internal static object GetAs(object o, Type type) { if (o != null && o.GetType() == type) { return(o); } if (o == null) { o = null; } else if (type == typeof(int)) { o = (int)(long)o; } else if (type == typeof(uint)) { o = (uint)(long)o; } else if (type == typeof(ulong)) { o = (ulong)(long)o; } else if (type == typeof(float)) { o = (float)(double)o; } if (o != null && o.GetType() == type) { return(o); } return(SqliteUtils.FromDbFormat(type, o)); }
public void SetValue(object target, IDataReader reader, int column) { // FIXME should we insist on nullable types? object value = reader.IsDBNull(column) ? null : reader.GetValue(column); SetValue(target, SqliteUtils.FromDbFormat(type, value)); }
public T Query <T> () { Reset(); using (reader) { return(reader.Read() ? reader.Get <T> (0) : (T)SqliteUtils.FromDbFormat <T> (null)); } }
public T Query <T> (HyenaSqliteCommand command, params object [] param_values) { command.CommandType = HyenaCommandType.Scalar; QueueCommand(command, param_values); object result = command.WaitForResult(this); return((T)SqliteUtils.FromDbFormat(typeof(T), result)); }
public T Get <T> (int i) { if (!read) { Read(); } return((T)SqliteUtils.FromDbFormat(typeof(T), reader[i])); }
public object GetValue(object target) { object result = field_info != null ? field_info.GetValue(target) : property_info.GetValue(target, null); return(SqliteUtils.ToDbFormat(type, result)); }
void CheckProperty(Type type, DbColumn column) { if (!Connection.ColumnExists(TableName, column.Name)) { AddColumnToTable(SqliteUtils.BuildColumnSchema( SqliteUtils.GetType(type), column.Name, column.DefaultValue, column.Constraints)); } }
public void SetProperty <U> (T item, U value, DbColumn column) { CheckProperty(typeof(U), column); Connection.Execute(string.Format( "UPDATE {0} SET {1}='{2}' WHERE {3}={4}", TableName, column.Name, SqliteUtils.ToDbFormat(typeof(U), value), key.Name, key.GetValue(item))); }
private AbstractDatabaseColumn(AbstractDatabaseColumnAttribute attribute, MemberInfo member_info, Type type) { try { column_type = SqliteUtils.GetType(type); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(string.Format( "{0}.{1}: {2}", member_info.DeclaringType, member_info.Name, e.Message)); } = attribute.ColumnName ?? member_info.Name; this.type = type; }
public IEnumerable <T> QueryEnumerable <T> (HyenaSqliteCommand command, params object [] param_values) { Type type = typeof(T); using (IDataReader reader = Query(command, param_values)) { while (reader.Read()) { yield return((T)SqliteUtils.FromDbFormat(type, reader[0])); } } }
public void ClearProperty <U> (DbColumn column) { if (!Connection.ColumnExists(TableName, column.Name)) { AddColumnToTable(SqliteUtils.BuildColumnSchema( SqliteUtils.GetType(typeof(U)), column.Name, column.DefaultValue, column.Constraints)); } else { Connection.Execute(string.Format( "UPDATE {0} SET {1}='{2}'", TableName, column.Name, column.DefaultValue)); } }
/// <summary> /// Takes the return value from Invoke() and Final() and figures out how to return it to Sqlite's context. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The context the return value applies to</param> /// <param name="returnValue">The parameter to return to Sqlite</param> void SetReturnValue(IntPtr context, object r) { if (r is Exception) { Native.sqlite3_result_error16(context, ((Exception)r).Message, -1); } else { var o = SqliteUtils.ToDbFormat(r); if (o == null) { Native.sqlite3_result_null(context); } else if (r is int || r is uint) { Native.sqlite3_result_int(context, (int)r); } else if (r is long || r is ulong) { Native.sqlite3_result_int64(context, (long)r); } else if (r is double || r is float) { Native.sqlite3_result_double(context, (double)r); } else if (r is string) { string str = (string)r; // -1 for the last arg is the TRANSIENT destructor type so that sqlite will make its own copy of the string Native.sqlite3_result_text16(context, str, str.Length * 2, (IntPtr)(-1)); } else if (r is byte[]) { var bytes = (byte[])r; Native.sqlite3_result_blob(context, bytes, bytes.Length, (IntPtr)(-1)); } } }
public Statement Bind(params object [] vals) { Reset(); if (vals == null && ParameterCount == 1) { vals = null_val; } if (vals == null || vals.Length != ParameterCount || ParameterCount == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("vals", string.Format("Statement has {0} parameters", ParameterCount)); } for (int i = 1; i <= vals.Length; i++) { object o = SqliteUtils.ToDbFormat(vals[i - 1]); int code; if (o == null) { code = Native.sqlite3_bind_null(Ptr, i); } else if (o is double) { code = Native.sqlite3_bind_double(Ptr, i, (double)o); } else if (o is float) { code = Native.sqlite3_bind_double(Ptr, i, (double)(float)o); } else if (o is int) { code = Native.sqlite3_bind_int(Ptr, i, (int)o); } else if (o is uint) { code = Native.sqlite3_bind_int(Ptr, i, (int)(uint)o); } else if (o is long) { code = Native.sqlite3_bind_int64(Ptr, i, (long)o); } else if (o is ulong) { code = Native.sqlite3_bind_int64(Ptr, i, (long)(ulong)o); } else if (o is byte[]) { byte[] bytes = o as byte[]; code = Native.sqlite3_bind_blob(Ptr, i, bytes, bytes.Length, (IntPtr)(-1)); } else { // C# strings are UTF-16, so 2 bytes per char // -1 for the last arg is the TRANSIENT destructor type so that sqlite will make its own copy of the string string str = (o as string) ?? o.ToString(); code = Native.sqlite3_bind_text16(Ptr, i, str, str.Length * 2, (IntPtr)(-1)); } CheckError(code); } bound = true; return(this); }
public object GetValue(object target) { object result = GetRawValue(target); return(SqliteUtils.ToDbFormat(type, result)); }