public void OnAccessRightsChange(GXDLMSViewArguments arg) { if (arg.Index != 3) { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("index"); } }
public void OnAccessRightsChange(GXDLMSViewArguments arg) { bool enabled = arg.Connected && arg.Client.CanWrite(Target, arg.Index); switch (arg.Index) { case 2: PaymentModeCb.Enabled = AccountStatusCb.Enabled = enabled; break; case 9: CreditReferenceAdd.Enabled = CreditReferenceEdit.Enabled = CreditReferenceRemove.Enabled = enabled; break; case 10: ChargeReferenceAdd.Enabled = ChargeReferenceEdit.Enabled = ChargeReferenceRemove.Enabled = enabled; break; case 11: CreditChargeAdd.Enabled = CreditChargeEdit.Enabled = CreditChargeRemove.Enabled = enabled; break; case 12: TokenGatewayAdd.Enabled = TokenGatewayEdit.Enabled = TokenGatewayRemove.Enabled = enabled; break; case 15: CurrencyNameTb.ReadOnly = CurrencyScaleTb.ReadOnly = !enabled; CurrencyUnitTb.Enabled = enabled; break; default: throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("index"); } }
public void OnValueChanged(GXDLMSViewArguments arg) { GXDLMSAutoConnect target = Target as GXDLMSAutoConnect; if (arg.Index == 5) { CallingWindowLV.Items.Clear(); foreach (var it in target.CallingWindow) { ListViewItem li = CallingWindowLV.Items.Add(it.Key.ToFormatString()); li.SubItems.Add(it.Value.ToFormatString()); li.Tag = it; } } else if (arg.Index == 6) { DestinationLv.Items.Clear(); if (target.Destinations != null) { foreach (string it in target.Destinations) { DestinationLv.Items.Add(it); } } } else { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("index"); } }
public void OnMethodAccessRightsChange(GXDLMSViewArguments arg) { if (arg.Index == 1) { PushBtn.Enabled = arg.Connected && arg.Client.CanInvoke(Target, arg.Index); } }
public void OnAccessRightsChange(GXDLMSViewArguments arg) { if (arg.Index == 10) { AddBtn.Enabled = EditBtn.Enabled = RemoveBtn.Enabled = arg.Connected && arg.Client.CanWrite(Target, arg.Index); } }
public void OnAccessRightsChange(GXDLMSViewArguments arg) { if (arg.Index == 2) { OutputStateCB.Enabled = arg.Connected && arg.Client.CanWrite(Target, arg.Index); } }
public void OnValueChanged(GXDLMSViewArguments arg) { GXDLMSMBusSlavePortSetup target = Target as GXDLMSMBusSlavePortSetup; /* * if (attributeID == 4) * { * * CPrecedenceTB.Text = target.DefaultQualityOfService.Precedence.ToString(); * CDelayTB.Text = target.DefaultQualityOfService.Delay.ToString(); * CReliabilityTB.Text = target.DefaultQualityOfService.Reliability.ToString(); * CPeakThroughputTB.Text = target.DefaultQualityOfService.PeakThroughput.ToString(); * CMeanThroughputTB.Text = target.DefaultQualityOfService.MeanThroughput.ToString(); * MPrecedenceTB.Text = target.RequestedQualityOfService.Precedence.ToString(); * MDelayTB.Text = target.RequestedQualityOfService.Delay.ToString(); * MReliabilityTB.Text = target.RequestedQualityOfService.Reliability.ToString(); * MPeakThroughputTB.Text = target.RequestedQualityOfService.PeakThroughput.ToString(); * MMeanThroughputTB.Text = target.RequestedQualityOfService.MeanThroughput.ToString(); * } * else * { * throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("attributeID"); * } * */ }
public void OnValueChanged(GXDLMSViewArguments arg) { GXDLMSParameterMonitor target = Target as GXDLMSParameterMonitor; if (arg.Index == 2) { if (target.ChangedParameter != null && target.ChangedParameter.Target != null) { TargetTb.Text = target.ChangedParameter.Target.ToString(); IndexTb.Text = target.ChangedParameter.AttributeIndex.ToString(); ValueTb.Text = Convert.ToString(GXHelpers.ConvertFromDLMS(target.ChangedParameter.Value, DataType.None, DataType.None, true, false)); } else { TargetTb.Text = ""; IndexTb.Text = ""; ValueTb.Text = ""; } } else if (arg.Index == 4) { ParametersLV.Items.Clear(); if (target.Parameters != null) { foreach (GXDLMSTarget it in target.Parameters) { ListViewItem li = ParametersLV.Items.Add(it.Target.ToString()); li.SubItems.Add(it.AttributeIndex.ToString()); li.Tag = it; } } } }
public void OnAccessRightsChange(GXDLMSViewArguments arg) { bool enabled = arg.Connected && arg.Client.CanWrite(Target, arg.Index); if (arg.Index == 2) { MonitoredValueTB.Enabled = enabled; MonitoredIndexTB.ReadOnly = !enabled; } else if (arg.Index == 8) { DurationTb.ReadOnly = ActivationTimeTb.ReadOnly = IdTb.ReadOnly = !enabled; } else if (arg.Index == 9) { EmergencyProfileGroupIDsTB.ReadOnly = !enabled; } else if (arg.Index == 10) { EmergencyProfileActiveCB.Enabled = enabled; } else if (arg.Index == 11) { ActionOverScript.Enabled = ActionUnderScript.Enabled = ActionOverScript.Enabled = enabled; ActionUnderThresholdIndexTB.ReadOnly = ActionOverThresholdIndexTB.ReadOnly = !enabled; } }
public void OnMethodAccessRightsChange(GXDLMSViewArguments arg) { if (arg.Index == 7) { SecretTB.ReadOnly = !(arg.Connected && arg.Client.CanInvoke(Target, arg.Index)); SecretAsciiCb.Enabled = !SecretTB.ReadOnly; } }
public void OnAccessRightsChange(GXDLMSViewArguments arg) { //Attribute 5 is not used. if (arg.Index != 5) { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("index"); } }
public void OnValueChanged(GXDLMSViewArguments arg) { if (arg.Index == 3) { } else { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("index"); } }
public void OnAccessRightsChange(GXDLMSViewArguments arg) { bool enabled = arg.Connected && arg.Client.CanWrite(Target, arg.Index); if (arg.Index == 3) { addToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = editToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = removeToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = ColumnAddBtn.Enabled = ColumnEditBtn.Enabled = ColumnRemoveBtn.Enabled = enabled; } }
public void OnAccessRightsChange(GXDLMSViewArguments arg) { if (arg.Index == 8) { UseDhcpCp.Enabled = arg.Connected && arg.Client.CanWrite(Target, arg.Index); } else { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("index"); } }
/// <summary> /// Update selected values of given COSEM object. /// </summary> /// <param name="obj"></param> /// <param name="view"></param> public static void UpdateProperty(GXDLMSClient client, GXDLMSObject obj, int index, IGXDLMSView view, bool connected, bool user) { if (obj == null) { return; } if ((view as Form).InvokeRequired) { try { (view as Form).BeginInvoke(new UpdatePropertyEventHandler(UpdateProperty), client, obj, index, view, connected, user); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(view as Form, ex.Message, "Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Error); } return; } GXDLMSObject tmp = view.Target; view.Description = tmp.Description; //If we want to show what properties are changed. if (view.ErrorProvider != null) { view.ErrorProvider.Clear(); foreach (int it in tmp.GetDirtyAttributeIndexes()) { UpdateDirty(view, ((Form)view).Controls, tmp, it, true); } } //Update atribute values. for (int it = 1; it != (obj as IGXDLMSBase).GetAttributeCount() + 1; ++it) { if (index == 0 || it == index) { object value = null; bool dirty = view.Target.GetDirty(it, out value); value = view.Target.GetValues()[it - 1]; GXValueField item = UpdateProperty(view, ((Form)view).Controls, it, value); if (item == null || item.NotifyChanges) { GXDLMSViewArguments arg = new GXDLMSViewArguments() { Client = client, Index = it, Connected = connected, User = user, Value = value }; view.OnValueChanged(arg); } if (it == index) { break; } } } }
public void OnAccessRightsChange(GXDLMSViewArguments arg) { if (arg.Index == 2) { bool enabled = arg.Connected && arg.Client.CanWrite(Target, arg.Index); SystemTitleTB.ReadOnly = MACAddressTB.ReadOnly = LSAPSelectorTB.ReadOnly = !enabled; } else { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("index"); } }
public void OnValueChanged(GXDLMSViewArguments arg) { if (arg.Index == 3) { ScalerTB.Text = ((GXDLMSRegister)Target).Scaler.ToString(); UnitTB.SelectedItem = ((GXDLMSRegister)Target).Unit; } else { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("index"); } }
public void OnValueChanged(GXDLMSViewArguments arg) { if (arg.Index == 2) { ObjectsLV.Items.Clear(); foreach (var it in ((GXDLMSPushSetup)Target).PushObjectList) { ListViewItem li = new ListViewItem(it.Key.ObjectType.ToString()); li.SubItems.Add(it.Key.LogicalName); li.SubItems.Add(it.Value.AttributeIndex.ToString()); li.SubItems.Add(it.Value.DataIndex.ToString()); ObjectsLV.Items.Add(li); li.Tag = it; } } else if (arg.Index == 3) { ServiceCB.SelectedIndexChanged -= new System.EventHandler(this.ServiceCB_SelectedIndexChanged); ServiceCB.SelectedItem = ((GXDLMSPushSetup)Target).Service; ServiceCB.SelectedIndexChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.ServiceCB_SelectedIndexChanged); DestinationTB.TextChanged -= new System.EventHandler(this.DestinationTB_TextChanged); DestinationTB.Text = ((GXDLMSPushSetup)Target).Destination; DestinationTB.TextChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.DestinationTB_TextChanged); MessageCB.SelectedIndexChanged -= new System.EventHandler(this.MessageCB_SelectedIndexChanged); MessageCB.SelectedItem = ((GXDLMSPushSetup)Target).Message; MessageCB.SelectedIndexChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.MessageCB_SelectedIndexChanged); } else if (arg.Index == 4) { CommunicationWindowLV.Items.Clear(); foreach (KeyValuePair <GXDateTime, GXDateTime> it in ((GXDLMSPushSetup)Target).CommunicationWindow) { ListViewItem li; if (GXDlmsUi.UseMeterTimeZone) { li = new ListViewItem(it.Key.ToFormatMeterString()); li.SubItems.Add(it.Value.ToFormatMeterString()); } else { li = new ListViewItem(it.Key.ToFormatString()); li.SubItems.Add(it.Value.ToFormatString()); } CommunicationWindowLV.Items.Add(li); li.Tag = it; } } else { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("index"); } }
public void OnValueChanged(GXDLMSViewArguments arg) { GXDLMSImageTransfer target = Target as GXDLMSImageTransfer; if (arg.Index == 3) { ImageTransferredBlocksStatusTB.Text = (string)arg.Value; } else if (arg.Index == 5) { ImageTransferEnabledCB.CheckedChanged -= new System.EventHandler(ImageTransferEnabledCB_CheckedChanged); ImageTransferEnabledCB.Checked = target.ImageTransferEnabled; ImageTransferEnabledCB.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(ImageTransferEnabledCB_CheckedChanged); } else if (arg.Index == 6) { ImageTransferStatusTb.Text = target.ImageTransferStatus.ToString(); ManualBtn_CheckedChanged(null, null); } else if (arg.Index == 7) { ImagesView.Items.Clear(); if (target.ImageActivateInfo != null) { foreach (GXDLMSImageActivateInfo it in target.ImageActivateInfo) { ListViewItem li = ImagesView.Items.Add(it.Size.ToString()); if (GXByteBuffer.IsAsciiString(it.Identification)) { li.SubItems.Add(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(it.Identification)); } else { li.SubItems.Add(GXDLMSTranslator.ToHex(it.Identification)); } if (GXByteBuffer.IsAsciiString(it.Signature)) { li.SubItems.Add(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(it.Signature)); } else { li.SubItems.Add(GXDLMSTranslator.ToHex(it.Signature)); } li.Tag = it; } } } else if (arg.Index != 0) { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("index"); } }
public void OnAccessRightsChange(GXDLMSViewArguments arg) { if (arg.Index == 2) { bool writable = arg.Connected && arg.Client.CanWrite(Target, arg.Index); ValuesLb.Enabled = writable; DurationTb.ReadOnly = !writable; } else { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("index"); } }
public void OnAccessRightsChange(GXDLMSViewArguments arg) { bool enabled = arg.Connected && arg.Client.CanWrite(Target, arg.Index); if (arg.Index == 5) { TimeAddBtn.Enabled = TimeEditBtn.Enabled = TimeRemoveBtn.Enabled = enabled; } else if (arg.Index == 6) { DestinationAddBtn.Enabled = DestinationEditBtn.Enabled = DestinationRemoveBtn.Enabled = enabled; } }
public void OnAccessRightsChange(GXDLMSViewArguments arg) { switch (arg.Index) { case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: break; default: throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("index"); } }
public void OnAccessRightsChange(GXDLMSViewArguments arg) { if (arg.Index == 2) { SecurityPolicyTB.Enabled = !(!arg.Connected || !arg.Client.CanWrite(Target, 1)); } else if (arg.Index == 5) { } else if (arg.Index != 6) { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("index"); } }
public void OnAccessRightsChange(GXDLMSViewArguments arg) { bool enabled = arg.Connected && arg.Client.CanWrite(Target, arg.Index); if (arg.Index == 3) { UnitTB.Enabled = enabled; ScalerTB.ReadOnly = !enabled; } else { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("index"); } }
public void OnAccessRightsChange(GXDLMSViewArguments arg) { bool enabled = arg.Connected && arg.Client.CanWrite(Target, arg.Index); if (arg.Index == 2) { // register_assignment Assigments.Enabled = enabled; } else if (arg.Index == 3) { // mask_list Masks.Enabled = enabled; } }
public void OnAccessRightsChange(GXDLMSViewArguments arg) { bool enabled = arg.Connected && arg.Client.CanWrite(Target, arg.Index); if (arg.Index == 2) { addToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = editToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = removeToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = AddBtn.Enabled = EditBtn.Enabled = RemoveBtn.Enabled = enabled; } else { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("index"); } }
public void OnValueChanged(GXDLMSViewArguments arg) { if (arg.Index != 2) { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("index"); } EntriesView.Items.Clear(); GXDLMSSchedule target = (GXDLMSSchedule)Target; foreach (GXScheduleEntry item in target.Entries) { AddEntry(item); } }
public void OnValueChanged(GXDLMSViewArguments arg) { if (arg.Index == 2) { GXDLMSSFSKActiveInitiator target = Target as GXDLMSSFSKActiveInitiator; SystemTitleTB.Text = GXDLMSTranslator.ToHex(target.SystemTitle); MACAddressTB.Text = target.MacAddress.ToString(); LSAPSelectorTB.Text = target.LSapSelector.ToString(); } else if (arg.Index != 0) { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("index"); } }
public void OnAccessRightsChange(GXDLMSViewArguments arg) { bool enable = arg.Connected && arg.Client.CanWrite(Target, arg.Index); if (arg.Index == 6) { MccTb.ReadOnly = MncTb.ReadOnly = ChannelNumberTb.ReadOnly = CellIDTb.ReadOnly = LocationIDTb.ReadOnly = SignalQualityTb.ReadOnly = BerTb.ReadOnly = !enable; } else if (arg.Index == 7) { AdjacentCellsLV.Enabled = enable; } }
public void OnAccessRightsChange(GXDLMSViewArguments arg) { bool enabled = arg.Connected && arg.Client.CanWrite(Target, arg.Index); if (arg.Index == 2) { ScriptSelectorTB.ReadOnly = !enabled; ScriptNameTB.Enabled = enabled; } else if (arg.Index == 4) { TimeAddBtn.Enabled = TimeEditBtn.Enabled = TimeRemoveBtn.Enabled = Time.Enabled = enabled; } }