protected override void ImportMethod() { using (Utils.ProgressBlock blockprogress = new Utils.ProgressBlock(this, STR_IMPORTINGCACHES, STR_IMPORTINGCACHES, 1, 0)) { try { //first get a list of geocache codes List <string> gcList = OKAPIService.GetGeocachesWithinRadius(SiteManager.Instance.ActiveSite, _centerLoc, _radiusKm, _filter); using (Utils.ProgressBlock progress = new Utils.ProgressBlock(this, STR_IMPORTINGCACHES, STR_IMPORTINGCACHES, gcList.Count, 0, true)) { int gcupdatecount = 1; int max = gcList.Count; while (gcList.Count > 0) { List <string> lcs = gcList.Take(gcupdatecount).ToList(); gcList.RemoveRange(0, lcs.Count); List <OKAPIService.Geocache> caches = OKAPIService.GetGeocaches(SiteManager.Instance.ActiveSite, lcs); Import.AddGeocaches(Core, caches); if (!progress.UpdateProgress(STR_IMPORTINGCACHES, STR_IMPORTINGCACHES, max, max - gcList.Count)) { break; } } } } catch (Exception e) { _errormessage = e.Message; } } }
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SiteInfo si = comboBox1.SelectedItem as SiteInfo; if (si != null) { _token = ""; _tokenSecret = ""; textBox3.Text = Utils.LanguageSupport.Instance.GetTranslation(STR_NO); using (KeyRequestForm dlg = new KeyRequestForm(si)) { dlg.ShowDialog(); _tokenSecret = dlg.TokenSecret; _token = dlg.Token; bool isAuthorized = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_tokenSecret) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_tokenSecret)); textBox3.Text = isAuthorized ? Utils.LanguageSupport.Instance.GetTranslation(STR_YES) : Utils.LanguageSupport.Instance.GetTranslation(STR_NO); if (isAuthorized) { string uuid = ""; string username = ""; if (OKAPIService.GetAuthorizedUser(si, _token, _tokenSecret, out username, out uuid)) { textBox1.Text = username; textBox2.Text = uuid; } } } } }
protected override void ImportMethod() { //for now, we just use the active site //howver, in the future it is better to automatically switcg according geocode prefix //at this moment, the user is responsible for selecting the geocaches and the active site try { //first get a list of geocache codes using (Utils.ProgressBlock progress = new Utils.ProgressBlock(this, STR_UPDATINGGEOCACHES, STR_UPDATINGGEOCACHES, _gcList.Count, 0, true)) { int gcupdatecount = 1; int max = _gcList.Count; while (_gcList.Count > 0) { List <string> lcs = (from Framework.Data.Geocache g in _gcList select g.Code).Take(gcupdatecount).ToList(); _gcList.RemoveRange(0, lcs.Count); List <OKAPIService.Geocache> caches = OKAPIService.GetGeocaches(SiteManager.Instance.ActiveSite, lcs); Import.AddGeocaches(Core, caches); if (!progress.UpdateProgress(STR_UPDATINGGEOCACHES, STR_UPDATINGGEOCACHES, max, max - _gcList.Count)) { break; } } } } catch (Exception e) { _errormessage = e.Message; } }
protected override void ImportMethod() { try { using (Utils.ProgressBlock progress = new Utils.ProgressBlock(this, STR_IMPORTINGCACHES, STR_IMPORTINGCACHES, _gcList.Count, 0, true)) { int gcupdatecount = 1; int max = _gcList.Count; while (_gcList.Count > 0) { List <string> lcs = _gcList.Take(gcupdatecount).ToList(); _gcList.RemoveRange(0, lcs.Count); List <OKAPIService.Geocache> caches = OKAPIService.GetGeocaches(SiteManager.Instance.ActiveSite, lcs); Import.AddGeocaches(Core, caches); if (!progress.UpdateProgress(STR_IMPORTINGCACHES, STR_IMPORTINGCACHES, max, max - _gcList.Count)) { break; } } } } catch (Exception e) { _errormessage = e.Message; } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SiteInfo si = comboBox1.SelectedItem as SiteInfo; if (si != null) { textBox2.Text = ""; Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; try { string username = textBox1.Text; string userid = OKAPIService.GetUserID(si, ref username); textBox1.Text = username; textBox2.Text = userid; } catch { } Cursor = Cursors.Default; } }
public static Framework.Data.Geocache Geocache(Framework.Interfaces.ICore core, OKAPIService.Geocache gc) { Framework.Data.Geocache result = null; if (gc != null) { Framework.Data.Geocache tmp = Utils.DataAccess.GetGeocache(core.Geocaches, gc.code); result = new Framework.Data.Geocache(); if (tmp != null) { result.UpdateFrom(tmp, null); } result.DataFromDate = DateTime.Now; result.Code = gc.code; result.ID = gc.code; result.Archived = gc.status == "Archived"; result.Available = gc.status == "Available"; List <int> attris = new List <int>(); foreach (string at in gc.attr_acodes) { int code = OKAPIService.MapAttributeACodeToAttributeID(at); if (code > 0) { attris.Add(code); } } result.AttributeIds = attris; // 'none', 'nano', 'micro', 'small', 'regular', 'large', 'xlarge', 'other' // we chose to map the containers if (gc.size2 == "none") { result.Container = Utils.DataAccess.GetGeocacheContainer(core.GeocacheContainers, 5); } else if (gc.size2 == "micro" || gc.size2 == "nano") { result.Container = Utils.DataAccess.GetGeocacheContainer(core.GeocacheContainers, 2); } else if (gc.size2 == "small") { result.Container = Utils.DataAccess.GetGeocacheContainer(core.GeocacheContainers, 8); } else if (gc.size2 == "regular") { result.Container = Utils.DataAccess.GetGeocacheContainer(core.GeocacheContainers, 3); } else if (gc.size2 == "large" || gc.size2 == "xlarge") { result.Container = Utils.DataAccess.GetGeocacheContainer(core.GeocacheContainers, 4); } else { result.Container = Utils.DataAccess.GetGeocacheContainer(core.GeocacheContainers, 6); } result.Country = ?? ""; result.Difficulty = gc.difficulty; result.EncodedHints = gc.hint2; result.Found = gc.is_found; if (gc.type.ToLower().Contains("traditional")) { result.GeocacheType = Utils.DataAccess.GetGeocacheType(core.GeocacheTypes, 96001); } else if (gc.type.ToLower().Contains("multi")) { result.GeocacheType = Utils.DataAccess.GetGeocacheType(core.GeocacheTypes, 96002); } else if (gc.type.ToLower().Contains("quiz") || gc.type.ToLower().Contains("puzzle")) { result.GeocacheType = Utils.DataAccess.GetGeocacheType(core.GeocacheTypes, 96008); } else if (gc.type.ToLower().Contains("virtual")) { result.GeocacheType = Utils.DataAccess.GetGeocacheType(core.GeocacheTypes, 96003); } else if (gc.type.ToLower().Contains("event")) { result.GeocacheType = Utils.DataAccess.GetGeocacheType(core.GeocacheTypes, 96004); } else if (gc.type.ToLower().Contains("webcam")) { result.GeocacheType = Utils.DataAccess.GetGeocacheType(core.GeocacheTypes, 96006); } else if (gc.type.ToLower().Contains("location") || gc.type.Contains("moving")) { result.GeocacheType = Utils.DataAccess.GetGeocacheType(core.GeocacheTypes, 96007); } else { result.GeocacheType = Utils.DataAccess.GetGeocacheType(core.GeocacheTypes, 96005); } result.Lat = Utils.Conversion.StringToDouble(gc.location.Substring(0, gc.location.IndexOf('|'))); result.Lon = Utils.Conversion.StringToDouble(gc.location.Substring(gc.location.IndexOf('|') + 1)); result.LongDescription = gc.description; result.LongDescriptionInHtml = true; result.Name =; result.Owner = gc.owner.username; result.OwnerId = gc.owner.uuid; result.PlacedBy = gc.owner.username; result.PublishedTime = DateTime.Parse(gc.date_hidden); result.ShortDescription = ""; result.ShortDescriptionInHtml = true; result.State = gc.state ?? ""; result.Terrain = gc.terrain; result.Url = gc.url ?? ""; Calculus.SetDistanceAndAngleGeocacheFromLocation(result, core.CenterLocation); } return(result); }
protected override void ImportMethod() { bool cancelled = false; using (Utils.ProgressBlock blockprogress = new Utils.ProgressBlock(this, STR_IMPORTINGMYF, STR_IMPORTINGMYF, 1, 0)) { try { int stepSize = 100; List <OKAPIService.Log> logs = new List <OKAPIService.Log>(); using (Utils.ProgressBlock progress = new Utils.ProgressBlock(this, STR_IMPORTINGMYF, STR_IMPORTINGLOGS, 100, 0, true)) { List <OKAPIService.Log> pageLogs = OKAPIService.GetLogsOfUserID(SiteManager.Instance.ActiveSite, SiteManager.Instance.ActiveSite.UserID, stepSize, 0); while (pageLogs.Count() > 0) { logs.AddRange(pageLogs); if (!progress.UpdateProgress(STR_IMPORTINGMYF, STR_IMPORTINGLOGS, logs.Count + stepSize, logs.Count)) { cancelled = true; break; } else if (pageLogs.Count() < stepSize) { break; } pageLogs = OKAPIService.GetLogsOfUserID(SiteManager.Instance.ActiveSite, SiteManager.Instance.ActiveSite.UserID, stepSize, logs.Count); } } if (!cancelled) { //we download the geocaches that are not present. But for the ones we have, we need to add the log and mark it as found List <string> gcList = (from a in logs where Utils.DataAccess.GetGeocache(Core.Geocaches, a.cache_code) != null select a.cache_code).ToList(); foreach (string s in gcList) { Utils.DataAccess.GetGeocache(Core.Geocaches, s).Found = true; var ls = (from a in logs where a.cache_code == s select a).ToList(); foreach (var l in ls) { AddLog(Convert.Log(Core, l, SiteManager.Instance.ActiveSite.Username, SiteManager.Instance.ActiveSite.UserID)); } } gcList = (from a in logs where Utils.DataAccess.GetGeocache(Core.Geocaches, a.cache_code) == null select a.cache_code).ToList(); using (Utils.ProgressBlock progress = new Utils.ProgressBlock(this, STR_IMPORTINGMYF, STR_IMPORTINGCACHES, gcList.Count, 0, true)) { int gcupdatecount = 1; while (gcList.Count > 0) { List <string> lcs = gcList.Take(gcupdatecount).ToList(); gcList.RemoveRange(0, lcs.Count); List <OKAPIService.Geocache> caches = OKAPIService.GetGeocaches(SiteManager.Instance.ActiveSite, lcs); Import.AddGeocaches(Core, caches); foreach (var g in caches) { var ls = (from a in logs where a.cache_code == g.code select a).ToList(); foreach (var l in ls) { AddLog(Convert.Log(Core, l, SiteManager.Instance.ActiveSite.Username, SiteManager.Instance.ActiveSite.UserID)); } } if (!progress.UpdateProgress(STR_IMPORTINGMYF, STR_IMPORTINGCACHES, logs.Count, logs.Count - gcList.Count)) { cancelled = true; break; } } } } } catch (Exception e) { _errormessage = e.Message; } } }