/** * Add in all needed components to our welcome window * */ private void buildWindow() { //prevent resize on home screen this.Resizable = false; //create label and import button - put label in event box to allow setting of background EventBox labelContainer = new EventBox (); Label welcomeLabel = new Label (Constants.Constants.homeWindowWelcomeText); //set the style of the label Style labelStyle = welcomeLabel.Style.Copy(); labelStyle.FontDescription.Family = Constants.Constants.welcomeWindowFontFamily; labelStyle.FontDescription.Size = Constants.Constants.WELCOME_MESSAGE_FONT_SIZE; welcomeLabel.Style = labelStyle.Copy(); labelContainer.Add (welcomeLabel); labelContainer.WidthRequest = 100; importDataButton = new Button (Constants.Constants.homeWindowImportButtonText); importDataButton.Clicked += new EventHandler(OpenFileTree); //set the style of the button Style buttonStyle = importDataButton.Style.Copy (); buttonStyle.FontDescription.Family = Constants.Constants.welcomeWindowFontFamily; buttonStyle.FontDescription.Size = Constants.Constants.WELCOME_BUTTON_FONT_SIZE; importDataButton.Style = buttonStyle.Copy(); welcomeLabel.SetSizeRequest (100, 100); importDataButton.SetSizeRequest (100, 100); //create container for import button HBox masterContainer = new HBox (); VBox homeWindowContainer = new VBox (false, 100); homeWindowContainer.PackStart (labelContainer, false, false, 50); homeWindowContainer.PackStart (importDataButton, false, false, 50); masterContainer.PackStart (homeWindowContainer, true, true, 100); //set size of containers masterContainer.SetSizeRequest (1000, 1000); this.SetSizeRequest (1000, 500); this.Add (masterContainer); }
private void Build() { box = new HBox(false, 0); box.SetSizeRequest(40, 40); box.BorderWidth = 2; button = new Button(); button.Clicked += CyclePoint; lblpoints = new Label(); Pango.FontDescription desc = Pango.FontDescription.FromString("Bebas Neue 14"); lblpoints.ModifyFont(desc); lblpoints.Text = points[10]; button.Add(lblpoints); button.ShowAll(); box.Add(this.button); box.ShowAll(); // This damn this call is anoyingly needed otherwise it shant build this.Add(box); }
protected void Populate() { this.SetDefaultSize(1024,768); Window pingpong = new Window(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel); pingpong.SetDefaultSize(500,50); pingpong.SetPosition(Gtk.WindowPosition.CenterOnParent); pingpong.Title = "Loading..."; _pulseBar = new ProgressBar(); pingpong.Add(_pulseBar); pingpong.ShowAll(); pingpong.Show(); while (_currentStrs == null) { Application.Invoke( delegate { _pulseBar.Pulse(); }); Thread.Sleep(100); } Application.Invoke( delegate { pingpong.Destroy(); this.Remove(_vbox); _vbox = new VBox(false, 10); MenuBar bar = new MenuBar (); Menu fileMenu = new Menu (); MenuItem fileMenuItem = new MenuItem ("File"); fileMenuItem.Submenu = fileMenu; MenuItem exit = new MenuItem ("Exit"); exit.Activated += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { Application.Quit (); }; MenuItem openFile = new MenuItem ("Open file..."); openFile.Activated += OpenFile; fileMenu.Append (openFile); fileMenu.Append (exit); bar.Append (fileMenuItem); _vbox.PackStart(bar, false, false, 0); _regxTitle = ComboBox.NewText(); _regxTitle.Changed += HandleChanged; foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> pair in _regexes) _regxTitle.AppendText(pair.Key); _regx = new Entry(); _regx.IsEditable = false; _regx.CanFocus = false; HBox comboRegexBox = new HBox(true, 10); comboRegexBox.SetSizeRequest(768, 50); comboRegexBox.PackStart(_regxTitle, false,false, 0); comboRegexBox.PackStart(_regx, true, true, 0); Button search = new Button("Search!"); search.Clicked += HandleClicked; comboRegexBox.PackStart(search, false, false, 20); _vbox.PackStart(comboRegexBox, true, true, 10); ScrolledWindow sw = new ScrolledWindow(); _tv = new TreeView(); sw.Add(_tv); CellRendererText tsText = new CellRendererText(); TreeViewColumn match = new TreeViewColumn(); match.Title = "Match"; match.PackStart(tsText, true); match.AddAttribute(tsText, "text", 0); _tv.AppendColumn(match); TreeStore store = new TreeStore(typeof(string)); foreach (string str in _currentStrs) store.AppendValues(str); _tv.Model = store; sw.SetSizeRequest(768,600); _vbox.PackStart(sw, false, false, 0); this.Add(_vbox); this.ShowAll(); }); }
private void buildWindow() { //prevent resize on screen this.Resizable = false; //initialize the colors MakeColors (); //initialize styles makeLabelStyle (); masterContainer = new VBox (); masterContainer.SetSizeRequest (Constants.Constants.APPLICATION_WIDTH, Constants.Constants.APPLICATION_HEIGHT); buildMenu (); //add in the header mainContainer = new HBox (); mainContainer.SetSizeRequest (Constants.Constants.APPLICATION_WIDTH, Constants.Constants.APPLICATION_HEIGHT - 400); addHeader (); //add in the main data and side bar sidePanel = new VBox (); //add main and side panel to frame addMainPanel (); addSidePanel (); //create link panel addLinkPanel (); mainContainer.PackStart (graphFrame, false, false, 42); mainContainer.PackStart (midPanel, false, false, 42); mainContainer.PackStart (sidePanel, false, false, 42); masterContainer.PackStart (mainContainer, false, false, 50); this.Add (masterContainer); }
public MainWindow() : base(WindowType.Toplevel) { VBox mainVBox = new VBox(false, 0); HBox nodeViewHBox = new HBox(true, 0); HBox crudButtonsHBox = new HBox(true, 0); HBox transactionContolButtonsHBox = new HBox(true, 0); Button refreshButton = new Button("Refresh"); Button createButton = new Button("Create"); Button deleteButton = new Button("Delete"); Button commitButton = new Button("Commit"); Button rollbackButton = new Button("Rollback"); refreshButton.Clicked += RefreshButtonClicked; createButton.Clicked += CreateButtonClicked; deleteButton.Clicked += DeleteButtonClicked; commitButton.Clicked += CommitButtonClicked; rollbackButton.Clicked += RollbackButtonClicked; HSeparator separator = new HSeparator(); view = new NodeView(Store); CellRendererText titleRenderer = new CellRendererText(); CellRendererText contentRenderer = new CellRendererText(); titleRenderer.Editable = true; contentRenderer.Editable = true; titleRenderer.Edited += NoteTitleEdited; contentRenderer.Edited += NoteContentEdited; view.AppendColumn("Title", titleRenderer, "text", 0); view.AppendColumn("Content", contentRenderer, "text", 1); ScrolledWindow scrolledWindow = new ScrolledWindow(); scrolledWindow.SetPolicy(PolicyType.Automatic, PolicyType.Automatic); scrolledWindow.AddWithViewport(view); try { //Если сервер и клиент запускаются из ИДЕ (по порядку, но практически одновременно), //сервер не успевает создать сокет, поэтому надо немного подождать System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); RemotingConfiguration.Configure("remoteNotes.exe.config", false); clientActivated = new NotesClientActivated(); singleton = new NotesSingleton(); singlecall = new NotesTransactionSinglecall(); } catch (System.Net.WebException) { Logger.Write("Unable to connect"); return; } foreach (Note note in singleton.GetPesistentData()) { store.AddNode(new NoteTreeNode(note)); } nodeViewHBox.PackStart(scrolledWindow, false, true, 0); nodeViewHBox.SetSizeRequest(200, 200); crudButtonsHBox.PackStart(refreshButton, false, true, 0); crudButtonsHBox.PackStart(createButton, false, true, 0); crudButtonsHBox.PackStart(deleteButton, false, true, 0); transactionContolButtonsHBox.PackStart(commitButton, false, true, 0); transactionContolButtonsHBox.PackStart(rollbackButton, false, true, 0); mainVBox.PackStart(nodeViewHBox, true, false, 0); mainVBox.PackStart(crudButtonsHBox, true, false, 0); mainVBox.PackStart(separator, true, false, 2); mainVBox.PackStart(transactionContolButtonsHBox, true, false, 0); Add(mainVBox); mainVBox.ShowAll(); Build(); }