예제 #1
 public static bool Contains2DPoint(Vector2 point, Vector2 p0, Vector2 p1, Vector2 p2, TriangleEpsilon epsilon = new TriangleEpsilon())
     return(Contains3DPoint(point, false, p0, p1, p2, epsilon));
예제 #2
        public static bool Contains3DPoint(Vector3 point, bool checkOnPlane, Vector3 p0, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, TriangleEpsilon epsilon = new TriangleEpsilon())
            Vector3 edge0  = p1 - p0;
            Vector3 edge1  = p2 - p1;
            Vector3 edge2  = p0 - p2;
            Vector3 normal = Vector3.Cross(edge0, -edge2).normalized;

            if (checkOnPlane)
                float distanceToPt = Vector3.Dot(point - p0, normal);
                if (Mathf.Abs(distanceToPt) > epsilon.ExtrudeEps)

            Vector3 edgeNormal = Vector3.Cross(edge0, normal).normalized;

            if (Vector3.Dot(point - p0, edgeNormal) > epsilon.AreaEps)

            edgeNormal = Vector3.Cross(edge1, normal).normalized;
            if (Vector3.Dot(point - p1, edgeNormal) > epsilon.AreaEps)

            edgeNormal = Vector3.Cross(edge2, normal).normalized;
            if (Vector3.Dot(point - p2, edgeNormal) > epsilon.AreaEps)

예제 #3
        public static bool Raycast(Ray ray, out float t, Vector3 p0, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, TriangleEpsilon epsilon = new TriangleEpsilon())
            t = 0.0f;

            float rayEnter;
            Plane trianglePlane = new Plane(p0, p1, p2);

            if (trianglePlane.Raycast(ray, out rayEnter) &&
                Contains3DPoint(ray.GetPoint(rayEnter), false, p0, p1, p2, epsilon))
                t = rayEnter;

            if (epsilon.ExtrudeEps != 0.0f)
                float dot = Vector3Ex.AbsDot(ray.direction, trianglePlane.normal);
                if (dot < ExtrudeEpsThreshold.Get)
                    OOBB oobb = Calc3DTriangleOOBB(p0, p1, p2, trianglePlane.normal, epsilon);
                    return(BoxMath.Raycast(ray, oobb.Center, oobb.Size, oobb.Rotation));

예제 #4
        public static bool RaycastWire(Ray ray, out float t, Vector3 p0, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, TriangleEpsilon epsilon = new TriangleEpsilon())
            t = 0.0f;

            float rayEnter;
            Plane trianglePlane = new Plane(p0, p1, p2);

            if (trianglePlane.Raycast(ray, out rayEnter))
                Vector3 intersectPt   = ray.GetPoint(rayEnter);
                float   distToSegment = intersectPt.GetDistanceToSegment(p0, p1);
                if (distToSegment <= epsilon.WireEps)
                    t = rayEnter;

                distToSegment = intersectPt.GetDistanceToSegment(p1, p2);
                if (distToSegment <= epsilon.WireEps)
                    t = rayEnter;

                distToSegment = intersectPt.GetDistanceToSegment(p2, p0);
                if (distToSegment <= epsilon.WireEps)
                    t = rayEnter;

            if (epsilon.ExtrudeEps != 0.0f)
                float dot = Vector3Ex.AbsDot(ray.direction, trianglePlane.normal);
                if (dot < ExtrudeEpsThreshold.Get)
                    OOBB oobb = Calc3DTriangleOOBB(p0, p1, p2, trianglePlane.normal, epsilon);
                    return(BoxMath.Raycast(ray, oobb.Center, oobb.Size, oobb.Rotation));

예제 #5
        public static OOBB Calc3DTriangleOOBB(Vector3 p0, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Vector3 normal, TriangleEpsilon epsilon = new TriangleEpsilon())
            const float eps           = 1e-5f;
            Vector3     lgEdgeStart   = p0;
            Vector3     lgEdgeEnd     = p1;
            Vector3     oppositePt    = p2;
            float       sqrEdgeLength = (p0 - p1).sqrMagnitude + eps; // Add small epsilon to avoid problems with equilateral triangles

            float nextSqrLength = (p1 - p2).sqrMagnitude;

            if (nextSqrLength > sqrEdgeLength)
                lgEdgeStart   = p1;
                lgEdgeEnd     = p2;
                oppositePt    = p0;
                sqrEdgeLength = nextSqrLength;

            nextSqrLength = (p2 - p0).sqrMagnitude;
            if (nextSqrLength > sqrEdgeLength)
                lgEdgeStart   = p2;
                lgEdgeEnd     = p0;
                oppositePt    = p1;
                sqrEdgeLength = nextSqrLength;

            Quaternion oobbRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation((lgEdgeEnd - lgEdgeStart).normalized, normal);
            OOBB       oobb         = new OOBB(oobbRotation);
            float      sizeAdd      = 2.0f * epsilon.AreaEps;
            float      oobbDepth    = Mathf.Sqrt(sqrEdgeLength) + sizeAdd;

            float dotRight   = Vector3.Dot(oobb.Right, (oppositePt - lgEdgeStart));
            float oobbWidth  = Mathf.Abs(dotRight) + sizeAdd;
            float oobbHeight = epsilon.ExtrudeEps * 2.0f;

            oobb.Size = new Vector3(oobbWidth, oobbHeight, oobbDepth);

            Vector3 right = oobb.Right * Mathf.Sign(dotRight);

            oobb.Center = right * oobbWidth * 0.5f - right * epsilon.AreaEps +
                          lgEdgeStart - oobb.Look * epsilon.AreaEps + oobb.Look * oobbDepth * 0.5f;
