Esempio n. 1
 public YoYInflationCoupon(Date paymentDate, double nominal, Date startDate, Date endDate, int fixingDays, YoYInflationIndex yoyIndex, Period observationLag, DayCounter dayCounter, double gearing, double spread, Date refPeriodStart, Date refPeriodEnd)
     : base(paymentDate, nominal, startDate, endDate, fixingDays, yoyIndex, observationLag, dayCounter, refPeriodStart, refPeriodEnd)
     yoyIndex_ = yoyIndex;
     gearing_ = gearing;
     spread_ = spread;
Esempio n. 2
 /*! \warning Relinking the term structure underlying the index will
              not have effect on the returned swap.
 OvernightIndexedSwap underlyingSwap(Date fixingDate)
     double fixedRate = 0.0;
     return new MakeOIS(tenor_, overnightIndex_, fixedRate)
Esempio n. 3
 //public ZeroCouponBond(int settlementDays, Calendar calendar, double faceAmount, Date maturityDate,
 //               BusinessDayConvention paymentConvention = Following,
 //               double redemption = 100.0,
 //               Date issueDate = Date());
 public ZeroCouponBond(int settlementDays, Calendar calendar, double faceAmount, Date maturityDate,
                       BusinessDayConvention paymentConvention, double redemption, Date issueDate)
     : base(settlementDays, calendar, issueDate)
     maturityDate_ = maturityDate;
     Date redemptionDate = calendar_.adjust(maturityDate, paymentConvention);
     setSingleRedemption(faceAmount, redemption, redemptionDate);
Esempio n. 4
 // coupon does not adjust the payment date which must already be a business day
 public Coupon(double nominal, Date paymentDate, Date accrualStartDate, Date accrualEndDate,
     Date refPeriodStart = null, Date refPeriodEnd = null, double? amount = null)
     nominal_ = nominal;
     amount_ = amount;
     paymentDate_ = paymentDate;
     accrualStartDate_ = accrualStartDate;
     accrualEndDate_ = accrualEndDate;
     refPeriodStart_ = refPeriodStart ?? accrualStartDate_;
     refPeriodEnd_ = refPeriodEnd ?? accrualEndDate_;
Esempio n. 5
 public Principal(double amount, double nominal, Date paymentDate, Date accrualStartDate, Date accrualEndDate, DayCounter dayCounter, Date refPeriodStart, Date refPeriodEnd)
     amount_ = amount;
     nominal_ = nominal;
     paymentDate_ = paymentDate;
     accrualStartDate_ = accrualStartDate;
     accrualEndDate_ = accrualEndDate;
     dayCounter_ = dayCounter;
     refPeriodStart_ = refPeriodStart ?? accrualStartDate_;
     refPeriodEnd_ = refPeriodEnd ?? accrualEndDate_;
        public double yoyRate(Date d, Period instObsLag, bool forceLinearInterpolation,
            bool extrapolate)
            Period useLag = instObsLag;
            if (instObsLag == new Period(-1, TimeUnit.Days))
                useLag = observationLag();

            double yoyRate;
            if (forceLinearInterpolation)
                KeyValuePair<Date, Date> dd = Utils.inflationPeriod(d - useLag, frequency());
                Date ddValue = dd.Value + new Period(1, TimeUnit.Days);
                double dp = ddValue - dd.Key;
                double dt = (d - useLag) - dd.Key;
                // if we are interpolating we only check the exact point
                // this prevents falling off the end at curve maturity
                base.checkRange(d, extrapolate);
                double t1 = timeFromReference(dd.Key);
                double t2 = timeFromReference(dd.Value);
                yoyRate = yoyRateImpl(t1) + (yoyRateImpl(t2) - yoyRateImpl(t1)) * (dt / dp);
                if (indexIsInterpolated())
                    base.checkRange(d - useLag, extrapolate);
                    double t = timeFromReference(d - useLag);
                    yoyRate = yoyRateImpl(t);
                    KeyValuePair<Date, Date> dd = Utils.inflationPeriod(d - useLag, frequency());
                    base.checkRange(dd.Key, extrapolate);
                    double t = timeFromReference(dd.Key);
                    yoyRate = yoyRateImpl(t);

            if (hasSeasonality())
                yoyRate = seasonality().correctYoYRate(d - useLag, yoyRate, this);
            return yoyRate;
Esempio n. 7
 //! accrued days at the given date
 public int accruedDays(Date d)
     if (d <= accrualStartDate_ || d > paymentDate_)
         return 0;
         return dayCounter().dayCount(accrualStartDate_, Date.Min(d, accrualEndDate_));
Esempio n. 8
 public abstract double accruedAmount(Date d);
Esempio n. 9
 public YoYInflationCoupon(Date paymentDate, double nominal, Date startDate, Date endDate, int fixingDays, YoYInflationIndex yoyIndex, Period observationLag, DayCounter dayCounter)
     : this(paymentDate, nominal, startDate, endDate, fixingDays, yoyIndex, observationLag, dayCounter, 1.0, 0.0, null, null)
Esempio n. 10
 protected override double forecastFixing(Date fixingDate)
     return underlyingSwap(fixingDate).fairRate();
Esempio n. 11
        // \warning Relinking the term structure underlying the index will not have effect on the returned swap.
        // recheck
        public VanillaSwap underlyingSwap(Date fixingDate)
            double fixedRate = 0.0;

            if (exogenousDiscount_)
                return new MakeVanillaSwap(tenor_, iborIndex_, fixedRate)

            return new MakeVanillaSwap(tenor_, iborIndex_, fixedRate)
Esempio n. 12
 public override Date maturityDate(Date valueDate)
     Date fixDate = fixingDate(valueDate);
     return underlyingSwap(fixDate).maturityDate();
Esempio n. 13
 public YoYInflationTermStructure(Date referenceDate, Calendar calendar, DayCounter dayCounter, double baseYoYRate, Period lag, Frequency frequency, bool indexIsInterpolated, Handle<YieldTermStructure> yieldTS)
     : this(referenceDate, calendar, dayCounter, baseYoYRate, lag, frequency, indexIsInterpolated, yieldTS, new Seasonality())
Esempio n. 14
 public CappedFlooredIborCoupon(double nominal, Date paymentDate, Date startDate, Date endDate, int fixingDays, IborIndex index, double gearing, double spread, double? cap, double? floor)
     : this(nominal, paymentDate, startDate, endDate, fixingDays, index, gearing, spread, cap, floor, null, null, null, false)
        public static Greeks GetOptionOnFutureGreeks(double underlyingPrice,double strike,double riskFreeRate, 
            DateTime expirationDate, DateTime calculationDate, string optionType, string exerciseType,
            double optionPrice=double.NaN,double impliedVol=0.15,string engineName="baw")
            QLNet.Date ExpirationDateObj = new QLNet.Date(expirationDate.Day, expirationDate.Month, expirationDate.Year);
            QLNet.Date CalculationDateObj = new QLNet.Date(calculationDate.Day, calculationDate.Month, calculationDate.Year);

            QLNet.DayCounter DayCountObj = new QLNet.Actual365Fixed();
            QLNet.Calendar CalendarObj = new QLNet.UnitedStates();

            Greeks GreeksOutput = new Greeks();
            QLNet.Option.Type OptionTypeObj;
            QLNet.Exercise ExerciseObj;
            double ImpliedVol;
            double OptionPrice;

            int CalDte = DayCountObj.dayCount(CalculationDateObj, ExpirationDateObj);
            GreeksOutput.CalDte = CalDte;

            if (!double.IsNaN(optionPrice))
                if (optionType.ToUpper() == "C")
                    if (optionPrice + strike - underlyingPrice <= 1.0e-12)
                        GreeksOutput.Delta = 1;
                        return GreeksOutput;
                else if (optionType.ToUpper() == "P")
                    if (optionPrice - strike + underlyingPrice <= 1.0e-12)
                        GreeksOutput.Delta = -1;
                        return GreeksOutput;

            if (CalDte == 0)
                if (optionType.ToUpper() == "C")
                    if (strike <= underlyingPrice)
                        GreeksOutput.Delta = 1;
                        GreeksOutput.Delta = 0;
                else if (optionType.ToUpper() == "P")
                    if (strike >= underlyingPrice)
                        GreeksOutput.Delta = -1;
                        GreeksOutput.Delta = 0;
                return GreeksOutput;

            if (optionType.ToUpper() == "C")
                OptionTypeObj = QLNet.Option.Type.Call;
            else if (optionType.ToUpper() == "P")
                OptionTypeObj = QLNet.Option.Type.Put;
                return GreeksOutput;

            if (exerciseType.ToUpper() == "E")
                ExerciseObj = new QLNet.EuropeanExercise(ExpirationDateObj);
            else if (exerciseType.ToUpper() == "A")
                ExerciseObj = new QLNet.AmericanExercise(CalculationDateObj, ExpirationDateObj);
                return GreeksOutput;


            QLNet.Handle<Quote> UnderlyingObj = new QLNet.Handle<Quote>(new QLNet.SimpleQuote(underlyingPrice));
            QLNet.Handle<YieldTermStructure> FlatRateObj = new QLNet.Handle<YieldTermStructure>(new QLNet.FlatForward(CalculationDateObj, riskFreeRate, DayCountObj));
            QLNet.Handle<BlackVolTermStructure> FlatVolTsObj = new QLNet.Handle<BlackVolTermStructure>(new QLNet.BlackConstantVol(CalculationDateObj, CalendarObj, impliedVol, DayCountObj));

            QLNet.BlackProcess BlackProc = new QLNet.BlackProcess(UnderlyingObj, FlatRateObj, FlatVolTsObj);
            QLNet.PlainVanillaPayoff PayoffObj = new QLNet.PlainVanillaPayoff(OptionTypeObj, strike);

            QLNet.VanillaOption OptionObj = new QLNet.VanillaOption(PayoffObj, ExerciseObj);

            if (engineName == "baw")
                OptionObj.setPricingEngine(new QLNet.BaroneAdesiWhaleyApproximationEngine(BlackProc));
            else if (engineName == "fda")
                OptionObj.setPricingEngine(new QLNet.FDAmericanEngine(BlackProc, 100, 100));
                return GreeksOutput;

            if (!double.IsNaN(optionPrice))

                    ImpliedVol = OptionObj.impliedVolatility(targetValue:optionPrice, process:BlackProc,accuracy:1e-5);
                    return GreeksOutput;
                FlatVolTsObj = new QLNet.Handle<BlackVolTermStructure>(new QLNet.BlackConstantVol(CalculationDateObj, CalendarObj, ImpliedVol, DayCountObj));
                BlackProc = new QLNet.BlackProcess(UnderlyingObj, FlatRateObj, FlatVolTsObj);

                if (engineName == "baw")
                    OptionObj.setPricingEngine(new QLNet.BaroneAdesiWhaleyApproximationEngine(BlackProc));
                else if (engineName == "fda")
                    OptionObj.setPricingEngine(new QLNet.FDAmericanEngine(BlackProc, 100, 100));
                OptionPrice = optionPrice;
                OptionPrice = OptionObj.NPV();
                ImpliedVol = impliedVol;

            OptionObj = new QLNet.VanillaOption(PayoffObj, new QLNet.EuropeanExercise(ExpirationDateObj));
            OptionObj.setPricingEngine(new QLNet.AnalyticEuropeanEngine(BlackProc));

            GreeksOutput.Delta =;
            GreeksOutput.Vega = OptionObj.vega();
            GreeksOutput.Theta = OptionObj.thetaPerDay();
            GreeksOutput.Gamma = OptionObj.gamma();
            GreeksOutput.OptionPrice = OptionPrice;
            GreeksOutput.ImpliedVol = ImpliedVol;

            return GreeksOutput;

Esempio n. 16
 public double yoyRate(Date d, Period instObsLag, bool forceLinearInterpolation)
     return yoyRate(d, instObsLag, forceLinearInterpolation, false);
Esempio n. 17
 public double yoyRate(Date d, Period instObsLag)
     return yoyRate(d, instObsLag, false, false);
Esempio n. 18
 //! year-on-year inflation rate, forceLinearInterpolation
 //! is relative to the frequency of the TS.
 //! Since inflation is highly linked to dates (lags, interpolation, months for seasonality etc)
 //! we do NOT provide a "time" version of the rate lookup.
 /*! \note this is not the year-on-year swap (YYIIS) rate. */
 public double yoyRate(Date d)
     return yoyRate(d, new Period(-1, TimeUnit.Days), false, false);
Esempio n. 19
 public YoYInflationTermStructure(Date referenceDate, Calendar calendar, DayCounter dayCounter, double baseYoYRate, Period observationLag, Frequency frequency, bool indexIsInterpolated, Handle<YieldTermStructure> yTS, Seasonality seasonality)
     : base(referenceDate, baseYoYRate, observationLag, frequency, indexIsInterpolated, yTS, calendar, dayCounter, seasonality)
Esempio n. 20
 //! accrued period as fraction of year at the given date
 public double accruedPeriod(Date d)
     if (d <= accrualStartDate_ || d > paymentDate_)
         return 0.0;
         return dayCounter().yearFraction(accrualStartDate_,
                                           Date.Min(d, accrualEndDate_),
        public DateTime serialNumberDateTime(int serialNum) 
            QLNet.Date d = new QLNet.Date(serialNum);

            return d;
 public CappedFlooredCmsCoupon(double nominal, Date paymentDate, Date startDate, Date endDate, int fixingDays, SwapIndex index)
     : this(nominal, paymentDate, startDate, endDate, fixingDays, index, 1.0, 0.0, null, null, null, null, null, false)
Esempio n. 23
 public CappedFlooredIborCoupon(double nominal, Date paymentDate, Date startDate, Date endDate, int fixingDays, IborIndex index)
     : this(nominal, paymentDate, startDate, endDate, fixingDays, index, 1.0, 0.0, null, null)
Esempio n. 24
 public Principal(double amount, double nominal, Date paymentDate, Date accrualStartDate, Date accrualEndDate, DayCounter dayCounter)
     : this(amount, nominal, paymentDate, accrualStartDate, accrualEndDate, dayCounter, null, null)
Esempio n. 25
 public CappedFlooredIborCoupon(double nominal, Date paymentDate, Date startDate, Date endDate, int fixingDays, IborIndex index, double gearing, double spread, double? cap, double? floor, Date refPeriodStart, Date refPeriodEnd, DayCounter dayCounter, bool isInArrears)
     : base(new IborCoupon(nominal, paymentDate, startDate, endDate, fixingDays, index, gearing, spread, refPeriodStart, refPeriodEnd, dayCounter, isInArrears), cap, floor)
Esempio n. 26
        public void testConsistency()
            //("Testing dates...");

            int minDate = Date.minDate().serialNumber() + 1,
                       maxDate = Date.maxDate().serialNumber();

            int dyold = new Date(minDate - 1).DayOfYear,
                dold = new Date(minDate - 1).Day,
                mold = new Date(minDate - 1).Month,
                yold = new Date(minDate - 1).Year,
                wdold = new Date(minDate - 1).weekday();

            for (int i = minDate; i <= maxDate; i++)
                Date t = new Date(i);
                int serial = t.serialNumber();

                // check serial number consistency
                if (serial != i)
                    Assert.Fail("inconsistent serial number:\n"
                               + "    original:      " + i + "\n"
                               + "    date:          " + t + "\n"
                               + "    serial number: " + serial);

                int dy = t.DayOfYear,
                    d = t.Day,
                    m = t.Month,
                    y = t.Year,
                    wd = t.weekday();

                // check if skipping any date
                if (!((dy == dyold + 1) ||
                      (dy == 1 && dyold == 365 && !Date.IsLeapYear(yold)) ||
                      (dy == 1 && dyold == 366 && Date.IsLeapYear(yold))))
                    Assert.Fail("wrong day of year increment: \n"
                               + "    date: " + t + "\n"
                               + "    day of year: " + dy + "\n"
                               + "    previous:    " + dyold);
                dyold = dy;

                if (!((d == dold + 1 && m == mold && y == yold) ||
                      (d == 1 && m == mold + 1 && y == yold) ||
                      (d == 1 && m == 1 && y == yold + 1)))
                    Assert.Fail("wrong day,month,year increment: \n"
                               + "    date: " + t + "\n"
                               + "    day,month,year: "
                               + d + "," + m + "," + y + "\n"
                               + "    previous:       "
                               + dold + "," + mold + "," + yold);
                dold = d; mold = m; yold = y;

                // check month definition
                if (m < 1 || m > 12)
                    Assert.Fail("invalid month: \n"
                               + "    date:  " + t + "\n"
                               + "    month: " + m);

                // check day definition
                if (d < 1)
                    Assert.Fail("invalid day of month: \n"
                               + "    date:  " + t + "\n"
                               + "    day: " + d);
                if (!((m == 1 && d <= 31) ||
                      (m == 2 && d <= 28) ||
                      (m == 2 && d == 29 && Date.IsLeapYear(y)) ||
                      (m == 3 && d <= 31) ||
                      (m == 4 && d <= 30) ||
                      (m == 5 && d <= 31) ||
                      (m == 6 && d <= 30) ||
                      (m == 7 && d <= 31) ||
                      (m == 8 && d <= 31) ||
                      (m == 9 && d <= 30) ||
                      (m == 10 && d <= 31) ||
                      (m == 11 && d <= 30) ||
                      (m == 12 && d <= 31)))
                    Assert.Fail("invalid day of month: \n"
                               + "    date:  " + t + "\n"
                               + "    day: " + d);

                // check weekday definition
                if (!((wd == wdold + 1) ||
                      (wd == 1 && wdold == 7)))
                    Assert.Fail("invalid weekday: \n"
                               + "    date:  " + t + "\n"
                               + "    weekday:  " + wd + "\n"
                               + "    previous: " + wdold);
                wdold = wd;

                // create the same date with a different constructor
                Date s = new Date(d, m, y);
                // check serial number consistency
                serial = s.serialNumber();
                if (serial != i)
                    Assert.Fail("inconsistent serial number:\n"
                               + "    date:          " + t + "\n"
                               + "    serial number: " + i + "\n"
                               + "    cloned date:   " + s + "\n"
                               + "    serial number: " + serial);