private void OnUploadDone(bool ok, string error) { return; if (UICommonDialog.ins != null) { if (ok) { MapEditorStroageData.Clear(); UICommonDialog.ins.ShowOK("恭喜您设计的地图已上传至服务器,请点击确定返回游戏主界面。", () => { Application.LoadLevel("GameLogin"); }); } else { UICommonDialog.ins.ShowOK(error); } } }
//return to GameLogin public void OnClickReturn() { //打开设置界面 if (Base.Events.ins != null) { Base.Events.ins.FireLua("map_editor", "open_settings"); } return; if (UICommonDialog.ins != null) { UICommonDialog.ins.ShowYesNo("您编辑的关卡仍未上传至服务器,是否放弃本次编辑直接返回到主界面?", () => { }, () => { // 初始化 共享数据 MapEditorStroageData.Clear(); Application.LoadLevel("GameLogin"); }, "继续编辑", "放弃编辑"); } }
//------------地图额外配置信息 //--------------------------- public void Reload(MapEditorStroageData data) { data.ReloadJson(); {//reload spawn point var list = this.GetComponentsInChildren <MapObjectSpawnPoint>(true); if (list.Length != data._spawn_points.Count) { Debug.LogError("0check length is right when reload MapEditor.Reload " + list.Length + " " + data._spawn_points.Count); } for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++) { list[i].transform.position = data._spawn_points[i].position; } } {//reload weapon spawn point var list = this.GetComponentsInChildren <MapObjectWeaponSpawnPoint>(true); if (list.Length != data._weapon_spawn_points.Count) { Debug.LogError("1check length is right when reload MapEditor.Reload " + list.Length + " " + data._weapon_spawn_points.Count); } for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++) { list[i].transform.position = data._weapon_spawn_points[i].position; list[i]._weapon_ids = new List <int>(data._weapon_spawn_points[i].ids); } } {//reload layer and map obect and map object decroate LayerMgr.ins.Clear(); foreach (var l in data._layer_objs) { LayerMgr.ins.CreateLayer(l); //GameObject layer = new GameObject("layer" + l.layerIndex.ToString()); //layer.transform.parent = LayerMgr.ins.transform; //layers[l.layerIndex-1] = layer.transform; } GameObject obj = null; foreach (var p in data._map_objs) { if (p.layerIndex > 0) { obj = CreateObject(p.prefab, LayerMgr.ins.GetLayerByIndex(p.layerIndex)); if (obj != null) { obj.transform.position = p.position; CustomerPropertyBase com = obj.GetComponent <CustomerPropertyBase>(); //自定义属性 if ((com != null) && (p.extPropJson != "")) { com.OnDeseriazlie(p.extPropJson); } } } else { obj = CreateObject(p.prefab, LayerMgr.ins.transform); if (obj != null) { obj.transform.position = p.position; CustomerPropertyBase com = obj.GetComponent <CustomerPropertyBase>(); //自定义属性 if ((com != null) && (p.extPropJson != "")) { com.OnDeseriazlie(p.extPropJson); } } } } } // this.map_brief = data.map_brief; // this.map_name = data.map_name; //加载了目标地图 需要恢复状态 MapEditorStroageData.current_map_brief = data.map_brief; MapEditorStroageData.current_map_name = data.map_name; //在编辑地图入口时会设置 MapEditor.MapObjectRoot.record_json ; #if UNITY_EDITOR //修改 边缘 大小 if (UIPanelMapInfoParkour.ins != null && MapEditor.MapEditorConfig.CurrentMapGameMode == MapGameMode.Parkour) { UIPanelMapInfoParkour.ins.Reset(); } #endif }
void Start() { //init spawn points for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var obj = MapLoader.ins.LoadMapObjectV1("Common/OneSpawnPoint"); obj = GameObject.Instantiate <GameObject>(obj); //PrefabsMgr.Load("Map/Prefabs/MapObject/Common/OneSpawnPoint"); var pos =; pos.z = -10f + 6f * i; pos.x = 0f;//just for show in the front of everything pos.y = 6f; obj.transform.position = pos; obj.transform.parent = transform; // obj.GetComponentFully<OneMapObjectBase>().Init(i); this.CheckAddObject(obj); var scale = obj.transform.localScale; scale.x = 50f; obj.transform.localScale = scale; obj.GetComponentInChildren <TextMesh>().text = (i + 1).ToString() + "P"; } //init weapon spawn point int WEAPON_SPAWN_POINT = 4; if (MapEditor.MapEditorConfig.CurrentMapGameMode == MapGameMode.Parkour) { WEAPON_SPAWN_POINT = 20; } else { #if UNITY_EDITOR WEAPON_SPAWN_POINT = 10; #endif } EditorWeaponSpawnPointsRoot weapon_spawn_root = this.transform.root.GetComponentInChildren <EditorWeaponSpawnPointsRoot>(); for (int i = 0; i < WEAPON_SPAWN_POINT; i++) { var obj = MapLoader.ins.LoadMapObjectV1("Common/OneWeaponSpawnPoint"); obj = GameObject.Instantiate <GameObject>(obj); // PrefabsMgr.Load("Map/Prefabs/MapObject/Common/OneWeaponSpawnPoint"); var pos =; #if UNITY_EDITOR pos.z = -15f + 3f * i; #else pos.z = -10f + 6f * i; #endif pos.x = 0f;//just for show in the front of everything pos.y = 3f; obj.transform.position = pos; obj.transform.parent = transform; // obj.GetComponentFully<OneMapObjectBase>().Init(i); if (i >= weapon_spawn_root.transform.childCount) { //实际武器点大于阈值 需要扩容 runtime 也要处理这个 GameObject x = GameObject.Instantiate <GameObject>(weapon_spawn_root.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject, weapon_spawn_root.transform, false); x.transform.position = pos; = "p" + (i + 1); } this.CheckAddObject(obj); var scale = obj.transform.localScale; scale.x = 50f; obj.transform.localScale = scale; obj.GetComponentInChildren <TextMesh>().text = "武器" + (i + 1).ToString(); } //表示是自动恢复的 或者 编辑的地图 if (data != null) { this.Reload(data); data = null; } else { //新建的地图 需要初始化一下数据 方便 预览图预览什么的 this.SerializeToJson(); } this.SetSpawnPointVisible(false); this.SetWeaponSpawnPointVisible(false); }