Base implementation class for buffered IndexInput.
상속: IndexInput
		private void  CheckReadBytes(BufferedIndexInput input, int size, int pos)
			// Just to see that "offset" is treated properly in readBytes(), we
			// add an arbitrary offset at the beginning of the array
			int offset = size % 10; // arbitrary
			byte[] b = new byte[offset + size];
			input.ReadBytes(b, offset, size);
			for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
				Assert.AreEqual(b[offset + i], Byten(pos + i));
예제 #2
 public override IndexInput OpenSlice(string sliceDescription, long offset, long length)
     return(new SimpleFSIndexInput("SimpleFSIndexInput(" + sliceDescription + " in path=\"" + file.FullName + "\" slice=" + offset + ":" + (offset + length) + ")", descriptor, offset, length, BufferedIndexInput.GetBufferSize(context)));