public override void UpdatePanel() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Emulator.Title)) { txt_Title.Text = Emulator.Title; } int index = platformComboBox.FindStringExact(Emulator.PlatformTitle); if (index > -1) { platformComboBox.SelectedIndex = index; } EmuSettingsAutoFill.SetupAspectDropdown(thumbAspectComboBox, Emulator.CaseAspect); if (firstLoad) { firstLoad = false; if (platformComboBox.SelectedIndex > 0) { updateEmuInfo(); } } }
void emuPathTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!allowChangedEvents || selectedEmulator == null) { return; } EmulatorProfile autoSettings = EmuSettingsAutoFill.Instance.CheckForSettings(emuPathTextBox.Text); if (autoSettings == null) { return; } if (MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Would you like to use the recommended settings for {0}?", autoSettings.Title), "Use recommended settings?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { if (Options.Instance.GetBoolOption("autoconfemu")) { updateFilterBox(autoSettings.Filters); } if (autoSettings.Platform != null && platformComboBox.Text == "Unspecified") { int index = platformComboBox.FindStringExact(autoSettings.Platform); if (index > -1) { platformComboBox.SelectedItem = platformComboBox.Items[index]; EmuSettingsAutoFill.SetupAspectDropdown(thumbAspectComboBox, EmuSettingsAutoFill.Instance.GetCaseAspect(platformComboBox.Text)); } } if (autoSettings.HasSettings) { argumentsTextBox.Text = autoSettings.Arguments; useQuotesCheckBox.Checked = autoSettings.UseQuotes != false; //default to true if null suspendMPCheckBox.Checked = autoSettings.SuspendMP == true; if (autoSettings.WorkingDirectory == EmuSettingsAutoFill.USE_EMULATOR_DIRECTORY) { System.IO.FileInfo file = new System.IO.FileInfo(emuPathTextBox.Text); if (file.Exists) { workingDirTextBox.Text = file.Directory.FullName; } } else { workingDirTextBox.Text = autoSettings.WorkingDirectory; } mountImagesCheckBox.Checked = autoSettings.MountImages; escExitCheckBox.Checked = autoSettings.EscapeToExit; } } }
//Updates the panels with the selected Emulator's details. private void setEmulatorToPanel(ListViewItem listViewItem) { //reset status flags saveSelectedEmulator = false; saveThumbs = false; saveProfile = false; //get the selected Emulator Emulator dbEmu = listViewItem.Tag as Emulator; selectedEmulator = dbEmu; if (dbEmu == null) { return; } allowChangedEvents = false; int index = platformComboBox.FindStringExact(dbEmu.PlatformTitle); if (index < 0) { index = 0; } if (index < platformComboBox.Items.Count) { platformComboBox.SelectedItem = platformComboBox.Items[index]; } txt_Title.Text = dbEmu.Title; romDirTextBox.Text = dbEmu.PathToRoms; filterTextBox.Text = dbEmu.Filter; isArcadeCheckBox.Checked = dbEmu.IsArcade; txt_company.Text = dbEmu.Company; txt_yearmade.Text = dbEmu.Year.ToString(); txt_description.Text = dbEmu.Description; gradeUpDown.Value = dbEmu.Grade; EmuSettingsAutoFill.SetupAspectDropdown(thumbAspectComboBox, dbEmu.CaseAspect); videoTextBox.Text = dbEmu.VideoPreview; idLabel.Text = dbEmu.UID.ToString(); if (emuThumbs != null) { emuThumbs.Dispose(); } emuThumbs = new ThumbGroup(dbEmu); if (mainTabControl.SelectedTab == thumbsTabPage) { setGameArt(emuThumbs); thumbsLoaded = true; } else { setGameArt(null); thumbsLoaded = false; } txt_Manual.Text = emuThumbs.ManualPath; selectedProfile = null; profileComboBox.Items.Clear(); foreach (EmulatorProfile profile in DB.Instance.GetProfiles(selectedEmulator)) { profileComboBox.Items.Add(profile); if (profile.IsDefault) { profileComboBox.SelectedItem = profile; selectedProfile = profile; } } allowChangedEvents = true; profileComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(profileComboBox, new EventArgs()); }