예제 #1
        int IComparer <object> .Compare(
            object x,
            object y)
            SortItem sx = (SortItem)x;
            SortItem sy = (SortItem)y;

            return(CompareSortItems(sx, sy));
예제 #2
        public int CompareSortItems(
            SortItem sx,
            SortItem sy)
            int ci, result;

            for (ci = 0; ci < DirectionArray.Length; ci++)
            {                     // compare max,min value for sort column for each key
                result = SingleColumnSortComparer.CompareValues(sx.SortValue[ci], sy.SortValue[ci], DirectionArray[ci]);
                if (result != 0)

            result = SingleColumnSortComparer.CompareValues(sx.Key, sy.Key, SortOrder.Ascending);                     // see if same key
            if (result != 0)

            for (ci = 0; ci < DirectionArray.Length; ci++)
            {                     // compare specific values
                if (!ActiveArray[ci])

                result = SingleColumnSortComparer.CompareValues(sx.SortValueB[ci], sy.SortValueB[ci], DirectionArray[ci]);
                if (result != 0)
예제 #3
/// <summary>
/// Sort a dataset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="results">Data to sort</param>
/// <param name="sortColumns">Columns to sort on</param>
/// <param name="query">Query information with vo positions of sort cols</param>
/// <param name="keyValueVoPos">Index of added key value</param>
        /// <param name="ResultKeys">Ordered keys are returned here</param>
/// <returns></returns>
        public List <object[]> Sort(
            List <object[]> results,
            List <SortColumn> sortColumns,
            Query query,
            int keyValueVoPos,
            out List <string> ResultKeys)
            object [] vo, vo2;
            int       qti, ri, ti, sci, i1, i2, i3;

            SortItem currentVal = null;             // current top composite value (high or low) for current key
            object   value;

            object [] sourceVo, destVo;

            string   key;
            SortItem sItem = null, sItem2;
            int      keyOffset = 0;      // pk is stored in first element of vo and must be offset


// Get array of sort columns associated with each metatable. This will be
// used in the sort routine to do the local sorts in the context of
// each table

            bool[][] mtSortCols = new bool[query.Tables.Count][];

            MetaTableSortItems mtsi;
            int mtsiIdx;
            int firstQtWithSorting = -1;

            for (sci = 0; sci < sortColumns.Count; sci++)
                QueryColumn qc = sortColumns[sci].QueryColumn;
                for (qti = 0; qti < query.Tables.Count; qti++)
//					if (Query.Tables[qti] == qc.QueryTable) break; // (fails for preview)
                    if (Lex.Eq((query.Tables[qti]).MetaTable.Name, qc.QueryTable.MetaTable.Name))
                        break;                         // todo: properly handle when same metatable in query multiple times
                if (qti >= query.Tables.Count)
                    throw new Exception("Sort column not found in table");

                if (mtSortCols[qti] == null)                 // allocate array first time
                    mtSortCols[qti] = new bool[sortColumns.Count];

                mtSortCols[qti][sci] = true;

                if (firstQtWithSorting < 0)
                    firstQtWithSorting = qti;

            MultiColumnSortComparer sortComp =             // sort including context of 1st table with sorting
                                               new MultiColumnSortComparer(sortColumns, mtSortCols[firstQtWithSorting]);

// Build the array of values to be sorted. Each element of the array consists of
// one or more primary values (i.e. the max or min value for each compound id
// depending on the SortDirection for the column), the compound id and
// one or more secondary values (i.e. the actual value for the sort key for that row)

            string        currentKey = "";
            int           firstRowForKey = -1, rowsForKey;
            List <object> sArray = new List <object>();

            object[] voResults = null;

            for (ri = 0; ri < results.Count; ri++)
                vo               = (object [])results[ri];
                key              = (string)vo[keyValueVoPos];
                sItem            = new SortItem();
                sItem.SortValue  = new IComparable[sortColumns.Count];
                sItem.SortValueB = new IComparable[sortColumns.Count];
                sItem.Key        = key;
                sItem.TupleIndex = ri;

                for (sci = 0; sci < sortColumns.Count; sci++)
                {                 // copy the primary & secondary values from result buffer into sort value array
                    QueryColumn qc = sortColumns[sci].QueryColumn;

                    SortOrder direction = sortColumns[sci].Direction;

                    if (qc.IsKey)                     // if key be sure to get non-null value
                        sItem.SortValue[sci] = sItem.SortValueB[sci] = key;

                    else                     // copy non-key values
                        object o = null;

                        if (qc.VoPosition >= 0 && qc.VoPosition < vo.Length)   // be sure in range
                            o = vo[qc.VoPosition];                             // get primitive or Mobius data type
                        else if (NullValue.IsNull(o))
                            o = null;

                        else if (o is MobiusDataType)                         // convert Mobius types to a comparable primitive type
                            if (o is NumberMx)
                                o = (o as NumberMx).Value;
                            else if (o is QualifiedNumber)
                                QualifiedNumber qn = o as QualifiedNumber;
                                if (MetaColumn.IsNumericMetaColumnType(qc.MetaColumn.DataType))
                                    o = qn.NumberValue;
                                else if (qc.MetaColumn.DataType == MetaColumnType.String)
                                    o = qn.TextValue;
                                    o = qn.NumberValue;                                  // shouldn't happen
                            else if (o is StringMx)
                                o = (o as StringMx).Value;
                            else if (o is DateTimeMx)
                                o = (o as DateTimeMx).Value;
                            else if (o is CompoundId)
                                o = (o as CompoundId).Value;

                        else if (o is byte || o is sbyte ||                         // convert all numbers to doubles so they compare properly (e.g. int that has cond formatting NumberMx values for some rows)
                                 o is Int16 || o is Int32 || o is Int64 ||
                                 o is float || o is decimal)
                            o = Convert.ToDouble(o);

                        if (!(o is IComparable))
                            o = null;                                              // be sure it's a IComparable
                        sItem.SortValue[sci] = sItem.SortValueB[sci] = (IComparable)o;

                if (key != null && key != currentKey)             // new key value
                    firstRowForKey = ri;
                    currentKey     = key;
                    currentVal     = sItem;

                else                                                      // another tuple for same key
                    if (sortComp.CompareSortItems(currentVal, sItem) > 0) // new primary value?
                        currentVal = sItem;
                        for (i1 = firstRowForKey; i1 < ri; i1++)
                        {                         // reset primary value for preceeding rows for this key to the value of this row
                            sItem2 = (SortItem)sArray[i1];
                            for (sci = 0; sci < sortColumns.Count; sci++)
                                sItem2.SortValue[sci] = currentVal.SortValue[sci];

                    else                     // copy current primary values to this sort item
                        for (sci = 0; sci < sortColumns.Count; sci++)
                            sItem.SortValue[sci] = currentVal.SortValue[sci];

// Do the first sort which is overall for key order & relative for
// first table with sort columns


// Reorder arraylist of raw tuples according to initial search results

            List <object[]> newResults = new List <object[]>(results.Count);

            for (ri = 0; ri < sArray.Count; ri++)
                sItem = (SortItem)sArray[ri];

// Setup range in Vo for each query table and its key

            List <SortTableData> std = new List <SortTableData>();

            foreach (QueryTable qt0 in query.Tables)
                SortTableData st = new SortTableData();
                foreach (QueryColumn qc0 in qt0.QueryColumns)
                    MetaColumn mc = qc0.MetaColumn;
                    if (mc.IsKey)
                        st.KeyColPos = qc0.VoPosition;

                    if (qc0.VoPosition >= 0 && st.FirstColumn < 0)
                        st.FirstColumn = qc0.VoPosition;

                    if (qc0.Selected)

// Do table-relative sort for other tables with sort fields

            ArrayList CopyBuf = new ArrayList(); // used for copying
            int       voLen   = 0;               // length of vo

            if (results != null && results.Count > 0 && results[0] != null)
                voLen = ((object [])results[0]).Length;

            for (ti = 0; ti < std.Count; ti++)         // check all tables
                int voTablePos = std[ti].FirstColumn;  // +std[ti].KeyColPos + keyOffset; // position of first element of vo for table
                int voTableLen = std[ti].SelectCount;

                if (ti == firstQtWithSorting)
                    continue;                                           // did this table first
                else if (mtSortCols[ti] == null)
                    continue;              // no sorting on this one
                sortComp =                 // proper sort comparer for this table
                           new MultiColumnSortComparer(sortColumns, mtSortCols[ti]);
                sArray.Sort(sortComp);     // re-sort original results for this table

                currentKey     = "";
                firstRowForKey = -1;
                rowsForKey     = 0;

                for (ri = 0; ri <= sArray.Count; ri++)             // reorder table vo entries for new results
                    if (ri < sArray.Count)
                        sItem = (SortItem)sArray[ri];
                        vo    = (object [])results[sItem.TupleIndex];                      // address the vo
                        key   = (string)vo[keyValueVoPos];

                        key = "<end>";                      // past end of data, force copy back of last chunk
                    if (key != null && key != currentKey)   // new key value
                        if (firstRowForKey >= 0)            // anything to copy back
                            for (i1 = 0; i1 < rowsForKey; i1++)
                            {                             // copy back to results buffer in proper order
                                sourceVo = (Object[])CopyBuf[i1];
                                destVo   = (Object[])newResults[firstRowForKey + i1];
                                Array.Copy(sourceVo, voTablePos, destVo, voTablePos, voTableLen);

                        if (ri >= sArray.Count)
                            break;                                             // really done?
                        currentKey     = key;
                        firstRowForKey = ri;                         // first row in newResults for the key
                        rowsForKey     = 0;

                    if (CopyBuf.Count < rowsForKey + 1)                   // be sure copy buffer big enough
                        CopyBuf.Add(new object[voLen]);

                    sourceVo = (Object[])results[sItem.TupleIndex];                     // copy from original results row to buffer
                    destVo   = (Object[])CopyBuf[rowsForKey];
                    Array.Copy(sourceVo, voTablePos, destVo, voTablePos, voTableLen);
                }         // end of loop on results entries
            }             // end of loop on query tables

// For each key shift non-null metatable data to top of section for key

            ResultKeys = new List <string>();            // reorder result keys also
            currentKey = "";
            for (ri = 0; ri < newResults.Count; ri++)
                vo  = (object [])newResults[ri];
                key = (string)vo[keyValueVoPos];

                if (key != null && key != currentKey)             // new key value
                    firstRowForKey = ri;
                    currentKey     = key;

                //else // another row for key, shift up data as needed to fill gaps
                    if (query.Tables.Count <= 1)
                        continue;                                      // only need to do if more than one table
                    for (ti = 0; ti < std.Count; ti++)                 // check all tables (sorted tables should be ok except for root table is sorted on key
                        int voTablePos = std[ti].FirstColumn;          // +std[ti].KeyColPos + keyOffset; // position of first element of vo for table
                        int voTableLen = std[ti].SelectCount;

                        if (NullValue.IsNull(vo[voTablePos]))
                            continue;                                                // skip if null data for this table (i.e. key is null)
                        for (i2 = firstRowForKey; i2 < ri; i2++)                     // look for empty slot
                            vo2 = (object [])newResults[i2];
                            object o = vo2[voTablePos];
                            if (!NullValue.IsNull(o))
                                continue;                                                   // already full
                            Array.Copy(vo, voTablePos, vo2, voTablePos, voTableLen);
                            Array.Clear(vo, voTablePos, voTableLen);

            return(newResults);            // substitute new ordered set of results