private void btnWellFormNess_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { ListBox1.Items.Clear(); RichTextBox1.SaveFile(xmlFileName, RichTextBoxStreamType.PlainText); IsWellFormedXml = true; using (FileStream stream = File.OpenRead(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "PatentEnhancedPrioritySubstanceIndexing-2.3.xsd")) { XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings(); XmlSchema schema = XmlSchema.Read(stream, OnXmlSyntaxError); settings.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema; settings.Schemas.Add(schema); settings.ValidationEventHandler += OnXmlSyntaxError; string strError = ""; using (XmlReader validator = XmlReader.Create(txtXmlFile.Text.Trim(), settings)) { try { // Validate the entire xml file while (validator.Read()) { lineInf = (IXmlLineInfo)validator; } } catch (Exception ex) { if (lineInf.HasLineInfo()) { strError = lineInf.LineNumber.ToString() + ": " + lineInf.LinePosition.ToString() + " " + ex.Message; } ListBox1.Items.Add(strError); } } } if (IsWellFormedXml) { MessageBox.Show("Wellformed XML", "Wellformed", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling_NTS.WriteErrorLog(ex.ToString()); } }
private void OnXmlSyntaxError(object sender, ValidationEventArgs args) { try { IsWellFormedXml = false; strError = lineInf.LineNumber.ToString() + ": " + lineInf.LinePosition.ToString() + " " + args.Message; ListBox1.Items.Add(strError); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling_NTS.WriteErrorLog(ex.ToString()); } }
private void exportToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string strTanNumber = ""; string strSrcCntrl = ""; DataTable dtTanDetails = GetTanDetailsTableFromActiveForm(out strTanNumber, out strSrcCntrl); if (dtTanDetails != null) { if (dtTanDetails.Rows.Count > 0) { if (strTanNumber.Trim() != "") { Forms.frmExportOpts objfrmExp = new Forms.frmExportOpts(); ArrayList availProplst = GetExportListOnSourceControl(strSrcCntrl); objfrmExp.AvailProps = availProplst; if (objfrmExp.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string strFilepath = objfrmExp.FolderPath + "\\" + strTanNumber + ".sdf"; if (Export.PepsiLite_Export.EmportToSdFile(strFilepath, dtTanDetails, objfrmExp.SelectedProps)) { MessageBox.Show("Data exported to sd file successfully", "Export", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please specify TAN Number", "Export", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } else { MessageBox.Show("No data is available to export", "Export", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } else { MessageBox.Show("No data is available to export", "Export", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling_NTS.WriteErrorLog(ex.ToString()); } }
private void frmReviewer_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { ucChemProps_Navigation1.FileName = FileName; ucChemProps_Navigation1.TANNumber = TANNumber; ucChemProps_Navigation1.LoadMolecules(); this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling_NTS.WriteErrorLog(ex.ToString()); } }
public static bool SetChemaxonLicenseFilePath(string licFilePath) { bool blStatus = false; try { LicenseManager.setLicenseFile(licFilePath); return(blStatus = true); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling_NTS.WriteErrorLog(ex.ToString()); } return(blStatus); }
private void TabControl1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (TabControl1.SelectedIndex == 1) { RichTextBox1.SaveFile(xmlFileName, RichTextBoxStreamType.PlainText); webBrowser1.Navigate(xmlFileName); } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling_NTS.WriteErrorLog(ex.ToString()); } }
public static bool ValidateXmlAgainstSchema(string xmlFilename, string schemaFilename, out string errmsg) { bool blStatus = false; XmlValidatingReader validator = null; try { XmlTextReader xmlTRdr = new XmlTextReader(xmlFilename); validator = new XmlValidatingReader(xmlTRdr); validator.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema; XmlSchemaCollection xmlSchColl = new XmlSchemaCollection(); xmlSchColl.Add(null, schemaFilename); validator.Schemas.Add(xmlSchColl); blValidateFail = false; validator.ValidationEventHandler += new ValidationEventHandler(ValidationEventHandler); while (validator.Read()) { if (blValidateFail) { break; } } if (blValidateFail) { blStatus = false; } else { blStatus = true; } } catch (XmlException ex) { ErrorHandling_NTS.WriteErrorLog(ex.ToString()); } finally { validator.Close(); } errmsg = strErrMSg; return(blStatus); }
private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (rbnOpenEye.Checked) { if (renditor_OpenEye.MolfileString != null) { SelectedMol = renditor_OpenEye.MolfileString; this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("No Molecule in the OpenEye"); } } else if (rbnChemDraw.Checked) { if (renditor_ChemDraw.MolfileString != null) { SelectedMol = renditor_ChemDraw.MolfileString; this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("No Molecule in the ChemDraw"); } } else if (rbnChemAxon.Checked) { if (renditor_ChemAxon.MolfileString != null) { SelectedMol = renditor_ChemAxon.MolfileString; this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("No Molecule in the ChemAxon"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling_NTS.WriteErrorLog(ex.ToString()); } }
private void DisableMenuItems() { try { browsePDFToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; exportToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; XMLToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; queryToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; EnumtoolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; setttingsToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; dictionaryToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling_NTS.WriteErrorLog(ex.ToString()); } }
private void frmMain_PepsiLite_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { CheckAndSetEnvironVariable.SetEnvironmentVariableEx(strEnvVarName, strEnvVarVal); CheckAndSetEnvironVariable.SetChemaxonLicenseFilePath(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "license.cxl"); //Disable menu Items DisableMenuItems(); //Open Login form loginToolStripMenuItem_Click(null, null); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling_NTS.WriteErrorLog(ex.ToString()); } }
private void frmXMLViewer_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { txtFileName.Text = _filename; xmlGridView1.DataFilePath = txtFileName.Text; xmlGridView1.DataSetTableIndex = 0; SetBehavior(); this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling_NTS.WriteErrorLog(ex.ToString()); } }
public static int GetDuplicateRecordsCount(string filename, out int totalreccnt) { int intDupRecCnt = 0; int intTotalRecCnt = 0; try { MolInputStream molInStream = new MolInputStream(new FileInputStream(filename)); MolImporter molImp = new MolImporter(molInStream); Molecule objMol = new Molecule(); bool blIsChiral = false; string strInchiKey = ""; ArrayList molInchiList = new ArrayList(); while ( { objMol = StandardizeMolecule(objMol, out blIsChiral); strInchiKey = objMol.toFormat("inchi:key"); strInchiKey = Validations.GetInchiKeyFromInchiString(strInchiKey); if (!molInchiList.Contains(strInchiKey)) { molInchiList.Add(strInchiKey); } else { intDupRecCnt++; } intTotalRecCnt++; } molImp.close(); molInStream.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling_NTS.WriteErrorLog(ex.ToString()); } totalreccnt = intTotalRecCnt; return(intDupRecCnt); }
private void AssignMolsToControls() { try { if (OpenEyeMol.Trim() != "") { txtError_OpenEye.Visible = false; renditor_OpenEye.MolfileString = OpenEyeMol; } else { txtError_OpenEye.Visible = true; txtError_OpenEye.Text = Error_OpenEye; } if (ChemDrawMol.Trim() != "") { txtError_ChemDraw.Visible = false; renditor_ChemDraw.MolfileString = ChemDrawMol; } else { txtError_ChemDraw.Visible = true; txtError_ChemDraw.Text = Error_ChemDraw; } if (ChemAxonMol.Trim() != "") { txtError_ChemAxon.Visible = false; renditor_ChemAxon.MolfileString = ChemAxonMol; } else { txtError_ChemAxon.Visible = true; txtError_ChemAxon.Text = Error_ChemAxon; } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling_NTS.WriteErrorLog(ex.ToString()); } }
private void RebuildTANDetailsTable_Enum(ref DataTable _dtEnumdetails, string _pageno, string _pagelabel, string _exampleno, string _tableno) { try { if (_dtEnumdetails != null) { if (_dtEnumdetails.Rows.Count > 0) { if (!_dtEnumdetails.Columns.Contains("page_number")) { _dtEnumdetails.Columns.Add("page_number", typeof(int)); } if (!_dtEnumdetails.Columns.Contains("page_label")) { _dtEnumdetails.Columns.Add("page_label", typeof(string)); } if (!_dtEnumdetails.Columns.Contains("example_number")) { _dtEnumdetails.Columns.Add("example_number", typeof(string)); } if (!_dtEnumdetails.Columns.Contains("table_number")) { _dtEnumdetails.Columns.Add("table_number", typeof(string)); } for (int rowindx = 0; rowindx < _dtEnumdetails.Rows.Count; rowindx++) { _dtEnumdetails.Rows[rowindx]["page_number"] = Convert.ToInt32(_pageno); _dtEnumdetails.Rows[rowindx]["page_label"] = _pagelabel; _dtEnumdetails.Rows[rowindx]["example_number"] = _exampleno; _dtEnumdetails.Rows[rowindx]["table_number"] = _tableno; } _dtEnumdetails.AcceptChanges(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling_NTS.WriteErrorLog(ex.ToString()); } }
private void loginToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Forms.frmLogin objLogin = new Forms.frmLogin(); if (objLogin.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { if (objLogin.SubmitClick) { EnableMenuItems(objLogin.UserRole); statStripLbl_User.Visible = true; statStripLbl_User.Text = Classes.Generic_PepsiLite.UserRole + ": " + Classes.Generic_PepsiLite.UserName; } } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling_NTS.WriteErrorLog(ex.ToString()); } }
private ArrayList GetExportListOnSourceControl(string _srcCntrl) { ArrayList availProplst = new ArrayList(); try { if (_srcCntrl.Trim() != "") { if (_srcCntrl.Trim().ToUpper() == "FRMCURATOR" || _srcCntrl.Trim().ToUpper() == "FRMQRYDUPLICATES") { availProplst.Add("Structure"); availProplst.Add("Mol Weight"); availProplst.Add("Mol Formula"); availProplst.Add("IUPAC Name"); availProplst.Add("Page Number"); availProplst.Add("Page Label"); availProplst.Add("Example Number"); availProplst.Add("En Name"); availProplst.Add("Table Number"); } else if (_srcCntrl.Trim().ToUpper() == "FRMRGRPENUM") { availProplst.Add("Structure"); availProplst.Add("Mol Weight"); availProplst.Add("Mol Formula"); availProplst.Add("IUPAC Name"); availProplst.Add("Page Number"); availProplst.Add("Page Label"); availProplst.Add("Example Number"); availProplst.Add("Table Number"); } return(availProplst); } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling_NTS.WriteErrorLog(ex.ToString()); } return(availProplst); }
public static bool CheckForV3000Format(string molfilestring) { bool blIsV3000 = false; try { if (molfilestring != "") { int v3000 = molfilestring.IndexOf("V3000"); if (v3000 == -1) { blIsV3000 = false; } else { blIsV3000 = true; } #region Code Commented //MolHandler mHandler = new MolHandler(molfilestring); //int atomCnt = mHandler.getAtomCount(); //if (atomCnt > 999) //{ // blIsV3000 = true; //} //else //{ // blIsV3000 = false; //} #endregion } return(blIsV3000); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling_NTS.WriteErrorLog(ex.ToString()); } return(blIsV3000); }
private void ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string SelItem = null; int linN = 0; int colN = 0; SelItem = ListBox1.SelectedItem.ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelItem)) { linN = Convert.ToInt16(Regex.Replace(SelItem, "([0-9]+): ([0-9]+)(.*)", "$1")); colN = Convert.ToInt16(Regex.Replace(SelItem, "([0-9]+): ([0-9]+)(.*)", "$2")); MatchCollection mc = default(MatchCollection); int i = 0; int totc = 0; mc = Regex.Matches(RichTextBox1.Text, "\\n", RegexOptions.Singleline); try { RichTextBox1.Select(mc[linN - 2].Index + colN, 2); RichTextBox1.SelectionColor = Color.Blue; RichTextBox1.Focus(); } catch (Exception ex) { RichTextBox1.Focus(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling_NTS.WriteErrorLog(ex.ToString()); } }
public static double GetStructureMolWeight_MolFormula(string _molfilestring, out string _molformula) { double dblMolWeight = 0.0; string strMolFormula = ""; try { MolHandler mHandler = new MolHandler(_molfilestring); dblMolWeight = mHandler.calcMolWeight(); strMolFormula = mHandler.calcMolFormula(); _molformula = strMolFormula; return(dblMolWeight); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling_NTS.WriteErrorLog(ex.ToString()); } _molformula = strMolFormula; return(dblMolWeight); }
public static string GetConvertedMolString(string MolString) { string strConv64 = ""; try { if (MolString != "") { byte[] byteArr = StringToByteArray(MolString); if (byteArr != null) { strConv64 = Convert.ToBase64String(byteArr); } } return(strConv64); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling_NTS.WriteErrorLog(ex.ToString()); } return(strConv64); }
private void btnBrowsePDFFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { openFileDialog1.Filter = "PDF|*.pdf"; if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string strFileName = openFileDialog1.FileName; if (strFileName.Trim() != "") { txtFileName.Text = strFileName; pdfDocBrow.IsAccessible = true; pdfDocBrow.LoadFile(strFileName); pdfDocBrow.Visible = true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling_NTS.WriteErrorLog(ex.ToString()); } }
public static bool SetEnvironmentVariableEx(string environmentVariable, string variableValue) { bool blStatus = false; try { string strEnv = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(environmentVariable); if (strEnv == null) { // Get the write permission to set the environment variable. EnvironmentPermission environmentPermission = new EnvironmentPermission(EnvironmentPermissionAccess.Write, environmentVariable); environmentPermission.Demand(); blStatus = SetEnvironmentVariable(environmentVariable, variableValue); return(blStatus); } } catch (SecurityException ex) { ErrorHandling_NTS.WriteErrorLog(ex.ToString()); } return(blStatus); }
public static string GetStandardizedMolecule(string strMolFile, out bool isChiral_Out) { string strStandMol = ""; bool blIsChiral = false; try { chemaxon.util.MolHandler molHandler = new MolHandler(strMolFile); Molecule molObj = molHandler.getMolecule(); Molecule molObj_Stand = StandardizeMolecule(molObj, out blIsChiral); strStandMol = molObj_Stand.toFormat("mol"); isChiral_Out = blIsChiral; return(strStandMol); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling_NTS.WriteErrorLog(ex.ToString()); } isChiral_Out = blIsChiral; return(strStandMol); }
public static string GetMoleculeWeightAndMolFormula(string molstring, out string molformula_out) { string strMolWeight = ""; string strMolFormula = ""; try { MolHandler mHandler = new MolHandler(molstring); float fltMolWeight = mHandler.calcMolWeight(); strMolFormula = mHandler.calcMolFormula(); strMolWeight = fltMolWeight.ToString(); molformula_out = strMolFormula; return(strMolWeight); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling_NTS.WriteErrorLog(ex.ToString()); } molformula_out = strMolFormula; return(strMolWeight); }
private void EnableMenuItems(string _userrole) { try { loginToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; browsePDFToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true; exportToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true; queryToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true; EnumtoolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true; setttingsToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true; if (_userrole.Trim().ToUpper() == "REVIEWER") { XMLToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true; userAccountsToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; } else if (_userrole.Trim().ToUpper() == "ADMINISTRATOR") { XMLToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true; userAccountsToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true; dictionaryToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true; } else if (_userrole.Trim().ToUpper() == "CURATOR") { XMLToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; userAccountsToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling_NTS.WriteErrorLog(ex.ToString()); } }
public static bool IsValidTanNumber(string tanNumString) { bool blStatus = false; try { Regex regExp = new Regex("[0-9]{8}[A-Z]{1}$", RegexOptions.Singleline); MatchCollection matchColl = regExp.Matches(tanNumString); if (matchColl.Count > 0) { blStatus = true; } else { blStatus = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling_NTS.WriteErrorLog(ex.ToString()); } return(blStatus); }
public static bool WriteXmlFileUsingDataTable(DataTable _dtTandetails, string _tannumber, string outxmlfile) { bool blStatus = false; try { if (_dtTandetails != null) { if (_dtTandetails.Rows.Count > 0) { patentInfo patentInfo_Obj = new patentInfo(); patentInfo_Obj.tan = _tannumber; patentInfo_Obj.language = languageType.en; int intMolCnt = _dtTandetails.Rows.Count; patentLocation patLoc = null; name[] name_Arr = null; name name_obj = null; names names_Arr = null; nameType namType = null; structureDataType structDtype = null; string[] strIUpacName = null; propheticSubstance propSubstance_Obj = null; propheticSubstance[] propSubstance_Arr = new propheticSubstance[intMolCnt]; propheticSubstances propSubstances_Obj = null; patent patent_Obj = new patent(); int intCntr = 0; string strMol = ""; byte[] barr_Mol = null; int v3000 = 0; double nullMol = 0.0; MolHandler objMHandler = null; for (int i = 0; i < _dtTandetails.Rows.Count; i++) { objMHandler = new MolHandler(_dtTandetails.Rows[i]["structure"].ToString()); v3000 = 0; v3000 = objMHandler.toFormat("mol").IndexOf("V3000"); nullMol = 0.0; nullMol = objMHandler.calcMolWeight(); barr_Mol = null; if (v3000 == -1 && nullMol != 0) { patLoc = new patentLocation(); patLoc.pageLabel = _dtTandetails.Rows[i]["page_label"].ToString(); patLoc.pageNumber = _dtTandetails.Rows[i]["page_number"].ToString(); patLoc.exampleLabel = _dtTandetails.Rows[i]["example_number"].ToString(); name_obj = new name(); name_obj.lang = languageType.en; string[] strArr_EnName = new string[1]; strArr_EnName[0] = _dtTandetails.Rows[i]["en_name"].ToString(); name_obj.Text = strArr_EnName; name_Arr = new name[1]; name_Arr[0] = name_obj; strIUpacName = new string[1]; strIUpacName[0] = _dtTandetails.Rows[i]["iupac_name"].ToString(); namType = new nameType(); namType.Text = strIUpacName; names_Arr = new names(); names_Arr.IUPACName = namType; = name_Arr; strMol = _dtTandetails.Rows[i]["structure"].ToString(); barr_Mol = null; barr_Mol = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(strMol); structDtype = new structureDataType(); structDtype.Value = barr_Mol; propSubstance_Obj = new propheticSubstance(); propSubstance_Obj.structureData = structDtype; propSubstance_Obj.patentLocation = patLoc; propSubstance_Obj.names = names_Arr; propSubstance_Arr[intCntr] = propSubstance_Obj; intCntr++; } } propSubstances_Obj = new propheticSubstances(); propSubstances_Obj.propheticSubstance = propSubstance_Arr; patent_Obj.patentInfo = patentInfo_Obj; patent_Obj.propheticSubstances = propSubstances_Obj; // Serialization XmlSerializer xmlSer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(patent)); TextWriter txtWriter = new StreamWriter(outxmlfile); xmlSer.Serialize(txtWriter, patent_Obj); txtWriter.Close(); txtWriter.Dispose(); blStatus = true; return(blStatus); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling_NTS.WriteErrorLog(ex.ToString()); } return(blStatus); }
public static bool WriteXmlFile(string infilename, string tannumber, string outputfilepath) { System.IO.StreamWriter sWriter = null; try { sWriter = new System.IO.StreamWriter(outputfilepath); //xml file header information sWriter.WriteLine("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>"); sWriter.WriteLine("<patent xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=\"PatentEnhancedPrioritySubstanceIndexing-2.3.xsd\">"); sWriter.WriteLine("<patentInfo>"); sWriter.WriteLine("<tan>" + tannumber + "</tan>"); sWriter.WriteLine("<language>en</language>"); sWriter.WriteLine("</patentInfo>"); sWriter.WriteLine("<propheticSubstances>"); //Specify input file to MolInputStream object MolInputStream molInStream = new MolInputStream(new FileInputStream(infilename)); MolImporter molImp = new MolImporter(molInStream); Molecule mol = new Molecule(); //Declare mol property variables string strPage_No = ""; string strPage_Lbl = ""; string strExample_Lbl = ""; string strEn_name = ""; string strIUPAC_Name = ""; string strStandMol = ""; string strMolBase64 = ""; //Read molecules from molImporter while ( { sWriter.WriteLine("<propheticSubstance>"); sWriter.WriteLine("<patentLocation>"); //Page No strPage_No = ""; strPage_No = mol.getProperty("Page Number").Trim(); sWriter.WriteLine("<pageNumber>" + strPage_No + "</pageNumber>"); //Page Label strPage_Lbl = ""; strPage_Lbl = mol.getProperty("Page Label").Trim(); sWriter.WriteLine("<pageLabel>" + strPage_Lbl + "</pageLabel>"); //Example label strExample_Lbl = ""; strExample_Lbl = mol.getProperty("Example Number").Trim(); sWriter.WriteLine("<exampleLabel>" + strExample_Lbl + "</exampleLabel>"); sWriter.WriteLine("</patentLocation>"); sWriter.WriteLine("<names>"); //en Name strEn_name = ""; strEn_name = mol.getProperty("en name").Trim();//En Name sWriter.WriteLine("<name lang=\"en\">" + strEn_name + "</name>"); //IUPAC Name strIUPAC_Name = ""; strIUPAC_Name = mol.getProperty("IUPAC Name").Trim(); sWriter.WriteLine("<IUPACName>" + strIUPAC_Name + "</IUPACName>"); sWriter.WriteLine("</names>"); //Check here for V2000 format, if not write in error log string mol2d = mol.toFormat("mol"); int v3000 = mol2d.IndexOf("V3000"); if (v3000 != -1) { //System.out.println("V3000 Error has occured! at Molecule Number: " + molCount + " in SDF file " + fileName); //System.exit(0); } double nullMol = mol.getExactMass(); if (nullMol == 0) { //System.out.println("NULL Mol Error has occured! at Molecule Number: " + molCount + " in SDF file " + fileName); //System.exit(0); } strStandMol = ""; strStandMol = mol.toFormat("mol");//MoleculeStandardizer.GetStandardizedMolecule(mol.toFormat("mol")); strMolBase64 = ""; strMolBase64 = ConvertToBase64.GetConvertedMolString(strStandMol); sWriter.WriteLine("<structureData encoding=\"Base64\" type=\"MDL Molfile V2000\">" + strMolBase64 + "</structureData>");//Base64 Molstring sWriter.WriteLine("</propheticSubstance>"); } sWriter.WriteLine("</propheticSubstances>"); sWriter.WriteLine("</patent>"); sWriter.Close(); sWriter.Dispose(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling_NTS.WriteErrorLog(ex.ToString()); } finally { sWriter.Close(); sWriter.Dispose(); } return(true); }
public static bool WriteXmlFileUsingXSD(string infilename, string tannumber, string outputfilepath) { bool blStatus = false; try { patentInfo patentInfo_Obj = new patentInfo(); patentInfo_Obj.tan = tannumber; patentInfo_Obj.language = languageType.en; //Specify input file to MolInputStream object MolInputStream molInStream = new MolInputStream(new FileInputStream(infilename)); MolImporter molImp = new MolImporter(molInStream); Molecule mol = new Molecule(); //int intMolCnt = molImp.getRecordCount(); int intMolCnt = ChemistryOperations.GetMoleculeCountFromFile(infilename); patentLocation patLoc = null; name[] name_Arr = null; name name_obj = null; names names_Arr = null; nameType namType = null; structureDataType structDtype = null; string[] strIUpacName = null; propheticSubstance propSubstance_Obj = null; propheticSubstance[] propSubstance_Arr = new propheticSubstance[intMolCnt]; propheticSubstances propSubstances_Obj = null; patent patent_Obj = new patent(); int intCntr = 0; //Read molecules from molImporter while ( { patLoc = new patentLocation(); patLoc.pageLabel = mol.getProperty("Page Label"); patLoc.pageNumber = mol.getProperty("Page Number"); patLoc.exampleLabel = mol.getProperty("Example Number"); name_Arr = new name[1]; name_obj = new name(); name_obj.lang = languageType.en; string[] strArr_EnName = new string[1]; strArr_EnName[0] = mol.getProperty("en name").Trim(); name_obj.Text = strArr_EnName; name_Arr[0] = name_obj; strIUpacName = new string[1]; strIUpacName[0] = mol.getProperty("IUPAC Name").Trim(); namType = new nameType(); namType.Text = strIUpacName; names_Arr = new names(); names_Arr.IUPACName = namType; = name_Arr; string strMol = mol.toFormat("mol"); int v3000 = strMol.IndexOf("V3000"); double nullMol = mol.getExactMass(); byte[] barr_Mol = null; if (v3000 == -1 && nullMol != 0) { barr_Mol = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(strMol); } structDtype = new structureDataType(); structDtype.Value = barr_Mol; propSubstance_Obj = new propheticSubstance(); propSubstance_Obj.structureData = structDtype; propSubstance_Obj.patentLocation = patLoc; propSubstance_Obj.names = names_Arr; propSubstance_Arr[intCntr] = propSubstance_Obj; intCntr++; } propSubstances_Obj = new propheticSubstances(); propSubstances_Obj.propheticSubstance = propSubstance_Arr; patent_Obj.patentInfo = patentInfo_Obj; patent_Obj.propheticSubstances = propSubstances_Obj; // Serialization XmlSerializer xmlSer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(patent)); TextWriter txtWriter = new StreamWriter(outputfilepath); xmlSer.Serialize(txtWriter, patent_Obj); txtWriter.Close(); txtWriter.Dispose(); molInStream.close(); molImp.close(); blStatus = true; return(blStatus); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling_NTS.WriteErrorLog(ex.ToString()); } return(blStatus); }
public static bool GetStructureFromCompoundName(string strCompName, out string molstring_out, out bool ischiral_out, out string errmessage_out) { bool blStatus = false; string strMolString = ""; string strErrMessage = ""; bool blIsChiral = false; try { string strDirPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.ToString(); string strExePath = strDirPath + "nam2mol.exe"; string strInputFileName = "CompName.txt"; string strOutputFileName = "CompStructure.mol"; if (System.IO.File.Exists(strDirPath + strInputFileName)) { System.IO.File.Delete(strDirPath + strInputFileName); } System.IO.StreamWriter sWriter = new System.IO.StreamWriter(strDirPath + strInputFileName); sWriter.WriteLine(strCompName.Trim()); sWriter.Close(); sWriter.Dispose(); if (System.IO.File.Exists(strDirPath + strOutputFileName)) { System.IO.File.Delete(strDirPath + strOutputFileName); } //ProcessStartInfo class ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; startInfo.UseShellExecute = false; startInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; startInfo.FileName = @"" + strExePath + ""; startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; startInfo.Arguments = @"-in """ + strDirPath + strInputFileName + @""" -out """ + strDirPath + strOutputFileName + @""" -depict true"; //startInfo.Arguments = @"-in """ + strDirPath + strInputFileName + @""" -depict true"; string strErrMsg = ""; try { using (Process exeProcess = Process.Start(startInfo)) { strErrMsg = exeProcess.StandardError.ReadToEnd(); exeProcess.WaitForExit(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling_NTS.WriteErrorLog(ex.ToString()); } //Read Output molecule from outputfile StreamReader sReader = new StreamReader(strDirPath + strOutputFileName); string newMolfileString; newMolfileString = sReader.ReadToEnd(); //Standardize the molecule string strStandMol = GetStandardizedMolecule(newMolfileString, out blIsChiral); sReader.Close(); sReader.Dispose(); if (newMolfileString != "") { strMolString = strStandMol; molstring_out = strMolString; errmessage_out = ""; ischiral_out = blIsChiral; blStatus = true; return(blStatus); } else { strErrMessage = strErrMsg; molstring_out = ""; ischiral_out = blIsChiral; errmessage_out = strErrMessage; blStatus = false; return(blStatus); } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandling_NTS.WriteErrorLog(ex.ToString()); } molstring_out = ""; ischiral_out = blIsChiral; errmessage_out = strErrMessage; return(blStatus); }