public override void ScanInternal (OnScanStatus status) { scans++; if (nodeSize <= 0) { return; } GenerateMatrix (); if (width > 1024 || depth > 1024) { Debug.LogError ("One of the grid's sides is longer than 1024 nodes"); return; } //GenerateBounds (); /*neighbourOffsets = new int[8] { -width-1,-width,-width+1, -1,1, width-1,width,width+1 }*/ SetUpOffsetsAndCosts (); //GridNode.RemoveGridGraph (this); LevelGridNode.SetGridGraph (active.astarData.GetGraphIndex(this), this); //graphNodes = new LevelGridNode[width*depth]; //nodes = CreateNodes (width*depth); //graphNodes = nodes as LevelGridNode[]; maxClimb = Mathf.Clamp (maxClimb,0,characterHeight); LinkedLevelCell[] linkedCells = new LinkedLevelCell[width*depth]; if (collision == null) { collision = new GraphCollision (); } collision.Initialize (matrix,nodeSize); for (int z = 0; z < depth; z ++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { linkedCells[z*width+x] = new LinkedLevelCell (); LinkedLevelCell llc = linkedCells[z*width+x]; //GridNode node = graphNodes[z*width+x];//new LevelGridNode (); //node.SetIndex (z*width+x); Vector3 pos = matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (new Vector3 (x+0.5F,0,z+0.5F)); RaycastHit[] hits = collision.CheckHeightAll (pos); //Sort the hits based on distance with bubble sort (fast enough) //Furthest away first (i.e lowest nodes in the graph) /*bool changed = true; while (changed) { changed = false; for (int i=0;i<hits.Length-1;i++) { if (hits[i].distance < hits[i+1].distance) { RaycastHit tmp = hits[i]; hits[i] = hits[i+1]; hits[i+1] = tmp; changed = true; } } }*/ for (int i=0;i<hits.Length/2;i++) { RaycastHit tmp = hits[i]; hits[i] = hits[hits.Length-1-i]; hits[hits.Length-1-i] = tmp; } if (hits.Length > 0) { //lln.position = hits[0].point; //lln.walkable = collision.Check (lln.position); /*LinkedLevelNode lln = new LinkedLevelNode (); lln.position = hits[0].point; lln.walkable = collision.Check (lln.position); llc.first = lln;*/ LinkedLevelNode lln = null; for (int i=0;i<hits.Length;i++) { LinkedLevelNode tmp = new LinkedLevelNode (); tmp.position = hits[i].point; if (lln != null) { /** \todo Use hit.distance instead */ if (tmp.position.y - lln.position.y <= mergeSpanRange) { //if (tmp.position.y > lln.position.y) { lln.position = tmp.position; lln.hit = hits[i]; lln.walkable = collision.Check (tmp.position); //} continue; } } tmp.walkable = collision.Check (tmp.position); tmp.hit = hits[i]; tmp.height = float.PositiveInfinity; if (llc.first == null) { llc.first = tmp; lln = tmp; } else { = tmp; lln.height = tmp.position.y - lln.position.y; lln =; } } } else { LinkedLevelNode lln = new LinkedLevelNode (); lln.position = pos; lln.height = float.PositiveInfinity; lln.walkable = !collision.unwalkableWhenNoGround; llc.first = lln; } //node.penalty = 0;//Mathf.RoundToInt (Random.value*100); //node.walkable = collision.Check (node.position); //node.SetGridIndex (gridIndex); } } int spanCount = 0; layerCount = 0; //Count the total number of nodes in the graph for (int z = 0; z < depth; z ++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { LinkedLevelCell llc = linkedCells[z*width+x]; LinkedLevelNode lln = llc.first; int cellCount = 0; //Loop through all nodes in this cell do { cellCount++; spanCount++; lln =; } while (lln != null); layerCount = cellCount > layerCount ? cellCount : layerCount; } } if (layerCount > LevelGridNode.MaxLayerCount) { Debug.LogError ("Too many layers, a maximum of LevelGridNode.MaxLayerCount are allowed (found "+layerCount+")"); return; } //Create all nodes nodes = new LevelGridNode[width*depth*layerCount]; for (int i=0;i<nodes.Length;i++) { nodes[i] = new LevelGridNode (active); nodes[i].Penalty = initialPenalty; } int nodeIndex = 0; //Max slope in cosinus float cosAngle = Mathf.Cos (maxSlope*Mathf.Deg2Rad); for (int z = 0; z < depth; z++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { LinkedLevelCell llc = linkedCells[z*width+x]; LinkedLevelNode lln = llc.first; llc.index = nodeIndex; int count = 0; int layerIndex = 0; do { LevelGridNode node = nodes[z*width+x + width*depth*layerIndex] as LevelGridNode; #if ASTAR_SET_LEVELGRIDNODE_HEIGHT node.height = lln.height; #endif node.SetPosition ((Int3)lln.position); node.Walkable = lln.walkable; //Adjust penalty based on the surface slope if (lln.hit.normal != && (penaltyAngle || cosAngle < 1.0f)) { //Take the dot product to find out the cosinus of the angle it has (faster than Vector3.Angle) float angle = Vector3.Dot (lln.hit.normal.normalized,collision.up); //Add penalty based on normal if (penaltyAngle) { node.Penalty += (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt ((1F-angle)*penaltyAngleFactor); } //Check if the slope is flat enough to stand on if (angle < cosAngle) { node.Walkable = false; } } node.NodeInGridIndex = z*width+x; //node.nodeOffset = count; if (lln.height < characterHeight) { node.Walkable = false; } node.WalkableErosion = node.Walkable; nodeIndex++; count++; lln =; layerIndex++; } while (lln != null); for (;layerIndex<layerCount;layerIndex++) { nodes[z*width+x + width*depth*layerIndex] = null; } llc.count = count; } } nodeIndex = 0; nodeCellIndices = new int[linkedCells.Length]; for (int z = 0; z < depth; z ++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { /*LinkedLevelCell llc = linkedCells[z*width+x]; LinkedLevelNode lln = llc.first; nodeCellIndices[z*width+x] = llc.index; do { LevelGridNode node = (LevelGridNode)nodes[nodeIndex]; CalculateConnections (nodes,linkedCells,node,x,z,n); nodeIndex++; lln =; } while (lln != null);*/ for (int i=0;i<layerCount;i++) { GraphNode node = nodes[z*width+x + width*depth*i]; CalculateConnections (nodes,node,x,z,i); } } } uint graphIndex = (uint)active.astarData.GetGraphIndex(this); for (int i=0;i<nodes.Length;i++) { LevelGridNode lgn = nodes[i] as LevelGridNode; if (lgn == null) continue; UpdatePenalty (lgn); lgn.GraphIndex = graphIndex; //Set the node to be unwalkable if it hasn't got any connections if (!lgn.HasAnyGridConnections ()) { lgn.Walkable = false; lgn.WalkableErosion = lgn.Walkable; } } /*GridNode node = graphNodes[z*width+x]; CalculateConnections (graphNodes,x,z,node); if (z == 5 && x == 5) { int index = z*width+x; Debug.DrawRay (node.position,(nodes[index+neighbourOffsets[0]].position-node.position)*0.5F,; Debug.DrawRay (node.position,(nodes[index+neighbourOffsets[0]].position-node.position)*0.5F,; Debug.DrawRay (node.position,(nodes[index+neighbourOffsets[0]].position-node.position)*0.5F,; Debug.DrawRay (node.position,(nodes[index+neighbourOffsets[0]].position-node.position)*0.5F,Color.yellow); Debug.DrawRay (node.position,(nodes[index+neighbourOffsets[0]].position-node.position)*0.5F,Color.cyan); Debug.DrawRay (node.position,(nodes[index+neighbourOffsets[0]].position-node.position)*0.5F,Color.magenta); Debug.DrawRay (node.position,(nodes[index+neighbourOffsets[0]].position-node.position)*0.5F,; Debug.DrawRay (node.position,(nodes[index+neighbourOffsets[0]].position-node.position)*0.5F,Color.white); }*/ //} //} ErodeWalkableArea (0,0,width,depth); }
public override void DeserializeExtraInfo (GraphSerializationContext ctx) { int count = ctx.reader.ReadInt32(); if (count == -1) { nodes = null; return; } nodes = new LevelGridNode[count]; for (int i=0;i<nodes.Length;i++) { if (ctx.reader.ReadInt32() != -1 ){ nodes[i] = new LevelGridNode (active); nodes[i].DeserializeNode(ctx); } else { nodes[i] = null; } } }
public override NNInfo GetNearestForce(Vector3 position, NNConstraint constraint) { if (this.nodes == null || this.depth * this.width * this.layerCount != this.nodes.Length || this.layerCount == 0) { return(default(NNInfo)); } Vector3 vector = position; position = this.inverseMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(position); int num = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.RoundToInt(position.x - 0.5f), 0, this.width - 1); int num2 = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.RoundToInt(position.z - 0.5f), 0, this.depth - 1); float num3 = float.PositiveInfinity; int num4 = 2; LevelGridNode levelGridNode = this.GetNearestNode(vector, num, num2, constraint); if (levelGridNode != null) { num3 = ((Vector3)levelGridNode.position - vector).sqrMagnitude; } if (levelGridNode != null) { if (num4 == 0) { return(new NNInfo(levelGridNode)); } num4--; } float num5 = (!constraint.constrainDistance) ? float.PositiveInfinity :; float num6 = num5 * num5; int num7 = 1; while (true) { int i = num2 + num7; if (this.nodeSize * (float)num7 > num5) { break; } int j; for (j = num - num7; j <= num + num7; j++) { if (j >= 0 && i >= 0 && j < this.width && i < this.depth) { LevelGridNode nearestNode = this.GetNearestNode(vector, j, i, constraint); if (nearestNode != null) { float sqrMagnitude = ((Vector3)nearestNode.position - vector).sqrMagnitude; if (sqrMagnitude < num3 && sqrMagnitude < num6) { num3 = sqrMagnitude; levelGridNode = nearestNode; } } } } i = num2 - num7; for (j = num - num7; j <= num + num7; j++) { if (j >= 0 && i >= 0 && j < this.width && i < this.depth) { LevelGridNode nearestNode2 = this.GetNearestNode(vector, j, i, constraint); if (nearestNode2 != null) { float sqrMagnitude2 = ((Vector3)nearestNode2.position - vector).sqrMagnitude; if (sqrMagnitude2 < num3 && sqrMagnitude2 < num6) { num3 = sqrMagnitude2; levelGridNode = nearestNode2; } } } } j = num - num7; for (i = num2 - num7 + 1; i <= num2 + num7 - 1; i++) { if (j >= 0 && i >= 0 && j < this.width && i < this.depth) { LevelGridNode nearestNode3 = this.GetNearestNode(vector, j, i, constraint); if (nearestNode3 != null) { float sqrMagnitude3 = ((Vector3)nearestNode3.position - vector).sqrMagnitude; if (sqrMagnitude3 < num3 && sqrMagnitude3 < num6) { num3 = sqrMagnitude3; levelGridNode = nearestNode3; } } } } j = num + num7; for (i = num2 - num7 + 1; i <= num2 + num7 - 1; i++) { if (j >= 0 && i >= 0 && j < this.width && i < this.depth) { LevelGridNode nearestNode4 = this.GetNearestNode(vector, j, i, constraint); if (nearestNode4 != null) { float sqrMagnitude4 = ((Vector3)nearestNode4.position - vector).sqrMagnitude; if (sqrMagnitude4 < num3 && sqrMagnitude4 < num6) { num3 = sqrMagnitude4; levelGridNode = nearestNode4; } } } } if (levelGridNode != null) { if (num4 == 0) { goto Block_37; } num4--; } num7++; } return(new NNInfo(levelGridNode)); Block_37: return(new NNInfo(levelGridNode)); }
public static bool CheckConnection(LevelGridNode node, int dir) { return(node.GetConnection(dir)); }
/** Recalculates single cell. * * \param x X coordinate of the cell * \param z Z coordinate of the cell * \param preserveExistingNodes If true, nodes will be reused, this can be used to preserve e.g penalty when recalculating * * \returns If new layers or nodes were added. If so, you need to call * after this function to make sure pathfinding works correctly for them * (when doing a scan, that function does not need to be called however). * * \note Connections are not recalculated for the nodes. */ public bool RecalculateCell(int x, int z, bool preserveExistingNodes) { LinkedLevelCell llc = new LinkedLevelCell (); //GridNode node = graphNodes[z*width+x];//new LevelGridNode (); //node.SetIndex (z*width+x); Vector3 pos = matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (new Vector3 (x+0.5F,0,z+0.5F)); RaycastHit[] hits = collision.CheckHeightAll (pos); //Sort the hits based on distance with bubble sort (fast enough) //Furthest away first (i.e lowest nodes in the graph) /*bool changed = true; while (changed) { changed = false; for (int i=0;i<hits.Length-1;i++) { if (hits[i].distance < hits[i+1].distance) { RaycastHit tmp = hits[i]; hits[i] = hits[i+1]; hits[i+1] = tmp; changed = true; } } }*/ for (int i=0;i<hits.Length/2;i++) { RaycastHit tmp = hits[i]; hits[i] = hits[hits.Length-1-i]; hits[hits.Length-1-i] = tmp; } bool addedNodes = false; if (hits.Length > 0) { //lln.position = hits[0].point; //lln.walkable = collision.Check (lln.position); /*LinkedLevelNode lln = new LinkedLevelNode (); lln.position = hits[0].point; lln.walkable = collision.Check (lln.position); llc.first = lln;*/ LinkedLevelNode lln = null; for (int i=0;i<hits.Length;i++) { LinkedLevelNode tmp = new LinkedLevelNode (); tmp.position = hits[i].point; if (lln != null) { /** \todo Use hit.distance instead */ if (tmp.position.y - lln.position.y <= mergeSpanRange) { //if (tmp.position.y > lln.position.y) { lln.position = tmp.position; lln.hit = hits[i]; lln.walkable = collision.Check (tmp.position); //} continue; } } tmp.walkable = collision.Check (tmp.position); tmp.hit = hits[i]; tmp.height = float.PositiveInfinity; if (llc.first == null) { llc.first = tmp; lln = tmp; } else { = tmp; lln.height = tmp.position.y - lln.position.y; lln =; } } } else { LinkedLevelNode lln = new LinkedLevelNode (); lln.position = pos; lln.height = float.PositiveInfinity; lln.walkable = !collision.unwalkableWhenNoGround; llc.first = lln; } //========= { //llc LinkedLevelNode lln = llc.first; int count = 0; int layerIndex = 0; do { if (layerIndex >= layerCount) { if (layerIndex+1 > LevelGridNode.MaxLayerCount) { Debug.LogError ("Too many layers, a maximum of LevelGridNode.MaxLayerCount are allowed (required "+(layerIndex+1)+")"); return addedNodes; } AddLayers (1); addedNodes = true; } LevelGridNode node = nodes[z*width+x + width*depth*layerIndex] as LevelGridNode; if (node == null || !preserveExistingNodes) { //Create a new node nodes[z*width+x + width*depth*layerIndex] = new LevelGridNode(); node = nodes[z*width+x + width*depth*layerIndex] as LevelGridNode; node.penalty = initialPenalty; node.SetGridIndex (LevelGridNode.SetGridGraph(this)); addedNodes = true; } node.connections = null; #if ASTAR_SET_LEVELGRIDNODE_HEIGHT node.height = lln.height; #endif node.position = (Int3)lln.position; node.walkable = lln.walkable; node.Bit15 = node.walkable; //Adjust penalty based on the surface slope if (lln.hit.normal != { //Take the dot product to find out the cosinus of the angle it has (faster than Vector3.Angle) float angle = Vector3.Dot (lln.hit.normal.normalized,collision.up); //Add penalty based on normal if (penaltyAngle) { node.penalty += (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt ((1F-angle)*penaltyAngleFactor); } //Max slope in cosinus float cosAngle = Mathf.Cos (maxSlope*Mathf.Deg2Rad); //Check if the slope is flat enough to stand on if (angle < cosAngle) { node.walkable = false; } } node.SetIndex (z*width+x); //node.nodeOffset = count; if (lln.height < characterHeight) { node.walkable = false; } count++; lln =; layerIndex++; } while (lln != null); for (;layerIndex<layerCount;layerIndex++) { nodes[z*width+x + width*depth*layerIndex] = null; } llc.count = count; } return addedNodes; }
// Token: 0x060024E5 RID: 9445 RVA: 0x0019BBB0 File Offset: 0x00199DB0 protected override IEnumerable <Progress> ScanInternal() { if (this.nodeSize <= 0f) { yield break; } base.UpdateTransform(); if (this.width > 1024 || this.depth > 1024) { Debug.LogError("One of the grid's sides is longer than 1024 nodes"); yield break; } this.lastScannedWidth = this.width; this.lastScannedDepth = this.depth; this.SetUpOffsetsAndCosts(); LevelGridNode.SetGridGraph((int)this.graphIndex, this); this.maxClimb = Mathf.Clamp(this.maxClimb, 0f, this.characterHeight); LinkedLevelNode[] linkedCells = new LinkedLevelNode[this.width * this.depth]; this.collision = (this.collision ?? new GraphCollision()); this.collision.Initialize(base.transform, this.nodeSize); int progressCounter = 0; int num; for (int z = 0; z < this.depth; z = num + 1) { if (progressCounter >= 1000) { progressCounter = 0; yield return(new Progress(Mathf.Lerp(0.1f, 0.5f, (float)z / (float)this.depth), "Calculating positions")); } progressCounter += this.width; for (int i = 0; i < this.width; i++) { linkedCells[z * this.width + i] = this.SampleCell(i, z); } num = z; } this.layerCount = 0; for (int j = 0; j < linkedCells.Length; j++) { int num2 = 0; for (LinkedLevelNode linkedLevelNode = linkedCells[j]; linkedLevelNode != null; linkedLevelNode = { num2++; } this.layerCount = Math.Max(this.layerCount, num2); } if (this.layerCount > 255) { Debug.LogError(string.Concat(new object[] { "Too many layers, a maximum of ", 255, " (LevelGridNode.MaxLayerCount) layers are allowed (found ", this.layerCount, ")" })); yield break; } this.nodes = new LevelGridNode[this.width * this.depth * this.layerCount]; for (int z = 0; z < this.depth; z = num + 1) { if (progressCounter >= 1000) { progressCounter = 0; yield return(new Progress(Mathf.Lerp(0.5f, 0.8f, (float)z / (float)this.depth), "Creating nodes")); } progressCounter += this.width; for (int k = 0; k < this.width; k++) { this.RecalculateCell(k, z, true, true); } num = z; } for (int z = 0; z < this.depth; z = num + 1) { if (progressCounter >= 1000) { progressCounter = 0; yield return(new Progress(Mathf.Lerp(0.8f, 0.9f, (float)z / (float)this.depth), "Calculating connections")); } progressCounter += this.width; for (int l = 0; l < this.width; l++) { this.CalculateConnections(l, z); } num = z; } yield return(new Progress(0.95f, "Calculating Erosion")); for (int m = 0; m < this.nodes.Length; m++) { LevelGridNode levelGridNode = this.nodes[m]; if (levelGridNode != null && !levelGridNode.HasAnyGridConnections()) { levelGridNode.Walkable = false; levelGridNode.WalkableErosion = levelGridNode.Walkable; } } this.ErodeWalkableArea(); yield break; }
public override void ScanInternal(OnScanStatus statusCallback) { if (this.nodeSize <= 0f) { return; } base.GenerateMatrix(); if (this.width > 1024 || this.depth > 1024) { Debug.LogError("One of the grid's sides is longer than 1024 nodes"); return; } this.lastScannedWidth = this.width; this.lastScannedDepth = this.depth; this.SetUpOffsetsAndCosts(); LevelGridNode.SetGridGraph(, this); this.maxClimb = Mathf.Clamp(this.maxClimb, 0f, this.characterHeight); LinkedLevelCell[] array = new LinkedLevelCell[this.width * this.depth]; this.collision = (this.collision ?? new GraphCollision()); this.collision.Initialize(this.matrix, this.nodeSize); for (int i = 0; i < this.depth; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < this.width; j++) { array[i * this.width + j] = new LinkedLevelCell(); LinkedLevelCell linkedLevelCell = array[i * this.width + j]; Vector3 position = this.matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(new Vector3((float)j + 0.5f, 0f, (float)i + 0.5f)); RaycastHit[] array2 = this.collision.CheckHeightAll(position); for (int k = 0; k < array2.Length / 2; k++) { RaycastHit raycastHit = array2[k]; array2[k] = array2[array2.Length - 1 - k]; array2[array2.Length - 1 - k] = raycastHit; } if (array2.Length > 0) { LinkedLevelNode linkedLevelNode = null; for (int l = 0; l < array2.Length; l++) { LinkedLevelNode linkedLevelNode2 = new LinkedLevelNode(); linkedLevelNode2.position = array2[l].point; if (linkedLevelNode != null && linkedLevelNode2.position.y - linkedLevelNode.position.y <= this.mergeSpanRange) { linkedLevelNode.position = linkedLevelNode2.position; linkedLevelNode.hit = array2[l]; linkedLevelNode.walkable = this.collision.Check(linkedLevelNode2.position); } else { linkedLevelNode2.walkable = this.collision.Check(linkedLevelNode2.position); linkedLevelNode2.hit = array2[l]; linkedLevelNode2.height = float.PositiveInfinity; if (linkedLevelCell.first == null) { linkedLevelCell.first = linkedLevelNode2; linkedLevelNode = linkedLevelNode2; } else { = linkedLevelNode2; linkedLevelNode.height = linkedLevelNode2.position.y - linkedLevelNode.position.y; linkedLevelNode =; } } } } else { linkedLevelCell.first = new LinkedLevelNode { position = position, height = float.PositiveInfinity, walkable = !this.collision.unwalkableWhenNoGround }; } } } int num = 0; this.layerCount = 0; for (int m = 0; m < this.depth; m++) { for (int n = 0; n < this.width; n++) { LinkedLevelCell linkedLevelCell2 = array[m * this.width + n]; LinkedLevelNode linkedLevelNode3 = linkedLevelCell2.first; int num2 = 0; do { num2++; num++; linkedLevelNode3 =; }while (linkedLevelNode3 != null); this.layerCount = ((num2 <= this.layerCount) ? this.layerCount : num2); } } if (this.layerCount > 255) { Debug.LogError("Too many layers, a maximum of LevelGridNode.MaxLayerCount are allowed (found " + this.layerCount + ")"); return; } this.nodes = new LevelGridNode[this.width * this.depth * this.layerCount]; for (int num3 = 0; num3 < this.nodes.Length; num3++) { this.nodes[num3] = new LevelGridNode(; this.nodes[num3].Penalty = this.initialPenalty; } int num4 = 0; float num5 = Mathf.Cos(this.maxSlope * 0.0174532924f); for (int num6 = 0; num6 < this.depth; num6++) { for (int num7 = 0; num7 < this.width; num7++) { LinkedLevelCell linkedLevelCell3 = array[num6 * this.width + num7]; LinkedLevelNode linkedLevelNode4 = linkedLevelCell3.first; linkedLevelCell3.index = num4; int num8 = 0; int num9 = 0; do { LevelGridNode levelGridNode = this.nodes[num6 * this.width + num7 + this.width * this.depth * num9]; levelGridNode.SetPosition((Int3)linkedLevelNode4.position); levelGridNode.Walkable = linkedLevelNode4.walkable; if (linkedLevelNode4.hit.normal != && (this.penaltyAngle || num5 < 1f)) { float num10 = Vector3.Dot(linkedLevelNode4.hit.normal.normalized, this.collision.up); if (this.penaltyAngle) { levelGridNode.Penalty += (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt((1f - num10) * this.penaltyAngleFactor); } if (num10 < num5) { levelGridNode.Walkable = false; } } levelGridNode.NodeInGridIndex = num6 * this.width + num7; if (linkedLevelNode4.height < this.characterHeight) { levelGridNode.Walkable = false; } levelGridNode.WalkableErosion = levelGridNode.Walkable; num4++; num8++; linkedLevelNode4 =; num9++; }while (linkedLevelNode4 != null); while (num9 < this.layerCount) { this.nodes[num6 * this.width + num7 + this.width * this.depth * num9] = null; num9++; } linkedLevelCell3.count = num8; } } this.nodeCellIndices = new int[array.Length]; for (int num11 = 0; num11 < this.depth; num11++) { for (int num12 = 0; num12 < this.width; num12++) { for (int num13 = 0; num13 < this.layerCount; num13++) { GraphNode node = this.nodes[num11 * this.width + num12 + this.width * this.depth * num13]; this.CalculateConnections(this.nodes, node, num12, num11, num13); } } } uint graphIndex = (uint); for (int num14 = 0; num14 < this.nodes.Length; num14++) { LevelGridNode levelGridNode2 = this.nodes[num14]; if (levelGridNode2 != null) { this.UpdatePenalty(levelGridNode2); levelGridNode2.GraphIndex = graphIndex; if (!levelGridNode2.HasAnyGridConnections()) { levelGridNode2.Walkable = false; levelGridNode2.WalkableErosion = levelGridNode2.Walkable; } } } this.ErodeWalkableArea(); }
/** Returns if \a node is connected to it's neighbour in the specified direction */ public bool CheckConnection(LevelGridNode node, int dir) { return node.GetConnection (dir); }
// Token: 0x060024F1 RID: 9457 RVA: 0x0019C554 File Offset: 0x0019A754 public override NNInfoInternal GetNearestForce(Vector3 position, NNConstraint constraint) { if (this.nodes == null || this.depth * this.width * this.layerCount != this.nodes.Length || this.layerCount == 0) { return(default(NNInfoInternal)); } Vector3 vector = position; position = base.transform.InverseTransform(position); float x = position.x; float z = position.z; int num = Mathf.Clamp((int)x, 0, this.width - 1); int num2 = Mathf.Clamp((int)z, 0, this.depth - 1); float num3 = float.PositiveInfinity; int num4 = 2; LevelGridNode levelGridNode = this.GetNearestNode(vector, num, num2, constraint); if (levelGridNode != null) { num3 = ((Vector3)levelGridNode.position - vector).sqrMagnitude; } if (levelGridNode != null && num4 > 0) { num4--; } float num5 = constraint.constrainDistance ? : float.PositiveInfinity; float num6 = num5 * num5; int num7 = 1; for (;;) { int i = num2 + num7; if (this.nodeSize * (float)num7 > num5) { break; } int j; for (j = num - num7; j <= num + num7; j++) { if (j >= 0 && i >= 0 && j < this.width && i < this.depth) { LevelGridNode nearestNode = this.GetNearestNode(vector, j, i, constraint); if (nearestNode != null) { float sqrMagnitude = ((Vector3)nearestNode.position - vector).sqrMagnitude; if (sqrMagnitude < num3 && sqrMagnitude < num6) { num3 = sqrMagnitude; levelGridNode = nearestNode; } } } } i = num2 - num7; for (j = num - num7; j <= num + num7; j++) { if (j >= 0 && i >= 0 && j < this.width && i < this.depth) { LevelGridNode nearestNode2 = this.GetNearestNode(vector, j, i, constraint); if (nearestNode2 != null) { float sqrMagnitude2 = ((Vector3)nearestNode2.position - vector).sqrMagnitude; if (sqrMagnitude2 < num3 && sqrMagnitude2 < num6) { num3 = sqrMagnitude2; levelGridNode = nearestNode2; } } } } j = num - num7; for (i = num2 - num7 + 1; i <= num2 + num7 - 1; i++) { if (j >= 0 && i >= 0 && j < this.width && i < this.depth) { LevelGridNode nearestNode3 = this.GetNearestNode(vector, j, i, constraint); if (nearestNode3 != null) { float sqrMagnitude3 = ((Vector3)nearestNode3.position - vector).sqrMagnitude; if (sqrMagnitude3 < num3 && sqrMagnitude3 < num6) { num3 = sqrMagnitude3; levelGridNode = nearestNode3; } } } } j = num + num7; for (i = num2 - num7 + 1; i <= num2 + num7 - 1; i++) { if (j >= 0 && i >= 0 && j < this.width && i < this.depth) { LevelGridNode nearestNode4 = this.GetNearestNode(vector, j, i, constraint); if (nearestNode4 != null) { float sqrMagnitude4 = ((Vector3)nearestNode4.position - vector).sqrMagnitude; if (sqrMagnitude4 < num3 && sqrMagnitude4 < num6) { num3 = sqrMagnitude4; levelGridNode = nearestNode4; } } } } if (levelGridNode != null) { if (num4 == 0) { break; } num4--; } num7++; } NNInfoInternal result = new NNInfoInternal(levelGridNode); if (levelGridNode != null) { int xcoordinateInGrid = levelGridNode.XCoordinateInGrid; int zcoordinateInGrid = levelGridNode.ZCoordinateInGrid; result.clampedPosition = base.transform.Transform(new Vector3(Mathf.Clamp(x, (float)xcoordinateInGrid, (float)xcoordinateInGrid + 1f), base.transform.InverseTransform((Vector3)levelGridNode.position).y, Mathf.Clamp(z, (float)zcoordinateInGrid, (float)zcoordinateInGrid + 1f))); } return(result); }
public new bool SnappedLinecast(Vector3 _a, Vector3 _b, GraphNode hint, out GraphHitInfo hit) { hit = default(GraphHitInfo); LevelGridNode levelGridNode = base.GetNearest(_a, NNConstraint.None).node as LevelGridNode; LevelGridNode levelGridNode2 = base.GetNearest(_b, NNConstraint.None).node as LevelGridNode; if (levelGridNode == null || levelGridNode2 == null) { hit.node = null; hit.point = _a; return(true); } _a = this.inverseMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4((Vector3)levelGridNode.position); _a.x -= 0.5f; _a.z -= 0.5f; _b = this.inverseMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4((Vector3)levelGridNode2.position); _b.x -= 0.5f; _b.z -= 0.5f; Int3 ob = new Int3(Mathf.RoundToInt(_a.x), Mathf.RoundToInt(_a.y), Mathf.RoundToInt(_a.z)); Int3 @int = new Int3(Mathf.RoundToInt(_b.x), Mathf.RoundToInt(_b.y), Mathf.RoundToInt(_b.z)); hit.origin = (Vector3)ob; if (!levelGridNode.Walkable) { hit.node = levelGridNode; hit.point = this.matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(new Vector3((float)ob.x + 0.5f, 0f, (float)ob.z + 0.5f)); hit.point.y = ((Vector3)hit.node.position).y; return(true); } int num = Mathf.Abs(ob.x - @int.x); int num2 = Mathf.Abs(ob.z - @int.z); LevelGridNode levelGridNode4; for (LevelGridNode levelGridNode3 = levelGridNode; levelGridNode3 != levelGridNode2; levelGridNode3 = levelGridNode4) { if (levelGridNode3.NodeInGridIndex == levelGridNode2.NodeInGridIndex) { hit.node = levelGridNode3; hit.point = (Vector3)levelGridNode3.position; return(true); } num = Math.Abs(ob.x - @int.x); num2 = Math.Abs(ob.z - @int.z); int num3 = 0; if (num >= num2) { num3 = ((@int.x <= ob.x) ? 3 : 1); } else if (num2 > num) { num3 = ((@int.z <= ob.z) ? 0 : 2); } if (!this.CheckConnection(levelGridNode3, num3)) { hit.node = levelGridNode3; hit.point = (Vector3)levelGridNode3.position; return(true); } levelGridNode4 = this.nodes[levelGridNode3.NodeInGridIndex + this.neighbourOffsets[num3] + this.width * this.depth * levelGridNode3.GetConnectionValue(num3)]; if (!levelGridNode4.Walkable) { hit.node = levelGridNode4; hit.point = (Vector3)levelGridNode4.position; return(true); } ob = (Int3)this.inverseMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4((Vector3)levelGridNode4.position); } return(false); }
public void CalculateConnections(int x, int z, int layerIndex, LevelGridNode node) { this.CalculateConnections(x, z, layerIndex); }
// Token: 0x060024EB RID: 9451 RVA: 0x0019C13C File Offset: 0x0019A33C public override void CalculateConnections(GridNodeBase baseNode) { LevelGridNode levelGridNode = baseNode as LevelGridNode; this.CalculateConnections(levelGridNode.XCoordinateInGrid, levelGridNode.ZCoordinateInGrid, levelGridNode.LayerCoordinateInGrid); }
// Token: 0x060024E7 RID: 9447 RVA: 0x0019BD9C File Offset: 0x00199F9C public override void RecalculateCell(int x, int z, bool resetPenalties = true, bool resetTags = true) { float num = Mathf.Cos(this.maxSlope * 0.017453292f); int i = 0; LinkedLevelNode linkedLevelNode = this.SampleCell(x, z); while (linkedLevelNode != null) { if (i >= this.layerCount) { if (i + 1 > 255) { Debug.LogError(string.Concat(new object[] { "Too many layers, a maximum of ", 255, " are allowed (required ", i + 1, ")" })); return; } this.AddLayers(1); } int num2 = z * this.width + x + this.width * this.depth * i; LevelGridNode levelGridNode = this.nodes[num2]; bool flag = levelGridNode == null; if (flag) { if (this.nodes[num2] != null) { this.nodes[num2].Destroy(); } levelGridNode = (this.nodes[num2] = new LevelGridNode(; levelGridNode.NodeInGridIndex = z * this.width + x; levelGridNode.LayerCoordinateInGrid = i; levelGridNode.GraphIndex = this.graphIndex; } levelGridNode.position = (Int3)linkedLevelNode.position; levelGridNode.Walkable = linkedLevelNode.walkable; levelGridNode.WalkableErosion = levelGridNode.Walkable; if (flag || resetPenalties) { levelGridNode.Penalty = this.initialPenalty; if (this.penaltyPosition) { levelGridNode.Penalty += (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt(((float)levelGridNode.position.y - this.penaltyPositionOffset) * this.penaltyPositionFactor); } } if (flag || resetTags) { levelGridNode.Tag = 0u; } if (linkedLevelNode.hit.normal != && (this.penaltyAngle || num > 0.0001f)) { float num3 = Vector3.Dot(linkedLevelNode.hit.normal.normalized, this.collision.up); if (resetTags && this.penaltyAngle) { levelGridNode.Penalty += (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt((1f - num3) * this.penaltyAngleFactor); } if (num3 < num) { levelGridNode.Walkable = false; } } if (linkedLevelNode.height < this.characterHeight) { levelGridNode.Walkable = false; } levelGridNode.WalkableErosion = levelGridNode.Walkable; linkedLevelNode =; i++; } while (i < this.layerCount) { int num4 = z * this.width + x + this.width * this.depth * i; if (this.nodes[num4] != null) { this.nodes[num4].Destroy(); } this.nodes[num4] = null; i++; } }
public override void ScanInternal (OnScanStatus statusCallback) { if (nodeSize <= 0) { return; } GenerateMatrix (); if (width > 1024 || depth > 1024) { Debug.LogError ("One of the grid's sides is longer than 1024 nodes"); return; } lastScannedWidth = width; lastScannedDepth = depth; SetUpOffsetsAndCosts (); LevelGridNode.SetGridGraph (active.astarData.GetGraphIndex(this), this); maxClimb = Mathf.Clamp (maxClimb,0,characterHeight); var linkedCells = new LinkedLevelCell[width*depth]; collision = collision ?? new GraphCollision (); collision.Initialize (matrix,nodeSize); for (int z = 0; z < depth; z ++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { linkedCells[z*width+x] = new LinkedLevelCell (); LinkedLevelCell llc = linkedCells[z*width+x]; Vector3 pos = matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (new Vector3 (x+0.5F,0,z+0.5F)); RaycastHit[] hits = collision.CheckHeightAll (pos); for (int i=0;i<hits.Length/2;i++) { RaycastHit tmp = hits[i]; hits[i] = hits[hits.Length-1-i]; hits[hits.Length-1-i] = tmp; } if (hits.Length > 0) { LinkedLevelNode lln = null; for (int i=0;i<hits.Length;i++) { var tmp = new LinkedLevelNode (); tmp.position = hits[i].point; if (lln != null) { /** \todo Use hit.distance instead */ if (tmp.position.y - lln.position.y <= mergeSpanRange) { lln.position = tmp.position; lln.hit = hits[i]; lln.walkable = collision.Check (tmp.position); continue; } } tmp.walkable = collision.Check (tmp.position); tmp.hit = hits[i]; tmp.height = float.PositiveInfinity; if (llc.first == null) { llc.first = tmp; lln = tmp; } else { = tmp; lln.height = tmp.position.y - lln.position.y; lln =; } } } else { var lln = new LinkedLevelNode (); lln.position = pos; lln.height = float.PositiveInfinity; lln.walkable = !collision.unwalkableWhenNoGround; llc.first = lln; } } } int spanCount = 0; layerCount = 0; // Count the total number of nodes in the graph for (int z = 0; z < depth; z ++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { LinkedLevelCell llc = linkedCells[z*width+x]; LinkedLevelNode lln = llc.first; int cellCount = 0; // Loop through all nodes in this cell do { cellCount++; spanCount++; lln =; } while (lln != null); layerCount = cellCount > layerCount ? cellCount : layerCount; } } if (layerCount > LevelGridNode.MaxLayerCount) { Debug.LogError ("Too many layers, a maximum of LevelGridNode.MaxLayerCount are allowed (found "+layerCount+")"); return; } // Create all nodes nodes = new LevelGridNode[width*depth*layerCount]; for (int i=0;i<nodes.Length;i++) { nodes[i] = new LevelGridNode (active); nodes[i].Penalty = initialPenalty; } int nodeIndex = 0; // Max slope in cosinus float cosAngle = Mathf.Cos (maxSlope*Mathf.Deg2Rad); for (int z = 0; z < depth; z++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { LinkedLevelCell llc = linkedCells[z*width+x]; LinkedLevelNode lln = llc.first; llc.index = nodeIndex; int count = 0; int layerIndex = 0; do { var node = nodes[z*width+x + width*depth*layerIndex]; #if ASTAR_SET_LEVELGRIDNODE_HEIGHT node.height = lln.height; #endif node.SetPosition ((Int3)lln.position); node.Walkable = lln.walkable; // Adjust penalty based on the surface slope if (lln.hit.normal != && (penaltyAngle || cosAngle < 1.0f)) { //Take the dot product to find out the cosinus of the angle it has (faster than Vector3.Angle) float angle = Vector3.Dot (lln.hit.normal.normalized,collision.up); // Add penalty based on normal if (penaltyAngle) { node.Penalty += (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt ((1F-angle)*penaltyAngleFactor); } // Check if the slope is flat enough to stand on if (angle < cosAngle) { node.Walkable = false; } } node.NodeInGridIndex = z*width+x; if (lln.height < characterHeight) { node.Walkable = false; } node.WalkableErosion = node.Walkable; nodeIndex++; count++; lln =; layerIndex++; } while (lln != null); for (;layerIndex<layerCount;layerIndex++) { nodes[z*width+x + width*depth*layerIndex] = null; } llc.count = count; } } nodeIndex = 0; nodeCellIndices = new int[linkedCells.Length]; for (int z = 0; z < depth; z ++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { for (int i=0;i<layerCount;i++) { GraphNode node = nodes[z*width+x + width*depth*i]; CalculateConnections (nodes,node,x,z,i); } } } uint graphIndex = (uint)active.astarData.GetGraphIndex(this); for (int i=0;i<nodes.Length;i++) { var lgn = nodes[i]; if (lgn == null) continue; UpdatePenalty (lgn); lgn.GraphIndex = graphIndex; // Set the node to be unwalkable if it hasn't got any connections if (!lgn.HasAnyGridConnections ()) { lgn.Walkable = false; lgn.WalkableErosion = lgn.Walkable; } } ErodeWalkableArea (); }
private void RemoveGridGraphFromStatic() { LevelGridNode.SetGridGraph(, null); }
/** Updates penalty for the node. * This function sets penalty to zero (0) and then adjusts it if #penaltyPosition is set to true. */ public virtual void UpdatePenalty(LevelGridNode node) { node.penalty = 0;//Mathf.RoundToInt (Random.value*100); if (penaltyPosition) { node.penalty = (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt ((node.position.y-penaltyPositionOffset)*penaltyPositionFactor); } }
public bool RecalculateCell(int x, int z, bool preserveExistingNodes) { LinkedLevelCell linkedLevelCell = new LinkedLevelCell(); Vector3 position = this.matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(new Vector3((float)x + 0.5f, 0f, (float)z + 0.5f)); RaycastHit[] array = this.collision.CheckHeightAll(position); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length / 2; i++) { RaycastHit raycastHit = array[i]; array[i] = array[array.Length - 1 - i]; array[array.Length - 1 - i] = raycastHit; } bool result = false; if (array.Length > 0) { LinkedLevelNode linkedLevelNode = null; for (int j = 0; j < array.Length; j++) { LinkedLevelNode linkedLevelNode2 = new LinkedLevelNode(); linkedLevelNode2.position = array[j].point; if (linkedLevelNode != null && linkedLevelNode2.position.y - linkedLevelNode.position.y <= this.mergeSpanRange) { linkedLevelNode.position = linkedLevelNode2.position; linkedLevelNode.hit = array[j]; linkedLevelNode.walkable = this.collision.Check(linkedLevelNode2.position); } else { linkedLevelNode2.walkable = this.collision.Check(linkedLevelNode2.position); linkedLevelNode2.hit = array[j]; linkedLevelNode2.height = float.PositiveInfinity; if (linkedLevelCell.first == null) { linkedLevelCell.first = linkedLevelNode2; linkedLevelNode = linkedLevelNode2; } else { = linkedLevelNode2; linkedLevelNode.height = linkedLevelNode2.position.y - linkedLevelNode.position.y; linkedLevelNode =; } } } } else { linkedLevelCell.first = new LinkedLevelNode { position = position, height = float.PositiveInfinity, walkable = !this.collision.unwalkableWhenNoGround }; } uint graphIndex = (uint); LinkedLevelNode linkedLevelNode3 = linkedLevelCell.first; int num = 0; int k = 0; while (true) { if (k >= this.layerCount) { if (k + 1 > 255) { break; } this.AddLayers(1); result = true; } LevelGridNode levelGridNode = this.nodes[z * this.width + x + this.width * this.depth * k]; if (levelGridNode == null || !preserveExistingNodes) { this.nodes[z * this.width + x + this.width * this.depth * k] = new LevelGridNode(; levelGridNode = this.nodes[z * this.width + x + this.width * this.depth * k]; levelGridNode.Penalty = this.initialPenalty; levelGridNode.GraphIndex = graphIndex; result = true; } levelGridNode.SetPosition((Int3)linkedLevelNode3.position); levelGridNode.Walkable = linkedLevelNode3.walkable; levelGridNode.WalkableErosion = levelGridNode.Walkable; if (linkedLevelNode3.hit.normal != { float num2 = Vector3.Dot(linkedLevelNode3.hit.normal.normalized, this.collision.up); if (this.penaltyAngle) { levelGridNode.Penalty += (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt((1f - num2) * this.penaltyAngleFactor); } float num3 = Mathf.Cos(this.maxSlope * 0.0174532924f); if (num2 < num3) { levelGridNode.Walkable = false; } } levelGridNode.NodeInGridIndex = z * this.width + x; if (linkedLevelNode3.height < this.characterHeight) { levelGridNode.Walkable = false; } num++; linkedLevelNode3 =; k++; if (linkedLevelNode3 == null) { goto Block_14; } } Debug.LogError("Too many layers, a maximum of LevelGridNode.MaxLayerCount are allowed (required " + (k + 1) + ")"); return(result); Block_14: while (k < this.layerCount) { this.nodes[z * this.width + x + this.width * this.depth * k] = null; k++; } linkedLevelCell.count = num; return(result); }
public override Node[] CreateNodes(int number) { LevelGridNode[] tmp = new LevelGridNode[number]; for (int i=0;i<number;i++) { tmp[i] = new LevelGridNode (); tmp[i].penalty = initialPenalty; } return tmp as Node[]; }
public new void UpdateArea(GraphUpdateObject o) { if (this.nodes == null || this.nodes.Length != this.width * this.depth * this.layerCount) { Debug.LogWarning("The Grid Graph is not scanned, cannot update area "); return; } Bounds bounds = o.bounds; Vector3 a; Vector3 a2; GridGraph.GetBoundsMinMax(bounds, this.inverseMatrix, out a, out a2); int xmin = Mathf.RoundToInt(a.x - 0.5f); int xmax = Mathf.RoundToInt(a2.x - 0.5f); int ymin = Mathf.RoundToInt(a.z - 0.5f); int ymax = Mathf.RoundToInt(a2.z - 0.5f); IntRect intRect = new IntRect(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax); IntRect intRect2 = intRect; IntRect b = new IntRect(0, 0, this.width - 1, this.depth - 1); IntRect intRect3 = intRect; bool flag = o.updatePhysics || o.modifyWalkability; bool flag2 = o is LayerGridGraphUpdate && ((LayerGridGraphUpdate)o).recalculateNodes; bool preserveExistingNodes = !(o is LayerGridGraphUpdate) || ((LayerGridGraphUpdate)o).preserveExistingNodes; int num = (!o.updateErosion) ? 0 : this.erodeIterations; if (o.trackChangedNodes && flag2) { Debug.LogError("Cannot track changed nodes when creating or deleting nodes.\nWill not update LayerGridGraph"); return; } if (o.updatePhysics && !o.modifyWalkability && this.collision.collisionCheck) { Vector3 a3 = new Vector3(this.collision.diameter, 0f, this.collision.diameter) * 0.5f; a -= a3 * 1.02f; a2 += a3 * 1.02f; intRect3 = new IntRect(Mathf.RoundToInt(a.x - 0.5f), Mathf.RoundToInt(a.z - 0.5f), Mathf.RoundToInt(a2.x - 0.5f), Mathf.RoundToInt(a2.z - 0.5f)); intRect2 = IntRect.Union(intRect3, intRect2); } if (flag || num > 0) { intRect2 = intRect2.Expand(num + 1); } IntRect intRect4 = IntRect.Intersection(intRect2, b); if (!flag2) { for (int i = intRect4.xmin; i <= intRect4.xmax; i++) { for (int j = intRect4.ymin; j <= intRect4.ymax; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < this.layerCount; k++) { o.WillUpdateNode(this.nodes[k * this.width * this.depth + j * this.width + i]); } } } } if (o.updatePhysics && !o.modifyWalkability) { this.collision.Initialize(this.matrix, this.nodeSize); intRect4 = IntRect.Intersection(intRect3, b); bool flag3 = false; for (int l = intRect4.xmin; l <= intRect4.xmax; l++) { for (int m = intRect4.ymin; m <= intRect4.ymax; m++) { flag3 |= this.RecalculateCell(l, m, preserveExistingNodes); } } for (int n = intRect4.xmin; n <= intRect4.xmax; n++) { for (int num2 = intRect4.ymin; num2 <= intRect4.ymax; num2++) { for (int num3 = 0; num3 < this.layerCount; num3++) { int num4 = num3 * this.width * this.depth + num2 * this.width + n; LevelGridNode levelGridNode = this.nodes[num4]; if (levelGridNode != null) { this.CalculateConnections(this.nodes, levelGridNode, n, num2, num3); } } } } } intRect4 = IntRect.Intersection(intRect, b); for (int num5 = intRect4.xmin; num5 <= intRect4.xmax; num5++) { for (int num6 = intRect4.ymin; num6 <= intRect4.ymax; num6++) { for (int num7 = 0; num7 < this.layerCount; num7++) { int num8 = num7 * this.width * this.depth + num6 * this.width + num5; LevelGridNode levelGridNode2 = this.nodes[num8]; if (levelGridNode2 != null) { if (flag) { levelGridNode2.Walkable = levelGridNode2.WalkableErosion; if (o.bounds.Contains((Vector3)levelGridNode2.position)) { o.Apply(levelGridNode2); } levelGridNode2.WalkableErosion = levelGridNode2.Walkable; } else if (o.bounds.Contains((Vector3)levelGridNode2.position)) { o.Apply(levelGridNode2); } } } } } if (flag && num == 0) { intRect4 = IntRect.Intersection(intRect2, b); for (int num9 = intRect4.xmin; num9 <= intRect4.xmax; num9++) { for (int num10 = intRect4.ymin; num10 <= intRect4.ymax; num10++) { for (int num11 = 0; num11 < this.layerCount; num11++) { int num12 = num11 * this.width * this.depth + num10 * this.width + num9; LevelGridNode levelGridNode3 = this.nodes[num12]; if (levelGridNode3 != null) { this.CalculateConnections(this.nodes, levelGridNode3, num9, num10, num11); } } } } } else if (flag && num > 0) { IntRect a4 = IntRect.Union(intRect, intRect3).Expand(num); IntRect a5 = a4.Expand(num); a4 = IntRect.Intersection(a4, b); a5 = IntRect.Intersection(a5, b); for (int num13 = a5.xmin; num13 <= a5.xmax; num13++) { for (int num14 = a5.ymin; num14 <= a5.ymax; num14++) { for (int num15 = 0; num15 < this.layerCount; num15++) { int num16 = num15 * this.width * this.depth + num14 * this.width + num13; LevelGridNode levelGridNode4 = this.nodes[num16]; if (levelGridNode4 != null) { bool walkable = levelGridNode4.Walkable; levelGridNode4.Walkable = levelGridNode4.WalkableErosion; if (!a4.Contains(num13, num14)) { levelGridNode4.TmpWalkable = walkable; } } } } } for (int num17 = a5.xmin; num17 <= a5.xmax; num17++) { for (int num18 = a5.ymin; num18 <= a5.ymax; num18++) { for (int num19 = 0; num19 < this.layerCount; num19++) { int num20 = num19 * this.width * this.depth + num18 * this.width + num17; LevelGridNode levelGridNode5 = this.nodes[num20]; if (levelGridNode5 != null) { this.CalculateConnections(this.nodes, levelGridNode5, num17, num18, num19); } } } } this.ErodeWalkableArea(a5.xmin, a5.ymin, a5.xmax + 1, a5.ymax + 1); for (int num21 = a5.xmin; num21 <= a5.xmax; num21++) { for (int num22 = a5.ymin; num22 <= a5.ymax; num22++) { if (!a4.Contains(num21, num22)) { for (int num23 = 0; num23 < this.layerCount; num23++) { int num24 = num23 * this.width * this.depth + num22 * this.width + num21; LevelGridNode levelGridNode6 = this.nodes[num24]; if (levelGridNode6 != null) { levelGridNode6.Walkable = levelGridNode6.TmpWalkable; } } } } } for (int num25 = a5.xmin; num25 <= a5.xmax; num25++) { for (int num26 = a5.ymin; num26 <= a5.ymax; num26++) { for (int num27 = 0; num27 < this.layerCount; num27++) { int num28 = num27 * this.width * this.depth + num26 * this.width + num25; LevelGridNode levelGridNode7 = this.nodes[num28]; if (levelGridNode7 != null) { this.CalculateConnections(this.nodes, levelGridNode7, num25, num26, num27); } } } } } }
public void AddPortal(LevelGridNode n1, LevelGridNode n2, List<Vector3> left, List<Vector3> right) { if (n1 == n2) { return; } int i1 = n1.GetIndex (); int i2 = n2.GetIndex (); int x1 = i1 % width; int x2 = i2 % width; int z1 = i1 / width; int z2 = i2 / width; Vector3 n1p = (Vector3)n1.position; Vector3 n2p = (Vector3)n2.position; int diffx = Mathf.Abs (x1-x2); int diffz = Mathf.Abs (z1-z2); if (diffx > 1 || diffz > 1) { //If the nodes are not adjacent to each other left.Add (n1p); right.Add (n1p); left.Add (n2p); right.Add (n2p); } else if ((diffx+diffz) <= 1){ //If it is not a diagonal move Vector3 dir = n2p - n1p; //dir = dir.normalized * nodeSize * 0.5F; dir *= 0.5F; Vector3 tangent = Vector3.Cross (dir.normalized, Vector3.up); tangent *= /*tangent.normalized * */nodeSize * 0.5F; left.Add (n1p + dir - tangent); right.Add (n1p + dir + tangent); } else { //Diagonal move Vector3 dir = n2p - n1p; Vector3 avg = (n1p + n2p) * 0.5F; Vector3 tangent = Vector3.Cross (dir.normalized, Vector3.up); tangent *= nodeSize * 0.5F; left.Add (avg - tangent); right.Add (avg + tangent); /*Node t1 = nodes[z1 * width + x2]; Node t2 = nodes[z2 * width + x1]; Node target = null; if (t1.walkable) { target = t1; } else if (t2.walkable) { target = t2; } if (target == null) { Vector3 avg = (n1p + n2p) * 0.5F; left.Add (avg); right.Add (avg); } else { AddPortal (n1,(LevelGridNode)target,left,right); AddPortal ((LevelGridNode)target,n2,left,right); }*/ } }
// Token: 0x060024E4 RID: 9444 RVA: 0x0019B62C File Offset: 0x0019982C void IUpdatableGraph.UpdateArea(GraphUpdateObject o) { if (this.nodes == null || this.nodes.Length != this.width * this.depth * this.layerCount) { Debug.LogWarning("The Grid Graph is not scanned, cannot update area "); return; } IntRect a; IntRect a2; IntRect intRect; bool flag; int num; base.CalculateAffectedRegions(o, out a, out a2, out intRect, out flag, out num); bool flag2 = o is LayerGridGraphUpdate && ((LayerGridGraphUpdate)o).recalculateNodes; bool flag3 = (o is LayerGridGraphUpdate) ? ((LayerGridGraphUpdate)o).preserveExistingNodes : (!o.resetPenaltyOnPhysics); if (o.trackChangedNodes && flag2) { Debug.LogError("Cannot track changed nodes when creating or deleting nodes.\nWill not update LayerGridGraph"); return; } IntRect b = new IntRect(0, 0, this.width - 1, this.depth - 1); IntRect intRect2 = IntRect.Intersection(a2, b); if (!flag2) { for (int i = intRect2.xmin; i <= intRect2.xmax; i++) { for (int j = intRect2.ymin; j <= intRect2.ymax; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < this.layerCount; k++) { o.WillUpdateNode(this.nodes[k * this.width * this.depth + j * this.width + i]); } } } } if (o.updatePhysics && !o.modifyWalkability) { this.collision.Initialize(base.transform, this.nodeSize); intRect2 = IntRect.Intersection(intRect, b); for (int l = intRect2.xmin; l <= intRect2.xmax; l++) { for (int m = intRect2.ymin; m <= intRect2.ymax; m++) { this.RecalculateCell(l, m, !flag3, false); } } for (int n = intRect2.xmin; n <= intRect2.xmax; n++) { for (int num2 = intRect2.ymin; num2 <= intRect2.ymax; num2++) { this.CalculateConnections(n, num2); } } } intRect2 = IntRect.Intersection(a, b); for (int num3 = intRect2.xmin; num3 <= intRect2.xmax; num3++) { for (int num4 = intRect2.ymin; num4 <= intRect2.ymax; num4++) { for (int num5 = 0; num5 < this.layerCount; num5++) { int num6 = num5 * this.width * this.depth + num4 * this.width + num3; LevelGridNode levelGridNode = this.nodes[num6]; if (levelGridNode != null) { if (flag) { levelGridNode.Walkable = levelGridNode.WalkableErosion; if (o.bounds.Contains((Vector3)levelGridNode.position)) { o.Apply(levelGridNode); } levelGridNode.WalkableErosion = levelGridNode.Walkable; } else if (o.bounds.Contains((Vector3)levelGridNode.position)) { o.Apply(levelGridNode); } } } } } if (flag && num == 0) { intRect2 = IntRect.Intersection(a2, b); for (int num7 = intRect2.xmin; num7 <= intRect2.xmax; num7++) { for (int num8 = intRect2.ymin; num8 <= intRect2.ymax; num8++) { this.CalculateConnections(num7, num8); } } return; } if (flag && num > 0) { IntRect a3 = IntRect.Union(a, intRect).Expand(num); IntRect intRect3 = a3.Expand(num); a3 = IntRect.Intersection(a3, b); intRect3 = IntRect.Intersection(intRect3, b); for (int num9 = intRect3.xmin; num9 <= intRect3.xmax; num9++) { for (int num10 = intRect3.ymin; num10 <= intRect3.ymax; num10++) { for (int num11 = 0; num11 < this.layerCount; num11++) { int num12 = num11 * this.width * this.depth + num10 * this.width + num9; LevelGridNode levelGridNode2 = this.nodes[num12]; if (levelGridNode2 != null) { bool walkable = levelGridNode2.Walkable; levelGridNode2.Walkable = levelGridNode2.WalkableErosion; if (!a3.Contains(num9, num10)) { levelGridNode2.TmpWalkable = walkable; } } } } } for (int num13 = intRect3.xmin; num13 <= intRect3.xmax; num13++) { for (int num14 = intRect3.ymin; num14 <= intRect3.ymax; num14++) { this.CalculateConnections(num13, num14); } } base.ErodeWalkableArea(intRect3.xmin, intRect3.ymin, intRect3.xmax + 1, intRect3.ymax + 1); for (int num15 = intRect3.xmin; num15 <= intRect3.xmax; num15++) { for (int num16 = intRect3.ymin; num16 <= intRect3.ymax; num16++) { if (!a3.Contains(num15, num16)) { for (int num17 = 0; num17 < this.layerCount; num17++) { int num18 = num17 * this.width * this.depth + num16 * this.width + num15; LevelGridNode levelGridNode3 = this.nodes[num18]; if (levelGridNode3 != null) { levelGridNode3.Walkable = levelGridNode3.TmpWalkable; } } } } } for (int num19 = intRect3.xmin; num19 <= intRect3.xmax; num19++) { for (int num20 = intRect3.ymin; num20 <= intRect3.ymax; num20++) { this.CalculateConnections(num19, num20); } } } }