예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the next waypoint we should drive to
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="enteredRegion">The trigger region that fired the collision event</param>
        /// <param name="nextRegion">The next trigger region we should drive to</param>
        /// <param name="info">
        /// Contains some information about when we drove into the previous trigger region. 
        /// If this is null, then it's the initial waypoint we got when we loaded the level.
        /// </param>
        public void CalculateNewWaypoint(TriggerRegion enteredRegion, TriggerRegion nextRegion, CollisionReportInfo info)
            // have to check for this because trigger regions like sending duplicate events
            // also we check against the previous region in situations where the kart is in two regions at once
            if ((nextRegion != CurrentRegion && nextRegion != PreviousRegion && enteredRegion != PreviousRegion) || info == null) {

                // do we need to do all of the transform stuff? it's accurate, but do we need to be particularly accurate?
                // forward is -X
                float offset;
                if (info == null || info.Position == null) {
                    // when we're starting, we'll just use our kart's position for things
                    Vector3 relativePos = nextRegion.Ghost.WorldTransform.InverseAffine() * Kart.ActualPosition;
                    offset = MakeOffset(relativePos, nextRegion);
                else {
                    // otherwise calculate using the region we just entered
                    Vector3 relativePos = enteredRegion.Ghost.WorldTransform.InverseAffine() * info.Position.Value;
                    offset = MakeOffset(relativePos, enteredRegion);
                nextWaypoint = nextRegion.Ghost.WorldTransform * new Vector3(0, 0, offset * nextRegion.Width);
                nextWaypoint.y = Kart.ActualPosition.y;

                // update the region pointers
                PreviousRegion = enteredRegion;
                CurrentRegion = nextRegion;

                // update this axis' position
            #if DEBUG
                //axis.RootNode.Position = nextWaypoint;
                //axis.RootNode.Orientation = nextRegion.Body.Orientation;
예제 #2
        public SAA_JumpAround()
            LKernel.GetG<InputMain>().OnKeyboardPress_Anything += OnKeyboardPress;

            tr = new TriggerRegion("RiverTriggerRegion", new Vector3(-12.4589f, 2.30107f, -138.952f), new Quaternion(-0.00359472f, 0.000143133f, 0.999202f, 0.0397857f),
                new BoxShape(10.9985f, 2.71301f, 32.6104f));

            tr.OnTrigger += new TriggerReportEvent(tr_OnTrigger);
예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// output some text, show/hide a dialogue, and change the color of the region
 /// </summary>
 void doSomething(TriggerRegion region, RigidBody otherBody, TriggerReportFlags flags, CollisionReportInfo info)
     if (flags.HasFlag(TriggerReportFlags.Enter)) {
         Console.WriteLine(otherBody.GetName() + " has entered trigger area \"" + region.Name + "\"");
         // cycle through the balloon colors
     else {
         Console.WriteLine(otherBody.GetName() + " has left trigger area \"" + region.Name + "\"");
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Make some trigger regions - a long box, a sphere, and a rotated box
        /// </summary>
        public TriggerRegionsTest()
            var reporter = LKernel.GetG<TriggerReporter>();

            tr1 = new TriggerRegion("test trigger area", new Vector3(5, 3, 30), new BoxShape(10, 3, 3));
            reporter.AddEvent(tr1.Name, doSomething);

            #if DEBUG
            tr2 = new TriggerRegion("test trigger area 2", new Vector3(-5, 2, 7), new SphereShape(1));
            reporter.AddEvent(tr2.Name, doSomething);

            tr3 = new TriggerRegion("test trigger area 3", new Vector3(-35, 3.5f, 0), new Vector3(0, 45, 0).DegreeVectorToGlobalQuaternion(), new BoxShape(4, 4, 4));
            reporter.AddEvent(tr3.Name, doSomething);
예제 #5
        public static TriggerRegion CreateBoxTriggerRegion(string name, TriggerReportEvent trh, Vector3 dimensions, Vector3 position, Quaternion orientation)
            var csm = LKernel.GetG<CollisionShapeManager>();
            CollisionShape shape;

            if (!csm.TryGetShape(name, out shape)) {
                shape = new BoxShape(dimensions);
                csm.RegisterShape(name, shape);

            var tr = new TriggerRegion(name, position, orientation, shape);
            tr.OnTrigger += trh;
            AddToDispose(tr, trh);
            return tr;
예제 #6
        public static TriggerRegion CreateCapsuleTriggerRegion(
            string name, TriggerReportEvent trh, float radius, float height, Vector3 position, Quaternion orientation)
            var csm = LKernel.GetG<CollisionShapeManager>();
            CollisionShape shape;

            if (!csm.TryGetShape(name, out shape)) {
                shape = new CapsuleShape(radius, height);
                csm.RegisterShape(name, shape);

            var tr = new TriggerRegion(name, position, orientation, shape);
            tr.OnTrigger += trh;
            AddToDispose(tr, trh);
            return tr;
예제 #7
        void CrossFinishLine(TriggerRegion region, RigidBody otherBody, TriggerReportFlags flags, CollisionReportInfo info)
            // get the kart out of the object
            Kart kart = ((CollisionObjectDataHolder) otherBody.UserObject).GetThingAsKart();

            // make sure it's passed the halfway point first
            if (kart != null && lapData[kart.OwnerID].first) {
                lapData[kart.OwnerID].first = false;

                if (lapData[kart.OwnerID].second >= 2) {
                    // we have completed three laps, fire the finish event
                    if (OnFinish != null)

                    // if it's the player, fire its event
                    if (kart == LKernel.GetG<PlayerManager>().MainPlayer.Kart) {
                        if (OnPlayerFinish != null)

                    // and if it's the first one to finish, fire that one too
                    if (!anyoneFinishedYet) {
                        anyoneFinishedYet = true;
                        if (OnFirstFinish != null)
                else {
                    // increment the counter

                    // don't fire the event when we just cross the line when the race starts
                    if (lapData[kart.OwnerID].second != 1) {
                        // we have completed a lap, fire the lap event
                        if (OnLap != null)
                            OnLap(kart, lapData[kart.OwnerID].second);

                        if (kart == LKernel.GetG<PlayerManager>().MainPlayer.Kart) {
                            if (OnPlayerLap != null)
                                OnPlayerLap(kart, lapData[kart.OwnerID].second);
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Need to check somewhere else on the track otherwise we can just drive in circles over the finish line
        /// </summary>
        void Halfway(TriggerRegion region, RigidBody otherBody, TriggerReportFlags flags, CollisionReportInfo info)
            Kart kart = ((CollisionObjectDataHolder) otherBody.UserObject).GetThingAsKart();

            if (kart != null && !lapData[kart.OwnerID].first) {
                lapData[kart.OwnerID].first = true;
예제 #9
        private float MakeOffset(Vector3 relativePos, TriggerRegion region)
            float offset = relativePos.z / (region.Width * 2);
            //System.Console.WriteLine(relativePos.z + " | " + region.Width + " | " + offset);

            /*if (offset < -0.75f)
                return -0.75f;
            else if (offset > 0.75f)
                return 0.75f;
            return offset;
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the level's .tr file (if it has one) and sets up the AI trigger regions
        /// </summary>
        private void OnLevelLoad(LevelChangedEventArgs eventArgs)
            if (eventArgs.NewLevel.Type != LevelType.Race)

            nextTriggerRegions = new Dictionary<TriggerRegion, TriggerRegion>();

             * threshold
             * id idTO height width posX posY posZ orientX orientY orientZ orientW

            if (File.Exists("media/worlds/" + eventArgs.NewLevel.Name + ".tr"))
                var collisionShapeMgr = LKernel.GetG<CollisionShapeManager>();
                var tempDic = new Dictionary<TriggerRegion, int>();
                var triggerRegions = new Dictionary<int, TriggerRegion>();

                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("media/worlds/" + eventArgs.NewLevel.Name + ".tr"))
                    float threshold = float.Parse(reader.ReadLine());

                    string line;
                    while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                        // ignore comments
                        if (line.StartsWith("//"))

                        string[] parts = line.Split(' ');
                        if (parts.Length == 11)
                            int id = int.Parse(parts[0], culture);
                            int idTo = int.Parse(parts[1], culture);
                            Vector3 dims = new Vector3(
                                float.Parse(parts[2], culture),
                                float.Parse(parts[3], culture));
                            Vector3 pos = new Vector3(
                                float.Parse(parts[4], culture),
                                float.Parse(parts[5], culture),
                                float.Parse(parts[6], culture));
                            Quaternion orient = new Quaternion(
                                float.Parse(parts[7], culture),
                                float.Parse(parts[8], culture),
                                float.Parse(parts[9], culture),
                                float.Parse(parts[10], culture));

                            CollisionShape shape;
                            if (!collisionShapeMgr.TryGetShape(parts[2] + parts[3], out shape))
                                shape = new BoxShape(dims);
                                collisionShapeMgr.RegisterShape(parts[2] + parts[3], shape);

                            TriggerRegion tr = new TriggerRegion("AITriggerRegion" + id, pos, orient, shape);

                            triggerRegions[id] = tr;
                            tempDic[tr] = idTo;
                foreach (var kvp in tempDic)
                    nextTriggerRegions[kvp.Key] = triggerRegions[kvp.Value];


                LKernel.GetG<TriggerReporter>().OnTriggerEnter += OnTriggerEnter;
        /// <summary>
        /// When a kart enters a trigger region, check that it's one of the AI ones, and if so, tell the kart where to go next
        /// </summary>
        private void OnTriggerEnter(TriggerRegion currentRegion, RigidBody otherBody, TriggerReportFlags flags, CollisionReportInfo info)
            TriggerRegion nextRegion;
            if (nextTriggerRegions.TryGetValue(currentRegion, out nextRegion))
                Kart kart = null;

                if (otherBody.UserObject is CollisionObjectDataHolder)
                    kart = (otherBody.UserObject as CollisionObjectDataHolder).GetThingAsKart();

                if (kart != null && kart.Player.IsComputerControlled)
                    (kart.Player as ComputerPlayer).CalculateNewWaypoint(currentRegion, nextRegion, info);
예제 #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Shortcut method to add something to the dispose queue.
 /// </summary>
 static void AddToDispose(TriggerRegion region, TriggerReportEvent handler)
     toDispose.Add(new Pair<TriggerRegion, TriggerReportEvent>(region, handler));
예제 #13
        void tr_OnTrigger(TriggerRegion region, RigidBody otherBody, TriggerReportFlags flags, CollisionReportInfo info)
            var pos = new Vector3(-305.8f, 45.4037f, -693.169f) / 5f;
            var quat = new Quaternion(0.7143f, 0, -0.6998f, 0);

            quat = quat * new Quaternion(0, 0, 1, 0);

            Matrix4 mat = new Matrix4();
            mat.MakeTransform(pos, Vector3.UNIT_SCALE, quat);

            Kart kart = (otherBody.UserObject as CollisionObjectDataHolder).GetThingAsKart();

            if (kart != null) {
                kart.Body.WorldTransform = mat;