public async Task EnterContactName(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <object> result) { var activity = await result as Activity; string contactname = activity.Text; try { using (HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient()) { LuisResponse Data = new LuisResponse(); var responseInString = await httpClient.GetStringAsync(@"" + System.Uri.EscapeDataString(contactname)); Data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LuisResponse>(responseInString); var intent = Data.topScoringIntent.intent; string IntentName = intent; var score = Data.topScoringIntent.score; if (IntentName == "VisitorNameIntent" && score > 0.8) { contactname = Data.entities[0].entity.ToString(); RootDialog.UserResponse = contactname; VisitorData.ContactName = contactname.ToString(); RootDialog.BotResponse = SQLManager.GetVisitorBadgeQuestions(8); await context.PostAsync(RootDialog.BotResponse); SQLManager.GetConversationData(UserData.UserID, RootDialog.UserResponse, RootDialog.BotResponse); this.GetStartDate(context, result); } else { await context.PostAsync("please enter the valid contact name"); context.Wait(EnterDepartment); } } } catch (Exception e) { SQLManager.StoreExceptionData(e.GetType().ToString(), e.Message, e.StackTrace, e.Data.ToString()); //throw e; } }
public async Task EnterEmail(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <object> result) { var message = await result as Activity; string UserID = message.Text; using (HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient()) { LuisResponse Data = new LuisResponse(); try { var responseInString = await httpClient.GetStringAsync(@"" + System.Uri.EscapeDataString(UserID)); Data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LuisResponse>(responseInString); //choice = null; var intent = Data.topScoringIntent.intent; string IntentName = intent; var score = Data.topScoringIntent.score; Data.entities.OrderBy(o => o.startIndex); //string UserName; if (IntentName == "UserInfo" && score > 0.8) { UserData.UserID = Data.entities[0].entity.ToString(); UserData.UserName = SQLManager.GetName(UserData.UserID); if (UserData.UserName.Equals("")) { await context.PostAsync("Enter a valid email"); } else { await context.PostAsync($"hi {UserData.UserName},How can I help you?"); context.Wait(StaticQuestion); } } else { await context.PostAsync("UserName not found"); } } catch (Exception e) { SQLManager.StoreExceptionData(e.GetType().ToString(), e.Message, e.StackTrace, e.Data.ToString()); //await context.PostAsync("Name Exception"); } } }
public async Task MessageReceivedAsync(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <object> result) { var message = await result as Activity; string issue = message.Text; RootDialog.UserResponse = issue; using (HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient()) { LuisResponse Data = new LuisResponse(); try { var responseInString = await httpClient.GetStringAsync(@"" + System.Uri.EscapeDataString(issue)); Data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LuisResponse>(responseInString); //choice = null; var intent = Data.topScoringIntent.intent; string IntentName = intent; var score = Data.topScoringIntent.score; Data.entities.OrderBy(o => o.startIndex); //string UserName; if (IntentName == "RaiseITTicket" && score > 0.8) { await IssueCategory(context, result); } else { await context.PostAsync("invalid question which is not related"); } } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } } }
private async Task StaticQuestion(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <object> result) { var option = await result as Activity; string choice = option.Text; string Response; UserResponse = choice; using (HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient()) { LuisResponse Data = new LuisResponse(); try { var responseInString = await httpClient.GetStringAsync(@"" + System.Uri.EscapeDataString(choice)); Data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LuisResponse>(responseInString); choice = null; var intent = Data.topScoringIntent.intent; string IntentName = intent; var score = Data.topScoringIntent.score; Data.entities.OrderBy(o => o.startIndex); if (score > 0.8) { switch (IntentName) { case "FAQHrtAtkDefine": Response = SQLManager.GetResponse(IntentName); await context.PostAsync($"{Response}"); break; case "FAQHrtAtkSymptoms": Response = SQLManager.GetResponse(IntentName); await context.PostAsync($"{Response}"); break; case "FAQHrtAtkMeasures": Response = SQLManager.GetResponse(IntentName); await context.PostAsync($"{Response}"); break; case "FAQHrtAtkCardiacArrest": Response = SQLManager.GetResponse(IntentName); await context.PostAsync($"{Response}"); break; case "FAQHrtAtkPrecaution": Response = SQLManager.GetResponse(IntentName); await context.PostAsync($"{Response}"); break; case "FinanceGlobalCorporateCardApply": Response = SQLManager.GetResponse(IntentName); await context.PostAsync($"{Response}"); break; case "FinanceOut-of-PocketExpensesClaim": Response = SQLManager.GetResponse(IntentName); await context.PostAsync($"{Response}"); break; case "EnterpriseCodeofConductFind": Response = SQLManager.GetResponse(IntentName); await context.PostAsync($"{Response}"); break; case "ITHelpdeskSupport": Response = SQLManager.GetResponse(IntentName); await context.PostAsync($"{Response}"); break; case "None": Response = SQLManager.GetResponse(IntentName); await context.PostAsync($"{Response}"); break; default: await this.DynamicQuestion(context, result); break; } } else { await context.PostAsync("Sorry we couldn't found it"); await context.PostAsync("can you please mention the main topic of question?"); } } catch (Exception e) { SQLManager.StoreExceptionData(e.GetType().ToString(), e.Message, e.StackTrace, e.Data.ToString()); //await context.PostAsync("StaticException"); } } }
private async Task DynamicQuestion(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <object> result) { var option = await result as Activity; string choice2 = option.Text; string Response; //string choice2 = choice; using (HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient()) { LuisResponse Data = new LuisResponse(); try { var responseInString = await httpClient.GetStringAsync(@"" + System.Uri.EscapeDataString(choice2)); Data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LuisResponse>(responseInString); var intent = Data.topScoringIntent.intent; string IntentName = intent; var score = Data.topScoringIntent.score; Data.entities.OrderBy(o => o.startIndex); switch (IntentName) { case "RealEstateMeetingRoomReservationBook": Response = SQLManager.GetDynamicResponse(IntentName); await context.PostAsync($" {Response}"); break; case "RealEstateReceptionRegister": Response = SQLManager.GetDynamicResponse(IntentName); await context.PostAsync($" {Response}"); break; case "RealEstateShuttleBusSchedule": Response = SQLManager.GetDynamicResponse(IntentName); await context.PostAsync($" {Response}"); break; case "TravelBookITBook": Response = SQLManager.GetDynamicResponse(IntentName); await context.PostAsync($" {Response}"); break; case "VisitorIntent": vreg.StartAsync(context); break; default: //vreg.StartAsync(context); IT.StartAsync(context); break; } } catch (Exception e) { SQLManager.StoreExceptionData(e.GetType().ToString(), e.Message, e.StackTrace, e.Data.ToString()); //throw e; //await context.PostAsync("Dynamic Exception"); } } }