public SparkleDiffWindow(string file_path, string [] revisions) : base("") { string file_name = System.IO.Path.GetFileName (file_path); Revisions = revisions; SetPosition (WindowPosition.Center); BorderWidth = 12; IconName = "image-x-generic"; FaceCollection face_collection = new FaceCollection (); face_collection.UseGravatar = true; DeleteEvent += Quit; Title = file_name; VBox layout_vertical = new VBox (false, 12); HBox layout_horizontal = new HBox (true, 6); Process process = new Process (); process.EnableRaisingEvents = true; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName (file_path); process.StartInfo.FileName = "git"; process.StartInfo.Arguments = "log --format=\"%ct\t%an\t%ae\" " + file_name; process.Start (); ViewLeft = new LeftRevisionView (); ViewRight = new RightRevisionView (); string output = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd (); string [] revisions_info = Regex.Split (output.Trim (), "\n"); int i = 0; foreach (string revision_info in revisions_info) { string [] parts = Regex.Split (revision_info.Trim (), "\t"); int timestamp = int.Parse (parts [0]); string author = parts [1]; string email = parts [2]; string date; // TRANSLATORS: This is a format specifier according to System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo if (i == 0) date = "Latest Revision"; else date = String.Format (_("{0} at {1}"), UnixTimestampToDateTime (timestamp).ToString (_("ddd MMM d, yyyy")), UnixTimestampToDateTime (timestamp).ToString (_("H:mm"))); face_collection.AddFace (email); ViewLeft.AddRow (face_collection.GetFace (email, 32), author, date); ViewRight.AddRow (face_collection.GetFace (email, 32), author, date); i++; } ViewLeft.SetImage (new RevisionImage (file_path, Revisions [1])); ViewRight.SetImage (new RevisionImage (file_path, Revisions [0])); ViewLeft.IconView.SelectionChanged += delegate { ViewLeft.SetImage (new RevisionImage (file_path, Revisions [ViewLeft.GetSelected ()])); ViewLeft.ScrolledWindow.Hadjustment = ViewRight.ScrolledWindow.Hadjustment; ViewLeft.ScrolledWindow.Vadjustment = ViewRight.ScrolledWindow.Vadjustment; HookUpViews (); }; ViewRight.IconView.SelectionChanged += delegate { ViewRight.SetImage (new RevisionImage (file_path, Revisions [ViewRight.GetSelected ()])); ViewRight.ScrolledWindow.Hadjustment = ViewLeft.ScrolledWindow.Hadjustment; ViewRight.ScrolledWindow.Vadjustment = ViewLeft.ScrolledWindow.Vadjustment; HookUpViews (); }; ViewLeft.ToggleButton.Clicked += delegate { if (ViewLeft.ToggleButton.Active) DetachViews (); else HookUpViews (); }; ViewRight.ToggleButton.Clicked += delegate { if (ViewLeft.ToggleButton.Active) DetachViews (); else HookUpViews (); }; layout_horizontal.PackStart (ViewLeft); layout_horizontal.PackStart (ViewRight); ResizeToViews (); // Order time view according to the user's reading direction if (Direction == Gtk.TextDirection.Rtl) layout_horizontal.ReorderChild (ViewLeft, 1); HookUpViews (); HButtonBox dialog_buttons = new HButtonBox (); dialog_buttons.Layout = ButtonBoxStyle.End; dialog_buttons.BorderWidth = 0; Button close_button = new Button (Stock.Close); close_button.Clicked += delegate (object o, EventArgs args) { Environment.Exit (0); }; dialog_buttons.Add (close_button); layout_vertical.PackStart (layout_horizontal, true, true, 0); layout_vertical.PackStart (dialog_buttons, false, false, 0); Add (layout_vertical); }
public void Attach(Gtk.Orientation orientation_new) { Gtk.Box.BoxChild child = null; Box box; switch (Orientation) { case Gtk.Orientation.Vertical: box = main_hbox; break; case Gtk.Orientation.Horizontal: { box = framework_vbox; break; } default: throw new InvalidOperationException(); } bool contained = false; foreach (var ch in box.AllChildren) { if (ch == this) { contained = true; break; } } if (contained == true) { box.Remove(this); } Orientation = (Gtk.Orientation)orientation_new; switch (Orientation) { case Gtk.Orientation.Vertical: main_hbox.Add(this); main_hbox.ReorderChild(this, 0); child = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(main_hbox[this])); break; case Gtk.Orientation.Horizontal: framework_vbox.Add(this); framework_vbox.ReorderChild(this, 1); child = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(framework_vbox[this])); break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException(); } child.Expand = false; child.Fill = false; ShowAll(); InitCompleted = true; }
public GtkAlertDialog(MessageDescription message) { Init(); this.buttons = message.Buttons.ToArray(); this.message = message; Modal = true; string primaryText; string secondaryText; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.SecondaryText)) { secondaryText = message.Text; primaryText = null; } else { primaryText = message.Text; secondaryText = message.SecondaryText; } if (!message.UseMarkup) { primaryText = GLib.Markup.EscapeText(primaryText); secondaryText = GLib.Markup.EscapeText(secondaryText); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.Icon)) { image = new ImageView(); image.Yalign = 0.00f; image.Image = ImageService.GetIcon(message.Icon, IconSize.Dialog); hbox.PackStart(image, false, false, 0); hbox.ReorderChild(image, 0); } StringBuilder markup = new StringBuilder(@"<span weight=""bold"" size=""larger"">"); markup.Append(primaryText); markup.Append("</span>"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(secondaryText)) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(primaryText)) { markup.AppendLine(); markup.AppendLine(); } markup.Append(secondaryText); } label.Markup = markup.ToString(); label.Selectable = true; label.CanFocus = false; foreach (AlertButton button in message.Buttons) { Button newButton = new Button(); newButton.Label = button.Label; newButton.UseUnderline = true; newButton.UseStock = button.IsStockButton; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(button.Icon)) { newButton.Image = new ImageView(button.Icon, IconSize.Button); } newButton.Clicked += ButtonClicked; ActionArea.Add(newButton); } foreach (var op in message.Options) { CheckButton check = new CheckButton(op.Text); check.Active = op.Value; labelsBox.PackStart(check, false, false, 0); check.Toggled += delegate { message.SetOptionValue(op.Id, check.Active); }; } if (message.AllowApplyToAll) { CheckButton check = new CheckButton(GettextCatalog.GetString("Apply to all")); labelsBox.PackStart(check, false, false, 0); check.Toggled += delegate { ApplyToAll = check.Active; }; } //don't show this yet, let the consumer decide when this.Child.ShowAll(); }
public BlessMain(string[] args) { Application.Init(); // Catalog.Init(ConfigureDefines.GETTEXT_PACKAGE, ConfigureDefines.LOCALE_DIR); // load main window from glade XML Glade.XML gxml = new Glade.XML(FileResourcePath.GetDataPath(""), "MainWindow", "bless"); gxml.Autoconnect(this); // set the application icon MainWindow.Icon = new Gdk.Pixbuf(FileResourcePath.GetDataPath("bless-48x48.png")); string blessConfDir = FileResourcePath.GetUserPath(); // make sure local configuration directory exists try { if (!Directory.Exists(blessConfDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(blessConfDir); } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorAlert ea = new ErrorAlert(Catalog.GetString("Cannot create user configuration directory"), ex.Message + Catalog.GetString("\n\nSome features of Bless may not work properly."), MainWindow); ea.Run(); ea.Destroy(); } Preferences.Proxy.Enable = false; // load default preferences Preferences.Default.Load(FileResourcePath.GetDataPath("default-preferences.xml")); Preferences.Default["Default.Layout.File"] = FileResourcePath.GetDataPath("bless-default.layout"); // load user preferences LoadPreferences(Path.Combine(blessConfDir, "preferences.xml")); Preferences.Instance.AutoSavePath = Path.Combine(blessConfDir, "preferences.xml"); // add the (empty) Menubar and toolbar uiManager = new UIManager(); MainWindow.AddAccelGroup(uiManager.AccelGroup); uiManager.AddUiFromString(uiXml); actionEntries = new ActionEntry[] { new ActionEntry("File", null, Catalog.GetString("_File"), null, null, null), new ActionEntry("Edit", null, Catalog.GetString("_Edit"), null, null, null), new ActionEntry("View", null, Catalog.GetString("_View"), null, null, null), new ActionEntry("Search", null, Catalog.GetString("_Search"), null, null, null), new ActionEntry("Tools", null, Catalog.GetString("_Tools"), null, null, null), new ActionEntry("Help", null, Catalog.GetString("_Help"), null, null, null) }; ActionGroup group = new ActionGroup("MainMenuActions"); group.Add(actionEntries); group.Add(new ToggleActionEntry[] { new ToggleActionEntry("ToolbarAction", null, Catalog.GetString("Toolbar"), null, null, new EventHandler(OnViewToolbarToggled), false) }); uiManager.InsertActionGroup(group, 0); Widget mb = uiManager.GetWidget("/menubar"); MainVBox.PackStart(mb, false, false, 0); MainVBox.ReorderChild(mb, 0); Widget tb = uiManager.GetWidget("/toolbar"); tb.Visible = false; MainVBox.PackStart(tb, false, false, 0); MainVBox.ReorderChild(tb, 1); // create the DataBook dataBook = new DataBook(); dataBook.PageAdded += new DataView.DataViewEventHandler(OnDataViewAdded); dataBook.Removed += new RemovedHandler(OnDataViewRemoved); dataBook.SwitchPage += new SwitchPageHandler(OnSwitchPage); DataViewBox.PackStart(dataBook); // create the widget groups that hold utility widgets WidgetGroup widgetGroup0 = new WidgetGroup(); WidgetGroup widgetGroup1 = new WidgetGroup(); WidgetGroup sideWidgetGroup0 = new WidgetGroup(); WidgetGroup sideWidgetGroup1 = new WidgetGroup(); widgetGroup0.Show(); widgetGroup1.Show(); sideWidgetGroup0.Show(); sideWidgetGroup1.Show(); MainVBox.PackStart(widgetGroup0, false, false, 0); MainVBox.ReorderChild(widgetGroup0, 3); MainVBox.PackStart(widgetGroup1, false, false, 0); MainVBox.ReorderChild(widgetGroup1, 4); DataViewBox.PackStart(sideWidgetGroup0, false, false, 0); DataViewBox.ReorderChild(sideWidgetGroup0, 0); DataViewBox.PackEnd(sideWidgetGroup1, false, false, 0); //MainVBox.ReorderChild(widgetGroup1, 4); Services.File = new FileService(dataBook, MainWindow); Services.Session = new SessionService(dataBook, MainWindow); Services.UI = new UIService(uiManager); //Services.Info=new InfoService(infobar); // Add area plugins PluginManager.AddForType(typeof(AreaPlugin), new object[0]); PluginManager areaPlugins = PluginManager.GetForType(typeof(AreaPlugin)); Area.InitiatePluginTable(); foreach (AreaPlugin p in areaPlugins.Plugins) { Area.AddFactoryItem(p.Name, p.CreateArea); } // Load GUI plugins PluginManager.AddForType(typeof(GuiPlugin), new object[] { MainWindow, uiManager }); PluginManager guiPlugins = PluginManager.GetForType(typeof(GuiPlugin)); foreach (Plugin p in guiPlugins.Plugins) { guiPlugins.LoadPlugin(p); } // load recent file history try { History.Instance.Load(Path.Combine(blessConfDir, "history.xml")); } catch (Exception e) { System.Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } // if user specified files on the command line // try to load them if (args.Length > 0) { Services.File.LoadFiles(args); } else if (Preferences.Instance["Session.LoadPrevious"] == "True") { bool loadIt = true; string prevSessionFile = Path.Combine(blessConfDir, "last.session"); if (Preferences.Instance["Session.AskBeforeLoading"] == "True" && File.Exists(prevSessionFile)) { MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog(MainWindow, DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent, MessageType.Question, ButtonsType.YesNo, Catalog.GetString("Do you want to load your previous session?")); ResponseType result = (ResponseType)md.Run(); md.Destroy(); if (result == ResponseType.Yes) { loadIt = true; } else { loadIt = false; } } // try to load previous session if (loadIt) { Services.Session.Load(prevSessionFile); } } // if nothing has been loaded, create a new file if (dataBook.NPages == 0) { ByteBuffer bb = Services.File.NewFile(); // create and setup a DataView DataView dv = Services.File.CreateDataView(bb); // append the DataView to the DataBook dataBook.AppendView(dv, new CloseViewDelegate(Services.File.CloseFile), Path.GetFileName(bb.Filename)); } PreferencesChangedHandler handler = new PreferencesChangedHandler(OnPreferencesChanged); Preferences.Proxy.Subscribe("View.Toolbar.Show", "mainwin", handler); // register drag and drop of files MainWindow.DragDataReceived += OnDragDataReceived; Gtk.Drag.DestSet(MainWindow, DestDefaults.Motion | DestDefaults.Drop, dropTargets, Gdk.DragAction.Copy | Gdk.DragAction.Move); DataViewBox.ShowAll(); Preferences.Proxy.Enable = true; // fire the preferences changed event // so things are setup according to the preferences Preferences.Proxy.NotifyAll(); Application.Run(); }
private void Reparent (Widget widget, HBox box, int index) { if (widget.Parent == box) { return; } if (widget.Parent == null) { box.PackStart (widget, false, false, 0); } else { widget.Reparent (box); box.SetChildPacking (widget, false, false, 0, PackType.Start); } box.ReorderChild (widget, index); widget.Show (); }