public void Execute(TaskExecutionContext ctx) { var storeUrl = _storeContext.CurrentStore.Url.TrimEnd('\\').EnsureEndsWith("/"); string url = storeUrl + "keepalive/index"; try { using (var wc = new WebClient()) { // FAKE a user-agent wc.Headers.Add("user-agent", @"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.118 Safari/537.36"); if (!url.StartsWith("http://", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && !url.StartsWith("https://", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { url = "http://" + url; } wc.DownloadString(url); } } catch (WebException ex) { if (ex.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError && ex.Response != null) { var resp = (HttpWebResponse)ex.Response; if (resp.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound) // HTTP 404 { // the page was not found (as it can be expected with some webservers) return; } } // throw any other exception - this should not occur throw; } }
public void Execute(TaskExecutionContext ctx) { var olderThan = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-14); _qeRepository.DeleteAll(x => x.SentOnUtc.HasValue && x.CreatedOnUtc < olderThan); _qeRepository.Context.ShrinkDatabase(); }
public void Execute(TaskExecutionContext ctx) { const int pageSize = 1000; const int maxTries = 3; for (int i = 0; i < 9999999; ++i) { var q = new SearchEmailsQuery { MaxSendTries = maxTries, PageIndex = i, PageSize = pageSize, Expand = "Attachments", UnsentOnly = true }; var queuedEmails = _queuedEmailService.SearchEmails(q); foreach (var queuedEmail in queuedEmails) { _queuedEmailService.SendEmail(queuedEmail); } if (!queuedEmails.HasNextPage) break; } }
/// <summary> /// Executes a task /// </summary> public void Execute(TaskExecutionContext ctx) { if (!_currencySettings.AutoUpdateEnabled) return; long lastUpdateTimeTicks = _currencySettings.LastUpdateTime; DateTime lastUpdateTime = DateTime.FromBinary(lastUpdateTimeTicks); lastUpdateTime = DateTime.SpecifyKind(lastUpdateTime, DateTimeKind.Utc); if (lastUpdateTime.AddHours(1) < DateTime.UtcNow) { //update rates each one hour var exchangeRates = _currencyService.GetCurrencyLiveRates(_currencyService.GetCurrencyById(_currencySettings.PrimaryExchangeRateCurrencyId).CurrencyCode); foreach (var exchageRate in exchangeRates) { var currency = _currencyService.GetCurrencyByCode(exchageRate.CurrencyCode); if (currency != null) { currency.Rate = exchageRate.Rate; currency.UpdatedOnUtc = DateTime.UtcNow; _currencyService.UpdateCurrency(currency); } } //save new update time value _currencySettings.LastUpdateTime = DateTime.UtcNow.ToBinary(); _settingService.SaveSetting(_currencySettings); } }
public void Execute(TaskExecutionContext context) { var scope = context.LifetimeScope as ILifetimeScope; var googleService = scope.Resolve<IGoogleFeedService>(); googleService.CreateFeed(context); }
public void Execute(TaskExecutionContext ctx) { var storeUrl = _storeContext.CurrentStore.Url.TrimEnd('\\').EnsureEndsWith("/"); string url = storeUrl + "keepalive/index"; try { using (var wc = new WebClient()) { //wc.Headers.Add("SmartStore.NET"); // makes problems if (!url.StartsWith("http://", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && !url.StartsWith("https://", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { url = "http://" + url; } wc.DownloadString(url); } } catch (WebException ex) { if (ex.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError && ex.Response != null) { var resp = (HttpWebResponse)ex.Response; if (resp.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound) // HTTP 404 { // the page was not found (as it can be expected with some webservers) return; } } // throw any other exception - this should not occur throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Executes a task /// </summary> public void Execute(TaskExecutionContext ctx) { var olderThanDays = 7; // TODO: move to settings var toUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-olderThanDays); _logger.ClearLog(toUtc, LogLevel.Error); }
public void Execute(TaskExecutionContext ctx) { var profileId = ctx.ScheduleTask.Alias.ToInt(); var profile = _importProfileService.GetImportProfileById(profileId); var request = new DataImportRequest(profile); request.ProgressValueSetter = delegate (int val, int max, string msg) { ctx.SetProgress(val, max, msg, true); }; _importer.Import(request, ctx.CancellationToken); }
/// <summary> /// Executes a task /// </summary> public void Execute(TaskExecutionContext ctx) { var maxTries = 3; var queuedEmails = _queuedEmailService.SearchEmails(null, null, null, null, true, maxTries, false, 0, 10000); foreach (var qe in queuedEmails) { var bcc = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(qe.Bcc) ? null : qe.Bcc.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var cc = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(qe.CC) ? null : qe.CC.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); try { var smtpContext = new SmtpContext(qe.EmailAccount); var msg = new EmailMessage( new EmailAddress(qe.To, qe.ToName), qe.Subject, qe.Body, new EmailAddress(qe.From, qe.FromName)); if (qe.ReplyTo.HasValue()) { msg.ReplyTo.Add(new EmailAddress(qe.ReplyTo, qe.ReplyToName)); } if (cc != null) msg.Cc.AddRange(cc.Where(x => x.HasValue()).Select(x => new EmailAddress(x))); if (bcc != null) msg.Bcc.AddRange(bcc.Where(x => x.HasValue()).Select(x => new EmailAddress(x))); _emailSender.SendEmail(smtpContext, msg); qe.SentOnUtc = DateTime.UtcNow; } catch (Exception exc) { Logger.Error(string.Format("Error sending e-mail: {0}", exc.Message), exc); } finally { qe.SentTries = qe.SentTries + 1; _queuedEmailService.UpdateQueuedEmail(qe); } } }
public void Execute(TaskExecutionContext ctx) { const int pageSize = 100; const int maxTries = 3; for (int i = 0; i < 9999999; ++i) { var queuedEmails = _queuedEmailService.SearchEmails(null, null, null, null, true, maxTries, false, i, pageSize, false); foreach (var queuedEmail in queuedEmails) { _queuedEmailService.SendEmail(queuedEmail); } if (!queuedEmails.HasNextPage) break; } }
public void Execute(TaskExecutionContext ctx) { // delete all media records which are in transient state since at least 3 hours var olderThan = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-3); // delete Downloads _downloadRepository.DeleteAll(x => x.IsTransient && x.UpdatedOnUtc < olderThan); // delete Pictures var autoCommit = _pictureRepository.AutoCommitEnabled; _pictureRepository.AutoCommitEnabled = false; try { using (var scope = new DbContextScope(autoDetectChanges: false, validateOnSave: false, hooksEnabled: false)) { var pictures = _pictureRepository.Where(x => x.IsTransient && x.UpdatedOnUtc < olderThan).ToList(); foreach (var picture in pictures) { _pictureService.DeletePicture(picture); } _pictureRepository.Context.SaveChanges(); if (DataSettings.Current.IsSqlServer) { try { _pictureRepository.Context.ExecuteSqlCommand("DBCC SHRINKDATABASE(0)", true); } catch { } } } } finally { _pictureRepository.AutoCommitEnabled = autoCommit; } }
/// <summary> /// Executes the task /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// The caller is responsible for disposing the lifetime scope /// </remarks> public void Execute( CancellationToken cancellationToken, ILifetimeScope scope = null, bool throwOnError = false) { this.IsRunning = true; var faulted = false; scope = scope ?? EngineContext.Current.ContainerManager.Scope(); try { var task = this.CreateTask(scope); if (task != null) { this.LastStartUtc = DateTime.UtcNow; var scheduleTaskService = scope.Resolve<IScheduleTaskService>(); var scheduleTask = scheduleTaskService.GetTaskByType(this.Type); if (scheduleTask != null) { //update appropriate datetime properties scheduleTask.LastStartUtc = this.LastStartUtc; scheduleTaskService.UpdateTask(scheduleTask); } //execute task var ctx = new TaskExecutionContext { LifetimeScope = scope, CancellationToken = cancellationToken }; task.Execute(ctx); ctx.CancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); this.LastEndUtc = this.LastSuccessUtc = DateTime.UtcNow; this.LastError = null; } else { faulted = true; this.LastError = "Could not create task instance"; } } catch (Exception ex) { faulted = true; this.Enabled = !this.StopOnError; this.LastEndUtc = DateTime.UtcNow; this.LastError = ex.Message.Truncate(995, "..."); //log error var logger = scope.Resolve<ILogger>(); logger.Error(string.Format("Error while running the '{0}' schedule task. {1}", this.Name, ex.Message), ex); if (throwOnError) { throw; } } finally { var scheduleTaskService = scope.Resolve<IScheduleTaskService>(); var scheduleTask = scheduleTaskService.GetTaskByType(this.Type); if (scheduleTask != null) { // update appropriate properties scheduleTask.LastError = this.LastError; scheduleTask.LastEndUtc = this.LastEndUtc; if (!faulted) { scheduleTask.LastSuccessUtc = this.LastSuccessUtc; } scheduleTaskService.UpdateTask(scheduleTask); } this.IsRunning = false; } }
public void Execute(ScheduleTask task, bool throwOnError = false) { if (task.IsRunning) return; if (AsyncRunner.AppShutdownCancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) return; bool faulted = false; bool canceled = false; string lastError = null; ITask instance = null; string stateName = null; Type taskType = null; try { taskType = Type.GetType(task.Type); if (!PluginManager.IsActivePluginAssembly(taskType.Assembly)) return; } catch { return; } try { // set background task system customer as current customer var customer = _customerService.GetCustomerBySystemName(SystemCustomerNames.BackgroundTask); _workContext.CurrentCustomer = customer; // create task instance instance = _taskResolver(taskType); stateName = task.Id.ToString(); // prepare and save entity task.LastStartUtc = DateTime.UtcNow; task.LastEndUtc = null; task.NextRunUtc = null; task.ProgressPercent = null; task.ProgressMessage = null; _scheduledTaskService.UpdateTask(task); // create & set a composite CancellationTokenSource which also contains the global app shoutdown token var cts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(AsyncRunner.AppShutdownCancellationToken, new CancellationTokenSource().Token); AsyncState.Current.SetCancelTokenSource<ScheduleTask>(cts, stateName); var ctx = new TaskExecutionContext(_componentContext, task) { ScheduleTask = task.Clone(), CancellationToken = cts.Token }; instance.Execute(ctx); } catch (Exception ex) { faulted = true; canceled = ex is OperationCanceledException; Logger.Error(string.Format("Error while running scheduled task '{0}'. {1}", task.Name, ex.Message), ex); lastError = ex.Message.Truncate(995, "..."); if (throwOnError) { throw; } } finally { // remove from AsyncState if (stateName.HasValue()) { AsyncState.Current.Remove<ScheduleTask>(stateName); } task.ProgressPercent = null; task.ProgressMessage = null; var now = DateTime.UtcNow; task.LastError = lastError; task.LastEndUtc = now; if (faulted) { if ((!canceled && task.StopOnError) || instance == null) { task.Enabled = false; } } else { task.LastSuccessUtc = now; } if (task.Enabled) { task.NextRunUtc = _scheduledTaskService.GetNextSchedule(task); } _scheduledTaskService.UpdateTask(task); } }
public void CreateFeed(TaskExecutionContext context) { Helper.StartCreatingFeeds(fileCreation => { CreateFeed(fileCreation, context); return true; }); }
private void CreateFeed(FeedFileCreationContext fileCreation, TaskExecutionContext taskContext) { var xmlSettings = new XmlWriterSettings { Encoding = Encoding.UTF8, CheckCharacters = false }; using (var writer = XmlWriter.Create(fileCreation.Stream, xmlSettings)) { try { fileCreation.Logger.Information("Log file - Google Merchant Center feed."); var searchContext = new ProductSearchContext { OrderBy = ProductSortingEnum.CreatedOn, PageSize = Settings.PageSize, StoreId = fileCreation.Store.Id, VisibleIndividuallyOnly = true }; var currency = _currencyService.GetCurrencyById(Settings.CurrencyId); var measureWeightSystemKey = _measureService.GetMeasureWeightById(_measureSettings.BaseWeightId).SystemKeyword; if (currency == null || !currency.Published) currency = _services.WorkContext.WorkingCurrency; writer.WriteStartDocument(); writer.WriteStartElement("rss"); writer.WriteAttributeString("version", "2.0"); writer.WriteAttributeString("xmlns", "g", null, _googleNamespace); writer.WriteStartElement("channel"); writer.WriteElementString("title", "{0} - Feed for Google Merchant Center".FormatWith(fileCreation.Store.Name)); writer.WriteElementString("link", ""); writer.WriteElementString("description", "Information about products"); for (int i = 0; i < 9999999; ++i) { searchContext.PageIndex = i; // Perf _dbContext.DetachAll(); var products = _productService.SearchProducts(searchContext); if (fileCreation.TotalRecords == 0) fileCreation.TotalRecords = products.TotalCount * fileCreation.StoreCount; // approx foreach (var product in products) { fileCreation.Report(); if (product.ProductType == ProductType.SimpleProduct || product.ProductType == ProductType.BundledProduct) { WriteItem(fileCreation, writer, product, currency, measureWeightSystemKey); } else if (product.ProductType == ProductType.GroupedProduct) { var associatedSearchContext = new ProductSearchContext { OrderBy = ProductSortingEnum.CreatedOn, PageSize = int.MaxValue, StoreId = fileCreation.Store.Id, VisibleIndividuallyOnly = false, ParentGroupedProductId = product.Id }; foreach (var associatedProduct in _productService.SearchProducts(associatedSearchContext)) { WriteItem(fileCreation, writer, associatedProduct, currency, measureWeightSystemKey); } } if (taskContext.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { fileCreation.Logger.Warning("A cancellation has been requested"); break; } } if (!products.HasNextPage || taskContext.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) break; } writer.WriteEndElement(); // channel writer.WriteEndElement(); // rss writer.WriteEndDocument(); if (fileCreation.ErrorMessage.HasValue()) fileCreation.Logger.Error(fileCreation.ErrorMessage); } catch (Exception exc) { fileCreation.Logger.Error(exc.Message, exc); } } }
/// <summary> /// Executes a task /// </summary> public void Execute(TaskExecutionContext ctx) { _cacheManager.Clear(); }
public void Execute( ScheduleTask task, IDictionary <string, string> taskParameters = null, bool throwOnError = false) { if (task.IsRunning) { return; } if (AsyncRunner.AppShutdownCancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { return; } bool faulted = false; bool canceled = false; string lastError = null; ITask instance = null; string stateName = null; Type taskType = null; try { taskType = Type.GetType(task.Type); Debug.WriteLineIf(taskType == null, "Invalid task type: " + task.Type.NaIfEmpty()); if (taskType == null) { return; } if (!PluginManager.IsActivePluginAssembly(taskType.Assembly)) { return; } } catch { return; } try { Customer customer = null; // try virtualize current customer (which is necessary when user manually executes a task) if (taskParameters != null && taskParameters.ContainsKey(CurrentCustomerIdParamName)) { customer = _customerService.GetCustomerById(taskParameters[CurrentCustomerIdParamName].ToInt()); } if (customer == null) { // no virtualization: set background task system customer as current customer customer = _customerService.GetCustomerBySystemName(SystemCustomerNames.BackgroundTask); } _workContext.CurrentCustomer = customer; // create task instance instance = _taskResolver(taskType); stateName = task.Id.ToString(); // prepare and save entity task.LastStartUtc = DateTime.UtcNow; task.LastEndUtc = null; task.NextRunUtc = null; task.ProgressPercent = null; task.ProgressMessage = null; _scheduledTaskService.UpdateTask(task); // create & set a composite CancellationTokenSource which also contains the global app shoutdown token var cts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(AsyncRunner.AppShutdownCancellationToken, new CancellationTokenSource().Token); AsyncState.Current.SetCancelTokenSource <ScheduleTask>(cts, stateName); var ctx = new TaskExecutionContext(_componentContext, task) { ScheduleTask = task.Clone(), CancellationToken = cts.Token, Parameters = taskParameters ?? new Dictionary <string, string>() }; instance.Execute(ctx); } catch (Exception exception) { faulted = true; canceled = exception is OperationCanceledException; lastError = exception.Message.Truncate(995, "..."); if (canceled) { Logger.Warning(T("Admin.System.ScheduleTasks.Cancellation", task.Name), exception); } else { Logger.Error(string.Concat(T("Admin.System.ScheduleTasks.RunningError", task.Name), ": ", exception.Message), exception); } if (throwOnError) { throw; } } finally { // remove from AsyncState if (stateName.HasValue()) { AsyncState.Current.Remove <ScheduleTask>(stateName); } task.ProgressPercent = null; task.ProgressMessage = null; var now = DateTime.UtcNow; task.LastError = lastError; task.LastEndUtc = now; if (faulted) { if ((!canceled && task.StopOnError) || instance == null) { task.Enabled = false; } } else { task.LastSuccessUtc = now; } if (task.Enabled) { task.NextRunUtc = _scheduledTaskService.GetNextSchedule(task); } _scheduledTaskService.UpdateTask(task); } }
public async Task ExecuteAsync( ScheduleTask entity, IDictionary <string, string> taskParameters = null, bool throwOnError = false) { if (AsyncRunner.AppShutdownCancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { return; } if (entity.LastHistoryEntry == null) { // The task was started manually. entity.LastHistoryEntry = _scheduledTaskService.GetLastHistoryEntryByTaskId(entity.Id); } if (entity?.LastHistoryEntry?.IsRunning == true) { return; } bool faulted = false; bool canceled = false; string lastError = null; ITask task = null; string stateName = null; Type taskType = null; Exception exception = null; var historyEntry = new ScheduleTaskHistory { ScheduleTaskId = entity.Id, IsRunning = true, MachineName = _env.MachineName.EmptyNull(), StartedOnUtc = DateTime.UtcNow }; try { taskType = Type.GetType(entity.Type); if (taskType == null) { Logger.DebugFormat("Invalid scheduled task type: {0}", entity.Type.NaIfEmpty()); } if (taskType == null) { return; } if (!PluginManager.IsActivePluginAssembly(taskType.Assembly)) { return; } entity.ScheduleTaskHistory.Add(historyEntry); _scheduledTaskService.UpdateTask(entity); } catch { return; } try { // Task history entry has been successfully added, now we execute the task. // Create task instance. task = _taskResolver(taskType); stateName = entity.Id.ToString(); // Create & set a composite CancellationTokenSource which also contains the global app shoutdown token. var cts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(AsyncRunner.AppShutdownCancellationToken, new CancellationTokenSource().Token); _asyncState.SetCancelTokenSource <ScheduleTask>(cts, stateName); var ctx = new TaskExecutionContext(_componentContext, historyEntry) { ScheduleTaskHistory = historyEntry.Clone(), CancellationToken = cts.Token, Parameters = taskParameters ?? new Dictionary <string, string>() }; Logger.DebugFormat("Executing scheduled task: {0}", entity.Type); if (task is IAsyncTask asyncTask) { await asyncTask.ExecuteAsync(ctx); } else { task.Execute(ctx); } } catch (Exception ex) { exception = ex; faulted = true; canceled = ex is OperationCanceledException; lastError = ex.ToAllMessages(true); if (canceled) { Logger.Warn(ex, T("Admin.System.ScheduleTasks.Cancellation", entity.Name)); } else { Logger.Error(ex, string.Concat(T("Admin.System.ScheduleTasks.RunningError", entity.Name), ": ", ex.Message)); } } finally { var now = DateTime.UtcNow; var updateTask = false; historyEntry.IsRunning = false; historyEntry.ProgressPercent = null; historyEntry.ProgressMessage = null; historyEntry.Error = lastError; historyEntry.FinishedOnUtc = now; if (faulted) { if ((!canceled && entity.StopOnError) || task == null) { entity.Enabled = false; updateTask = true; } } else { historyEntry.SucceededOnUtc = now; } try { Logger.DebugFormat("Executed scheduled task: {0}. Elapsed: {1} ms.", entity.Type, (now - historyEntry.StartedOnUtc).TotalMilliseconds); // Remove from AsyncState. if (stateName.HasValue()) { // We don't just remove the cancellation token, but the whole state (along with the token) // for the case that a state was registered during task execution. _asyncState.Remove <ScheduleTask>(stateName); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex); } if (entity.Enabled) { entity.NextRunUtc = _scheduledTaskService.GetNextSchedule(entity); updateTask = true; } _scheduledTaskService.UpdateHistoryEntry(historyEntry); if (updateTask) { _scheduledTaskService.UpdateTask(entity); } Throttle.Check("Delete old schedule task history entries", TimeSpan.FromDays(1), () => _scheduledTaskService.DeleteHistoryEntries() > 0); } if (throwOnError && exception != null) { throw exception; } }
private void CreateFeed(FeedFileCreationContext fileCreation, TaskExecutionContext taskContext) { var xmlSettings = new XmlWriterSettings { Encoding = Encoding.UTF8, CheckCharacters = false }; using (var writer = XmlWriter.Create(fileCreation.Stream, xmlSettings)) { try { fileCreation.Logger.Information("Log file - Google Merchant Center feed."); var searchContext = new ProductSearchContext() { OrderBy = ProductSortingEnum.CreatedOn, PageSize = int.MaxValue, StoreId = fileCreation.Store.Id, VisibleIndividuallyOnly = true }; string breakingError = null; var qualifiedProducts = new List<Product>(); var currency = Helper.GetUsedCurrency(Settings.CurrencyId); var products = _productService.SearchProducts(searchContext); var measureWeightSystemKey = _measureService.GetMeasureWeightById(_measureSettings.BaseWeightId).SystemKeyword; if (fileCreation.TotalRecords == 0) fileCreation.TotalRecords = products.Count * fileCreation.StoreCount; writer.WriteStartDocument(); writer.WriteStartElement("rss"); writer.WriteAttributeString("version", "2.0"); writer.WriteAttributeString("xmlns", "g", null, _googleNamespace); writer.WriteStartElement("channel"); writer.WriteElementString("title", "{0} - Feed for Google Merchant Center".FormatWith(fileCreation.Store.Name)); writer.WriteElementString("link", ""); writer.WriteElementString("description", "Information about products"); foreach (var product in products) { fileCreation.Report(); Helper.GetQualifiedProductsByProduct(product, fileCreation.Store, qualifiedProducts); foreach (var qualifiedProduct in qualifiedProducts) { writer.WriteStartElement("item"); try { breakingError = WriteItem(writer, fileCreation.Store, qualifiedProduct, currency, measureWeightSystemKey); } catch (Exception exc) { fileCreation.Logger.Error(exc.Message, exc); } writer.WriteEndElement(); // item } if (breakingError.HasValue()) { fileCreation.Logger.Error(breakingError); break; } if (taskContext.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { fileCreation.Logger.Warning("A cancellation has been requested"); break; } } writer.WriteEndElement(); // channel writer.WriteEndElement(); // rss writer.WriteEndDocument(); if (breakingError.HasValue()) throw new SmartException(breakingError); } catch (Exception exc) { fileCreation.Logger.Error(exc.Message, exc); } } }
public void Execute(TaskExecutionContext ctx) { _apiService.DataPollingTaskProcess(); }
/// <summary> /// Executes a task /// </summary> public void Execute(TaskExecutionContext ctx) { //60*24 = 1 day var olderThanMinutes = 1440; // TODO: move to settings _customerService.DeleteGuestCustomers(null, DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-olderThanMinutes), true); }
/// <summary> /// Executes the task /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// The caller is responsible for disposing the lifetime scope /// </remarks> public void Execute( CancellationToken cancellationToken, ILifetimeScope scope = null, bool throwOnError = false) { this.IsRunning = true; var faulted = false; scope = scope ?? EngineContext.Current.ContainerManager.Scope(); try { var task = this.CreateTask(scope); if (task != null) { this.LastStartUtc = DateTime.UtcNow; var scheduleTaskService = scope.Resolve <IScheduleTaskService>(); var scheduleTask = scheduleTaskService.GetTaskByType(this.Type); if (scheduleTask != null) { //update appropriate datetime properties scheduleTask.LastStartUtc = this.LastStartUtc; scheduleTaskService.UpdateTask(scheduleTask); } //execute task var ctx = new TaskExecutionContext { LifetimeScope = scope, CancellationToken = cancellationToken }; task.Execute(ctx); ctx.CancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); this.LastEndUtc = this.LastSuccessUtc = DateTime.UtcNow; this.LastError = null; } else { faulted = true; this.LastError = "Could not create task instance"; } } catch (Exception ex) { faulted = true; this.Enabled = !this.StopOnError; this.LastEndUtc = DateTime.UtcNow; this.LastError = ex.Message.Truncate(995, "..."); //log error var logger = scope.Resolve <ILogger>(); logger.Error(string.Format("Error while running the '{0}' schedule task. {1}", this.Name, ex.Message), ex); if (throwOnError) { throw; } } finally { var scheduleTaskService = scope.Resolve <IScheduleTaskService>(); var scheduleTask = scheduleTaskService.GetTaskByType(this.Type); if (scheduleTask != null) { // update appropriate properties scheduleTask.LastError = this.LastError; scheduleTask.LastEndUtc = this.LastEndUtc; if (!faulted) { scheduleTask.LastSuccessUtc = this.LastSuccessUtc; } scheduleTaskService.UpdateTask(scheduleTask); } this.IsRunning = false; } }
public void Execute(TaskExecutionContext context) { _feedService.CreateFeed(context); context.CancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); }
public void Execute(TaskExecutionContext ctx) { FileSystemHelper.TempCleanup(); }