public TextureSender(IDownloader downloader, GriderProxy _proxy, int discardLevel, uint packetNumber) { proxy = _proxy; RequestedDiscardLevel = discardLevel; StartPacketNumber = packetNumber; m_downloader = downloader; }
public InventoryClient(GriderProxy sp, UUID id, string key, string i, string a, string ak) { proxy = sp; UserID = id; AuthKey = key; InventoryServerURL = i.Trim('/'); AssetServerURL = a; AssetServerKey = ak; // Let's connect to inventory, so that it establishes a cap url for us Console.WriteLine("[InventoryClient]: Calling inventory for caps with key " + AuthKey); connected = OpenSimComms.CreateInventoryHandlers(InventoryServerURL, UserID, AuthKey, out CapsHandlers); if (!connected) Console.WriteLine("[InventoryClient]: Unable to connect to inventory service"); Uri uri = null; if (Uri.TryCreate(AuthKey, UriKind.Absolute, out uri)) { try { AuthToken = uri.PathAndQuery.Trim('/'); } catch { } } // Get the entire inventory GetInventory(); assDownloader = new AssetDownloader(InventoryServerURL + "/" + AuthToken, this); }
public AssetSender(GriderProxy _proxy, UUID _assetID, UUID _transferID, byte[] _params, byte _source) { proxy = _proxy; assetID = _assetID; transferID = _transferID; Params = _params; source = _source; }
public RegionClient(GriderProxy p, string regionurl, string auth) { proxy = p; RegionURL = regionurl; AuthToken = auth; //assDownloader = new AssetDownloader(RegionURL, this); m_RegionAssetService = new AssetServicesConnector(RegionURL); }
public RegionClient(GriderProxy p, string regionurl, string auth) { proxy = p; RegionURL = regionurl; AuthToken = auth; //assDownloader = new AssetDownloader(RegionURL, this); assClient = new GridAssetClient(RegionURL); assClient.SetReceiver(this); }
public GriderProxyFrame(string[] args) { //bool externalPlugin = false; this.args = args; GriderProxyConfig proxyConfig = new GriderProxyConfig("GridSurferProxy", "Crista Lopes / Diva", args); proxy = new GriderProxy(proxyConfig); // add delegates for login proxy.SetLoginRequestDelegate(new XmlRpcRequestDelegate(LoginRequest)); proxy.SetLoginResponseDelegate(new XmlRpcResponseDelegate(LoginResponse)); // add a delegate for outgoing chat proxy.AddDelegate(PacketType.ChatFromViewer, Direction.Outgoing, new PacketDelegate(ChatFromViewerOut)); // handle command line arguments foreach (string arg in args) if (arg == "--log-login") logLogin = true; else if (arg.Substring(0, 2) == "--") { int ipos = arg.IndexOf("="); if (ipos != -1) { string sw = arg.Substring(0, ipos); string val = arg.Substring(ipos + 1); Console.WriteLine("arg '" + sw + "' val '" + val + "'"); if (sw == "--load") { //externalPlugin = true; LoadPlugin(val); } } } commandDelegates["/load"] = new CommandDelegate(CmdLoad); }
// SimProxy: construct a proxy for a single simulator public SimProxy(GriderProxyConfig proxyConfig, IPEndPoint simEndPoint, GriderProxy proxy) { //this.proxyConfig = proxyConfig; remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(simEndPoint.Address, simEndPoint.Port); this.proxy = proxy; socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp); socket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(proxyConfig.clientFacingAddress, 0)); proxy.AddHandler(remoteEndPoint, this); Reset(); }
public static void SetUserData(GriderProxy p, string userURL, string inventoryURL, string assetURL, string assetKey, UUID token) { proxy = p; UserServerURL = userURL; InventoryServerURL = inventoryURL; AssetServerURL = assetURL; AssetServerSendKey = assetKey; AuthToken = token; }
public AssetReceiver(GriderProxy _proxy, UUID _id, UUID _transfer) { proxy = _proxy; assetID = _id; transferID = _transfer; }
public Grider(GriderProxyFrame frame, Process viewer) { this.frame = frame; this.proxy = frame.proxy; this.Viewer = viewer; }