internal OgmoLayerSettings(ContentReader reader)
     this.GridColor = reader.ReadColor();
     this.GridDrawSize = reader.ReadInt32();
     this.GridSize = reader.ReadInt32();
     this.Name = reader.ReadString();
예제 #2
파일: Map.cs 프로젝트: Wydra/WickedEngine
        internal Map(ContentReader reader)
            // read in the basic map information
            Version = new Version(reader.ReadString());
            Orientation = (Orientation)reader.ReadByte();
            WidthInTiles = reader.ReadInt32();
            HeightInTiles = reader.ReadInt32();
            TileWidth = reader.ReadInt32();
            TileHeight = reader.ReadInt32();
            Properties = new PropertyCollection(reader);
            bool makeTilesUnique = reader.ReadBoolean();

            // create a list for our tiles
            List<Tile> tiles = new List<Tile>();
            Tiles = new ReadOnlyCollection<Tile>(tiles);

            // read in each tile set
            int numTileSets = reader.ReadInt32();
            for (int i = 0; i < numTileSets; i++)
                // get the id and texture
                int firstId = reader.ReadInt32();
                Texture2D texture = reader.ReadExternalReference<Texture2D>();

                // read in each individual tile
                int numTiles = reader.ReadInt32();
                for (int j = 0; j < numTiles; j++)
                    int id = firstId + j;
                    Rectangle source = reader.ReadObject<Rectangle>();
                    PropertyCollection props = new PropertyCollection(reader);

                    Tile t = new Tile(texture, source, props);
                    while (id >= tiles.Count)
                    tiles.Insert(id, t);

            // read in all the layers
            List<Layer> layers = new List<Layer>();
            Layers = new ReadOnlyCollection<Layer>(layers);
            int numLayers = reader.ReadInt32();
            for (int i = 0; i < numLayers; i++)
                Layer layer = null;

                // read generic layer data
                string type = reader.ReadString();
                string name = reader.ReadString();
                int width = reader.ReadInt32();
                int height = reader.ReadInt32();
                bool visible = reader.ReadBoolean();
                float opacity = reader.ReadSingle();
                PropertyCollection props = new PropertyCollection(reader);

                // calculate the default layer depth of the layer
                float layerDepth = 1f - (LayerDepthSpacing * i);

                // using the type, figure out which object to create
                if (type == "layer")
                    uint[] data = reader.ReadObject<uint[]>();
                    layer = new TileLayer(name, width, height, layerDepth, visible, opacity, props, this, data, makeTilesUnique);
                else if (type == "objectgroup")
                    List<MapObject> objects = new List<MapObject>();

                    // read in all of our objects
                    int numObjects = reader.ReadInt32();
                    for (int j = 0; j < numObjects; j++)
                        string objName = reader.ReadString();
                        string objType = reader.ReadString();
                        Rectangle objLoc = reader.ReadObject<Rectangle>();
                        PropertyCollection objProps = new PropertyCollection(reader);

                        objects.Add(new MapObject(objName, objType, objLoc, objProps));

                    layer = new MapObjectLayer(name, width, height, layerDepth, visible, opacity, props, objects);

                    // read in the layer's color
                    (layer as MapObjectLayer).Color = reader.ReadColor();
                    throw new Exception("Invalid type: " + type);

                namedLayers.Add(name, layer);
예제 #3
        internal Map(ContentReader reader)
            // read in the basic map information
            Version = new Version(reader.ReadString());
            Orientation = (Orientation)reader.ReadByte();
            Width = reader.ReadInt32();
            Height = reader.ReadInt32();
            TileWidth = reader.ReadInt32();
            TileHeight = reader.ReadInt32();
            Properties = new PropertyCollection(reader);
            bool makeTilesUnique = reader.ReadBoolean();

            // create a list for our tiles
            List<Tile> tiles = new List<Tile>();
            Tiles = new ReadOnlyCollection<Tile>(tiles);

            // read in each tile set
            int numTileSets = reader.ReadInt32();
            for (int i = 0; i < numTileSets; i++)
                // get the id and texture
                int firstId = reader.ReadInt32();
                //string tilesetName = reader.ReadString(); // added

                Texture2D texture = reader.ReadExternalReference<Texture2D>();

                // Read in color data for collision purposes
                // You'll probably want to limit this to just the tilesets that are used for collision
                // I'm checking for the name of my tileset that contains wall tiles
                // Color data takes up a fair bit of RAM
                Color[] collisionData = null;
                //if (texture == "ForestTiles")
                collisionData = new Color[texture.Width * texture.Height];

                // read in each individual tile
                int numTiles = reader.ReadInt32();
                for (int j = 0; j < numTiles; j++)
                    int id = firstId + j;
                    Rectangle source = reader.ReadObject<Rectangle>();
                    PropertyCollection props = new PropertyCollection(reader);

                    Tile t = new Tile(texture, source, props, collisionData); // modified
                    while (id >= tiles.Count)
                    tiles.Insert(id, t);

            // read in all the layers
            List<Layer> layers = new List<Layer>();
            Layers = new ReadOnlyCollection<Layer>(layers);
            int numLayers = reader.ReadInt32();
            for (int i = 0; i < numLayers; i++)
                Layer layer = null;

                // read generic layer data
                string type = reader.ReadString();
                string name = reader.ReadString();
                int width = reader.ReadInt32();
                int height = reader.ReadInt32();
                bool visible = reader.ReadBoolean();
                float opacity = reader.ReadSingle();
                PropertyCollection props = new PropertyCollection(reader);

                // using the type, figure out which object to create
                if (type == "layer")
                    int[] data = reader.ReadObject<int[]>();
                    layer = new TileLayer(name, width, height, visible, opacity, props, this, data, makeTilesUnique);
                else if (type == "objectgroup")
                    List<MapObject> objects = new List<MapObject>();

                    // read in all of our objects
                    int numObjects = reader.ReadInt32();
                    for (int j = 0; j < numObjects; j++)
                        string objName = reader.ReadString();
                        string objType = reader.ReadString();
                        Rectangle objLoc = reader.ReadObject<Rectangle>();
                        PropertyCollection objProps = new PropertyCollection(reader);

                        objects.Add(new MapObject(objName, objType, objLoc, objProps));

                    layer = new MapObjectLayer(name, width, height, visible, opacity, props, objects);

                    // read in the layer's color
                    (layer as MapObjectLayer).Color = reader.ReadColor();
                    throw new Exception("Invalid type: " + type);

                namedLayers.Add(name, layer);