예제 #1
        private static bool ValidatePathIsReadable(GalleryServerPro.WebControls.wwDataBindingItem item, string pathToTest, Label pathLabel)
            // Verify that the IIS process identity has read permission to the specified path.
            bool isValid = false;

            string fullPhysicalPath = HelperFunctions.CalculateFullPath(AppSetting.Instance.PhysicalApplicationPath, pathToTest);

                isValid = true;
            catch (GalleryServerPro.Events.CustomExceptions.CannotReadFromDirectoryException ex)
                item.BindingErrorMessage = ex.Message;

            if (isValid)
                pathLabel.Text     = fullPhysicalPath;
                pathLabel.CssClass = "gsp_msgfriendly";
                pathLabel.Text     = String.Concat("<", Resources.GalleryServerPro.Admin_MediaObjects_InvalidPath, ">");
                pathLabel.CssClass = "gsp_msgwarning";

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the OnValidateControl event of the wwDataBinder control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">The wwDataBindingItem item.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns <c>true</c> if the item is valid; otherwise returns <c>false</c>.</returns>
        protected bool wwDataBinder_ValidateControl(GalleryServerPro.WebControls.wwDataBindingItem item)
            // Validate various settings to make sure they don't conflict with each other.

            if (item.ControlInstance == this.txtMoPath)

            else if (item.ControlInstance == this.txtThumbnailCachePath)

            else if (item.ControlInstance == this.txtOptimizedCachePath)

            else if (item.ControlInstance == this.chkPathIsReadOnly)
                return(ValidateMediaObjectPath(item));                // Validate the "media files are read-only" option
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a binding error to the collection of binding errors.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ErrorMessage"></param>
        /// <param name="control"></param>
        /// <returns>false if the control was not able to get a control reference to attach hotlinks and an icon. Error message always gets added</returns>
        public bool AddBindingError(string ErrorMessage, Control Control)
            wwDataBindingItem DataBindingItem = null;

            if (Control == null)
                this.BindingErrors.Add(new BindingError(ErrorMessage));

            foreach (wwDataBindingItem Ctl in this.DataBindingItems)
                if (Ctl.ControlId == Control.ID)
                    Ctl.ControlInstance = Control;
                    DataBindingItem     = Ctl;

            // *** No associated control found - just add the error message
            if (DataBindingItem == null)
                this.BindingErrors.Add(new BindingError(ErrorMessage, Control.ClientID));

            return(this.AddBindingError(ErrorMessage, DataBindingItem));
예제 #4
        protected bool wwDataBinder_ValidateControl(GalleryServerPro.WebControls.wwDataBindingItem item)
            if (item.ControlInstance == txtMaxErrorItems)
                if ((chkAutoTrimLog.Checked) && (Convert.ToInt32(txtMaxErrorItems.Text) <= 0))
                    item.BindingErrorMessage = Resources.GalleryServerPro.Admin_Error_Invalid_MaxNumberErrorItems_Msg;

            if (item.ControlInstance == txtJQueryScriptPath)
                if (!ValidateUrl(txtJQueryScriptPath.Text.Trim()))
                    item.BindingErrorMessage = Resources.GalleryServerPro.Admin_Site_Settings_InvalidJQueryPath;

            if (item.ControlInstance == txtJQueryUiScriptPath)
                if (!ValidateUrl(txtJQueryUiScriptPath.Text.Trim()))
                    item.BindingErrorMessage = Resources.GalleryServerPro.Admin_Site_Settings_InvalidJQueryPath;

예제 #5
        private bool ValidatePathIsWritable(GalleryServerPro.WebControls.wwDataBindingItem item, string fullPathToTest)
            // Verify that the IIS process identity has write permission to the specified path.

            // We only need to execute this once for each unique path. If we already tested this path, then return that test result. This helps
            // prevent the same error message from being shown multiple times.
            if (_pathsThatHaveBeenTestedForWriteability.ContainsKey(fullPathToTest))

            bool isValid = false;

                isValid = true;
            catch (GalleryServerPro.Events.CustomExceptions.CannotWriteToDirectoryException ex)
                item.BindingErrorMessage = ex.Message;

            // Set the flag so we don't have to repeat the validation later in the page lifecycle.
            _pathsThatHaveBeenTestedForWriteability.Add(fullPathToTest, isValid);

예제 #6
        // <summary>
        /// Creates the text for binding error messages based on the
        /// BindingErrorMessage property of a data bound control.
        /// If set the control calls this method render the error message. Called by
        /// the various controls to generate the error HTML based on the <see>Enum
        /// ErrorMessageLocations</see>.
        /// If UseClientScriptHtmlInjection is set the error message is injected
        /// purely through a client script JavaScript function which avoids problems
        /// with Controls.Add() when script tags are present in the container.
        /// <seealso>Class wwWebDataHelper</seealso>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="control">
        /// Instance of the control that has an error.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>String</returns>
        internal string GetBindingErrorMessageHtml(wwDataBindingItem Item)
            string Image = null;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ErrorIconUrl) || this.ErrorIconUrl == "WebResource")
                Image = this.ErrorIconWebResource;
                Image = this.ResolveUrl(this.ErrorIconUrl);

            string Message = "";

            if (Item.ErrorMessageLocation == BindingErrorMessageLocations.WarningIconRight)
                Message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "&nbsp;<img src=\"{0}\" alt=\"{1}\" />", Image, Item.BindingErrorMessage);
            else if (Item.ErrorMessageLocation == BindingErrorMessageLocations.RedTextBelow)
                Message = "<br /><span style=\"color:red;\"><smaller>" + Item.BindingErrorMessage + "</smaller></span>";
            else if (Item.ErrorMessageLocation == BindingErrorMessageLocations.RedTextAndIconBelow)
                Message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "<br /><img src=\"{0}\"> <span style=\"color:red;\" /><smaller>{1}</smaller></span>", Image, Item.BindingErrorMessage);
            else if (Item.ErrorMessageLocation == BindingErrorMessageLocations.None)
                Message = "";
                Message = "<span style='color:red;font-weight:bold;'> * </span>";

            // *** Fix up message so ' are allowed
            Message = Message.Replace("'", @"\'");

            // *** Use Client Side JavaScript to inject the message rather than adding a control
            if (this.UseClientScriptHtmlInjection && Item.ControlInstance != null)
                if (!this._ClientScriptInjectionScriptAdded)

                this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), Item.ControlId,
                                                             string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "AddHtmlAfterControl('{0}','{1}');\r\n", Item.ControlInstance.ClientID, Message), true);

                // *** Message is handled in script so nothing else to write
                Message = "";

            // *** Message will be embedded with a Literal Control
예제 #7
 protected void wwDataBinder_AfterBindControl(GalleryServerPro.WebControls.wwDataBindingItem item)
     // We need to HTML decode the role name that appears in the combo box
     if (item.ControlId == cboUserRoles.ID)
         cboUserRoles.Text = Util.HtmlDecode(cboUserRoles.Text);
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Fires the ValidateControlEvent
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Item"></param>
        /// <returns>false - Validation for control failed and a BindingError is added, true - Validation succeeded</returns>
        public bool OnValidateControl(wwDataBindingItem Item)
            if (this.ValidateControl != null && !this.ValidateControl(Item))

예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Manages errors that occur during unbinding. Sets BindingErrors collection and
        /// and writes out validation error display to the page if specified
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Item"></param>
        /// <param name="ex"></param>
        private void HandleUnbindingError(wwDataBindingItem Item, Exception ex)
            Item.IsBindingError = true;

            // *** Display Error info by setting BindingErrorMessage property
                string ErrorMessage = null;

                // *** Must check that the control exists - if invalid ID was
                // *** passed there may not be an instance!
                if (Item.ControlInstance == null)
                    ErrorMessage = "Invalid Control: " + Item.ControlId;
                    string DerivedUserFieldName = this.DeriveUserFieldName(Item);
                    if (ex is RequiredFieldException)
                        ErrorMessage = DerivedUserFieldName + " can't be left empty";
                    else if (ex is ValidationErrorException)
                        /// *** Binding Error Message will be set
                        ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
                    // *** Explicit error message returned
                    else if (ex is BindingErrorException)
                        ErrorMessage = ex.Message + " for " + DerivedUserFieldName;
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Item.BindingErrorMessage))
                            ErrorMessage = DerivedUserFieldName + ": " + ex.Message;                             // Change to this 2009.01.26 to yield a more informative message
                        //ErrorMessage = "Invalid format for " + DerivedUserFieldName;
                            // *** Control has a pre-assigned error message
                            ErrorMessage = Item.BindingErrorMessage;
                this.AddBindingError(ErrorMessage, Item);
            catch (Exception)
                this.AddBindingError("Binding Error", Item);
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// This method only adds a data binding item, but doesn't bind it
        /// to anything. This can be useful for only displaying errors
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ControlToBind"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public wwDataBindingItem AddBinding(Control ControlToBind)
            wwDataBindingItem Item = new wwDataBindingItem(this);

            Item.ControlInstance = ControlToBind;
            Item.ControlId       = ControlToBind.ID;
            Item.Page            = this.Page;


예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a binding to the control. This method is a simple
        /// way to establish a binding.
        /// Returns the Item so you can customize properties further
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ControlToBind"></param>
        /// <param name="ControlPropertyToBind"></param>
        /// <param name="SourceObjectToBindTo"></param>
        /// <param name="SourceMemberToBindTo"></param>
        public wwDataBindingItem AddBinding(Control ControlToBind, string ControlPropertyToBind,
                                            object SourceObjectToBindTo, string SourceMemberToBindTo)
            wwDataBindingItem Item = new wwDataBindingItem(this);

            Item.ControlInstance     = ControlToBind;
            Item.ControlId           = ControlToBind.ID;
            Item.BindingSourceObject = SourceObjectToBindTo;
            Item.BindingSourceMember = SourceMemberToBindTo;


예제 #12
        private bool ValidateReadOnlyGallery(GalleryServerPro.WebControls.wwDataBindingItem item)
            // When a gallery is read only, the following must be true:
            // 1. The thumbnail and optimized path must be different than the media object path.
            // 2. The SynchAlbumTitleAndDirectoryName setting must be false.
            // 3. User albums must be disabled.

            // We only need to execute this once on a postback. If we already ran it, then return our previous result. This helps
            // prevent the same error message from being shown multiple times.
            if (_validateReadOnlyGalleryHasExecuted)

            bool isValid = true;

            string mediaObjectPath = this.txtMoPath.Text;
            string thumbnailPath   = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txtThumbnailCachePath.Text) ? mediaObjectPath : this.txtThumbnailCachePath.Text);
            string optimizedPath   = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txtOptimizedCachePath.Text) ? mediaObjectPath : this.txtOptimizedCachePath.Text);

            // 1. The thumbnail and optimized path must be different than the media object path.
            if ((mediaObjectPath.Equals(thumbnailPath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) ||
                (mediaObjectPath.Equals(optimizedPath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                isValid = false;
                item.BindingErrorMessage = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.GalleryServerPro.Admin_MediaObjects_Cannot_Set_MO_Path_Read_Only_Cache_Location_Not_Set, mediaObjectPath, thumbnailPath, optimizedPath);

            // 2. The SynchAlbumTitleAndDirectoryName setting must be false.
            if (chkSynchAlbumTitleAndDirectoryName.Checked)
                isValid = false;
                item.BindingErrorMessage = Resources.GalleryServerPro.Admin_MediaObjects_Cannot_Set_MO_Path_Read_Only_Synch_Title_And_Directory_Enabled;

            // 3. User albums must be disabled.
            if (GallerySettings.EnableUserAlbum)
                isValid = false;
                item.BindingErrorMessage = Resources.GalleryServerPro.Admin_MediaObjects_Cannot_Set_MO_Path_Read_Only_User_Albums_Enabled;

            // Set the flag so we don't have to repeat the validation later in the page lifecycle.
            this._validateReadOnlyGalleryHasExecuted = true;
            this._validateReadOnlyGalleryResult      = isValid;

        /// <summary>
        /// Add a wwDataBindingItem to the collection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index"></param>
        /// <param name="Item"></param>
        public void AddAt(int index, wwDataBindingItem Item)
            if (_ParentDataBinder != null)
                Item.Page   = _ParentDataBinder.Page;
                Item.Binder = _ParentDataBinder;

                // *** VS Designer adds new items as soon as their accessed
                // *** but items may not be valid so we have to clean up
                if (this._ParentDataBinder.DesignMode)

            InnerList.Insert(index, Item);
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a wwDataBindingItem to the collection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Item"></param>
        public void Add(wwDataBindingItem Item)
            if (_ParentDataBinder != null)
                Item.Page   = _ParentDataBinder.Page;
                Item.Binder = _ParentDataBinder;

                // *** VS Designer adds new items as soon as their accessed
                // *** but items may not be valid so we have to clean up
                if (this._ParentDataBinder.DesignMode)
                    // *** Remove any blank items

		/// <summary>
		/// Add a wwDataBindingItem to the collection
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="Item"></param>
		public void Add(wwDataBindingItem Item)
			if (_ParentDataBinder != null)
				Item.Page = _ParentDataBinder.Page;
				Item.Binder = _ParentDataBinder;

				// *** VS Designer adds new items as soon as their accessed
				// *** but items may not be valid so we have to clean up
				if (this._ParentDataBinder.DesignMode)
					// *** Remove any blank items

예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a binding error for DataBindingItem control. This is the most efficient
        /// way to add a BindingError. The other overloads call into this method after
        /// looking up the Control in the DataBinder.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ErrorMessage"></param>
        /// <param name="BindingItem"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool AddBindingError(string ErrorMessage, wwDataBindingItem BindingItem)
            // *** Associated control found - add icon and link id
            if (BindingItem.ControlInstance != null)
                this.BindingErrors.Add(new BindingError(ErrorMessage, BindingItem.ControlInstance.ClientID));
                // *** Just set the error message
                this.BindingErrors.Add(new BindingError(ErrorMessage));

            BindingItem.BindingErrorMessage = ErrorMessage;

            // *** Insert the error text/icon as a literal
            if (this.ShowBindingErrorsOnControls && BindingItem.ControlInstance != null)
                // *** Retrieve the Html Markup for the error
                // *** NOTE: If script code injection is enabled this is done with client
                // ***       script code to avoid Controls.Add() functionality which may not
                // ***       always work reliably if <%= %> tags are in document. Script HTML injection
                // ***       is the preferred behavior as it should work on any page. If script is used
                // ***       the message returned is blank and the startup script is embedded instead
                string HtmlMarkup = this.GetBindingErrorMessageHtml(BindingItem);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HtmlMarkup))
                    LiteralControl Literal = new LiteralControl(HtmlMarkup);
                    Control        Parent  = BindingItem.ControlInstance.Parent;

                    int CtlIdx = Parent.Controls.IndexOf(BindingItem.ControlInstance);
                        // *** Can't add controls to the Control collection if <%= %> tags are on the page
                        Parent.Controls.AddAt(CtlIdx + 1, Literal);
                    catch {; }

예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a UserField name. Returns UserFieldname if set, or if not
        /// attempts to derive the name based on the field.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Control"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected string DeriveUserFieldName(wwDataBindingItem Item)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Item.UserFieldName))

            string ControlID = Item.ControlInstance.ID;

            // *** Try to get a name by stripping of control prefixes
            string ControlName = Regex.Replace(Item.ControlInstance.ID, "^txt|^chk|^lst|^rad|", "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            if (ControlName != ControlID)

            // *** Nope - use the default ID
예제 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies the currently logged-on user has permission to specify the <paramref name="mediaObjectPath"/> in this gallery. The
        /// path must not be used by any other galleries unless the user is a gallery admin for each of those galleries or a site
        /// admin. Returns <c>true</c> if the user has permission; otherwise returns <c>false</c>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">The binding item representing the control being tested.</param>
        /// <param name="mediaObjectPath">The relative or full file path the user wishes to use to store media objects, whether they are
        /// the original media object files, thumbnails, or optimized image files. Relative paths should be relative
        /// to the root of the running application so that, when it is combined with physicalAppPath parameter, it creates a valid path.
        /// Examples: "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\galleryserverpro\myimages\", "C:/inetpub/wwwroot/galleryserverpro/myimages",
        /// "\myimages\", "\myimages", "myimages\", "myimages",	"/myimages/", "/myimages"</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns <c>true</c> if the user has permission; otherwise returns <c>false</c>.
        /// </returns>
        private bool ValidateUserHasPermissionToSpecifyPath(GalleryServerPro.WebControls.wwDataBindingItem item, string mediaObjectPath)
            if (UserCanAdministerSite)
                return(true);                // Site admins always have permission.
            if (!UserCanAdministerGallery)
                return(false);                // Must be at least a gallery admin. Kind of a redundant test but we include it for extra safety.
            string fullMediaObjectPath = HelperFunctions.CalculateFullPath(AppSetting.Instance.PhysicalApplicationPath, mediaObjectPath);

            bool isValid = true;

            // Get a list of galleries the current user is a gallery admin for.
            IGalleryCollection adminGalleries = UserController.GetGalleriesCurrentUserCanAdminister();

            // Iterate through each gallery and check to see if the path is used in it.
            foreach (IGallery gallery in Factory.LoadGalleries())
                if (gallery.GalleryId == GalleryId)
                    continue;                     // No need to evaluate the current gallery
                IGallerySettings gallerySettings = Factory.LoadGallerySetting(gallery.GalleryId);

                if ((fullMediaObjectPath.Equals(gallerySettings.FullMediaObjectPath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) ||
                    (fullMediaObjectPath.Equals(gallerySettings.FullThumbnailPath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) ||
                    (fullMediaObjectPath.Equals(gallerySettings.FullOptimizedPath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                    // We found another gallery that is using this path. This is not valid unless the user is a gallery admin for it.
                    if (!adminGalleries.Contains(gallery))
                        isValid = false;
                        item.BindingErrorMessage = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.GalleryServerPro.Admin_MediaObjects_MO_Path_Used_By_Another_Gallery, mediaObjectPath);

예제 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a binding error message to a specific control attached to this binder
        /// BindingErrors collection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ControlName">Form relative Name (ID) of the control to set the error on</param>
        /// <param name="ErrorMessage">The Error Message to set it to.</param>
        /// <returns>true if the control was found. False if not found, but message is still assigned</returns>
        public bool AddBindingError(string ErrorMessage, string ControlName)
            wwDataBindingItem DataBindingItem = null;

            foreach (wwDataBindingItem Ctl in this.DataBindingItems)
                if (Ctl.ControlId == ControlName)
                    DataBindingItem = Ctl;

            if (DataBindingItem == null)
                this.BindingErrors.Add(new BindingError(ErrorMessage));

            return(this.AddBindingError(ErrorMessage, DataBindingItem));
예제 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a specific DataBinding Item for a given control.
        /// Always returns an item even if the Control is not found.
        /// If you need to check whether this is a valid item check
        /// the BindingSource property for being blank.
        /// Extender Property Get method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="control"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public wwDataBindingItem GetDataBindingItem(Control control)
            foreach (wwDataBindingItem Item in this.DataBindingItems)
                if (Item.ControlId == control.ID)
                    // *** Ensure the binder is set on the item
                    Item.Binder = this;

            wwDataBindingItem NewItem = new wwDataBindingItem(this);

            NewItem.ControlId       = control.ID;
            NewItem.ControlInstance = control;


예제 #21
        protected bool wwDataBinder_BeforeUnbindControl(GalleryServerPro.WebControls.wwDataBindingItem item)
            // When auto trim is disabled, we store "0" in the config file.
            if (item.ControlId == chkAutoTrimLog.ID)
                if (!chkAutoTrimLog.Checked)
                    txtMaxErrorItems.Text = "0";

            if (item.ControlId == txtJQueryScriptPath.ID)
                string url = txtJQueryScriptPath.Text.Trim();

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(url) && !Util.IsAbsoluteUrl(url) && (!url.StartsWith("~")))
                    url = String.Concat("~", url);                     // Ensure relative URLs start with "~"

                txtJQueryScriptPath.Text = url;

            if (item.ControlId == txtJQueryUiScriptPath.ID)
                string url = txtJQueryUiScriptPath.Text.Trim();

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(url) && !Util.IsAbsoluteUrl(url) && (!url.StartsWith("~")))
                    url = String.Concat("~", url);                     // Ensure relative URLs start with "~"

                txtJQueryUiScriptPath.Text = url;

예제 #22
 protected void wwDataBinder_AfterBindControl(GalleryServerPro.WebControls.wwDataBindingItem item)
     if (item.ControlInstance == txtMaxErrorItems)
         int maxErrorItems = Convert.ToInt32(this.txtMaxErrorItems.Text);
         if (maxErrorItems == 0)
             // Disable the checkbox because feature is turned off (a "0" indicates it is off). Set textbox to
             // an empty string because we don't want to display 0.
             chkAutoTrimLog.Checked = false;
             txtMaxErrorItems.Text  = String.Empty;
         else if (maxErrorItems > 0)
             chkAutoTrimLog.Checked = true;                     // Select the checkbox when max # of items is > 0
             // We'll never get here because the config definition uses an IntegerValidator to force the number
             // to be greater than 0.
예제 #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies the <paramref name="fullPathToTest" /> is valid and the logged-on user has the necessary permission to specify it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">The binding item representing the control being tested.</param>
        /// <param name="fullPathToTest">The full file path the user wishes to use to store media objects, whether they are
        /// the original media object files, thumbnails, or optimized image files. 
        /// Examples: "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\galleryserverpro\myimages\", "C:/inetpub/wwwroot/galleryserverpro/myimages"</param>
        /// <param name="pathDisplayControl">The Label control used to display the full, calculated path.</param>
        /// <param name="displayType">Indicates whether the <paramref name="fullPathToTest" /> is the path for the original, thumbnail,
        /// or optimized media object files.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns <c>true</c> if the path is valid; otherwise returns <c>false</c>.
        /// </returns>
        private bool ValidatePath(wwDataBindingItem item, string fullPathToTest, Label pathDisplayControl, DisplayObjectType displayType)
            if (_validatePathFailed)
                // To help prevent repeated error messages (one each for original, thumbnail, and optimized), if a previous execution of
                // this test has failed, then let's just return true, thus allowing the user to focus on a single message.
                return true;

            bool isValid;

            if (this.chkPathIsReadOnly.Checked)
                if (displayType == DisplayObjectType.Original)
                    isValid = ValidateReadOnlyGallery(item) && ValidatePathIsReadable(item, fullPathToTest, pathDisplayControl);
                    isValid = ValidateReadOnlyGallery(item) && ValidatePathIsWritable(item, fullPathToTest);
                isValid = ValidatePathIsWritable(item, fullPathToTest);

            isValid = isValid && ValidateUserHasPermissionToSpecifyPath(item, fullPathToTest);

            if (isValid)
                pathDisplayControl.Text = fullPathToTest;
                pathDisplayControl.CssClass = "gsp_msgfriendly";
                if (!this.GallerySettings.FullMediaObjectPath.Equals(fullPathToTest, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    pathDisplayControl.Text = String.Concat("&lt;", Resources.GalleryServerPro.Admin_MediaObjects_InvalidPath, "&gt;");
                    pathDisplayControl.CssClass = "gsp_msgwarning";
                _validatePathFailed = true;

            return isValid;
        private bool BeforeUnbind_ProcessDisplayBehaviorControls(wwDataBindingItem item)
            // When allow HTML is unchecked, several child items are disabled via javascript. Disabled HTML items are not
            // posted during a postback, so we don't have accurate information about their states. For these controls don't save
            // anything by returning false. Furthermore, to prevent these child controls from incorrectly reverting to an
            // empty or unchecked state in the UI, assign their properties to their config setting.

            if (!this.chkShowHeader.Checked)
                if (item.ControlId == this.txtWebsiteTitle.ID)
                    txtWebsiteTitle.Text = GallerySettingsUpdateable.GalleryTitle;
                    return false;

                if (item.ControlId == this.txtWebsiteTitleUrl.ID)
                    txtWebsiteTitleUrl.Text = GallerySettingsUpdateable.GalleryTitleUrl;
                    return false;

                if (item.ControlId == this.chkShowLogin.ID)
                    this.chkShowLogin.Checked = GallerySettingsUpdateable.ShowLogin;
                    return false;

                if (item.ControlId == this.chkShowSearch.ID)
                    this.chkShowSearch.Checked = GallerySettingsUpdateable.ShowSearch;
                    return false;

            if (!this.chkSendEmail.Checked)
                if (item.ControlId == this.cboUsersToNotify.ID)
                    cboUsersToNotify.Text = String.Empty;
                    return false;
            return true;
예제 #25
        private bool ValidateThumbnailPath(wwDataBindingItem item)
            string pathToTest = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txtThumbnailCachePath.Text.Trim()) ? this.txtMoPath.Text.Trim() : this.txtThumbnailCachePath.Text.Trim());

            string fullPathToTest = HelperFunctions.CalculateFullPath(AppSetting.Instance.PhysicalApplicationPath, pathToTest);

            return ValidatePath(item, fullPathToTest, this.lblThumbnailCachePath, DisplayObjectType.Thumbnail);
예제 #26
        private bool BeforeUnbind_ProcessUserAccountControls(wwDataBindingItem item)
            // When allow HTML is unchecked, several child items are disabled via javascript. Disabled HTML items are not
              // posted during a postback, so we don't have accurate information about their states. For these controls don't save
              // anything by returning false. Furthermore, to prevent these child controls from incorrectly reverting to an
              // empty or unchecked state in the UI, assign their properties to their config setting.

              // Step 1: Handle the "allow HTML" checkbox
              if (!chkAllowHtml.Checked)
            if (item.ControlId == txtAllowedHtmlTags.ID)
              txtAllowedHtmlTags.Text = AllowedHtmlTags;
              return false;

            if (item.ControlId == txtAllowedHtmlAttributes.ID)
              txtAllowedHtmlAttributes.Text = AllowedHtmlAttributes;
              return false;
            // User may have hit Return while editing one of the textboxes. Remove any return characters to be safe.
            if (item.ControlId == txtAllowedHtmlTags.ID)
              txtAllowedHtmlTags.Text = txtAllowedHtmlTags.Text.Replace("\r\n", String.Empty);

            if (item.ControlId == txtAllowedHtmlAttributes.ID)
              txtAllowedHtmlAttributes.Text = txtAllowedHtmlAttributes.Text.Replace("\r\n", String.Empty);

              // Step 2: Handle the "allow user account management" checkbox
              if (!this.chkAllowManageAccount.Checked)
            if (item.ControlId == this.chkAllowDeleteOwnAccount.ID)
              this.chkAllowDeleteOwnAccount.Checked = GallerySettingsUpdateable.AllowDeleteOwnAccount;
              return false;

              return true;
예제 #27
        private bool ValidateUserCanEnableSelfRegistration(wwDataBindingItem item)
            if ((item.ControlInstance == this.chkEnableSelfRegistration))
            if (!UserCanEditUsersAndRoles)
              item.BindingErrorMessage = Resources.GalleryServerPro.Admin_User_Settings_Cannot_Enable_Self_Registration_Msg;
              return false;

              return true;
예제 #28
		private bool ValidateUserAlbums(wwDataBindingItem item)
			if ((item.ControlInstance == this.cboUserAlbumParent) && (chkEnableUserAlbums.Checked))
				// User albums are selected. Make sure an album has been chosen to serve as the container for the user albums.
				int albumId;

				if ((tvUC.SelectedNode != null) && (Int32.TryParse(tvUC.SelectedNode.Value, out albumId)))
					return true;
					item.BindingErrorMessage = Resources.GalleryServerPro.Admin_User_Settings_Invalid_UserAlbumParent_Msg;
					return false;

			return true;
예제 #29
        private bool BeforeUnbind_ProcessEnableSelfRegistrationControls(wwDataBindingItem item)
            if (!this.chkEnableSelfRegistration.Checked)
            // When self registration is unchecked, several child items are disabled via javascript. Disabled HTML items are not
            // posted during a postback, so we don't have accurate information about their states. For these controls don't save
            // anything by returning false. Furthermore, to prevent these child controls from incorrectly reverting to an
            // empty or unchecked state in the UI, assign their properties to their config setting.
            if (item.ControlId == this.chkRequireEmailValidation.ID)
              this.chkRequireEmailValidation.Checked = GallerySettings.RequireEmailValidationForSelfRegisteredUser;
              return false;

            if (item.ControlId == this.chkRequireAdminApproval.ID)
              this.chkRequireAdminApproval.Checked = GallerySettings.RequireApprovalForSelfRegisteredUser;
              return false;

            if (item.ControlId == this.chkUseEmailForAccountName.ID)
              this.chkUseEmailForAccountName.Checked = GallerySettings.UseEmailForAccountName;
              return false;

              return true;
예제 #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Fires the ValidateControlEvent
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Item"></param>
        /// <returns>false - Validation for control failed and a BindingError is added, true - Validation succeeded</returns>
        public bool OnValidateControl(wwDataBindingItem Item)
            if (this.ValidateControl != null && !this.ValidateControl(Item))
                return false;

            return true;
예제 #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a specific DataBinding Item for a given control.
        /// Always returns an item even if the Control is not found.
        /// If you need to check whether this is a valid item check
        /// the BindingSource property for being blank.
        /// Extender Property Get method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="control"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public wwDataBindingItem GetDataBindingItem(Control control)
            foreach (wwDataBindingItem Item in this.DataBindingItems)
                if (Item.ControlId == control.ID)
                    // *** Ensure the binder is set on the item
                    Item.Binder = this;
                    return Item;

            wwDataBindingItem NewItem = new wwDataBindingItem(this);
            NewItem.ControlId = control.ID;
            NewItem.ControlInstance = control;


            return NewItem;
예제 #32
        private bool ValidateMediaObjectPath(wwDataBindingItem item)
            string fullPathToTest = HelperFunctions.CalculateFullPath(AppSetting.Instance.PhysicalApplicationPath, this.txtMoPath.Text.Trim());

            return ValidatePath(item, fullPathToTest, this.lblMoPath, DisplayObjectType.Original);
예제 #33
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the text for binding error messages based on the 
        /// BindingErrorMessage property of a data bound control.
        /// If set the control calls this method render the error message. Called by 
        /// the various controls to generate the error HTML based on the <see>Enum 
        /// ErrorMessageLocations</see>.
        /// If UseClientScriptHtmlInjection is set the error message is injected
        /// purely through a client script JavaScript function which avoids problems
        /// with Controls.Add() when script tags are present in the container.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Item">
        /// Instance of the control that has an error.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>String</returns>
        internal string GetBindingErrorMessageHtml(wwDataBindingItem Item)
            string Image = null;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ErrorIconUrl) || this.ErrorIconUrl == "WebResource")
                Image = Web.Utils.GetSkinnedUrl("images/error-s.png");
                Image = this.ResolveUrl(this.ErrorIconUrl);

            string Message = "";

            if (Item.ErrorMessageLocation == BindingErrorMessageLocations.WarningIconRight)
                Message = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "&nbsp;<img src=\"{0}\" alt=\"{1}\" />", Image, Item.BindingErrorMessage);
            else if (Item.ErrorMessageLocation == BindingErrorMessageLocations.RedTextBelow)
                Message = "<br /><span style=\"color:red;\"><smaller>" + Item.BindingErrorMessage + "</smaller></span>";
            else if (Item.ErrorMessageLocation == BindingErrorMessageLocations.RedTextAndIconBelow)
                Message = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "<br /><img src=\"{0}\"> <span style=\"color:red;\" /><smaller>{1}</smaller></span>", Image, Item.BindingErrorMessage);
            else if (Item.ErrorMessageLocation == BindingErrorMessageLocations.None)
                Message = "";
                Message = "<span style='color:red;font-weight:bold;'> * </span>";

            // *** Fix up message so ' are allowed
            Message = Message.Replace("'", @"\'");

            // *** Use Client Side JavaScript to inject the message rather than adding a control
            if (this.UseClientScriptHtmlInjection && Item.ControlInstance != null)
                if (!this._ClientScriptInjectionScriptAdded)

                this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), Item.ControlId,
                        String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "AddHtmlAfterControl('{0}','{1}');\r\n", Item.ControlInstance.ClientID, Message), true);

                // *** Message is handled in script so nothing else to write
                Message = "";

            // *** Message will be embedded with a Literal Control
            return Message;
예제 #34
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a UserField name. Returns UserFieldname if set, or if not
        /// attempts to derive the name based on the field.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Control"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected string DeriveUserFieldName(wwDataBindingItem Item)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Item.UserFieldName))
                return Item.UserFieldName;

            string ControlID = Item.ControlInstance.ID;

            // *** Try to get a name by stripping of control prefixes
            string ControlName = Regex.Replace(Item.ControlInstance.ID, "^txt|^chk|^lst|^rad|", "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            if (ControlName != ControlID)
                return ControlName;

            // *** Nope - use the default ID
            return ControlID;
예제 #35
        /// <summary>
        /// Manages errors that occur during unbinding. Sets BindingErrors collection and
        /// and writes out validation error display to the page if specified
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Item"></param>
        /// <param name="ex"></param>
        private void HandleUnbindingError(wwDataBindingItem Item, Exception ex)
            Item.IsBindingError = true;

            // *** Display Error info by setting BindingErrorMessage property
                string ErrorMessage = null;

                // *** Must check that the control exists - if invalid ID was
                // *** passed there may not be an instance!
                if (Item.ControlInstance == null)
                    ErrorMessage = "Invalid Control: " + Item.ControlId;
                    string DerivedUserFieldName = this.DeriveUserFieldName(Item);
                    if (ex is RequiredFieldException)
                        ErrorMessage = DerivedUserFieldName + " can't be left empty";
                    else if (ex is ValidationErrorException)
                        /// *** Binding Error Message will be set
                        ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
                    // *** Explicit error message returned
                    else if (ex is BindingErrorException)
                        ErrorMessage = ex.Message + " for " + DerivedUserFieldName;
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Item.BindingErrorMessage))
                            ErrorMessage = DerivedUserFieldName + ": " + ex.Message; // Change to this 2009.01.26 to yield a more informative message
                            //ErrorMessage = "Invalid format for " + DerivedUserFieldName;
                            // *** Control has a pre-assigned error message
                            ErrorMessage = Item.BindingErrorMessage;
                this.AddBindingError(ErrorMessage, Item);
            catch (Exception)
                this.AddBindingError("Binding Error", Item);
		/// <summary>
		/// Add a wwDataBindingItem to the collection
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="index"></param>
		/// <param name="Item"></param>
		public void AddAt(int index, wwDataBindingItem Item)
			if (_ParentDataBinder != null)
				Item.Page = _ParentDataBinder.Page;
				Item.Binder = _ParentDataBinder;

				// *** VS Designer adds new items as soon as their accessed
				// *** but items may not be valid so we have to clean up
				if (this._ParentDataBinder.DesignMode)

			InnerList.Insert(index, Item);
예제 #37
		private bool ValidateDefaultRolesForSelfRegisteredUser(wwDataBindingItem item)
			if ((item.ControlInstance == this.cboUserRoles) && (this.cboUserRoles.Text != Core.DefaultRolesForSelfRegisteredUser))
				// User has updated the list of default roles. Make sure they represent valid roles.
				foreach (string roleName in this.cboUserRoles.Text.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
					if (!RoleController.RoleExists(Util.HtmlDecode(roleName)))
						item.BindingErrorMessage = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.GalleryServerPro.Admin_User_Settings_Invalid_Role_Name_Msg, roleName);
						return false;
			return true;
예제 #38
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a binding error for DataBindingItem control. This is the most efficient
        /// way to add a BindingError. The other overloads call into this method after
        /// looking up the Control in the DataBinder.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ErrorMessage"></param>
        /// <param name="BindingItem"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool AddBindingError(string ErrorMessage, wwDataBindingItem BindingItem)
            // *** Associated control found - add icon and link id
            if (BindingItem.ControlInstance != null)
                this.BindingErrors.Add(new BindingError(ErrorMessage, BindingItem.ControlInstance.ClientID));
                // *** Just set the error message
                this.BindingErrors.Add(new BindingError(ErrorMessage));
                return false;

            BindingItem.BindingErrorMessage = ErrorMessage;

            // *** Insert the error text/icon as a literal
            if (this.ShowBindingErrorsOnControls && BindingItem.ControlInstance != null)
                // *** Retrieve the Html Markup for the error
                // *** NOTE: If script code injection is enabled this is done with client
                // ***       script code to avoid Controls.Add() functionality which may not
                // ***       always work reliably if <%= %> tags are in document. Script HTML injection
                // ***       is the preferred behavior as it should work on any page. If script is used
                // ***       the message returned is blank and the startup script is embedded instead
                string HtmlMarkup = this.GetBindingErrorMessageHtml(BindingItem);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HtmlMarkup))
                    LiteralControl Literal = new LiteralControl(HtmlMarkup);
                    Control Parent = BindingItem.ControlInstance.Parent;

                    int CtlIdx = Parent.Controls.IndexOf(BindingItem.ControlInstance);
                        // *** Can't add controls to the Control collection if <%= %> tags are on the page
                        Parent.Controls.AddAt(CtlIdx + 1, Literal);
                    catch { ; }

            return true;
예제 #39
		private bool ValidateUsersToNotifyWhenAccountIsCreated(wwDataBindingItem item)
			if ((item.ControlInstance == this.cboUsersToNotify) && (this.cboUsersToNotify.Text != Core.UsersToNotifyWhenAccountIsCreated))
				// User has updated the list of users to notify. Make sure they represent valid user account names.
				foreach (string userName in this.cboUsersToNotify.Text.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
					if (UserController.GetUser(Util.HtmlDecode(userName), false) == null)
						item.BindingErrorMessage = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.GalleryServerPro.Admin_User_Settings_Invalid_User_Name_Msg, userName);
						return false;
			return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Verify the roles in the DefaultRolesForSelfRegisteredUser setting exist. Returns false if one or more do not exist. The error
        /// message is assigned to the <see cref="wwDataBindingItem.BindingErrorMessage" /> property of <paramref name="item" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">The data binding item.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if every role in the DefaultRolesForSelfRegisteredUser setting exists; otherwise false.</returns>
        private bool VerifyDefaultRolesForSelfRegisteredUserExist(wwDataBindingItem item)
            foreach (string roleName in GallerySettingsUpdateable.DefaultRolesForSelfRegisteredUser)
                if (!RoleController.RoleExists(Utils.HtmlDecode(roleName.Trim())))
                    item.BindingErrorMessage = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.GalleryServerPro.Admin_User_Settings_Invalid_Role_Name_Msg, roleName);
                    return false;

            return true;
예제 #41
 protected bool wwDataBinder_ValidateControl(GalleryServerPro.WebControls.wwDataBindingItem item)
     // Validate various settings to make sure they don't conflict with each other.
예제 #42
        /// <summary>
        /// This method only adds a data binding item, but doesn't bind it
        /// to anything. This can be useful for only displaying errors
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ControlToBind"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public wwDataBindingItem AddBinding(Control ControlToBind)
            wwDataBindingItem Item = new wwDataBindingItem(this);

            Item.ControlInstance = ControlToBind;
            Item.ControlId = ControlToBind.ID;
            Item.Page = this.Page;


            return Item;
예제 #43
        private bool BeforeUnbind_ProcessEnableUserAlbumsControls(wwDataBindingItem item)
            if (!this.chkEnableUserAlbums.Checked)
            // When user albums is unchecked, several child items are disabled via javascript. Disabled HTML items are not
            // posted during a postback, so we don't have accurate information about their states. For these controls don't save
            // anything by returning false. Furthermore, to prevent these child controls from incorrectly reverting to an
            // empty or unchecked state in the UI, assign their properties to their config setting.
            if (item.ControlId == this.chkRedirectAfterLogin.ID)
              this.chkRedirectAfterLogin.Checked = GallerySettings.RedirectToUserAlbumAfterLogin;
              return false;

            if (item.ControlId == this.txtAlbumNameTemplate.ID)
              this.txtAlbumNameTemplate.Text = GallerySettings.UserAlbumNameTemplate;
              return false;

            if (item.ControlId == this.txtAlbumSummaryTemplate.ID)
              this.txtAlbumSummaryTemplate.Text = GallerySettings.UserAlbumSummaryTemplate;
              return false;

              return true;
예제 #44
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a binding to the control. This method is a simple
        /// way to establish a binding.
        /// Returns the Item so you can customize properties further
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ControlToBind"></param>
        /// <param name="ControlPropertyToBind"></param>
        /// <param name="SourceObjectNameToBindTo"></param>
        /// <param name="SourceMemberToBindTo"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public wwDataBindingItem AddBinding(Control ControlToBind, string ControlPropertyToBind,
											string SourceObjectNameToBindTo, string SourceMemberToBindTo)
            wwDataBindingItem Item = new wwDataBindingItem(this);

            Item.ControlInstance = ControlToBind;
            Item.ControlId = ControlToBind.ID;
            Item.Page = this.Page;
            Item.BindingSource = SourceObjectNameToBindTo;
            Item.BindingSourceMember = SourceMemberToBindTo;


            return Item;
예제 #45
        private bool ValidateUserAlbums(wwDataBindingItem item)
            if ((item.ControlInstance == this.chkEnableUserAlbums) && (chkEnableUserAlbums.Checked))
            // User albums are selected. Make sure this isn't a read-only gallery.
            if (GallerySettings.MediaObjectPathIsReadOnly)
              item.BindingErrorMessage = Resources.GalleryServerPro.Admin_User_Settings_Cannot_Enable_User_Albums_In_Read_Only_Gallery;
              return false;

            // Make sure an album has been chosen to serve as the container for the user albums.
            if (tvUC.SelectedAlbum == null)
              item.BindingErrorMessage = Resources.GalleryServerPro.Admin_User_Settings_Invalid_UserAlbumParent_Msg;
              return false;

              return true;
        private bool ValidateDefaultRolesForSelfRegisteredUser(wwDataBindingItem item)
            if ((item.ControlInstance == this.cboUserRoles))
                string roleNames = String.Join(", ", GallerySettings.DefaultRolesForSelfRegisteredUser);

                if ((!this.cboUserRoles.Text.Equals(roleNames)))
                    // User has updated the list of default roles. Validate.
                    if (!VerifyDefaultRolesForSelfRegisteredUserExist(item)) return false;

                    if (!VerifyUserHasPermissionToAddUserToDefaultRolesForSelfRegisteredUser(item)) return false;

            return true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Verifies the logged on user has permission to add users to the roles defined in the DefaultRolesForSelfRegisteredUser setting.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item">The data binding item.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns true if logged on user has permission to add users to the roles defined in the DefaultRolesForSelfRegisteredUser setting;
 /// otherwise false.</returns>
 private bool VerifyUserHasPermissionToAddUserToDefaultRolesForSelfRegisteredUser(wwDataBindingItem item)
     IUserAccount sampleNewUser = new UserAccount(Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
         UserController.ValidateLoggedOnUserHasPermissionToSaveUser(sampleNewUser, GallerySettingsUpdateable.DefaultRolesForSelfRegisteredUser, null);
     catch (GallerySecurityException ex)
         item.BindingErrorMessage = ex.Message;
         return false;
     return true;
        private bool ValidateUsersToNotifyWhenErrorOccurs(wwDataBindingItem item)
            if ((item.ControlInstance == this.cboUsersToNotify))
                string userNamesCurrent = String.Join(", ", GallerySettings.UsersToNotifyWhenErrorOccurs.GetUserNames());

                if ((!this.cboUsersToNotify.Text.Equals(userNamesCurrent)))
                    // User has updated the list of users to notify. Make sure they represent valid user account names.
                    foreach (string userName in this.cboUsersToNotify.Text.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                        IUserAccount user = UserController.GetUser(Utils.HtmlDecode(userName.Trim()), false);
                        if (user == null)
                            item.BindingErrorMessage = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, Resources.GalleryServerPro.Admin_General_Invalid_User_Name_Msg, userName.Trim());
                            return false;

                        if (!HelperFunctions.IsValidEmail(user.Email))
                            item.BindingErrorMessage = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, Resources.GalleryServerPro.Admin_General_Invalid_User_Email_Msg, userName.Trim());
                            return false;
            return true;