예제 #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Map map = new Map(8, 5);

                Path path = new Path(new[] {
                    new MapLocation(0, 2, map),
                    new MapLocation(1, 2, map),
                    new MapLocation(2, 2, map),
                    new MapLocation(3, 2, map),
                    new MapLocation(4, 2, map),
                    new MapLocation(5, 2, map),
                    new MapLocation(6, 2, map),
                    new MapLocation(7, 2, map)

                IInvader[] invaders =
                    new Resurrecting_Invader(path),
                    new Fast_Invader(path),
                    new Resurrecting_Invader(path),
                    new Shielded_Invader(path)

                Level level_1 = new Level(invaders)
                    towers = new ITower[]
                        new Powerful_Tower(new MapLocation(PromptAndRead(), PromptAndRead(), map), path),
                        new Long_Range_Tower(new MapLocation(PromptAndRead(), PromptAndRead(), map), path),
                        new Sharp_Shooter_Tower(new MapLocation(PromptAndRead(), PromptAndRead(), map), path),
                        new Loaded_Tower(new MapLocation(PromptAndRead(), PromptAndRead(), map), path)
                Console.WriteLine(level_1.play() ? "You have won" : "you have lost");
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");

            catch (Out_Of_Bounds_Exception ex) //The ex variable declared as a method level variable is initialised with the exception object thrown,
                                               // i.e Exception ex = new Exception("(" + x + ", " + y +")" + " is outside the boundaries of the map");
            catch (Tower_On_Path_Exception ex)
            catch (Tower_Defence_Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Unhandled tower defence exception: {0}", ex);
            catch (FormatException)
                Console.WriteLine("Only positive intergers are allowed");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Unhandled exception: {0}", ex);