예제 #1
파일: Terrain.cs 프로젝트: GodLesZ/svn-dump
		public Terrain( Game game, IHeightMap heightMap, ICamera camera )
			: base( game ) {
			mGame = game;
			mHeightMap = heightMap;
			mCamera = camera;
			mTerrainCells = new List<TerrainCell>();
예제 #2
        public GeoMipmap(IHeightMap map, int patchsize, float scale,float heightscale)
            int count;

            if (map.Size.X != map.Size.Y)
                throw new Exception("map.Size.X!=map.Size.Y");
            if (IsPowerOf2(map.Size.X - 1))
                count = (map.Size.X - 1) / (patchsize - 1);
            else if (IsPowerOf2(map.Size.X))
                count = map.Size.X / (patchsize - 1);
                throw new Exception("!IsPowerOf2(map.Size.X-1)");
            if (map.Size.X < patchsize)
                throw new Exception("map.Size.X<patchvertexsize");

            int levels = (int)(Math.Log((double)(patchsize - 1)) / Math.Log(2.0)) + 1;

            Levels = GenerateLevels(levels,patchsize);
            Patches = GeneratePatches(map, patchsize, count, scale,heightscale);

            Size = scale * count;

            Lod = new int[count, count];
            System.Console.WriteLine("terrain: " + map.Size.X + "x" + map.Size.X + "+size=" + Size.ToString() + " patchcount=" + count.ToString());
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Build a terrain patch.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="heightmap"></param>
        /// <param name="worldMatrix"></param>
        /// <param name="width"></param>
        /// <param name="depth"></param>
        /// <param name="offsetX"></param>
        /// <param name="offsetZ"></param>
        public void BuildPatch(IHeightMap heightmap, Matrix worldMatrix, int width, int length, int offsetX, int offsetZ)
            mWidth  = width;
            mLength = length;

            mOffsetX = offsetX;
            mOffsetZ = offsetZ;

            mBoundingBox.Min = new Vector3(mOffsetX, float.MaxValue, mOffsetZ);
            mBoundingBox.Max = new Vector3(mOffsetX + mWidth, float.MinValue, mOffsetZ + mLength);


            //BuildVertexBuffer( heightmap );

             * mVertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer( mGame.GraphicsDevice, VertexPositionNormalTexture.SizeInBytes * mVertexPosition.Length, BufferUsage.WriteOnly );
             * mVertexBuffer.SetData<VertexPositionNormalTexture>( mVertexPosition );
             * BuildIndexBuffer();
             * mIndexBuffer = new IndexBuffer( mGame.GraphicsDevice, sizeof( short ) * mIndices.Length, BufferUsage.WriteOnly, IndexElementSize.SixteenBits );
             * mIndexBuffer.SetData<short>( mIndices );
            // Apply the world matrix transformation to the bounding box.
            mBoundingBox.Min = Vector3.Transform(mBoundingBox.Min, worldMatrix);
            mBoundingBox.Max = Vector3.Transform(mBoundingBox.Max, worldMatrix);
 void GenerateIsometric(WallGrid grid, IHeightMap floorHeightMap, IHeightMap ceilingHeightMap)
     ceilingMesh = MeshBuilder.BuildCeiling(grid, ceilingHeightMap);
     outlines    = OutlineGenerator.Generate(ceilingMesh);
     wallMesh    = MeshBuilder.BuildWalls(outlines, floorHeightMap, ceilingHeightMap);
     floorMesh   = MeshBuilder.BuildFloor(grid, floorHeightMap);
예제 #5
		/// <summary>
		/// Build a terrain patch.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="heightmap"></param>
		/// <param name="worldMatrix"></param>
		/// <param name="width"></param>
		/// <param name="depth"></param>
		/// <param name="offsetX"></param>
		/// <param name="offsetZ"></param>
		public void BuildPatch( IHeightMap heightmap, Matrix worldMatrix, int width, int length, int offsetX, int offsetZ ) {
			mWidth = width;
			mLength = length;

			mOffsetX = offsetX;
			mOffsetZ = offsetZ;

			mBoundingBox.Min = new Vector3( mOffsetX, float.MaxValue, mOffsetZ );
			mBoundingBox.Max = new Vector3( mOffsetX + mWidth, float.MinValue, mOffsetZ + mLength );

			BuildBoundingBox( heightmap );

			BuildVertexBuffer( heightmap );
			BuildIndexBuffer( heightmap );
			BuildTerrainTexWeights( heightmap );

			mVertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer( mGame.GraphicsDevice, VertexMultiTextured.SizeInBytes * mPatchVertices.Length, BufferUsage.WriteOnly );
			mVertexBuffer.SetData( mPatchVertices );

			mIndexBuffer = new IndexBuffer( mGame.GraphicsDevice, sizeof( int ) * mPatchIndices.Length, BufferUsage.WriteOnly, IndexElementSize.SixteenBits );
			mIndexBuffer.SetData( mPatchIndices );

			mTerrainVertexDeclaration = new VertexDeclaration( mGame.GraphicsDevice, VertexMultiTextured.VertexElements );

			// Apply the world matrix transformation to the bounding box.
			mBoundingBox.Min = Vector3.Transform( mBoundingBox.Min, worldMatrix );
			mBoundingBox.Max = Vector3.Transform( mBoundingBox.Max, worldMatrix );
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates meshes for a cave.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException"></exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException"></exception>
        public static CaveMeshes GenerateCaveMeshes(WallGrid grid, CaveType type, IHeightMap floorHeightMap, IHeightMap ceilingHeightMap)
            var generator = new MeshGenerator();

            generator.Generate(grid, type, floorHeightMap, ceilingHeightMap);
예제 #7
            public GameObject Generate(ThreeTierCaveConfiguration config, bool randomizeSeeds)
                if (config == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("config");

                string message = config.Validate();

                if (message.Length > 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException(message, "config");

                if (randomizeSeeds)

                Map        map     = config.MapGenerator.Generate();
                IHeightMap floor   = config.FloorHeightMapModule.GetHeightMap();
                IHeightMap ceiling = config.CeilingHeightMapModule.GetHeightMap();

                Map[,] mapChunks         = MapSplitter.Subdivide(map);
                CaveMeshes[,] caveChunks = GenerateCaveChunks(mapChunks, config.CaveType, config.Scale, floor, ceiling);
                ThreeTierCave cave = new ThreeTierCave(caveChunks);

                AssignMaterials(cave, config.FloorMaterial, config.WallMaterial, config.CeilingMaterial);

예제 #8
        public override void Initialise(ref IHeightMap heightMap)
            mHeightCenter = heightMap[mCenter.X, mCenter.Y] - mRadiusRim;
            float maxH = float.MinValue;
            float minH = float.MinValue;

            for (int x = 0; x < heightMap.Width; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < heightMap.Height; y++)
                    float distanceFromCenter = new Point(x, y).DistanceTo(mCenter);
                    bool  inInnerCircle      = distanceFromCenter <= mRadiusRim;
                    bool  inOuterCircle      = !inInnerCircle && (distanceFromCenter < mRadiusOuter);
                    if (inOuterCircle && heightMap[x, y] > maxH)
                        maxH = heightMap[x, y];
                    if (inOuterCircle && heightMap[x, y] < minH)
                        minH = heightMap[x, y];
            mHeightRim   = maxH + mRadiusOuter * 0.10f;
            mHeightOuter = (maxH - minH) / 2.0f;

            base.Initialise(ref heightMap);
예제 #9
        public IPhysicsObject CreateHeightmap(IHeightMap heightMapInfo, float scale, float shiftx, float shifty, float heightscale)
            CollisionSkin collision = new CollisionSkin(null);
            Body          _body     = new Body();

            Array2D field = new Array2D(heightMapInfo.Size.X, heightMapInfo.Size.Y);

            for (int x = 0; x < field.Nx; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < field.Nz; z++)
                    field.SetAt(x, z, heightscale * heightMapInfo.GetHeight(x, z));

            // move the body. The body (because its not connected to the collision
            // skin) is just a dummy. But the base class shoudl know where to
            // draw the model.
            _body.MoveTo(new Vector3(shiftx, 0, shifty), Matrix4.Identity);

            //collision.AddPrimitive(new Heightmap(field, shift.X, shift.Y, heightMapInfo.terrainScale, heightMapInfo.terrainScale), new MaterialProperties(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.6f));
            collision.AddPrimitive(new Heightmap(field, shiftx, shifty, scale, scale), new MaterialProperties(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.6f));

            _body.CollisionSkin = collision;
            _body.Immovable     = true;

            return(new JigLibObject(_body));
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Build the vertex buffer as well as the bounding box.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="heightmap"></param>
        private void BuildVertexBuffer(IHeightMap heightmap)
            int   index  = 0;
            float height = 0f;

            Vector3 position, normal;

            mVertexPosition = new VertexPositionNormalTexture[mWidth * mLength];

            for (int z = mOffsetZ; z < mOffsetZ + mLength; z++)
                for (int x = mOffsetX; x < mOffsetX + mWidth; x++, index++)
                    height   = heightmap[x, z];
                    position = new Vector3((float)x, height, (float)z);

                    mBoundingBox.Min.Y = Math.Min(height, mBoundingBox.Min.Y);
                    mBoundingBox.Max.Y = Math.Max(height, mBoundingBox.Max.Y);

                    ComputeVertexNormal(heightmap, x, z, out normal);

                    mVertexPosition[index] = new VertexPositionNormalTexture(position, normal, new Vector2(x, z));
예제 #11
        public MeshData BuildWalls(WallGrid grid, IHeightMap floorHeightMap, IHeightMap ceilingHeightMap, CaveWallModule caveWall)
            var outlines    = BuildOutlines(grid);
            var wallBuilder = new WallBuilder(outlines, floorHeightMap, ceilingHeightMap, caveWall);

예제 #12
        public bool load(Variant conf, Action onFin)
            this.m_conf = conf;
            bool flag = conf == null;
            bool result;

            if (flag)
                result = false;
                bool flag2 = this.m_conf.ContainsKey("asset");
                if (flag2)
                    Variant variant = this.m_conf["asset"];
                    for (int i = 0; i < variant.Count; i++)
                        Variant variant2 = variant[i];
                        bool    flag3    = variant2.ContainsKey("file");
                        if (flag3)
                            bool flag4 = variant2["cls"]._str == "htmap";
                            if (flag4)
                                this.m_heightmap       = os.physics.createScene3D().createHeightMap();
                                this.m_heightmap.asset = os.asset.getAsset <IAssetHeightMap>(variant2["file"]._str);
                result = true;
        public override GameObject Generate()
            int           scale            = configuration.Scale;
            Map           map              = configuration.MapGenerator.Generate();
            Material      floorMaterial    = configuration.Material;
            IHeightMap    heightMap        = configuration.HeightMapModule.GetHeightMap();
            OutlineModule outlinePrefabber = configuration.OutlineModule;

            GameObject cave = new GameObject("Cave");

            Map[,] mapChunks = MapSplitter.Subdivide(map);
            mapChunks.ForEach((x, y) =>
                Coord index = new Coord(x, y);

                WallGrid grid             = MapConverter.MapToWallGrid(mapChunks[x, y], scale, index);
                List <Vector3[]> outlines = meshGenerator.BuildOutlines(grid);
                CaveMeshes caveMeshes     = BuildCaveMesh(grid, heightMap);
                Sector sector             = BuildSector(caveMeshes, index, cave, floorMaterial);
                GameObject rockAnchor     = BuildRockAnchor(sector.GameObject, index);
                BuildOutline(outlines, outlinePrefabber, rockAnchor.transform);

예제 #14
        private void BuildTerrainTexWeights(IHeightMap mHeightMap)
            int index = 0;

            for (int x = 0; x < mWidth; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < mLength; y++)
                    index = x + y * mWidth;

                    if (mPatchVertices[index].Normal.Y > 0.6f)
                        mPatchVertices[index].TexWeights.X = GetTexWeight(mHeightMap, x, y, 0f, 8f);
                        mPatchVertices[index].TexWeights.Y = GetTexWeight(mHeightMap, x, y, 12f, 6f);
                        mPatchVertices[index].TexWeights.Z = 1.0f - mPatchVertices[index].Normal.Y;
                        mPatchVertices[index].TexWeights.W = GetTexWeight(mHeightMap, x, y, 30f, 6f);
                        mPatchVertices[index].TexWeights.Z = 1.0f;
                        mPatchVertices[index].TexWeights.W = GetTexWeight(mHeightMap, x, y, 30f, 6f);
                    // normalise fuzzy weights -- to sum up to one
                    float total = mPatchVertices[index].TexWeights.X + mPatchVertices[index].TexWeights.Y + mPatchVertices[index].TexWeights.Z + mPatchVertices[index].TexWeights.W;

                    mPatchVertices[index].TexWeights.X /= total;
                    mPatchVertices[index].TexWeights.Y /= total;
                    mPatchVertices[index].TexWeights.Z /= total;
                    mPatchVertices[index].TexWeights.W /= total;
예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Build a terrain patch.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="heightmap"></param>
        /// <param name="worldMatrix"></param>
        /// <param name="width"></param>
        /// <param name="depth"></param>
        /// <param name="offsetX"></param>
        /// <param name="offsetZ"></param>
        public void BuildPatch(IHeightMap heightmap, Matrix worldMatrix, int width, int length, int offsetX, int offsetZ)
            mWidth  = width;
            mLength = length;

            mOffsetX = offsetX;
            mOffsetZ = offsetZ;

            mBoundingBox.Min = new Vector3(mOffsetX, float.MaxValue, mOffsetZ);
            mBoundingBox.Max = new Vector3(mOffsetX + mWidth, float.MinValue, mOffsetZ + mLength);



            mVertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer(mGame.GraphicsDevice, VertexMultiTextured.SizeInBytes * mPatchVertices.Length, BufferUsage.WriteOnly);

            mIndexBuffer = new IndexBuffer(mGame.GraphicsDevice, sizeof(int) * mPatchIndices.Length, BufferUsage.WriteOnly, IndexElementSize.SixteenBits);

            mTerrainVertexDeclaration = new VertexDeclaration(mGame.GraphicsDevice, VertexMultiTextured.VertexElements);

            // Apply the world matrix transformation to the bounding box.
            mBoundingBox.Min = Vector3.Transform(mBoundingBox.Min, worldMatrix);
            mBoundingBox.Max = Vector3.Transform(mBoundingBox.Max, worldMatrix);
예제 #16
        public GeoMipmap(IHeightMap map, int patchsize, float scale, float heightscale)
            int count;

            if (map.Size.X != map.Size.Y)
                throw new Exception("map.Size.X!=map.Size.Y");
            if (IsPowerOf2(map.Size.X - 1))
                count = (map.Size.X - 1) / (patchsize - 1);
            else if (IsPowerOf2(map.Size.X))
                count = map.Size.X / (patchsize - 1);
                throw new Exception("!IsPowerOf2(map.Size.X-1)");
            if (map.Size.X < patchsize)
                throw new Exception("map.Size.X<patchvertexsize");

            int levels = (int)(Math.Log((double)(patchsize - 1)) / Math.Log(2.0)) + 1;

            Levels  = GenerateLevels(levels, patchsize);
            Patches = GeneratePatches(map, patchsize, count, scale, heightscale);

            Size = scale * count;

            Lod = new int[count, count];
            System.Console.WriteLine("terrain: " + map.Size.X + "x" + map.Size.X + "+size=" + Size.ToString() + " patchcount=" + count.ToString());
예제 #17
            CaveMeshes BuildCaveMesh(WallGrid grid, IHeightMap heightMap)
                MeshData floorPreMesh = MeshGenerator.BuildFloor(grid, heightMap);
                Mesh     floorMesh    = floorPreMesh.CreateMesh();

                return(new CaveMeshes(floorMesh));
예제 #18
 public CollisionSphere(Game game, IHeightMap floor, Vector3 startingPosition, int mapScale)
     this.Position       = startingPosition;
     this.model          = game.Content.Load <Model>("sphere");
     this.boneTransforms = new Matrix[this.model.Bones.Count];
     this.mapScale       = mapScale;
     this.Position       = this.OffsetToFloorHeight(Game1.heightMap);
예제 #19
 protected override bool IsInFloorBounds(IHeightMap floor, Vector3 position)
         (position.X + this.radius < floor.Width * this.mapScale &&
          position.X - this.radius > 0 &&
          position.Z - this.radius >= 0 &&
          position.Z + this.radius < floor.Height * this.mapScale);
 static void ApplyHeightMap(Vector3[] vertices, IHeightMap heightMap)
     for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
         Vector3 vertex = vertices[i];
         vertices[i].y = heightMap.GetHeight(vertex.x, vertex.z);
        static MeshData BuildFlatMesh(WallGrid grid, IHeightMap heightMap)
            MeshData mesh = MapTriangulator.Triangulate(grid);

            mesh.uv = ComputeFlatUVArray(mesh.vertices);
            ApplyHeightMap(mesh.vertices, heightMap);
        public static MeshData BuildEnclosure(MeshData floor, IHeightMap heightMap)
            MeshData mesh = floor.Clone();

            ApplyHeightMap(mesh.vertices, heightMap);
예제 #23
        void CreateMesh()
            var        wallGrid  = new WallGrid(new byte[size, size], Vector3.zero);
            IHeightMap heightMap = parameters.ToHeightMap();
            CaveMeshes meshes    = MeshGenerator.GenerateCaveMeshes(wallGrid, CaveType.Isometric, heightMap, heightMap);

            mesh = meshes.Floor;
예제 #24
        public MeshData BuildEnclosure(WallGrid grid, IHeightMap heightMap)
            WallGrid invertedGrid = grid.Invert();
            MeshData mesh         = BuildFlatMesh(invertedGrid, heightMap);

예제 #25
 public CollisionSphere(Game game, IHeightMap floor, Vector3 startingPosition, int mapScale)
     this.Position = startingPosition;
     this.model = game.Content.Load<Model>("sphere");
     this.boneTransforms = new Matrix[this.model.Bones.Count];
     this.mapScale = mapScale;
     this.Position = this.OffsetToFloorHeight(Game1.heightMap);
예제 #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Generate the data necessary to produce meshes for isometric type cave. Generates ceiling, wall and floor meshes.
 /// </summary>
 public void GenerateIsometric(Map map, IHeightMap floorHeightMap, IHeightMap ceilingHeightMap)
     index = map.index;
     GenerateCeiling(map, ceilingHeightMap);
     GenerateFloor(map, floorHeightMap);
 void GenerateEnclosed(WallGrid grid, IHeightMap floorHeightMap, IHeightMap enclosureHeightMap)
     floorMesh   = MeshBuilder.BuildFloor(grid, floorHeightMap);
     outlines    = OutlineGenerator.Generate(floorMesh, reverseOutlines: true);
     ceilingMesh = MeshBuilder.BuildEnclosure(floorMesh, enclosureHeightMap);
     wallMesh    = MeshBuilder.BuildWalls(outlines, floorHeightMap, enclosureHeightMap);
예제 #28
 public NodeIndicator(IHeightMap heightMapProvider, Vector3 mins, Vector3 maxs)
     _status            = NodeStatus.OutOfRange;
     InLastVisibleSet   = InCurVisibleSet = false;
     _heightMapProvider = heightMapProvider;
     _mins = mins;
     _maxs = maxs;
예제 #29
 public Terrain(Game game, IHeightMap heightMap, ICamera camera)
     : base(game)
     mGame         = game;
     mHeightMap    = heightMap;
     mCamera       = camera;
     mTerrainCells = new List <TerrainCell>();
예제 #30
        Mesh CreateMesh()
            var        wallGrid  = new WallGrid(new byte[size, size], Vector3.zero, scale);
            IHeightMap heightMap = heightMapModule.GetHeightMap();
            MeshData   preMesh   = MeshGenerator.BuildFloor(wallGrid, heightMap);

예제 #31
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="source"></param>
 /// <param name="shoreLength">the distance from the start of the beach to the water</param>
 /// <param name="waterLevel"></param>
 /// <param name="shoreHeight">the height as measured from the water level</param>
 /// <param name="type"></param>
 /// <param name="method"></param>
 public HeightMapIslandTrim(IHeightMap source, float shoreLength, float waterLevel, float shoreHeight, IslandShape type, IslandTrimMethod method)
     mSource      = source;
     mWaterLevel  = waterLevel;
     mShoreHeight = shoreHeight;
     mShoreLength = shoreLength;
     mType        = type;
     mMethod      = method;
 public WallBuilder(List <Vector3[]> outlines, IHeightMap floor, IHeightMap ceiling, CaveWallModule walls)
     this.outlines       = outlines;
     floorHeightMap      = floor;
     ceilingHeightMap    = ceiling;
     wallModule          = walls;
     extraVertsPerCorner = wallModule.ExtraVerticesPerCorner;
     totalVertsPerCorner = extraVertsPerCorner + 2;
        public static MeshData Build(Outline[] outlines, IHeightMap floorHeightMap, IHeightMap ceilingHeightMap)
            MeshData mesh = new MeshData();

            mesh.vertices  = GetVertices(outlines, floorHeightMap, ceilingHeightMap);
            mesh.triangles = GetTriangles(outlines);
            mesh.uv        = GetUVs(outlines, mesh.vertices);
예제 #34
        public virtual void Initialise()
            IHeightMap hm = this;

            foreach (var form in Landformations)
                form.Initialise(ref hm);
            Landformations = null;
예제 #35
 /// <summary>
 /// Registers the height map with this manager.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="heightMap">The height map.</param>
 public void RegisterMap(IHeightMap heightMap)
     if (heightMap.isGridBound)
예제 #36
 /// <summary>
 /// Unregisters the height map with this manager.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="heightMap">The height map.</param>
 public void UnregisterMap(IHeightMap heightMap)
     if (heightMap.isGridBound)
예제 #37
        private void BuildVertices(IHeightMap heightMap)
            this.Vertices = new VertexMultitextured[this.vertexCount];
            float[] heightData = Utilities.Utilities.Flatten(heightMap.Data);
            float x = this.position.X,
                  y = this.position.Y,
                  z = this.position.Z,
                  limX = x + this.topSize;

            float minSandHeight = 0,
                  minGrassHeight = 0.3f * heightMap.HighestPeak,
                  minRockHeight = (2 / 3f) * heightMap.HighestPeak,
                  minSnowHeight = heightMap.HighestPeak,
                  sandBracket = (0.2f) * heightMap.HighestPeak,
                  grassBracket = 0.2f * heightMap.HighestPeak,
                  rockBracket = 0.2f * heightMap.HighestPeak,
                  snowBracket = 0.2f * heightMap.HighestPeak;

            for (int ndx = 0; ndx < this.vertexCount; ++ndx)
                float height = heightData[ndx];
                if (x > limX)
                    x = this.position.X;

                this.Vertices[ndx].Position = new Vector3(x * this.scale, (height) * this.scale - heightMap.HeightOffset, z * this.scale);
                this.Vertices[ndx].Normal = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                this.Vertices[ndx].TextureCoordinate.X = (this.Vertices[ndx].Position.X - this.position.X) / this.topSize;
                this.Vertices[ndx].TextureCoordinate.Y = (this.Vertices[ndx].Position.Z - this.position.Z) / this.topSize;

                #region Texture weight calculation
                this.Vertices[ndx].TextureWeights.X = MathHelper.Clamp(1f - Math.Abs(height - minSandHeight) / sandBracket, 0, 1);
                this.Vertices[ndx].TextureWeights.Y = MathHelper.Clamp(1f - Math.Abs(height - minGrassHeight) / grassBracket, 0, 1);
                this.Vertices[ndx].TextureWeights.Z = MathHelper.Clamp(1f - Math.Abs(height - minRockHeight) / rockBracket, 0, 1);
                this.Vertices[ndx].TextureWeights.W = MathHelper.Clamp(1f - Math.Abs(height - minSnowHeight) / snowBracket, 0, 1);

                float totalWeight = this.Vertices[ndx].TextureWeights.X
                    + this.Vertices[ndx].TextureWeights.Y
                    + this.Vertices[ndx].TextureWeights.Z
                    + this.Vertices[ndx].TextureWeights.W;
                this.Vertices[ndx].TextureWeights.X /= totalWeight;
                this.Vertices[ndx].TextureWeights.Y /= totalWeight;
                this.Vertices[ndx].TextureWeights.Z /= totalWeight;
                this.Vertices[ndx].TextureWeights.W /= totalWeight;

예제 #38
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TreeVertexCollection" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position">The position of the top-left terrain corner in the 3D space.</param>
        /// <param name="heightMap">The height map.</param>
        /// <param name="scale">The scale.</param>
        public TreeVertexCollection(
            Vector3 position,
            IHeightMap heightMap,
            int scale)
            this.position = position;
            this.scale = scale;
            this.topSize = heightMap.Width - 1;
            this.halfSize = this.topSize / 2;
            this.vertexCount = heightMap.Width * heightMap.Height;

예제 #39
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ColoredTerrain" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="heightMap">The height map.</param>
        /// <param name="coloringMethod">The coloring method.</param>
        public ColoredTerrain(GraphicsDevice device, IHeightMap heightMap, IHeightToColorTranslationMethod coloringMethod)
            this.effect = new BasicEffect(device);
            this.effect.VertexColorEnabled = true;
            Vector3 lightDir = new Vector3(1, -1, -1);
            this.effect.LightingEnabled = true;
            this.effect.PreferPerPixelLighting = true;
            this.effect.DirectionalLight0.Direction = lightDir;

            this.Width = heightMap.Width;
            this.Height = heightMap.Height;
            this.heightMap = heightMap;
            this.coloringMethod = coloringMethod;

예제 #40
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ColoredTerrain" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="heightMap">The height map.</param>
        /// <param name="coloringMethod">The coloring method.</param>
        public MultiTexturedTerrain(GraphicsDevice device, ContentManager content, IHeightMap heightMap, int scale = 1)
            this.effect = content.Load<Effect>("Multitexture");
            this.sand = content.Load<Texture>("sand");
            this.grass = content.Load<Texture>("grass");
            this.rock = content.Load<Texture>("rock");
            this.snow = content.Load<Texture>("snow");

            this.Width = heightMap.Width;
            this.Height = heightMap.Height;
            this.heightMap = heightMap;

            this.scale = scale;


예제 #41
 protected abstract bool IsInFloorBounds(IHeightMap floor);
예제 #42
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="source"></param>
		/// <param name="shoreLength">the distance from the start of the beach to the water</param>
		/// <param name="waterLevel"></param>
		/// <param name="shoreHeight">the height as measured from the water level</param>
		/// <param name="type"></param>
		/// <param name="method"></param>
		public HeightMapIslandTrim( IHeightMap source, float shoreLength, float waterLevel, float shoreHeight, IslandShape type, IslandTrimMethod method ) {
			mSource = source;
			mWaterLevel = waterLevel;
			mShoreHeight = shoreHeight;
			mShoreLength = shoreLength;
			mType = type;
			mMethod = method;
예제 #43
		public override void Initialise() {
			mWidth = mSource.Width;
			mLength = mSource.Length;
			mHeightMap = new float[ mWidth * mLength ];
			for( int x = 0; x < mWidth; x++ )
				for( int y = 0; y < mLength; y++ )
					SetHeight( x, y );
			// release to allow collection via GC
			mSource = null;
예제 #44
		/// <summary>
		/// Build the index buffer.
		/// </summary>
		private void BuildIndexBuffer( IHeightMap mHeightMap ) {

			mPatchIndices = new int[ ( mWidth - 1 ) * ( mLength - 1 ) * 6 ];
			int counter = 0;
			for( int x = 0; x < mWidth - 1; x++ ) {
				for( int y = 0; y < mLength - 1; y++ ) {
					int lowerLeft = x + y * mWidth;
					int lowerRight = ( x + 1 ) + y * mWidth;
					int topLeft = x + ( y + 1 ) * mWidth;
					int topRight = ( x + 1 ) + ( y + 1 ) * mWidth;

					mPatchIndices[ counter++ ] = topLeft;
					mPatchIndices[ counter++ ] = lowerRight;
					mPatchIndices[ counter++ ] = lowerLeft;

					mPatchIndices[ counter++ ] = topLeft;
					mPatchIndices[ counter++ ] = topRight;
					mPatchIndices[ counter++ ] = lowerRight;
예제 #45
		/// <summary>
		/// Build the vertex buffer as well as the bounding box.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="heightmap"></param>
		private void BuildVertexBuffer( IHeightMap heightmap ) {
			int index = 0;
			float height = 0f;

			mPatchVertices = new VertexMultiTextured[ mWidth * mLength ];

			for( int x = mOffsetX; x < mOffsetX + mWidth; x++ ) {
				for( int y = mOffsetZ; y < mOffsetZ + mLength; y++, index++ ) {
					height = heightmap[ x, y ];

					mBoundingBox.Min.Y = Math.Min( height, mBoundingBox.Min.Y );
					mBoundingBox.Max.Y = Math.Max( height, mBoundingBox.Max.Y );

					//ComputeVertexNormal( heightmap, x, y, out normal );

					mPatchVertices[ index ].Position = new Vector3( (float)x, heightmap[ x, y ], (float)-y );
					mPatchVertices[ index ].TextureCoordinate.X = (float)x / 30.0f;
					mPatchVertices[ index ].TextureCoordinate.Y = (float)y / 30.0f;
예제 #46
 protected abstract Vector3 OffsetToFloorHeight(IHeightMap floor);
예제 #47
 public static Patch[,] GeneratePatches(IHeightMap map,int patchsize, int count, float scale, float heightscale)
     Patch[,] patches = new Patch[count, count];
     for (int y = 0; y < count; ++y)
         for (int x = 0; x < count; ++x)
             patches[x, y] = new Patch(map, patchsize, x, y, count,scale,heightscale);
     return patches;
예제 #48
		/// <summary>
		/// The source is used once and then discarded
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="source"></param>
		public HeightMapMirror( IHeightMap source ) {
			mSource = source;
예제 #49
 public void Initialize(IHeightMap heightMap)
     Thread t = new Thread(() =>
             topNodeSize = heightMap.Width - 1;
             vertices = new TreeVertexCollection(this.position, heightMap, Game1.GameParameters.MapScale);
             buffers = new BufferManager(vertices.Vertices, GraphicsDevice);
             root = new QuadNode(NodeType.FullNode, topNodeSize, 1, null, this, 0);
             Indices = new int[(heightMap.Width + 1) * (heightMap.Height + 1) * 3];
예제 #50
        public Terrain(IHeightMap heightmap, Texture color, Texture detail,float size,float heightscale,int patchsize)
            PatchSize = patchsize;
            PatchCount = (heightmap.Size.X) / (PatchSize - 1);
            HeightScale = heightscale;

            PatchScale = size / PatchCount;

            Init(heightmap, color, detail);
예제 #51
            public Patch(IHeightMap map, int patchsize, int gridx, int gridy, int patchcount,float scale,float heightscale)
                int c = patchsize;
                float s = scale;

                VertexP3T2[] vtx = new VertexP3T2[c * c];

                int i = 0;
                for (int y = 0; y < c; ++y)
                    for (int x = 0; x < c; ++x)
                        //x and y position
                        float px = (float)gridx * s + ((float)x / (float)(c - 1)) * s;
                        float py = (float)gridy * s + ((float)y / (float)(c - 1)) * s;
                        px -= s * patchcount / 2;
                        py -= s * patchcount / 2;

                        //z position (height)
                        float h = ((float)map.GetHeight(
                            gridx * (patchsize - 1) + x,
                            gridy * (patchsize - 1) + y)) * heightscale;

                        //add the vertex
                        vtx[i].position=new Vector3(px, h, py);
                        vtx[i++].texture0=new Vector2(
                            (float)(gridx * (c - 1) + x) / (float)(patchcount * (c - 1)),
                            (float)(gridy * (c - 1) + y) / (float)(patchcount * (c - 1))

                Vertices = Root.Instance.UserInterface.Renderer.CreateStaticVertexBuffer(vtx, Format.Size * vtx.Length);
                Vertices.Format = Format;
예제 #52
		private float GetTexWeight( IHeightMap heightMap, int x, int y, float i, float j ) {
			return MathHelper.Clamp( 1.0f - Math.Abs( heightMap[ x, y ] - i ) / j, 0.0f, 1.0f );
예제 #53
 public Terrain(IHeightMap heightmap,Texture color,Texture detail)
예제 #54
		/// <summary>
		/// Compute vertex normal at the given x,z coordinate.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="heightmap"></param>
		/// <param name="x"></param>
		/// <param name="z"></param>
		/// <param name="normal"></param>
		private void ComputeVertexNormal( IHeightMap heightmap, int x, int z, out Vector3 normal ) {
			int width = heightmap.Width;
			int depth = heightmap.Length;

			Vector3 center;
			Vector3 p1;
			Vector3 p2;
			Vector3 avgNormal = Vector3.Zero;

			int avgCount = 0;

			bool spaceAbove = false;
			bool spaceBelow = false;
			bool spaceLeft = false;
			bool spaceRight = false;

			Vector3 tmpNormal;
			Vector3 v1;
			Vector3 v2;

			center = new Vector3( (float)x, heightmap[ x, z ], (float)z );

			if( x > 0 )
				spaceLeft = true;

			if( x < width - 1 )
				spaceRight = true;

			if( z > 0 )
				spaceAbove = true;

			if( z < depth - 1 )
				spaceBelow = true;

			if( spaceAbove && spaceLeft ) {
				p1 = new Vector3( x - 1, heightmap[ x - 1, z ], z );
				p2 = new Vector3( x - 1, heightmap[ x - 1, z - 1 ], z - 1 );

				v1 = p1 - center;
				v2 = p2 - p1;

				tmpNormal = Vector3.Cross( v1, v2 );
				avgNormal += tmpNormal;


			if( spaceAbove && spaceRight ) {
				p1 = new Vector3( x, heightmap[ x, z - 1 ], z - 1 );
				p2 = new Vector3( x + 1, heightmap[ x + 1, z - 1 ], z - 1 );

				v1 = p1 - center;
				v2 = p2 - p1;

				tmpNormal = Vector3.Cross( v1, v2 );
				avgNormal += tmpNormal;


			if( spaceBelow && spaceRight ) {
				p1 = new Vector3( x + 1, heightmap[ x + 1, z ], z );
				p2 = new Vector3( x + 1, heightmap[ x + 1, z + 1 ], z + 1 );

				v1 = p1 - center;
				v2 = p2 - p1;

				tmpNormal = Vector3.Cross( v1, v2 );
				avgNormal += tmpNormal;


			if( spaceBelow && spaceLeft ) {
				p1 = new Vector3( x, heightmap[ x, z + 1 ], z + 1 );
				p2 = new Vector3( x - 1, heightmap[ x - 1, z + 1 ], z + 1 );

				v1 = p1 - center;
				v2 = p2 - p1;

				tmpNormal = Vector3.Cross( v1, v2 );
				avgNormal += tmpNormal;


			normal = avgNormal / avgCount;
예제 #55
        protected void Init(IHeightMap heightmap,Texture color,Texture detail)
                throw new Exception("map.Size.X!=map.Size.Y");
            else if(IsPowerOf2(Height.Size.X))
                throw new Exception("!IsPowerOf2(map.Size.X-1)");
                throw new Exception("map.Size.X<patchvertexsize");

            Patches=new Patch[PatchCount][];
            for(int x=0;x<PatchCount;++x)
                Patches[x]=new Patch[PatchCount];
                for(int y=0;y<PatchCount;++y)
                    Patch p=new Patch(this,x,y);
            for(int x=0;x<PatchCount;++x)
                for(int y=0;y<PatchCount;++y)
                    Patches[y][x].SetNeighbors(x>0 ? Patches[y][x-1] : null,
                        x<PatchCount-1 ? Patches[y][x+1] : null,
                        y>0 ? Patches[y-1][x] : null,
                        y<PatchCount-1 ? Patches[y+1][x] : null);

            /*for(int x=0;x<PatchCount;++x)
                for(int y=0;y<PatchCount;++y)
            Material=new Material();

            HighDetail = 1 * PatchScale;
            LowDetail = HighDetail + Levels * PatchScale * 1.2f;
            Tree=new QuadTree(new Vector3(0,HeightScale/2,0),new Vector3(PatchScale*(float)PatchCount,HeightScale,PatchScale*(float)PatchCount),(int)Math.Log(PatchCount,2)+1,new Point(PatchCount,PatchCount));

            /*Ode.dVector3[] verts=new Ode.dVector3[heightmap.Size.X*heightmap.Size.Y];
            int[] inds=new int[(heightmap.Size.X-1)*(heightmap.Size.Y-1)*2*3];
            int i=0;
            int j=0;
            for(int y=0;y<heightmap.Size.Y;++y)
                for(int x=0;x<heightmap.Size.X;++x)
                    float h=((float)Height.GetHeight(x,y)/255)*HeightScale;
                    verts[i].X = (float)(x - heightmap.Size.X / 2) * PatchScale;
                    verts[i].Y = h;
                    verts[i].Z = (float)(y - heightmap.Size.Y / 2) * PatchScale;
                    if (x < heightmap.Size.X - 1 && y < heightmap.Size.Y - 1)
                        inds[j++] = y * heightmap.Size.X + x;
                        inds[j++] = y * heightmap.Size.X + x +1;
                        inds[j++] = (y+1) * heightmap.Size.X + x;

                        inds[j++] = (y + 1) * heightmap.Size.X + x;
                        inds[j++] = y * heightmap.Size.X + x + 1;
                        inds[j++] = (y + 1) * heightmap.Size.X + x +1;

            CollisionMesh = new OdeTriMeshData(verts,inds);*/
예제 #56
		private void BuildTerrainTexWeights( IHeightMap mHeightMap ) {
			int index = 0;

			for( int x = 0; x < mWidth; x++ ) {
				for( int y = 0; y < mLength; y++ ) {
					index = x + y * mWidth;

					if( mPatchVertices[ index ].Normal.Y > 0.6f ) {
						mPatchVertices[ index ].TexWeights.X = GetTexWeight( mHeightMap, x, y, 0f, 8f );
						mPatchVertices[ index ].TexWeights.Y = GetTexWeight( mHeightMap, x, y, 12f, 6f );
						mPatchVertices[ index ].TexWeights.Z = 1.0f - mPatchVertices[ index ].Normal.Y;
						mPatchVertices[ index ].TexWeights.W = GetTexWeight( mHeightMap, x, y, 30f, 6f );
					} else {
						mPatchVertices[ index ].TexWeights.Z = 1.0f;
						mPatchVertices[ index ].TexWeights.W = GetTexWeight( mHeightMap, x, y, 30f, 6f );
					// normalise fuzzy weights -- to sum up to one
					float total = mPatchVertices[ index ].TexWeights.X + mPatchVertices[ index ].TexWeights.Y + mPatchVertices[ index ].TexWeights.Z + mPatchVertices[ index ].TexWeights.W;

					mPatchVertices[ index ].TexWeights.X /= total;
					mPatchVertices[ index ].TexWeights.Y /= total;
					mPatchVertices[ index ].TexWeights.Z /= total;
					mPatchVertices[ index ].TexWeights.W /= total;

예제 #57
 protected abstract bool IsInFloorBounds(IHeightMap floor, Vector3 position);
예제 #58
		public override void Initialise() {
			mWidth = mSource.Width * 2;
			mLength = mSource.Length * 2;
			mHeightMap = new float[ mWidth * mLength ];
			for( int x = 0; x < mWidth; x++ )
				for( int y = 0; y < mLength; y++ ) {
					int sx = x < mSource.Width ? x : ( mWidth - 1 - x );
					int sy = y < mSource.Length ? y : ( mLength - 1 - y );
					mHeightMap[ x + y * mWidth ] = mSource[ sx, sy ];
			// release reference to source so that it can be collect by GC
			mSource = null;
예제 #59
 protected abstract Vector3 OffsetToFloorHeight(IHeightMap floor, Vector3 position);
예제 #60
        public static Mesh3V3N CreateFromHeightMap(int columns, int rows, IHeightMap heightMap)
            var vertices = new List<Vertex3V3N>();
            for (var x = 0; x <= columns; x++)
                for (var y = 0; y <= rows; y++)
                    var height = heightMap.GetHeight(x, y);
                    vertices.Add(new Vertex3V3N
                        Position = new Vector3(x, (float)height, y),
                        Normal = (Vector3)heightMap.GetNormal(x, y)

            var faces = new List<Face3>();
            for (var x = 0; x < columns; x++)
                for (var y = 0; y < rows; y++)
                    var verticesInColumn = rows + 1;
                    var v0 = x * verticesInColumn + y;
                    var v1 = (x + 1) * verticesInColumn + y;
                    var v2 = (x + 1) * verticesInColumn + y + 1;
                    var v3 = x * verticesInColumn + y + 1;

                    Face3 f0;
                    Face3 f1;
                    if (y % 2 == 0)
                        if (x % 2 == 0)
                            f0 = new Face3 { V0 = v0, V1 = v1, V2 = v2 };
                            f1 = new Face3 { V0 = v0, V1 = v2, V2 = v3 };
                            f0 = new Face3 { V0 = v0, V1 = v1, V2 = v3 };
                            f1 = new Face3 { V0 = v1, V1 = v2, V2 = v3 };
                        if (x % 2 == 0)
                            f0 = new Face3 { V0 = v0, V1 = v1, V2 = v3 };
                            f1 = new Face3 { V0 = v1, V1 = v2, V2 = v3 };
                            f0 = new Face3 { V0 = v0, V1 = v1, V2 = v2 };
                            f1 = new Face3 { V0 = v0, V1 = v2, V2 = v3 };


            return new Mesh3V3N(vertices, faces).Transformed(Matrix4.CreateTranslation(-columns / 2, 0, -rows / 2) * Matrix4.CreateScale((float)(1.0 / columns), 1, (float)(1.0 / rows)));