예제 #1
        private Integer CountPoints(Integer max, Integer c1, Integer c2, Integer coef, Integer denom)
            // Count points under the hyperbola:
            // (x0 - b1*v + b2*u)*(y0 + a1*v - a2*u) = n
            // Horizontal: For u = 1 to max calculate v in terms of u.
            // vertical: For v = 1 to max calculate u in terms of v.
            // Note that there are two positive solutions and we
            // take the smaller of the two, the one nearest the axis.
            // By being frugal we can re-use most of the calculation
            // from the previous point.

            // We use the identity (a >= 0, b >= 0, c > 0; a, b, c elements of Z):
            // floor((b-sqrt(a)/c) = floor((b-ceiling(sqrt(a)))/c)
            // to enable using integer arithmetic.

            // Formulas:
            // v = ((a1*b2+a2*b1)*(u+c1)-sqrt((u+c1)^2-4*a1*b1*n))/(2*a1*b1)-c2
            // u = ((a1*b2+a2*b1)*(v+c2)-sqrt((v+c2)^2-4*a2*b2*n))/(2*a2*b2)-c1
            var sum = (Integer)0;
            var a   = c1 * c1 - 2 * denom * n;
            var b   = c1 * coef;
            var da  = 2 * c1 - 1;

            for (var i = (Integer)1; i < max; i++)
                da  += 2;
                a   += da;
                b   += coef;
                sum += (b - IntegerMath.CeilingSquareRoot(a)) / denom;
            return(sum - (max - 1) * c2);
예제 #2
        public void VFloor2(BigInteger u1, BigInteger a1, BigInteger b1, BigInteger c1, BigInteger c2, BigInteger abba, BigInteger ab2, out BigInteger v1, out BigInteger v2)
            var uu = (u1 + c1) << 1;
            var t1 = ab2 << 1;
            var t2 = abba * uu - a1 + b1 - t1 * c2;
            var t3 = uu - a1 - b1;
            var t4 = IntegerMath.Square(t3) - t1 * n;

            v1 = (t2 - IntegerMath.CeilingSquareRoot(t4)) / t1;
            v2 = (t2 + (abba << 1) - IntegerMath.CeilingSquareRoot(t4 + ((t3 + 1) << 2))) / t1;
        private Integer CountPoints(bool horizontal, Integer max, Integer a2, Integer b2, Integer a1, Integer b1, Integer x0, Integer y0)
            // Count points under the hyperbola:
            // (x0 - b1*v + b2*u)*(y0 + a1*v - a2*u) = n
            // Horizontal: For u = 1 to max calculate v in terms of u.
            // vertical: For v = 1 to max calculate u in terms of v.
            // Note that there are two positive solutions and we
            // take the smaller of the two, the one nearest the axis.
            // By being frugal we can re-use most of the calculation
            // from the previous point.

            // We use the identity (a >= 0, b >= 0, c > 0; a, b, c elements of Z):
            // floor((b-sqrt(a)/c) = floor((b-ceiling(sqrt(a)))/c)
            // to enable using integer arithmetic.

            // Formulas:
            // a2d = b2*a2, a1d = b1*a1,
            // m01s = b2*a1+a2*b1, mxy0d = b2*y0-a2*x0,
            // mxy1d = a1*x0-b1*y0,
            // mxy0 = b2*y0+a2*x0, mxy1 = b1*y0+a1*x0
            // v = floor((-sqrt((u+mxy1)^2-4*a1d*n)+m01s*u+mxy1d)/(2*a1d))
            // u = floor((-sqrt((v+mxy0)^2-4*a2d*n)+m01s*v+mxy0d)/(2*a2d))
            var sum   = (Integer)0;
            var mx1   = a1 * x0;
            var my1   = b1 * y0;
            var mxy1  = mx1 + my1;
            var m01s  = b2 * a1 + a2 * b1;
            var denom = 2 * a1 * b1;
            var a     = mxy1 * mxy1 - 2 * denom * n;
            var b     = horizontal ? mx1 - my1 : my1 - mx1;
            var da    = 2 * mxy1 - 1;
            var imax  = (long)max;

            for (var i = (long)1; i <= imax; i++)
                da  += 2;
                a   += da;
                b   += m01s;
                sum += (b - IntegerMath.CeilingSquareRoot(a)) / denom;
        public ulong ProcessRegionManual(int thread, ulong w, ulong a1, ulong b1, ulong c1, ulong a2, ulong b2, ulong c2)
            if (w <= 1)

            var s    = (ulong)0;
            var umax = w - 1;
            var t1   = (a1 * b2 + b1 * a2) << 1;
            var t2   = (c1 << 1) - a1 - b1;
            var t3   = (t2 << 2) + 12;
            var t4   = (a1 * b1) << 2;
            var t5   = t1 * (1 + c1) - a1 + b1 - t4 * c2;
            var t6   = IntegerMath.Square(t2 + 2) - t4 * n;

            Debug.Assert(t6 == UInt128.Square(t2 + 2) - t4 * (UInt128)n);

            var u = (ulong)1;

            while (true)
                Debug.Assert((t5 - IntegerMath.CeilingSquareRoot(t6)) / t4 == VFloor(u, a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2));
                s += (t5 - IntegerMath.CeilingSquareRoot(t6)) / t4;
                if (u >= umax)
                t5 += t1;
                t6 += t3;
                t3 += 8;

            Debug.Assert(s == ProcessRegionHorizontal(w, 0, a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2));
#if DIAG
            Console.WriteLine("ProcessRegionManual: s = {0}", s);
예제 #5
        public long Evaluate(long n)
            if (n <= 0)

            this.n      = n;
            u           = Math.Max((long)IntegerMath.FloorPower((BigInteger)n, 2, 3) * C1 / C2, IntegerMath.CeilingSquareRoot(n));
            imax        = n / u;
            this.mobius = new MobiusRange(u + 1, threads);
            var batchSize = Math.Min(u, maximumBatchSize);

            m  = new int[batchSize];
            mx = new long[imax + 1];

            var m0 = 0;

            for (var x = (long)1; x <= u; x += maximumBatchSize)
                var xstart = x;
                var xend   = Math.Min(xstart + maximumBatchSize - 1, u);
                m0 = mobius.GetSums(xstart, xend + 1, m, m0);
                ProcessBatch(xstart, xend);
        public Int128 Evaluate(UInt128 n)
            if (n == 0)

            this.n = n;
            u      = (long)IntegerMath.Max(IntegerMath.FloorPower(n, 2, 3) * C1 / C2, IntegerMath.CeilingSquareRoot(n));

            imax   = (int)(n / (ulong)u);
            mobius = new MobiusRangeAdditive(u + 1, threads);
            var batchSize = Math.Min(u, maximumBatchSize);

            mu = new sbyte[maximumSmallBatchSize];
            m  = new int[batchSize];
            mx = new Int128[imax + 1];
            r  = new int[imax + 1];
            var lmax = 0;

            for (var i = 1; i <= imax; i += 2)
                if (wheelInclude[(i % wheelSize) >> 1])
                    r[lmax++] = i;
            Array.Resize(ref r, lmax);

            niLarge = new UInt128[imax + 1];
            niSmall = new long[imax + 1];
            var buckets          = Math.Max(1, threads);
            var costs            = new double[buckets];
            var bucketListsLarge = Enumerable.Range(0, buckets).Select(i => new List <int>()).ToArray();
            var bucketListsSmall = Enumerable.Range(0, buckets).Select(i => new List <int>()).ToArray();

            for (var l = 0; l < lmax; l++)
                var i       = r[l];
                var ni      = n / (uint)i;
                var large   = ni > largeLimit;
                var cost    = Math.Sqrt((double)n / i) * (large ? C7 : 1);
                var addto   = 0;
                var mincost = costs[0];
                for (var bucket = 0; bucket < buckets; bucket++)
                    if (costs[bucket] < mincost)
                        mincost = costs[bucket];
                        addto   = bucket;
                niLarge[i] = ni;
                if (large)
                    niSmall[i] = (long)ni;
                costs[addto] += cost;
            bucketsLarge = bucketListsLarge.Select(bucket => bucket.ToArray()).ToArray();
            bucketsSmall = bucketListsSmall.Select(bucket => bucket.ToArray()).ToArray();

            var m0   = 0;
            var xmed = Math.Min((long)IntegerMath.FloorRoot(n, 2) * C5 / C6, u);

            for (var x = (long)1; x <= xmed; x += maximumSmallBatchSize)
                var xstart = x;
                var xend   = Math.Min(xstart + maximumSmallBatchSize - 1, xmed);
                m0 = mobius.GetValuesAndSums(xstart, xend + 1, mu, m, m0);
                ProcessBatch(xstart, xend);
            for (var x = xmed + 1; x <= u; x += maximumBatchSize)
                var xstart = x;
                var xend   = Math.Min(xstart + maximumBatchSize - 1, u);
                m0 = mobius.GetSums(xstart, xend + 1, m, m0);
                ProcessBatch(xstart, xend);
예제 #7
        private Integer ProcessRegion(Integer w, Integer h, Integer a1, Integer b1, Integer a2, Integer b2, Integer x0, Integer y0)
            // The hyperbola is defined by H(x, y): x*y = n.
            // Line L1 has -slope m1 = a1/b1.
            // Line L2 has -slope m2 = a2/b2.
            // Both lines pass through P0 = (x0, y0).
            // The region is a parallelogram with the left side bounded L1,
            // the bottom bounded by L2, with width w (along L2) and height h
            // (along L1).  The lower-left corner is P0 (the intersection of
            // L2 and L1) and represents (u, v) = (0, 0).
            // Both w and h are counted in terms of lattice points, not length.

            // For the purposes of counting, the lattice points on lines L1 and L2
            // have already been counted.

            // Note that a1*b2 - b1*a2 = 1 because
            // m2 and m1 are Farey neighbors, e.g. 1 & 2 or 3/2 & 2 or 8/5 & 5/3

            // The equations that define (u, v) in terms of (x, y) are:
            // u = b1*(y-y0)+a1*(x-x0)
            // v = b2*(y-y0)+a2*(x-x0)

            // And therefore the equations that define (x, y) in terms of (u, v) are:
            // x = x0-b1*v+b2*u
            // y = y0+a1*v-a2*u

            // Since all parameters are integers and a1*b2 - b1*a2 = 1,
            // every lattice point in (x, y) is a lattice point in (u, v)
            // and vice-versa.

            // Geometrically, the UV coordinate system is the composition
            // of a translation and two shear mappings.  The UV-based hyperbola
            // is essentially a "mini" hyperbola that resembles the full
            // hyperbola in that:
            // - The equation is still a hyperbola (although it is now a quadratic in two variables)
            // - The endpoints of the curve are roughly tangent to the axes

            // We process the region by "lopping off" the maximal isosceles
            // right triangle in the lower-left corner and then process
            // the two remaining "slivers" in the upper-left and lower-right,
            // which creates two smaller "micro" hyperbolas, which we then
            // process recursively.

            // When we are in the region of the original hyperbola where
            // the curvature is roughly constant, the deformed hyperbola
            // will in fact resemble a circular arc.

            // A line with -slope = 1 in UV-space has -slope = (a1+a2)/(b1+b2)
            // in XY-space.  We call this m3 and the line defining the third side
            // of the triangle as L3 containing point P3 tangent to the hyperbola.

            // This is all slightly complicated by the fact that diagonal that
            // defines the region that we "lop off" may be broken and shifted
            // up or down near the tangent point.  As a result we actually have
            // P3 and P4 and L3 and L4.

            // We can measure work in units of X because it is the short
            // axis and it ranges from cbrt(n) to sqrt(n).  If we did one
            // unit of work for each X coordinate we would have an O(sqrt(n))
            // algorithm.  But because there is only one lattice point on a
            // line with slope m per the denominator of m in X and because
            // the denominator of m roughly doubles for each subdivision,
            // there will be less than one unit of work for each unit of X.

            // As a result, each iteration reduces the work by about
            // a factor of two resulting in 1 + 2 + 4 + ... + sqrt(r) steps
            // or O(sqrt(r)).  Since the sum of the sizes of the top-level
            // regions is O(sqrt(n)), this gives a O(n^(1/4)) algorithm for
            // nearly constant curvature.

            // However, since the hyperbola is increasingly non-circular for small
            // values of x, the subdivision is not nearly as beneficial (and
            // also not symmetric) so it is only worthwhile to use region
            // subdivision on regions where cubrt(n) < n < sqrt(n).

            // The sqrt(n) bound comes from symmetry and the Dirichlet
            // hyperbola method (which we also use).  The cubrt(n)
            // bound comes from the fact that the second deriviative H''(x)
            // exceeds one at (2n)^(1/3) ~= 1.26*cbrt(n).  Since we process
            // regions with adjacent integral slopes at the top level, by the
            // time we get to cbrt(n), the size of the region is at most
            // one, so we might as well process those values using the
            // naive approach of summing y = n/x.

            // Finally, at some point the region becomes small enough and we
            // can just count points under the hyperbola using whichever axis
            // is shorter.  This is quite a bit harder than computing y = n/x
            // because the transformations we are using result in a general
            // quadratic in two variables.  Nevertheless, with some
            // preliminary calculations, each value can be calculated with
            // a few additions, a square root and a division.

            // Sum the lattice points.
            var sum = (Integer)0;

            // Process regions on the stack.
            while (true)
                // Process regions iteratively.
                while (true)
                    // Nothing left process.
                    if (w <= 0 || h <= 0)

                    // Check whether the point at (w, 1) is inside the hyperbola.
                    if ((b2 * w - b1 + x0) * (a1 - a2 * w + y0) <= n)
                        // Remove the first row.
                        sum += w;
                        x0  -= b1;
                        y0  += a1;
                        if (h == 0)

                    // Check whether the point at (1, h) is inside the hyperbola.
                    if ((b2 - b1 * h + x0) * (a1 * h - a2 + y0) <= n)
                        // Remove the first column.
                        sum += h;
                        x0  += b2;
                        y0  -= a2;
                        if (w == 0)

                    // Invariants for the remainder of the processing of the region:
                    // H(u,v) at v=h, 0 <= u < 1
                    // H(u,v) at u=w, 0 <= v < 1
                    // -du/dv at v=h >= 0
                    // -dv/du at u=w >= 0
                    // In other words: the hyperbola is less than one unit away
                    // from the axis at P1 and P2 and the distance from the axis
                    // to the hyperbola increases monotonically as you approach
                    // (u, v) = (0, 0).
                    Debug.Assert((b2 - b1 * h + x0) * (a1 * h - a2 + y0) > n);
                    Debug.Assert((b2 * w - b1 + x0) * (a1 - a2 * w + y0) > n);
                    Debug.Assert(b2 * a1 - a2 * b1 == 1);

                    // Find the pair of points (u3, v3) and (u4, v4) below H(u,v) where:
                    // -dv/du at u=u3 >= 1
                    // -dv/du at u=u4 <= 1
                    // u4 = u3 + 1
                    // Specifically, solve:
                    // (a1*(v+c2)-a2*(u+c1))*(b2*(u+c1)-b1*(v+c2)) = n at dv/du = -1
                    // Then u3 = floor(u) and u4 = u3 + 1.
                    // Note that there are two solutions, one negative and one positive.
                    // We take the positive solution.

                    // We use the identity (a >= 0, b >= 0; a, b, elements of Z):
                    // floor(b*sqrt(a/c)) = floor(sqrt(floor(b^2*a/c)))
                    // to enable using integer arithmetic.

                    // Formula:
                    // u = (a1*b2+a2*b1+2*a1*b1)*sqrt(n/(a3*b3))-c1
                    var c1       = a1 * x0 + b1 * y0;
                    var c2       = a2 * x0 + b2 * y0;
                    var a3       = a1 + a2;
                    var b3       = b1 + b2;
                    var coef     = a1 * b2 + b1 * a2;
                    var denom    = 2 * a1 * b1;
                    var sqrtcoef = coef + denom;
                    var u3       = IntegerMath.FloorSquareRoot(sqrtcoef * sqrtcoef * n / (a3 * b3)) - c1;
                    var u4       = u3 + 1;

                    // Finally compute v3 and v4 from u3 and u4 by solving
                    // the hyperbola for v.
                    // Note that there are two solutions, both positive.
                    // We take the smaller solution (nearest the u axis).

                    // Formulas:
                    // v = ((a1*b2+a2*b1)*(u+c1)-sqrt((u+c1)^2-4*a1*b1*n))/(2*a1*b1)-c2
                    // u = ((a1*b2+a2*b1)*(v+c2)-sqrt((v+c2)^2-4*a2*b2*n))/(2*a2*b2)-c1
                    var uc1 = u3 + c1;
                    var a   = uc1 * uc1 - 2 * denom * n;
                    var b   = uc1 * coef;
                    var v3  = u3 != 0 ? (b - IntegerMath.CeilingSquareRoot(a)) / denom - c2 : h;
                    var v4  = (b + coef - IntegerMath.CeilingSquareRoot(a + 2 * uc1 + 1)) / denom - c2;
                    Debug.Assert(u3 < w);

                    // Compute the V intercept of L3 and L4.  Since the lines are diagonal the intercept
                    // is the same on both U and V axes and v13 = u03 and v14 = u04.
                    var r3 = u3 + v3;
                    var r4 = u4 + v4;
                    Debug.Assert(IntegerMath.Abs(r3 - r4) <= 1);

                    // Count points horizontally or vertically if one axis collapses (or is below our cutoff)
                    // or if the triangle exceeds the bounds of the rectangle.
                    if (u3 <= smallRegionCutoff || v4 <= smallRegionCutoff || r3 > h || r4 > w)
                        if (h > w)
                            sum += CountPoints(w, c1, c2, coef, denom);
                            sum += CountPoints(h, c2, c1, coef, 2 * a2 * b2);

                    // Add the triangle defined L1, L2, and smaller of L3 and L4.
                    var size = IntegerMath.Min(r3, r4);
                    sum += size * (size - 1) / 2;

                    // Adjust for the difference (if any) between L3 and L4.
                    if (r3 != r4)
                        sum += r3 > r4 ? u3 : v4;

                    // Push left region onto the stack.
                    stack.Push(new Region(u3, h - r3, a1, b1, a3, b3, x0 - b1 * r3, y0 + a1 * r3));

                    // Process right region iteratively (no change to a2 and b2).
                    w -= r4;
                    h  = v4;
                    a1 = a3;
                    b1 = b3;
                    x0 = x0 + b2 * r4;
                    y0 = y0 - a2 * r4;

                // Any more regions to process?
                if (stack.Count == 0)

                // Pop a region off the stack for processing.
                var region = stack.Pop();
                w  = region.w;
                h  = region.h;
                a1 = region.a1;
                b1 = region.b1;
                a2 = region.a2;
                b2 = region.b2;
                x0 = region.x0;
                y0 = region.y0;

            // Return the sum of lattice points in this region.
        public MertensRangeBasic(MobiusRange mobius, long nmax)
            this.mobius = mobius;
            this.nmax   = nmax;
            threads     = mobius.Threads;

            u   = Math.Max((long)IntegerMath.FloorPower((BigInteger)nmax, 2, 3) * C1 / C2, IntegerMath.CeilingSquareRoot(nmax));
            ulo = Math.Min(u, maximumBatchSize);
            mlo = new int[ulo];
            mobius.GetSums(1, ulo + 1, mlo, 0);
예제 #9
        public long Evaluate(long n)
            if (n <= 0)

            this.n         = n;
            u              = Math.Max((long)IntegerMath.FloorPower((BigInteger)n, 2, 3) * C1 / C2, IntegerMath.CeilingSquareRoot(n));
            u              = DownToOdd(u);
            imax           = n / u;
            this.mobius    = new MobiusRange(imax + 1, threads);
            this.mobiusOdd = new MobiusOddRange(u + 2, threads);
            var batchSize = Math.Min(u + 1, maximumBatchSize);

            mu = new sbyte[imax];
            m  = new int[batchSize >> 1];

            sum = 0;
            mobius.GetValues(1, imax + 1, mu);
            var m0 = 0;

            for (var x = (long)1; x <= u; x += maximumBatchSize)
                var xstart = x;
                var xend   = Math.Min(xstart + maximumBatchSize - 2, u);
                m0 = mobiusOdd.GetSums(xstart, xend + 2, m, m0);
                ProcessBatch(xstart, xend);
            return(mi1 - sum);
        public long Evaluate(long n)
            if (n <= 0)

            this.n = n;
            u      = Math.Max((long)IntegerMath.FloorPower((BigInteger)n, 2, 3) * C1 / C2, IntegerMath.CeilingSquareRoot(n));

            if (u <= wheelSize)
                return(new MertensFunctionDR(threads).Evaluate(n));

            imax   = (int)(n / u);
            mobius = new MobiusRange(u + 1, threads);
            var batchSize = Math.Min(u, maximumBatchSize);

            m  = new int[batchSize];
            mx = new long[imax + 1];
            r  = new int[imax + 1];

            lmax = 0;
            for (var i = 1; i <= imax; i += 2)
                if (wheelInclude[(i % wheelSize) >> 1])
                    r[lmax++] = i;
            Array.Resize(ref r, lmax);

            if (threads > 1)
                var costs       = new double[threads];
                var bucketLists = new List <int> [threads];
                for (var thread = 0; thread < threads; thread++)
                    bucketLists[thread] = new List <int>();
                for (var l = 0; l < lmax; l++)
                    var i       = r[l];
                    var cost    = Math.Sqrt(n / i);
                    var addto   = 0;
                    var mincost = costs[0];
                    for (var thread = 0; thread < threads; thread++)
                        if (costs[thread] < mincost)
                            mincost = costs[thread];
                            addto   = thread;
                    costs[addto] += cost;
                buckets = new int[threads][];
                for (var thread = 0; thread < threads; thread++)
                    buckets[thread] = bucketLists[thread].ToArray();

            var m0 = 0;

            for (var x = (long)1; x <= u; x += maximumBatchSize)
                var xstart = x;
                var xend   = Math.Min(xstart + maximumBatchSize - 1, u);
                m0 = mobius.GetSums(xstart, xend + 1, m, m0);
                ProcessBatch(xstart, xend);
예제 #11
 public BigInteger VFloor(BigInteger u, BigInteger a1, BigInteger b1, BigInteger c1, BigInteger a2, BigInteger b2, BigInteger c2)
     return((2 * (a1 * b2 + b1 * a2) * (u + c1) - a1 + b1 - IntegerMath.CeilingSquareRoot(IntegerMath.Square(2 * (u + c1) - a1 - b1) - 4 * a1 * b1 * n)) / (4 * a1 * b1) - c2);
예제 #12
 public BigInteger UFloor(BigInteger v, BigInteger a1, BigInteger b1, BigInteger c1, BigInteger a2, BigInteger b2, BigInteger c2)
     return((2 * (a1 * b2 + b1 * a2) * (v + c2) + a2 - b2 - IntegerMath.CeilingSquareRoot(IntegerMath.Square(2 * (v + c2) - a2 - b2) - 4 * a2 * b2 * n)) / (4 * a2 * b2) - c1);
예제 #13
        public MertensRangeDR(MobiusRange mobius, long nmax)
            this.mobius = mobius;
            this.nmax   = nmax;
            threads     = mobius.Threads;

            u      = Math.Max((long)IntegerMath.FloorPower((BigInteger)nmax, 2, 3) * C1 / C2, IntegerMath.CeilingSquareRoot(nmax));
            ulo    = Math.Max(Math.Min(u, maximumBatchSize), minimumLowSize);
            mlo    = new int[ulo];
            values = new sbyte[ulo];
            mobius.GetValuesAndSums(1, ulo + 1, values, mlo, 0);