private BigInteger EvaluateInternal(BigInteger n, BigInteger x0, BigInteger xmax) { this.n = n; x0 = T1(x0 + 1); xmax = T1(xmax); if (x0 > xmax) { return(0); } var ymin = YFloor(xmax); var xmin = IntegerMath.Max(x0, IntegerMath.Min(T1(C1 * IntegerMath.CeilingRoot(2 * n, 3)), xmax)); #if DIAG Console.WriteLine("n = {0}, xmin = {1}, xmax = {2}", n, xmin, xmax); #endif var s = (BigInteger)0; var a2 = (BigInteger)1; var x2 = xmax; var y2 = ymin; var c2 = a2 * x2 + y2; while (true) { var a1 = a2 + 1; var x4 = YTan(a1); var y4 = YFloor(x4); var c4 = a1 * x4 + y4; var x5 = x4 + 1; var y5 = YFloor(x5); var c5 = a1 * x5 + y5; if (x4 <= xmin) { break; } s += Triangle(c4 - c2 - x0) - Triangle(c4 - c2 - x5) + Triangle(c5 - c2 - x5); if (threads == 0) { s += ProcessRegion(0, a1 * x2 + y2 - c5, a2 * x5 + y5 - c2, a1, 1, c5, a2, 1, c2); while (queue.Count > 0) { var r = queue.Take(); s += ProcessRegion(0, r.w, r.h, r.a1, r.b1, r.c1, r.a2, r.b2, r.c2); } } else { Enqueue(new Region(a1 * x2 + y2 - c5, a2 * x5 + y5 - c2, a1, 1, c5, a2, 1, c2)); } a2 = a1; x2 = x4; y2 = y4; c2 = c4; } s += (xmax - x0 + 1) * ymin + Triangle(xmax - x0); var rest = x2 - x0; s -= y2 * rest + a2 * Triangle(rest); xmanual = x2; return(s); }
private void UpdateMxSmall(long[] mx, long n, int[] m, long x1, long x2, long imax, long min, long increment) { var kmin = Math.Max(1, x1) + min; var kmax = Math.Min(sqrt, x2); var s1 = (long)0; for (var k = kmin; k <= kmax; k += increment) { var ilast = IntegerMath.Min(imax, n / (k * k)); var nk1 = n / k; var nk2 = n / (k + 1); while (ilast > 0 && nk2 / ilast < IntegerMath.FloorSquareRoot(n / ilast)) { --ilast; } ilast = DownToOdd(ilast); var s2 = (long)0; s2 += ISum1(nk1, nk2, 1, ref ilast); s2 += ISum2(nk1, nk2, 1, ilast); s1 += m[k - x1] * s2; } Interlocked.Add(ref sum2, s1); }
public int Evaluate(UInt128 n) { this.n = n; var sum = 0; sqrtn = (long)IntegerMath.FloorSquareRoot(n); kmax = (int)IntegerMath.FloorLog(n, 2); imax = (long)IntegerMath.FloorPower(n, 1, 5) * C1 / C2; xmax = DownToOdd(imax != 0 ? Xi(imax) : sqrtn); xmed = DownToOdd(Math.Min((long)(IntegerMath.FloorPower(n, 2, 7) * C3 / C4), xmax)); var dmax = (long)IntegerMath.Min(n / IntegerMath.Square((UInt128)xmed) + 1, n); mobius = new MobiusOddRangeAdditive((xmax + 2) | 1, threads); divisors = new DivisorOddRangeAdditive((dmax + 2) | 1, threads); xi = new long[imax + 1]; mx = new long[imax + 1]; // Initialize xi. for (var i = 1; i <= imax; i++) { xi[i] = Xi(i); } values = new sbyte[mobiusBatchSize >> 1]; m = new int[mobiusBatchSize >> 1]; m0 = 0; dsums = new ulong[divisorBatchSize >> 1]; d1 = d2 = 1; // Process small x values. for (var x = (long)1; x <= xmed; x += mobiusBatchSize) { var xfirst = x; var xlast = Math.Min(xmed, xfirst + mobiusBatchSize - 2); m0 = mobius.GetValuesAndSums(xfirst, xlast + 2, values, m, m0); sum += Pi2Small(xfirst, xlast); UpdateMx(xfirst, xlast); } // Process medium x values. #if true for (var x = xmed + 2; x <= xmax; x += mobiusBatchSize) { var xfirst = x; var xlast = Math.Min(xmax, xfirst + mobiusBatchSize - 2); m0 = mobius.GetValuesAndSums(xfirst, xlast + 2, values, m, m0); sum += Pi2Medium(xfirst, xlast); UpdateMx(xfirst, xlast); } #else for (var x = xmax; x > xmed; x -= mobiusBatchSize) { var xlast = x; var xfirst = Math.Max(xmed + 2, xlast - mobiusBatchSize + 2); m0 = mobius.GetValuesAndSums(xfirst, xlast + 2, values, m, m0); sum += Pi2Medium(xfirst, xlast); UpdateMx(xfirst, xlast); } #endif // Process large x values. sum += Pi2Large(); // Adjust for final parity of F2. sum -= IntegerMath.Mertens(kmax); // Compute final result. sum &= 3; Debug.Assert((sum & 1) == 0); sum >>= 1; return((sum + (n >= 2 ? 1 : 0)) % 2); }
public Integer Evaluate(Integer n) { this.n = n; // Count lattice points under the hyperbola x*y = n. var sum = (Integer)0; // Compute the range of values over which we will apply the // geometric algorithm. xmax = IntegerMath.FloorRoot(n, 2); xmin = IntegerMath.Min(IntegerMath.FloorRoot(n, 3) * minimumMultiplier, xmax); // Calculate the line tangent to the hyperbola at the x = sqrt(n). var m2 = (Integer)1; var x2 = xmax; var y2 = n / x2; var r2 = y2 + m2 * x2; var width = x2 - xmin; Debug.Assert(r2 - m2 * x2 == y2); // Add the bottom rectangle. sum += (width + 1) * y2; // Add the isosceles right triangle corresponding to the initial // line L2 with -slope = 1. sum += width * (width + 1) / 2; // Process regions between tangent lines with integral slopes 1 & 2, // 2 & 3, etc. until we reach xmin. This provides a first // approximation to the hyperbola and accounts for the majority // of the lattice points between xmin and max. The remainder of // the points are computed by processing the regions bounded // by the two tangent lines and the hyperbola itself. while (true) { // Find the pair of points (x3, y3) and (x1, y1) where: // -H'(x3) >= the new slope // -H'(x1) <= the new slope // x1 = x3 + 1 var m1 = m2 + 1; var x3 = IntegerMath.FloorSquareRoot(n / m1); var y3 = n / x3; var r3 = y3 + m1 * x3; var x1 = x3 + 1; var y1 = n / x1; var r1 = y1 + m1 * x1; Debug.Assert(r3 - m1 * x3 == y3); Debug.Assert(r1 - m1 * x1 == y1); // Handle left-overs. if (x3 < xmin) { // Process the last few values above xmin as the number of // points above the last L2. for (var x = xmin; x < x2; x++) { sum += n / x - (r2 - m2 * x); } break; } // Invariants: // The value before x3 along L3 is on or below the hyperbola. // The value after x1 along L1 is on or below the hyperbola. // The new slope is one greater than the old slope. Debug.Assert((x3 - 1) * (r3 - m1 * (x3 - 1)) <= n); Debug.Assert((x1 + 1) * (r1 - m1 * (x1 + 1)) <= n); Debug.Assert(m1 - m2 == 1); // Add the triangular wedge above the previous slope and below the new one // and bounded on the left by xmin. var x0 = r3 - r2; width = x0 - xmin; sum += width * (width + 1) / 2; // Account for a drop or rise from L3 to L1. if (r3 != r1 && x3 < x0) { // Remove the old triangle and add the new triangle. // The formula is (ow+dr)*(ow+dr+1)/2 - ow*(ow+1)/2. var ow = x3 - x0; var dr = r3 - r1; sum += dr * (2 * ow + dr + 1) / 2; } // Determine intersection of L2 and L1. x0 = r1 - r2; var y0 = r2 - m2 * x0; Debug.Assert(r2 - m2 * x0 == r1 - m1 * x0); // Calculate width and height of parallelogram counting only lattice points. var w = (y2 - y0) + m1 * (x2 - x0); var h = (y1 - y0) + m2 * (x1 - x0); // Process the hyperbolic region bounded by L1 and L2. sum += ProcessRegion(w, h, m1, 1, m2, 1, x0, y0); // Advance to the next region. m2 = m1; x2 = x3; y2 = y3; r2 = r3; } // Process values one up to xmin. for (var x = (Integer)1; x < xmin; x++) { sum += n / x; } // Account for sqrt(n) < x <= n using the Dirichlet hyperbola method. sum = 2 * sum - xmax * xmax; return(sum); }
private Integer ProcessRegion(Integer w, Integer h, Integer a1, Integer b1, Integer a2, Integer b2, Integer x0, Integer y0) { // The hyperbola is defined by H(x, y): x*y = n. // Line L1 has -slope m1 = a1/b1. // Line L2 has -slope m2 = a2/b2. // Both lines pass through P0 = (x0, y0). // The region is a parallelogram with the left side bounded L1, // the bottom bounded by L2, with width w (along L2) and height h // (along L1). The lower-left corner is P0 (the intersection of // L2 and L1) and represents (u, v) = (0, 0). // Both w and h are counted in terms of lattice points, not length. // For the purposes of counting, the lattice points on lines L1 and L2 // have already been counted. // Note that a1*b2 - b1*a2 = 1 because // m2 and m1 are Farey neighbors, e.g. 1 & 2 or 3/2 & 2 or 8/5 & 5/3 // The equations that define (u, v) in terms of (x, y) are: // u = b1*(y-y0)+a1*(x-x0) // v = b2*(y-y0)+a2*(x-x0) // And therefore the equations that define (x, y) in terms of (u, v) are: // x = x0-b1*v+b2*u // y = y0+a1*v-a2*u // Since all parameters are integers and a1*b2 - b1*a2 = 1, // every lattice point in (x, y) is a lattice point in (u, v) // and vice-versa. // Geometrically, the UV coordinate system is the composition // of a translation and two shear mappings. The UV-based hyperbola // is essentially a "mini" hyperbola that resembles the full // hyperbola in that: // - The equation is still a hyperbola (although it is now a quadratic in two variables) // - The endpoints of the curve are roughly tangent to the axes // We process the region by "lopping off" the maximal isosceles // right triangle in the lower-left corner and then process // the two remaining "slivers" in the upper-left and lower-right, // which creates two smaller "micro" hyperbolas, which we then // process recursively. // When we are in the region of the original hyperbola where // the curvature is roughly constant, the deformed hyperbola // will in fact resemble a circular arc. // A line with -slope = 1 in UV-space has -slope = (a1+a2)/(b1+b2) // in XY-space. We call this m3 and the line defining the third side // of the triangle as L3 containing point P3 tangent to the hyperbola. // This is all slightly complicated by the fact that diagonal that // defines the region that we "lop off" may be broken and shifted // up or down near the tangent point. As a result we actually have // P3 and P4 and L3 and L4. // We can measure work in units of X because it is the short // axis and it ranges from cbrt(n) to sqrt(n). If we did one // unit of work for each X coordinate we would have an O(sqrt(n)) // algorithm. But because there is only one lattice point on a // line with slope m per the denominator of m in X and because // the denominator of m roughly doubles for each subdivision, // there will be less than one unit of work for each unit of X. // As a result, each iteration reduces the work by about // a factor of two resulting in 1 + 2 + 4 + ... + sqrt(r) steps // or O(sqrt(r)). Since the sum of the sizes of the top-level // regions is O(sqrt(n)), this gives a O(n^(1/4)) algorithm for // nearly constant curvature. // However, since the hyperbola is increasingly non-circular for small // values of x, the subdivision is not nearly as beneficial (and // also not symmetric) so it is only worthwhile to use region // subdivision on regions where cubrt(n) < n < sqrt(n). // The sqrt(n) bound comes from symmetry and the Dirichlet // hyperbola method (which we also use). The cubrt(n) // bound comes from the fact that the second deriviative H''(x) // exceeds one at (2n)^(1/3) ~= 1.26*cbrt(n). Since we process // regions with adjacent integral slopes at the top level, by the // time we get to cbrt(n), the size of the region is at most // one, so we might as well process those values using the // naive approach of summing y = n/x. // Finally, at some point the region becomes small enough and we // can just count points under the hyperbola using whichever axis // is shorter. This is quite a bit harder than computing y = n/x // because the transformations we are using result in a general // quadratic in two variables. Nevertheless, with some // preliminary calculations, each value can be calculated with // a few additions, a square root and a division. // Sum the lattice points. var sum = (Integer)0; // Process regions on the stack. while (true) { // Process regions iteratively. while (true) { // Nothing left process. if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) { break; } // Check whether the point at (w, 1) is inside the hyperbola. if ((b2 * w - b1 + x0) * (a1 - a2 * w + y0) <= n) { // Remove the first row. sum += w; x0 -= b1; y0 += a1; --h; if (h == 0) { break; } } // Check whether the point at (1, h) is inside the hyperbola. if ((b2 - b1 * h + x0) * (a1 * h - a2 + y0) <= n) { // Remove the first column. sum += h; x0 += b2; y0 -= a2; --w; if (w == 0) { break; } } // Invariants for the remainder of the processing of the region: // H(u,v) at v=h, 0 <= u < 1 // H(u,v) at u=w, 0 <= v < 1 // -du/dv at v=h >= 0 // -dv/du at u=w >= 0 // In other words: the hyperbola is less than one unit away // from the axis at P1 and P2 and the distance from the axis // to the hyperbola increases monotonically as you approach // (u, v) = (0, 0). Debug.Assert((b2 - b1 * h + x0) * (a1 * h - a2 + y0) > n); Debug.Assert((b2 * w - b1 + x0) * (a1 - a2 * w + y0) > n); Debug.Assert(b2 * a1 - a2 * b1 == 1); // Find the pair of points (u3, v3) and (u4, v4) below H(u,v) where: // -dv/du at u=u3 >= 1 // -dv/du at u=u4 <= 1 // u4 = u3 + 1 // Specifically, solve: // (a1*(v+c2)-a2*(u+c1))*(b2*(u+c1)-b1*(v+c2)) = n at dv/du = -1 // Then u3 = floor(u) and u4 = u3 + 1. // Note that there are two solutions, one negative and one positive. // We take the positive solution. // We use the identity (a >= 0, b >= 0; a, b, elements of Z): // floor(b*sqrt(a/c)) = floor(sqrt(floor(b^2*a/c))) // to enable using integer arithmetic. // Formula: // u = (a1*b2+a2*b1+2*a1*b1)*sqrt(n/(a3*b3))-c1 var c1 = a1 * x0 + b1 * y0; var c2 = a2 * x0 + b2 * y0; var a3 = a1 + a2; var b3 = b1 + b2; var coef = a1 * b2 + b1 * a2; var denom = 2 * a1 * b1; var sqrtcoef = coef + denom; var u3 = IntegerMath.FloorSquareRoot(sqrtcoef * sqrtcoef * n / (a3 * b3)) - c1; var u4 = u3 + 1; // Finally compute v3 and v4 from u3 and u4 by solving // the hyperbola for v. // Note that there are two solutions, both positive. // We take the smaller solution (nearest the u axis). // Formulas: // v = ((a1*b2+a2*b1)*(u+c1)-sqrt((u+c1)^2-4*a1*b1*n))/(2*a1*b1)-c2 // u = ((a1*b2+a2*b1)*(v+c2)-sqrt((v+c2)^2-4*a2*b2*n))/(2*a2*b2)-c1 var uc1 = u3 + c1; var a = uc1 * uc1 - 2 * denom * n; var b = uc1 * coef; var v3 = u3 != 0 ? (b - IntegerMath.CeilingSquareRoot(a)) / denom - c2 : h; var v4 = (b + coef - IntegerMath.CeilingSquareRoot(a + 2 * uc1 + 1)) / denom - c2; Debug.Assert(u3 < w); // Compute the V intercept of L3 and L4. Since the lines are diagonal the intercept // is the same on both U and V axes and v13 = u03 and v14 = u04. var r3 = u3 + v3; var r4 = u4 + v4; Debug.Assert(IntegerMath.Abs(r3 - r4) <= 1); // Count points horizontally or vertically if one axis collapses (or is below our cutoff) // or if the triangle exceeds the bounds of the rectangle. if (u3 <= smallRegionCutoff || v4 <= smallRegionCutoff || r3 > h || r4 > w) { if (h > w) { sum += CountPoints(w, c1, c2, coef, denom); } else { sum += CountPoints(h, c2, c1, coef, 2 * a2 * b2); } break; } // Add the triangle defined L1, L2, and smaller of L3 and L4. var size = IntegerMath.Min(r3, r4); sum += size * (size - 1) / 2; // Adjust for the difference (if any) between L3 and L4. if (r3 != r4) { sum += r3 > r4 ? u3 : v4; } // Push left region onto the stack. stack.Push(new Region(u3, h - r3, a1, b1, a3, b3, x0 - b1 * r3, y0 + a1 * r3)); // Process right region iteratively (no change to a2 and b2). w -= r4; h = v4; a1 = a3; b1 = b3; x0 = x0 + b2 * r4; y0 = y0 - a2 * r4; } // Any more regions to process? if (stack.Count == 0) { break; } // Pop a region off the stack for processing. var region = stack.Pop(); w = region.w; h = region.h; a1 = region.a1; b1 = region.b1; a2 = region.a2; b2 = region.b2; x0 = region.x0; y0 = region.y0; } // Return the sum of lattice points in this region. return(sum); }
public Integer Evaluate(Integer n, BigInteger xfirst, BigInteger xlast) { this.n = n; // Count lattice points under the hyperbola x*y = n. var sum = (Integer)0; // Compute the range of values over which we will apply the // geometric algorithm. xmax = (Integer)xlast; xmin = IntegerMath.Max(xfirst, IntegerMath.Min(IntegerMath.FloorRoot(n, 3) * minimumMultiplier, xmax)); // Calculate the line tangent to the hyperbola at the x = sqrt(n). var m0 = (Integer)1; var x0 = xmax; var y0 = n / x0; var r0 = y0 + m0 * x0; Debug.Assert(r0 - m0 * x0 == y0); // Add the bottom rectangle. var width = x0 - xfirst; sum += (width + 1) * y0; // Add the isosceles right triangle corresponding to the initial // line L0 with -slope = 1. sum += width * (width + 1) / 2; // Process regions between tangent lines with integral slopes 1 & 2, // 2 & 3, etc. until we reach xmin. This provides a first // approximation to the hyperbola and accounts for the majority // of the lattice points between xmin and max. The remainder of // the points are computed by processing the regions bounded // by the two tangent lines and the hyperbola itself. while (true) { // Find the largest point (x1a, y1a) where -H'(X) >= the new slope. var m1 = m0 + 1; var x1a = IntegerMath.FloorSquareRoot(n / m1); var y1a = n / x1a; var r1a = y1a + m1 * x1a; var x1b = x1a + 1; var y1b = n / x1b; var r1b = y1b + m1 * x1b; Debug.Assert(r1a - m1 * x1a == y1a); Debug.Assert(r1b - m1 * x1b == y1b); // Handle left-overs. if (x1a < xmin) { // Remove all the points we added between xfirst and x0. var rest = x0 - xfirst; sum -= (r0 - m0 * x0) * rest + m0 * rest * (rest + 1) / 2; xmin = x0; break; } // Invariants: // The value before x1a along L1a is on or below the hyperbola. // The value after x1b along L2b is on or below the hyperbola. // The new slope is one greater than the old slope. Debug.Assert((x1a - 1) * (r1a - m1 * (x1a - 1)) <= n); Debug.Assert((x1b + 1) * (r1b - m1 * (x1b + 1)) <= n); Debug.Assert(m1 - m0 == 1); // Add the triangular wedge above the previous slope and below the new one // and bounded on the left by xfirst. var x0a = r1a - r0; width = x0a - xfirst; sum += width * (width + 1) / 2; // Account for a drop or rise from L1a to L1b. if (r1a != r1b && x1a < x0a) { // Remove the old triangle and add the new triangle. // The formula is (ow+dr)*(ow+dr+1)/2 - ow*(ow+1)/2. var ow = x1a - x0a; var dr = r1a - r1b; sum += dr * (2 * ow + dr + 1) / 2; } // Determine intersection of L0 and L1b. var x0b = r1b - r0; var y0b = r0 - m0 * x0b; Debug.Assert(r0 - m0 * x0b == r1b - m1 * x0b); // Calculate width and height of parallelogram counting only lattice points. var w = (y0 - y0b) + m1 * (x0 - x0b); var h = (y1b - y0b) + m0 * (x1b - x0b); // Process the hyperbolic region bounded by L1b and L0. sum += ProcessRegion(w, h, m1, 1, m0, 1, x0b, y0b); // Advance to the next region. m0 = m1; x0 = x1a; y0 = y1a; r0 = r1a; } // Process values from xfirst up to xmin. sum += manualAlgorithm.Evaluate(n, xfirst, xmin - 1); return(sum); }
private Integer ProcessRegion(Integer w, Integer h, Integer a1, Integer b1, Integer a2, Integer b2, Integer x0, Integer y0) { // The hyperbola is defined by H(x, y): x*y = n. // Line L0 has slope m0 = -a2/b2. // Line L1 has slope m1 = -a1/b1. // Both lines pass through P01 = (x0, y0). // The region is a parallelogram with the left side bounded L1, // the bottom bounded by L0, with width w (along L0) and height h // (along L1). The lower-left corner is P01 (the intersection of // L0 and L1) and represents (u, v) = (0, 0). // Both w and h are counted in terms of lattice points, not length. // For the purposes of counting, the lattice points on lines L0 and L1 // have already been counted. // Note that b2*a1 - a2*b1 = 1 because // m0 and m1 are Farey neighbors, e.g. 1 & 2 or 3/2 & 2 or 8/5 & 5/3 // The equations that define (u, v) in terms of (x, y) are: // u = b1*(y-y0)+a1*(x-x0) // v = b2*(y-y0)+a2*(x-x0) // And therefore the equations that define (x, y) in terms of (u, v) are: // x = x0-b1*v+b2*u // y = y0+a1*v-a2*u // Since all parameters are integers and b2*a1 - a2*b1 = 1, // every lattice point in (x, y) is a lattice point in (u, v) // and vice-versa. // Geometrically, the UV coordinate system is the composition // of a translation and two shear mappings. The UV-based hyperbola // is essentially a "mini" hyperbola that resembles the full // hyperbola in that: // - The equation is still a hyperbola (although it is now a quadratic in two variables) // - The endpoints of the curve are roughly tangent to the axes // We process the region by "lopping off" the maximal isosceles // right triangle in the lower-left corner and then processing // the two remaining "slivers" in the upper-left and lower-right, // which creates two smaller "micro" hyperbolas, which we then // process recursively. // When we are in the region of the original hyperbola where // the curvature is roughly constant, the deformed hyperbola // will in fact resemble a circular arc. // A line with -slope = 1 in UV-space has -slope = (a2+a1)/(b2+b1) // in XY-space. We call this m2 and the line defining the third side // of the triangle as L2 contain point P2 tangent to the hyperbola. // This is all slightly complicated by the fact that diagonal that // defines the region that we "lop off" may be broken and shifted // up or down near the tangent point. As a result we actually have // P2a and P2b and L2a and L2b. // We can measure work in units of X because it is the short // axis and it ranges from cbrt(n) to sqrt(n). If we did one // unit of work for each X coordinate we would have an O(sqrt(n)) // algorithm. But because there is only one lattice point on a // line with slope m per the denominator of m in X and because // the denominator of m roughly doubles for each subdivision, // there will be less than one unit of work for each unit of X. // As a result, each iteration reduces the work by about // a factor of two resulting in 1 + 2 + 4 + ... + sqrt(r) steps // or O(sqrt(r)). Since the sum of the sizes of the top-level // regions is O(sqrt(n)), this gives a O(n^(1/4)) algorithm for // nearly constant curvature. // However, since the hyperbola is increasingly non-circular for small // values of x, the subdivision is not nearly as beneficial (and // also not symmetric) so it is only worthwhile to use region // subdivision on regions where cubrt(n) < n < sqrt(n). // The sqrt(n) bound comes from symmetry and the Dirichlet // hyperbola method, which we also use. The cubrt(n) // bound comes from the fact that the second deriviative H''(x) // exceeds one at (2n)^(1/3) ~= 1.26*cbrt(n). Since we process // regions with adjacent integral slopes at the top level, by the // time we get to cbrt(n), the size of the region is at most // one, so we might as well process those values using the // naive approach of summing y = n/x. // Finally, at some point the region becomes small enough and we // can just count points under the hyperbola using whichever axis // is shorter. This is quite a bit harder than computing y = n/x // because the transformations we are using result in a general // quadratic in two variables. Nevertheless, with some // preliminary calculations, each value can be calculated with // a few additions, a square root and a division. // Sum the lattice points. var sum = (Integer)0; // Process regions on the stack. while (true) { // Process regions iteratively. while (true) { // Nothing left process. if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) { break; } // Check whether the point at (w, 1) is inside the hyperbola. if ((b2 * w - b1 + x0) * (a1 - a2 * w + y0) <= n) { // Remove the first row. sum += w; x0 -= b1; y0 += a1; --h; if (h == 0) { break; } } // Check whether the point at (1, h) is inside the hyperbola. if ((b2 - b1 * h + x0) * (a1 * h - a2 + y0) <= n) { // Remove the first column. sum += h; x0 += b2; y0 -= a2; --w; if (w == 0) { break; } } // Invariants for the remainder of the processing of the region: // H(u,v) at v=h, 0 <= u < 1 // H(u,v) at u=w, 0 <= v < 1 // -du/dv at v=h >= 0 // -dv/du at u=w >= 0 // In other words: the hyperbola is less than one unit away // from the axis at P0 and P1 and the distance from the axis // to the hyperbola increases monotonically as you approach // (u, v) = (0, 0). Debug.Assert((b2 - b1 * h + x0) * (a1 * h - a2 + y0) > n); Debug.Assert((b2 * w - b1 + x0) * (a1 - a2 * w + y0) > n); Debug.Assert(b2 * a1 - a2 * b1 == 1); // Find the pair of points (u2a, v2a) and (u2b, v2b) below H(u,v) where: // -dv/du at u=u2a >= 1 // -dv/du at u=u2b <= 1 // u2b = u2a + 1 // Specifically, solve: // (x0 - b1*v + b2*u)*(y0 + a1*v - a2*u) = n at dv/du = -1 // and solve for the line tan = u + v tangent passing through that point. // Then u2a = floor(u) and u2b = u2a + 1. // Finally compute v2a and v2b from u2a and u2b using the tangent line // which may result in a value too small by at most one. // Note that there are two solutions, one negative and one positive. // We take the positive solution. // We use the identities (a >= 0, b >= 0, c > 0; a, b, c elements of Z): // floor(b*sqrt(a)/c) = floor(floor(sqrt(b^2*a))/c) // floor(b*sqrt(a*c)/c) = floor(sqrt(b^2*a/c)) // to enable using integer arithmetic. // Formulas: // a3b3 = b3*a3, mxy1 = b1*y0+a1*x0, mxy2 = b3*y0+a3*x0 // u = floor((2*b1*a3+1)*sqrt(a3b3*n)/a3b3-mxy1) // v = floor(-u+2*sqrt(a3b3*n)-mxy2) var a3 = a1 + a2; var b3 = b1 + b2; var a3b3 = a3 * b3; var mxy1 = a1 * x0 + b1 * y0; var mxy2 = a3 * x0 + b3 * y0; var sqrtcoef = 2 * b1 * a3 + 1; var tan = IntegerMath.FloorSquareRoot(2 * 2 * a3b3 * n) - mxy2; var u2a = IntegerMath.FloorSquareRoot(sqrtcoef * sqrtcoef * n / a3b3) - mxy1; var v2a = u2a != 0 ? tan - u2a : h; var u2b = u2a < w ? u2a + 1 : w; var v2b = tan - u2b; // Check for under-estimate of v2a and/or v2b. if (u2a != 0) { var v2aplus = v2a + 1; if ((b2 * u2a - b1 * v2aplus + x0) * (a1 * v2aplus - a2 * u2a + y0) <= n) { ++v2a; } } var v2bplus = v2b + 1; if ((b2 * u2b - b1 * v2bplus + x0) * (a1 * v2bplus - a2 * u2b + y0) <= n) { ++v2b; } // Compute the V intercept of L2a and L2b. Since the lines are diagonal the intercept // is the same on both U and V axes and v12a = u02a and v12b = u02b. var v12a = u2a + v2a; var v12b = u2b + v2b; Debug.Assert(IntegerMath.Abs(v12a - v12b) >= 0 && IntegerMath.Abs(v12a - v12b) <= 1); // Count points horizontally or vertically if one axis collapses (or is below our cutoff) // or if the triangle exceeds the bounds of the rectangle. if (u2a <= smallRegionCutoff || v2b <= smallRegionCutoff || v12a > w || v12b > h) { if (h > w) { sum += CountPoints(true, w, a2, b2, a1, b1, x0, y0); } else { sum += CountPoints(false, h, a1, b1, a2, b2, x0, y0); } break; } // Add the triangle defined L0, L1, and smaller of L2a and L2b. var v12 = IntegerMath.Min(v12a, v12b); sum += v12 * (v12 - 1) / 2; // Adjust for the difference (if any) between L2a and L2b. if (v12a != v12b) { sum += v12a > v12b ? u2a : v2b; } // Push left region onto the stack. stack.Push(new Region(u2a, h - v12a, a1, b1, a3, b3, x0 - b1 * v12a, y0 + a1 * v12a)); // Process right region iteratively (no change to a2 and b2). w -= v12b; h = v2b; a1 = a3; b1 = b3; x0 = x0 + b2 * v12b; y0 = y0 - a2 * v12b; } // Any more regions to process? if (stack.Count == 0) { break; } // Pop a region off the stack for processing. var region = stack.Pop(); w = region.w; h = region.h; a1 = region.a1; b1 = region.b1; a2 = region.a2; b2 = region.b2; x0 = region.x0; y0 = region.y0; } // Return the sum of lattice points in this region. return(sum); }