public MenuItemModel(MenuItemModel original)
     // Loop on each properties and set it's value using the original one
     foreach (PropertyInfo property in GetType().GetProperties())
         /// Set to each property its name as value
         property.SetValue(this, property.GetValue(original));
        /// <summary>
        /// The only way to add correctly items in the menu
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">MenuItem to add</param>
        /// <param name="index">Index to add this item. (-1 by defualt => to the end of the menu) </param>
        public void AddItem(MenuItemModel item, int index = -1)
            if ((index > Items.Count) || (index < -1))

            MenuItemModel originalItem = new MenuItemModel(item);

            // Set default values if necessary
            if (originalItem.ImageSize == 0)
                originalItem.ImageSize = defaultMenuItemImageSize;

            if (originalItem.HeightRequest == 0)
                originalItem.HeightRequest = defaultMenuItemHeightRequest;

            if (originalItem.WidthRequest == 0)
                originalItem.WidthRequest = defaultMenuItemWidthRequest;

            // Create displayItem using originalItem
            MenuItemModel displayItem = new MenuItemModel(originalItem);

            displayItem.Command = new RelayCommand <object>(new Action <object>(ItemCommand));

            // Change Text of display item if necessary
            if (originalItem.IsSelected)
                if (!TextVisibleForSelectedItem)
                    displayItem.Label = "";
            else if (!TextVisible)
                displayItem.Label = "";

            if (index == -1)
                itemsOriginal.Insert(index, originalItem);
                Items.Insert(index, displayItem);