예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns elements from only 1 Folio
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="qs_folioID"></param>
        private void DoSearchFolioElements(string qs_folioID = "")
            int index = 0;
            StringBuilder htmlTable = new StringBuilder();

            /****** Table headers ******/

            htmlTable.AppendLine("<table class='table' id='tblLeftGridElements'>"); // style='display:none;'
            htmlTable.AppendLine("<tr style='background: transparent'>");
            htmlTable.AppendLine("<th width='3%' style='text-align: center;'><input type='checkbox' id='chbSelectAll' name='timeline_elements_checkAll' class='button' checked></th>");
            htmlTable.AppendLine("<th width='3%' style='text-align: center;'>#</th>");
            htmlTable.AppendLine("<th width='5%' style='text-align: center;'>Usuario</th>");
            htmlTable.AppendLine("<th width='8%' style='text-align: center;'>Local Party</th>");
            htmlTable.AppendLine("<th width='5%' style='text-align: center;'>Remote Party</th>");
            htmlTable.AppendLine("<th width='5%' style='text-align: center;'>Tipo</th>");
            htmlTable.AppendLine("<th width='6%' style='text-align: center;'>Inicio</th>");
            htmlTable.AppendLine("<th width='3%' style='text-align: center;'>Duración</th>");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(qs_folioID))
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txbSearchBox1.Text))
                    qs_folioID = txbSearchBox1.Text;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(qs_folioID))
                this.folio_list = Global.GlobalMethods.GetAllFolios(qs_folioID);
                ViewState["folio_list"] = this.folio_list;

                if (this.folio_list != null && this.folio_list.Count > 0)
                    this.folio_filteredList = this.folio_list.FindAll(x => x.deleted == 0);
                    ViewState["folio_filteredList"] = this.folio_filteredList;

                    string hdnTapeID_RoleGroupName_TypeTapeType_duration_timestamp_segmentID_count_fileName_endDate_filePath_duration_formatStr_fileStatus = string.Empty;
                    string hdnElementsIDChecked = string.Empty;

                    // Json object
                    RootObject json_elementList = new RootObject();
                    json_elementList.name = "Elements";
                    json_elementList.color = "#000000";

                    DateTime folio_start = DateTime.MaxValue;
                    DateTime folio_end = DateTime.MinValue;

                    List<Folio> list = this.folio_filteredList.Where(x => x.deleted == 0).ToList();
                    if (list != null && list.Count > 0)
                        ViewState["FolioID"] = list[0].folio_textID;
                        _hdnFolioID.Value = list[0].folio_textID;

                        foreach (Folio folio in list)

                            string end_date = folio.timestamp.AddSeconds(folio.duration).ToString("dd'-'MM'-'yyyy HH':'mm':'ss");

                            // Duration
                            TimeSpan time = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(folio.duration);
                            string duration_formatStr = time.ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss");

                            /****** Hidden fields ******/
                                += folio.tapeID + "#" + folio.groupName + "#" + folio.mediaType.ToString() + "#" + folio.duration + "#" + folio.timestamp.ToString("dd'-'MM'-'yyyy HH':'mm':'ss")
                                + "#" + folio.segmentID + "#" + index + "#" + folio.fileName + "#" + end_date + "#" + folio.filePath + "#" + duration_formatStr + "#" + folio.fileStatus + "$";

                            // Get max and min value
                            folio_start = folio_start > folio.timestamp ? folio.timestamp : folio_start;
                            folio_end = folio_end < folio.timestamp.AddSeconds(folio.duration) ? folio.timestamp.AddSeconds(folio.duration) : folio_end;

                            /****** Create json data ******/
                            Span json_element = new Span();
                            json_element.name = folio.mediaType == "S" ? "P" : folio.mediaType;
                            json_element.start = folio.timestamp.ToString("dd'-'MM'-'yyyy HH':'mm':'ss");
                            json_element.end = end_date;
                            json_element.id = folio.tapeID.ToString();
                            json_element.type = folio.mediaType;
                            json_element.role = folio.groupName;


                            // isExtra, type, icon and color
                            //bool isExtra = false; // If its taken from orkextra table
                            string icon = "glyphicon glyphicon-headphones";
                            string media_str = "Grabación";
                            string color_str = "";
                            switch (folio.mediaType)
                                case "S":
                                        icon = "fa fa-video-camera";
                                        media_str = "Grabación";
                                        color_str = "blue";
                                case "V":
                                        icon = "glyphicon glyphicon-film";
                                        media_str = "Video";
                                        color_str = "purple";
                                case "A":
                                        icon = "glyphicon glyphicon-headphones";
                                        media_str = "Audio";
                                        color_str = "red";
                                case "D":
                                        icon = "fa fa-file-text";
                                        media_str = "Documento";
                                        color_str = "green";
                                case "C":
                                        icon = "glyphicon glyphicon-comment";
                                        media_str = "Comentario";
                                        color_str = "orange";
                                case "I":
                                        icon = "glyphicon glyphicon-picture";
                                        media_str = "Imagen";
                                        color_str = "Violet";

                            // IsExtra = If filePath is NOT empty, then is extra from incextras table
                            bool isExtra = folio.filePath == string.Empty ? false : true;
                            if (folio.mediaType == "C")
                                isExtra = true;

                            //string color_icon = isExtra ? "#C4FFD6" : "beige";
                            string color_icon = "beige";

                            string button_border = isExtra ? "1px solid black" : "2px solid darkred";

                            // Onclick event
                            string onclick_event = FolioElements_GetOnClickEvent(folio, index, isExtra, duration_formatStr, media_str);

                            // Title
                            string title = folio.mediaType == "S" ? "Grabación de Pantalla" : media_str;

                            /****** Table data ******/
                            htmlTable.AppendLine("<tr id='tape_" + folio.tapeID + "'>");

                            htmlTable.AppendLine("<input type='checkbox' name='timeline_elements' class='button' value='" + folio.tapeID + "#" + isExtra.ToString().ToLowerInvariant() + "#" + folio.mediaType + "' onclick='manageElement(this, " + folio.tapeID + ", " + (index - 1).ToString() + ", " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(json_element) + ")' checked>");
                            htmlTable.AppendLine("<h5>" + index + "</h5>");
                            htmlTable.AppendLine("<h5>" + folio.userName + "</h5>");
                            htmlTable.AppendLine("<h5>" + folio.localParty + "</h5>");
                            htmlTable.AppendLine("<h5>" + folio.remoteParty + "</h5>");

                            htmlTable.AppendLine("<button type='button' class='btn btn-default btn-sm' style='color:" + color_str + "; opacity: 0.9; background-color: " + color_icon + "; border: " + button_border + "; background-image: none;' name='btnTimelineElement' data-toggle='tooltip' ");
                            htmlTable.AppendLine("title=" + title + " onclick='" + onclick_event + "'><span class='" + icon + "' aria-hidden='true'></span></button>");
                            htmlTable.AppendLine("<h5 id='timestamp'>" + folio.timestamp.ToString("dd'-'MM'-'yyyy HH':'mm':'ss") + "</h5>");

                            htmlTable.AppendLine("<h5>" + duration_formatStr + "</h5>");

                    if (hdnTapeID_RoleGroupName_TypeTapeType_duration_timestamp_segmentID_count_fileName_endDate_filePath_duration_formatStr_fileStatus.Length > 0)
                        hdnTapeID_RoleGroupName_TypeTapeType_duration_timestamp_segmentID_count_fileName_endDate_filePath_duration_formatStr_fileStatus = hdnTapeID_RoleGroupName_TypeTapeType_duration_timestamp_segmentID_count_fileName_endDate_filePath_duration_formatStr_fileStatus.Remove(hdnTapeID_RoleGroupName_TypeTapeType_duration_timestamp_segmentID_count_fileName_endDate_filePath_duration_formatStr_fileStatus.Length - 1);
                        _hdnTapeID_RoleGroupName_TypeTapeType_duration_timestamp_segmentID_count_fileName_endDate_filePath_duration_formatStr_fileStatus.Value = hdnTapeID_RoleGroupName_TypeTapeType_duration_timestamp_segmentID_count_fileName_endDate_filePath_duration_formatStr_fileStatus;

                    /****** Load bottom Timeline ******/
                    string val1 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(json_elementList);
                    string val2 = folio_start.ToString("dd'-'MM'-'yyyy HH':'mm':'ss");
                    string val3 = folio_end.ToString("dd'-'MM'-'yyyy HH':'mm':'ss");

                    _hdnJSonList.Value = val1;
                    _hdnJSonStart.Value = val2;
                    _hdnJSonEnd.Value = val3;

                    // Fire the timeframe drawing
                    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "pre_timeframe_prepare", "pre_timeframe_prepare();", true);
                    // Folio does not exist
                    ViewState["FolioID"] = 0;
                    _hdnJSonEnd.Value = "0";

                    _hdnTapeID_RoleGroupName_TypeTapeType_duration_timestamp_segmentID_count_fileName_endDate_filePath_duration_formatStr_fileStatus.Value = string.Empty;
                    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "clear_timeline", "clear_timeline();", true);

            litTable.Text = htmlTable.ToString();

            lblResultsCount.Text = index.ToString();

            /****** Clear checkbox filters Rols and Types ******/

            // Change Roles and Types filter checkboxes to checked status
            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "checkRolesAndTypesFilters", "checkRolesAndTypesFilters();", true);
예제 #2
        public static string AddFolioComment(string userID, string folioID, string comment, string date, string duration)
            Logger.LogDebug("Log Test Dashboard.aspx.cs");

            Span json_element = null;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userID) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(folioID) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(comment) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(date) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(duration))
                // #1- Logger variables
                System.Diagnostics.StackFrame stackFrame = new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame();
                string className = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.Name;
                string methodName = stackFrame.GetMethod().Name;

                // #1-2- Params register
                Logger.LogDebug("(%s) (%s) -- Info WebMethod. Testing AddFolioComment", className, methodName);
                Logger.LogDebug("(%s) (%s) -- Info WebMethod. Parametros recibidos: " + userID + ", " + folioID + ", " + comment + ", " + date + ", " + duration, className, methodName);

                int duration_int = 0;
                if (!int.TryParse(duration, out duration_int))
                    duration_int = 0;

                    // #2- Logger exception
                    Logger.LogError("(%s) (%s) -- Excepcion. Convirtiendo a int.", className, methodName);
                    Logger.LogError("(%s) (%s) -- Dato: " + duration, className, methodName);

                string date_final_start = date;
                string date_final_end = date;
                DateTime date_2 = DateTime.Now;
                Logger.LogDebug("(%s) (%s) -- Intentando convertir a datetime. Formato: dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss. Dato: " + date.ToString(), className, methodName);
                if (!DateTime.TryParseExact(date, "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss", null, System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None, out date_2))
                //if (!DateTime.TryParse(date, out date_2))
                    date_final_start = date_final_end = date;

                    // #2- Logger exception
                    Logger.LogError("(%s) (%s) -- Excepcion. Convirtiendo a datetime.", className, methodName);
                    Logger.LogError("(%s) (%s) -- Dato: " + date, className, methodName);
                    date_final_start = date_2.ToString("dd'-'MM'-'yyyy HH':'mm':'ss");
                    date_final_end = date_2.AddSeconds(duration_int).ToString("dd'-'MM'-'yyyy HH':'mm':'ss");
                Logger.LogDebug("(%s) (%s) -- Datetime date_final_start: " + date_final_start, className, methodName);
                Logger.LogDebug("(%s) (%s) -- Datetime date_final_end: " + date_final_end, className, methodName);

                // Save in DB
                int elementID = Global.GlobalMethods.AddFolioComment(userID, folioID, comment, date_2, duration_int);

                /****** Create json data ******/
                json_element = new Span();
                json_element.name = comment;
                json_element.start = date_final_start;
                json_element.end = date_final_end;
                json_element.id = elementID.ToString(); // wrong: folioID
                json_element.type = "C";
                json_element.role = string.Empty;
            return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(json_element);