public void Run() { try { Log.Info(TAG, "Started"); while (!Thread.Interrupted()) { int readyChannels = selector.Select(); if (readyChannels == 0) { Thread.Sleep(10); continue; } System.Console.WriteLine("UDP In"); var keys = selector.SelectedKeys().ToList(); foreach (var key in keys) { if (!Thread.Interrupted()) { if (key.IsValid && key.IsReadable) { selector.SelectedKeys().Remove(key); ByteBuffer receiveBuffer = ByteBufferPool.acquire(); // Leave space for the header receiveBuffer.Position(HEADER_SIZE); DatagramChannel inputChannel = (DatagramChannel)key.Channel(); // XXX: We should handle any IOExceptions here immediately, // but that probably won't happen with UDP int readBytes = inputChannel.Read(receiveBuffer); Packet referencePacket = (Packet)key.Attachment(); referencePacket.updateUDPBuffer(receiveBuffer, readBytes); receiveBuffer.Position(HEADER_SIZE + readBytes); outputQueue.Offer(receiveBuffer); } } } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { Log.Info(TAG, "Stopping"); } catch (IOException e) { Log.Warn(TAG, e.ToString(), e); } }
private void closeChannel(DatagramChannel channel) { try { channel.Close(); } catch (IOException e) { // Ignore } }
public static Channel <Try <Datagram> > ToChannel(this Socket socket, Action <DatagramChannelOptions> configuration = null) { var options = new DatagramChannelOptions(); configuration?.Invoke(options); var channel = new DatagramChannel(socket, options); channel.Start(); return(channel); }
private void handleRead(SelectionKey key) { // Log.d("MIDIPort2","handleRead"); DatagramChannel c = (DatagramChannel); UDPBuffer b = (UDPBuffer)key.attachment(); try { b.buffer.clear(); b.socketAddress = c.receive(b.buffer); EventBus.getDefault().post(new PacketEvent(new DatagramPacket(b.buffer.array(), b.buffer.capacity(), b.socketAddress))); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
private void handleWrite(SelectionKey key) { if (!outboundQueue.isEmpty()) { // Log.d("MIDIPort2","handleWrite "+ outboundQueue.size()); try { DatagramChannel c = (DatagramChannel); DatagramPacket d = outboundQueue.poll(); c.send(ByteBuffer.wrap(d.getData()), d.getSocketAddress()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
private void HandleRead(SelectionKey key) { try { c = (DatagramChannel)key.Channel(); b = (UDPBuffer)key.Attachment(); b.buffer.Clear(); b.socketAddress = c.Receive(b.buffer); b.buffer.Flip(); b.buffer.Get(buff, 0, b.buffer.Limit()); MessagingCenter.Send <PacketEvent>(new PacketEvent(new Java.Net.DatagramPacket(buff, b.buffer.Limit(), b.socketAddress)), "PacketEvent"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e.StackTrace); } }
private void HandleWrite(SelectionKey key) { if (!(outboundQueue.Count == 0)) { if (DEBUG) { Log.Debug("MIDIPort2", "handleWrite " + outboundQueue.Count); } try { DatagramChannel c = (DatagramChannel)key.Channel(); DatagramPacket d = outboundQueue.Dequeue(); if (d != null) { c.Send(ByteBuffer.Wrap(d.GetData()), d.SocketAddress); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException(e.StackTrace); } } }
public DatagramBlock(Socket socket, DatagramBlockOptions options) { if (socket == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(socket)); } if (options == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(options)); } taskFactory = new TaskFactory(options.TaskScheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Default); channel = new DatagramChannel(socket, new DatagramChannelOptions { SingleReader = true, SingleWriter = true }); inputBuffer = new BufferBlock <Try <Datagram> >(new DataflowBlockOptions { BoundedCapacity = options.SendingBufferCapacity ?? 1, TaskScheduler = options.TaskScheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Default, CancellationToken = options.CancellationToken ?? CancellationToken.None, EnsureOrdered = false }); outputBuffer = new BufferBlock <Try <Datagram> >(new DataflowBlockOptions { BoundedCapacity = options.ReceivingBufferCapacity ?? 1, TaskScheduler = options.TaskScheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Default, CancellationToken = options.CancellationToken ?? CancellationToken.None, EnsureOrdered = false }); inputCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource(); outputCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource(); }
private MIDIPort(int port) { this.port = port; try { selector = Selector.Open(); channel = DatagramChannel.Open(); outboundQueue = new Queue <DatagramPacket>(); // inboundQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<DatagramPacket>(); InetSocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress(this.port); channel.Socket().ReuseAddress = true; channel.ConfigureBlocking(false); channel.Socket().Bind(address); channel.Register(selector, Operations.Read | Operations.Write, new UDPBuffer()); Thread newThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Run)); newThread.Start(); } catch (IOException e) { e.StackTrace.ToString(); } }
private MIDIPort(int port) { this.port = port; try { selector =; channel =; outboundQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue <>(); // inboundQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<DatagramPacket>(); InetSocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress(this.port); channel.socket().setReuseAddress(true); channel.configureBlocking(false); channel.socket().bind(address); // channel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ | SelectionKey.OP_WRITE); channel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ | SelectionKey.OP_WRITE, new UDPBuffer()); Thread newThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Run)); newThread.Start(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void Run() { Log.Info(TAG, "Started"); try { Thread currentThread = Thread.CurrentThread(); while (true) { Packet currentPacket; // TODO: Block when not connected do { currentPacket = (Packet)inputQueue.Poll(); if (currentPacket != null) { break; } Thread.Sleep(10); } while (!currentThread.IsInterrupted); if (currentThread.IsInterrupted) { break; } InetAddress destinationAddress = currentPacket.ip4Header.destinationAddress; int destinationPort = currentPacket.udpHeader.destinationPort; int sourcePort = currentPacket.udpHeader.sourcePort; Java.Lang.String ipAndPort = new Java.Lang.String(destinationAddress.HostAddress + ":" + destinationPort + ":" + sourcePort); System.Console.WriteLine("UDP Out: " + ipAndPort); DatagramChannel outputChannel = (DatagramChannel)channelCache.Get(ipAndPort); if (outputChannel == null) { outputChannel = DatagramChannel.Open(); vpnService.Protect(outputChannel.Socket()); try { outputChannel.Connect(new InetSocketAddress(destinationAddress, destinationPort)); } catch (IOException e) { Log.Error(TAG, "Connection error: " + ipAndPort, e); closeChannel(outputChannel); ByteBufferPool.Release(currentPacket.backingBuffer); continue; } outputChannel.ConfigureBlocking(false); currentPacket.SwapSourceAndDestination(); selector.Wakeup(); outputChannel.Register(selector, SelectionKey.OpRead, currentPacket); channelCache.Put(ipAndPort, outputChannel); } try { ByteBuffer payloadBuffer = currentPacket.backingBuffer; while (payloadBuffer.HasRemaining) { outputChannel.Write(payloadBuffer); } } catch (IOException e) { Log.Error(TAG, "Network write error: " + ipAndPort, e); channelCache.Remove(ipAndPort); closeChannel(outputChannel); } ByteBufferPool.Release(currentPacket.backingBuffer); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { Log.Info(TAG, "Stopping"); } catch (IOException e) { Log.Info(TAG, e.ToString(), e); } finally { closeAll(); } }