public void Update(ManagedHand managedHand, Vector3 keyPointLocation, params Vector3[] decayPoints) { if (!managedHand.Visible) { //lost: if (Visible) { FireLostEvent(); _progress.locationHistory.Clear(); } return; } //visibility status: bool currentVisibility = true; //too close to next joint in chain means visibility failed: if (Vector3.Distance(keyPointLocation, _mainCamera.transform.position) < _minHeadDistance) { currentVisibility = false; } else { for (int i = 0; i < decayPoints.Length; i++) { if (Vector3.Distance(keyPointLocation, decayPoints[i]) < _lostKeyPointDistance) { currentVisibility = false; break; } } } positionRaw = keyPointLocation; //lost visibility: if (!currentVisibility && Visible) { FireLostEvent(); _progress.locationHistory.Clear(); return; } //history cache: _progress.locationHistory.Add(keyPointLocation); //only need 3 in our history: if (_progress.locationHistory.Count > 3) { _progress.locationHistory.RemoveAt(0); } //we have enough history: if (_progress.locationHistory.Count == 3) { //movement intent stats: Vector3 vectorA = _progress.locationHistory[_progress.locationHistory.Count - 2] - _progress.locationHistory[_progress.locationHistory.Count - 3]; Vector3 vectorB = _progress.locationHistory[_progress.locationHistory.Count - 1] - _progress.locationHistory[_progress.locationHistory.Count - 2]; float delta = Vector3.Distance(_progress.locationHistory[_progress.locationHistory.Count - 3], _progress.locationHistory[_progress.locationHistory.Count - 1]); float angle = Vector3.Angle(vectorA, vectorB); Stability = 1 - Mathf.Clamp01(delta / _maxDistance); //moving in a constant direction? if (angle < 90) { = _progress.locationHistory[_progress.locationHistory.Count - 1]; } //snap or smooth: if (Stability == 0) { positionFiltered =; } else { positionFiltered = Vector3.SmoothDamp(positionFiltered,, ref _progress.velocity, _smoothTime * Stability); } } else { positionFiltered = keyPointLocation; } //inside the camera plane - flatten against the plane? InsideClipPlane = TransformUtilities.InsideClipPlane(positionFiltered); if (InsideClipPlane) { positionFiltered = TransformUtilities.LocationOnClipPlane(positionFiltered); } //gained visibility: if (currentVisibility && !Visible) { //we must also break distance for point proximity: for (int i = 0; i < decayPoints.Length; i++) { if (Vector3.Distance(keyPointLocation, decayPoints[i]) < _foundKeyPointDistance) { currentVisibility = false; break; } } //still good? if (currentVisibility) { FireFoundEvent(); } } }
//Public Methods: public void Update() { //update keypoints and fingers: WristCenter.Update(_managedHand, _managedHand.Hand.Wrist.Center.Position, _managedHand.Hand.Center); HandCenter.Update(_managedHand, _managedHand.Hand.Center); _thumbMCP.Update(_managedHand, _managedHand.Hand.Thumb.MCP.Position, _managedHand.Hand.Index.MCP.Position, _managedHand.Hand.Center); _thumbPIP.Update(_managedHand, _managedHand.Hand.Thumb.IP.Position, _managedHand.Hand.Thumb.MCP.Position, _managedHand.Hand.Center); _thumbTip.Update(_managedHand, _managedHand.Hand.Thumb.Tip.Position, _managedHand.Hand.Thumb.IP.Position, _managedHand.Hand.Middle.Tip.Position, _managedHand.Hand.Thumb.MCP.Position, _managedHand.Hand.Center); Thumb.Update(); _indexMCP.Update(_managedHand, _managedHand.Hand.Index.MCP.Position, _managedHand.Hand.Center); _indexPIP.Update(_managedHand, _managedHand.Hand.Index.PIP.Position, _managedHand.Hand.Index.MCP.Position, _managedHand.Hand.Center); _indexTip.Update(_managedHand, _managedHand.Hand.Index.Tip.Position, _managedHand.Hand.Index.PIP.Position, _managedHand.Hand.Index.MCP.Position, _managedHand.Hand.Center, _managedHand.Hand.Thumb.IP.Position, _managedHand.Hand.Middle.Tip.Position); Index.Update(); _middleMCP.Update(_managedHand, _managedHand.Hand.Middle.MCP.Position, _managedHand.Hand.Center); _middlePIP.Update(_managedHand, _managedHand.Hand.Middle.PIP.Position, _managedHand.Hand.Middle.MCP.Position, _managedHand.Hand.Center); _middleTip.Update(_managedHand, _managedHand.Hand.Middle.Tip.Position, _managedHand.Hand.Middle.PIP.Position, _managedHand.Hand.Middle.MCP.Position, _managedHand.Hand.Ring.Tip.Position, _managedHand.Hand.Center); Middle.Update(); _ringMCP.Update(_managedHand, _managedHand.Hand.Ring.MCP.Position, _managedHand.Hand.Center); _ringTip.Update(_managedHand, _managedHand.Hand.Ring.Tip.Position, _managedHand.Hand.Ring.MCP.Position, _managedHand.Hand.Pinky.Tip.Position, _managedHand.Hand.Middle.Tip.Position, _managedHand.Hand.Center); Ring.Update(); _pinkyMCP.Update(_managedHand, _managedHand.Hand.Pinky.MCP.Position, _managedHand.Hand.Center); _pinkyTip.Update(_managedHand, _managedHand.Hand.Pinky.Tip.Position, _managedHand.Hand.Pinky.MCP.Position, _managedHand.Hand.Ring.Tip.Position, _managedHand.Hand.Center); Pinky.Update(); //we need a hand to continue: if (!_managedHand.Visible) { return; } //correct distances: float thumbMcpToWristDistance = Vector3.Distance(_thumbMCP.positionFiltered, WristCenter.positionFiltered) * .5f; //fix the distance between the wrist and thumbMcp as it incorrectly expands as the hand gets further from the camera: float distancePercentage = Mathf.Clamp01(Vector3.Distance(_mainCamera.transform.position, WristCenter.positionFiltered) / .5f); distancePercentage = 1 - Percentage(distancePercentage, .90f, 1) * .4f; thumbMcpToWristDistance *= distancePercentage; Vector3 wristToPalmDirection = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Normalize(HandCenter.positionFiltered - WristCenter.positionFiltered)); Vector3 center = WristCenter.positionFiltered + (wristToPalmDirection * thumbMcpToWristDistance); Vector3 camToWristDirection = Vector3.Normalize(WristCenter.positionFiltered - _mainCamera.transform.position); //rays needed for planarity discovery for in/out palm facing direction: Vector3 camToWrist = new Ray(WristCenter.positionFiltered, camToWristDirection).GetPoint(1); Vector3 camToThumbMcp = new Ray(_thumbMCP.positionFiltered, Vector3.Normalize(_thumbMCP.positionFiltered - _mainCamera.transform.position)).GetPoint(1); Vector3 camToPalm = new Ray(center, Vector3.Normalize(center - _mainCamera.transform.position)).GetPoint(1); //discover palm facing direction to camera: Plane palmFacingPlane = new Plane(camToWrist, camToPalm, camToThumbMcp); if (_managedHand.Hand.HandType == MLHandType.Left) { palmFacingPlane.Flip(); } float palmForwardFacing = Mathf.Sign(Vector3.Dot(palmFacingPlane.normal, _mainCamera.transform.forward)); //use thumb/palm/wrist alignment to determine amount of roll in the hand: Vector3 toThumbMcp = Vector3.Normalize(_thumbMCP.positionFiltered - center); Vector3 toPalm = Vector3.Normalize(center - WristCenter.positionFiltered); float handRollAmount = (1 - Vector3.Dot(toThumbMcp, toPalm)) * palmForwardFacing; //where between the wrist and thumbMcp should we slide inwards to get the palm in the center: Vector3 toPalmOrigin = Vector3.Lerp(WristCenter.positionFiltered, _thumbMCP.positionFiltered, .35f); //get a direction from the camera to toPalmOrigin as psuedo up for use in quaternion construction: Vector3 toCam = Vector3.Normalize(_mainCamera.transform.position - toPalmOrigin); //construct a quaternion that helps get angles needed between the wrist and thumbMCP to point towards the palm center: Vector3 wristToThumbMcp = Vector3.Normalize(_thumbMCP.positionFiltered - WristCenter.positionFiltered); Quaternion towardsCamUpReference = Quaternion.identity; if (wristToThumbMcp != && toCam != { towardsCamUpReference = Quaternion.LookRotation(wristToThumbMcp, toCam); } //rotate the inwards vector depending on hand roll to know where to push the palm back: float inwardsVectorRotation = 90; if (_managedHand.Hand.HandType == MLHandType.Left) { inwardsVectorRotation = -90; } towardsCamUpReference = Quaternion.AngleAxis(handRollAmount * inwardsVectorRotation, towardsCamUpReference * Vector3.forward) * towardsCamUpReference; Vector3 inwardsVector = towardsCamUpReference * Vector3.up; //slide palm location along inwards vector to get it into proper physical location in the center of the hand: center = toPalmOrigin - inwardsVector * thumbMcpToWristDistance; Vector3 deadCenter = center; //as the hand flattens back out balance corrected location with originally provided location for better forward origin: center = Vector3.Lerp(center, HandCenter.positionFiltered, Mathf.Abs(handRollAmount)); //get a forward using the corrected palm location: Vector3 forward = Vector3.Normalize(center - WristCenter.positionFiltered); //switch back to physical center of hand - this reduces surface-to-surface movement of the center between back and palm: center = deadCenter; //get an initial hand up: Plane handPlane = new Plane(WristCenter.positionFiltered, _thumbMCP.positionFiltered, center); if (_managedHand.Hand.HandType == MLHandType.Left) { handPlane.Flip(); } Vector3 up = handPlane.normal; //find out how much the back of the hand is facing the camera so we have a safe set of features for a stronger forward: Vector3 centerToCam = Vector3.Normalize(_mainCamera.transform.position - WristCenter.positionFiltered); float facingDot = Vector3.Dot(centerToCam, up); if (facingDot > .5f) { float handBackFacingCamAmount = Percentage(facingDot, .5f, 1); //steer forward for more accuracy based on the visibility of the back of the hand: if (_middleMCP.Visible) { Vector3 toMiddleMcp = Vector3.Normalize(_middleMCP.positionFiltered - center); forward = Vector3.Lerp(forward, toMiddleMcp, handBackFacingCamAmount); } else if (_indexMCP.Visible) { Vector3 inIndexMcp = Vector3.Normalize(_indexMCP.positionFiltered - center); forward = Vector3.Lerp(forward, inIndexMcp, handBackFacingCamAmount); } } //make sure palm distance from wrist is consistant while also leveraging steered forward: center = WristCenter.positionFiltered + (forward * thumbMcpToWristDistance); //an initial rotation of the hand: Quaternion orientation = Quaternion.identity; if (forward != && up != { orientation = Quaternion.LookRotation(forward, up); } //as the hand rolls counter-clockwise the thumbMcp loses accuracy so we need to interpolate to the back of the hand's features: if (_indexMCP.Visible && _middleMCP.Visible) { Vector3 knucklesVector = Vector3.Normalize(_middleMCP.positionFiltered - _indexMCP.positionFiltered); float knucklesDot = Vector3.Dot(knucklesVector, Vector3.up); if (knucklesDot > .5f) { float counterClockwiseRoll = Percentage(Vector3.Dot(knucklesVector, Vector3.up), .35f, .7f); center = Vector3.Lerp(center, HandCenter.positionFiltered, counterClockwiseRoll); forward = Vector3.Lerp(forward, Vector3.Normalize(_middleMCP.positionFiltered - HandCenter.positionFiltered), counterClockwiseRoll); Plane backHandPlane = new Plane(HandCenter.positionFiltered, _indexMCP.positionFiltered, _middleMCP.positionFiltered); if (_managedHand.Hand.HandType == MLHandType.Left) { backHandPlane.Flip(); } up = Vector3.Lerp(up, backHandPlane.normal, counterClockwiseRoll); orientation = Quaternion.LookRotation(forward, up); } } //as the wrist tilts away from the camera (with the thumb down) at extreme angles the hand center will move toward the thumb: float handTiltAwayAmount = 1 - Percentage(Vector3.Distance(HandCenter.positionFiltered, WristCenter.positionFiltered), .025f, .04f); Vector3 handTiltAwayCorrectionPoint = WristCenter.positionFiltered + camToWristDirection * thumbMcpToWristDistance; center = Vector3.Lerp(center, handTiltAwayCorrectionPoint, handTiltAwayAmount); forward = Vector3.Lerp(forward, Vector3.Normalize(handTiltAwayCorrectionPoint - WristCenter.positionFiltered), handTiltAwayAmount); Plane wristPlane = new Plane(WristCenter.positionFiltered, _thumbMCP.positionFiltered, center); if (_managedHand.Hand.HandType == MLHandType.Left) { wristPlane.Flip(); } up = Vector3.Lerp(up, wristPlane.normal, handTiltAwayAmount); if (forward != && up != { orientation = Quaternion.LookRotation(forward, up); } //steering for if thumb/index are not available from self-occlusion to help rotate the hand better outwards better: float forwardUpAmount = Vector3.Dot(forward, Vector3.up); if (forwardUpAmount > .7f && _indexMCP.Visible && _ringMCP.Visible) { float angle = 0; if (_managedHand.Hand.HandType == MLHandType.Right) { Vector3 knucklesVector = Vector3.Normalize(_ringMCP.positionFiltered - _indexMCP.positionFiltered); angle = Vector3.Angle(knucklesVector, orientation * Vector3.right); angle *= -1; } else { Vector3 knucklesVector = Vector3.Normalize(_indexMCP.positionFiltered - _ringMCP.positionFiltered); angle = Vector3.Angle(knucklesVector, orientation * Vector3.right); } Quaternion selfOcclusionSteering = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, forward); orientation = selfOcclusionSteering * orientation; } else { //when palm is facing down we need to rotate some to compensate for an offset: float rollCorrection = Mathf.Clamp01(Vector3.Dot(orientation * Vector3.up, Vector3.up)); float rollCorrectionAmount = -30; if (_managedHand.Hand.HandType == MLHandType.Left) { rollCorrectionAmount = 30; } orientation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(rollCorrectionAmount * rollCorrection, forward) * orientation; } //inside the camera plane: InsideClipPlane = TransformUtilities.InsideClipPlane(center); //set pose: Position = center; Rotation = orientation; }