protected override void OnPaint(System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e) { if (this.DesignMode) return; if (area.LocationMiddle.Lat == 0 && area.LocationMiddle.Lng == 0) return; try { base.OnPaint(e); } catch { return; } double heightscale = (step / 90.0) * 3; float yawradians = (float)(Math.PI * (rpy.Z * 1) / 180.0f); //radians = 0; float mouseY = (float)(0.0025); cameraX = area.LocationMiddle.Lng;// -Math.Sin(yawradians) * mouseY; // multiplying by mouseY makes the cameraY = area.LocationMiddle.Lat;// -Math.Cos(yawradians) * mouseY; // camera get closer/farther away with mouseY cameraZ = (LocationCenter.Alt < srtm.getAltitude(center.Lat, center.Lng).alt) ? (srtm.getAltitude(center.Lat, center.Lng).alt + 1) * heightscale : LocationCenter.Alt * heightscale;// (srtm.getAltitude(lookZ, lookX, 20) + 100) * heighscale; lookX = area.LocationMiddle.Lng + Math.Sin(yawradians) * mouseY; lookY = area.LocationMiddle.Lat + Math.Cos(yawradians) * mouseY; lookZ = cameraZ; // cameraZ += 0.04; GMapProvider type = GMap.NET.MapProviders.GoogleSatelliteMapProvider.Instance; PureProjection prj = type.Projection; PointLatLngAlt leftf = center.newpos(rpy.Z ,500); PointLatLngAlt rightf = center.newpos(rpy.Z, 10); PointLatLngAlt left = center.newpos(rpy.Z - 90, 500); PointLatLngAlt right = center.newpos(rpy.Z + 90, 500); double maxlat = Math.Max(left.Lat,Math.Max(right.Lat,Math.Max(leftf.Lat,rightf.Lat))); double minlat = Math.Min(left.Lat, Math.Min(right.Lat, Math.Min(leftf.Lat, rightf.Lat))); double maxlng = Math.Max(left.Lng, Math.Max(right.Lng, Math.Max(leftf.Lng, rightf.Lng))); double minlng = Math.Min(left.Lng, Math.Min(right.Lng, Math.Min(leftf.Lng, rightf.Lng))); area = RectLatLng.FromLTRB(minlng, maxlat, maxlng, minlat); GPoint topLeftPx = prj.FromLatLngToPixel(area.LocationTopLeft, zoom); GPoint rightButtomPx = prj.FromLatLngToPixel(area.Bottom, area.Right, zoom); GPoint pxDelta = new GPoint(rightButtomPx.X - topLeftPx.X, rightButtomPx.Y - topLeftPx.Y); zoom = 17; // zoom based on pixel density while (pxDelta.X > 2000) { zoom--; // current area topLeftPx = prj.FromLatLngToPixel(area.LocationTopLeft, zoom); rightButtomPx = prj.FromLatLngToPixel(area.Bottom, area.Right, zoom); pxDelta = new GPoint(rightButtomPx.X - topLeftPx.X, rightButtomPx.Y - topLeftPx.Y); } // update once per seconds - we only read from disk, so need to let cahce settle if (lastrefresh.AddSeconds(.6) < DateTime.Now) { // get tiles - bg core.Provider = type; core.Position = LocationCenter; core.Zoom = zoom; core.OnMapSizeChanged(this.Width, this.Height); lastrefresh = DateTime.Now; } else { //return; } MakeCurrent(); GL.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Projection); OpenTK.Matrix4 projection = OpenTK.Matrix4.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(130 * deg2rad, 1f, 0.00001f, (float)step * 100); GL.LoadMatrix(ref projection); Matrix4 modelview = Matrix4.LookAt((float)cameraX, (float)cameraY, (float)cameraZ, (float)lookX, (float)lookY, (float)lookZ, 0, 0, 1); GL.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Modelview); // roll modelview = Matrix4.Mult(modelview, Matrix4.CreateRotationZ(rpy.X * deg2rad)); // pitch modelview = Matrix4.Mult(modelview, Matrix4.CreateRotationX((rpy.Y - 10) * -deg2rad)); GL.LoadMatrix(ref modelview); GL.ClearColor(Color.LightBlue); GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit); GL.LightModel(LightModelParameter.LightModelAmbient, new float[] { 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f }); GL.Enable(EnableCap.Fog); // GL.Enable(EnableCap.Lighting); // GL.Enable(EnableCap.Light0); GL.Fog(FogParameter.FogColor, new float[] { 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1f }); //GL.Fog(FogParameter.FogDensity,0.1f); GL.Fog(FogParameter.FogMode, (int)FogMode.Linear); GL.Fog(FogParameter.FogStart, (float)step * 1); GL.Fog(FogParameter.FogEnd, (float)(step * 7)); /* GL.Begin(BeginMode.LineStrip); GL.Color3(Color.White); GL.Vertex3(0, 0, 0); GL.Vertex3(area.Bottom, 0, area.Left); GL.Vertex3(lookX, lookY, lookZ); //GL.Vertex3(cameraX, cameraY, cameraZ); GL.End(); */ GL.Begin(PrimitiveType.LineStrip); GL.PointSize(200); GL.Color3(Color.Red); //GL.Vertex3(new Vector3((float)center.Lng,(float)center.Lat,(float)(center.Alt * heightscale))); //GL.Vertex3(new Vector3(0, 0, 0)); //GL.Vertex3(new Vector3((float)cameraX, (float)cameraY, (float)cameraZ)); //GL.Color3(Color.Green); //GL.Vertex3(new Vector3((float)lookX, (float)lookY, (float)lookZ)); GL.Vertex3(area.LocationTopLeft.Lng, area.LocationTopLeft.Lat, 0); GL.Vertex3(area.LocationTopLeft.Lng, area.LocationRightBottom.Lat, 0); GL.Vertex3(area.LocationRightBottom.Lng, area.LocationRightBottom.Lat, 0); GL.Vertex3(area.LocationRightBottom.Lng, area.LocationTopLeft.Lat, 0); GL.Vertex3(area.LocationTopLeft.Lng, area.LocationTopLeft.Lat, 0); GL.End(); GL.Begin(PrimitiveType.LineStrip); GL.PointSize(200); GL.Color3(Color.Red); GL.Vertex3(new Vector3((float)center.Lng, (float)center.Lat, 0)); GL.Vertex3(new Vector3((float)leftf.Lng, (float)leftf.Lat, 0)); GL.End(); GL.Begin(PrimitiveType.Points); GL.PointSize(100); GL.Color3(Color.Blue); GL.Vertex3(new Vector3((float)center.Lng, (float)center.Lat, 0)); GL.End(); //textureid.Clear(); // get type list at new zoom level List<GPoint> tileArea = prj.GetAreaTileList(area, zoom, 0); // get tiles & combine into one foreach (var p in tileArea) { core.tileDrawingListLock.AcquireReaderLock(); core.Matrix.EnterReadLock(); try { GMap.NET.Internals.Tile t = core.Matrix.GetTileWithNoLock(core.Zoom, p); if (t.NotEmpty) { foreach (GMapImage img in t.Overlays) { if (!textureid.ContainsKey(p)) { generateTexture(p, (Bitmap)img.Img); } } } else { } } finally { core.Matrix.LeaveReadLock(); core.tileDrawingListLock.ReleaseReaderLock(); } //GMapImage tile = ((PureImageCache)Maps.MyImageCache.Instance).GetImageFromCache(type.DbId, p, zoom) as GMapImage; //if (tile != null && !textureid.ContainsKey(p)) { // generateTexture(p, (Bitmap)tile.Img); } if (textureid.ContainsKey(p)) { int texture = textureid[p]; GL.Enable(EnableCap.Texture2D); GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, texture); } else { GL.Disable(EnableCap.Texture2D); } long x = p.X * prj.TileSize.Width - topLeftPx.X; long y = p.Y * prj.TileSize.Width - topLeftPx.Y; long xr = p.X * prj.TileSize.Width; long yr = p.Y * prj.TileSize.Width; long x2 = (p.X+1) * prj.TileSize.Width; long y2 = (p.Y+1) * prj.TileSize.Width; // generate terrain GL.Begin(PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip); var latlng = prj.FromPixelToLatLng(xr,yr,zoom); double heightl = srtm.getAltitude(latlng.Lat, latlng.Lng).alt; GL.Color3(Color.White); //xr - topLeftPx.X, yr - topLeftPx.Y GL.TexCoord2(0,0); GL.Vertex3(latlng.Lng, latlng.Lat, heightl * heightscale); // next down latlng = prj.FromPixelToLatLng(xr, y2, zoom); heightl = srtm.getAltitude(latlng.Lat, latlng.Lng).alt; GL.TexCoord2(0,.99); GL.Vertex3(latlng.Lng, latlng.Lat, heightl * heightscale); // next right latlng = prj.FromPixelToLatLng(x2, yr, zoom); heightl = srtm.getAltitude(latlng.Lat, latlng.Lng).alt; GL.TexCoord2(.99,0); GL.Vertex3(latlng.Lng, latlng.Lat, heightl * heightscale); // next right down latlng = prj.FromPixelToLatLng(x2, y2, zoom); heightl = srtm.getAltitude(latlng.Lat, latlng.Lng).alt; GL.TexCoord2(.99,.99); GL.Vertex3(latlng.Lng, latlng.Lat, heightl * heightscale); GL.End(); } GL.Enable(EnableCap.Blend); GL.DepthMask(false); GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactorSrc.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactorDest.One); GL.DepthMask(true); GL.Disable(EnableCap.Blend); GL.Flush(); try { this.SwapBuffers(); Context.MakeCurrent(null); } catch { } return; }
public bool LoadFile(string filename) { FileName = filename; log.InfoFormat("GeoTiff {0}", filename); using (Tiff tiff = Tiff.Open(filename, "r")) { width = tiff.GetField(TiffTag.IMAGEWIDTH)[0].ToInt(); height = tiff.GetField(TiffTag.IMAGELENGTH)[0].ToInt(); bits = tiff.GetField(TiffTag.BITSPERSAMPLE)[0].ToInt(); if (bits != 16) return false; var modelscale = tiff.GetField(TiffTag.GEOTIFF_MODELPIXELSCALETAG); var tiepoint = tiff.GetField(TiffTag.GEOTIFF_MODELTIEPOINTTAG); i = BitConverter.ToDouble(tiepoint[1].ToByteArray(), 0); j = BitConverter.ToDouble(tiepoint[1].ToByteArray(), 0 + 8); k = BitConverter.ToDouble(tiepoint[1].ToByteArray(), 0 + 16); x = BitConverter.ToDouble(tiepoint[1].ToByteArray(), 0 + 24); y = BitConverter.ToDouble(tiepoint[1].ToByteArray(), 0 + 32); z = BitConverter.ToDouble(tiepoint[1].ToByteArray(), 0 + 40); log.InfoFormat("Tie Point ({0},{1},{2}) --> ({3},{4},{5})", i, j, k, x, y, z); xscale = BitConverter.ToDouble(modelscale[1].ToByteArray(), 0); yscale = BitConverter.ToDouble(modelscale[1].ToByteArray(), 0 + 8); zscale = BitConverter.ToDouble(modelscale[1].ToByteArray(), 0 + 16); log.InfoFormat("Scale ({0},{1},{2})", xscale, yscale, zscale); Area = new RectLatLng(y, x, width*xscale, height*yscale); log.InfoFormat("Coverage {0}", Area.ToString()); GeoTiff.index.Add(this); /* short numberOfDirectories = tiff.NumberOfDirectories(); for (short d = 0; d < numberOfDirectories; ++d) { tiff.SetDirectory((short)d); for (ushort t = ushort.MinValue; t < ushort.MaxValue; ++t) { TiffTag tag = (TiffTag)t; FieldValue[] value = tiff.GetField(tag); if (value != null) { for (int j2 = 0; j2 < value.Length; j2++) { Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1} : {2}", tag.ToString(), value[j2].Value.GetType().ToString(), value[j2].ToString()); } } } } */ } return true; }
public MapInfo(RectLatLng Area, int Zoom, GMapProvider Type, bool makeWorldFile) { this.Area = Area; this.Zoom = Zoom; this.Type = Type; this.MakeWorldFile = makeWorldFile; }
public MapInfo(PureProjection Projection, RectLatLng Area, int Zoom, MapType Type) { this.Projection = Projection; this.Area = Area; this.Zoom = Zoom; this.Type = Type; }
public GeoBitmap(string file, double resolution, int rasterXSize, int rasterYSize, double Left, double Top, double Right, double Bottom) { this.File = file; this.Resolution = resolution; this.RasterXSize = rasterXSize; this.RasterYSize = rasterYSize; Rect = new GMap.NET.RectLatLng(Top, Left, Right - Left, Top - Bottom); }
public static bool RectLatLngCollide(RectLatLng a, RectLatLng b) { if ((a.Left > b.Left && a.Left < b.Right) || (b.Left > a.Left && b.Left > a.Right)) { if ((a.Top < b.Top && a.Top < b.Top) || (b.Top > a.Top && b.Top > a.Top)) { return true; } } return false; }
public GridDataPoints activeData(GridDataPoints allPoints, RectLatLng bounds, String id) { GridDataPoints activePoints = new GridDataPoints(id); foreach (GridDataPoint p in allPoints.points) { if (OverlayProcessor.RectLatLngCollide(p.loc,bounds)) { activePoints.addPoint(p); } } return activePoints; }
/// <summary> /// Get the map data from the AA api service. /// Required scopes: query_mapdata query_mapairdata /// </summary> /// <param name="latLongBounds">The bounds of the request.</param> /// <returns>A collection of GeoJSON features.</returns> public Task<AAFeatureCollection> GetMapData(RectLatLng latLongBounds) { return _apiUrl .AppendPathSegments("v2", "mapdata", "geojson") .SetQueryParams(new { n = latLongBounds.Top, e = latLongBounds.Right, s = latLongBounds.Bottom, w = latLongBounds.Left }) .WithClient(_client) .GetJsonAsync<AAFeatureCollection>(); }
public GMapMarkerOverlapCount(PointLatLng p) : base(p) { area = new RectLatLng(p, SizeLatLng.Empty); if (colorbrushs == null) { colorbrushs = new SolidBrush[color.Length]; int a = 0; foreach (var color1 in color) { colorbrushs[a] = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(140, color1.R, color1.G, color1.B)); a++; } } }
public void Start(RectLatLng area, PureProjection prj, int zoom, MapType type, int sleep) { if(!worker.IsBusy) { this.label1.Text = "..."; this.progressBar1.Value = 0; this.prj = prj; this.area = area; this.zoom = zoom; this.type = type; this.sleep = sleep; GMaps.Instance.UseMemoryCache = false; worker.RunWorkerAsync(); this.ShowDialog(); } }
public void Start(RectLatLng area, int zoom, GMapProvider provider, int sleep) { if (!worker.IsBusy) { this.label1.Text = "..."; this.progressBarDownload.Value = 0; this.area = area; this.zoom = zoom; this.provider = provider; this.sleep = sleep; GMaps.Instance.UseMemoryCache = false; GMaps.Instance.CacheOnIdleRead = false; GMaps.Instance.BoostCacheEngine = true; worker.RunWorkerAsync(); this.ShowDialog(); } }
/// <summary> /// gets all tiles in rect at specific zoom /// </summary> public List <GPoint> GetAreaTileList(RectLatLng rect, int zoom, int padding) { List <GPoint> ret = new List <GPoint>(); GPoint topLeft = FromPixelToTileXY(FromLatLngToPixel(rect.LocationTopLeft, zoom)); GPoint rightBottom = FromPixelToTileXY(FromLatLngToPixel(rect.LocationRightBottom, zoom)); for (long x = (topLeft.X - padding); x <= (rightBottom.X + padding); x++) { for (long y = (topLeft.Y - padding); y <= (rightBottom.Y + padding); y++) { GPoint p = new GPoint(x, y); if (!ret.Contains(p) && p.X >= 0 && p.Y >= 0) { ret.Add(p); } } } return(ret); }
public void Start(RectLatLng area, int zoom, GMapProvider provider, int sleep) { if(!worker.IsBusy) { this.label1.Text = "..."; this.progressBarDownload.Value = 0; this.area = area; this.zoom = zoom; this.provider = provider; this.sleep = sleep; GMaps.Instance.UseMemoryCache = false; GMaps.Instance.CacheOnIdleRead = false; GMaps.Instance.BoostCacheEngine = true; worker.RunWorkerAsync(); this.ShowDialog(); } }
public SuperMapProjection(double[] mapScales, MapParameter defaultMapParameter) { if (mapScales == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(); if (defaultMapParameter == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } _mapScales = mapScales; _bounds = RectLatLng.FromLTRB(defaultMapParameter.Bounds.LeftBottom.X, defaultMapParameter.Bounds.RightTop.Y, defaultMapParameter.Bounds.RightTop.X, defaultMapParameter.Bounds.LeftBottom.Y); if (defaultMapParameter.Bounds == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(); _minX = defaultMapParameter.Bounds.LeftBottom.X; _minY = defaultMapParameter.Bounds.LeftBottom.Y; _maxX = defaultMapParameter.Bounds.RightTop.X; _maxY = defaultMapParameter.Bounds.RightTop.Y; if (defaultMapParameter.PrjCoordSys != null && defaultMapParameter.PrjCoordSys.CoordSystem != null && defaultMapParameter.PrjCoordSys.CoordSystem.Datum != null && defaultMapParameter.PrjCoordSys.CoordSystem.Datum.Spheroid != null) { _axis = defaultMapParameter.PrjCoordSys.CoordSystem.Datum.Spheroid.Axis; _flattening = defaultMapParameter.PrjCoordSys.CoordSystem.Datum.Spheroid.Flatten; } double refMapScale = defaultMapParameter.Scale; double refResolution = (defaultMapParameter.ViewBounds.RightTop.X - defaultMapParameter.ViewBounds.LeftBottom.X) / (defaultMapParameter.Viewer.Width); _resolutions = new double[_mapScales.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < _mapScales.Length; i++) { _resolutions[i] = refResolution * refMapScale / mapScales[i]; } }
/// <summary> /// gets all tiles in rect at specific zoom /// </summary> public List <GPoint> GetAreaTileList(RectLatLng rect, int zoom, int padding) { var topLeft = FromPixelToTileXY(FromLatLngToPixel(rect.LocationTopLeft, zoom)); var rightBottom = FromPixelToTileXY(FromLatLngToPixel(rect.LocationRightBottom, zoom)); long x = Max(0, topLeft.X - padding); long toX = rightBottom.X + padding; long y0 = Max(0, topLeft.Y - padding); long toY = rightBottom.Y + padding; var list = new List <GPoint>((int)((toX - x + 1) * (toY - y0 + 1))); for (; x <= toX; x++) { for (long y = y0; y <= toY; y++) { list.Add(new GPoint(x, y)); } } return(list); }
static RectLatLng() { Empty = new RectLatLng(); }
public static RectLatLng Inflate(RectLatLng rect, double lat, double lng) { RectLatLng ef = rect; ef.Inflate(lat, lng); return ef; }
// ok ??? public static RectLatLng Intersect(RectLatLng a, RectLatLng b) { double lng = Math.Max(a.Lng, b.Lng); double num2 = Math.Min((double)(a.Lng + a.WidthLng), (double)(b.Lng + b.WidthLng)); double lat = Math.Max(a.Lat, b.Lat); double num4 = Math.Min((double)(a.Lat + a.HeightLat), (double)(b.Lat + b.HeightLat)); if((num2 >= lng) && (num4 >= lat)) { return new RectLatLng(lat, lng, num2 - lng, num4 - lat); } return Empty; }
/// <summary> /// sets zoom to max to fit rect /// </summary> /// <param name="rect">area</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool SetZoomToFitRect(RectLatLng rect) { if(lazyEvents) { lazySetZoomToFitRect = rect; } else { int maxZoom = Core.GetMaxZoomToFitRect(rect); if(maxZoom > 0) { PointLatLng center = new PointLatLng(rect.Lat - (rect.HeightLat / 2), rect.Lng + (rect.WidthLng / 2)); Position = center; if(maxZoom > MaxZoom) { maxZoom = MaxZoom; } if(Core.Zoom != maxZoom) { Zoom = maxZoom; } return true; } } return false; }
protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e) { base.OnMouseMove(e); // wpf generates to many events if mouse is over some visual // and OnMouseUp is fired, wtf, anyway... // if((e.Timestamp & Int32.MaxValue) - onMouseUpTimestamp < 55) { Debug.WriteLine("OnMouseMove skipped: " + ((e.Timestamp & Int32.MaxValue) - onMouseUpTimestamp) + "ms"); return; } if(!Core.IsDragging && !Core.mouseDown.IsEmpty) { Point p = e.GetPosition(this); if(MapScaleTransform != null) { p = MapScaleTransform.Inverse.Transform(p); } p = ApplyRotationInversion(p.X, p.Y); // cursor has moved beyond drag tolerance if(Math.Abs(p.X - Core.mouseDown.X) * 2 >= SystemParameters.MinimumHorizontalDragDistance || Math.Abs(p.Y - Core.mouseDown.Y) * 2 >= SystemParameters.MinimumVerticalDragDistance) { Core.BeginDrag(Core.mouseDown); } } if(Core.IsDragging) { if(!isDragging) { isDragging = true; Debug.WriteLine("IsDragging = " + isDragging); cursorBefore = Cursor; Cursor = Cursors.SizeAll; Mouse.Capture(this); } if(BoundsOfMap.HasValue && !BoundsOfMap.Value.Contains(Position)) { // ... } else { Point p = e.GetPosition(this); if(MapScaleTransform != null) { p = MapScaleTransform.Inverse.Transform(p); } p = ApplyRotationInversion(p.X, p.Y); Core.mouseCurrent.X = (int)p.X; Core.mouseCurrent.Y = (int)p.Y; { Core.Drag(Core.mouseCurrent); } if(IsRotated || scaleMode != ScaleModes.Integer) { ForceUpdateOverlays(); } else { UpdateMarkersOffset(); } } InvalidateVisual(true); } else { if(isSelected && !selectionStart.IsEmpty && (Keyboard.Modifiers == ModifierKeys.Shift || Keyboard.Modifiers == ModifierKeys.Alt || DisableAltForSelection)) { System.Windows.Point p = e.GetPosition(this); selectionEnd = FromLocalToLatLng((int)p.X, (int)p.Y); { GMap.NET.PointLatLng p1 = selectionStart; GMap.NET.PointLatLng p2 = selectionEnd; double x1 = Math.Min(p1.Lng, p2.Lng); double y1 = Math.Max(p1.Lat, p2.Lat); double x2 = Math.Max(p1.Lng, p2.Lng); double y2 = Math.Min(p1.Lat, p2.Lat); SelectedArea = new RectLatLng(y1, x1, x2 - x1, y1 - y2); } } if(renderHelperLine) { InvalidateVisual(true); } } }
void GmapWidget_OnSelectionChange(RectLatLng Selection, bool ZoomToFit) { if (poligonSelection) return; var selected = addressesOverlay.Markers.Where(m => Selection.Contains(m.Position)).ToList(); UpdateSelectedInfo(selected); }
protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e) { if (Core.IsDragging) { if (!isDragging) { isDragging = true; Debug.WriteLine("IsDragging = " + isDragging); } if (BoundsOfMap.HasValue && !BoundsOfMap.Value.Contains(Position)) { // ... } else { Core.mouseCurrent = ApplyRotationInversion(e.X, e.Y); Core.Drag(Core.mouseCurrent); Refresh(); } } else { if (isSelected && !selectionStart.IsEmpty && (Form.ModifierKeys == Keys.Alt || Form.ModifierKeys == Keys.Shift)) { selectionEnd = FromLocalToLatLng(e.X, e.Y); { GMap.NET.PointLatLng p1 = selectionStart; GMap.NET.PointLatLng p2 = selectionEnd; double x1 = Math.Min(p1.Lng, p2.Lng); double y1 = Math.Max(p1.Lat, p2.Lat); double x2 = Math.Max(p1.Lng, p2.Lng); double y2 = Math.Min(p1.Lat, p2.Lat); SelectedArea = new RectLatLng(y1, x1, x2 - x1, y1 - y2); } } } base.OnMouseMove(e); }
public void Intersect(RectLatLng rect) { RectLatLng ef = Intersect(rect, this); this.Lng = ef.Lng; this.Lat = ef.Lat; this.WidthLng = ef.WidthLng; this.HeightLat = ef.HeightLat; }
/// <summary> /// gets all tiles in rect at specific zoom /// </summary> public List<Point> GetAreaTileList(RectLatLng rect, int zoom, int padding) { List<Point> ret = new List<Point>(); Point topLeft = FromPixelToTileXY(FromLatLngToPixel(rect.LocationTopLeft, zoom)); Point rightBottom = FromPixelToTileXY(FromLatLngToPixel(rect.LocationRightBottom, zoom)); for (int x = (topLeft.X - padding); x <= (rightBottom.X + padding); x++) { for (int y = (topLeft.Y - padding); y <= (rightBottom.Y + padding); y++) { Point p = new Point(x, y); if (!ret.Contains(p) && p.X >= 0 && p.Y >= 0) { ret.Add(p); } } } ret.TrimExcess(); return ret; }
// ok ??? // public static RectLatLng Union(RectLatLng a, RectLatLng b) { return RectLatLng.FromLTRB( Math.Min(a.Left, b.Left), Math.Max(a.Top, b.Top), Math.Max(a.Right, b.Right), Math.Min(a.Bottom, b.Bottom)); }
static PointF GetPixel(RectLatLng area, PointLatLngAlt loc, Size size) { double lon = loc.Lng; double lat = loc.Lat; double lonscale = (lon - area.Left) * (size.Width - 0) / (area.Right - area.Left) + 0; double latscale = (lat - area.Top) * (size.Height - 0) / (area.Bottom - area.Top) + 0; return new PointF((float)lonscale, (float)latscale); }
// ok ??? // public bool IntersectsWith(RectLatLng a) { return(this.Left < a.Right && this.Top > a.Bottom && this.Right > a.Left && this.Bottom < a.Top); }
public bool Contains(RectLatLng rect) { return((((this.Lng <= rect.Lng) && ((rect.Lng + rect.WidthLng) <= (this.Lng + this.WidthLng))) && (this.Lat >= rect.Lat)) && ((rect.Lat - rect.HeightLat) >= (this.Lat - this.HeightLat))); }
public bool Contains(RectLatLng rect) { return ((((this.Lng <= rect.Lng) && ((rect.Lng + rect.WidthLng) <= (this.Lng + this.WidthLng))) && (this.Lat >= rect.Lat)) && ((rect.Lat - rect.HeightLat) >= (this.Lat - this.HeightLat))); }
// ok ??? public static RectLatLng Union(RectLatLng a, RectLatLng b) { double lng = Math.Min(a.Lng, b.Lng); double num2 = Math.Max((double) (a.Lng + a.WidthLng), (double) (b.Lng + b.WidthLng)); double lat = Math.Min(a.Lat, b.Lat); double num4 = Math.Max((double) (a.Lat + a.HeightLat), (double) (b.Lat + b.HeightLat)); return new RectLatLng(lng, lat, num2 - lng, num4 - lat); }
// ok ??? // public bool IntersectsWith(RectLatLng a) { return this.Left < a.Right && this.Top > a.Bottom && this.Right > a.Left && this.Bottom < a.Top; }
// ok ??? public bool IntersectsWith(RectLatLng rect) { return ((((rect.Lng < (this.Lng + this.WidthLng)) && (this.Lng < (rect.Lng + rect.WidthLng))) && (rect.Lat < (this.Lat + this.HeightLat))) && (this.Lat < (rect.Lat + rect.HeightLat))); }
private RectLatLng union(RectLatLng r1, RectLatLng r2) { double l = Math.Min(r1.Left, r2.Left); double t = Math.Max(r1.Top, r2.Top); double r = Math.Max(r2.Right, r1.Right); double b = Math.Min(r1.Bottom, r2.Bottom); return new RectLatLng(t, l, r - l, t - b); }
/// <summary> /// sets zoom to max to fit rect /// </summary> /// <param name="rect">area</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool SetZoomToFitRect(RectLatLng rect) { int maxZoom = Core.GetMaxZoomToFitRect(rect); if(maxZoom > 0) { PointLatLng center = new PointLatLng(rect.Lat - (rect.HeightLat / 2), rect.Lng + (rect.WidthLng / 2)); CurrentPosition = center; if(maxZoom > MaxZoom) { maxZoom = MaxZoom; } if(ZoomStep != maxZoom) { Zoom = maxZoom; } return true; } return false; }
// ok ??? public bool IntersectsWith(RectLatLng rect) { return((((rect.Lng < (this.Lng + this.WidthLng)) && (this.Lng < (rect.Lng + rect.WidthLng))) && (rect.Lat < (this.Lat + this.HeightLat))) && (this.Lat < (rect.Lat + rect.HeightLat))); }
public bool Contains(RectLatLng rect) { return(Lng <= rect.Lng && rect.Lng + rect.WidthLng <= Lng + WidthLng && Lat >= rect.Lat && rect.Lat - rect.HeightLat >= Lat - HeightLat); }
static Bitmap GetMap(RectLatLng area) { GMapProvider type = GMap.NET.MapProviders.GoogleSatelliteMapProvider.Instance; PureProjection prj = type.Projection; int zoom = 16; GPoint topLeftPx = prj.FromLatLngToPixel(area.LocationTopLeft, zoom); GPoint rightButtomPx = prj.FromLatLngToPixel(area.Bottom, area.Right, zoom); GPoint pxDelta = new GPoint(rightButtomPx.X - topLeftPx.X, rightButtomPx.Y - topLeftPx.Y); // zoom based on pixel density while (pxDelta.X > 2000) { zoom--; // current area topLeftPx = prj.FromLatLngToPixel(area.LocationTopLeft, zoom); rightButtomPx = prj.FromLatLngToPixel(area.Bottom, area.Right, zoom); pxDelta = new GPoint(rightButtomPx.X - topLeftPx.X, rightButtomPx.Y - topLeftPx.Y); } // get type list at new zoom level List<GPoint> tileArea = prj.GetAreaTileList(area, zoom, 0); int padding = 10; Bitmap bmpDestination = new Bitmap((int)pxDelta.X + padding * 2, (int)pxDelta.Y + padding * 2); { using (Graphics gfx = Graphics.FromImage(bmpDestination)) { gfx.CompositingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingMode.SourceOver; // get tiles & combine into one foreach (var p in tileArea) { Console.WriteLine("Downloading[" + p + "]: " + tileArea.IndexOf(p) + " of " + tileArea.Count); foreach (var tp in type.Overlays) { Exception ex; GMapImage tile = GMaps.Instance.GetImageFrom(tp, p, zoom, out ex) as GMapImage; if (tile != null) { using (tile) { long x = p.X * prj.TileSize.Width - topLeftPx.X + padding; long y = p.Y * prj.TileSize.Width - topLeftPx.Y + padding; { gfx.DrawImage(tile.Img, x, y, prj.TileSize.Width, prj.TileSize.Height); } } } } } } return bmpDestination; } }
public void LoadFile(string filename) { log.InfoFormat("DTED {0}", filename); using (var stream = File.OpenRead(filename)) { byte[] buffer = new byte[80]; stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); var UHL = user_header_label.Match(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer)); buffer = new byte[648]; stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); var DSI = data_set_identification.Match(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer)); buffer = new byte[2700]; stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); var ACC = accuracy_description.Match(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer)); width = int.Parse(UHL.Groups[10].Value); height = int.Parse(UHL.Groups[11].Value); log.InfoFormat("Size ({0},{1})", width, height); // lower left corner x = DDDMMSSH2DD(UHL.Groups[3].Value); y = DDDMMSSH2DD(UHL.Groups[4].Value); log.InfoFormat("Start Point ({0},{1})", x, y); // scales xscale = SSSS2DD(UHL.Groups[5].Value); yscale = SSSS2DD(UHL.Groups[6].Value); log.InfoFormat("Scale ({0},{1})", xscale, yscale); // switch top for bottom y += height * yscale; Area = new RectLatLng(y, x, width * xscale, height * yscale); log.InfoFormat("Coverage {0}", Area.ToString()); FileName = filename; index.Add(this); } }