/// <summary> /// Loads bar data from either a local file, or a url. /// </summary> /// <param name="serviceProvider">The service provider/</param> /// <param name="barSource">The local path or remote url.</param> /// <param name="content">The json content, if already loaded.</param> /// <param name="includeDefault">true to also include the default bar data.</param> /// <returns>The bar data</returns> public static BarData?Load(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, string barSource, string?content = null, bool includeDefault = true) { BarData?defaultBar; if (includeDefault) { defaultBar = BarData.Load(serviceProvider, AppPaths.GetConfigFile("default-bar.json5", true), null, false); // Mark the items as being from the default specification defaultBar?.AllItems.ForEach(item => item.IsDefault = true); // OBSERVATION: we need a better way to determine if this is the basic bar or another bar var isBasicBar = (barSource == AppPaths.GetConfigFile("basic-bar.json5", true)); // if (isBasicBar == true) { // if extra bar items were specified in the config file, add them to the left side of the MorphicBar now var morphicBarExtraItems = ConfigurableFeatures.MorphicBarExtraItems; if (morphicBarExtraItems.Count > 0) { List <BarItem> extraBarItems = new List <BarItem>(); foreach (var extraItemData in morphicBarExtraItems) { BarItem extraBarItem; var extraBarItemShouldBeAdded = false; switch (extraItemData.type) { case "application": { extraBarItem = new BarButton(defaultBar); extraBarItem.ToolTipHeader = extraItemData.tooltipHeader; extraBarItem.ToolTip = extraItemData.tooltipText; extraBarItem.Text = extraItemData.label ?? ""; // extraBarItem.Action = new Morphic.Client.Bar.Data.Actions.ApplicationAction(); ((Morphic.Client.Bar.Data.Actions.ApplicationAction)extraBarItem.Action !).ImageIsCollapsed = true; // for horizontal bars, we don't want an image to be visible ((Morphic.Client.Bar.Data.Actions.ApplicationAction)extraBarItem.Action !).ExeName = extraItemData.appId ?? ""; extraBarItemShouldBeAdded = ((Morphic.Client.Bar.Data.Actions.ApplicationAction)extraBarItem.Action !).IsAvailable; } break; case "link": { extraBarItem = new BarButton(defaultBar); extraBarItem.ToolTipHeader = extraItemData.tooltipHeader; extraBarItem.ToolTip = extraItemData.tooltipText; extraBarItem.Text = extraItemData.label ?? ""; // extraBarItem.Action = new Morphic.Client.Bar.Data.Actions.WebAction(); ((Morphic.Client.Bar.Data.Actions.WebAction)extraBarItem.Action !).UrlString = extraItemData.url ?? ""; extraBarItemShouldBeAdded = true; } break; case "action": { extraBarItem = new BarButton(defaultBar); extraBarItem.ToolTipHeader = extraItemData.tooltipHeader; extraBarItem.ToolTip = extraItemData.tooltipText; extraBarItem.Text = extraItemData.label ?? ""; // var extraBarItemInternalAction = new Morphic.Client.Bar.Data.Actions.InternalAction(); extraBarItemInternalAction.TelemetryEventName = "morphicBarExtraItem"; extraBarItem.Action = extraBarItemInternalAction; ((Morphic.Client.Bar.Data.Actions.InternalAction)extraBarItem.Action !).FunctionName = extraItemData.function !; extraBarItemShouldBeAdded = true; } break; case "control": { extraBarItem = new BarMultiButton(defaultBar); extraBarItem.ToolTipHeader = extraItemData.tooltipHeader; extraBarItem.ToolTip = extraItemData.tooltipText; // switch (extraItemData.feature) { case "usbopeneject": { extraBarItem.Text = extraItemData.label ?? "{{QuickStrip_UsbOpenEject_Title}}"; // var openAllUsbAction = new Morphic.Client.Bar.Data.Actions.InternalAction(); openAllUsbAction.TelemetryEventName = "morphicBarExtraItem"; openAllUsbAction.FunctionName = "openAllUsbDrives"; var openButton = new BarMultiButton.ButtonInfo { Text = "{{QuickStrip_UsbOpenEject_Open_Title}}", Action = openAllUsbAction, TelemetryCategory = "morphicBarExtraItem", Tooltip = "{{QuickStrip_UsbOpenEject_Open_HelpTitle}}", Value = "openallusb" }; // var ejectAllUsbAction = new Morphic.Client.Bar.Data.Actions.InternalAction(); ejectAllUsbAction.TelemetryEventName = "morphicBarExtraItem"; ejectAllUsbAction.FunctionName = "ejectAllUsbDrives"; var ejectButton = new BarMultiButton.ButtonInfo { Text = "{{QuickStrip_UsbOpenEject_Eject_Title}}", Action = ejectAllUsbAction, TelemetryCategory = "morphicBarExtraItem", Tooltip = "{{QuickStrip_UsbOpenEject_Eject_HelpTitle}}", Value = "ejectallusb" }; // ((BarMultiButton)extraBarItem).Buttons = new Dictionary <string, BarMultiButton.ButtonInfo> { { "open", openButton }, { "eject", ejectButton } }; // extraBarItemShouldBeAdded = true; } break; case "volume": { extraBarItem.Text = extraItemData.label ?? "{{QuickStrip_Volume_Title}}"; // var volumeUpAction = new Morphic.Client.Bar.Data.Actions.InternalAction(); volumeUpAction.TelemetryEventName = "volumeUp"; volumeUpAction.FunctionName = "volumeUp"; var volumeUpButton = new BarMultiButton.ButtonInfo { Text = "+", Action = volumeUpAction, TelemetryCategory = "volumeUp", Tooltip = "{{QuickStrip_Volume_Up_HelpTitle}}|{{QuickStrip_Volume_Up_HelpMessage}}|{{QuickStrip_Volume_Up_LimitTitle}}", Value = "volumeUp" }; // var volumeDownAction = new Morphic.Client.Bar.Data.Actions.InternalAction(); volumeDownAction.TelemetryEventName = "volumeDown"; volumeDownAction.FunctionName = "volumeDown"; var volumeDownButton = new BarMultiButton.ButtonInfo { Text = "-", Action = volumeDownAction, TelemetryCategory = "volumeDown", Tooltip = "{{QuickStrip_Volume_Down_HelpTitle}}|{{QuickStrip_Volume_Down_HelpMessage}}|{{QuickStrip_Volume_Down_LimitTitle}}", Value = "volumeDown" }; // var volumeMuteAction = new Morphic.Client.Bar.Data.Actions.InternalAction(); volumeMuteAction.TelemetryEventName = "volumeMute"; volumeMuteAction.FunctionName = "volumeMute"; var volumeMuteButton = new BarMultiButton.ButtonInfo { Text = "{{QuickStrip_Volume_Mute_Title}}", Action = volumeMuteAction, TelemetryCategory = "volumeMute", Toggle = true, Tooltip = "{{QuickStrip_Volume_Mute_HelpTitle}}|{{QuickStrip_Volume_Mute_HelpMessage}}", Value = "volumeMute" }; // ((BarMultiButton)extraBarItem).Buttons = new Dictionary <string, BarMultiButton.ButtonInfo> { { "volumeUp", volumeUpButton }, { "volumeDown", volumeDownButton }, { "volumeMute", volumeMuteButton } }; ((BarMultiButton)extraBarItem).Menu = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "setting", "sound" }, { "learn", "volmute" }, { "demo", "volmute" } }; ((BarMultiButton)extraBarItem).AutoSize = true; // extraBarItemShouldBeAdded = true; } break; case "wordsimplify": { extraBarItem.Text = extraItemData.label ?? "{{QuickStrip_WordSimplify_Title}}"; // var basicWordRibbonAction = new Morphic.Client.Bar.Data.Actions.InternalAction(); basicWordRibbonAction.TelemetryEventName = "morphicBarExtraItem"; // basicWordRibbonToggle basicWordRibbonAction.FunctionName = "basicWordRibbon"; var basicWordRibbonButton = new BarMultiButton.ButtonInfo { Text = "{{QuickStrip_WordSimplify_Basic_Title}}", Action = basicWordRibbonAction, TelemetryCategory = "morphicBarExtraItem", Toggle = true, Tooltip = "{{QuickStrip_WordSimplify_Basic_HelpTitle}}|{{QuickStrip_WordSimplify_Basic_HelpMessage}}", Value = "basicwordribbon" }; // var essentialsWordRibbonAction = new Morphic.Client.Bar.Data.Actions.InternalAction(); essentialsWordRibbonAction.TelemetryEventName = "morphicBarExtraItem"; // essentialsWordRibbonToggle essentialsWordRibbonAction.FunctionName = "essentialsWordRibbon"; var essentialsWordRibbonButton = new BarMultiButton.ButtonInfo { Text = "{{QuickStrip_WordSimplify_Essentials_Title}}", Action = essentialsWordRibbonAction, TelemetryCategory = "morphicBarExtraItem", Toggle = true, Tooltip = "{{QuickStrip_WordSimplify_Essentials_HelpTitle}}|{{QuickStrip_WordSimplify_Essentials_HelpMessage}}", Value = "essentialswordribbon" }; // ((BarMultiButton)extraBarItem).Buttons = new Dictionary <string, BarMultiButton.ButtonInfo> { { "basic", basicWordRibbonButton }, { "essentials", essentialsWordRibbonButton } }; ((BarMultiButton)extraBarItem).Menu = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "learn", "wordsimplify" }, { "demo", "wordsimplify" } }; ((BarMultiButton)extraBarItem).AutoSize = true; // // NOTE: we should only show this item if Word is actually installed // NOTE: if Word is not installed, Morphic.Integrations.Office may fail to load as a DLL (or otherwise throw NotImplementedException); ideally we'd // dynamically load the DLL only if Word was installed...and would perhaps move .IsOfficeInstalled into a DLL which wasn't reliant on Office being installed. try { extraBarItemShouldBeAdded = Morphic.Integrations.Office.WordRibbon.IsOfficeInstalled(); } catch (NotImplementedException) { extraBarItemShouldBeAdded = false; } } break; default: extraBarItem.Text = extraItemData.label ?? ""; // NOTE: we don't know what this button is, so do not show it extraBarItemShouldBeAdded = false; break; } } break; default: // unknown type; this should be an impossible code path throw new NotImplementedException(); } //extraBarItem.ColorValue = "#00FF00"; // if (extraBarItemShouldBeAdded == true) { defaultBar?.AllItems.Add(extraBarItem); } } // add a spacer entry BarButton spacerBarItem = new BarButton(defaultBar); spacerBarItem.ToolTipHeader = ""; spacerBarItem.ToolTip = ""; spacerBarItem.Text = ""; spacerBarItem.ColorValue = "#FFFFFF"; // defaultBar?.AllItems.Add(spacerBarItem); } } } else { defaultBar = null; } App.Current.Logger.LogInformation("Loading bar from {source}", barSource); BarData?bar; using (TextReader reader = content is null ? (TextReader)File.OpenText(barSource) : new StringReader(content)) { bar = BarJson.Load(serviceProvider, reader, defaultBar); } bar.Source = barSource; if (File.Exists(barSource)) { bar.AddWatcher(barSource); } return(bar); }
public BarMultiButton(BarData bar) : base(bar) { }
public BarItem(BarData bar) { this.Bar = bar; }
public BarButton(BarData bar) : base(bar) { }