public void SelectEditor(ItemEditor editor) { LayerEditor parentLayer = editor.ParentLayer; editor.IsSelected = true; ActiveLayer = parentLayer; }
public void MoveItemToLayer(ItemEditor itemToMove, LayerEditor layer, ItemEditor itemToMoveNewItemUnder) { int insertPosition = itemToMoveNewItemUnder == null ? 0 : layer.Items.IndexOf(itemToMoveNewItemUnder); itemToMove.ParentLayer.Items.Remove(itemToMove); layer.Items.Insert(insertPosition, itemToMove); itemToMove.ParentLayer = layer; }
public void SelectLayer(LayerEditor layer) { if (Level.SelectedEditors.Any( )) { Level.ClearSelectedEditors( ); } setActiveLayerIfItsDifferent(layer); tryFire(() => SelectionChanged, (ITreeItem)layer); }
public void MoveLayerDown(LayerEditor layer) { _memento.Record(@"Move Up Layer '{0}'".FormatWith(layer.Name), () => { int index = Level.Layers.IndexOf(layer); Level.Layers[index] = Level.Layers[index + 1]; Level.Layers[index + 1] = layer; tryFire(() => ItemsRearrangedInLayer, (ITreeItem)layer); SelectLayer(layer); }); }
public void DeleteLayer(LayerEditor layer) { _memento.Record(@"Delete Layer '{0}'".FormatWith(layer.Name), () => Level.Layers.Remove(layer)); tryFire(() => ItemsAddedOrRemoved, (ITreeItem)layer); LayerEditor nextChoiceOfLayerToSelect = Level.Layers.Count > 0 ? Level.Layers.Last( ) : null; if (nextChoiceOfLayerToSelect != null) { setActiveLayerIfItsDifferent(nextChoiceOfLayerToSelect); } }
public void MoveSelectedIditorsToLayer(LayerEditor chosenLayer) { var selected = SelectedEditors.ToList( ); foreach (var eachSelectedEditor in selected) { ActiveLayer.RemoveEditor(eachSelectedEditor); eachSelectedEditor.ParentLayer = chosenLayer; chosenLayer.AddEditor(eachSelectedEditor); } }
public void MoveSelectedItemsToLayer(LayerEditor chosenLayer) { if (chosenLayer == Level.ActiveLayer) { return; } _memento.BeginCommand(@"Move Item(s) To Layer '{0}'".FormatWith(chosenLayer.Name)); Level.MoveSelectedIditorsToLayer(chosenLayer); tryFire(() => ItemsMoved, Level.SelectedEditors); }
public void CopySelectedItemsToLayer(LayerEditor layer) { if (layer == ActiveLayer) { return; } List <ItemEditor> clonedEditors = null; _memento.Record(@"Copy Item(s) To Layer '{0}'".FormatWith(layer.Name), () => { clonedEditors = Level.CopySelectedEditorsToLayer(layer).ToList( ); }); Level.SelectEditors(new SelectedEditors(clonedEditors)); tryFire(() => ItemsAddedOrRemoved, clonedEditors); }
public void AddNewLayer(LayerEditor layer) { layer.ParentLevel = Level; Level.Layers.Add(layer); tryFire( () => ItemsAddedOrRemoved, new[] { layer }); SelectLayer(layer); }
public static LayerEditor FromXml(LevelEditor level, XElement xml) { var layerProperties = xml.CertainElement(@"LayerProperties").DeserializedAs <LayerProperties>( ); var layer = new LayerEditor(level, xml.CertainAttribute(@"Name").Value) { _properties = layerProperties, _behaviours = new BehaviourCollection(layerProperties, xml) }; layer.Items = new List <ItemEditor>( xml.CertainElement(@"Editors").Elements(@"Editor").Select(x => createEditor(layer, x))); return(layer); }
void setActiveLayerIfItsDifferent(LayerEditor layer) { if (ActiveLayer == layer) { return; } Level.SelectLayer(layer); var eventHandler = ActiveLayerChanged; if (eventHandler != null) { eventHandler(this, EventArgs.Empty); } }
LayerEditor copyLayer(Legacy.Layer oldLayer) { var newLayer = new LayerEditor(null, oldLayer.Name) { Visible = oldLayer.Visible, ScrollSpeed = oldLayer.ScrollSpeed }; convertCustomProperties(oldLayer.CustomProperties, newLayer.ItemProperties.CustomProperties); newLayer.Items.AddRange(oldLayer.Items.Select(convertItem)); newLayer.Items.ForEach(i => i.ParentLayer = newLayer); return(newLayer); }
public IEnumerable <ItemEditor> CopySelectedEditorsToLayer(LayerEditor destinationLayer) { var selectedEditors = SelectedEditors.ToList( ); foreach (ItemEditor eachEditor in selectedEditors) { ItemEditor clonedEditor = eachEditor.Clone( ); clonedEditor.ParentLayer = destinationLayer; clonedEditor.ItemProperties.Name = destinationLayer.ParentLevel.GetUniqueNameBasedOn(clonedEditor.ItemProperties.Name); destinationLayer.AddEditor(clonedEditor); clonedEditor.ItemProperties.Id = generateId( ); yield return(clonedEditor); } }
static ItemEditor createEditor(LayerEditor layer, XElement xml) { string typeName = xml.CertainAttribute(@"ClrTypeOfEditor").Value; Type type = Type.GetType(typeName); if (type == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException( @"Cannot construct an editor from the XML as the type '{0}' cannot be created.".FormatWith(typeName)); } var editor = (ItemEditor)Activator.CreateInstance(type); editor.RecreateFromXml(layer, xml); return(editor); }
public void DuplicateLayer(LayerEditor layer) { LayerEditor copiedLayer = layer.Clone( ); copiedLayer.Name = layer.ParentLevel.GetUniqueNameBasedOn(copiedLayer.Name); foreach (ItemEditor eachCopiedItem in copiedLayer.Items) { eachCopiedItem.ItemProperties.Name = layer.ParentLevel.GetUniqueNameBasedOn(eachCopiedItem.ItemProperties.Name); } IMainForm mainForm = IoC.MainForm; _memento.Record(@"Duplicate Layer '{0}'".FormatWith(layer.Name), () => AddNewLayer(copiedLayer)); tryFire(() => ItemsAddedOrRemoved, (ITreeItem)copiedLayer); mainForm.LevelExplorer.Rebuild( ); }
public virtual void RecreateFromXml(LayerEditor parentLayer, XElement xml) { Behaviours = new BehaviourCollection(ItemProperties, xml); }
public void SelectLayer(LayerEditor value) { clearAllSelections( ); ActiveLayer = value; }
public LevelEditor(XElement xml) { TypeLookup.Rehydrate(xml); _properties = xml.Element(@"LevelProperties").DeserializedAs <LevelProperties>( ); _previousContentRootFolder = _properties.ContentRootFolder; if (!Directory.Exists(_properties.ContentRootFolder)) { string message = @"The level file has a content root folder that does not exist. It says the content root is at ""{0}"". Images specified in this level file are relative to this folder so you should change it in order to load this level file correctly. Would you like to change it?".FormatWith(_properties.ContentRootFolder); if (MessageBox.Show(message, @"Content root folder not found.", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { var folderBrowserDialog = new Ookii.Dialogs.VistaFolderBrowserDialog( ); DialogResult dialogResult = folderBrowserDialog.ShowDialog( ); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { _properties.ContentRootFolder = folderBrowserDialog.SelectedPath; } } } if (_properties.ContentRootFolder != _previousContentRootFolder) { //ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IEventHub>().Publish(new ContentRootChanged(_previousContentRootFolder, _properties.ContentRootFolder)); } Behaviours = new BehaviourCollection(_properties, xml); Layers = new List <LayerEditor>(xml.CertainElement(@"Layers").Elements(@"Layer").Select(x => LayerEditor.FromXml(this, x))); ActiveLayer = Layers.FirstOrDefault( ); }
/// <summary> /// Called when the user starts creating something, e.g. a Rectangle will have a position but no height or width as this is /// set when the user moves the pointer around. /// Another example is the Path object. This initially just has 1 point (that start point) and /// the user add points by clicking around. /// </summary> /// <param name="parentLayer"></param> /// <param name="creationProperties"></param> public abstract void CreateInDesignMode(LayerEditor parentLayer, IEntityCreationProperties creationProperties);