예제 #1
        internal void TextBoxInitialization()
            // terminate TextBox

            // calculate overall TextBox height
            TextBoxHeight = TextBox.BoxHeightExtra(Style.TextBoxLineExtraSpace, Style.TextBoxParagraphExtraSpace);
            double TextBoxHeightPageBreak = TextBoxHeight;

            // textbox minimum height for page break calculations
            if (!Header && (Style.TextBoxPageBreakLines != 0 && Style.TextBoxPageBreakLines < TextBox.LineCount))
                // calculate TextBox height and add to cell height
                TextBoxHeightPageBreak = TextBox.BoxHeightExtra(Style.TextBoxPageBreakLines, Style.TextBoxLineExtraSpace, Style.TextBoxParagraphExtraSpace);

            // required cell height for page break calculations and for full textbox height
            TextBoxCellHeight = CellHeight + TextBoxHeightPageBreak;
            CellHeight       += TextBoxHeight;

            // reset textbox line number
            TextBoxLineNo = 0;

            // set type to text box
            Type = CellType.TextBox;
예제 #2
        // Draw Cell Initialization
        internal Double DrawCellInitialization()
            // calculate left and right client space
            ClientLeft = FrameLeft + Style.Margin.Left;
            ClientRight = FrameLeft + FrameWidth - Style.Margin.Right;

            // initialize cell height to top and bottom margins
            Double CellHeight = Style.Margin.Top + Style.Margin.Bottom;

            // reset cell type
            Type = CellType.Empty;

            // we have something to draw
            if(Value != null)
            // assume cell type to be text
            Type = CellType.Text;

            // get object type
            Type ValueType = Value.GetType();

            // value is string
            if(ValueType == typeof(String))
                // multi line text
                    // convert string to TextBox
                    TextBox = new TextBox(ClientRight - ClientLeft, Style.TextBoxFirstLineIndent, Style.TextBoxLineBreakFactor);
                    TextBox.AddText(Style.Font, Style.FontSize, (String) Value);
                    TextBoxHeight = TextBox.BoxHeightExtra(Style.TextBoxLineExtraSpace, Style.TextBoxParagraphExtraSpace);
                    CellHeight += TextBoxHeight;
                    Type = CellType.TextBox;

                // single line text
                    // save value as string
                    FormattedText = (String) Value;

                    // add line spacing
                    CellHeight += Style.FontLineSpacing;

            // value is text box
            else if(ValueType == typeof(TextBox))
                // set TextBox
                TextBox = (TextBox) Value;

                // test width
                if(TextBox.BoxWidth - (ClientRight - ClientLeft) > Parent.Epsilon) throw new ApplicationException("PdfTableCell: TextBox width is greater than column width");

                // terminate TextBox

                // calculate TextBox height and add to cell height
                TextBoxHeight = TextBox.BoxHeightExtra(Style.TextBoxLineExtraSpace, Style.TextBoxParagraphExtraSpace);
                CellHeight += TextBoxHeight;

                // set type to text box
                Type = CellType.TextBox;

            // value is PdfImage
            else if(ValueType == typeof(PdfImage))
                // set image
                Image = (PdfImage) Value;

                // calculate client width
                Double Width = ClientWidth;

                // calculate image width and height
                if(ImageWidth == 0.0)
                    if(ImageHeight == 0.0)
                        ImageWidth = Width;
                        ImageHeight = ImageWidth * (Double) Image.HeightPix / (Double) Image.WidthPix;
                        ImageWidth = ImageHeight * (Double) Image.WidthPix / (Double) Image.HeightPix;
                else if(ImageHeight == 0.0)
                    ImageHeight = ImageWidth * (Double) Image.HeightPix / (Double) Image.WidthPix;

                // image width is too wide
                if(ImageWidth > Width)
                    ImageHeight = Width * ImageHeight / ImageWidth;
                    ImageWidth = Width;

                // adjust cell's height
                CellHeight += ImageHeight;

                // set type to image
                Type = CellType.Image;

            // value is PdfQRCode
            else if(ValueType == typeof(PdfQRCode))
                // set QR Code
                QRCode = (PdfQRCode) Value;

                // calculate client width
                Double Width = ClientWidth;

                // calculate QR Code width
                if(QRCodeWidth == 0.0 || QRCodeWidth > Width) QRCodeWidth = Width;

                // adjust cell's height
                CellHeight += QRCodeWidth;

                // set type to QR Code
                Type = CellType.QRCode;

            // value is a derived class of barcode
            else if(ValueType.BaseType == typeof(Barcode))
                // set barcode
                Barcode = (Barcode) Value;

                // test barcode height
                if(Style.BarcodeHeight <= 0.0) throw new ApplicationException("PdfTableStyle: BarcodeHeight must be defined.");

                // calculate total barcode height
                BarcodeBox = Barcode.GetBarcodeBox(Style.BarcodeBarWidth, Style.BarcodeHeight, Style.Font, Style.FontSize);

                // adjust cell's height
                CellHeight += BarcodeBox.TotalHeight;

                // set type to barcode
                Type = CellType.Barcode;

            // value is basic mostly numeric object
                String Format = Style.Format;
                NumberFormatInfo NumberFormat = Style.NumberFormatInfo;
                if(ValueType == typeof(Int32)) FormattedText = ((Int32) Value).ToString(Format, NumberFormat);
                else if(ValueType == typeof(Single)) FormattedText = ((Single) Value).ToString(Format, NumberFormat);
                else if(ValueType == typeof(Double)) FormattedText = ((Double) Value).ToString(Format, NumberFormat);
                else if(ValueType == typeof(Boolean)) FormattedText = ((Boolean) Value).ToString();
                else if(ValueType == typeof(Char)) FormattedText = ((Char) Value).ToString();
                else if(ValueType == typeof(Byte)) FormattedText = ((Byte) Value).ToString(Format, NumberFormat);
                else if(ValueType == typeof(SByte)) FormattedText = ((SByte) Value).ToString(Format, NumberFormat);
                else if(ValueType == typeof(Int16)) FormattedText = ((Int16) Value).ToString(Format, NumberFormat);
                else if(ValueType == typeof(UInt16)) FormattedText = ((UInt16) Value).ToString(Format, NumberFormat);
                else if(ValueType == typeof(UInt32)) FormattedText = ((UInt32) Value).ToString(Format, NumberFormat);
                else if(ValueType == typeof(Int64)) FormattedText = ((Int64) Value).ToString(Format, NumberFormat);
                else if(ValueType == typeof(UInt64)) FormattedText = ((UInt64) Value).ToString(Format, NumberFormat);
                else if(ValueType == typeof(Decimal)) FormattedText = ((Decimal) Value).ToString(Format, NumberFormat);
                else throw new ApplicationException("PdfTableCell: Unknown object type");

                // add line spacing
                CellHeight += Style.FontLineSpacing;

            // test for minimum height requirement
            if(CellHeight < Style.MinHeight) CellHeight = Style.MinHeight;

            // return result
예제 #3
        // Draw Text for TextBox with web link
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw TextBox
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="PosX">Position X</param>
        /// <param name="PosYTop">Position Y (by reference)</param>
        /// <param name="PosYBottom">Position Y bottom</param>
        /// <param name="LineNo">Start at line number</param>
        /// <param name="LineExtraSpace">Extra line spacing</param>
        /// <param name="ParagraphExtraSpace">Extra paragraph spacing</param>
        /// <param name="Justify">TextBox justify enumeration</param>
        /// <param name="TextBox">TextBox</param>
        /// <param name="Page">Page if TextBox contains web link segment</param>
        /// <returns>Next line number</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Before calling this method you must add text to a TextBox object.
        /// <para>
        /// Set the PosX and PosYTop to the left top corner of the text area.
        /// Note PosYTop is by reference. This variable will be updated to
        /// the next vertical line position after the method was executed.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// Set the PosYBottom to the bottom of your page. The method will
        /// not print below this value.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// Set the LineNo to the first line to be printed. Initially 
        /// this will be zero. After the method returns, PosYTop is set 
        /// to next print line on the page and LineNo is set to next line 
        /// within the box.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// If LineNo is equals to TextBox.LineCount the box was fully printed. 
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// If LineNo is less than TextBox.LineCount box printing was not
        /// done. Start a new PdfPage and associated PdfContents. Set 
        /// PosYTop to desired start position. Set LineNo to the value
        /// returned by this method, and call the method again.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// If your TextBox contains WebLink segment you must supply
        /// Page argument and position X and Y must be relative to
        /// page bottom left corner.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// TextBoxJustify controls horizontal justification. FitToWidth
        /// will display a straight right edge.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        public Int32 DrawText(
			Double			PosX,
			ref Double		PosYTop,
			Double			PosYBottom,
			Int32			LineNo,
			Double			LineExtraSpace,
			Double			ParagraphExtraSpace,
			TextBoxJustify	Justify,
			TextBox			TextBox,
			PdfPage			Page = null
            for(; LineNo < TextBox.LineCount; LineNo++)
            // short cut
            TextBoxLine Line = TextBox[LineNo];

            // break out of the loop if printing below bottom line
            if(PosYTop - Line.LineHeight < PosYBottom) break;

            // adjust PosY to font base line
            PosYTop -= Line.Ascent;

            // text horizontal position
            Double X = PosX;
            Double W = TextBox.BoxWidth;

            // if we have first line indent, adjust text x position for first line of a paragraph
            if(TextBox.FirstLineIndent != 0 && (LineNo == 0 || TextBox[LineNo - 1].EndOfParagraph))
                X += TextBox.FirstLineIndent;
                W -= TextBox.FirstLineIndent;

            // draw text to fit box width
            if(Justify == TextBoxJustify.FitToWidth && !Line.EndOfParagraph)
                DrawText(X, PosYTop, W, Line, Page);

            // draw text center or right justified
            else if(Justify == TextBoxJustify.Center || Justify == TextBoxJustify.Right)
                DrawText(X, PosYTop, W, Justify, Line, Page);

            // draw text normal
                DrawText(X, PosYTop, Line, Page);

            // advance position y to next line
            PosYTop -= Line.Descent + LineExtraSpace;
            if(Line.EndOfParagraph) PosYTop -= ParagraphExtraSpace;
예제 #4
        // Draw Cell Initialization
        internal Double DrawCellInitialization()
            // calculate left and right client space
            ClientLeft  = FrameLeft + Style.Margin.Left;
            ClientRight = FrameLeft + FrameWidth - Style.Margin.Right;

            // initialize cell height to top and bottom margins
            Double CellHeight = Style.Margin.Top + Style.Margin.Bottom;

            // reset cell type
            Type = CellType.Empty;

            // we have something to draw
            if (Value != null)
                // assume cell type to be text
                Type = CellType.Text;

                // get object type
                Type ValueType = Value.GetType();

                // value is string
                if (ValueType == typeof(String))
                    // multi line text
                    if (Style.MultiLineText)
                        // convert string to TextBox
                        TextBox = new TextBox(ClientRight - ClientLeft, Style.TextBoxFirstLineIndent, Style.TextBoxLineBreakFactor);
                        TextBox.AddText(Style.Font, Style.FontSize, (String)Value);
                        TextBoxHeight = TextBox.BoxHeightExtra(Style.TextBoxLineExtraSpace, Style.TextBoxParagraphExtraSpace);
                        CellHeight   += TextBoxHeight;
                        Type          = CellType.TextBox;

                    // single line text
                        // save value as string
                        FormattedText = (String)Value;

                        // add line spacing
                        CellHeight += Style.FontLineSpacing;

                // value is text box
                else if (ValueType == typeof(TextBox))
                    // set TextBox
                    TextBox = (TextBox)Value;

                    // test width
                    if (TextBox.BoxWidth - (ClientRight - ClientLeft) > Parent.Epsilon)
                        throw new ApplicationException("PdfTableCell: TextBox width is greater than column width");

                    // terminate TextBox

                    // calculate TextBox height and add to cell height
                    TextBoxHeight = TextBox.BoxHeightExtra(Style.TextBoxLineExtraSpace, Style.TextBoxParagraphExtraSpace);
                    CellHeight   += TextBoxHeight;

                    // set type to text box
                    Type = CellType.TextBox;

                // value is PdfImage
                else if (ValueType == typeof(PdfImage))
                    // set image
                    Image = (PdfImage)Value;

                    // calculate client width
                    Double Width = ClientWidth;

                    // calculate image width and height
                    if (ImageWidth == 0.0)
                        if (ImageHeight == 0.0)
                            ImageWidth  = Width;
                            ImageHeight = ImageWidth * (Double)Image.HeightPix / (Double)Image.WidthPix;
                            ImageWidth = ImageHeight * (Double)Image.WidthPix / (Double)Image.HeightPix;
                    else if (ImageHeight == 0.0)
                        ImageHeight = ImageWidth * (Double)Image.HeightPix / (Double)Image.WidthPix;

                    // image width is too wide
                    if (ImageWidth > Width)
                        ImageHeight = Width * ImageHeight / ImageWidth;
                        ImageWidth  = Width;

                    // adjust cell's height
                    CellHeight += ImageHeight;

                    // set type to image
                    Type = CellType.Image;

                // value is PdfQRCode
                else if (ValueType == typeof(PdfQRCode))
                    // set QR Code
                    QRCode = (PdfQRCode)Value;

                    // calculate client width
                    Double Width = ClientWidth;

                    // calculate QR Code width
                    if (QRCodeWidth == 0.0 || QRCodeWidth > Width)
                        QRCodeWidth = Width;

                    // adjust cell's height
                    CellHeight += QRCodeWidth;

                    // set type to QR Code
                    Type = CellType.QRCode;

                // value is a derived class of barcode
                else if (ValueType.BaseType == typeof(Barcode))
                    // set barcode
                    Barcode = (Barcode)Value;

                    // test barcode height
                    if (Style.BarcodeHeight <= 0.0)
                        throw new ApplicationException("PdfTableStyle: BarcodeHeight must be defined.");

                    // calculate total barcode height
                    BarcodeBox = Barcode.GetBarcodeBox(Style.BarcodeBarWidth, Style.BarcodeHeight, Style.Font, Style.FontSize);

                    // adjust cell's height
                    CellHeight += BarcodeBox.TotalHeight;

                    // set type to barcode
                    Type = CellType.Barcode;

                // value is basic mostly numeric object
                    String           Format       = Style.Format;
                    NumberFormatInfo NumberFormat = Style.NumberFormatInfo;
                    if (ValueType == typeof(Int32))
                        FormattedText = ((Int32)Value).ToString(Format, NumberFormat);
                    else if (ValueType == typeof(Single))
                        FormattedText = ((Single)Value).ToString(Format, NumberFormat);
                    else if (ValueType == typeof(Double))
                        FormattedText = ((Double)Value).ToString(Format, NumberFormat);
                    else if (ValueType == typeof(Boolean))
                        FormattedText = ((Boolean)Value).ToString();
                    else if (ValueType == typeof(Char))
                        FormattedText = ((Char)Value).ToString();
                    else if (ValueType == typeof(Byte))
                        FormattedText = ((Byte)Value).ToString(Format, NumberFormat);
                    else if (ValueType == typeof(SByte))
                        FormattedText = ((SByte)Value).ToString(Format, NumberFormat);
                    else if (ValueType == typeof(Int16))
                        FormattedText = ((Int16)Value).ToString(Format, NumberFormat);
                    else if (ValueType == typeof(UInt16))
                        FormattedText = ((UInt16)Value).ToString(Format, NumberFormat);
                    else if (ValueType == typeof(UInt32))
                        FormattedText = ((UInt32)Value).ToString(Format, NumberFormat);
                    else if (ValueType == typeof(Int64))
                        FormattedText = ((Int64)Value).ToString(Format, NumberFormat);
                    else if (ValueType == typeof(UInt64))
                        FormattedText = ((UInt64)Value).ToString(Format, NumberFormat);
                    else if (ValueType == typeof(Decimal))
                        FormattedText = ((Decimal)Value).ToString(Format, NumberFormat);
                        throw new ApplicationException("PdfTableCell: Unknown object type");

                    // add line spacing
                    CellHeight += Style.FontLineSpacing;

            // test for minimum height requirement
            if (CellHeight < Style.MinHeight)
                CellHeight = Style.MinHeight;

            // return result