// Use this for initialization void Start() { IsometricPlayer player = (IsometricPlayer)GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(IsometricPlayer)); if (player) { Constraint constraint = player.GetComponent <Constraint>(); if (constraint) { constraint.resizeXZ(xAxis, zAxis); } } Music music = (Music)GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(Music)); if (music) { music.playMusic(musicClip, 1f); } LightChanger lc = (LightChanger)GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(LightChanger)); if (lc) { lc.changeColor(lightColor); } }
public override void init() { IsometricPlayer player = gameObject.GetComponentInParent <IsometricPlayer>(); if (player) { player.moveSpeed += moveSpeedBonus; } }
public void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col) { if (col.name.Equals(playerGameObjectName)) { //lets grab our isometric player script, if we find it, lets activate that gun and destroy ourself IsometricPlayer player = (IsometricPlayer)GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(IsometricPlayer)); if (player) { player.activeSecondaryGun(gunIndex); } m_delayedDestroy = true; } }
public void Update() { //WeaponInventory wi = (WeaponInventory)GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(WeaponInventory)); GameObject gameObject = GameObject.Find("Player"); if (gameObject) { IsometricPlayer player = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <IsometricPlayer>(); if (player) { Weapon weapon = player.getCurrentWeapon(); if (ammoText) { if (weaponImage) { weaponImage.sprite = weapon.weaponTexture; } if (weapon) { string postFix = "<color=green> ∞</color>"; if (weapon.infiniteAmmo == false) { postFix = "<size=12><color=green> x" + weapon.currentNomClips + "</color></size>"; } if (weapon.isEmpty() == false) { if (weapon.getReloading() == false) { ammoText.text = weapon.getBulletsAsString() + postFix; } else { ammoText.text = "Reloading"; } } else { ammoText.text = "Empty"; } } else { ammoText.text = ""; } } } } }
public void onEnemyDie(GameObject go) { IsometricPlayer IsometricPlayer = gameObject.GetComponentInParent <IsometricPlayer>(); if (IsometricPlayer) { float r = Random.Range(0, 100); if (r < chanceToReloadSecondaryWeapon) { BaseGameManager.floatText("LUCKY RELOAD", go, Color.yellow); Weapon weapon = IsometricPlayer.getCurrentWeapon(); if (weapon && weapon.infiniteAmmo == false) { weapon.reload(); } } } }