogenousDiscount_)
                return new MakeVanillaSwap(tenor_, iborIndex_, fixedRate)

            return new MakeVanillaSwap(tenor_, iborIndex_, fixedRate)
예제 #12
 public override Date maturityDate(Date valueDate)
     Date fixDate = fixingDate(valueDate);
     return underlyingSwap(fixDate).maturityDate();
예제 #13
 public YoYInflationTermStructure(Date referenceDate, Calendar calendar, DayCounter dayCounter, double baseYoYRate, Period lag, Frequency frequency, bool indexIsInterpolated, Handle<YieldTermStructure> yieldTS)
     : this(referenceDate, calendar, dayCounter, baseYoYRate, lag, frequency, indexIsInterpolated, yieldTS, new Seasonality())
예제 #14
 public CappedFlooredIborCoupon(double nominal, Date paymentDate, Date startDate, Date endDate, int fixingDays, IborIndex index, double gearing, double spread, double? cap, double? floor)
     : this(nominal, paymentDate, startDate, endDate, fixingDays, index, gearing, spread, cap, floor, null, null, null, false)
        public static Greeks GetOptionOnFutureGreeks(double underlyingPrice,double strike,double riskFreeRate, 
            DateTime expirationDate, DateTime calculationDate, string optionType, string exerciseType,
            double optionPrice=double.NaN,double impliedVol=0.15,string engineName="baw")
            QLNet.Date ExpirationDateObj = new QLNet.Date(expirationDate.Day, expirationDate.Month, expirationDate.Year);
            QLNet.Date CalculationDateObj = new QLNet.Date(calculationDate.Day, calculationDate.Month, calculationDate.Year);

            QLNet.DayCounter DayCountObj = new QLNet.Actual365Fixed();
            QLNet.Calendar CalendarObj = new QLNet.UnitedStates();

            Greeks GreeksOutput = new Greeks();
            QLNet.Option.Type OptionTypeObj;
            QLNet.Exercise ExerciseObj;
            double ImpliedVol;
            double OptionPrice;

            int CalDte = DayCountObj.dayCount(CalculationDateObj, ExpirationDateObj);
            GreeksOutput.CalDte = CalDte;

            if (!double.IsNaN(optionPrice))
                if (optionType.ToUpper() == "C")
                    if (optionPrice + strike - underlyingPrice <= 1.0e-12)
                        GreeksOutput.Delta = 1;
                        return GreeksOutput;
                else if (optionType.ToUpper() == "P")
                    if (optionPrice - strike + underlyingPrice <= 1.0e-12)
                        GreeksOutput.Delta = -1;
                        return GreeksOutput;

            if (CalDte == 0)
                if (optionType.ToUpper() == "C")
                    if (strike <= underlyingPrice)
                        GreeksOutput.Delta = 1;
                        GreeksOutput.Delta = 0;
                else if (optionType.ToUpper() == "P")
                    if (strike >= underlyingPrice)
                        GreeksOutput.Delta = -1;
                        GreeksOutput.Delta = 0;
                return GreeksOutput;

            if (optionType.ToUpper() == "C")
                OptionTypeObj = QLNet.Option.Type.Call;
            else if (optionType.ToUpper() == "P")
                OptionTypeObj = QLNet.Option.Type.Put;
                return GreeksOutput;

            if (exerciseType.ToUpper() == "E")
                ExerciseObj = new QLNet.EuropeanExercise(ExpirationDateObj);
            else if (exerciseType.ToUpper() == "A")
                ExerciseObj = new QLNet.AmericanExercise(CalculationDateObj, ExpirationDateObj);
                return GreeksOutput;


            QLNet.Handle<Quote> UnderlyingObj = new QLNet.Handle<Quote>(new QLNet.SimpleQuote(underlyingPrice));
            QLNet.Handle<YieldTermStructure> FlatRateObj = new QLNet.Handle<YieldTermStructure>(new QLNet.FlatForward(CalculationDateObj, riskFreeRate, DayCountObj));
            QLNet.Handle<BlackVolTermStructure> FlatVolTsObj = new QLNet.Handle<BlackVolTermStructure>(new QLNet.BlackConstantVol(CalculationDateObj, CalendarObj, impliedVol, DayCountObj));

            QLNet.BlackProcess BlackProc = new QLNet.BlackProcess(UnderlyingObj, FlatRateObj, FlatVolTsObj);
            QLNet.PlainVanillaPayoff PayoffObj = new QLNet.PlainVanillaPayoff(OptionTypeObj, strike);

            QLNet.VanillaOption OptionObj = new QLNet.VanillaOption(PayoffObj, ExerciseObj);

            if (engineName == "baw")
                OptionObj.setPricingEngine(new QLNet.BaroneAdesiWhaleyApproximationEngine(BlackProc));
            else if (engineName == "fda")
                OptionObj.setPricingEngine(new QLNet.FDAmericanEngine(BlackProc, 100, 100));
                return GreeksOutput;

            if (!double.IsNaN(optionPrice))

                    ImpliedVol = OptionObj.impliedVolatility(targetValue:optionPrice, process:BlackProc,accuracy:1e-5);
                    return GreeksOutput;
                FlatVolTsObj = new QLNet.Handle<BlackVolTermStructure>(new QLNet.BlackConstantVol(CalculationDateObj, CalendarObj, ImpliedVol, DayCountObj));
                BlackProc = new QLNet.BlackProcess(UnderlyingObj, FlatRateObj, FlatVolTsObj);

                if (engineName == "baw")
                    OptionObj.setPricingEngine(new QLNet.BaroneAdesiWhaleyApproximationEngine(BlackProc));
                else if (engineName == "fda")
                    OptionObj.setPricingEngine(new QLNet.FDAmericanEngine(BlackProc, 100, 100));
                OptionPrice = optionPrice;
                OptionPrice = OptionObj.NPV();
                ImpliedVol = impliedVol;

            OptionObj = new QLNet.VanillaOption(PayoffObj, new QLNet.EuropeanExercise(ExpirationDateObj));
            OptionObj.setPricingEngine(new QLNet.AnalyticEuropeanEngine(BlackProc));

            GreeksOutput.Delta = OptionObj.delta();
            GreeksOutput.Vega = OptionObj.vega();
            GreeksOutput.Theta = OptionObj.thetaPerDay();
            GreeksOutput.Gamma = OptionObj.gamma();
            GreeksOutput.OptionPrice = OptionPrice;
            GreeksOutput.ImpliedVol = ImpliedVol;

            return GreeksOutput;

예제 #16
 public double yoyRate(Date d, Period instObsLag, bool forceLinearInterpolation)
     return yoyRate(d, instObsLag, forceLinearInterpolation, false);
예제 #17
 public double yoyRate(Date d, Period instObsLag)
     return yoyRate(d, instObsLag, false, false);
예제 #18
 //! year-on-year inflation rate, forceLinearInterpolation
 //! is relative to the frequency of the TS.
 //! Since inflation is highly linked to dates (lags, interpolation, months for seasonality etc)
 //! we do NOT provide a "time" version of the rate lookup.
 /*! \note this is not the year-on-year swap (YYIIS) rate. */
 public double yoyRate(Date d)
     return yoyRate(d, new Period(-1, TimeUnit.Days), false, false);
예제 #19
 public YoYInflationTermStructure(Date referenceDate, Calendar calendar, DayCounter dayCounter, double baseYoYRate, Period observationLag, Frequency frequency, bool indexIsInterpolated, Handle<YieldTermStructure> yTS, Seasonality seasonality)
     : base(referenceDate, baseYoYRate, observationLag, frequency, indexIsInterpolated, yTS, calendar, dayCounter, seasonality)
예제 #20
파일: Coupon.cs 프로젝트: ammachado/QLNet
 //! accrued period as fraction of year at the given date
 public double accruedPeriod(Date d)
     if (d <= accrualStartDate_ || d > paymentDate_)
         return 0.0;
         return dayCounter().yearFraction(accrualStartDate_,
                                           Date.Min(d, accrualEndDate_),
        public DateTime serialNumberDateTime(int serialNum) 
            QLNet.Date d = new QLNet.Date(serialNum);

            return d;
예제 #22
 public CappedFlooredCmsCoupon(double nominal, Date paymentDate, Date startDate, Date endDate, int fixingDays, SwapIndex index)
     : this(nominal, paymentDate, startDate, endDate, fixingDays, index, 1.0, 0.0, null, null, null, null, null, false)
예제 #23
 public CappedFlooredIborCoupon(double nominal, Date paymentDate, Date startDate, Date endDate, int fixingDays, IborIndex index)
     : this(nominal, paymentDate, startDate, endDate, fixingDays, index, 1.0, 0.0, null, null)
예제 #24
파일: Principal.cs 프로젝트: tickzoom/QLNet
 public Principal(double amount, double nominal, Date paymentDate, Date accrualStartDate, Date accrualEndDate, DayCounter dayCounter)
     : this(amount, nominal, paymentDate, accrualStartDate, accrualEndDate, dayCounter, null, null)
예제 #25
 public CappedFlooredIborCoupon(double nominal, Date paymentDate, Date startDate, Date endDate, int fixingDays, IborIndex index, double gearing, double spread, double? cap, double? floor, Date refPeriodStart, Date refPeriodEnd, DayCounter dayCounter, bool isInArrears)
     : base(new IborCoupon(nominal, paymentDate, startDate, endDate, fixingDays, index, gearing, spread, refPeriodStart, refPeriodEnd, dayCounter, isInArrears), cap, floor)
예제 #26
파일: DateTests.cs 프로젝트: tickzoom/QLNet
        public void testConsistency()
            //("Testing dates...");

            int minDate = Date.minDate().serialNumber() + 1,
                       maxDate = Date.maxDate().serialNumber();

            int dyold = new Date(minDate - 1).DayOfYear,
                dold = new Date(minDate - 1).Day,
                mold = new Date(minDate - 1).Month,
                yold = new Date(minDate - 1).Year,
                wdold = new Date(minDate - 1).weekday();

            for (int i = minDate; i <= maxDate; i++)
                Date t = new Date(i);
                int serial = t.serialNumber();

                // check serial number consistency
                if (serial != i)
                    Assert.Fail("inconsistent serial number:\n"
                               + "    original:      " + i + "\n"
                               + "    date:          " + t + "\n"
                               + "    serial number: " + serial);

                int dy = t.DayOfYear,
                    d = t.Day,
                    m = t.Month,
                    y = t.Year,
                    wd = t.weekday();

                // check if skipping any date
                if (!((dy == dyold + 1) ||
                      (dy == 1 && dyold == 365 && !Date.IsLeapYear(yold)) ||
                      (dy == 1 && dyold == 366 && Date.IsLeapYear(yold))))
                    Assert.Fail("wrong day of year increment: \n"
                               + "    date: " + t + "\n"
                               + "    day of year: " + dy + "\n"
                               + "    previous:    " + dyold);
                dyold = dy;

                if (!((d == dold + 1 && m == mold && y == yold) ||
                      (d == 1 && m == mold + 1 && y == yold) ||
                      (d == 1 && m == 1 && y == yold + 1)))
                    Assert.Fail("wrong day,month,year increment: \n"
                               + "    date: " + t + "\n"
                               + "    day,month,year: "
                               + d + "," + m + "," + y + "\n"
                               + "    previous:       "
                               + dold + "," + mold + "," + yold);
                dold = d; mold = m; yold = y;

                // check month definition
                if (m < 1 || m > 12)
                    Assert.Fail("invalid month: \n"
                               + "    date:  " + t + "\n"
                               + "    month: " + m);

                // check day definition
                if (d < 1)
                    Assert.Fail("invalid day of month: \n"
                               + "    date:  " + t + "\n"
                               + "    day: " + d);
                if (!((m == 1 && d <= 31) ||
                      (m == 2 && d <= 28) ||
                      (m == 2 && d == 29 && Date.IsLeapYear(y)) ||
                      (m == 3 && d <= 31) ||
                      (m == 4 && d <= 30) ||
                      (m == 5 && d <= 31) ||
                      (m == 6 && d <= 30) ||
                      (m == 7 && d <= 31) ||
                      (m == 8 && d <= 31) ||
                      (m == 9 && d <= 30) ||
                      (m == 10 && d <= 31) ||
                      (m == 11 && d <= 30) ||
                      (m == 12 && d <= 31)))
                    Assert.Fail("invalid day of month: \n"
                               + "    date:  " + t + "\n"
                               + "    day: " + d);

                // check weekday definition
                if (!((wd == wdold + 1) ||
                      (wd == 1 && wdold == 7)))
                    Assert.Fail("invalid weekday: \n"
                               + "    date:  " + t + "\n"
                               + "    weekday:  " + wd + "\n"
                               + "    previous: " + wdold);
                wdold = wd;

                // create the same date with a different constructor
                Date s = new Date(d, m, y);
                // check serial number consistency
                serial = s.serialNumber();
                if (serial != i)
                    Assert.Fail("inconsistent serial number:\n"
                               + "    date:          " + t + "\n"
                               + "    serial number: " + i + "\n"
                               + "    cloned date:   " + s + "\n"
                               + "    serial number: " + serial);