예제 #1
        private bool CheckEchoMessage(ECHOMessage msg, int from)
            var value = msg.Data.Keccak();
            // We can get exception here if the size of msg.MerkleProof is less then the depth of MerkleTree
            int i, j;

            for (i = from + _merkleTreeSize, j = 0; i > 1 && j < msg.MerkleProof.Count; i /= 2, ++j)
                value = (i & 1) == 0
                    ? value.ToBytes().Concat(msg.MerkleProof[j].ToBytes()).Keccak()  // we are left sibling
                    : msg.MerkleProof[j].ToBytes().Concat(value.ToBytes()).Keccak(); // we are right sibling

            return(msg.MerkleTreeRoot.Equals(value) && i == 1); // it reached the root and matches the root
예제 #2
 public void TestErasureCoding()
     const int nShards = 4, nErasures = 2;
     var       rbc = new ReliableBroadcast(
         new ReliableBroadcastId(0, 0),
         new PublicConsensusKeySet(4, 1, null !, null !, Enumerable.Empty <ECDSAPublicKey>()),
         null !
     var data = Enumerable.Range(0, 100)
                .Select(x => (byte)x)
     var shards = ReliableBroadcast.ErasureCodingShards(data, nShards, nErasures);
     var echo1  = new ECHOMessage {
         Data = ByteString.CopyFrom(shards[1])
     var echo2 = new ECHOMessage {
         Data = ByteString.CopyFrom(shards[2])
     var decoded = rbc.DecodeFromEchos(new (ECHOMessage echo, int @from)[] { (echo1, 1), (echo2, 2) });
예제 #3
        private void HandleEchoMessage(ECHOMessage echo, int validator)
            // Every validator can send echo to any instance of ReliableBroadcast of any validator. So if not handled
            // properly, wrong message can stop all instances of ReliableBroadcast which will stop consensus
            var validatorPubKey = Wallet.EcdsaPublicKeySet[validator].ToHex();

            if (_echoMessages[validator] != null)
                Logger.LogWarning($"{Id} already received correct echo from {validator} ({validatorPubKey})");

            if (!CheckEchoMessage(echo, validator))
                Logger.LogWarning($"{Id}: validator {validator} ({validatorPubKey}) sent incorrect ECHO");

            Logger.LogTrace($"Protocol {Id} got ECHO message from {validator} ({validatorPubKey})");
            _echoMessages[validator] = echo;