public void DoEvents() { while (true) { StringBuilder sendText = new StringBuilder(); foreach (ConnectedUser user in _Users.Values) { if (user._Room_X != user._Room_X_Target || user._Room_Y != user._Room_Y_Target) { int[] nextCoords; bool walkDoor = false; if (user._Room_X == door_x && user._Room_Y == door_y) { // first walk out of the door, then check if you can walk after that! walkDoor = true; if (user._Room_X_Target == doorstep_x && user._Room_Y_Target == doorstep_y) { // just come out of the door squareState[,] stateMap = avatarStateMap(doorstep_x, doorstep_y); if (stateMap[doorstep_x, doorstep_y] == squareState.Open && (!_sqUnit[doorstep_x, doorstep_y])) { // doorstep is free nextCoords = new int[2]; nextCoords[0] = doorstep_x; nextCoords[1] = doorstep_y; } else { nextCoords = null; } } else { PathFinderFast Pathfinder = new PathFinderFast(GenerateGrid(user._Room_X_Target, user._Room_Y_Target)); List<PathFinderNode> Path = Pathfinder.FindPath(new Point(doorstep_x, doorstep_y), new Point(user._Room_X_Target, user._Room_Y_Target)); if (Path == null || Path.Count == 0) { nextCoords = null; } else { // after coming out of your door you'll be able to walk squareState[,] stateMap = avatarStateMap(doorstep_x, doorstep_y); if (stateMap[doorstep_x, doorstep_y] == squareState.Open && (!_sqUnit[doorstep_x, doorstep_y])) { // doorstep is free nextCoords = new int[2]; nextCoords[0] = doorstep_x; nextCoords[1] = doorstep_y; } else { nextCoords = null; } } } } else { PathFinderFast Pathfinder = new PathFinderFast(GenerateGrid(user._Room_X_Target, user._Room_Y_Target)); List<PathFinderNode> Path = Pathfinder.FindPath(new Point(user._Room_X, user._Room_Y), new Point(user._Room_X_Target, user._Room_Y_Target)); if (Path == null || Path.Count == 0) { nextCoords = null; } else { PathFinderNode NextPosition = Path[Path.Count - 2]; nextCoords = new int[2]; nextCoords[0] = NextPosition.X; nextCoords[1] = NextPosition.Y; } } if (nextCoords == null) { user._Room_Sit = ""; user._Room_X_Target = user._Room_X; user._Room_Y_Target = user._Room_Y; StopAvatarPacket stopMove = new StopAvatarPacket(); stopMove.I = user._UserID; string stopMovePacket = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(stopMove); sendText.Append("064"); sendText.Append(stopMovePacket); sendText.Append("#"); } else { int nextX = nextCoords[0]; int nextY = nextCoords[1]; squareState nextState = _sqState[nextX, nextY]; if (!walkDoor) { _sqUnit[user._Room_X, user._Room_Y] = false; } _sqUnit[nextX, nextY] = true; double nextHeight = 0; nextHeight = (double)_sqHeight[nextX, nextY]; // dir eerst! user._Room_Dir = getNewDir(user._Room_X, user._Room_Y, nextX, nextY); user._Room_X = nextX; user._Room_Y = nextY; user._Room_Z = (int)nextHeight; if (nextState == squareState.Seat) { // Do Sit MoveAvatarPacket mvpack = new MoveAvatarPacket(); mvpack.I = user._UserID; mvpack.X = nextX; mvpack.Y = nextY; mvpack.H = user._Room_Dir; string stringmvpack = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(mvpack); sendText.Append("057"); sendText.Append(stringmvpack); sendText.Append("#"); if (user._Room_X == user._Room_X_Target && user._Room_Y == user._Room_Y_Target) { user._Room_Dir = _sqRot[user._Room_X, user._Room_Y] * 2; user._Room_Sit = user._Room_Dir.ToString() + "|" + _sqTile[user._Room_X, user._Room_Y]; StopAvatarPacket stopMove = new StopAvatarPacket(); stopMove.I = user._UserID; string stopMovePacket = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(stopMove); sendText.Append("064"); sendText.Append(stopMovePacket); sendText.Append("#"); SetSitPacket setSit = new SetSitPacket(); setSit.I = user._UserID; setSit.S = user._Room_Sit; string SetSitPacket = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(setSit); sendText.Append("081"); sendText.Append(SetSitPacket); sendText.Append("#"); } } else { user._Room_Sit = ""; MoveAvatarPacket mvpack = new MoveAvatarPacket(); mvpack.I = user._UserID; mvpack.X = nextX; mvpack.Y = nextY; mvpack.H = user._Room_Dir; string stringmvpack = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(mvpack); sendText.Append("057"); sendText.Append(stringmvpack); sendText.Append("#"); if (user._Room_X == user._Room_X_Target && user._Room_Y == user._Room_Y_Target) { StopAvatarPacket stopMove = new StopAvatarPacket(); stopMove.I = user._UserID; string stopMovePacket = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(stopMove); sendText.Append("064"); sendText.Append(stopMovePacket); sendText.Append("#"); } } } } } // BOTS try { foreach (RoomBot bot in _Bots.Values) { if (bot._MyX != bot.targetX || bot._MyY != bot.targetY) { int[] nextCoords; bool walkDoor = false; if (bot._MyX == door_x && bot._MyY == door_y) { // first walk out of the door, then check if you can walk after that! walkDoor = true; if (bot.targetX == doorstep_x && bot.targetY == doorstep_y) { // just come out of the door squareState[,] stateMap = avatarStateMap(doorstep_x, doorstep_y); if (stateMap[doorstep_x, doorstep_y] == squareState.Open && (!_sqUnit[doorstep_x, doorstep_y])) { // doorstep is free nextCoords = new int[2]; nextCoords[0] = doorstep_x; nextCoords[1] = doorstep_y; } else { nextCoords = null; } } else { PathFinderFast Pathfinder = new PathFinderFast(GenerateGrid(bot.targetX, bot.targetY)); List<PathFinderNode> Path = Pathfinder.FindPath(new Point(doorstep_x, doorstep_y), new Point(bot.targetX, bot.targetY)); if (Path == null || Path.Count == 0) { nextCoords = null; } else { // after coming out of your door you'll be able to walk squareState[,] stateMap = avatarStateMap(doorstep_x, doorstep_y); if (stateMap[doorstep_x, doorstep_y] == squareState.Open && (!_sqUnit[doorstep_x, doorstep_y])) { // doorstep is free nextCoords = new int[2]; nextCoords[0] = doorstep_x; nextCoords[1] = doorstep_y; } else { nextCoords = null; } } } } else { PathFinderFast Pathfinder = new PathFinderFast(GenerateGrid(bot.targetX, bot.targetY)); List<PathFinderNode> Path = Pathfinder.FindPath(new Point(bot._MyX, bot._MyY), new Point(bot.targetX, bot.targetY)); if (Path == null || Path.Count == 0) { nextCoords = null; } else { PathFinderNode NextPosition = Path[Path.Count - 2]; nextCoords = new int[2]; nextCoords[0] = NextPosition.X; nextCoords[1] = NextPosition.Y; } } if (nextCoords == null) { if (bot.walking) { bot._Sit = ""; bot.targetX = bot._MyX; bot.targetY = bot._MyY; StopAvatarPacket stopMove = new StopAvatarPacket(); stopMove.I = bot._MyAvatarID; string stopMovePacket = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(stopMove); sendText.Append("064"); sendText.Append(stopMovePacket); sendText.Append("#"); bot.walking = false; } } else { bot.walking = true; int nextX = nextCoords[0]; int nextY = nextCoords[1]; squareState nextState = _sqState[nextX, nextY]; if (!walkDoor) { _sqUnit[bot._MyX, bot._MyY] = false; } _sqUnit[nextX, nextY] = true; double nextHeight = 0; nextHeight = (double)_sqHeight[nextX, nextY]; bot._MyZ = getNewDir(bot._MyX, bot._MyY, nextX, nextY); bot._MyX = nextX; bot._MyY = nextY; //bot._MyZ = (int)nextHeight; if (nextState == squareState.Seat) { // Do Sit MoveAvatarPacket mvpack = new MoveAvatarPacket(); mvpack.I = bot._MyAvatarID; mvpack.X = nextX; mvpack.Y = nextY; mvpack.H = bot._MyZ; string stringmvpack = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(mvpack); sendText.Append("057"); sendText.Append(stringmvpack); sendText.Append("#"); if (bot._MyX == bot.targetX && bot._MyY == bot.targetY) { bot._MyZ = _sqRot[bot._MyX, bot._MyY] * 2; bot._Sit = bot._MyZ.ToString() + "|" + _sqTile[bot._MyX, bot._MyY]; StopAvatarPacket stopMove = new StopAvatarPacket(); stopMove.I = bot._MyAvatarID; string stopMovePacket = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(stopMove); sendText.Append("064"); sendText.Append(stopMovePacket); sendText.Append("#"); SetSitPacket setSit = new SetSitPacket(); setSit.I = bot._MyAvatarID; setSit.S = bot._Sit; string SetSitPacket = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(setSit); sendText.Append("081"); sendText.Append(SetSitPacket); sendText.Append("#"); } } else { bot._Sit = ""; MoveAvatarPacket mvpack = new MoveAvatarPacket(); mvpack.I = bot._MyAvatarID; mvpack.X = nextX; mvpack.Y = nextY; mvpack.H = bot._MyZ; string stringmvpack = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(mvpack); sendText.Append("057"); sendText.Append(stringmvpack); sendText.Append("#"); if (bot._MyX == bot.targetX && bot._MyY == bot.targetY) { StopAvatarPacket stopMove = new StopAvatarPacket(); stopMove.I = bot._MyAvatarID; string stopMovePacket = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(stopMove); sendText.Append("064"); sendText.Append(stopMovePacket); sendText.Append("#"); bot.walking = false; } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("BOTWALK ERROR: {0}", e); } string sendTextString = sendText.ToString(); if (sendTextString != "") { foreach (ConnectedUser usr in _Users.Values) { usr.sendData(sendTextString); } } Thread.Sleep(480); // 480 milliseconds } }
public override void doFurni(ConnectedUser user, int id, string tile) { bool inRoom = false; bool donating = false; Item furniData; if (furniture.ContainsKey(id)) { furniData = getItem(id); inRoom = true; } else { string[] data = MySQL.runReadRow("SELECT owner, room, tile, stacknr, stackheight, turn, action, furni, tradeable FROM items WHERE id = '" + id + "'"); furniData = new Item(id, int.Parse(data[0]), int.Parse(data[1]), data[2], int.Parse(data[3]), int.Parse(data[4]), int.Parse(data[5]), int.Parse(data[6]), data[7], int.Parse(data[8])); } CatalogueManager.ItemTemplate furniTemplate = CatalogueManager.getTemplate(furniData.furni); if (user._HasRights) { List<Point> currentTiles; if (furniTemplate.soort != "poster") { currentTiles = getCurrentTiles(furniData, inRoom); } else { currentTiles = new List<Point>(); } if (tile == "inv") { if (RoomOwner == user._UserID || RankManager.containsRight(user._Rank, "always_pickup")) { // check if it's the room, otherwise: remove from hashtable! if (inRoom) { // remove from room furniture.Remove(id); MySQL.runQuery("UPDATE items SET owner='" + user._UserID + "', room='0', tile='" + tile + "', stacknr='1', stackheight='0', turn='1', action='0' WHERE id='" + id + "'"); if (RoomOwner != user._UserID) { MySQL.runQuery("INSERT INTO furni_history SET id='" + id + "', `date`='" + timestamp.get + "', `type`='take', `from`='" + RoomOwner + "', `to`='" + user._UserID + "', credits='0';"); } updateHeightmapping(); FurniturePacket movePacket = new FurniturePacket(); movePacket.I =; movePacket.T = tile; movePacket.S = 1; movePacket.SH = 0; movePacket.H = 1; movePacket.A = 0; movePacket.F = furniData.furni; string movePacketString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(movePacket); user.sendData("047" + movePacketString + "#"); FurnitureRemovePacket removePacket = new FurnitureRemovePacket(); removePacket.I =; string removePacketString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(removePacket); sendDataButNotTo(user, "048" + removePacketString + "#"); // chair stuff if (furniTemplate.soort == "stoel") { StringBuilder sendText = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < currentTiles.Count; i++) { Point thisTile = currentTiles[i]; if (_sqUnit[thisTile.X, thisTile.Y] == true) { foreach (ConnectedUser seatUser in _Users.Values) { if (seatUser._Room_X == thisTile.X && seatUser._Room_Y == thisTile.Y) { seatUser._Room_Sit = ""; SetSitPacket setSit = new SetSitPacket(); setSit.I = seatUser._UserID; setSit.S = seatUser._Room_Sit; string SetSitPacket = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(setSit); sendText.Append("080"); sendText.Append(SetSitPacket); sendText.Append("#"); } } } } string sendTextString = sendText.ToString(); if (sendTextString != "") { foreach (ConnectedUser usr in _Users.Values) { usr.sendData(sendTextString); } } } } } } else { if (inRoom || furniData.owner == user._UserID) { // moving or placing in room, not putting in inventory if (!inRoom && furniData.owner == user._UserID && RoomOwner != user._UserID) { donating = true; } if (donating && furniData.tradeable == 0) { // not tradeable user.sendData(user.notify(TextsManager.get("untradeable"), TextsManager.get("notify_default"))); } else { if (furniTemplate.soort != "poster") { int X = int.Parse(tile.Split('_')[0]) - 1; int Y = int.Parse(tile.Split('_')[1]) - 1; string check = furniPlaceable(furniData, new int[] { X, Y }, furniData.turn, furniTemplate.lang, furniTemplate.breed, inRoom, currentTiles); if (check == "free") { furniData.tile = tile; if (!inRoom) { furniture.Add(id, furniData); } else { furniture[id] = furniData; // update hashtable } MySQL.runQuery("UPDATE items SET owner='" + RoomOwner + "', room='" + RoomID + "', tile='" + tile + "' WHERE id='" + id + "'"); if (donating) { MySQL.runQuery("INSERT INTO furni_history SET id='" + id + "', `date`='" + timestamp.get + "', `type`='don', `from`='" + user._UserID + "', `to`='" + RoomOwner + "', credits='0';"); } updateHeightmapping(); FurniturePacket movepacket = new FurniturePacket(); movepacket.I =; movepacket.T = furniData.tile; movepacket.S = furniData.stacknr; movepacket.SH = furniData.stackheight; movepacket.H = furniData.turn; movepacket.A = furniData.action; movepacket.F = furniData.furni; string movepacketstring = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(movepacket); foreach (ConnectedUser usr in _Users.Values) { usr.sendData("047" + movepacketstring + "#"); } // chair stuff if (furniTemplate.soort == "stoel" && inRoom) { StringBuilder sendText = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < currentTiles.Count; i++) { Point thisTile = currentTiles[i]; if (_sqUnit[thisTile.X, thisTile.Y] == true) { foreach (ConnectedUser seatUser in _Users.Values) { if (seatUser._Room_X == thisTile.X && seatUser._Room_Y == thisTile.Y) { if (_sqState[seatUser._Room_X, seatUser._Room_Y] == squareState.Seat) { seatUser._Room_Dir = _sqRot[seatUser._Room_X, seatUser._Room_Y] * 2; seatUser._Room_Sit = seatUser._Room_Dir.ToString() + "|" + _sqTile[seatUser._Room_X, seatUser._Room_Y]; } else { seatUser._Room_Sit = ""; } SetSitPacket setSit = new SetSitPacket(); setSit.I = seatUser._UserID; setSit.S = seatUser._Room_Sit; string SetSitPacket = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(setSit); sendText.Append("080"); sendText.Append(SetSitPacket); sendText.Append("#"); } } } } string sendTextString = sendText.ToString(); if (sendTextString != "") { foreach (ConnectedUser usr in _Users.Values) { usr.sendData(sendTextString); } } } } } else { if (!inRoom) // only place and pickup poster, don't move them { string coords = tile.Split('@')[0]; int X = int.Parse(coords.Split('|')[0]); int Y = int.Parse(coords.Split('|')[1]); int H = int.Parse(tile.Split('@')[1]); furniData.tile = coords; furniData.turn = H; furniture.Add(id, furniData); MySQL.runQuery("UPDATE items SET owner='" + RoomOwner + "', room='" + RoomID + "', tile='" + coords + "', turn='" + H + "' WHERE id='" + id + "'"); if (donating) { MySQL.runQuery("INSERT INTO furni_history SET id='" + id + "', `date`='" + timestamp.get + "', `type`='don', `from`='" + user._UserID + "', `to`='" + RoomOwner + "', credits='0';"); } FurniturePacket movepacket = new FurniturePacket(); movepacket.I =; movepacket.T = furniData.tile; movepacket.S = furniData.stacknr; movepacket.SH = furniData.stackheight; movepacket.H = furniData.turn; movepacket.A = furniData.action; movepacket.F = furniData.furni; string movepacketstring = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(movepacket); foreach (ConnectedUser usr in _Users.Values) { usr.sendData("047" + movepacketstring + "#"); } } } } } } } }
public override void turnFurni(ConnectedUser user, int id) { if (furniture.ContainsKey(id) && user._HasRights) { Item furniData = getItem(id); CatalogueManager.ItemTemplate furniTemplate = CatalogueManager.getTemplate(furniData.furni); if (furniData.tile != "inv" && furniTemplate.soort != "poster") { int turns = furniTemplate.afb; int turnNow = furniData.turn; int turnNext = turnNow; if (furniTemplate.soort == "stoel" && turns == 1) { turns = 4; } if (turnNow == turns) { turnNext = 1; } else { turnNext = turnNow + 1; } int X = int.Parse(furniData.tile.Split('_')[0]) - 1; int Y = int.Parse(furniData.tile.Split('_')[1]) - 1; List<Point> currentTiles = getCurrentTiles(furniData, true); string check = furniPlaceable(furniData, new int[] { X, Y }, turnNext, furniTemplate.lang, furniTemplate.breed, true, currentTiles); if (check == "free") { furniData.turn = turnNext; furniture[id] = furniData; // update hashtable MySQL.runQuery("UPDATE items SET turn='" + turnNext + "' WHERE id='" + id + "'"); updateHeightmapping(); FurniturePacket movepacket = new FurniturePacket(); movepacket.I =; movepacket.T = furniData.tile; movepacket.S = furniData.stacknr; movepacket.SH = furniData.stackheight; movepacket.H = furniData.turn; movepacket.A = furniData.action; movepacket.F = furniData.furni; string movepacketstring = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(movepacket); foreach (ConnectedUser usr in _Users.Values) { usr.sendData("047" + movepacketstring + "#"); } } // chair stuff if (furniTemplate.soort == "stoel") { StringBuilder sendText = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < currentTiles.Count; i++) { Point thisTile = currentTiles[i]; if (_sqUnit[thisTile.X, thisTile.Y] == true) { foreach (ConnectedUser seatUser in _Users.Values) { if (seatUser._Room_X == thisTile.X && seatUser._Room_Y == thisTile.Y) { if (_sqState[seatUser._Room_X, seatUser._Room_Y] == squareState.Seat) { seatUser._Room_Dir = _sqRot[seatUser._Room_X, seatUser._Room_Y] * 2; seatUser._Room_Sit = seatUser._Room_Dir.ToString() + "|" + _sqTile[seatUser._Room_X, seatUser._Room_Y]; } else { seatUser._Room_Sit = ""; } SetSitPacket setSit = new SetSitPacket(); setSit.I = seatUser._UserID; setSit.S = seatUser._Room_Sit; string SetSitPacket = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(setSit); sendText.Append("080"); sendText.Append(SetSitPacket); sendText.Append("#"); } } } } string sendTextString = sendText.ToString(); if (sendTextString != "") { foreach (ConnectedUser usr in _Users.Values) { usr.sendData(sendTextString); } } } } } }