예제 #1
        static int DoCompilation(string outstr, string working_dir, Dictionary <string, string> env_vars, List <string> gac_roots, ref string output, ref string error, IProgressMonitor monitor)
            output = Path.GetTempFileName();
            error  = Path.GetTempFileName();

            StreamWriter outwr = new StreamWriter(output);
            StreamWriter errwr = new StreamWriter(error);

            // the default should be valid,
            string luac = PropertyService.Get <string>("Lua.DefaultInterpreterPath");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(luac))
                monitor.ReportError("Can't find Lua compiler (please set the default interpreter path)", new Exception());

            luac += "c";

            ProcessStartInfo pinfo = new ProcessStartInfo(luac, outstr);

            pinfo.WorkingDirectory = working_dir;

            if (gac_roots.Count > 0)
                // Create the gac prefix string
                string gacPrefix = string.Join("" + Path.PathSeparator, gac_roots.ToArray());
                string oldGacVar = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MONO_GAC_PREFIX");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldGacVar))
                    gacPrefix += Path.PathSeparator + oldGacVar;
                pinfo.EnvironmentVariables ["MONO_GAC_PREFIX"] = gacPrefix;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kv in env_vars)
                pinfo.EnvironmentVariables.Add(kv.Key, kv.Value);

            pinfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
            pinfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
            pinfo.RedirectStandardError  = true;

            MonoDevelop.Core.Execution.ProcessWrapper pw = Runtime.ProcessService.StartProcess(pinfo, outwr, errwr, null);
            int exitCode = pw.ExitCode;

        static int DoCompilation(IProgressMonitor monitor, string compilerName, string compilerArgs, string working_dir, ExecutionEnvironment envVars, List <string> gacRoots, ref string output, ref string error)
            output = Path.GetTempFileName();
            error  = Path.GetTempFileName();

            StreamWriter outwr = new StreamWriter(output);
            StreamWriter errwr = new StreamWriter(error);

            ProcessStartInfo pinfo = new ProcessStartInfo(compilerName, compilerArgs);

            pinfo.StandardErrorEncoding  = Encoding.UTF8;
            pinfo.StandardOutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;

            // The "." is a workaround for a bug in ProcessStartInfo.WorkingDirectory - not able to handle null
            pinfo.WorkingDirectory = working_dir ?? ".";

            if (gacRoots.Count > 0)
                // Create the gac prefix string
                string gacPrefix = string.Join("" + Path.PathSeparator, gacRoots.ToArray());
                string oldGacVar = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MONO_GAC_PREFIX");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldGacVar))
                    gacPrefix += Path.PathSeparator + oldGacVar;
                pinfo.EnvironmentVariables ["MONO_GAC_PREFIX"] = gacPrefix;


            pinfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
            pinfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
            pinfo.RedirectStandardError  = true;

            MonoDevelop.Core.Execution.ProcessWrapper pw = Runtime.ProcessService.StartProcess(pinfo, outwr, errwr, null);
            using (var mon = new AggregatedOperationMonitor(monitor, pw)) {
            int  exitCode        = pw.ExitCode;
            bool cancelRequested = pw.CancelRequested;

            return(cancelRequested ? 0 : exitCode);
예제 #3
        static int DoCompilation(string outstr, string working_dir, ExecutionEnvironment envVars, List <string> gacRoots, ref string output, ref string error)
            output = Path.GetTempFileName();
            error  = Path.GetTempFileName();

            StreamWriter outwr = new StreamWriter(output);
            StreamWriter errwr = new StreamWriter(error);

            string[] tokens = outstr.Split(' ');

            outstr = outstr.Substring(tokens[0].Length + 1);

            ProcessStartInfo pinfo = new ProcessStartInfo(tokens[0], outstr);

            pinfo.WorkingDirectory = working_dir;

            if (gacRoots.Count > 0)
                // Create the gac prefix string
                string gacPrefix = string.Join("" + Path.PathSeparator, gacRoots.ToArray());
                string oldGacVar = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MONO_GAC_PREFIX");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldGacVar))
                    gacPrefix += Path.PathSeparator + oldGacVar;
                pinfo.EnvironmentVariables ["MONO_GAC_PREFIX"] = gacPrefix;


            pinfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
            pinfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
            pinfo.RedirectStandardError  = true;

            MonoDevelop.Core.Execution.ProcessWrapper pw = Runtime.ProcessService.StartProcess(pinfo, outwr, errwr, null);
            int exitCode = pw.ExitCode;

        private static int DoCompilation(string cmd, string args, string wd, IProgressMonitor monitor, ref string error)
            int exitcode = 0;

            error = Path.GetTempFileName();
            StreamWriter errwr = new StreamWriter(error);

            ProcessStartInfo pinfo = new ProcessStartInfo(cmd, args);

            pinfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
            pinfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
            pinfo.RedirectStandardError  = true;
            pinfo.WorkingDirectory       = wd;

            using (MonoDevelop.Core.Execution.ProcessWrapper pw = Runtime.ProcessService.StartProcess(pinfo, monitor.Log, errwr, null))
                exitcode = pw.ExitCode;

예제 #5
		public override IProcessAsyncOperation StartConsoleProcess (string command, string arguments, string workingDirectory,
		                                                            IDictionary<string, string> environmentVariables, 
		                                                            string title, bool pauseWhenFinished)
			ProbeTerminal ();
			string exec = runner (command, arguments, workingDirectory, title, pauseWhenFinished);
			var psi = new ProcessStartInfo (terminal_command, exec) {
				CreateNoWindow = true,
				UseShellExecute = false,
			foreach (var env in environmentVariables)
				psi.EnvironmentVariables [env.Key] = env.Value;
			ProcessWrapper proc = new ProcessWrapper ();
			proc.StartInfo = psi;
			proc.Start ();
			return proc;
예제 #6
		public override IProcessAsyncOperation StartConsoleProcess (string command, string arguments, string workingDirectory,
		                                                            IDictionary<string, string> environmentVariables,
		                                                            string title, bool pauseWhenFinished)
			string args = "/C \"title " + title + " && \"" + command + "\" " + arguments;
			if (pauseWhenFinished)
				args += " & pause\"";
				args += "\"";

			var psi = new ProcessStartInfo ("cmd.exe", args) {
				CreateNoWindow = false,
				WorkingDirectory = workingDirectory,
				UseShellExecute = false,
			foreach (var env in environmentVariables)
				psi.EnvironmentVariables [env.Key] = env.Value;

			ProcessWrapper proc = new ProcessWrapper ();
			proc.StartInfo = psi;
			proc.Start ();
			return proc;
예제 #7
		public override ProcessAsyncOperation StartConsoleProcess (
			string command, string arguments, string workingDirectory,
			IDictionary<string, string> environmentVariables,
			string title, bool pauseWhenFinished)
			var proc = new ProcessWrapper {
				StartInfo = CreateConsoleStartInfo (
					command, arguments, workingDirectory, environmentVariables, title, pauseWhenFinished
			proc.Start ();
			return proc.ProcessAsyncOperation;
		void Connect ()
			log.WriteConsoleLogText ("Connecting...\n");
			var mtouch = "/Developer/MonoTouch/usr/bin/mtouch";
			var psi = new ProcessStartInfo (mtouch, "-logdev") {
				UseShellExecute = false,
				RedirectStandardOutput = true,
				RedirectStandardError = true,
			process = Runtime.ProcessService.StartProcess (psi, OnProcessOutput, OnProcessError, delegate {
				Disconnect ();
			process.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
		void Disconnect ()
			if (process == null)
			log.WriteConsoleLogText ("\nDisconnected\n");
			if (!process.HasExited)
				process.Kill ();
			else if (process.ExitCode != 0)
				log.WriteError (string.Format ("Unknown error {0}\n", process.ExitCode));
			process.Dispose ();
			process = null;
예제 #10
		void ShowHelpExternal (string topic)
			try {
				if (pw == null || pw.HasExited == true) {
					outWriter = new StringWriter ();
					errWriter = new StringWriter ();
					pw = Runtime.ProcessService.StartProcess (
						"monodoc", "--remote-mode" + DirArgs, "", outWriter, errWriter, 
						delegate { 
							if (pw.ExitCode == 0)

							MessageService.ShowError (
								String.Format (
								"MonoDoc exited with a exit code = {0}.", 
								pw.ExitCode, errWriter.ToString ()));
							pw = null;
						}, true);

				if (pw != null && !pw.HasExited) {
					pw.StandardInput.WriteLine (topic);
					Console.WriteLine (outWriter.ToString ());
					Console.WriteLine (errWriter.ToString ());
			} catch (Exception e) {
				MessageService.ShowException (e);
				useExternalMonodoc = false;
예제 #11
		void CheckExternalMonodoc ()
			firstCall = false;
			try {
				outWriter = new StringWriter ();
				errWriter = new StringWriter ();
				pw = Runtime.ProcessService.StartProcess (
					"monodoc", "--help", "", outWriter, errWriter, 
					delegate { 
						if (pw.ExitCode != 0) 
							MessageService.ShowError (
								String.Format (
								"MonoDoc exited with a exit code = {0}. Error : {1}", 
								pw.ExitCode, errWriter.ToString ()));
						pw = null;
					}, true);

				pw.WaitForOutput ();
				if (outWriter.ToString ().IndexOf ("--about") > 0)
					useExternalMonodoc = true;
				pw = null;
			} catch (Exception e) {
				MessageService.ShowError (String.Format (
					"Could not start monodoc : {0}", e.ToString ()));

			if (!useExternalMonodoc)
				MessageService.ShowError (
					GettextCatalog.GetString ("You need a newer monodoc to use it externally from monodevelop. Using the integrated help viewer now."));
예제 #12
		public ProcessWrapper StartProcess (ProcessStartInfo startInfo, ProcessEventHandler outputStreamChanged, ProcessEventHandler errorStreamChanged, EventHandler exited)
			if (startInfo == null)
				throw new ArgumentException ("startInfo");
			ProcessWrapper p = new ProcessWrapper();

			if (outputStreamChanged != null) {
				startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
				p.OutputStreamChanged += outputStreamChanged;
			if (errorStreamChanged != null) {
				startInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
				p.ErrorStreamChanged += errorStreamChanged;

			startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
			p.StartInfo = startInfo;
			ProcessEnvironmentVariableOverrides (p.StartInfo);
			// FIXME: the bug is long gone, but removing the hacks in ProcessWrapper w/o bugs will be tricky
			// WORKAROUND for "Bug 410743 - wapi leak in System.Diagnostic.Process"
			// Process leaks when an exit event is registered
			// instead we use another thread to monitor I/O and wait for exit
			// if (exited != null)
			// 	p.Exited += exited;
			// p.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
			if (exited != null) {
				MonoDevelop.Core.OperationHandler handler = null;
				handler = delegate (MonoDevelop.Core.IAsyncOperation op) {
					op.Completed -= handler;
					exited (p, EventArgs.Empty);
				((MonoDevelop.Core.IAsyncOperation)p).Completed += handler;
			p.Start ();
			return p;
예제 #13
		protected static string GeneratePkgConfigArgs (ProjectPackageCollection packages, string pkgConfigArg)
			if (packages == null || packages.Count < 1)
				return string.Empty;
			string originalPkgConfigPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("PKG_CONFIG_PATH");
			string pkgConfigPath = originalPkgConfigPath;
			StringBuilder libs = new StringBuilder ();
			foreach (Package p in packages) {
				if (Path.IsPathRooted (p.File)) {
					pkgConfigPath = string.Format ("{0}{1}{2}", pkgConfigPath, Path.PathSeparator, Path.GetDirectoryName (p.File));
					libs.Append (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (p.File) + " ");
				} else {
					libs.Append (p.File + " ");
			string args = string.Format ("{0} \"{1}\"", pkgConfigArg, libs.ToString ().Trim ());
			StringWriter output = new StringWriter ();			
			ProcessWrapper proc = new ProcessWrapper ();
			try {			
				Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("PKG_CONFIG_PATH", pkgConfigPath);
				proc = Runtime.ProcessService.StartProcess ("pkg-config", args, null, null);
				proc.WaitForExit ();
				string line;
				while ((line = proc.StandardOutput.ReadLine ()) != null)
					output.WriteLine (line);
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				MessageService.ShowError ("You need to have pkg-config installed");
			} finally {
				proc.Close ();
				Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("PKG_CONFIG_PATH", originalPkgConfigPath);
			return output.ToString ();
예제 #14
        public ProcessAsyncOperation StartConsoleProcess(string command, string arguments, string workingDirectory, OperationConsole console,
                                                         IDictionary <string, string> environmentVariables = null, EventHandler exited = null)
            var externalConsole = console as ExternalConsole;

            if ((console == null || externalConsole != null) && externalConsoleHandler != null)
                var dict = new Dictionary <string, string> ();
                if (environmentVariables != null)
                    foreach (var kvp in environmentVariables)
                        dict[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value;
                if (environmentVariableOverrides != null)
                    foreach (var kvp in environmentVariableOverrides)
                        dict[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value;

                var p = externalConsoleHandler(command, arguments, workingDirectory, dict,
                                               externalConsole?.Title ?? GettextCatalog.GetString("{0} External Console", BrandingService.ApplicationName),
                                               externalConsole != null ? !externalConsole.CloseOnDispose : false);

                if (p != null)
                    if (exited != null)
                        p.Task.ContinueWith(t => exited(p, EventArgs.Empty), Runtime.MainTaskScheduler);
                    LoggingService.LogError("Could not create external console for command: " + command + " " + arguments);
            ProcessStartInfo psi = CreateProcessStartInfo(command, arguments, workingDirectory, false);

            if (environmentVariables != null)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in environmentVariables)
                    psi.EnvironmentVariables [kvp.Key] = kvp.Value;
            try {
                ProcessWrapper pw = StartProcess(psi, console.Out, console.Error, null);
                new ProcessMonitor(console, pw.ProcessAsyncOperation, exited);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                // If the process can't be started, dispose the console now since ProcessMonitor won't do it
                console.Error.WriteLine(GettextCatalog.GetString("The application could not be started"));
                LoggingService.LogError("Could not start process for command: " + psi.FileName + " " + psi.Arguments, ex);
		void Connect ()
			log.Clear ();
			log.WriteConsoleLogText ("Connecting...\n");
			process = MonoDroidFramework.Toolbox.LogCat (Device, OnProcessOutput, OnProcessError);
			process.Exited += delegate {
				Disconnect ();
			process.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
		void ShowHelpExternal (string topic)
			try {
				if (pw == null || pw.HasExited == true) {
					outWriter = new StringWriter ();
					errWriter = new StringWriter ();
					pw = Runtime.ProcessService.StartProcess (
						"monodoc", "--remote-mode" + DirArgs, "", outWriter, errWriter, 
						delegate { 
							if (pw.ExitCode == 0)

							MessageService.ShowError (
								$"MonoDoc exited with exit code {pw.ExitCode}{Environment.NewLine}{errWriter.ToString()}."
							pw = null;
						}, true);

				if (pw != null && !pw.HasExited) {
					pw.StandardInput.WriteLine (topic);
					Console.WriteLine (outWriter.ToString ());
					Console.WriteLine (errWriter.ToString ());
			} catch (Exception e) {
				MessageService.ShowError (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Help Viewer could not be opened"), e);
				useExternalMonodoc = false;
예제 #17
		protected string GeneratePkgLinkerArgs (ProjectPackageCollection packages)
			if (packages == null || packages.Count < 1)
				return string.Empty;
			StringBuilder libs = new StringBuilder ();
			foreach (ProjectPackage p in packages)
				libs.Append (p.File + " ");
			string args = string.Format ("--libs {0}", libs.ToString ().Trim ());
			StringWriter output = new StringWriter ();			
			ProcessWrapper proc = new ProcessWrapper ();
			try {			
				proc = Runtime.ProcessService.StartProcess ("pkg-config", args, null, null);
				proc.WaitForExit ();
				string line;
				while ((line = proc.StandardOutput.ReadLine ()) != null)
					output.WriteLine (line);
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				IdeApp.Services.MessageService.ShowError (ex, "You need to have pkg-config installed");
			} finally {
				proc.Close ();
			return output.ToString ();
		void Dispose (bool disposing)
			if (mtouchProcess == null)
			if (disposing) {
				mtouchProcess.Dispose ();
				outTail.Dispose ();
				errTail.Dispose ();
				mtouchProcess = null;
		public IPhoneProcess (ProcessWrapper mtouchProcess, Tail outTail, Tail errTail)
			this.mtouchProcess = mtouchProcess;
			this.outTail = outTail;
			this.errTail = errTail;
예제 #20
		public ProcessWrapper StartProcess (ProcessStartInfo startInfo, ProcessEventHandler outputStreamChanged, ProcessEventHandler errorStreamChanged, EventHandler exited)
			if (startInfo == null)
				throw new ArgumentException ("startInfo");
			ProcessWrapper p = new ProcessWrapper();

			if (outputStreamChanged != null) {
				startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
				p.OutputStreamChanged += outputStreamChanged;
			if (errorStreamChanged != null) {
				startInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
				p.ErrorStreamChanged += errorStreamChanged;

			startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
			p.StartInfo = startInfo;
			ProcessEnvironmentVariableOverrides (p.StartInfo);
			// FIXME: the bug is long gone, but removing the hacks in ProcessWrapper w/o bugs will be tricky
			// WORKAROUND for "Bug 410743 - wapi leak in System.Diagnostic.Process"
			// Process leaks when an exit event is registered
			// instead we use another thread to monitor I/O and wait for exit
			// if (exited != null)
			// 	p.Exited += exited;
			// p.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
			p.Start ();

			if (exited != null)
				p.Task.ContinueWith (t => exited (p, EventArgs.Empty), Runtime.MainTaskScheduler);

			return p;