/// <summary>   
		/// Generic XMLRPC client abstraction
		/// </summary>   
		/// <param name="ReqParams">Hashtable containing parameters to the method</param>   
		/// <param name="method">Method to invoke</param>   
		/// <returns>Hashtable with success=>bool and other values</returns>   
		private Hashtable genericCurrencyXMLRPCRequest(Hashtable reqParams, string method, string uri)
			Console.WriteLine("[MONEY RPC]: genericCurrencyXMLRPCRequest: to {0}", uri);

			if (reqParams.Count<=0 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(method)) return null;

			if (m_checkServerCert)
				if (!uri.StartsWith("https://")) 
					Console.WriteLine("[MONEY RPC]: genericCurrencyXMLRPCRequest: CheckServerCert is true, but protocol is not HTTPS. Please check INI file");
					//return null; 
				if (!uri.StartsWith("https://") && !uri.StartsWith("http://"))
					Console.WriteLine("[MONEY RPC]: genericCurrencyXMLRPCRequest: Invalid Region Server URL: {0}", uri);
					return null; 

			ArrayList arrayParams = new ArrayList();
			XmlRpcResponse moneyServResp = null;
				//XmlRpcRequest moneyModuleReq = new XmlRpcRequest(method, arrayParams);
				//moneyServResp = moneyModuleReq.Send(uri, MONEYMODULE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT);
				NSLXmlRpcRequest moneyModuleReq = new NSLXmlRpcRequest(method, arrayParams);
				moneyServResp = moneyModuleReq.certSend(uri, m_cert, m_checkServerCert, MONEYMODULE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT);
			catch (Exception ex)
				Console.WriteLine("[MONEY RPC]: genericCurrencyXMLRPCRequest: Unable to connect to Region Server {0}", uri);
				Console.WriteLine("[MONEY RPC]: genericCurrencyXMLRPCRequest: {0}", ex.ToString());

				Hashtable ErrorHash = new Hashtable();
				ErrorHash["success"] = false;
				ErrorHash["errorMessage"] = "Failed to perform actions on OpenSim Server";
				ErrorHash["errorURI"] = "";
				return ErrorHash;

			if (moneyServResp.IsFault)
				Hashtable ErrorHash = new Hashtable();
				ErrorHash["success"] = false;
				ErrorHash["errorMessage"] = "Failed to perform actions on OpenSim Server";
				ErrorHash["errorURI"] = "";
				return ErrorHash;
			Hashtable moneyRespData = (Hashtable)moneyServResp.Value;

			return moneyRespData;
예제 #2
		/// <summary>   
		/// Generic XMLRPC client abstraction   
		/// </summary>   
		/// <param name="ReqParams">Hashtable containing parameters to the method</param>   
		/// <param name="method">Method to invoke</param>   
		/// <returns>Hashtable with success=>bool and other values</returns>   
		private Hashtable genericCurrencyXMLRPCRequest(Hashtable reqParams, string method)
			//m_log.InfoFormat("[MONEY]: genericCurrencyXMLRPCRequest:");

			if (reqParams.Count<=0 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(method)) return null;

			if (m_checkServerCert)
				if (!m_moneyServURL.StartsWith("https://"))
					m_log.InfoFormat("[MONEY]: genericCurrencyXMLRPCRequest: CheckServerCert is true, but protocol is not HTTPS. Please check INI file");
					//return null;
				if (!m_moneyServURL.StartsWith("https://") && !m_moneyServURL.StartsWith("http://"))
					m_log.ErrorFormat("[MONEY]: genericCurrencyXMLRPCRequest: Invalid Money Server URL: {0}", m_moneyServURL);
					return null;

			ArrayList arrayParams = new ArrayList();
			XmlRpcResponse moneyServResp = null;
				NSLXmlRpcRequest moneyModuleReq = new NSLXmlRpcRequest(method, arrayParams);
				moneyServResp = moneyModuleReq.certSend(m_moneyServURL, m_cert, MONEYMODULE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT);
			catch (Exception ex)
				m_log.ErrorFormat("[MONEY]: genericCurrencyXMLRPCRequest: Unable to connect to Money Server {0}", m_moneyServURL);
				m_log.ErrorFormat("[MONEY]: genericCurrencyXMLRPCRequest: {0}", ex);

				Hashtable ErrorHash = new Hashtable();
				ErrorHash["success"] = false;
				ErrorHash["errorMessage"] = "Unable to manage your money at this time. Purchases may be unavailable";
				ErrorHash["errorURI"] = "";
				return ErrorHash;

			if (moneyServResp.IsFault)
				Hashtable ErrorHash = new Hashtable();
				ErrorHash["success"] = false;
				ErrorHash["errorMessage"] = "Unable to manage your money at this time. Purchases may be unavailable";
				ErrorHash["errorURI"] = "";
				return ErrorHash;

			Hashtable moneyRespData = (Hashtable)moneyServResp.Value;
			return moneyRespData;